21x09 - Power of Six

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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21x09 - Power of Six

Post by bunniefuu »


[Man] an alien armada has arrived

And invaded our planet.

Wave after wave have att*cked us

With a ferocity never seen before.

To battle this new threat,

The power rangers must master the abilities

Of the legendary rangers...

To become...

Super megaforce.


♪ [Rock music]


It's official. I'm a genius.

Something none of you will ever be.

Did you say "genius?"

Did I say you could speak? No.

Please make welcome to the team--


It's "skeltox," your highness.

More like "smelltox."

What exactly is it that you do?

He steals human energy.

That's it?

I know. I know. Thank me later.

In the meantime, keltox--

Go and take away all the earthlings'

Pathetic energy. Leave them with nothing.

My pleasure.


♪ Megaforce ♪

♪ Power rangers megaforce ♪

♪ Go go power rangers ♪

♪ Go go power rangers ♪

♪ Rangers forever ♪

♪ Megaforce all together ♪

♪ Megaforce ♪


♪ Megaforce ♪

♪ Go go power rangers ♪

♪ Go go power rangers ♪

♪ Rangers forever ♪

♪ Megaforce all together ♪

♪ Megaforce ♪

♪ Power rangers megaforce ♪




That was comfortable.



[Bell rings]



He was being so loud.

I could not concentrate on my test at all.





Hey. When did you get here?

I've been here for a while.

Uh, dude?

If you wanna go to class, you're goin' the wrong way.

Exactly. See ya later.


[Laughs] he is way too funny.






Oh. You are here early.

Here. I got you a coffee.

Thanks. I need it.

Didn't get much sleep last night.




Oh. You set up already.


Very nice.


Tensou. Is it ready?


Not long now.

Keep at it. This is very important.

Oh. Yes, sir.


Hey, ernie. I'm gonna take a break.

I'll see you in half an hour.

Okay. See you soon.


Phew. At last. It's finished.

It looks great.

Yes. Tensou's been working hard.

[Gia] here we are.


Come on.

Just in time.


Tensou. Bring it over.

[Orion] what's going on?


What is this?


Go on. Try it on.





You now have full access

To all the sixth ranger keys.

It's time to take your power

To a whole new level.

The armada is only getting stronger,

So, work as a team, expect the unexpected,

And may the power protect you.

Thank you, gosei.

I will not let you down.



Let me see.

Where shall I cast off next?


Time to go fishing for trouble.





It's too hard.

I'll sleep on it.

Welcome, officially, to the team.



Oh, boy. Oh, boy.

I'm picking up energy spikes

In multiple locations.



Let's split up into groups

And track 'em down.

Noah. Gia. You'll be one group.

Emma, you're with me.

Jake, you take orion.

Be his mentor for the day.


Got it.


And for madame?



Help yourselves.





He's still breathing.

He seems to be asleep.

But I think he'll be okay here.

Let's go.


[Exhales] tensou picked up

An energy spike in this area.

He's gotta be around here somewhere.


Are you okay?

Excuse me?


Get her someplace safe.

It's morphin' time.

Go, go megaforce.



Let's power up.



[Both] super mega mode.


Super megaforce...



Super megaforce...


[Battle cries]


[Skeltox laughs]

Look. The monster.

Soon, I will be unstoppable.

The more energy I steal, the more powerful I become.

[Skeltox laughs]

Tensou. We found them.

Send the others.


Come on.


Soon, this whole city will be fast asleep.

I don't think so.


I-- I meant to do that.

Great. [Grunting]

Super silver spear. [Grunting]


Hey. Get off me.


That's pretty good...

But let me show you how it's done.


Ow. Back off.

Whoa. Whoa. Hey. Hey.

You guys back off too.



That was close.




Man, this day is not going well.


Don't worry, jake.

I got your back. [Battle cries]

You okay?

I'm fine.

Of course I am.

Mr. Perfect saved me.

Sorry we're late.

What's the situation?

For you? Two words--

Game over.

Okay, first-- what's that smell?

Second-- let's go legendary.

Good call.

This guy's much tougher than he looks.

[All] legendary ranger mode--

Rpm. Get in gear.

Full throttle.

Go for it, guys.


Now, it's my turn to go legendary,

With rpm sixth ranger power.

Cool. Another silver key.

Wait. I have a second key.

A gold one.

What's going on?

Orion. We need your help.

Morph already.


But to which one?

It's time to filet you all.


- Orion. We need your help. - Morph already.

Uh... But to which one?

It's time to filet you all.

Gosei. Help me.


Where am i?


It's you two.


Which should I choose?

[Gosei] you don't have to.

Rangers-- fuse.





Orion. Stop messing around

And help us.

You won't believe what just happened to me.

No way.

Can't wait to see what this key can do.


Time to go legendary.


Legendary sixth ranger mode.

Rpm gold and silver.

- Huh? - What?

- Impossible. - Nice.


He actually fused rpm silver

And gold ranger together.


Sorry for the wait. But now...

It's showtime.

Rpm silver,

And rpm gold,

Ready for action.

And now, I have two cloud hatchets.

Which means double the trouble.

Jet mode. Lift off.


[Battle cries]

Oh, come on.

[Battle cries]

You're strong...

But without the fancy suit,

I bet you're nothing.

Good thing I have it on, then.

The fusion's made him unstoppable.

He's a great addition to the team.

Exactly. He's amazing.



Mr. Impressive just got even more impressive.



Take a whiff of this.


Smell ya later.

Oh, no.

Jake. Get down.


Em. Are you okay?

I'm sorry.

I froze up.

I guess it is true what they say--

There's plenty of fish in the sea.




I'm tired.

[Yawns] I'm gonna take a nap.

What have you done to them?

The same thing I'm going to do

To everyone on earth.



Time to go fishing for humans.

[Laughs] bye bye.

Hey. I'm not done with you.

Ah. No.


He escaped.

We need to get them to the command center.

Right now.

If I didn't freeze, this wouldn't have happened.



This can't be happening.


Please. Wake up.


Oh, boy.oh, boy.

Come on, guys.


Oh, gosei. They're sound asleep.

How can we wake them?

Tensou, calm down.

We'll find a way.


This is all my fault.


They got hit because

They were trying to protect me.

No. It was an accident.

Yeah. Easy for you to say.

Everything you touch turns to gold.

Or silver.

[Jake] they did it for me.

And now, it's my job

To bring them back.

Not yours.


[Orion] jake, stop.

It's not your fault.

Hey. Wait for me.

Listen. I know how you feel.

No, you don't.

I too carry that burden.

It's not the same.

It is the same.

If there's someone who feels

Guilty for surviving, it's me.


And if there's such a thing as destiny,

That's what brought us together.

And it made us a team.


I am your team.

Plus, you're my mentor, remember?




We are a team.


Let's go.

♪ La la la la la ♪

I got four rangers down, two more to go. [Laughs]

- Surprise. - Huh?



Oh, good.

Now, I'll make it five rangers down.


Just like that. [Laughs]


We're taking back

Our friends' energy.

Go for it.



I've got an idea.

You fused two keys together.

Why not fuse them all?

Because I have no idea

How they fused in the first place.

That didn't stop you before.


Come on. You've gotta try.

Just imagine how powerful you'd be.

You mean "us."

Okay. I'll try.

Look. Gosei.

Something extraordinary is happening.

I know, tensou.

The silver ranger is discovering

His full power.

Orion-- the time has come

To combine all of your keys.

For real?

[Grunts] yes.

Go for it. I've got this guy.

Ugh. Or I did. [Grunts]

What you've got is more than you can handle.

There's no such thing.

All right. I can do this.


Right now, my friends need me.

I can't let 'em down.


We're all counting on you.

Power of six--





[Orion] it's all of the sixth rangers.



Gotta keep 'em busy until orion's done.

Think fast.

Ow. Ow. Stop it.

Legendary ranger mode.

It's morphin' time.

Cool. A new ranger mode.

And boy, does it pack a punch.


Prism punch-- activate.

You have your fishy fist,

I have my flashy fists.



Enough of this rubbish.


[Orion] please. Sixth rangers--

Join together with me,

And help us fight for earth.

[Gosei] the power of six

Is now yours, orion.



The fusion worked.

This is incredible.



Jake. Are you okay, buddy?

Don't worry about me.

Access your new powers.

Okay. This monster's in for a surprise.



Super mega gold. Power up.




Am I seeing things?

Whoa. Awesome.

Earth defenders never surrender.

Super megaforce gold.

Silver? Gold? Whatever.

You'll be black and blue once I'm finished with you.

He's just green with envy, man.

Go get 'em.

Yes. Let's finish this.



[Green] yeah, orion. Go.


You wanted this to be finished?

[Orion] you got it.

Legendary final strike--



This doesn't look good.

Super silver spear.

Power of six-- unite.







Legendary mode is tiring.

I'm gonna need more practice.

You did it. No.

We did it.

[Both] yeah.


Welcome back, rangers.

We missed you.


Hmm? Mm.

No, no, no.

Another general destroyed?

I can't take much more of this. Fools.



I'm on it.



Oh, that stinks.

Now, he's gonna smell up the entire city.

Not if we harpoon him first.

Huh? What?


You're gonna regret what you did to us.

Jake. Get up here.

Yeah. Help us out.

We are a team, after all.

You got it. Orion, follow our lead.

[All] release the zords.


[Blue] super mega jet.

[Yellow] super mega wheeler.

[Pink] super mega sub.

[Green] super mega racer.


[All] zords combine.


[All] legendary mega zord, ready.

[Orion] summon q-rex zord.


[Orion] q-rex dino mode.

[Orion] activate.



[Troy] welcome to the party, orion.


Hold him still, and I'll destroy

That fishy fist of his.

Great idea.

You don't seriously think

That's going to happen, do you?

[Pink] only one way to find out.


[Skeltox] let go of me.



Gotcha. No.

Orion. Now's your chance.

You got it.

One fried fish coming up.

[Orion] drill blazer.


No. My fist.

My precious fishy fist.

I'll finish him off, guys.

Q-rex megazord--



[Orion] q-rex megazord ready.

Batter up.


[Battle cry]


Three strikes...

And you're out.

Super mega final strike. [Battle cry]


[Orion] super mega triple drill attack.



[Orion] that's a super mega win.

[Red] nice job.


You know, hopefully that sends

A loud message to the armada,

That no matter what, we'll never give up.

It's true.

Oh. I gotta go, guys.

All right. Later, man.



Thank you for what you did for us today.

Oh. No prob--

No problem.



Ernie.wake up.


What time is it?

Time to go home. Come on.


So, how was the day?

It was golden.

Mm. Nice.


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