23x02 - Forgive and Forget

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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23x02 - Forgive and Forget

Post by bunniefuu »

Long ago, an alien
named Keeper

entrusted the greatest power
in the universe to dinosaurs.

You must keep
the Energems safe.

Millions of years later,

the Energems were found,

and the evil Sledge fought
ruthlessly to steal them.

Until the Rangers
finally defeated him.

But from the ashes,
a new threat arose.

Only one team of heroes
can stop him.

Dino Charger!
(all) Ready!

Power Rangers Dino Super Charge!


Thank you.

My ice cream!

What's that?

Hi, Heckyl.
Good morning, Riley.

Okay, can I take your order?


Hey, Brainiac.

Is that you?
It's Riley.

Yeah, I remember.

Brainiac, the wiz kid.

So I'm in town
to win

the Amber Beach
Marathon tomorrow.

Back in school,
Brainiac thought

he could keep up with me
in PE class.

Fat chance
of that.

Okay, well, my chances are
a little better now, Burt.

Sounds like a challenge.

Arm wrestle me
or go back to the farm

with the
other chickens.


Game on, Burt.

You're a-cruising
for a-losing.

I think you mean
"cruising for a bruising."

Not "losing."

I was never
good at math.

Ready, set... go.

Come on, Burt.

Get him, Burt!

Push it, push it.
Come on.

Come on, all the way.
Come on, push it.

Get him, Burt.

Go, Burt, come on, man.

Come on, push it!
Go, Burt, go!

Come on, man!
Burt, come on, man, come on.


You're toast, Brainiac.

This isn't a schoolyard.

Back to work.





There is a very
pretty girl out there

who thinks
your accent is cute.


Heckyl, watch the grill
for me, eh?



(laughing maniacally)

Don't mess up my plan, Snide.

Your plans take too long.

We need to destroy a Ranger.



♪ Power Rangers,
Power Rangers ♪

♪ Power Rangers, Power Rangers ♪

♪ In a world full of strife ♪

♪ We must fight to survive ♪

♪ Try to break the chains
that divide ♪

♪ There is only one chance ♪

♪ To take the right stance ♪

♪ Hold tight,
keep our power alive ♪

♪ Go, go, Power Rangers ♪

♪ Don't you ever stop ♪

♪ Go, go, Power Rangers ♪

♪ You will rise up to the top ♪

♪ Rangers forever ♪

♪ Dino Charge altogether ♪

♪ Power Rangers,
Power Rangers ♪

♪ Power Rangers Dino Charge ♪♪

Here we go!

Looks like reanimating you
was worth it, Stingrage.

The venom is being extracted
from your stringers.

(Stingrage laughing

What silly plan did Heckyl
tell you to waste your time on?

We're changing
my venom.

So when the Rangers
drink it,

they'll forget who they are.
Drink it?

The Rangers aren't
dumb enough to do that.

I know another way.

I'm changing Heckyl's plan.

We were very fortunate

that Koda and Tyler saved us
from those ice blocks.

But we don't know what else this
scoundrel Snide is capable of.

This might help.

It's a technology
I was developing

to use against

I've adapted it to create a more
powerful mode for our Megazords.

I present...

Dino Super Drive.


(birds chirping)

Yo, Brainiac.


You're not still mad about the
arm wrestling thing, are you?

Come on.

You should be used
to losing to me.

Hey, Burt...

first one over
that climbing wall.


Come on, Burt!
Go for it!



Better luck next time,

Ha-ha, yeah!

All right!
That was fun!




You scared me,

He's a little big for
his breeches, isn't he?

Yeah, I don't understand
why he's always been
such a jerk to me.

I've never done
anything to him.

If you want to show him
what you're made of,

you're going to have to...

go the distance,
shall we say.

You think I should
enter the marathon?

He's making a fool
out of you.

Win the marathon

and you'll teach him
a lesson

he'll never forget.

A stinger?!

(laughing maniacally)

Just wait 'til you see
what my stinger can do now!

Is that a monster?!

Stay here, okay?


What did you tell
Stingrage to do?

This isn't my plan.

It's a good plan now.

It's mine.

Your plan might
just work, Snide.

With a twist.

What are you up to,
you radioactive fruit fly?


Do you try to be this weak
or does it just come naturally?


You'll soon forget
your pain.

And everything else!

Look out, Riley!


Why'd you do that?
That wasn't the plan!

I'll get you,
Green Ranger.

Think again, you toxic twit!


Take this!



Power Rangers?

Dino Morpher Blast!

Oh, this plan
is all messed up!

Later, losers.


Are you guys okay?
That monster shot Heckyl.

Oh, no.

Heckyl, are you okay?

He tried to fire at me
but Heckyl jumped in front
of the shot.

What am I doing here?

What happened to me?

Who am I?

You mean,
you don't remember?



Don't worry, Heckyl.

You going to be okay.

This is not
a good idea.

Showing anybody our base
is very risky.

Heckyl already knows
we're Rangers.

He saw us.

He was only injured
when he valiantly leapt in
to save Riley.

We have to help him.

Please, Miss Morgan.

Okay... bring him in.

Where are we going exactly?
You'll see.

This the one he sting me with
a long time ago.

And this is the one that
Heckyl was hit by today.

The venom is different.

The new venom causes the victim
to forget who they are,

what they're doing.

That's why Heckyl is
as dull as a donkey.

Hey, who ate
all the cookies?

I don't know.

If they'd have
hit Riley,

he would've forgotten
that he was a Ranger.

And they could've
taken my Energem.

This antidote should
restore his memory.

Why did the puppet ask for help?

'Cause he needed
a hand.

I remember
everything now.

That monster
stung me.

And you are all...

Power Rangers!

And then you
brought me here...

to your base.
You can't tell anyone.

Your secret is
safe with me.

We have to be ready when
that monster att*cks again.

Soon they'll be mine.

(laughing maniacally)

Sending Stingrage
after the Green Ranger

nearly ruined my plan.

I had to act fast.

You were in their base!

You should've taken
the Energems!

And fight all the Rangers
at once?

A silly idea, Snide.

You see...

once they drink the venom
and forget they're Rangers,

we can take
every single Energem.

It'll be a cinch.


I love it when humans
run in fear!

(laughing maniacally)

Do it, Stingrage!

Yes, sir.

Hurry up! Dump it
right into the lake.

You're a genius.

Everyone at Amber Beach
will lose their memory.

Even the Rangers.

It's working.

Soon the Energems
will be ours!

(woman on P.A.)
Runners, the Amber
Beach Marathon

starts in five minutes.

Please report to
the starting line.

And don't forget to drink
plenty of water.


Drink up.
You need to hydrate.

Oh, thanks, Heckyl, but I've
got my own sports drink.

Oh, hey, see you at
the first checkpoint.

Good luck, man.

You got this.
Pace yourself, stay hydrated!

(all cheering)

(woman on P.A.)
Runners, take your places.



You really like losing,
don't you, Brainiac?

Let's see if you can run
as fast as you can talk.



I'm gonna win this
fair and square.

Get set...

(g*nsh*t firing)



Here they come!

Riley's in second place!
Oh, come on.

Guys, our secret w*apon.

Run, Riley, run!

Thanks, goofballs.

Burt, what are you doing?

Who's Burt?

Huh? What's happening?

Why are we running?

Guys, I think everyone's
losing their memories.

The venom.
(gasps) It must be in the water!

This water tastes funny.


What am I...
what am I doing here?

I don't know how to ride
a skateboard, do I?

Who is "nur"?

Miss Morgan, we have a problem.


Who are you?
I'm your friend.

You can trust me.


It's magnificent.

Great thinking.

Okay, I'm gonna take these
back to the base

where they'll be safe.
The base. Of course!

An excellent idea.

Will it be enough?

We need an antidote for
all of Amber Beach.

It's highly concentrated.

I'll spray with
Plesio Zord.

Use this right away

so the other Rangers can
get their memories back.

Don't give them
their Energems

until they know who they are.
Got it.

We'll spread the antidote
all over Amber Beach.


Is there a Tyler...
Navarro here?

I have your wallet.

I know where Tyler is.

Come on, get up.

Here you go.

Keep it.

Okay, let me just--

What is that stuff?

It's, uh...
it's cologne.

Well, in that case,
go right ahead.

Yeah, okay.


Riley, why did you
just spray us?

Wait a second.

I'm Tyler
and this is my wallet!

Our memories are back!

Glad tidings indeed.

My Energem...
It's okay, I have them.

Now, the city's water supply
is completely contaminated

and right now
Miss Morgan's working on

spreading the antidote
with the Plesio Zord

Okay, well, until that happens,
we've got to stop people

from drinking the water.

And keep an eye out
for Stingrage.

We have to find him before
he does anymore damage.

Let's go!

Your name is Burt!

Get away from me!

You're a track and field

Get away!

Okay, okay,

You just drank
some bad water.

Stand back.



Are you trying to ruin
my new running shirt?

You're welcome.

Wait, sir, sir,
don't drink that!

Excuse me, sir,
sir, sir, sir, sir...

What's the dealio?

Drinking that water
totally wiped your memory.

That little squirt fixed you
with some sort of antidote.

Helped me?

Now get out of my way,
I'm thirsty.

No, please, please, please.

Seriously, you will
lose your memory.

Do not drink this.
It's contaminated.


This guy's always been
the smartest cookie in the jar.

Trust me,
you don't wanna touch it.




I'm the one who
should thank you.

Listen, Riley, um...

I know I've been
a real jerk to you.

But to be honest,

I was always kind of
jealous of you at school.

Studying was so easy for you,
but not for me.

I hope you can
forgive me.


I never would've

that you would be
jealous of me, you know?

Of course
I forgive you.

You gonna finish
this race, Brainiac?

I mean... Riley.

Nah, I'm gonna help
these people.

See? You're still
the smartest cookie in the jar.

Come on,
I'll help you.

All right.
Let's go.

Engage Antidote Mist System.

(laughing maniacally)


Ah, finally,
the Energems will be mine!

They're gone!

But that's impossible!

Riley said he was bringing
them to the base--


You fool!

You missed your chance
to get the Energems again!

I'll add even more venom

to every drop of water
in this city.

The Rangers will have
to drink it eventually.

tidote's working. Huh?
to every drop of water
(alarm beeping)

Oh, no, they're putting
more venom in the lake.

Tyler, Dino Armor X
now works with red power.

You've gotta get to the dam.
We're on our way!

The Rangers will have to drink
water sooner or later.

When they do,
we'll be waiting for them.

Not gonna happen!

They must not stop us!

Vivix, destroy them!


Chase, get to Stingrage!

Destroy his nasty venom.

I'm trying, Koda!

But these lettuce-heads
are in my way.


Leave Fury to me!

(laughing maniacally)
Say good-bye to your memories,

Amber Beach!

(all) Dino Morpher Blast!


You can't get
through my defenses!
(laughing maniacally)

Now, now, don't get
too close, Fury.

I don't wanna catch
your fleas!

Stingrage's defenses
are too strong!

Tyler, it's time for you
to try my Dino Armor X power.

I'll give it a go.

Dino Steel, armor up!

Dino Charger, ready!

Dino Armor X Charger, engage!

Dino Morpher Blast!

What a power boost!

Armor X, ready!


Spiral Attack!


Dino Chargers, engage!

Time for this bug
to bug-off.

Dino Saber, Dino Strike!

I wish I could lose
my memory of this!


Nice work, Sir Tyler.


You can't through my defenses.

Magna Beam!

You'll never forget me!

We need our Zords.

Dino Chargers, ready.

Summon Zords!


Zords, combine!

Dino Charge Megazord,

Para-Raptor Formation,


Dino Drive, activate.

Let's use Miss Morgan's
new Dino Super Drive Mode

to take out Stingrage.
(all) Yeah!

Dino Charger, ready!

Dino Super Drive Saber!


Dino Super Drive Charger,

Dino Super Drive, activate!

Battle Mode, engage.

I feel stronger.
Good job, Miss Morgan.

Dino Super Drive rocks!



This Super Drive Mode gives me
a new surge of power.

It won't be enough!



He's weakened.

Let's give this baby's
final strike a go!

Dino Super Drive Saber,

Dino Chargers, engage.

Dino Super Drive Saber!

Para-Zord Fireball Finish!

No! Ahh!

That really stings!

(all cheering)

Monster extinct.

Hurry up and fill
those cups!

Heckyl wants to
make a toast!

Yes, sir,
whatever you want.

What am I supposed to
fill them with?


I wonder what's in there.

Hmm, this looks tasty.

help yourself!




Snide may have failed

to capture the Rangers...

but I have great news.

I alone have located
the Rangers' secret base.

Together, we will
storm the place,

destroy them all,

and finally
take the Energems!

(laughing maniacally)

A toast.

To victory.

Fury, what were we...

about to do?

Uh, well, I, um...

I don't remember.

I think

I'll go take...

a nap.

Hark, the runners coming.

Run, Riley, run!
Koda, Koda, Koda, not now.

They're finishing last.

Could you hold on a sec?
Hold on.

I'd like my friend
to finish before me.

Wait, what are you
talking about?

Come on, man,
you clearly would've
beaten me, you cross first.

Actually, I already hold
the record for the fastest time.

But now I wanna set the record
for the slowest marathon time.

Maybe I wanna set the record
for the slowest marathon time.

You went from being bitter
opponents to true comrades.

So you both winners!

Together, then?

(all cheering)

Whoo, last place!
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