23x17 - Freaky Fightday

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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23x17 - Freaky Fightday

Post by bunniefuu »

Long ago, an alien named Keeper entrusted the greatest power in the universe to dinosaurs.

(Keeper) You must keep the Energems safe.

(announcer) Millions of years later, the Energems were found,

and the evil Sledge fought ruthlessly to steal them

until the Rangers finally defeated him.

But from the ashes, a new threat arose.

Only one team of heroes can stop him.

Dino Charger! Ready! Ready!

(announcer) Power Rangers

Dino Super Charge!

(Snide) Arcanon! (groaning)

I know you can hear me.

You're wearing out my patience, Snide.

Are your chains too tight?


(laughing) What is this thing?!

Is my tentacle too tight?

I save it for special occasions.


Singe is weak,

and Heckyl despises you.

I'm the only one you can rely on.

How would you get me the Energems?

Bring out Professor Strickler.

Time for a pop quiz, class.

Who's going to get the Energems?

You are. Show them.


Today's lesson: the Switch Eraser.

What's that going to do, dust the Rangers to destruction?

If you'd done your homework,

you'd know it swaps bodies.

Watch it, then.


Ohh! Ohh!

Huh? Huh?


What? I'm in a Vivix body. (chirping nervously)


Poisandra has tried switching bodies before,

but she didn't switch the Rangers themselves.

That's how we'll wipe them out.

Ha! Yes.

Switched Rangers would be confused.

We could crush them in no time.

Have some monsters reanimated to help.

Get me those Energems!

Yes, sir!


(Koda) See anything?

I think I eat bad Bronto Burger.

Ah, still nothing.

(clears throat)

Oh, sorry, I should have made more eye holes.

Is this graffiti artist even gonna show up?

He struck the museum during the day

for the last three Fridays,

so odds are he'll do it again. Mmm.

(Koda) Uh-oh.

(farts) Ahh.

Gross! Ugh!


Smells so ghastly!

My eyes are burning! (laughing)

Shh, shh, shh! Guys, I think he's here.

(spray paint can shaking)

That's it. I need air!


Stop! The graffiti ends here, buddy!

Whoa, whoa, whoa, chill.

Show that face, vandal.

What? You tell me.




♪ Power Rangers, Power Rangers ♪

♪ Power Rangers, Power Rangers ♪

♪ In a world full of strife ♪

♪ We must fight to survive ♪

♪ Try to break the chains that divide ♪

♪ There is only one chance ♪

♪ To take the right stance ♪

♪ Hold tight, keep our power alive ♪

♪ Go, go, Power Rangers ♪

♪ Don't you ever stop ♪

♪ Go, go, Power Rangers ♪

♪ You will rise up to the top ♪

♪ Rangers forever ♪

♪ Dino Charge all together ♪

♪ Power Rangers, Power Rangers ♪

♪ Power Rangers Dino Charge ♪♪


It's uncanny.

Yeah, you mean creepy.

It's like we're related or something, yo.



To you?

I-I-I think not. I have noble lineage.

Are you from Zandar, by chance?

(chuckles) Oh, not only am I from Zandar,

my great-great-blah-blah- blah-blah-granddaddy

was, like, a knight of Zandar.

Oh, my... Good heavens, that means you're my--

Uh-um, cousin. That must be it. (laughs)

You guys are long-lost cousins.

No, Kendall, what Ivan trying to say

is that is his grandson-- Aah!

What's your name?

I'm Zach.

Well, Zach, clean up this mess,

we won't notify your parents.

Why? I think it looks pretty good.

Okay, fine.

I'll see to this miscreant, Lady Morgan.

Get started.


Being reanimated is a dream. (laughs)

It's a whole new ball game.

Snide, I agree your plan has potential,

but what's in it for you?

Doomwing and Zenowing were split apart.

I want you to split Heckyl and me apart too.

I promise, my strength will be on your side.

Interesting, but what about Heckyl?

I'll destroy him for you, my treat.

Hmm. Wrench!


See if you can find the Rangers' Split Emitters in the forest.

Yes, sir. You can count on me.

Finally, I'll be free of Heckyl.

You're vile. You would work for Arcanon?

He destroyed our planet.

I never cared for your precious Sentai Six.

I'm doing what's best for me.

You know what becomes of traitors.

You don't have a chance against my strength!

(clears throat) I think you missed a spot.

Yep, right there.

Ah, how goes it?

Oh, he's not as happy taking it off

as he was putting it on.

Ah, well, brought you a drink.

Ah, thank you. I am parched.

Here you go, Zach.


You're helping him?

Oh, come on. Lighten up, Ives. Everyone makes mistakes.

(grunts, grumbles)

(both chuckle)

Mmm. Lime is my favorite.

Ah, good. Mine too.

You know, this kind of painting is hard work.

Yeah, I know. I've done it the last three Fridays in a row.

Ah. Well... sorry about that.

It's a shame too, 'cause...

some of your stuff is really amazing.

Oh, thanks. Yeah, I practice a lot.

Yeah, by messing up other people's property.

It's not a mess.

It's art.

Oh! Aah!

This is my favorite vest! It's ruined!

Hey, yo, it's not a mess. It's art.

(both laugh)

Hey, I shouldn't have said that,

but now you know how it feels

when something that you really like gets destroyed

by a bunch of paint.

Yeah, I guess that makes sense.

All right, let's go get you cleaned up

so we can finish this up, all right?

Yeah, all right.


Yeah, I don't know.

Wow, cool.

Hey. Well, you did a good job, Zach.

Looks as good as new.

Thanks. Yeah, guys, I'm really sorry.

I never realized how much work it was to clean up.

But I promise I'll never do that again.

To anyone.

Well, I'm glad to hear it.

That just leaves one more lesson to be learned.

Oh, man!

Don't "oh, man" me.

You, my boy, are going

to learn about true artistry from an expert.


Ah, feast your eyes on this painting

of The Knight of Zandar.


The shadows, the lighting.

If this doesn't inspire you, I don't know what will.

Oh, that is kind of interesting.

Eh? Yeah.

How about if you pose for me?

Music to my ears.


All right, that's it. You're done?

All righty. (laughs)

Check it out.

(gasps) What?

Now, this looks like a court jester!

Look at the-the colors, the proportions.

This is not art.

Well, that's just your opinion, man.

Hey, Ivan...

we've got trouble.

Ivan, come on. Oh, yes.

I'll attack first.

I'm the teacher, I will.

Decide fast. Here come the Rangers.

That's Game Face and Nightmare.

And a walking chalkboard.

Switch their bodies!

You got it, teach.




Oh, no!

I'm... in Shelby's body?

And I'm in... Tyler's body?

Me in... Chase body?

I'm in Koda's body?

(Shelby screams) This is not cool!

We switched bodies!

Totally not awesome!

Ha ha! Welcome to the school of hard knocks!

Hyah! Hyah!

Ugh! Ohh!

Let's power up! Dino Seal!

(all) Armor on.

(laughs) Having a little trouble?

Aw, man, I'm not used to Shelby's w*apon.

Ah! No, wait. Come on, Tricera Drill!

Gotcha! Ugh!

This feels so weird!

Allow me to make it worse.

Whoa! Ugh!


Oh! Para Chopper not for throwing.

It's game over for you.

Ugh! Rrr!

Whoa! Aww!


Don't even think about it, you basket case.

Don't worry, Chase. Your body just little bit bruised.

Thanks, Koda.

They're so confused! Let's finish them!

Hyah! Hyah!

Hyah! Uhh!

Uhh! Uhh!

Take this!

This way! Come on!

We've arrived. (Shelby) Look out!

(laughs) Too late.


We switched bodies. This is not possible.

Well, I'd say it is possible,

but... we must forge onwards.

'Tis morphing time.

Dino Charger!



Dino Saber Power Slash.


I finally get to try this. Lightning Strike!

Whoa! Oh!

Lucky we're good swordsmen.


Good job!

Even with switched bodies,

they're too strong. (gasps)

Come on, let's get out of here.

(all) Class dismissed.

Curses! They got away.

And now we're stuck in each other's bodies.


Shelby, just come out.

I'm sure it's not that bad.

Just something we're all dealing with, milady.

None of my clothes fit! This is the worst thing ever!

Mine are little loose, but, hey, I really don't mind.

Don't worry, Shelby.

We'll find a way to fix it. I think.

Oh, look at me go, Chase. Whoo!

Whoa, slow down there, mate. I worked hard to get that body.

Hey, guys, I was taking out the trash,

and-and I found this.

Ah, yes, Riley, that would be young Zach's work.

Quite terrible, I say.

The Knight of Zandar on a motorbike?

(laughs) That's awesome!

Hmm. He talented.

Mmm. Like cave drawing,

but much better.


Then what was it doing in the trash?

Can you not see the shadows, the color palette?

It's all wrong.

Ivan, think for a moment.

Even if you don't enjoy Zach's artwork,

that does not mean it is bad.

I just want Zach to be a great artist.

Perhaps he already is.

You just don't realize it yet.

You may be right, my feathery friend.

Now, I must go find

my great-great-blah-blah- blah-blah-grandson.


(indistinct conversation)


Ah, greetings, Sir Zach.

I mean... (clears throat)

Hey, man, mind if I sit here?

What's wrong with your voice?

(clears throat, coughs)

Bit of a cold.

(continues coughing)

What troubles you?

What's wrong, dude?

(sighs) It's just that Ivan guy.

I can't win with him.

I've never had a cousin before.

I really hoped the two of us could be friends.

It just seems like he hates everything I do.


Imagine that you grew up

drinking strawberry smoothies.

Every day, strawberry, strawberry, strawberry.

But one day out of the blue,

someone gives you a lime smoothie,

and at first when you try the lime smoothie,

you realize, ugh, this is terrible.

But after a while, you realize that...

lime isn't so bad. It's just different.

So... my art is lime,

but Ivan only likes strawberries.

Uh, yeah, nice story.

But Ivan's never gonna like my work.


Give him a chance, Zach.

All he wants is to help you.

I'll see you later, okay?


We switched things up in round one.

Wait till you see round two.

Challenge accepted.

Which Ranger is which again?

Hyah! Tyler, Power Ranger Red!

Chase, Power Ranger Black!

Koda, Power Ranger Blue!

Riley, Power Ranger Green!

Shelby, Power Ranger Pink!

Ivan, Power Ranger Gold!

Dinosaur might, ready to fight!

Power Rangers...

(all) Dino Super--

(expl*si*n) Huh?

Got it figured out? Then it's time to switch again.

Huh? Ohh.

Again? (Shelby) No.

(laughs) Man!

Whoo-hoo! I finished my assignment, professor.

A-plus. Now let's wipe them out!

Now let's wipe them out.

Guys, let's use Dino Steel.

(all) Dino Steel, armor on!

Ugh! Rrr!

He switched our bodies, so we gotta switch our weapons.

Take this!

Huh! Great idea, Tyler. Here you go, Ivan.

Much obliged, Shelby.

For you, Sir Koda.

Chase, catch.

Uhh! Ugh!

Here's your T-Rex Vest, Tyler.

Awesome! Let's shear this sheep!

Hyah! Hyah!



They changed the game on us.


That's right, we got you now.

I'll get you first.

(shot) (screaming)

Unleash the power!

(screaming) Hyah!

Wow, he's strong. Switch us, Nightmare.

Switch Eraser.

The Titano Power is mine!

What? They swapped bodies.


Rrr! Hyah!

Hyah! Hyah! Hyah!

You creeps are gonna pay for that!

We shall fix this, Zenowing.

Gotcha! Now, Tyler!

Time to erase this eraser.

T-Rex Smash! Hyah!


This is like a ba-a-ad dream.

Ah. Finally.

It broke the spell. Ahh!

Awesome! We got our bodies back.

(Koda) Monster get body back too.

It's Nightmare's fault, professor.

It's time we erased them for good.

Teach them a lesson, professor.


Silver Prism Slash!

Titano Saber Final Strike!

Class cancelled!


Professor Strickler, no!

(mecha voice) Dino Charger, engage!


T-Rex Super Charge, ready!

(all) Together, Dinosaur might...

Ready for fight.


Dino Chargers, engage.

Oh, no!

T-Rex Super Charge, victory maximum final strike!

(expl*si*n) Yeah! Awesome!

Useless vermin! Fire the Magna Beam!

(nervous chirping)

Back to school, Rangers!

Come on, guys!

(all) Sonic charge! Hyah!

Dino Charger, engage.


Activate Dino Charge Ultrazord.

Zords, combine.

Dino Charge Ultrazord, rain.

Dino Charger, ready!

Dino Super Drive Charger, engage.

Dino Superdrive, activate!

Let us defeat these scoundrels.

The terrible three are about to become the terrible zero.

You can do it. I've taught you well.

And just don't lose your head.

(laughing) Get ready!

(grunting and groaning)

It's our turn to teach them a lesson.

Titano Cannon!

Oh, no! Oh!

Open Cannon Shield.


Dino Super Drive Saber, activate!

Dino Chargers, engage.

Dino Super Drive Saber.

(all) Titano Cannon... final...



(all) School's out!


Monster extinct. (cheering)

Your plan to switch the Rangers' bodies

was a complete failure!

Splitting you and Heckyl apart

had better pay off,

or else I'll destroy you.

You were right, Lord Arcanon.

The Split Emitters were in the forest.

Boy, it would grind the Rangers' gears

if they knew I'd got 'em working again. (laughs)


Now, this might tickle.

(screaming) (gasping)

It's working!

It's working!


Aah! Aah!

(Snide) Seize Heckyl!


You villainous scumbag traitor!


You are nothing without me.

You will all pay.

(laughs) Enjoy solitary.

And one Bronto Burger. Enjoy.

So, is it good to fit in your own clothes again?

Are you kidding?

It's all stretched out!

Those monsters owe me a new hoodie!


(Ivan) Thank you for agreeing to meet me, cousin.

I owe you an apology.

You truly have talent, and I see that now.

(laughs) Yo, but I threw this in the trash.

Fine art does not belong in the trash.

Here's lime smoothies you order, Ivan.

Thank you very much, Koda.


Lime's my favorite.

I thought lime might be something new I'd like to try.

Ah! Ugh!

Oh, what's wrong now?

My head-- Ugh! It feels like ice!


I think Ivan's got a...

(all) brain freeze!

(all laugh) Oohhh!
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