23x21 - End of Extinction

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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23x21 - End of Extinction

Post by bunniefuu »

(narrator) Long ago, an alien named Keeper

entrusted the greatest power in the universe

to dinosaurs.

(Keeper) You must keep the Energems safe.

(narrator) Millions of years later,

the Energems were found,

but Sledge came up with a devious way to steal them.

Now, after many battles, he has the ultimate plan.

Can our heroes and their new ally save the world?


(narrator) Power Rangers Dino Super Charge!


There's no way the Dark Energem

could survive that expl*si*n.


Over here, guys.

Don't touch it.

It's not even scratched.

(device beeping)

The Ranger base is under attack.

Let's go!


(Wrench) Oh, no!

Fury shouldn't have gone to the Rangers' base

to find the Dark Energem!

Now he's been discovered!

Master Sledge will be so angry!

Today, my dear, we destroy the Rangers for good.

(Poisandra giggles) Master Sledge!

Fury has messed up your plan!

Oh, calm your circuits, Wrench.

I'm going to get those Energems.

My plan is just getting started. Oh...

Those eggs that I planted all around the Earth

do more than just hatch Greenzillas.

Ah... as we speak,

they're forming anchors in the ground.

We'll use them to pull the Earth out of orbit.

That's the key to the planet's final destruction.

Now... charge the electro-nets.

Yes, sir!



♪ Power Rangers, Power Rangers ♪

♪ Power Rangers, Power Rangers ♪

♪ In a world full of strife ♪

♪ We must fight to survive ♪

♪ Try to break the chains that divide ♪

♪ There is only one chance ♪

♪ To take the right stance ♪

♪ Hold tight, keep our power alive ♪

♪ Go, go, Power Rangers ♪

♪ Don't you ever stop ♪

♪ Go, go, Power Rangers ♪

♪ You will rise up to the top ♪

♪ Rangers forever ♪

♪ Dino Charge all together ♪


♪ Power Rangers, Power Rangers ♪

♪ Power Rangers Dino Charge ♪♪


(all shouting and grunting)

(Ivan) The monsters are in the base!

Keeper's in trouble!

Let's go!

Give me the Dark Energem, you bug-eyed freak!

(shouting and grunting)



It's over for you, Keeper.



(Koda) Keeper, you okay?

The Dark Energem will be mine!

You might want to reconsider that promise.

Oh... curse you, Rangers!

I will be back. Hyah!

(Keeper groaning)

You are not safe here anymore.

We must leave.

(alarm sounding)


Your time is up, Power Rangers!

Moments from now,

my ship will yank the Earth out of orbit

and into deep space.

I sold your miserable planet to the scrapyards on Kamen .

You wouldn't give me the Energems,

so now I'll pry them from your frozen hands!


He sold your planet... for scrap.

No, he can't possibly be able to tow the Earth out of orbit.

Can he?


Full power!

Yes, Master Sledge!



(all gasping)

(Ivan) Are you all right?

(Shelby) That can't be good.


(Sledge) Yes!

I love it when a plan comes together.

(Kendall) Sledge has attached electro-nets to the Earth

in all the locations where we fought Greenzillas.

The eggs have turned into anchor points.

He had this planned out from the beginning,

all so he could drag our planet out of its orbit.

The farther we move from the Sun,

the colder we'll get.

How long before we freeze?

An hour, maybe.

We've gotta take Sledge out before that happens.

(Keeper) Wait.

The only hope of saving the Earth

is to destroy the Dark Energem.

Once this is gone,

the ultimate power of your Energems will be unlocked,

and you'll be able to save the planet.

But we blasted that thing with the Titano Cannon.

Not even scratch.


Keeper, you said that the Dark Energem

was made from pure darkness, right?

Yes, the essence of evil.

So... does that mean

that light can destroy that darkness?

(Keeper) I'm not certain.

But to do so would require

an incredibly bright source.

Where are we going to find that much light?

I think I have an idea.

What if we solved this

the same way we solve everything?

With teamwork.

And the biggest team the world has ever seen.


Let's do this!

Dino Super Drive, activate!

Ready, guys?

(all) Ready!


(shouting and screaming)

Friends! We are the Power Rangers!

Please stop...

and listen to us.

Sledge is dragging the Earth out into space,

where we'll all freeze.

There's only one way to stop him.

(Riley) We don't have much time.

(Chase) If we're to survive, we need the help

of everyone in the world,

from New York to New Zealand.

Together, we can save our planet.

Listen carefully.

In exactly minutes, this is what you have to do.


There, that should do the trick.

Let's get it to the Zord.

It's ready.

We'll meet you at the rendezvous point

in minutes.


Hurry up, folks, only eight minutes to go!

(Kendall) Plesio Zord, activate!


(Jekyll) Huh, so this is a Zord.

(Tyler laughs)

You ain't seen nothin' yet!

Let's go to space!


(Ivan) This is it!

(Riley) One minute and counting.

(beeping, crowd murmuring)

Remember, we need to position the satellite

where it can gather the most light.

You got it, Miss Morgan.

(Tyler) Ready? Release!


(Chase) People of Earth!

Take your positions!



(Sledge) The people of Earth are fools!

(Wrench laughs)

Soon they will all be frozen solid

and there is nothing they can do! (Poisandra giggles)

Rangers... (all) Hah! Hah!

We have one chance.




Together! (all shout)

(all shouting)

Huh?! What just happened?!

(Ivan) Is everyone all right?

Yeah, I think it worked.

The Dark Energem is destroyed.

Don't celebrate yet.

We've got a problem.


(Wrench) Whoa... the expl*si*n created a black hole!

There's no escape!



(screaming and shouting)

It swallowed Sledge!

And the Earth is next!


(Chase) The Earth is being

sucked into the black hole!

No! This can't be happening!

The planet! It's gone!

This not happening.


The entire planet... gone.

Just like Sentai .

We caused this.

By destroying the Dark Energem.

All is not lost.

We can now use the ultimate power of the Energems.

Whatever you're going to do, Keeper, you'd better do it fast,

'cause we're about to be sucked into that black hole.

(whooshing and zapping)

Rangers... listen carefully.

You must remove your Energems and throw them into space.

Trust me, it is the only way.

Throw our Energems?

Into space?

Come on, guys.

Let's do this.


We trust you, Keeper.

(all) Hah!


(Keeper) When the ten Energems are joined,

they break the chains

that divide the past, present and future.

This is the Energems' ultimate power--

the ability to transport you through time.

We're gonna time-travel?

So the legends are true.

We must hurry-- the black hole is getting closer.

I will send you back in time

so that you can stop Sledge forever.

You alone have the ability to save your planet.

The time portal is ready.

Good luck, Rangers.

What are we waiting for?

It's about to get wild!

(all) Hah!


(all groaning)

Everybody okay?

(Shelby) Looks like it.

Let's land this bird! Hah!

(Riley) Tyler, James, come in.

No answer.

(Chase) We know Keeper sent us back in time,

but how far back did he send us?

(Koda) And where is Plesio Zord?


No way.

You guys aren't gonna believe this!


(Ivan gasps and laugh)

(dinosaurs roaring) Of course...

Keeper sent us back to the day

he crashed on Earth with the Energems.

(laughing) Oh, my gosh!

The pod!

Then that must be him.

Let's go! Yes.


Who are those beings?

I'll bet they saw Keeper crash.

They must be after the Energems too!

Let's go!

And when you get back, Sledge-ums,

we're getting married!

Not likely.

Of course, Poisy. Oh!

Can't wait. (giggles)

Follow me, Fury!

(Keeper) Oh... where are they?

They've got to be here.



Oh, no...


There it is.

Ah... the Energems.

Huh? Halt!

Who are you?

Uh... you don't know us... yet.

But you will.

We are Power Rangers...

from the future.

From the future?

Mm. Uh-huh.

(whooshing, all gasp)

(Riley) It's Sledge.

Keeper, you sent us back in time

to protect Earth from those monsters.

Prove to me that you've bonded to the Energems.

Indeed, you are Power Rangers.

(Sledge growling)

Keeper, you mangy cockroach!

These puny creatures are on your side?

It's morphing time.


(all) Ready!

Unleash the power!


(all) Dino Steel! Armor on!


(all) Hah!

What?! Power Rangers?!


Vivix, rise!

Attack! Hyah!

(shouting and grunting)

Raptor Claw!

(Fury) You know all my moves!

We've clashed before! Hyah!


I don't remember fighting him.


The Energems!


Sledge! I have the other five Energems!

Excellent! Aah!

Unhand those, you fiend!

Oh, good work, Fury!

What?! That's not the Energems!

Nope, it's not.

Huh? These are the Energems.

And I'll give you one guess what that is.

It's a b*mb!

What?! Aah!


No! Fury!

At last, my captor has met his end.


Where have you been?

Where are the others?

Don't worry, we've got a plan.

Just keep fighting.

You got it.




Hah! T-Rex Super Charge!

(grunting and shouting)

Is that all you got, Red? Pathetic!


Para Chopper Blast!


Don't you get it?

None of you stand a chance against me!



(all shouting)


Enough playing around!

Time to show you something you've never seen before!

Let me guess-- Magna Beam?


Hey, how did you know?

Magna Beam...!

(booming and roaring)

Say good-bye, you vermin!


Say good-bye, you vermin!

Look out! (all shouting)



(Poisandra) Intruders on the ship!

(Wrench) Not for long!

Let's throw them off!

Hah! Hah! Hah!

(shouting and grunting)

Heckyl, over here!

Electro... electro... somewhere, right... here!


I'll crush you!


Hey! No...!


Hey, it worked!

The others took over Sledge's ship.

You're a genius!

It isn't over yet.


(Poisandra screams)

We've got to hurry!


Have you locked the ship on course?


(grunts) Hah!

(alarm sounding) Let's go!

We've got to get off the ship now!

(Sledge) I'll make you pay for this, Keeper...

if it's the last thing I do...!


(Keeper) Well done, friends.

With Sledge and his monsters destroyed,

your planet and the Energems are truly safe.

You may return to the future in peace.

Thank you, Keeper.

None of us would be here without you.

Koda, if you wish, you can return to your own time.

I can go home?

See my brother Taku again?

Ivan, you too can go home.

Back to the Knights of Zandar.


We all understand, guys.

(Tyler) Yeah.

There's no place like home.

(Keeper) Then it is decided.


I will never forget you all.

Neither of us will.

How could any of us forget being Power Rangers?

We are family... forever.


It's our turn.

There's too much to say.

Until we meet again, my friends.


Bye, Keeper.

Heckyl, I'd like you and Zenowing to go back in time

to stop the Dark Energem from being stolen.

You can save Sentai .

I can do that?

Save my planet?


You will become a Keeper.

The Keeper of the Dark Energem.

Make sure it is never used for evil again.

(Heckyl) It'll be an honor.

Good-bye, my friend.

Order is restored.

A new chapter begins.



Aah! Aah! Aah!

(cell phone alert)

Max just texted me.

So we're back, right, Miss Morgan?


And maybe it's time you called me Kendall.

Okay, Kendall.

Oh, uh, that sounds really weird.


Hey, now I can take Kaylee to New Zealand.

The Sky Tower, my mum's pavlova...

She's gonna see it all.

(Tyler chuckles)

And we can finally start having our own adventures too.

You said it, Dad.

Shelby, you should come too.

Sure. Well... once I'm finished

studying dinosaurs, of course.

(device beeping)


There's an emergency at the museum.

Quick, we have to go!


So, where's the emergency?

Oh, thank goodness.

Everything looks fine.

Uh, guys...

Take a look at the sign.

(Riley) Amber Beach Dinosaur Zoo?

Of course.

Sledge's asteroids never hit Earth.

So the dinosaurs...

(all gasp)

(dinosaurs lowing)

(Chase) They never went extinct!

I've been looking all over for you guys!

They need you inside.

The triceratops has indigestion... again.

You want us to take care of a triceratops?

Of course, who else?

(laughs) Mm-hmm.

Come on!

Looks like our new adventure begins now!

Let's go!

Awesome! (laughs) Whoa!

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