Battle Anthem (1983)

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History/Civil Wars, Cold w*r, WWI, WWII, Rebellions, Revolutions and more! w*r movies collection.
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Battle Anthem (1983)

Post by bunniefuu »

(Umi Yukuba)

(Nihonkai Daikaisen)


- Flagship of the combined fleet,
the Mikasa.

Since the Russo-Japanese
w*r started one year ago,

she kept defeating the enemy in
battles against the Russian Navy

which was known as the strongest
naval force in the world.

Now, after repairs, this new
and powerful battleship

is being tirelessly prepared
to embark for the next battle.

That will be the last battle

of the Russo-Japanese w*r that
would decide the fate of Japan.


- Ogata-san!

- Genta!
So you are back.

- Ogata-san, you were promoted
to be the senior officer now.

- I've been waiting for you.

- This is my second time so I may not be so
useful, but I am hoping for your guidance.

- All right.

This is Kanda who started at the same time as
I did at the Yokosuka Marine Corps Academy.

He left the military band

after fulfilling his military duty, to polish
his musical skill in the city music world.

But he came back to join us as he
was recalled into the armed forces.

If you want to learn about women, ask him.

He is a virtuoso musician,

but he's a maestro
at pleasing women.

- Nice to meet all of you.
= Nice to meet you!

- Genta...

I am sure you already know,

but it seems that we will be fighting
against the Baltic Fleet this time.

At that time, military band members
will also be at action stations

and we will have to fight risking our lives.

Are you prepared for that?

- Yes.




- Since the w*r began one year ago,

both Russian and Japanese forces
exhausted their military resources.

The conclusion of the w*r

was expected to be decided by the final
battle between the fleets of both countries.

And Russia who devoted the
destiny of the nation to this battle

let the entire power of the
Baltic Fleet head toward Japan.

let the entire power of the
Baltic Fleet head toward Japan.

let the entire power of the
Baltic Fleet head toward Japan.

- How many ships do you expect
the Baltic Fleet will have?

- According to the telegram we
received the day before yesterday,

the enemy has increased
reinforcements for the fleet.

We are expecting about 40 ships
including eight battleships.

- The number of battleships
is twice as many as ours.

Are we proficiently prepared
with counter measures?

- We have already sent two patrol ships

to the area of the Taiwan Strait and they
have been watching for the enemy.

The ships of the combined
fleet including Mikasa

have been repaired and maintained
at the shipyards in Kure and Sasebo.

And we expect them to be
ready without any trouble.

- When do you expect the enemy
fleet to reach our home waters?

- When do you expect the enemy
fleet to reach our home waters?

- When do you expect the enemy
fleet to reach our home waters?

- According to the latest information,

- According to the latest information,


The enemy is at anchor by Madagascar
on the east side of the African continent.

The enemy is at anchor by Madagascar
on the east side of the African continent.

- I am asking when they will be coming.

- We think it will take some
time for the enemy fleet

to merge with the reinforcements.

We expect that they will come
after January of this next year.

- Your first estimate was
the middle of January.

Because you men insisted we must crush
the enemy's Far Eastern fleet by then,

I ordered Nogi's 3rd Army to take
Port Arthur despite heavy sacrifice.

Now you say you miscalculated?!

If you are not even capable of
estimating the enemy's arrival,

you can't be proficiently prepared.

Tell me your certain opinion.

- I swear that whenever the enemy
appears, our Combined Fleet will

- I swear that whenever the enemy
appears, our Combined Fleet will

- I swear that whenever the enemy
appears, our Combined Fleet will

annihilate the enemy fleet

- I thought you were a prudent man.

Can you be so sure to declare
what you said to the emperor?

- I had to say that to not lose
the emperor's faith in us.

If we are prepared to lose half of
the ships of the combined fleet,

we will have a chance of winning.

- Half of the combined fleet...

I see.

I will be responsible for that.

So be determined to take command.

Your beard turned grey quickly in one year.

- I have not hunted any enemy yet.

- How annoying!
All of them are old bags!

- It is like an exhibition for ugly women.

- She is my type!
Let me take her!

- You'd better not!
Let him take her.

Good luck!

- Yes, thank you!

- There she is!
A pretty girl!

- Let me fire torpedoes all night long.

- Let me go first!

- Me too!

- Hey wait!

Bastard, you didn't see this arm band?

Band members don't need
to salute to a senior sailor?

- I am his senior, Ogata.

I will give him a warning.

- Band-member would not
understand the military spirit.

Stay away.

I am Petty Officer
Okami on Mikasa.

Come see me if you have any complaints.

- If bandsmen are sailors, butterflies
and dragonflies are birds also?

- You won't get away so
easy when we are offshore.

- Damn, that was a rough salute.

- Everyone is on edge.

No one is sure if they'll
be alive in a few months.

- Kanda-san!

A lady is at the assembly hall to see you.

- A woman?

- You already have a girlfriend in Kure?

- Don't be silly.
I am fed up with women.


- Hey, sailors!
Thank you for your service.

Good luck.

Hey you, do you want a drink?

You are cute.

Do you have a girlfriend?

Ah, it's cold.

Hey you,

do you know Asakusa in Tokyo?

You should go there sometime.

It is nothing like this desolate place.

Hey, are you upset?

You fool!

Girls wouldn't like that.

Don't act so big.

They all look like crows,

wearing sad dark clothes.

How depressing...

- Setsu...

What are you doing here?

Why did you do that?!

- Don't ask me why!

- Stop it, idiot!

- You called me an idiot!

You trampled my heart under foot.

- Hey stop!

- Idiot!

- Is it her you were fed up with?

- She worked at a restaurant in Asakusa.

I told her that I would marry her.

- You should talk to her.

You can use my rented room.
I have two pillows there.

- Come here and get warmed up.

Did you find out that
I was here by yourself?

You didn't need to follow me here.

- I was waiting for you in your room

without eating anything for three days,

because you told me to do so.

You asked me to live together.

Then you sent me this suddenly.


- But it was painful for me too.

- But it was painful for me too.

The draft papers came right after
I made the promise to you.

Besides, this time I did not
know if I would return alive.

I could not say good bye seeing your face.

- I thought I could begin a new life.

You taught me how to play the organ.

I thought I could leave the life of
being a toy for men and always

chased by police officers.

- So you should open a shop
or something with this money.

- I can make money with this body.

I am helpless without you.

I can't do anything alone.

Genta, I am begging you.

I apologize for what I have done earlier.

So please ask your senior officer
and avoid getting on the battleship.

- Don't be silly.

A military person has to
follow the emperor's orders.

- Then cut off your toe for me.

I have heard about this man

who avoided going to w*r
because his toe was missing.

There are many men like him.

- Stop that silliness!

Band-men are still navy sailors.

And a sailors' duty is
to die for the country.

- Country?
What has the country done for us?

Where I grew up, Mannen-cho,

we had to feed ourselves since
we were 5 or 6 years old.

We have no duty to our country at all!

- You must stop.
I will get mad.

- Genta, I am saying this for you.

You are not the kind of man who
would fight bravely on a battleship.

I know this very well.

You look the finest when
you are playing your horn.

The most manly face...

Why are you discarding that fine face?

- Women can't understand men!

- Is that right?

So that's it.

I was not a woman whom you
would associate with when sober.

That's all right.

I don't know what you are fighting for...

But fight manly for the country or
whatever and become food for fish!

- Setsu, wait!

- Let me go.

- Don't you understand me?

- Of course, I don't.

- Then listen to me quietly!

- Let me go, I said!

- Setsu, wait.

- No, stop!



- Damn you!



- No!

- Ouch!

Damn you!

- Genta...

- Setsu...

- "The train leaves Shinbashi
as the whistle blows.

"As we enter the mountains of Atago,

"the moon becomes the
companion for the journey."

- You remember the song.

- I was going to be with a musician.

I thought that I should learn a song.

I memorized the lyrics
up to the Nagoya part.

- Is that right.

You learned well quickly.

Sing it to me.

- "Sengaku-ji Temple is on the right.

"That's where the graves
of 47 loyal vassals are."

= "Even though the snow disappears,

"but their names will
remain for 1,000 years.

"Through the window,

"the Fort of Shinagawa
is seen with white waves."

- That money is my good will,

so keep it and use it
any way you like later.

- So we will never see each other again?

- We are departing tomorrow.

- Tomorrow?

- Go downstairs and get some sake.
Let's drink it and have a nice farewell.

- Excuse me, but could I get some sake?

- Yes, yes.

I will give it to you now.

- If I return alive, I will
come to see you first.

If you get the notice of my death,
please offer me incense or something.

I wish you the best of luck.

What are you doing?

- Please be dead!
I will die too.

Please die together!

Please be dead!
Please be dead!

- Idiot!

- Please be dead!
Please die with me!

Please be dead!

I am not giving you up to anyone!

Please be dead!

Please be dead!

- Idiot, Setsu!
What are you doing?

My body belongs to the emperor now.

I can only die on the battleship!

- Nonsense, you coward!

You were flustered by this small knife.

You'll never have the
courage to die like a man!

- Is that what you think?

- Hit me more.

k*ll me!

- Stop it!
You have to treat women nicely.

- Setsu, we are finished.

We are really finished now!

- Call the police and put me in jail!

I am a m*rder*r!

I am a m*rder*r!

k*ll me!

Do something!

- Bastard, you didn't salute!

- Yes, sir!

- Attention!
- Attention!

Hoisting of the flag!

- Mikasa!

FEBRUARY 24th, 1905


- Only way for us to fight is to challenge
the enemy to engage in close combat

to maximize the power of our ship's g*ns.

We'll need some intense training to
increase the 6 inch g*ns accuracy.

- At the last sea battle, the
accuracy rate was 3 percent,

but we must raise the accuracy
to at least twice that number.

- The big question is which
route the enemy fleet will take.

- In order for the enemy fleet to
go into the port of Vladivostok,

they will have to go through the Korea
Strait then go through the Sea of Japan

or go around the Pacific Ocean
then go across the Tsugaru Strait,

or go further north and
go across the Soya Strait.

There are only these
three routes for them.

Of these three,

the Soya Strait will have heavy fogs
from now till summer and reefy shallows,

the Soya Strait will have heavy fogs
from now till summer and reefy shallows,


and they have to go 800 miles more
compared to the other two routes.

and they have to go 800 miles more
compared to the other two routes.

Therefore this would be

the most difficult route considering
fuel and other enemy supplies.

About the route through
the Tsugaru Strait...

Because of the tide,

the width of the channel for big ships
to go through is only about 10 miles.

If the enemy chooses to go through here,

their fleet will have to go
through in a single line.

In that case,

the a*tillery attack from the batteries
on the both sides of the shore

and the ambush from the Sea of
Japan will easily destroy their fleet.

But the enemy is probably
aware of these facts already.

Therefore I think that the possibilities

for them to take these two
northern routes are very low.

- Then waiting at the Korea
Strait is the best strategy?

- But the enemy

must also be aware that we would
be waiting at the Korea Strait.

- That is true.

If the enemy outwits us and takes
the route by the Pacific Ocean.

We will be too late...

- Hey you...

- If we are defeated in this battle,

our country will be ruined.

We will never let them
go through at any cost.

- This is yours.
It was on the floor.

- I am sorry.

- Be careful.

Even a sheet of music is a w*apon
borrowed from the emperor.

If the military band leader
saw it, you would be in trouble.

- Yes, I will be more careful from now on.

- Genta,

look after this young man.

He came here right after
finishing the general training,

so he doesn't know much
about the actual troop duties.

Besides he looks so
cute, as you can see.

That is dangerous.

- Dangerous...?


- Attention!

From the vice chief.

All band members must
assemble on the front deck.

- This ship is already
on an actual operation.

Besides your duties as a
band member, I want you

to be trained so that you can fulfill

your duties at various
battle stations as well.

You will be divided to Upper
and Middle deck duties.

Most of your duties will be signaling
assistance and carrying injured men.

But in case g*n's crew were all k*lled,
you must fight the enemy ships

by operating the g*ns in their places.

Therefore each of you must join

the designated g*n positions
and take guidance

from the chief gunner.

- Hurry!

- We are entering!

Kanda, military bandsman!
- Shimada, military bandsman!

- We are assigned to join the
11th g*n position as of today.

Who is the chief gunner?

- Chief is taking a cigarette break now.

Hey Nipponkai,

according to the divine rat,

the reason for your stomach ache
is eating too much garbage.

- I've never gotten a stomach
ache from overeating.

- They say, "Thieves are from
Ecchu, beggars are from Kaga,

"Murderers are from Noto."

Men from Ecchu are gluttonous so
they always suffer stomach aches.

Where are you from?

- I am from Echigo.

- So a man from Echigo is
a military band-man now.

- Are you the chief gunner?

We were assigned to
this g*n position as of...

- Be quiet.
Military band director told me.

So it was you who roughed
up this Komatsu?

Who would have expected a band-man
to mess around with sailors!

I will teach you a lesson!

How old are you?

- I am 18 years old.

- You are one year younger than this man.

I have a task for you.

- Yes.

- Show this to Matsuda in the kettle.

- The kettle?

- It is the engine room.

- Yes!

- What should I do?

- You must figure it out yourself.

- Are you letting that young boy
go to the "Hell kettle" alone?

- Please wait.
What was that discipline for?

- Discipline?


He is being disrespectful!

- Disrespectful?

- You look cute, and you are
already the loan shark's minion.

- Loan shark?

- Don't feign ignorance!

How outrageous!

Coming to collect a loan when
we are preparing for battle!

Are you men messing around
with the engine room?

- We just followed the
chief gunner's order...

- Tell Okami not to mess
around with Matsuda!

Promissory note:
The amount is ¥10,
with a monthly interest charge of ¥1.
It must be paid on pay day.
January 17th, 1905
Borrower, Engine Room
Petty Officer MATSUDA Tomekichi
Lender, Petty Officer, OKAMI Yusaku

Promissory note:
The amount is ¥10,
with a monthly interest charge of ¥1.
It must be paid on pay day.
January 17th, 1905
Borrower, Engine Room
Petty Officer MATSUDA Tomekichi
Lender, Petty Officer, OKAMI Yusaku
- "The amount is ¥10,

Promissory note:
The amount is ¥10,
with a monthly interest charge of ¥1.
It must be paid on pay day.
January 17th, 1905
Borrower, Engine Room
Petty Officer MATSUDA Tomekichi
Lender, Petty Officer, OKAMI Yusaku

"with a monthly interest charge of ¥1.
It must be paid on pay day..."

This is a promissory note for a loan.

- He started striking me
as soon as he saw this.

- Damn...
Loan shark's minion...

- You were beaten up, weren't you?

Collecting money from that
Petty Officer Matsuda

is harder than piloting this ship.

I will explain the situation
to the chief gunner.

Hey guys, help me.

I have to find a wife for him.

- A wife?

- There should be a few of
them to eat the piece of soap.

- What do you do with those rats?

- They will tell you your
destination in the future.

- Destination?

- If it would be hell or heaven.

Do you know where this is?

- The bathroom
- Normally,yes..

But when a battle begins,

this place becomes the
place for dead bodies.

At the Battle of the
Yellow Sea, 33 men died.

Of those men, 80 percent of them

had the fate just as this
divine rat had predicted.

I will let him see your fortune someday.

But I must let him breed for the future.

- Did that petty officer participate in
the Battle of the Yellow Sea as well?

- Yes.

Only survivors in our team
were "Jakuru" Okami, me,

and the foulmouthed man.
Only three of us survived.

- Who is that "Jakuru" Okami?

- That is the chief gunner,
Petty Officer Okami.

In navy we call a desperate
and reckless man, "Jakuru."

He should be promoted to
petty officer first class by now,

but the personnel department
is cautious about his promotion.

They may know that he is
conducting that side business.

That's why his name changed
from Ogami to Okami (wolf).

You must catch it!

That way!
That way!


- Hey, give that to him.

- Here!

- Thanks.

- I need a loan too, please.

- Here is ¥11.
It's yours.

- Did the man in the engine room pay it?

- I, Kanda, am paying it for Shimada.

But please do not order us to
collect money again from now on.

We were assigned here to be
trained for gunnery practice.

- What?

If you don't like doing a
favor by being a messenger,

I will train you very hard instead.

- Come on!

- You talk big,

but do you still think you are worthy
enough to be fed by the navy?

- Go! Go!
Carry it more steadily.

- You are staggering!

- This is not a stroll!

- You are staggering like you've
been screwing all night long.

- The sun is turning yellow.

- Damn!
You guys!

- Hey!

- Don't stagger!

Go around one more time!

- Idiot!

- Hey!
That's enough!

- Inspection!

- Women in Kure are not too bad.

- I am tired of your boasting.

- You talk as if you were
popular among women!

- Extinguish cigarettes!

- Setsu...

- Emperor...

I, Katayama Isaku, dropped a
broom for cleaning into the sea

which was given by the emperor
to use on duty on the main deck.

Emperor, I am sorry.

Please forgive me.

- Trash like him is just
an unnecessary burden.

- He should have dropped into the
sea instead of the deck broom.

- Hey you!
You have not apologized enough.

- Emperor, I am sorry.

- You are not loud enough!

Reflect upon your conduct!

Hey! Hey!
- Emperor,I am sorry.

- Hey!

- Emperor, I am sorry.
- Hey!

- The chief gunner is the marksman.

He is in charge of controlling
the g*n and pulling the trigger.

I am the one who turns the
g*n by turning this wheel.

Nakayama-san measures distance
to the enemy, and sets the target.

- Shimada, come here.

How is this?
Do you want to sh**t?

- Yes.

- Is that right?

If I die, I will leave that to you.
I will be counting on you.

- Sir, may I turn the handle?

- All right.
Go ahead.

- Hey, don't catch a cold.

- Hey, band-man!

I heard that you paid
my loan temporarily.

- Yes, I apologize if that was unnecessary.

- No, I came to thank you.


I will pay you on the next pay day.

- Please don't worry about it.

- I will be responsible for your
safety while I have the debt to you.

So don't worry about
Okami and the other men.

I will not let them touch you.

All right?

Hey, where is that young boy?

I have to apologize to him too.

- Shimada went to the amm*nit*on
depot as called by the chief gunner.

- Okami called him?

- Yes.

- Do you want to smoke?
- No. I haven't started smoking yet.

- I see.

That's better.

Cigarettes are too expensive
with the navy's low wage.

Since I don't drink,
this is my only pleasure.

Where is your hometown?

- I am from Tokyo.

- Tokyo?

- Yes.

- I am from the south.

I am from a poor farmer's family.

My parents sent me out for adoption

to reduce the number of
mouths they had to feed.

I had a younger brother where I was born.

If he survived and grew up,
he would be about your age.

From when I saw you for the
first time, I felt that you were like

my younger brother.

- Chief gunner!

- We did it!

- Sneak attack was a great success.

- With these excellent results!

- Thanks.

It was a very good job.

This is your welcome party.
Eat as much as you want.

- Yes.

- Nothing is impossible for us.

You will be protected too.

You and I are brothers starting today.

These men are the witnesses.
All right?

If I die, I want you to pick up my bones.

- Hey you bastards!

Okami, these band-men are
under my care from today.

I'll k*ll you if you touch them!

- Boiler-men should stay by the boiler.

He and I are brothers now.

- Brothers?

- Stop looking at him strangely!

- Young boy,

this bastard is too stingy to buy
women when we go ashore,

and he gets off with boys instead.

Be careful with him.

- Bastard!

- Bastard!

- Come on!

- Come on, we started
to fight with boiler-men.

= Let's go!

- Those men who can leave,
come with me.

We are fighting gunners!

- How about that!

- Stop!


- These stolen goods started the fight.

Which one of you stole these?

If you don't tell us honestly, both
of you will be thrown in the brig!

- I stole them.

- Fine, spread your legs.

Clench your teeth.

- Don't be so discouraged.
Cheer up! It is all right.

I explained the actual
situation to the band director.

Tomorrow Shimada will be reassigned
to the middle deck to work with me.

Genta, you must keep working as before.

Let's go smoke.

We will be in the port
of Sasebo tomorrow.

Once we leave Sasebo,

we will not perform until
we finish the battle, I heard.

So we will just be sailors.

- We can't even play our instruments?

- All our instruments will be kept in storage.

- I want to play music.

I really want to play music now.

I am a trumpet player after all.

I am not like a sailor when ashore.

I fully realized those things
with this experience on this ship.

- It is too late.

Now we have to wait to find out if
we would win or lose, live or die...

That's all.


- Is there a band-man, Kanda here?

Is there a band-man, Kanda here?

- I am.

- We got a message from the base.

Your relative is waiting for you,

so go find your relative
when you go ashore.

This is the place.

- Yes.

- I want a woman...
I really want a woman.

- This will be the last chance to do it.

- Hey sailor, do you
want to play with me?

- Oh goddess!
I am not worthy

- You don't have any
money anyway, bastard!

- I want to eat lots of white
rice then screw all night.

- You men look like crows
wearing black uniforms!

- I want to screw a young one.

- Oh there she is!
Hey, lady!

- Young man, why don't you stop here?


- Hey come back again.


- This is Chidori restaurant.

But there is no inn around here.

- That's odd...

Did anyone come here from Niigata?

- No, no one came from there.

- They may have heard it
wrong at the navy base...

- Hey, do you want to have fun?

- I am in a hurry, sorry.


What do I do with you?

You came here after finding out
that the fleet would be coming?

Setsu, what can I do to
make you understand?

From here, I will be out to sea.

Why are you doing this?

You are only making
it harder for yourself.

No matter how you keep following me,

I can't take this uniform off

until the w*r is over.

It is painful for me too.

Please understand, Osetsu...

- Only tonight...

Please stay with me.
That's all I want.

Then I will give up.


I bought a sea bream to
celebrate your departure.

It is very fresh.

I'll go prepare it, so please wait.

Please wait.

Madam, I will be paying
for the room tonight.

- Don't worry about that.

That navy man wanted you two
to have these bottles of sake.


- Thank you.

- "Back again at Tosu Station,

"changing the train to the west route.

"I will be in the town of Saga soon.

"There are still b*llet
marks on the castle walls.

"Taking a bath in the hot spring
in Takeo after being exhausted.

"Getting some Aritayaki
ceramics for a souvenir.

"The road from Haiki splits and the
one on the right leads to Sasebo."

Congratulations on your departure...

- Did you borrow money again?

You sold your body...

To buy that...

- So you have seen it already.

I was looking forward
to present it to you.

It is not new, but it is working fine.

The boss at the Hiromeya store sold it to me.


this is all I could get for you.

Please bring it with you.

Please, I am begging you.

I will have nothing to regret as
long as you bring this with you.

- I can't bring my personal
instrument onto the battleship.

You have... sold your body...
for such a wasteful thing!

- Dearest...

Because I could not leave you all alone!

- I understand.

I understand.

You are my treasure...

My only treasure.

- Dearest!

- I will go fight for you.

I will fight then I will return for sure...

To play your trumpet,

I will return for sure.

I will return for sure.

- Osetsu-chan!
Come here!

He hanged!

He hanged himself!
That sailor...

He left his wallet and left suddenly.

I thought that was odd.
So I looked for him.

- Some men...
Please help me.

- He said that his wife and
children live near here.

He was saying that
once he went home,

he would never return to the battleship.

- This coward traitor is not a navy sailor.

We will let the municipal police handle this.

Move away.


- Traitor!
Leave from Sasebo quickly!

- Coward! It's your fault if
Japan is defeated by Russia.

- Coward!

- Shame on you!

- I am sorry.

- Wretch!

- Animal!

- Monster!

- Traitor!
Go to hell!

- I am sorry.


- Setsu, hurry!
The Mikasa is leaving port.

- Setsu, hurry!

- Young man, please hurry.

- Yes.

- How irritating!

Hey young man, can't you go faster?






Stupid bastard!

Stupid bastard!

- Today's performance was really excellent.

Good job!

This ship is finally preparing for
the battle against the Baltic Fleet,

and our training will begin.

As of today your duty of performing
music is temporarily suspended,

and you will be devoting yourself
to duties on your battle positions.

There will be a time you will
be performing again someday,

but that would happen only when our
combined fleet triumphs over the enemy

and our country regains security.

For that I wish for your strenuous
efforts and the fortunes of w*r.

Now we will store all the musical
instruments and sheet music down

below in the hold.

That's all!

= Yes!

MARCH 16th,


- Ah, it's you...
What's the matter?

- I have a favor to ask you.
Please let me borrow some money.

- Money?

- This is for a woman with a debt.

If I die,

she would never be able to leave
her current adverse circumstances.

So I want to send money to her now.

I will draw up a contract
stipulating that my loan

from you be repaid by
my pension in case I die.

- I may be the one who dies.

So I stopped lending money.

There is a favor I want
to ask of you as well.

If you accept, I will
consider your request.

- Tell me what that is.

- I want Shimada back to be
on duty on the upper deck.

Make him request that he would like
to be back in the previous position.

You should be able to do that.

- Everyone!

Take up your positions!

- Get ready!
- Here we go!

- Take up your position.

- Every section took their positions!

- The target is the reef
off the starboard bow!

- Starboard side, get ready
for the a*tillery attack!

- Starboard side, get ready
for the a*tillery attack drill!

- Starboard side, get ready
for the a*tillery attack drill!

= Starboard side, get ready
for the a*tillery attack drill!

- Starboard side, get ready
for the a*tillery attack drill!

- The target is on the right at 45 degrees.

The reef above sea level at 5,600!

Take 3 to the left!

- The target is on the right at 45 degrees.

The reef above the sea level...
- The rotation is completed!

- Start firing!

- Fire!

- Higher by 2!
To the right by 2!

- Higher by 2!

- To the right by 2!

- Stay sharp!
Hurry up!

- An outbreak of fire!

- An outbreak of fire!

- An outbreak of fire!

- Enemy a*tillery hit amidships!
First aid for injured men!

- Let's go!

This way!
- Yes!

Dress the wound!
- Yes!



- Bind the wound!
- Yes.

- Number 11 g*n is hit
by the enemy a*tillery.

Gunners 1 and 3 are dead.

Go get the replacement gunners!

- Yes, I will!

Go down faster!

- You must not call him an idiot!
He is the commander!

- Salute is not necessary during a battle!

- Yes.

- We are here to fill in!

- Load the g*n now!

Do you want to die?

Stay sharp!

- Make it snappy!

- Enemy a*tillery!
Get down!

I said to get down!

- Chief gunner, this is a drill.

- What is funny?

You know nothing about an actual battle!

In a real battle, it is not so easy!


Heads will blow away and
bodies will be torn apart!

You and rest of you may be blown away!

Damn you!

Bastard, you should
never laugh about it!

- Hey!
Stop it!

Bastard, just apologize!


- Who is there?

- It's me!

I am just looking for some spare parts.

- Yes, I am sorry.

- Will this be all right?

- Don't worry.

I will return it in the place later.

- Were you alone?

- Yes.

- Were you aware that you
broke the military rule?


Did you forget that our
ship is facing a battle?!

What you have done

is a cowardly act equivalent
to desertion under enemy fire.

A man like that is no longer my
subordinate or a band member!

I will request the vice commander
to punish you as an ordinary sailor.

- Please wait.

I recommended Shimada to
conduct the solo performance.

- What?

- Director,

we have been told
since joining the band

that playing in the band is
the same as a military action

and our instruments are our weapons.

If that teaching was not wrong,

why can't we use the instruments
which are our weapons?

I can't understand that reason!

- Bastard...
He is too eloquent.

He still violated the military rule!

- I am sorry.

I am sorry.

I am really sorry.

- You don't have to repeat
the same thing over and over.

I can understand how you
wanted to play your instrument.

I am also guilty

that I made you work topside after
Petty Officer Okami asked me.

This will last only for a week.

Don't feel bad about it.

Ah, Ogata-san!

- Cheer up with this.

- Thank you.

- This is an awful place!

- We got used to it after a while.

Hey, stop despairing.

- Genta, why did you talk so defiantly?

- I was not being defiant.

I just stated my natural feelings.

I have finally made up my mind.

No matter what people say,

I will stay being a band member...

Being a musician.

It is not for the country or the navy.

I will devote my life to music.

And I will die as a musician.

Once I have decided, I am
no longer scared of dying.

I am ready for it anytime!

- Genta,

I found out who ratted on
Shimada to the director.

It was Okami.

- Petty Officer Okami did?

APRIL 8th,

- Commander,

the Japanese consul at Singapore

reported by telegram that the enemy
fleet passed the shore last night.

- Akiyama-san...

I think that Rozhestvensky
is thinking the same way.

- What do you mean by the same way?

- The American President

is exchanging personal letters
with the German Kaiser

to mediate between us.

The end of the w*r is near.

That means whoever wins this
battle will be the victorious nation.

This battle should not be fought to just
exhaust Russia's military fighting power.

We must reveal the victory to the world.

We must fight in the way

that makes the diplomatic warfare
more advantageous for the country.

So we must not take
a stopgap strategy.

We must challenge them to
the unflinching fleet battle.

- That means...

- Rozhestvensky will
not run away or hide.

He will come with a frontal attack for sure.

- So the enemy will take this Korea Strait...

I understand your thinking.

But in case they go north
toward Soya or Tsugaru,

I would like to send a sealed up
order to the ships of the fleet.

- Yes.

SIDE WITH a*tillery att*cks

- To the left by 4!

Higher by 1!
To the left by 4!

I have a request to the commander!

We are the military band members.

Our original duty is to
perform military music.

I request your permission

for us to perform to the utmost of
our ability before the battle begins.

- Over here!

- Yes!

- Listen!

The last supply ship to go back
to the homeland is leaving today.

If you want to send letters,
bring them to the band director.

To: KIMURA Setsu
c/o Chidori on Kotencho St.
Sasebo, Nagasaki

- Setsu...

I am sorry!

- What is it?
You called suddenly.

- I am returning this money.

- What is it suddenly?

- I don't want to spend money
from a disgusting man.

- What did you say?

- You informed on Shimada
to the band director.

I'm not saying you're a snitch,

but you have trampled Shimada's
passion for music underfoot...

Not only Shimada's, but that of
each and every band member.

I can't forgive a man like that!

It was my mistake to let
you be near Shimada.

So I cannot use that money!

- This is the contract you wrote up.

If you're paying back the loan,

add the interest as it is written here!

You cheeky bastard!


MAY 22nd


- Listen!

As you are.

You are allowed to have anything
you like, including sake.

There will be no charge.

Each man enjoy whatever
you like as much as you want.

- What are you waiting for?
You can eat all you want.

Go ahead!

- Thank you.

= Thank you!

- So this is the last meal.

- The end is near.

If this ship gets hit by
enemy a*tillery and sinks,

this food will just go to waste anyway.

- That's why all of these are free?

- Where is the Baltic Fleet now?

- Don't worry about that.

Just eat all you can and die quickly.


- Genta, the commander gave permission.

About the performance you requested.

They will have a consolation
concert tonight.

- Is that right?

Then I shouldn't hang a sign like this!

- Ship's doctor said that your injury
is strange for falling by the hatch.

- This is good.

I am going to do it!

I am going to play to my heart's content.

- Genta, your defiant attitude
made me decide about myself.

I am going to witness the
sea battle with my own eyes.

Then I will compose a
symphony from what I see.

And I will leave that
for future generations.

I found out that would be my task.

- You should do it, Ogata-san.
Create a fine symphony.

- Listen, put your
hands together like this,

then look into the eyes of the
great divine rat while you pray.

If he doesn't move, you will survive.

If the great divine rat
rubs his nose like this,

you will be slightly injured.

If he looks around restlessly,
you will be severely injured.

If he jumps around, then it is
too bad, but you will be dead.

- I will go first.

Don't move!

Good, I will live!

- Great divine rat, please help
me with your divine power.

- He is rubbing his nose.

- Shut up!
He was looking at you!

- Light injury isn't too bad.

Hurry up before the great
divine rat gets in a bad mood.

- Matsui!
- Yes.

- Go throw these away.

- Yes, but some of these are uncollected.

- That's all right. Throw them away.
I have no use for them.

- Petty Officer Okami, it is bad
luck to clear your belongings.

- I will not die that easily.



Anyone have a complaint?

- Petty Officer Okami...

I want to let bygones be bygones.

Petty Officer Okami, are you all right?

- What are you doing here?

Go away!

- What's the matter with you?

- Let me go!

I will blow everything up!

- Okami-san, stop it now.

This is the amm*nit*on depot.


- Damn you!

- Damn you!


Hell with the battleship!

Hell with the battleship!

- What happened?

Pull yourself together.

- Help me.

Let me live.

Help me.

I can't fight in the battle.

I can't...


I am scared.

Help me!


You can have this all!

You can have this all!

So let me leave from this ship.

Let me go home.

- Okami-san...

You want to go home and
buy a farm with this money?

You get your own farm.

You must keep your hope.

You will be fine.

You will be fine.

Okami... You don't have to
fight for the country or the navy.

You are fighting for the
money to buy your farm.

That is a fine manly thing too.

Pull yourself together.

If you don't fight with us,

we will not be able to stay alive.

MAY 24th

- That sealed up order

to make the ships encounter the
enemy in case they go through

Soya or Tsugaru will be opened
tomorrow at five in the afternoon.

Where are we supposed to be?

It must be decided now!

- Our ships are spread all over this area,

but we still haven't seen
even a single enemy vessel.

The enemy may not
be in this area at all!

- How about if we stand by at this
Korea Strait until a certain date,

then if we don't encounter the enemy, we
would go up to the north immediately?

- Then Akiyama-san's seven layers
attack strategy can't be implemented.

If we just face the enemy
without a strategy,

we can't annihilate the enemy fleet...

- Are you saying that we
should not move from here?

- Enemy will go through here for sure!

- Such inflexible strategy is out of date!

- Out of date?
What are you talking about?

- Because no one knows what
route the enemy is taking,

none of the fishing boats are
out on the sea back at home.

There isn't any fish at the
fish market in Tokyo, I heard.

- The manager at the Mitsui &
Company branch in Shanghai

sent a telegram to Imperial HQ saying he
saw what looks like enemy cargo ships

entering into the port.

- They may be useless empty vessels.

- It is obviously a trick.

It can be a feint for them to cover up
their route toward the Pacific Ocean.

- It may be over thinking.

- There is no end if we start
becoming overly suspicious.

Staff Officer, Akiyama,
what is your opinion?

- I think it is an unmovable situation.

I am sure that the enemy plans on
going through the Korea Strait

determined to confront us.

So they sent those slow ships ahead
before they could hinder their fleet.

Chief staff officer...

- Commander...

- The enemy will go through here
as they are saying they would.

- You have no doubts?

It became foggy.

- Rozhestvensky must have
been waiting for this fog.

MAY 27th


- Captain!


- Come in.

- Commander, they came.

- At 5:30 this morning,

The patrol ship, Shinano Maru

sent a signal saying that they
saw the enemy fleet in square 203.

Their course is east-northeast.

They seem to be heading toward
the Tsushima East Channel.

- I will send the order
to dispatch to the fleet.

- Yes.

- Attention!

- Akiyama-san...

- We will send this message
to Imperial Headquarters.

- Yes.

- Prepare to leave port.
Raise the anchor.

All ahead slow.

- All ahead slow!




- Jettison the excess fuel!

- Keep the decks clear!

- Hurry!

- Change!

- Get ready!

- Your lives may end today.

I am prepared to die today.

So let's fight with all we have!

Citizens of our nation have
trusted us by paying high taxes.

Today is the day to recompense the trust.

We won't be able to return to our home
country if we fail to defeat the enemy.

Keep fighting hard until
the last man standing.

We will give three cheers now.

Everyone shout as loud as possible

so our cheers will be
heard in the homeland!

The great Empire of Japan forever!
= Banzai!

- Long live the emperor!

= Banzai!

- Long live the Navy of
the Great Empire of Japan!

= Banzai!

- Now is the time for us to prove that
band members are also fine sailors.

I wish the fortunes of w*r!


= Cheers!

- Is everyone all right?

= Aye, aye!

- This is a special cigarette, pass it around.

You will calm down after firing a few sh*ts.

If you do as you were trained,
you will hit the enemy for sure.

So keep your presence of mind.

= Aye, aye!

- Never leave your post.
You can urinate on the deck.

= Aye, aye!

- Seaman Komatsu, grab your balls.

- Yes.

- How are they?
Are they still hanging there?

- Yes.
A little shrunk...

- That would be good enough!

- Dewa's fleet who met the enemy first
seems to be engaged in a battle.

1:15 PM


- Which side are we going to be fighting?

- Meal for battle!

- Kanda!

- Yes.

This is the contract...

- Enemy fleet!

- Enemy fleet!

- The enemy is seen on the left front!

Notify the entire ship about
detection of the enemy.

- That's an odd formation.

- Commander, we will
raise the signal flags.

- Yes.

- This battle will decide victory
or defeat for the w*r!

- Everyone must do his utmost!

- Everyone must do his utmost!

= Yes!

- Everyone must do his utmost!

- Did you put the hand
towel around your arm?

= Yes!

- Use it when you get injured.

Don't inhale the gas after explosions.

Cover your face with the hand towel.

Prepare for loading!
- Prepare for loading!

- Loading is prepared!

- Yes.

- Commander, a*tillery
att*cks will begin now.

Please move down to the bridge.

- I can see better here.
I am fine here.

- But...

- Everyone should go to the bridge.

All of us should not be at one place.

- Akiyama and I will stay here. The
rest will disperse within the bridge!

- 8,500!

- We are at a distance of 8,500 now.

- Chief gunner, measure
the accurate distance.

- Yes.


Which side are we going to fight with?

- Captain, hard aport!

- Hard aport?

- Yes, hard aport.

- Hard aport!

- Hard aport!


AT 14:08 ON MAY 27th

- Hang on!

- The enemy ship!

- g*n number 1 for test firing!

- Not yet?

Aren't we sh**ting yet?

- Not yet?

- Damn!

Not yet?

- Completed the turn!

- Commence firing!

- The target is the enemy number
one ship! Commence firing!

- Right side g*ns, angle at 110 degrees!

Aim at the enemy's number one ship.

- On the right side!

- Commence firing!

- Here we go!

2:15 PM

- Chief gunner, it is not hitting!

- It is getting closer.
More to the right by 2!

- Stay calm and keep loading!

- Pull yourself together!

Care for the injured!

Are you all right?
- Yes.

- Hey!

- 3 to the right!
Higher by 1!

- Hang in there!

- Pull yourself together!

- Stop the bleeding!

- Are you all right?

- Go!
Go for it!

- Enemy a*tillery hit at section 5.

Need immediate emergency help!

- Pull yourself together!

- Are you all right?

- Hey!
Pull yourself together!

- Hurry up!

- Are you all right, sir?

- Hurry up!
- Yes!

- Here we go!

We hit it!

= We did it!

- One more!

- Are you all right?

- Hang in there!

- I am burning!

- Someone! Put it out!
Hurry! Hurry!

- Stay calm!
Stay on your duty!

- Officer!
Are you all right?

- Hurry!

- Replacement!

- a*tillery att*cks!

- Chief gunner! Now is the
chance! sh**t it well!

- Left by 3!
Left by 3!

Left by 3!
Left by 3!

- Come on!

We almost got them!

- Care for the injured first!
Leave the dead for later!


- Are you all right?
Hang in there!

- Okami-san!



Petty Officer Okami!

Pull yourself together.

Hey! Shimada!
Come here!

- Is that Genta?

- Ogata-san...

Hang in there.

You must survive and compose a
symphony for future generations.

- This would never become music.


What I have seen is enough.

- Kanda...


- Petty Officer Okami, are you all right?

- Bring me back topside.

I am not dying at a place like this.

- No! You must heal the wound
first, Petty Officer Okami.

- Take me there now!

- Okami-san...

- Let me go!

- I understand how you feel.
But you can't do that now.

- Genta...

go get the trumpet.

Play it for him to calm him down.

- Ogata-san, I got it.

- Genta, hurry.

- Okami-san, hang in there.

Please pull yourself together.

- Kanda...

I am all right,

Okami would not...
die like this.

But let my men... hear
you playing... your horn.

- Okami-san!

- I will never die!

- Okami-san!

- Enemy battleship is seriously damaged!

It is burning up!

= We did it!

- We did it!

The enemy ship is sinking!

- That was a great hit!

- Listen everyone, enemy ship is sinking!

= We did it.

- Keep fighting!

- Take up your position!

Go! Go!


= Yes!

- Rotate!

Is it ready for firing?

- It's ready.

- Good!
Load the shell!

Come on!





ON SEPTEMBER 5th, 1905,
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