Battle Scars (2020)

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History/Civil Wars, Cold w*r, WWI, WWII, Rebellions, Revolutions and more! w*r movies collection.
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Battle Scars (2020)

Post by bunniefuu »

w*r... is Hell.

They teach you about w*r

train you to fight

how to use a w*apon

how to k*ll.

What you don't know how to do,
is how to come home.

How do you train for peace?

Peace is Hell for a soldier.

When I was young,
I grew up on a good street,

in a good neighborhood,
with good friends,

living the good life.

Everything was good,
and clean, and clear.

Boy, I was lucky.

So how was your day, Mikey?

I was down by the old factory.

What were you doing
down by the factory?

Tommy and Vinny.

Yeah, you know I don't like ya
hanging around those two.

- You always come back a mess.
- Yeah, yeah.

Yeah, well I'm serious, Mikey.

I don't want you playing around
the factory. It's dangerous.

It's okay, it's okay, come here.

I want you
to have something Mikey, okay?

Something that's
very dear to my heart.

My mother gave this to me
when I was just a little girl.

You've seen me with it, right?

- Yeah.
- Yeah?

She said that
if I was ever lost or scared

that this would
lead me back home.

And now, I want you to have it.


So I want you to promise me
that if you ever feel alone

that you're just going
to take out this compass

and know that
I'm always with you, okay?

- Yeah.
- Okay.

All right.
I love you. Come here.

I love you, too.

School was out,
and freedom was upon us.

I never thought
in a million years

that this would ever
happen to me.

Talk about luck.

Hey you.
Hey, beautiful.

Miss me?


'Course I did.

So what are we doing tonight?

I don't know.
I gotta talk to the guys.

The guys?

I swear.
It's like you're all married.

We are all married.

We're gonna get a big house,

we're gonna have a bunch
of wives, a bunch of kids.

Ha ha.


Just be ready for tonight, okay?

I gotta go right now
though, I'm sorry, baby.

I'm late, I gotta go meet-

The guys, I know.

You're the best.

- I love you.
- I love you too.

Oh, here he is.

Hey Mikey,
where the hell you been?

Hey guys.

What the hell
you doing all the time?

Hello, Mickey.

- Good, how you doing?
- I'm all right.

He was in the car giving
her a little one, two.

Where were you?

I was, uh, I was busy...
doing something important.

He was taking care
of some business.

Taking care
of some business. What's...

What's the lucky guy?

Better stop going out
with guys on dates.

You guys want the usual?

- Yeah, that'd be great.
- Yeah, yeah, that's good.

What about you, Vinny?

You're looking a little
glum today, sweetie.

Yeah, what's wrong with him?
I'll have the same.

Thank you.

I'll be right back
with your order.

Thank you.

Look at this guy.
Behave yourself.

Forget about it.

I think, uh...

I think I'm gonna pop
the question tonight.


This guy.
You're gonna pop the quest-really?

Congratulations, Mickey.

Thank you.
Yes, congratulations.

- God bless you.
- on your death.

God bless you and her, yeah.

Thank you.

What the hell's
the matter with you?

Yeah, you gonna
see Susan tonight?

Hey, Vinny, snap out of it!

See that look?
You gotta watch out for that.

Oh, what, is he gonna kiss me?


But Susan, Susan?

Yeah, I'm seeing her tonight.


I don't know.
We just haven't, um...

What? Speak up, speak up.

This guy-

- Guys, guys.
- You know, you know...

spit it out, Vinny.

We haven't,

yeah, we haven't...
Come on, give it to me.

Come on, give it up.

Do me a favor, keep it down.

I'm learning so much
about you, Vincent.

I've never seen it before.

Didn't I tell you that?
Have you ever touched it?

- I've touched it, yes.
- Have you ever seen the thing?

You're lying to me. You have
never even touched a p*ssy.

No, I-I've seen...
I've seen glimpses of it.

I knew it, I knew it.
Remember I told you,

Hey! Hey!

- No, don't. Don't.
- What?!

- don't, don't, don't...
- We gotta tell you something.

Honey, can't you see
I'm working here?

This guy here,
can you believe it?

He's been with this girl
for God knows how long

and he's a virgin.
He hasn't sealed the deal.

I want to tell you, sweetheart,

you look really nice today.

Thanks, honey.

Aw, virgins are
kinda cute to me.

Oh, really?

Well then you are in luck
'cause we have one right here.

If, uh, things don't work
out with yous...

you can always date me, doll.
Just let me know, capiche?

I think our friend Vincent over
here just went in his pants.

What's the hell's
the matter with you?

It's got nothing
to do with her, man.

You'll take care
of business tonight, Vinny.

Eventually some girl
is gonna wanna sleep with you.

- Yeah, don't worry.
- It's not that, guys.

It's not that,
what is it?

Your mother didn't make you
pancakes this morning.

Why you always gotta be
picking on me?

Can I tell you
something serious for once?

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

- Buck up!
- I'm getting drafted!

All right, you want
to hear that?

I got drafted this morning.

- What?
- What?

I got drafted today.

For like the Army?

What the f*ck do you
think? Of course the Army.

Are you serious?

I'm being serious with this.

I got this in the mail
this morning.

What am I gonna
tell my mom, man?

- You haven't told anyone yet?
- I don't know how to.

All right, just, we'll think
of something here, all right?

Mikey, this is not a f*ckin'
suggestion! This is a-

This is a draft card,
you understand me?!

They're not asking me,
they're telling me!

We're gonna think of
something, all right?

We're gonna think of something.

What are you gonna think about?

Listen guys,
I just wanted to tell you,

you know, like thank you, you
know and I'll miss you guys.

Listen, stop talking
like that, all right?

Listen, we grew up together.
All right?

We're like family.

Yeah, don't talk
like that any more.

Listen, think, think, think.

We're gonna figure
something out here, all right?

What am I gonna do, Mickey?

Huh, what am I gonna do?

This is not me, man,
this is not me.

We could put you in a car and
we'll sneak you

across the borde.
I will drive you to Canada.

- You could hide out.
- Who wants to go to Canada?

I'm going with you.


Mickey. I love you...

you're like a brother to
me but you got a life here.

You know I ain't got
nuthin', man,

and you got a life here.

Vinny, no, listen,

we grew up together, we're
like family, all right?

You're like my brother

and you're not going there
on your own.

Are you-you'd do that for me?

Who's gonna watch
your back, huh?

Are you serious right now?

You kidding?
We're going together?

We're going together, huh?

What are you lookin' at me for?

All right, forget about it,
I'll come too.


You need somebody to
take care of your ass.

You come too? No, you're not-

You're gonna have your
head so far up his ass,

you'll need someone to
watch out for you

and I'll sh**t them little gooks

when you guys are doing nothing.

You know he wouldn't do it.

I'd end up sh**ting
you in the ass

And I'd sh**t you just because.

Just make sure I'm not with
Becky when you do it, huh?

Hey, God bless you, Mickey.

What's up?

- I love you.
- I love you too.

So much.

I do too.

You know I want to be
with you, right?

Yeah, I want to be
with you too.

I want to be with you,

be with you.

I-I've never felt
like this before.

- Me neither.
- Not with anyone.

I love you.

I have to tell you something.


Vinny got a draft card today.

- He did?
- Yeah, he did.

He's going into the w*r.

- That's awful.
- Yeah.


He must be really
upset about it.

Yeah, I mean can you
imagine Vinny in the w*r?

I think I'm the one that taught
him to tie his shoelaces.

His shoelaces are
always untied.

The kid's a mess.

I know, he is.

I told him I was going with him.


Because he's my brother.
He's my family, and I... I...

I can't risk losing him.

Can you imagine him out there
in the middle of the w*r?

I mean, like, he-

- Why would you go?

I'm... I'll be there to...
I'm like his brother. I'll-

I'm gonna take care
of him out there.

- Tommy's coming too.
- No.

We're gonna look after
each other. And we're gonna...

We're gonna take care of
each other out there, so...

What about me?

You can't just leave like that.

I know, I know,
I'm sorry, I'm sorry.

I didn't-I wasn't planning on
this, this just happened.

You promised we would spend
the whole summer together.

Baby, I promise-
We have some time.

We're gonna spend a lot
of time together but-

- I want to spend time
after the summer together.

I do too, I really
do. I don't want to go.

- Baby, I don't want to go.
- I don't want to be here.

I want you to take me home.

Mary, listen to me.

No, no, I want to go home.

- I want to go home.
- Listen to me.

- I'm sorry, Mary, I have to go.
- No.

- No, you don't.
- I have to.

- No, you don't. You can stay here with me.
- Yes, I do.

- I have to go, Mary!
- No, you don't.

Yes, I do! I can't
leave him there!

I can't leave him
by himself there!

Tommy's coming! We're gonna
look after each other.

What about me?

What am I to you?!

I love you so much.
You are everything to me.

I love you too, and
that's why you should stay.

I don't want to go, Mary.

I don't want to go
but I have to.

You understand?
Do you understand that?

He's my family. He's my
brother, and I have to go.

I don't want you to go.

I promise you that it's all
gonna work out somehow, okay?

Everything's gonna
work out, okay?

I believe you.

Everything's gonna be fine.

I want to be with you forever.

I do too.

You do?


I do.

Back before you know it.
Blink of an eye.

Pick up right
where we left off.

To a ticker tape parade,
and a hero's welcome.

- Yes.
- Yeah?




Five hundred and forty nine
thousand soldiers

served in Vietnam
in the year 1969.

Five hundred and forty nine
thousand goodbyes.

- Mickey.
- Hey, let's go!

Hey, Mikey, let's go!

That's my cue.

Five hundred and forty nine
thousand promises to come home.

Hey, come on, assh*le.

We gotta get goin'. You all rig?

Mary, we'll see you later, huh?

Hey, what do you want, a
f*ckin' parade? Get in the car.

We'll have him back to you
in no time, all right?



Look at this guy.

Don't worry, we'll make sure
we tuck him in at night.

- Mary, we'll see you soon.
- Yeah.

See you in a bit. We'll have
him back before no time.

They'll probably kick
us out for being ugly.

The thing about luck is...

you don't know you had it,
until after it's gone.

All right, here we go, boys.

Here we go, boys.

Thanks so much
for coming with me, guys.

I told you before, if I
get shot while I'm over there,

- I'm gonna f*cking k*ll you.
- Thank you so much, Mickey.

And so it went on.

We made our plans.

Vinny got laid.

Tommy was still an assh*le.

And just like a bunch of
ready-made tin toy soldiers...

we were processed
and shipped out.

And the w*r would be just
an adventurous interlude

a brief chapter in our
long fortunate lives.

Hey, how come you ain't eating?

'Cause I ain't hungry.

Here, have some of mine.

You're like my mother
sometimes, you know that?


Who else is gonna let you know

which end of that r*fle's
the dangerous one?

That one, right?


Hey, how's Mary doing?

You heard from her?

- Yeah.
- Yeah?

- She's good.
- Yeah?

She's pregnant.

- No.
- Yeah, yeah.

- No.
- Yeah.

You're gonna be a daddy?
You're gonna be a daddy?

You're gonna be a daddy?
Look at you. All grown up.

- Can you believe that?
- Congratulations, Mickey.

I'm gonna be a father.

I'm gonna be a father!

I'm so sorry, Mickey.

Damn, I'm so sorry.

What are you talking about?

I got you
in this sh*thole, man.

You and Tommy, you shouldn't
be here, this was my fight.

I just want you to know
that you should

be at home with your wife,
meet your kid, you know?

Nah man, we're in this together.

I just hope we make
it out all right, man.

In the middle of
the bloodiest time of the w*r,

we saw too many of us fall.

We were looking
for the big fight

the highest kills

but the VC knew it.

Their platoons stayed small,

moved constantly,

used our own signals
against us,

ambushed us,
then disappeared.

But if we did
catch up to them,

we had a score to settle.

And we were f*cking pissed.

Holy shit...


Look what we got here, fellas.

Go ahead.

Pull it.

Pull the f*cking thing.

Pull it!

Pull it, m*therf*cker.

Pull it.

Looks like we got ourselves
here a quitter, guys.

- Hold this.
- Baptize his ass, Squiggs?

You know what we do
to quitters, huh?

Yeah! Baptize that
m*therf*cker! Go ahead!

Oh yeah,
how you like that, huh?

When people ask me
about the w*r,

I don't know what to say.

Go ahead!
Earn your stripes, baby!

Yeah! Get it in his mouth!
Get it in his f*ckin' mouth!

Yeah, you motherfucka.

I could tell them
about the VC.

I could say how you lose
your humanity.

How you like that?

How I witnessed it firsthand.

How it still haunts me today.

It burns, right? It burns!

How we did our duty.

Served our country.

Honored our last brothers.

- Squiggs, Squiggs, come on, man-
- Shut the f*ck up!

But did we really?

I don't know.

f*ckin' earn your stripes!

What the f*ck
is goin' on here?

But I do know

that anybody
that wasn't there

would never understand it.

- Get the f*ck out.
- Yes, sir.



Cover me while I move!


Don't go, Mickey! Mickey!

Don't do it!







Let me see it.

- Please...
- Medic!





- Echo Three, this is-
- Blackbird!

Blackbird, do you read me?!

We need air support now!

We need help!
Where the f*ck are you?!

76 Bravo,
this is 24...

I need a medi-vac here!

We need air support now!
We got men down!

Do you copy?!

You're gonna
be all right, all right?

Don't f*ckin' lie to me.

You're lookin' good,
all right? It's nothing.

It's like the time you fell off
the porch. Remember that?

Stay with me, okay?

Stay with me! Stay with me!

Looking good,
all right, buddy?

- I don't wanna die.
- You're not gonna die!

Stay with me,
stay with me, okay?

f*ckin' Joe DiMaggio, right?

Here, here, here, all right?

I f*ckin' hate Joe DiMaggio.

Come on,
we gotta go!

Sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!
I'm sorry! I'm sorry!

Hang in there, okay buddy?

You're lookin' good.
Lookin' good. Stay with me.

Look at me! Look at me! Look
at me! Stay with me, okay?

Stay with me! Stay with me!

I f*ckin' hate
Joe DiMaggio too, man.

Let's go,
move out, move out!

We gotta move out!
We gotta get him outta here!

Come on, let's go, let's go!

Let's move!

Get him up!

That was the last time
I ever saw Tommy.

I knew every expression
he ever made.

But after that day,

I could never get that look
on his face out of my head.

I told the guys
in my platoon,

"I don't know
if he made it to Heaven,"

"but if Tommy ever
saw the Devil,"

"he'd look him right
in the face"

"and he'd tell him,
'Go f*ck yourself.'"

They nodded, and laughed

and toasted to my friend.

Of course, that false bravado
came from fear.

A fear that grew inside each
and every one of us.

Something we'd never be able
to say out loud.

Never be able to name
or put a face to.

But there it was.

And it never went away.

There was no
hero's welcome for us.

There were protests
in the street.

We served our country.

And they hated us for it.

The Vietnam w*r was over
for me now.

But another battle
had just begun.

Who needs
a damn parade anyway.

You remember the men
who fell before you in W W Two.

A real w*r, I might add.

- You wanted to see me, sir?
- You like your job, De-puke-o?

It's DeLucca, sir,
Michael DeLucca.

I could give a rat's ass.

The answer is


you do not like your job.

It's people like me who
made this country strong.

The men who stand up,
who make a difference.

And I certainly
don't wanna lose it all

to no lazy f*ckin' alcoholic
pathetic goomba piece of shit!

Excuse my French.

Like yourself.

Excuse me, sir, but I
fought for this country.

I'm cuttin' your hours!

- No, sir, wait-
- Get the hell outta my sight!

I need those hours!

- Yo Rocky, what's up, buddy?
- Hey, where you been?!

Tony, what did I tell you, man?

You don't even gotta say it
but you're welcome, brother!

f*ck you, you prick!

Yo, what's up? How was work?

What's the matter with you?

Marty cut my hours.

Piece of shit.

- You're telling me.
- You know what you need to do, right?

The next time Marty calls
you into his office,

you wait until that m*therf*cker

starts giving you one of them,
how do you call those?

- I built America.
- I built America. That's it. That's the one.

Well right when he's done,
you get up

and say "Thank you very
much," pull your pants down

and tell him to kiss your
ass and walk the f*ck out.

- Yeah?
- Do it.

Yeah, thanks
for the tip, Danny.

Hey, if it were me, I'd take
a shit on his f*ckin' desk,

but hey...
I just work here, right?

- I'm getting f*cking evicted.
- I don't know how much longer

I can take this
low paying shit, Danny.

I can't do it anymore.

You take it easy.

My man, stay tight!

Yo Mikey!

What are you doing later, eh?

I don't know, why?

Jesus, Danny,
I have a question for you.

You heard of an AC?
'Cause this shit ain't working.

It is f*ckin' hotter in
here than it is outside.

Sorry bro, been
meaning to get that fixed.


All right, so this is for
real, this is the place?

So what kinda work
you do in there?

Simple shit, you know,
plumbing, electrical.

Whatever that prick needs,
he calls me. Nothing more.

Pays me shit.

If you want out, now's
the time. You know that, right?

Yeah, I know that.


'Cause you're about to be a
f*ckin' rich m*therf*cker!

- Rich m*therf*cker.
- That's right!

Rich m*therf*cker.

So how are we planning
on doing that?

There's a safe.

Greedy m*therf*cker
barely pays me

but he's sitting
on a shitload of cash.

- Yeah, how do you know that?
- I hear things.

So where is it?

Hand me that Allen
wrench over there, will you?

Tell you the truth,

I ain't quite sure.


What do you mean you
ain't quite f*cking sure?!

- Hey, lower your g*dd*mn voice.
- Danny, I swear to God...

if you're gettin' yourself in
one of these f*cking cockamamie-

It's here. It's here, all right?


Behind one of them paintings
or some shit.

Saw them hide it once.

Not sure where really.

Why? Why would they do that?

They live upstairs.

What's so f*cking funny, Danny?

Jesus, you're really aiming
for the fence with this one.

Tell me about it.
Guess they figured

it'd be a safe place to hide it.
Beats the f*ck outta me.

Old f*ckin' bastard didn't
trust me either, I guess.

Yeah, I wonder why.

Smart ass.

There you are, you bastard.

Freeze your f*ckin' balls
off now, m*therf*cker!

We just have to find it, Mikey.

It's as easy as that.

Hey, don't think so much.

You'll give yourself a
f*ckin' aneurism, come on.

Hey, neighbor.

Hey. What's with you always
showing up out of nowhere?

Sometimes it's good to be
invisible to assholes, right?

I wouldn't know, Houdini.

Where ya headed?

Drown my sorrows. Wanna come?

I got a better idea.

Not likely.

- Meet me at Pauley's at 8.
- Pauley's, isn't that, uh...

I hate delis!

Tough shit!

I like to come out here.
Think about things.

Every time I close my eyes,

I remember.

Every time I wake up at night,

I walk the streets,
I take the bus,

I talk to people, I
shake hands.

I remember.

I need a change, Jane.

I need to get out
of this f*cking town.

If I left, would you
come with me?

Michael, we
don't have to run away.

You can make a change here.

You're right.

I can.

And tomorrow night,
everything is gonna change.

Yeah, how's that?

I got a break.

What kind of break?

A new job.

Oh really, where?

- At a... art gallery.
- Art?

I didn't know
you were into art.

Yeah, me neither.

The one on
Washington and Cherry?

- Yeah, that's the one.
- That's pretty fancy.

How'd you get a job there?



What's inside
that head of yours?

heard too many companies,

too many battalions
wanna walk the road.

This is
CBS News Special Report.

The world of Charlie Company
with CBS News Correspondent-

...their attitude since 1970.
A sense of independence.

Sometimes there was
open rebellion.

I'm here.

It was an internal
conflict within the Armed Forces

Why can't you stay?

He's my
brother. He's my family. I-

- I'll be there to-I'm like,
I'm like, I'm like his brother.

I'm gonna take care
of him out there.

- Tommy's going too.
- No!

We're gonna look after
each other and we're gonna-

- So you're just
gonna leave?

Why can't you stay?

We're gonna take
care of each other out there...

determined to survive.

Yes! Yes! Yes!

They insisted
on having something that-

Pass, Dad.

Hi, Dad.



My life before the w*r now
feels like a distant dream.

When your every day is k*ll
or be k*lled, there's almost a

comfort to
the simplicity of it.

And then you come back.

And it's almost as if w*r

made more sense
than it does over here.

I knew guys that kept
going back to Nam.

I thought they were crazy.

But once I got back,

I finally understood why.

You come back to a world

you can no longer remember.

Dear Michael,

I hope this letter finds
you in good health.

I can't pretend to imagine

what you've been through
these last few months.

Enclosed is a picture of
your newborn son, Jacob.

We couldn't bring ourselves
to give you this news earlier

and it saddens me to
tell you this, Michael.

Mary died giving birth
to your son.

Complications in childbirth.

He needs you now more
than ever with her gone

and we need you as well.

He's here with us.
We're waiting for you.

Hardship discharge.

I guess they didn't
need me anymore.

But that didn't matter.

I had a son
to look after now.

Mary's parents were taking
care of him for me.

So I was going home.



Would you like to hold your son?

My son.

Don't worry, your father's here.
Everything's gonna be all right.



I can't find it.

I can't find it.

My compass.

Vinny, I can't find
my compass, man!

I'm so-I'm sorry.

Leave it at the door.


Sorry for waking you.

Don't worry about it.

I needed to get a headstart
on cleaning anyway.

I can see that.

Oh, you like that?

I brought groceries, you know?

I owe you one, missy.

This is a
historic moment.

The arrival of the North
Vietnamese Army in Saigon.

Right in the middle of
Saigon, just after 12 o'clock,

Just after noon. Here they are
pouring down the main avenue.

This w*r's gonna be over soon.

This w*r is never gonna be over.

Seriously Michael, it's
just a matter of time.

You know, thanks for
breakfast but I gotta get going.

You barely ate.

I'll finish it later.

Michael, listen, uh...

A few of us are getting
together later and, well,

I completely understand if
you don't want to come but

I guess what
I'm trying to say is-

Spit it out, Jane.

There's a protest.


Look. Just come by and hear
it out, see how you feel.

- Just think about-
- Don't!

You should let your hair
down more, you know.

Four days,
you hear me. Four days!

Hey, Mr. Mortetti! Nice
to hear you this morning!

f*ck off!

What was all that about?

- I think I made a friend.
- Oh really?

- Jane.
- Let's see.


Jane, please.

Nice, looks like you got it
all figured out, don't you?

- What, like you?
- Like me?

- Gimme a break.
- No, what about me?

Go back out there and fight
for shit that doesn't exist.

At least I stand
for something.

Stop! Stop!

You stand for nothing...

but yourself.

That's not true.


They talk about
the horrors of w*r.

But that's just what it is.

Just talk.

If you've ever seen it,

you don't talk about it.

Because there is no talk.

There aren't any words
to describe it right.

Because it's not words.

It's images of your friends
getting shot up.

It's sounds of screams and
the deathly silence afterwards.

It's smells of their stench
and rotting flesh.

It's bloodstains you can't
ever wash away.

Any minute now.

It's a little chilly
out there tonight.

Where the f*ck have you been?

Who the f*ck is this?

Joe, nice to meet you.


I meant to tell you about this.

- You meant to tell me?
- Yeah.

- Is there a problem here?
- No, there's no problem.

Yeah, there's a f*cking problem!
Who the f*ck is this?!

Look, I'm not gonna get
in your way, all right?

This is - shut up - this is Joe.

He's my kid sister's boyfriend,
all right?

You're out of your f*cking mind.
Danny, what are you doing to me?

Come on, look, I'm not
gonna get it your way.

- Joey, do me a favor, will ya?
- Yeah.

Shut the f*ck up.

Shut the f*ck up.

Look he's really down to do this
with us, all right?

You're out
of your f*cking mind.

You told me this would be easy.
We're in, we're out!

Nothing's changed, okay?
He's just gonna be a lookout.

- A lookout?!
- That's right.

Believe me, we might need him.

f*cking Christ.

Look, I'm not gonna
get in y'all's way.

- I know you're not gonna get-
- All right, all right!

We f*ckin' heard you, you f*ck!
Shut the f*ck up.

All right, nice to meet you.


All right, one big family
reunion, all right, okay.

Look, anything happens
with this kid, it's on you.

f*ck that! It's on him!

You know that, don't you?

Yeah, yeah Danny, I get you.

Now can we do this? I'm ready.

Where do we start?

Check the desk over there.
There must be a key somewhere.

A key?!

I thought you said they hid it.

That's what I said.

Then how do you know
we need a g*dd*mn key?!

Shut the f*ck up
and help me, will you?

Danny, I swear to
Christ, it better be here.

Lower your voice.

- Guys, guys!
- What?

Sh. I think I heard something.



Is someone down there?!

Albert, who is it?

Don't you f*ckin' move!
Where is it?!

- What the f*ck, man?!
- Don't make me

ask you again!
Where the f*ck is it?!

What the f*ck, man?!

Goddammit! Shut that
f*cking bitch up right now!

Be cool, man!

I got it! I got it! I'll do it.

Keep looking, dammit!

What the f*ck, lady?!

Shut up, lady!

You have no idea
of the consequences.

Shut up, lady,
shut up, shut up!

Take it easy, kid!

You have no idea who
you're trying to take from.

You're not gonna
get away with it.

Well I plan to.

Where is it, man?

There ain't nothing here,
man. There ain't nothing here!

What do we do, man?

It's here! It's here!

Where the f*ck is it?!

I'm thinking!

You're thinking?!

f*ck you, Danny!

Kid, I told you to take it easy.

You see what you
made me do, huh, you see?

Everybody shut the f*ck up!
I can't hear myself think!

All right, f*ck it, that's it.

f*ck it, we gotta move,
you hear me, you hear me?!

I said f*ck it! Let's go!

Come on, man.



I'm not gonna say it again,
you f*ckin' cheapskate.

No more playing around.

She dies if we don't find
nothing, you understand?

- Do you understand?!
- Yes!

- Danny.
- Shut up!

- Danny, don't do this.
- Shut up!

- What are you f*cking doing?
- Shut the f*ck up!

What the f*ck are you doing?

Joe! Do it!


Lemme do it! Lemme do it!

Hold up! Hold up!



No? You gonna tell me?

Where the f*ck is it?

Come on! Tell me!

- Okay.
- Okay?

- Okay.
- That's it.

Take me to it. Joe!
Go with him, Joe!

- You lucky bitch.
- Hurry up, man!

We gotta move!


Hurry up man, we gotta move!

Let's go-Michael!

We gotta move! Let's go!

Mikey! What are you
standing around for?!

A little help, would ya?!



Move! Move!
Don't look at her.

Don't look at her.
She's dead already. Go!

Eyes front, bitch! Eyes front!

Let's go, Joe!
What's happening?!

- Open it, open the safe.
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.

I'm opening, I'm opening.

It's here, it's here?

- Yeah.
- It's here?

- Yeah, yeah, yeah.
- Move it!

- I'm opening! I'm opening!
- Move it!


What are you doing?!

Stop this!

You f*cking told her.

Open it now!

Don't do this!

Jane, leave now.


Michael, get her the
f*ck outta here, man.

Please, go home.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

I think we got something!

It's too late.

Get her the f*ck
outta here, man!

- Open it up!
- Yeah, I'm opening.


Woo! Jackpot!

- Do we got it?!
- I think we got something!

Move it.


Woo! Jackpot!


Oh, shit.



- I can't do that.
- Leave now.

I can't do that, man.
Listen to me!



Michael, just forget it!

It's gonna be all right.

- I'm gonna count to three.
- Michael!

It's gonna be all right.

- One...
- Michael!

I'm not leaving without that!

- Two...
- Michael, stop!


Jackpot, m*therf*cker.

Grab whatever you can!

You f*ckin' hear me?!
Let's get outta here, man!

Go, please!

It's gonna be okay.


Did you f*ckin' hear me?!
Let's go!

It's okay! Let's leave and
forget any of this happened!

So you're gonna listen
to this bitch now, eh?!

Day after day I hear you,
yap-yap-yap, blah-blah-blah...

You can't pay shit!
That you ain't worth shit!

I go ahead and offer you shit

and you puss out on me
like a little bitch?!

- Don't listen to this psycho!
- Shut the f*ck! Up!

f*ck you, Danny!

- f*ck me?!
- Yeah, f*ck you!


f*ck you, bitch!

If a person has a soul

I think it's like a sponge.

A recorder of events



everything you see and do.

Soaking it all up.

And then carrying it
with you wherever you go.


You don't talk much,
do you, son?

Well, that's all right. I'll
wake you when the ride's over.

I didn't have
a reason anymore.

No direction.

No schedule.

No agenda.

No tasks.

No leader
telling me what to do.

It's all gone now.

And I'm all alone.


for something

a foothold

to keep me from sliding
off the face of the earth

for answers

for an escape

for hope

a way forward

a way through it all

to take me anywhere

anywhere but here.

And then eventually,

you find that some things
start searching for you.

You're making me come.


Oh, God.

- Do something for me?
- Oh, anything, baby.

Close your eyes.

That's it.

Shh, shh, shh,
don't breathe now.

Saddle up!

- Oh God, oh God...
- You like that?

- Yeah.
- Louder!

Hey, where you going?

Where you going?

Where you going?

Come on!

You better be washing
that shit, m*therf*cker.

Are my windows clean?

That's him, that's him.
That's him, Billy Boy.

So, man. You are havin' some
sort of problem there, fella?

Look, why don't you guys do
yourselves a favor, huh?

Walk on.

We got an out-of-town baby
k*ller on our hands, don't we?

Woo, baby boy.

We surely do, Billy,
we surely do.

I'm gonna need you to back
the f*ck up from that car.

Do it, f*gg*t!
You got a problem here?

Listen to him, boy.

Turn around!

What the f*ck?

I said
turn your ass around, boy.

- Seems like he likes it.
- What the f*ck?

This some sorta
f*ckin' comedy show, huh?

What the f*ck is so
funny with you, bitch?

What the f*ck's
the matter with you?

m*therf*cker, I'll give
you something to laugh at.

I'll give you
something to giggle.

He's a f*ckin' loon, Lloyd.

- You wanna know?
- Tell me, boy!

You f*ckin' tell me.

There ain't nothing,

that you can do to me that
hell hasn't already done.

- f*ck.
- He's talkin' purty!


Let's get him now, boys.

Sure. I needed help.

A little support.

In the end,

I just needed the w*r to stop.

Mickey, I love you.

You're like a brother to
me but you got a life here.

You're kidding,
we're going together?

We're going together, huh?

you like to hold your son?

Just hope we make it out
all right.

Hey, Mikey! Let's go!

Your son needs
his father. Come back to us.

Move out, move out.

Mikey, this is not a
f*ckin' suggestion, man.

This is a draft card,
you understand me?

I'm so sorry! Medic!

I can't find my compass, man.

Enclosed is
a picture of your newborn son.

He's here with us,
we're waiting for you.



Hello, is anybody there?

Who is it, baby?

I don't know,
no one's answering.




Is that you?



I can't find it.

I can't find it.

My compass.

Vinny, I can't find
my compass, man!

Hey Mickey. I got it, man.

No, Vinny, no!

When I was a little boy,

my mother gave this to me.

And she told me that
if I was ever lost or scared

that this would lead me
back home.

And now, I want you to have it.

And if you ever feel alone,

you just take out this compass

and know that
I'm always with you.

Because I love you very much,
my son.

This is Jacob.

You're not gonna
believe this.

We found your father.

Here's the address.

My mother used to say

you either bend

or you break.

And when you break,

sometimes you grow stronger
in the broken places.

And sometimes, you don't.

But if you can last

if you can stick it out

time has a funny way

of curing even the incurable.

And then sometimes

when we're standing
on the precipice

staring into the abyss
of it all

life can offer us even
just glimmer of hope

Take it.

It's worth it.

And then maybe

just maybe

you can have some peace

my friend.
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