Platoon (1986)

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History/Civil Wars, Cold w*r, WWI, WWII, Rebellions, Revolutions and more! w*r movies collection.
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Platoon (1986)

Post by bunniefuu »



MAN: Johnson!

Yes, sir!

- Honeycutt!
- Here!

- Melvin!
- Here.

Oh, man. Is that what I think it is?

All right, you cheese dicks,
welcome to the Nam. Follow me!

I'll be dipped in shit!

New meat!
You dudes gonna love the Nam.

MAN 1: For f*cking ever.

MAN 2: 365 and a wake-up.

Oh, Lord!

MAN 3: Xin loi, buddy.



Get him up here.

MAN ON RADIO: Sky Six, Ripper Six, radio
check. Over.

BARNES: Watch it below!


BARNES: Morehouse, drop back to slack.


BARNES: Who's on Tail-end Charlie?

MAN ON RADIO: Eagle, Eagle, Ripper Six.
Pos rep follows.

I, Shackle, Lima, Whiskey,
Alpha, Whiskey, Foxtrot.

Warren, move Sanderson out on flank.

- Say, Huffmeister!
- Yo!

- You got a smoke?
- HUFFMEISTER: No, I'm out of those!

Xin loi, man.

HARRIS: Bravo Two-Six.

What's the delay up on point?

You having compass trouble again, Wolfe?


Come higher.



- Get up.
- Get up.

BARNES: Get a move on, boy.



Boy, what you waiting for?

Ain't gonna bite you.

That's a good gook.

Good and dead.



Cherry. Yo! Cherry!

Two-five-two actual. Move it out. Six says
we're jamming them up back there. Over.

Tell that dipshit to get unfucked.

WOLFE: This is Two-Five, be advised.
We're moving out shortly. Out.

What the hell's the matter with you,

You are one simple son of a bitch.

I'm sorry, Sergeant.

Get that other cherry up here. Gardner.

- And the Doc.
- Gardner! Doc! Up!

Gardner and the Doc, to the front!
To the front!

Gardner, up.

Gardner, get your ass up the hill,
you fat f*ck!

Hurry up, bubble-butt!


MAN ON RADIO: Pos rep follows.

I, Shackle, Lima, Whiskey,

Alpha, Whiskey, Foxtrot,

Foxtrot, Echo, Whiskey, Shackle.

You all right?

Ants. I got ants all over my neck.

You got some f*cking red ants.

Bites are K*llers.

Black ants are the worst.

Hurry up, lard-ass.

- Better lose some weight.
- Better hustle up, bacon.

I'm so tired!


Just a little.

Don't drink too much.

Look, I don't want you drinking any more.
All right?

I don't want you cramping up.

You're humping too much stuff, troop.

You don't need half this shit.

I'll haul it for you,

but next time you check with me first,
all right?

Okay. Thanks, Sarge.

- All right, you okay?
- Yeah.

MAN ON RADIO.' TWO-TWO, this is Six.

I understand you have a bird inbound
at your pos at this time.

RTO: Bravo Six, Bravo Six, be advised.

Resupply helo is inbound at this time.


MAN: Come on, you people! Get ready.
Get that a*mo off now!

Move it!


It ain't D-E-R-E, it's D-E-A-R.

And Sarah ain't got no two "R"s, King.
Damn, you dumb!

It don't make no difference.
She know what I mean.

She don't read too good nohow.


JUNIOR: Look at this shit! Pork again!

Man, why don't you let me have
that turkey loaf for this pork shit, man?

Just today. I can't eat this shit, Harold!

What you been smoking, Junior?

I hope you don't get that laundry gig.
I hope Manny get it.

'Cause your ass need
to hump, hump, and hump.

Hey, white boy, what you waiting for?
That hole ain't gonna dig itself.

Come on, boy.
Get your d*ck skin on that thing! Dig!

We ain't got all day! Dig! Dig!

CHRIS: Somebody once wrote,

"Hell is the impossibility of reason."

That's what this place feels like. Hell.

I hate it already, and it's only been a week.
Some g*dd*mn week, Grandma.

The hardest thing I think I've ever done
is go on point. Three times this week.

I don't even know what I'm doing.

A gook could be standing three feet
in front of me, and I wouldn't know it.

I'm so tired.

We get up at 5:00 a.m., hump all day,

camp around 4:00 or 5:00,
dig a foxhole, eat.

Then put out an all-night ambush
or a three-man listening post in the jungle.

It's scary, 'cause nobody tells me
how to do anything 'cause I'm new.

Nobody cares about the new guys.
They don't even want to know your name.

The unwritten rule is
a new guy's life isn't worth as much

'cause he hasn't put his time in yet.

And they say if you're gonna get k*lled
in the Nam,

it's better to get it in the first few weeks.

The logic being you don't suffer that much.

If you're lucky,
you get to stay in the perimeter at night,

and then you pull a three-hour guard shift.

So, maybe you sleep three, four hours
a night,

but you don't really sleep.

I don't think I can keep this up for a year,

I think I made a big mistake coming here.

We've got beaucoup movement.


The third battalion just got hit
15 klicks north of here.

Charlie had claymores
strung up in the trees.

Blew a whole f*cking platoon to pieces.
Bad shit.


Yeah, they got two lieutenants
and a captain.


All right, Sergeant,
who do you want on ambush?

Elias, you take your squad out.

Warren, you stay in,

but I need Tex and Junior from your squad.

Roger that.

Okay, move out in two-zero mikes.

I thought it was O'Neill's turn tonight.

Tubbs and Morehouse are short.

Fu Sheng's going on an R&R tomorrow,

and you want to send them out
on an ambush?

You got the fresh meat, buddy.

They don't know shit, Barnes,

and chances are
we're gonna run into something.

Think about it.

O'NEILL: That's just great, Bob,
and what do you want me to do?

Send one of my guys out to get zapped

so some lame-ass just in from the world
can get his beauty sleep? No.

Hey, O'Neill, take a break.

You don't have to be a prick
every day of your life, you know.

Elias, get your men ready.

Guy's in three years, he thinks
he's Jesus f*cking Christ or something.

O'Neill, your short-timers stay in,
but you go out.

I need veterans out there.

Sergeant Barnes.


I think, in front of the men,
it's necessary for me to give the orders.

Yes, sir.

TEX: Shit, looks like it's gonna rain.

Man, it's gonna piss on us all night.

Gonna put a serious case of crotch rot
on that your ugly face of yours, Junior.

g*dd*mn, man.
You break your ass for the white man.

No justice, right?

What's O'Neill got,
a nose up the lieutenant's ass already?

How come we always get f*cking ambush?

'Cause it's politics, man, politics.

Hey, Chris, did I show you
a picture of Lucy Jean?

No, you didn't.

She's the one for me, all right,
that Lucy Jean.

- And she's waiting for me, too.
- Yeah, she's real pretty.

You're a lucky guy, Gardner.

- Hey, you got a picture of your girl?
- No.

I guess that leaves some unlucky girl
back at home, don't it?

Tuck this in.

Shitcan this.

Don't need this. Turn around.


Come on.

Tex, you got Junior and Taylor here
on your position.

God damn it, Elias,
don't mess with my pig.

I ain't getting greased
on this bush tonight,

so you keep this sorry cheese-d*ck
off my ass.

You got Taylor.

Gardner, you're with me.

Look, case anything happens to you,
you get lost or separated,

-don't yell out, okay?
- Okay.

- Just sit tight, and we'll get to you.
- All right.

Yo! Saddle up!

Lock and load!




CHRIS: Of course, Mom and Dad
didn't want me to come here.

They wanted me to be just like them,

respectable, hard-working,
a little house, a family.

They drove me crazy
with their g*dd*mn world, Grandma.

You know Mom.

I guess, I mean, I've always been sheltered
and special.

I just want to be anonymous,
like everybody else.

Do my share for my country.

Live up to what Grandpa did
in the first w*r, and Dad did in the second.

Well, here lam, anonymous, all right.

With guys nobody really cares about.

They come from the end of the line,
most of them,

small towns you never heard of.

Pulaski, Tennessee. Brandon, Mississippi.

Pork Bend, Utah. Wampum, Pennsylvania.

Two years high school's about it.

Maybe if they're lucky,
a job waiting for them back in a factory

But most of them got nothing.

They're poor. They're the unwanted.

Yet they're fighting
for our society and our freedom.

It's weird, isn't it? They're
the bottom of the barrel, and they know it.

Maybe that's why
they call themselves grunts,

'cause a grunt can take it,
can take anything.

They're the best I've ever seen, Grandma.
The heart and soul.

Hey, Taylor.

Hey, cheese-d*ck, you're up.

- What?
- You're up.

You sure you know how to work
the claymores, dude?

Yeah. I'm sure.

Flick the safety off
and bang on that sucker three times.

Three times. I got it.

And don't catch any "Z"s on me, buddy,
or I'll sling your sorry ass.

- You hear me?
- Okay.

CHRIS: Maybe I finally found it,
way down here in the mud.

Maybe from down here
I can start up again.

Be something I can be proud of
without having to fake it,

be a fake human being.

Maybe I can see something I don't yet see
or learn something I don't yet know.

I miss you.

I miss you very much.

Tell Mom I miss her, too. Chris.




All right, m*therf*cker!

It's your shift, man!


Here, take this.






TEX: Blow the f*cking claymorel

Take the safety off! g*dd*mn it.

- Drop it!
- Take the safety off, boy!

Feed me, Junior!
Get over here and feed me!

MAN ON RADIO: Bravo Two, Bravo Two,


My f*cking arm! My f*cking arm!

- Jesus f*cking Christ! My arm!
- Easy, Tex! Easy, boy!

I'm getting you medicine.


HAROLD: Doc, over here. Gardner's hit!

- Be right there!
- Oh, shit.

I'm hit!

HAROLD: Doc, he's hit, too.
JUNIOR: Taylor's hit!

- Taylor's hit!
- Oh, shit.


CHRIS: How bad is it, Doc?

That dumb f*ck didn't blow his claymorel

DOC: Just relax, man, it's a scratch.

Hold this on here.

Don't lie to me, Doc! How bad is it?

He let them walk right up on us.
He was sleeping on his g*dd*mn shift!

No, I did not.

DOC: Big Harold, you keep an eye on him.
You don't let him go into shock.

Shut up! Shut up and take the pain!
Take the pain!


MAN ON RADIO: Redleg, Redleg, Bravo Six.
I have NDPs at this time. Over.


Hey, little guy, you're gonna be okay.

Okay? Don't worry.

Big Harold.

Do you know if... If you're gonna die?

Do you feel like
everything's just gonna be fine?

Don't give me that morbid bullshit.
We're about to get out of here.

They gonna give you
three hot meals a day,

white sheets.

Them pretty white nurses,

they gonna give you blowjobs
if you pay them enough.

I heard all about them white b*tches.

Don't baby-talk him, man!

The cocksucker fell asleep. He let them
walk right up on us and he don't do shit!

Just shut up, Junior.

You relax, okay, man?



It's not so bad,



How long is...

How long is...


DOC: Come on, bird's on the way, man.
Hang in there! You're gonna make it!


Come on, Gardner, hang in there!
You're gonna make it.

Come on! Don't quit!

Come on, Gardner! Help me!
Don't give up!


Y'all take a good look at this lump of shit.

Remember what it looks like.

You f*ck up in a firefight

and I g*dd*mn guarantee you
a trip out of the bush

in a body bag!

Out here, assholes,
you keep your shit wired tight at all times!

And that goes for you, shit-for-brains.

You don't sleep on no f*cking ambush!

And the next son of a bitch
I catch copping "Z"s in the bush,

I'm personally gonna take an interest
in seeing him suffer.

I shit you not.

Doc, tag him and bag him.

I didn't fall asleep, Sergeant.

- It was Junior.
- Shut your face, chicken shit.

You in big trouble, boy.

Excuses are like assholes, Taylor,

everybody got one.

ELIAS: Knock it off!

We got two men need attention here.

Police up your extra a*mo and frags.

Don't leave nothing for the dinks.



carry Gardner.

The man would be alive if he had
a few more days to learn something.

KING: Hey, Taylor. What's in the breeze?

- Okay, got light duty. Three days' worth.
- No shit!

- Yeah.
- Well, too bad we in base camp anyway.

- What you got, beers?
- Yeah.

Just stole me some from the Top's supply.


Shit, he been stealing it from us anyway.

Hey, Taylor! What, are you back?

Yeah, it looks like it.

Hey, King,
where'd you get those beers, boy?

- KING: I found it.
- Oh, you found it.

You going on report, son, now.

Yeah, both of you come with me.
I got a little job for you.


MAN ON RADIO: Good morning, Vietnam.


This is the bright sound in the a.m.


I'm too short for this shit, man.

They always f*cking with us! No letup.

Politics, man. f*cking politics.

That O'Neill, he's got his nose so far up
Top's ass, he's gotta be Pinocchio.

Thirty-nine and a wake-up, a pause for
the cause, and I'm a gone m*therf*cker!

- Back to the world!
- I hear you, man.

- Broke 100 the other day.
- No shit.

Ninety-two left to go.

April 17, heroes, man. Home to California.

I'll be sitting outside,
checking out the babes on the beach.

The surfing's gonna be good.


March, man, in Tennessee. Sniff the pines.

Sniff that cross-mounted p*ssy
down by the river.

Hot damn!

Hey, Taylor, how long you got left?

- Three hundred and what?
- Thirty-two.

Three hundred and thirty-two days.

KING: Xin loi, my boy!

I can't even remember
when I was 332, man.

You gotta, like,
count backwards or something.

You know, like, you got 40 days in.

I mean, think positive, dude.

Hey, Taylor.
How in the f*ck you get here anyway?

- Why, you look educated.
- I volunteered for it.

You did what?

I volunteered. I dropped out of college,

and told them I wanted the infantry,
combat, and Vietnam.

CRAWFORD: You volunteered for this shit,

You believe that?

You's a crazy fucker, giving up college.

It didn't make much sense.
I wasn't learning anything.

I figured why should just the poor kids
go off to w*r

and the rich kids always get away with it?

Oh, I see. What we got here is a crusader.

CRAWFORD: Sounds like it.


You gotta be rich in the first place
to think like that.

Everybody know

the poor always being f*cked over
by the rich.

Always have, always will.

KING: I tell you what, if you be cool, I
introduce you around to some of the heads.

CHRIS: What are the heads?

KING: Later, man.



What's up, brother?

Your highness has arrived.

Hey, what's happening?

CRAWFORD: Man, I thought you was
hanging 10 in Cambodia.

KING: Come on, man.

How's it going?

What you doing in the underworld, Taylor?

Well, this here ain't Taylor.

Taylor been shot. This man here is Chris.
He been resurrected.

You lame, Taylor?

- Am I what?
- Are you lame or something?

Go ahead, old man. Smoke it.



Give it here.

This shit's in the wind, troop.


Hey, man, what's happening, brother?
Why you...

You're gonna do that pot,
you better do it right.


LERNER: You're weird, man.

You're a child, Lerner.
Rhah don't waste time on you.

- First time?
- CHRIS: Yeah.

Then the worm
has definitely turned for you, man.


Yeah, it feels good.

I got no pain in my neck now.

Feeling good's good enough.

(g*n CLICKS)

Put your mouth on this.


Man, where the hell is everybody, man?

They're getting high, that's what.

Bunch of hopheads. They think
they're something special, man.

Listen to that. That's a bad jam.

Redneck noise, dude. That's all it is.

Make about as much sense as you do.

All them chucks be rapping
about how they losing they ho,

saying how they ain't got
no bread for beer.

f*ck that h*nky shit. Ought to give me
some Motown jams, dig it?

Man, what are you talking shit for, man?

- Hey, Junior, you ever smoke any shit?
-(LAUGHS) That's right, dude.

You see, y'all be trying to keep
the black man down

and string him out on that shit.

But the time be coming, my man, when
the black man throw that yoke off.

Simple. Free your mind,
your ass will follow.

Yeah, I can dig it, man.

You smoke that shit, everything kind of
gets weird. You know what I mean?

You hear that story about the gooks
putting chemicals in the grass,

so we don't fight, so we become pacifists?

Hey, but don't you worry, Bunny,
'cause you's a k*ller anyway, man.

Yeah, but I still like a piece of p*ssy
once in a while.

Ain't nothing like a piece of p*ssy
except maybe the Indy 500.

Only way you get some p*ssy, man,
is a bitch dies and wills it to you,

and then, maybe.


How's it going, Bunny?

L.T., check it out.

You like that?


I'll send it home.

Hey, Junior.

- Lieutenant.
- Hello, sir.


Hey, Rodriguez,
that's quite a shrine you got there.

Thank you, sir.

- You need anything?
- No, sir.

O'NEILL: ...around this flyboy's neck
on the floor of the hot, hothouse, okay?

Now wait a minute. This guy is easily
three, four times my size.

- Come on, man.
- No. No.

'Cause I got him in the O'Neill death grip.

He didn't know whether to shit or go blind,
for Christ's sake.

- Hey, what do you say there, L.T.?
- How you doing there, Red?

Not good. Not good.

This cocksucker's got every card
in the deck.

Full house.

Look like you're doing all right there,

Yeah, and I ain't even cheating yet.

Hey, Lieutenant, some Kentucky windage?

Thanks, Sandy.

Play, Lieutenant?

No. Wouldn't want to get r*ped
by you guys.

Why's that, Lieutenant?
What you saving up to be, Jewish?



I gotta run.

I'll catch you men later.
Enjoy yourselves tonight.



MAN ON RADIO: News is up in five...

Well, that is one sorry-ass m*therf*cker.

What do you say there, Bob?

A guy like that make it? Yes or no?

I have to tell you,
that's precisely what I saw.

I mean, sometimes I just look at a guy,
and I know.

This fella's not gonna make it.

Just no f*cking way.

- ALL: Yeah!
- I'm going now.



Come on, now!

I want some, now.


'Cause I tell a joke or two

Although I might be laughing
loud and hearty

Deep inside I'm blue

So take a good look at my face

You'll see my smile looks out of place

If you look closer, it's easy to trace

The tracks of my tears...


Oh, yeah!

I need you

Need you
Need you

CHRIS: New Year's Day, 1968.

Just another day, staying alive.

There's been a lot of movement
near the Cambodian border.

Regiments of N VA moving across.

A lot of little firefights, ambushes.

We drop a lot of bombs,

then we walk through the jungle
like ghosts in a landscape.





Bravo Two, Bravo Two-Five.

We got beaucoup bunkers up here.

Two-five-two, roger. Bunkers at point.

Two actuals on the way.


Bravo Six, Bravo Six, Bravo Two.

Be advised.
There is a bunker complex up front.

Turning right on our way down. Over.

See you next week.


MAN ON RADIO: Bravo Two. This is Alpha.
Be advised. We're at the tunnels...

- I got swiped three times in my first week.
-...and one man down at this time. Over.

Taylor, get your ass up on that flank
about 50 meters.

Washington, you cover this side.

- Yes, sir.
- Get off your ass, Harold.



Christ. Look at that, will you?
The teapot's still boiling.

Man, they were just here.

Man, this is spooky, Sandy.
Let's get out of here.



SAL: Watch it. Watch it!

Look what we got, Sal. We got maps.

We got S-2 stuff.

Man, this is gook stuff!
Let's get out of here!

No, Sal. This is important.
This is important.

Let's leave. Let's go.

Booby trap! Get down!



God damn it.

We got...

We got two men down, sir.
There was an expl*si*n.

This... We need help, sir. ASAP.

Move your ass out of here! Let's go.
One round would get all you guys out.

Rodriguez, move it! Junior, let's go!

- Lieutenant.
- What?

Tell Six we need engineers.
This pos is crawling with traps.

They're on their way. Now listen.

The NVA out of here have been spotted
in the village half a klick down the river.

- Now Six says we gotta get there ASAP.
- Okay.

Also, leave four of your men here
and a medic, okay?

- All right.
- Move it out.

BARNES: Pull the flanks in! Let's move!


- Hey, where's Manny?
- Manny!

- SOLDIER 1: Yo, Manny!
- Hey, Washington.


SOLDIER 2: Hey, Manny!
SOLDIER 3: Manny!

SOLDIER 4: Washington!
SOLDIER 5: Yo, Manny.

Manny, where you at?

CHRIS: We had to get to the village before

So we left Elias with some men to
keep looking and to wait for the engineers.

But it was King who found him,
about 1,000 yards downriver,

not far from the village.

It was the end of the mystery.

The m*therf*ckers.

CHRIS: The village,
which had stood for maybe 1,000 years,

didn't know we were coming that day.

If they had, they would have run.

Barnes was at the eye of our rage.

And through him, our Captain Ahab.

He would set things right again.

That day, we loved him.



There he goes, Sarge.

(g*n FIRING)

- Check him out.
- Yeah. You got it, Sarge.

Tubbs and Ebenhock, let's go.


Get that stupid look off your face!


Hey, piggy, piggy. Hey, pig


Don't leave a hooch.
Spread out on the right!

Okay, watch your back!

Let's go!

What do you got here, huh?

Let's go! Move it! Go!

Get over there. Move it!

Come on! Let's go!


Let's go, Junior. Bring them in.

We have some people down here.


Get out of there, you fuckheads! Move!

(g*n FIRING)



Come on!


Put them in the pig pen.

Give me your Willy Pete.

Shut up! Get back!

Fire in the hole!

Shut up! I said shut up! Shut up!

Get them out of here.

f*ck. We got one.


Get the f*ck out of the hole! Move!

Get the f*ck out of there. Let's go!
Come on, m*therf*cker!

Be cool. Be cool. They're scared, man.
They're scared.

They're scared, huh?
What about me, man?

What about me?
I'm sick of this f*cking shit.

Come on, m*therf*cker, move!

Watch this, fucker!

f*ckers don't want us here, man.

Who the f*ck
do you think they're fighting for, huh?

Yeah, one more!

Hey! Hey!


Well, well. What have we here?

One, two, three, four MAG 58
Czechoslovakian machine g*ns.

We got two, four...

Barnes, they got enough rice here
to feed a whole f*cking regiment.

Sergeant Warren,
you bring that honcho over here.

Tubbs, get over here. Junior, burn it.

What the f*ck's the matter with you?
I wasn't gonna hurt you.

Look like I was gonna f*cking hurt you?

Why didn't you listen to me, huh? Why?
Why didn't you f*cking listen to me?

f*cking stupid? You stupid assh*le.
Get the f*ck up here!

Come here, m*therf*cker.
What are you smiling at?

- Why the f*ck didn't you listen to me?
- Do him, man. Do him!

What are you smiling at, huh?
You want something to smile at, huh?

You want something to smile at,

(g*n FIRING)

Dance, m*therf*cker!

BUNNY: Do him, man! Do him!

CHRIS: Dance, m*therf*cker!

Dance! Dance!



One-legged m*therf*cker!


Come on, man. Let's go, man.


f*cking p*ssy, man. He's laughing at you.

That's the way the gook laughs.

Yeah, sure you are.

You're real sorry, ain't you?

You're just crying your little hearts out
about Sandy and Sal and Manny.

Forget about it, Bunny, huh? Let's go.

What do you say?

Holy shit! You see that f*cking head
come apart, man?

I never seen brains like that before, man.

I bet you the old bitch
runs the whole f*cking show, man.

She probably cut Manny's throat.

She'd probably cut my balls off
if she had the chance.

Bunny, we leave now.
Nobody saw a f*cking thing!

- You understand me, Taylor?
- f*cking woman, man.

Not a f*cking thing.

Come on, man, let's f*cking do her, man.
Let's do this whole f*cking village!

Look at the scars on this gook honcho,

Get out of here, Tubbs.


Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.


Where'd he get these wounds?



- Says he was hit in a bombing raid.
- He's a dink for sure.

Ask him why those weapons are here.



Says they had no choice.

Says the NVA k*lled the old honcho
when he said no.

Now he says all the rice is theirs.

Oh, bullshit, Lerner.

Who the hell was the gook
we nailed on the riverbank?



He doesn't know. He says that the NVA
ain't been around in a couple of months.

Look, maybe he was a scout or something,

Yeah, sure, a scout.

What about the f*cking rice
and the weapons? Who are they for?


That cocksucker knows what I'm saying!
He understands. Don't you, pop?

- g*dd*mn right he does.
- You bet.

Damn it! He's lying through his teeth.
Come on!

Waste the fucker, then see who talks.

The boy doesn't f*cking know anything.

He swears he doesn't know anything.

He hates the NVA,
but they come when they want,

-and they just take the...
- What's the bitch saying?

I don't know. She's going on
about Why'd we k*ll the pigs,

they're farmers, they got to make a living.
All that kind of shit.



Enough! Shut the f*ck up! Enough.


You tell him he starts talking,
or I'm gonna waste more of them.

Tell him, Lerner!


BUNNY: Hey, Sarge, let us in on this, all

Let's go for it!
Let's do the whole f*cking village!

Come on, Sarge!
What the f*ck are we waiting for?

Let's do them, all right?

This is his daughter, right? Right?

You lie! No, you lie! You VC!


ELIAS: Barnes!


What the f*ck do you think you're doing?

Stay out of this, Elias.
This ain't your show.

You ain't a firing squad, you piece of shit.

- Get him!
- Get up, Barnes!

Elias! No, no, no!

BUNNY: Chief! Chief, tear his f*cking head

Get him! Get him!

Tear him apart!


Come on, Elias!

BUNNY: Send him to hell! Send him to hell,

Come on, boys, break it up now!

Break it up!

Break it up!

Come on, Elias, chill!

You're dead, Elias!
I swear to f*cking God, you're dead!

You're going to do time!

This shit won't wash, you f*cking puke!

Break it up! Shut up!

Break it up! Listen up!

The captain says to torch this place!
You hear that?

Torch this place!

Blow the weapons in place! Round up
all suspected VC and shake it up!

We ain't got much light left.

Lieutenant, why the f*ck
didn't you do something?

What are you talking about?

You know what the f*ck I'm talking about!

No, I don't. I don't know what the f*ck
you're talking about, Elias.

All right, move it out! Let's go!
You heard the Lieutenant! Move it out!

Taylor, let's go, for Christ's sake!

Move it out!
Police up the weapons and let's go!

Come on, Harold. It's cool.

Fire in the hole!

Fire in the hole!



Hey, come on.

Fucker. You fucker, get out of here!

Get the f*ck off!

Don't do it! Don't do it!

You fucker! What is this, huh?

What are you, a h*m*, Taylor?

What the f*ck is your problem, Taylor?
She's a f*cking dink.

She's a f*cking human being, man!

- f*ck you!
- Go f*ck a cherry, Taylor.

f*cking animal!
All of you, you're f*cking animals!

f*cking lame f*ck!

TONY: You don't belong in the Nam, man.
This ain't your place at all.

You don't f*cking get it, do you, man?

You just don't f*cking get it.

It's okay.


Get out of there!

f*ck you, too, man.

Come on, guys. Police up your dicks
and let's get out of here.


- I didn't see anything, sir.
- I did.

That dink was reported to me as NVA
by Sergeant Barnes, sir.

My report, sir, will include Lieutenant
Wolfe as being witness to the sh**ting.

All right, Elias.

- Staff Sergeant Barnes?
- Sir!

I want a full report from you on this
when we get back to the CP.

You got it, Dai-'Uy, and I can throw in
plenty of eyewitnesses if you want, sir.

Not now, god damn it! Not now.

We'll get into this when we get back
to the base camp.

And I can promise you something.

If I find out there was an illegal k*lling,
there will be a court-martial.

Right now I need every man in the field,
and you two will ceasefire.

Staff Sergeant Barnes,
Sergeant Elias, you hear me?

- Yes, sir.
- BARNES: Yes, sir.

Now, we're going back into
that NVA bunker complex tomorrow.

This time from the East.

You people get some rest

and be back up here at the CP
at 1900 for a briefing.

- Yes, sir.
- Yes, sir.

Come on, man.

You think these chucks
give a f*ck about you and me?

It could just as well have been you, Harold,
you got in Barnes' way.

And that Bunny,
that m*therf*cker's crazy.

I mean, he scares me, man.
He just scares me.

Look, you bloods are getting too hung up
on all this shit.

These gooks are a lot smarter
than you think.

You know, Barnes knows his shit, man.

They was NVA, every last one of them.

Now, he's taken us this far, right?
He'll take us the rest of the way.

I don't know.

I mean, a Christian don't go around
a village, cutting off heads and shit.

This shit is really getting out of hand,
man. It's going way out of control.

It seems to me that you don't seem
to know the difference,

the way you sh**t up that shit
all the time.

I don't know, brothers,

but I'm hurting real bad inside.

Don't worry about it, Sergeant.
Elias won't be able to prove a thing.

- I mean, he's a troublemaker, but...
- Elias is a water-walker,

like them politicians in Washington
trying to fight this w*r

with one hand tied around their balls.

Ain't no need or time
for a courtroom out here.

MAN: Come on, let's go.

- Sarge.
- Thanks, Bun.

How'd it go there, Bob?


Yeah. Atta way, Sarge. f*cking Elias, man.

He's a f*cking rat, that's what he is.

He's gonna get everybody in this platoon
in deep shit.

Somebody ought to frag his ass.

So, what do you think there, Bob?
Gonna be an investigation or what?


BUNNY: O'Neill, man, you worry too much.

Sarge will take care of it.


CHRIS: It's a beautiful night.

ELIAS: Yeah. I love this place at night,

the stars.

There's no right or wrong in them.

They're just there.

That's a nice way of putting it.

Barnes has got it in for you, doesn't he?

Barnes believes in what he's doing.

And you? Do you believe?

In '65, yeah.



What happened today
is just the beginning.

We're gonna lose this w*r.

Come on. You really think so?


We been kicking other people's asses
for so long,

I figure it's time we got ours kicked.

CHRIS: Day by day, I struggle to maintain
not only my strength but my sanity.

It's all a blur. I have no energy to write.

I don't know what's right
and what's wrong any more.

The morale of the men is low.

A civil w*r in the platoon.

Half the men with Elias, half with Barnes.

There's a lot of suspicion and hate.

I can't believe we're fighting each other
when we should be fighting them.

Counting days and the six inches
in front of my face.

Not much else.

Hope things are well, Grandma.

Tell Mom and Dad I...

Well, just tell them. Chris.

Hey, big boy. I know you thought you had
that laundry gig all laid out.

Hell, I got to paint myself white
just to get me one of them f*cking jobs.

It's all right.
I got my request in for a circumcision.

I'm gonna get my big ass
out of this fucker.

KING: You gonna become a rabbi?

KING: What you gonna do
with that little flap, boy?


All right! Move it out!

Don't drink that, assh*le.
You're gonna get malaria.

Yeah, I hope so.

Let's go.


Doc! Up here! Lerner's hit!

Sergeant Warren's hit!

What the f*ck's going on?

They got RPGs man, it's an ambush!
They were just f*cking waiting for us here!

- Who's on point?
- Lerner and Warren!

Taylor, where you going?

MAN: Dig! Dig! Down!

God damn it, you assholes!
Get some firepower up there!


Watch out! Rockets!


CHRIS: Where the f*ck's Lerner?

He's over there, by the log!




Fire mission. Grid. 6-4-9-4-0-2.

Direction. 6-1-0...

Adjust fire, over.

Lieutenant, they're gonna get in
tight under the arty!

I spotted a cut over there.

Let me get some men and roll up that
flank. I can work right up on them.

Get me Barnes. Look, Elias, I don't know.
We got four down up there.

What do you want me to do?

Where the f*ck is Red platoon?

Tell those assholes to get up here!

Elias, what the f*ck
are you doing back here?

Listen to me, Barnes,
there's holes back here.


Third platoon's coming up here.
We're here.

Dinks get men in these holes,
they got us caught in a crossfire.

We'll sh**t each other to shit.

Sounds pretty far-out to me, Elias.

I've seen it happen, la Drang in '66.

They cut us to f*cking pieces!

I need three men!

Then you got them. Take off.

You keep pouring off that cover fire.

I don't wanna be stuck out there
with my ass hanging in the breeze.

You don't tell me
how to run my w*r, Elias!

Now, you go crying and rat f*cking
the brigade on your own time!

But out here, you belong to me!
Now move!

You're an assh*le, Barnes!

Sergeant, get that assh*le O'Neill up here.

Two Charlie, this is Two! Be advised...

(g*nf*re CONTINUES)


Stay down!

Stay down!

- a*mo!
- a*mo!

Be right back!


Sarge! Short round!




- God!
- Medic!

BUNNY: Satchel charge!


- Doc, help me out!
- Yeah.

CHRIS: Jesus!


- You okay?
- Don't leave me, man.

- All right.
- Don't leave me.

Hey, Gator, you're gonna be okay, man.

Don't leave me, man.

- CHRIS: You'll be okay.
- Here you go, man.

CHRIS: Hang in there.

- Drop your rucks.
- Just hang in there.

Taylor, you're coming with us.

LERNER: Please, don't go.

- You're gonna be okay.
- Come on!

Doc! Take care of him, man.

WOLFE: Redleg, Redleg, Ripper Bravo Two

Adjustment follows. Grid.


You ignorant assh*le!

What the f*ck coordinates you giving?

You wasted a lot of people up there
with your f*cked-up fire mission!

You know that? You know that?


Redleg. Redleg. Ripper Bravo Two.

Check your fire! Check your fire!

They're coming.

Stagger yourself across this line.
sh**t anything that moves.

- They'll be coming from over there.
- RHAH: Gotcha.

Any one of them gets through,
we are truly f*cked.

Where the hell are you going?

Down by the river, about 100 meters,

in case they try to flank us.

Third platoon's coming up to our rear,
so watch for them.

Hey. Can I go with you?

No. I move faster alone.

Come here.

Let's let arty do
a little bit of the work here.

We tell everybody to pull back
to the church.

We link up with third platoon.
You got that?

What about Elias?
If we pull back, he'll be cutoff.

You just haul ass, too, Lieutenant.


I'll get him.



- I got two of them f*ckers, man.
- I got one!

Ho Chi Minh sucks dead d*ck!


Crawford !

Oh, man!

- Kiss my ass. I never thought I'd get hit.
- It's a lung, babe.

You got two of them f*ckers.

Where's Elias?

Sarge, there's a bunch of gooks
came through there.

We got three of them f*ckers.

Hey, didn't you hear the arty shift?
We're pulling back.

Now, get your wounded man
and get the f*ck back to the church.

Get going-

- But Elias is still out there, Sarge.
- Taylor, I'll get him!

You get Crawford in now,
before I article 15 both your asses. Move!

Move it.

(g*n FIRING)

(g*n FIRING)

(g*n FIRING)

(g*n FIRING)


(g*n FIRING)

SOLDIER 1: All right, men. He's coming.
SOLDIER 2: Hold him down.

Medic, where the f*ck are you?

Drag him there.

It's gonna be all right in a minute, brother.

RHAH: Taylor, where you going?

Elias is dead. Fall back with the platoon.

- Get going.
- He's dead?

Yeah. Yeah, he's back there
about 100 meters.

- You saw him? Where?
- He's dead.

And there's gooks all over
the g*dd*mn place. Get moving.


Let's go. Move it! Move it! Okay, let's go!

You okay, Harold? You're on the next one.

You're okay, bud.


- They got Elias!
- What?

Back down! Back down there!

MAN ON RADIO: Snake one-niner, fly four,
there's still one on the deck down there.

Bring in the gunships, over.

Hold your armor! g*ns! g*ns! Pull off!
Pull off!

We're trying to come around my side.

He k*lled him.

I know that he k*lled him.
I saw his eyes when he came back in.

How do you know
the dinks didn't get him?

You got no proof, man.

Proof's in the eyes, man.
When you know, you know.

You were there, Rhah,
and I know what you were thinking.

I say we frag that fucker tonight.

I go with that. An eye for an eye.

I say let Military Justice do the job on him.

Come on. f*ck the Military Justice!
Are you joking me?

Whose story you think
they're gonna believe?

O'Neill's? Bunny's? Wolfe's? Bullshit!

Shit, man, you try that

and Barnes will shove it
right back up your ass with a candle on it.

Well, then what do you suggest
we do, huh?

I suggest you all watch your own asses,

because Barnes gonna be coming down
on all of them.

You just gonna forget about Elias

and all the good times
we done had right in here?

Shit. You're trying to cure the headache
by cutting off the head.

Elias didn't ask you to fight his battles
for him.

If there's a heaven,
and God I hope there is,

I know he's sitting up there
drunk as a f*cking monkey

and smoking shit,

'cause he done left his pains down here.

You're wrong, man.

Any way you cut it,
Barnes is a f*cking m*rder*r.

KING: Right on.

Taylor, I remember
when you first came in here

telling me how much you admired
the bastard.

I was wrong.

You ain't never been right about nothing!

And dig this, you assholes,
and dig it good...

Barnes been shot seven times
and he ain't dead.

Does that mean anything to you, huh?

Barnes ain't meant to die.

The only thing that can k*ll Barnes
is Barnes.

BARNES: Talking about k*lling?

Y'all experts?

Y'all know about k*lling?

I'd like to hear about it, potheads.

Why do you smoke this shit?
So as to escape from reality?

Me, I don't need this shit.

I am reality.

There's the way it ought to be.

And there's the way it is.

Elias was full of shit.

Elias was a crusader.

Now, I got no fight

with any man who does what he's told,

but when he don't,
the machine breaks down.

And when the machine breaks down,
we break down.

And I ain't gonna allow that

in any of you.

Not one.


Y'all love Elias.

Oh, you wanna kick ass.


Well, here I am, all by my lonesome,

and ain't nobody gonna know.

Six of you boys against me.

k*ll me.


I shit on all of you.

You m*therf*cker!

KING: Give it to him! Whoop his ass.
Come on.

Yes, man.

- Come on, man! Go.
- Get him!

- Oh, f*ck, come on.
- Get him, Chris. Come on.

Come on, boy! Come on!

Easy, Barnes. Don't do it, man.

You'll go dinky down in LBJ, man.

Ten years for k*lling an enlisted man.

Ten years,
you'll climb the f*cking walls, man.

Don't do it.



What do you all know about death?

CHRIS: They sent us back into the valley
the next day

about 2,000 meters from Cambodia

into a battalion perimeter.

It felt like we were returning
to the scene of a crime.

Alpha Company had been hit hard
the day before by a sizable force,

and Charlie Company had been probed
that night.

There were other battalions in the valley.
We weren't the only ones.

But we knew we were gonna be the bait
to lure them out.

Somewhere out there
was the entire 141st NVA regiment.

Caught those m*therf*ckers
trying to pull some shit

on Charlie Company last night.

They found maps on them, man.

Got a friend at battalion,

says they had every f*cking foxhole here
fixed on it.

Distances, tree-lines, our claymores,

This is bad, man. I got bad vibes here.

I also heard we're in f*cking Cambodia
right now.

Cambodia? Man, you kidding me.

You wanted to see me, sir?

Yeah, Ramucci.
Looks like you got Elias' squad now.

Squad, sir?

I didn't know we were still referring
to this platoon in terms of squads.

All right, look.

I want you to take those two holes
right there and there.

You're tying it off with Barnes up here,
King down there.


Begging your pardon, sir.

My two holes are far enough apart
you can run a regiment through them

and never see them.

I have five live bodies left, sir.

Look, I don't wanna hear your problems,

You'll get new men any day.

Meantime, you make do
like everybody else. Okay?

- I didn't ask for this job.
- I don't want to hear it.

- Oh, you don't wanna hear it?
- Yeah, that's right.

I don't wanna hear it, 'cause to tell
the truth, I don't give a shit, okay?

- I just don't give a flying f*ck any more.
- Right.


I'm glad I ain't going with them.

Somewhere out there is the beast
and he hungry tonight.

What a f*cking bummer.

Ten days and a wake-up,
and I'm still dealing with this shit.

What's the matter with you, man?

How come you ain't writing nobody?

What about your folks?

That grandma you was telling me about?


You got a mother and father, don't you?
There must be somebody.

Nah, there's nobody.

You been smoking too much of this shit,

Gotta control that. Bring a man down.

I remember when you first come out here,
to the bush.

You was green as a...

Did you ever get caught in a mistake
that you just can't get out of, King?

There's a way out of anything, man.

Just keep your pecker hard
and your powder dry,

and the world will turn.


How many days you short?

Nah, it's not just me.

It's the way the whole thing works.
People like Elias get wasted.

People like Barnes just go on
making up the rules any way they want.

So what do we do?
Sit in the middle and suck on it.

We just don't add up to dry shit, King.

Whoever said we did, man?

All you got to do is make it out of here,

and it's all gravy.

Every day, the rest of your life, gravy.

Oh, shit, superlifer.

Hey, King, collect up your shit.
Your orders just come through.

Now look, man. Don't f*ck with me.

What do you need, a written invitation,
for Christ's sake?

Cocksucker! Oh, wow!

The lifers have made a mistake.

They cut me some slack, Taylor.

Look, you get your freight to Rodriguez.

You got 10 minutes to make
the last f*cking chopper out of here, man,

'cause if you're not on it, I'm gonna be.

Taylor, Francis is coming up.

That's great, King. I'm happy for you, man.

- You take it on home for me, okay?
- Yeah.

You got my address.

You know where you can get a hold of me
anytime, right?

I gotta beat it, man.
I don't want to miss that chopper.

- You okay?
- Yeah, I'm okay.

Remember now, take it easy. Don't think
too much. Don't you be no fool.

Remember, ain't no such thing
as a coward out here. Don't mean nothing.

My man.

I'll walk you out, man.

Take it easy, King.

I'm gonna take it any way I can get it,

I hear you. Later.

I'm pretty f*cked up, Sarge!

Oh, man! Don't touch that.

I got to get on a chopper, man.

So what's the problem?

Says he can't walk.


Martin, get your boots on.

And the next time I catch you spraying
skeeter repellent on your f*cking feet,

I'm gonna court-martial your n*gg*r ass.

Well, then court-martial me,

Bust my ass.
Send me to f*cking Long Binh!

You do your f*cking worst!

You white folks have got
your last klick out of Junior!

- O'Neill, get me that centipede.
- Sergeant?

Yeah, that long, hairy,
red and black bastard

I found in the a*mo crate.

I'm gonna put it in this boy's crotch,
see if he can walk.

I remember now.

Hey. Now hold up, man!

You just hold up and wait, all right?

f*ck it! I'll walk! I'll f*cking walk, man!

f*cking p*ssy, man.
Hey, Sarge, I got to have him in my hole?


Bob, I'd like to speak to you a minute.


I can't take it no more.

- I'd like to speak to you, Bob.
- Yeah, what is it?

Bob, I got Elias' R&R.
It's coming up in three days, here.

I was thinking about going to Hawaii,
maybe see Patsy.

Hey, Bob, come on, I never asked you
for a f*cking thing over here.

You know, I was thinking maybe...
Well, to be honest with you,

I was hoping you'd put me
on that chopper with King out of here.

What do you say, chief-a-rooney?

I can't do that for you, Red.

We need every swinging d*ck in the field,
and you know that.

Hey, Bob, come on.
You can talk to me, for Christ's sake.

All I'm asking for is three f*cking days,

I am talking to you, Red,
and I'm telling you "no."

So get back in your foxhole.

Bob, I got a bad feeling on this one,
all right?

I mean, I got a bad feeling.

I don't think I'm gonna make it out of here.

You understand what I'm saying to you?

Everybody got to die sometime, Red.

Oh, shit.

Goodbye, m*therf*ckers!


(g*ns FIRING)

Where's that f*cking ambush?

They ain't even waiting till later.
It's f*cking coming now, man.

Right f*cking now.

You know, Junior,
some of the things we done, man...

I don't feel like we done something wrong.

But sometimes, man,

(g*ns FIRING)

I get this bad feeling.


I told the Padre the truth, man.
I like it here.

You get to do what you want.
Nobody fucks with you.

The only worry you got is dying.

And if that happens,
you won't know about it anyway.

So what the f*ck, man.

Shit, I got to be in this hole
with you, man?

I just know I shouldn't have come.

Don't you worry, Junior.

You're hanging with Audie Murphy here,
my man.

Bravo Three, Bravo Three, Bravo Six,
send me a grid. Send me a grid. Over.

(g*ns FIRING)

MAN: Can't, sir. Pinned down.
They're in the f*cking trees.

Okay, Three Alpha, now calm down, son.

I'll get you a fire mission ASAP.
Smoke will be first.

Lieutenant's dead.
Radioman looks dead, sir.

I don't know where the map is, Captain!

They're all around us, sir,
hundreds of them!

I can hear them talking gook.

Okay, Three Alpha. Now spot that smoke,
and tell me where to shift.

Just calm down, son. Hang in there.
We'll get you out.

Just tell me where the rounds hit. over.


(g*ns FIRING)

Three Alpha Six.
How about those rounds, son?

Can you adjust fire? Over.

Three Alpha Six.

If you can't talk, son,
just key your handset twice. Over.




Trip flare! Rodriguez's hole!



RHAH: Taylor, Francis.

Over here, man.

What the f*ck's going on?
Rodriguez's hole just got nailed, man!

Gooks, man.
We got gooks in the f*cking perimeter.

Oh, shit! That's it.

They got through Alpha Company.

Anything behind you don't identify itself,
f*cking blow it away, okay?

f*ck! Two, air strike's coming in.
They're gonna be laying snake and nape.

Don't get out of your f*cking hole.
Stay right here, man.



They're probing us.

They're gonna be going up and down
this line all night trying to get through.

All right. Stay here. Stay cool.
I'll be right back.

MAN ON RADIO: Whiskey, Foxtrot, Foxtrot,
Echo, Whiskey. Over.

Who is it?

(g*ns FIRING)

Don't sh**t! Don't sh**t!

It's the ambush. Over here, man. Hurry.


f*ck it up.

Shit. Quiet.

They're all over the place.
Hundreds of them, moving this way!

They wiped us out, man!
We didn't have a chance!

- Where's the CP?
- MAN 1: Back there.

You guys, get out of here!
They're right on my ass!

They ain't stopping for shit!

Hey, Taylor, man, let's didi.

You go.


(g*n FIRING)


No. Hold it. Hold it.





Out of the hole! Fast!

Get out of the f*cking hole!
They're gonna blow it!

Let's go! Let's go!
Francis, move your f*cking ass!

They're gonna f*cking...

(g*nf*re CONTINUES)




- Follow me.
- Wait.

Die, you m*therf*ckers!


Get back!


It's f*cking beautiful!

- Let's f*cking do it!
- Where are you going?

- All right!
- Now come on, m*therf*ckers!


Come on. You can do better than that!

They just keep coming, man!
f*ck this shit!

Get back here, you gutless shit!







(g*nf*re CONTINUES)

All right. Get me Bravo. Right away.

Charlie Company reports hand-to-hand
on perimeter, sir.

Three holes are down. They need help.

Okay. Get two squads from Alpha
down there right away. Go. Go.

Where's that g*dd*mn air strike?

Hey, scumbag, where the f*ck you going?


Eagle Six...

Son of a bitch.

MAN: Can't you get anybody?

Damn it! Negative contact!
Can't raise Barnes.

Two Bravo, Two Charlie, nothing.

Get me Six!

Bravo Six! Bravo Six! Oh, God!

Get him in!

They're coming through all over!
I can't do anything!

Where's Barnes?

Shit, he's dead! I think they're all dead.

Doc, he's dead. Six, LT, Six.

Captain. Captain, we've been overrun.
We're pulling back! Over.

God damn it, Lieutenant.
Where are you gonna pull back to?

They're all over the perimeter.

Now you be advised.
You will hold in place, and you will fight.

That means you, Lieutenant.
Bravo Six out.



Be advised.
We've got zips in the wire down here.

PILOT: Roger your last, Bravo Six.
Can't run it any closer.

We're hot to trot and packing
snake and nape but we're bingo on fuel.

For the record, it's my call.

Dump everything you've got left
on my pos.

I say again,
expend all remaining in my perimeter.

It's a lovely f*cking w*r. Bravo Six out.

PILOT: Roger your last, Bravo Six. We copy.
It's your call.

Get them in their holes down there.
Hang tough, Bravo Six.

We're coming cocked for treetops.










Get me a medic.

Go on, b()y!

Do it.

MAN: We got men wounded
and live gooks at 3 o'clock.

MAN 1: Look down here. Check them out.

Come on, Elmo. Move your flea-bitten ass!

Hey, you okay? You all right?

Can you walk, huh?

Hey, Doc, we need a medic up here.
Come on, Elmo.

Come on, Doc, we got wounded here.




That must have been some f*cking fight.

You alone here, man?


The bunch of f*cking faggots,
they all left me.

122 wounded and still counting.

Estimate 500 Victor Charlie KIA.

122 and still counting. Over.

- Hey, Taylor, that you?
- Hey, Francis.

- Hey, man, how you doing?
- I'm okay. How you doing?

Fine, man. Just fine. Hey, dig it.

We two timers, man.
We're gonna get out of here, boy.

I'm gonna see you in the hospital.
We gonna get high, high. Yes, sir.

CAPTAIN: Sergeant O'Neill.

- How you doing?
- Well, I'm just fine, sir.

Well, that's good.
'Cause you got second platoon.

Yes, sir.

- You ready?
- You bet.


CHRIS: I think now, looking back,

we did not fight the enemy.
We fought ourselves.

And the enemy was in us.

The w*r is over for me now,

but it will always be there
the rest of my days

as I'm sure Elias will be,

fighting with Barnes for what Rhah called
possession of my soul.

There are times since,

I've felt like the child
born of those two fathers.

But, be that as it may,

those of us who did make it

have an obligation to build again,

to teach to others what we know,

and to try with what's left of our lives

to find a goodness and meaning
to this life.
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