Dark Planet: Rebellion (2009)

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History/Civil Wars, Cold w*r, WWI, WWII, Rebellions, Revolutions and more! w*r movies collection.
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Dark Planet: Rebellion (2009)

Post by bunniefuu »

The year 2157.

Maxim crashed his
space ship from Earth...

... and is stranded
on the planet Saraksh...

... with no hope of going home.

- Name?
- Maxim Kammerer, Earth.

He meets the Guardsman, Gai
and his sister Rada.

But his friendship
and love bring them nojoy.

Their people are
under the control of rays,

transmitted by towers and mobile units.

The invisible rays sap
theirwill and make them...

... believe anything.

Some people aren't affected.

They're called freaks.

When the transmissions are on high,

the freaks are in unbearable pain.

The leaders call themselves
the Unknown Fathers.

They are all freaks,

forwhom the rays are
weapons of power and t*rture.

The freaks not in power
are considered enemies.

They are identified,
persecuted, tried...

... and ex*cuted in 4$ hours.

The damn towers!

The rays don't affect Maxim...

... eitherway.

He's powerFul and physically developed.

On 22nd centuy Earth,
people have learned how to use...

... the hidden resources of the body.

Meanwhile, w*r is approaching.

The Unknown Fathers are preparing
to attack a neighboring state.

Want to fight?

Two competing groups
know about Maxim's abilities.

They hunt him down.

Roamer, head of the
Special Research Department.

Bring him to me.

And Genius, the State Prosecutor.

Get information on him.

Who is he? Where is he from?

They both need
him for different reasons.

- Don't move! Get down!
- Max!

- Why do you want him?
- A mutant for our research.

- For dissection?
- Definitely.

To survive,
save his friend and lover

Maxim plans to destroy
the ray transmission system.

You idiot!

lmagine how many towers
are all over the county!

How many are built evey day!

He can't find allies in the county.

The freaks are too weak or too scared.

ls the real purpose of the towers
hidden from the underground?

Most of the conspirators
want to take power...

... and use the towers
for their own purposes.

What purposes?

So Max takes Gai...

... in a stolen t*nk and
breaks through the army lines.

He decides to find
allies beyond the borders...

... among the mutants and enemies...


You jerk, listen to me.

Those aren't anti-ballistic towers.

They're for people like you.

They produce rays that make
you believe evemhing.

All that people say.

So you believe the TV, newspaper...

... Captain Chachu. But not me.

They're lying.

You're a puppet in their hands.

You're affected by the rays.

You don't notice it. You're a puppet.

Your passion is from the rays.

You see? Freaks are people
who aren't affected.

The rays cause them pain.

Gai, all of the
Unknown Fathers are freaks.

lt's true.

lt's ten o'clock.
What happens in the barracks?

You passionately sing the anthem?

Passion is in our blood.

That passion is beamed
into your thick skulls!

Sing the Guard march!

The guards march forth
with heavy tread...

To take the fort,
Their eyes - blood red...

- What're you -
- Give it!

Your Excellency,
you requested reports...

... on unusual occurrences
in the south.

- Yes.
- A front-line camp...

... said a Corporal was taken.

- Apparently by mutants.
- Mutants.

Mutants are always taking someone.

lt's the south, after all.

What's unusual?

The commander's report
mentioned a drone t*nk.

- Mutants took it.
- A t*nk?

Mutants stole a t*nk?

ldiot! Get me the report
of that cretin commander...

And tell them to bring more
of this medicinal stuff.

Take it easy, Gai.
Calm down.

Calm down.

Are you hungy?


Will you sh**t?


Alive. Our handsome fellow is alive.

You stole a t*nk.

Alive. What else could you be?

Where else could you be?


Get your stuff and let's go.

l don't want to. Screw them.

Stop it - they're nice people.

They respect you.

The Prince wants you to stay.

He's ready to die and
wants a real man to replace him.

- What do you say?
- Me - a real man?

l'mjust a puppet.

- Half-wit.
- Wrong.

You're a real man.

And not the only one -
there are another forty million.

You'll be okay. Get up.

Take my r*fle?


This was the epicenter.

Don't touch anything.
It will be contaminated for 200 years.

Half my life as a puppet...

- ... and now a homeless bum.
- Stop whining.

Let's go.

Come in, my friends.

My friends!

We've gathered to discuss
our friend Mak's proposal.

Perhaps this will decide our fate.

Please be seated.

Have a cup of something.

l don't want to.

The soldiers are
pushing us into the desert.

ln 10-15 years we'll
be in the desert and die there.

Without water and food.

Our friend Mak first
wanted to arm us...

... and lead us into battle.
But he saw...

... that we are weak.

Then he decided
to go to the desert-dwellers,

... make a deal with them...

... and lead them against the soldiers.

And from us?

He needs us to let the dessert
people through our land...

... and give them food...

... while the w*r is on.

That's whywe have gathered.

l don't get it.

He wants barbarians to come?
They'll k*ll us all!

- l know them!
- They'll come in peace or not at all.

Better not at all.

Better not to deal
with the barbarians.

You think l don't know?
Even the soldiers are better.

That's true, of course.

But the barbarians might push
out the soldiers and leave us.

Not touch us?

For ages they k*ll us
and now theywon't?

Mak will convince them.

Nothing will come of this.

l'm leaving.

They'll k*ll him and us, too.

We don't need this.

Let us die in peace...
Leave us alone.

You hate soldiers
and want to destroy them.

Why involve us?

We don't want revenge.
Pity us, Mak.

Why should he? He's a soldier, too.

Since when do soldiers pity us?

My dear friends!
Mak is our friend.

He wants the best for us
and to destroy our enemies.

No, it's not for us, Mak.

Let things be.

You ought to see the wizard, Mak.

What? l didn't do anything.

Really, maybe Mak can
make a deal with the sorcerer.

Boshku, the tea is good.

Don't go to the sorcerer.
Don't even think about it.

Don't go.

They say that bats do his bidding.

And mutants.

Beasts with wings.

ln general, these places are...

Did you hear that children
are taken at night?

But no one enters the houses.

Kidsjust sleep walk
to him by themselves.


Maybe they are,
but l've seen a few things.

- Mak!
- Stop! Stop!

They're alive.
But like they're hypnotized.

Loweryour g*n.
Or better- leave it here.

Or better foryou to stay here.

- l'll go alone.
- No.


Why are you doing this?

What can the sorcerer tell you?

Let's go.


- Come on!
- Massaraksh!


The world is in balance, Maxim.

You want change.

You asked the mutants for help,

the most pathetic and
unfortunate people,

who bear the burden of this balance.

But they didn't want
to change anything.

- Why, then?
- Because people should be free.

Who are you to decide for them?

Gai, do you like your new freedom?

- Are you happy?
- l don't know.

Are you scared?


Maxim, your reason is clouded
by conscience and unable...

... to distinguish true good
from imagined good.

Your conscience is spoiled.

Reason must subdue it.
Overcome it.

Conscience gives ideals.

Which reason seeks
means to achieve?

Means never fit within ideals.

And then the ideals
must be widened...

... or conscience narrowed.

Your conscience wishes
to unseat the Unknown Fathers.

Reason advises:

'Since terrorism can't destroy
from within attack from without.

lnvolve the barbarians
so the mutants die...

and the Blue Snake
river be filled with bodies.

Let a huge w*r begin!'

'So, said your conscience, frowning...

l must compromise for such a goal#

Yes, Massaraksh! Yes!

What choice do l have?

There are forty million
beyond the Blue Snake.

They're walking corpses.

You are a force, Maxim.

That you are here means...

... the balance of our little
world is shattered.

But l remind you:

l don't know about yourworld,
but in ours,

such force always has a master.

Ty to contact the Island Empire.

That is all you wished to know.

First, l don't advise
you head into the desert.

You won't find anything there.

Maybe you should,
follow the sorcerer's advice...

... and contact the Islanders?

The Island Empire,
the white submarine.

Have you heard of the
white submarines?

No? l've heard about them.

And Gai has, too.

Thank you, Prince.

- Thank you.
- So where will you go, Mak?

To the sea.

- Is the sea far?
- Five days away.


lt's through contaminated land.

Here to the south border.

And don't forget:

Our territoy is encircled
by two lines of towers.

You have to pass them.

Pass through...

Or fly over.

This is the Mountain Eagle.

The bomber of His Majesty,
Kirnoo The First of Four Gold Banners.

Theywould make soldiers recite:

Private So-and-So!

Name the private bomber
of his Imperial Majesty!

At first l wanted to evacuate
wounded on it,

but there were too many.

And then when all the wounded died...

Take it.

There's enough fuel to cross the planet.

l'll never forget you. Thank you.

Well then, my dears, fly away.
Fly away, my friends.

Sit down, Gai.

Mak, have you ever...

... flown something like this?

Not like this.

But l've flown others.

My lord!

- What's wrong?
- My liege, my leader! Order me!

l offer myself. l'm ready.
Throw me in the fire.

l'll throw myself at the g*ns.

Where are you enemies?
Order me.

l'll tear them a part,
l'll rip out their throats.

- What's wrong with you?
- l want to die foryou.

l want to die foryou.

To go down in blazes.

To go down in blazes.

Are you nuts? Idiot!

Yes - l'm an idiot!

- But l'm your idiot!
- It's the tower!

Transmitting rays!

Where's the tower? Where?

The monster Fathers, dog Fathers...

... put up those towers!

Knock out the towers!

And with heavy tread,
to take the fort, eyes - blood red!

Drive your machine into that tower,

l'll jump with a b*mb!

l'll jump! l won't miss!

Shut up!


Did l do something?

l went too far north.

We got hit by rays.

- l'm sory.
- What happened?

Did l shout the anthem?


What is it?

What can l do?

- Straighten it!
- l'm tying!

Can you swim?

They should have
flown their bomber.

The Island Empire
is too far to walk to, right?

- What's the plan?
- Let's walk.

So that's who can't live without
that lovely female specimen.

Mr Secretay.

Take down this name:

Rada Gaal.

- Good night.
- Good-bye.

Good evening.

Officer, help me!

- Rada Gaal?
- Yes.

You are being detained
by order of the Prosecutor.

lf a patrol catches us say
that freaks got me.

You chased them and rescued me.

- What will that give us?
- Us?

At least theywon't k*ll us
right away on the spot.

That's good.
l won't let anyone k*ll me again.

And you either.

Gai, what's that?

Awhite submarine.

Washed into the bay
by a storm and run aground.

- A patrol wrecked it.
- Let's check it out.

No. There was a corporal...

He served in the coast guards.

Well, he said weird sailors
served on those submarines.

- Weird-how?
- There are legends about them.

Captain Chachu says...

You can't go on board.
They're contaminated.

There's an order:

Grounded subs are...

Got it.

You stay and l'll go see.

So you see then.

Not a pretty sight, is it?

He was deceived.

He's vey kind.

He doesn't want to k*ll.

During the sentencing...

... l had the feeling that l was...

... sentencing a child.

You must agree: he's naive.


As you say: kind.

How is he kind?

Well. He's not like us.

He's better.

l can't explain.

lt's like he's from anotherworld.

Did he say he was from the hills?

Tell about his customs?

How things are there in the hills?

Yes, he told me.

He missed his home.

They have clean rivers and seas.

- And no wars.
- How about that.

And he told about the world.

They think the world
is the otherway around.

We don't live on the inside
of the sphere, but the outside.

And the sphere kind of floats in space.

that's the World Inside Out theoy.

Vey interesting indeed.

Nowwhywould such
a man get involved with freaks...

... knock out towers,

... and k*ll people?

They lied to him.

They said the towers emitted rays.

And he believed them.

- Ridiculous.
- Yes.

Crazy people say they are hit by rays.

That's quite true.

Tell me: He's alive, isn't he?

Yes, l think so -yes.

And l think that vey
soon we'll meet him.

You and l.

l'd also like to know
about the inside-out world.

l need to find
a common language with him.

l hope you'll help me.

You will help me, won't you?

No. l won't help you.

Rada Gaal, second level.








- Massaraksh.
- Don't shout.

- You couldn't reply?
- l didn't hearyou.

There's a radio. l didn't know
you had such powerFul radios.

Radios. l nearlywent mad,
and you're...


Our intelligence operated
like clockwork.

They didn't give our
enemies a chance...

... to get a foothold in our county.


Take it easy.
Keep calm, Gai.


Mak, did you see that?

What's wrong with them?

You were going to make
a deal with them?

You want to bring them to us, Mak?

- Answer.
- l don't want anything.

And stop yelling at me!
You're to blame, massaraksh!

You destroyed and robbed,
and turned into beasts.

What am l to do with you?

What? What?

Do you know? Tell me!

l know!

l can't bring in anyone.

Gai, let's go.

A patrol. sh**t in the air- quick!

- Let's steal transport!
- No.

The stoy is that you were taken
by the mutants and l saved you.

- So we go back to the rays?
- No, l mean, yes.

lt won't be like before.
Not good, but better than it was.

Why do you need this?

On the radio they
said w*r has begun.

We att*cked the Khonti
or they att*cked us.

Not anotherwar!

Damn you all!
Damn you all to hell!

Calm down! We have to survive.

Amnesty and eveyone
to the front:

Criminals, political and militay prisoners.

You're in a penal brigade.

We need to get in the same brigade.

- What's your unit?
- Second penal brigade, unit four.

- And then?
- Then l save you and Rada.

Drop yourweapon!

Roamer, it's Fank.

Evemhing's set to poison the water.


Where is she?

Where's the bitch going?

Don't sh**t!
Take them alive!

Get up!

You're a brave girl.

Nice to meet you.

l'm Fank.








Mak Sim. Amnesty.

My brother is a corporal
in penal brigade two.

Brigade two, unit four...

You see?

Don't you?

Brigade two, unit four.

So, Rada Gaal has been taken
from the State Prosecutor...

and is with us,
in our Cystal Swan complex...

... totally isolated from the world.

That's all on Mak's case.


- This w*r confused my plans.
- Yes.

l have to leave.

Mak has to be here on my return.

Let him know, vey subtly:

Rada Gaal's fate depends on him.

- Security?
- None.

- There's no point.
- Tail him?

Vey subtle.
On second thought - no.

Don't scare him.

Give him ajob and put him to work.

Do evemhing so he likes it here.


To leave at such a time...

You're free to go.

Roamer, may l ask one question?


Tell me: Who is he?

And why do you want him?

l'm afraid of him.

He's a vey, vey dangerous man.

l can't!

Trains are made of steel, not elastic!


- Mak!
- Which brigade?

Maxim! You're alive!

- Which brigade?
- Brigade two, unit four.

- Mak!
- Brigade two, unit four. Got it.

On Track Two!

Line up!

Listen to me!

lf one ofyou runners opens his mouth,
l order to sh**t.

Soldiers! Prisoners!

l'm not wrong!

l address you as soldiers.

Although you're still just
the crap of society.

Thugs and g*ons.

- Come on.
- Be grateful.

We'll see you in battle today.

The Fathers send you into battle.

Almost all ofyou will die.

And that will be good.

But those ofyou cretins
who survive will life a good life.

There's no way back,
but there's a way foward.

Whoever hides will be shot.

Brigade. To the left!

Captain, my papers.

- l'm taking Mak Sim.
- What?

Never! They'll all die or
redeem themselves.

- That one, too.
- You don't see

- Captain!
- Piss on that.

And on your department!

Column, ahead - march!

l'll k*ll evey straggler.

Brigade two, unit four.

Which brigade?

Which brigade, massaraksh!

Brigade two!

Gai! Here l am!

- Mak!
- Gai!


They know they're going to die,
but they go an_ay.

Herd instinct, Mak...

... doesn't rule out personal hope.

l'll hide behind a hill.

l'll hit the dirt during the attack.

But when there's a battle transmitter

behind the hill, you lie there.


No one knows anything.

What were you thinking?

You should have done something!

Not hitting towers,

... but telling the truth about the rays!

Yourwhole underground
wasn't worth a damn.

l wouldn't say no to some grub.

Yeah, l'm hungy.

And young man:

l suggest that you be kind to us...

... and refrain from such commentay.

Especially before you die.

There they are: ours coffins.

See what they give us.

lmperial crap - tin cans.

Will we really die here?

How far to the border?

About three kilometers.
Then hills to the dessert.

No river?

- No.
- Gullies?

l don't think so.

lt'll be fine. Just listen only to me.

Don't listen to anyone else.
It's all lies.

Mak! Maxim!


Ahead to the enemy!

Where's Mak Sim?



On my command!

To the tanks!

- Onward!
- Let's go!



To the tanks!

Listen only to me! No one else!

Only me! Got it?

Are you deaf?
Don't you recognize me? Let's go!

- Where?
- Away from here.

- l have a pass.
- There are four of us.

- l can't go alone.
- You want to die?

- Who are you? Why me?
- l'll tell you later.

- He's with you?
- He comes, too!

- Who is that?
- l don't know.

l'll die foryou!

Let me die foryou!

l'll die foryou!

- Let me die foryou!
- Shut up!

Let me die!

Calm down!

Let me die!

- l'll die foryou!
- Listen to me.

Take them out of the t*nk.
Wait! l'm not done.

Put them down carefully.

They're our friends.

- Our best friends, got it?
- Yes, sir!

- l did it all!
- Great, now listen.

- Mak!
- Gai!


He was a good Guard.


You said no sh*ts to the head?

Too bad l didn't give
you to the department.

Oh well, scum.

Roamerwould dissect you like a rat.



What is that?

You signed your death sentences.

You k*lled the commander
of a special t*nk brigade.

You'll all be k*lled.

lfyou want to stay alive,
l'll get you out.

Mr Maxim, does Rada Gaal's
fate still interest you?

lt's 6:30, Your Excellency.

Good morning.

You must, Your Excellency.

You must, Mr State Prosecutor.

You must, Mr Chairman.

You must my son...

Latest news from the front.

l hope you are consoled by the fact
that his sister is absolutely safe.

Like you and your convict friends.

- Am l under arrest?
- Not at all -you're free.

You have an apartment
on the Institute grounds.

Your own car.
Go whereveryou want.

Do whateveryou want. Really.

Where is Rada?
l want to see her.

- All in good time.
- See her now.

- Or l won't work with you.
- Sim! Sim!

We set the terms here.

Rada Gaal is absolutely safe.
For now...

l hope you understand me.

- State Prosecutor.
- Genius...

lt's Papa.

Did you read the report?


lt's over. We lost the w*r.

Say something.

l warned you not to get
into this mess.

You're a civilian, not a
militay man.

You're Papa.

Children constantly
disobey their parents.


What was that saying?
'lfyour children disobey... ''

Then how does it go?
Why are you silent?

Forgot the quote?

Think about it. You'll remember.
l'll call you back.


But wait...

Some have had it...

... worse than this.

There's time.

There's time.

Urgent information, Your Excellency.

Mak Sim can be found
at the Special Research Institute.

He's division head in the
chemical synthesis lab.

Your Excellency?

ls Roamer here?

l have no information.


Good morning, Fank.

- Good morning, sir.
- Let's not be formal.

- Is Roamer there?
- Unfortunately, no.

l got a call ordering
a bit of an inspection.

Pure formality.

Write up some report. And yes...

l need to see all the
Department's staff.

All of them. Not like last time.

- Understood?
- Yes sir, Mr Prosecutor.

Vey good. l'll see you soon.

Let's go.

You're making no progress.

ln physical defense -
you've done nothing at all.

ln physiology- even less.

But chemisty...

Chemisty... excellent work.

- Fank?
- Yes?

- Roamer asked you to call him.
- Thank you.

- Where?
- Excuse me?

He didn't leave a number.
Do you knowwhere he is?

- Where does he go?
- l don't know. State secret.

You know, Fank,
take me to the laboratoy.

The chemical research lab.


Quiet. Don't panic.

People are working.


lt's his heart.
To the palace hospital - fast.

That's what militay
adventures can lead to.

This is an inspection.

l knowyou.

The escaped convict
and k*ller, Mak Sim.


lt's nice to meet you.


l'm the State Prosecutor.

Trusted agent of the state...

... with access to the
highest state secrets.

l propose that you...

... overthrow the Unknown Fathers.

l knowwhere the center is.

The center of the tower system.

And you are the only person
who can seize it.

You get in and first of all...

... . change the rays to
a depression field.

People will fall into depression.

Like lumps of dough.
Like rags.

No one will be able to do anything.

While the entire county
is writhing in depression,

... and the freaks reel under the rays...

... you get into the radio station.

You broadcast on multi-cycle...

... this cassette.

lt's all vey easy.

The Unknown Fathers are criminals.

k*ll them and you save the county.

Then you stop the depression field.

And you become
the head of state.

And l stay underyou...

... as your political...

... and economic advisor.

What's your political program?

- Justice.
- l agree.

But that's not all.

Keep in mind that when
you seize the center,

you'll destroy the person
who is tying to manipulate you.

Who controls the fate of Rada Gaal.

That's right.

Roamer controls her.

He is a truly terrible man.

An executioner.

The end of the Fathers
is the end of Roamer.

You must remember that, Mak.

Do you knowwhere she is?

The Cystal Swan complex.

lt's at the Special Research Department.

But while Roamer is alive
you won't get in.

Decide, Mak.

Evemhing is ready.

Genius, hello.

Roamer, hello.

- You're back?
- Yes.

ljust saw Papa.

Yes? And how is he?

Bad. Someone told the Khonti
to sh**t the t*nk barriers.

Last night they took out 90
percent of the transmitters.

lt's the end of the w*r and
the end for many of us.

What do you think, Genius?

By the way, what do
you think of our savage?

Maxim. You're our Genius.

Fine, we'll talk about Mak later.

Later? Later you won't
have any 'later'!

l'll go in. You wait 20 minutes.

lfyou get hit by
the rays at that time,

you can faint with
a smile on your faces.

lf not, there's a synchronized
b*mb in the trunk.

Put the b*mb on the street.

Turn it on and drive away.

There will be panic.
Use it as much as you can.

Mak, let me make some calls.

Call headquarters?

- lef and l have a group.
- When l go in the building...

Not a moment before.

You can get out and call.

That's it.

Wish me luck.

- Good luck.
- With all my heart.

l lived to see the day.



Take the stairs down!
Get him!




Evemhing's fine.

You fool!

Halt! Don't sh**t!

Maxim Kammerer

Get your t*rrorists
out of here before l k*ll them.

Mak, who is this?

You are Tik Fesku, aka Boar.

And you are ProfessorAllu lef.
Go and work!

Go to the headquarters.

Ty not to k*ll each other
in the first three days.

Damn underground.

- Mak...
- Go, lef.

- Who is he, massaraksh?
- Go. l'll explain later.

lef, let's get to headquarters
while we can.


- Thanks, Mak.
- Is the center really gone?

- What did you use?
- A thermal b*mb.

- Basement or lobby?
- Basement.

What now?
What can we do now?

- Tell me who you are!
- Who l am?

l came here from
Earth 20 years ago!

To prepare this poor little
planet for salvation,

... in keeping with their

Who are you?

Who are you to stick your nose in,
sh**t and blow things up?

Who are you?

- l didn't know!
- 'Didn't know!' Idiot!

What should we do now?

We're too late. They're here.

What did you do?!

l didn't catch you.

- Do you knowwhat to do?
- They'll see theywere lied to.

- And rise up.
- Who will rise up?

Where will they rise to?
What were you thinking?

The Unknown Fathers
are alive and well.

The Guards are intact.
The army is mobilized.

There's a warwe're losing.

But the center is gone!

- No more rays!
- How about the mobile units?

- l forgot them!
- You forgot!?

You forgot the mobile transmitters.

Forgot inflation.

Forgot the economy.

Do you know there will be a famine?

You stupid kid did you know
the Island Empire is about to attack?

They're sending an armada. Cretin!

Hero. Warrior.

Fool! Todayyou fly back to Earth.

- Get out of here.
- l may be a fool.

But you?
How could you allow this?

How could you do all this?

w*r, towers, battles, tanks, Gai!

How could you?

By the laws of histoy...

lt's theirworld, their histoy.
We can't change anything.

Why not?

You don't understand anything.

Go home, you snot-nose kid.

l am home!


l'll sink submarines.

l'll fight inflation if l have to.

As long as l'm alive,
as long as l'm alive -you hear me?

l won't let anyone build
another center. Never!


What's your name?


You know, Rudolph,

l don't regret it.

And l will never regret it.

You have to make good from evil.
There's nothing else to make it from.
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