Patriots,The (1933)

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History/Civil Wars, Cold w*r, WWI, WWII, Rebellions, Revolutions and more! w*r movies collection.
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Patriots,The (1933)

Post by bunniefuu »

Year 1914

In the backwoods
of Tsarist Russia...

Good Lord!

What is that?

The Kryakovskys.

And which are those?

The Syshchovskys.

Here are the Syshchovskys.

Those are the Fylonovskys.

They're going on strike!

Where are you going,

We have to support them.

Who do we need
to support?

Well guys,
let's go to the factory.

Wait, Kolka,
I'll teach you a lesson.


I'll teach you a lesson.

Boss, I won't take
any lessons from you.

Let's go, guys.

what are you doing?

Where are you going?

What the hell
are you doing?

Let's go, let's go.

I order you to disperse

I give you
one minute to think.

Those arrested
will not be released.


Guys, have mercy!

Beat me instead,
you scoundrel!

You're beating students!

Beat me instead!
You're beating educated people,

Damn it!

Wait, guys...

What's going on?

Robert Karlovich.
Hey, Robert Karlovich.

Would you like
to play checkers?

Mit grossem Vergnügen!

With great pleasure,
Alexander Petrovich,

but give me a minute.

I have to finish the letter
to my son in Germany.

Please, have a seat.


Are you running around again?
Can't stay at home?

You have a nice girl,
Alexander Petrovich.

- Go, go.
- Goodbye.

I got yours,
Alexander Petrovich.

Alexander Feodorovich.

Alexander Feodorovich!

Alexander Feodorovich!
How long will it last?

- Will what last?
- The strike.

God knows!

So, that's the situation.

And who is Alexander

Our new tenant.

Social revolutionary democrat..
a striker.

He is one of those
who organized a strike in 1905.

And this one as well.

he went somewhere again.



- Something happened.
- What do you want?

Getup, Senka.


You sleep like hell.

Getup, Senka.

- I'm talking to you.
- Why should I get up?

Dusya came.

Get out.

Let's go, let's go.
I'm talking to you.

Guten Morgen,
Robert Karlovich.

Alexander Petrovich.

Hey, Robert Karlovich,

shouldn't we go
get some beer?

Alexander Petrovich, don't you know
what is whistling over there?

They are whistling.

Maybe something
has happened.

Let's go have a look
and get some beer on cur way.

With a great pleasure,
Alexander Petrovich.

I am getting ready.

What's going on,
Robert Karlovich?

Where is my hat?

One minute.

Try this on.

What do you think,
Alexander Petrovich?

I think it's fine.

I think so, too.
Let's go.

Germany Has Declared w*r On Russia

Germany Has Declared w*r On Russia
Departure Of Ambassadors

Departure Of Ambassadors
To Russian People!

We'll win easily.

My dear Robert Karlovich,

we'll easily defeat
those scoundrels!

What are you saying,
Alexander Petrovich?

I'm saying
that we've got it won.

You won't win, Alexander Petrovich,
we can fight pretty well.

You know me.

We have always fought together
for your rights.

And you have trusted me
and you should trust me again.

Now, in this fateful moment.

When the Germans
have conquered our borders...

'What should we do?

You should look
for the answer to this question

in the heart
of the Russian man.

In the face of the external enemy,
let's forget internal class strife

and stop the strike.

Let's bravely go to battle

believing in victory.

Go to battle!

What are you doing?

What are you doing?
I am asking you.

- Go.
- Where will you go?

He won't go anywhere.

- No, I'll go.
- Where will you go?


If I said so,
it means I'll go.

I'm telling you, I'll go.

I'm telling you, I'll go.

What are you doing?

You're taking everything
with you.

I'm telling you, let me got



£'ll show you!
You're not going anywhere!

I told you to let me go!

What a fool.

So, Petrovich,

I am leaving
my horse with you.

Take care of it.

I'll pay you when I return.

If I don't return, keep it.

It's w*r.
Band together, brothers!

They want to enslave
and destroy us.

For our Father Tsar,
for our Motherland,

for Orthodox faith,
let's fight.

Al of us will go
for the purpose of...

Lord, bless us to win.


Hurvah, hurrah,

God bless you, sons.


"Authorized representative of the
Union of cities in the person of...

on the one hand,

and merchant of II Guild,
Mikin, on the other hand.

The present Contract on the supply
of boots to the army at the price of..."

With a rasp, with a rasp.

Clean harder, harder.

Move like that,
like that.

Forward, German infantry!

They were singing.
"The Fortress on the Rhine”

And our brave cavalry

was finally chasing after them.

The a*tillery,
with its big g*ns

and courage like old Fritz

Cannons rumbling
one by one,

A wall of bayonets

flashed like lightning
through the open air

And finally they called "Halt!"

- Hello, Robert Karlovich.
- Hello.

Be so kind as to accept
what I owe you.

That's very kind of you.


No more checkers.

Daddy, are the Germans...

"Daddy, Daddy."
What do you want?


Robert Karlovich!

Oh, son, son!
The years you've wasted!

One, two, three,
four, five.

Six, seven, eight...

Cut it out!

Does someone need this?




Nikolai... Kolka!

What do you want?

Go to the front line?


Why did you stay here?

I am asking, why?

- My tooth hurts.
- Get the hell out!

- I'll show you.
- What did I do? What?

- I'll show you.
- What have I done to you?

What have I done to you?

What have I done to you?
What for? Leave me alone.

Are you alive,
or what?

It's okay. It's okay.

This means you're in captivity.
Hey, you...



You scoundrels, betrayers of Jesus,
you're all around here...

you have to be shot.

You dirty Russian pigs.

You will have to pay the price
for all of us.

To the camp
for prisoners of w*r:

Due to difficulties
with food,

as of today prisoners of w*r
are permitted to leave the camp

and go into the city to look for work
from 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.

Signed by Colonel...

What's the watch?

No, no,
how... how much?

What time is it?

What time is it, sir?


It's 7:00 already.

[ Have to get back to the base.
They lock it at 7:30.

After work, we can go to town,
but we have to be back on time.

I asked for work all over town.
I am a shoemaker.

Do you understand?

But everybody tells me,
"We don't have any work for Germans.”

Russian soldiers at the front
were not as hostile

as the people here in town.

Do you understand?

You look a lot
like my little sister,

but she's shorter than you.

I haven't heard from her
in a long time.

I think my little brother
will soon have to join up.

I hope he doesn't end up
'on the Western Front,

but in Russia instead.
That's better than Verdun.

Do you understand?

No, I don't understand.

It's okay.

I have to go.
It's late.


- Who's here?
- Keep it down, for God's sake.

It's okay.

Keep it down.

- Would you like to eat?
- With great pleasure.

- With great pleasure.
- What? What?

"With great pleasure.

"With great pleasure.”

Do you speak German?

We had Robert Karlovich,
an elderly German.

He left 2 long time ago.

They played checkers
with my father all the time.

He was the one
who taught me.

Why didn't you tell me earlier
you could speak German?

We could have had such a nice
conversation coming back.

I thought you didn't
understand a word.

- Yes.
- What, yes?

Do you have a knife?

Right away.

Would you like some tea?

I didn't come to have tea.
What's the last name of your guest?

- Mueller III.
- What?

Mueller III.

Third... they had three Muellers
in their army.

Look, dear Third.

Do me a favor,
tum around and get out.

I insist that you leave.

Get out of here.

He is a shoemaker as well.

Get out of here,
ugly German mug.

He is a shoemaker as well.

It's a shame,
Alexander Petrovich.

Stop teaching me!
I have teachers better than you.

Where's the way out?

- The way out?
- Yes, yes.



Thank you
for everything.

Sao long.


Take it out and show it.

Are you a shoemaker?

Yes, I am a shoemaker.

You know what? Let's go.
You'll work for me.

I used to work from home
as well.

Let's go, let's go.

You shouldn't cry now.

Now we're in w*r,

and before we win...

we can't feel sorry
for our enemies.

You should be with us
body and soul

We are doing the right thing.

Hello, hello.

- Maybe you'd like some tea?
- I don't feel like it.

Why is he here?

give me the horse.

- Have you seen my folks?
- No, I haven't.

Goon, sew.

Boy, what's wrong
with you?

Master, his legs are broken.
What a hell.

what should we do now?

If he dies, I'll die, too.

Why are you talking
about the horse and yourself,

when all of Russia is crying?

The entire Russian nation
doesn't spare the power

and lives of its best sons

in the great heroic w*r
to defend our Motherland.

Russia will come out of that great
struggle revitalized and strengthened.

It's not the time for despair,

when our hearts are full of joy,

and the idea of victory near.

The victory is close,
victory only.

Hit the Germans,
defeat the Germans...

complete and definite victory.

We'll get you out
of this dirty hole.

There is no other way.


You've got mail.

"To Peter Ivan Gadki

for me.

"Dear Peter Ivanovich,
with deep sympathy,

we inform you that your older son,
Nikolai Petrovich,

is in the hospital
with minor injuries

and your younger son,
Semyon Petrovich,

was k*lled during an attack.”

When the soldiers
march through town

The girls will open
windows and doors...

What could be nicer and more beautiful?

What could be nicer and more beautiful?

Stop singing.

I told you to stop!

What did you do?

Get out!
Get out of here!

Get out!
Get out of here!

Hit the Germans!

Beat the Germans!
Beat him!

Beat the Germans!

Stop, scoundrels.

So what if he is German?
He's still a shoemaker like us.

What do you want?
You should disperse.

Go, go-

My Senka was k*lled.

Take him to the bed.
Move, move.

He's not permitted to go out anymore,
since it causes a big ruckus.

Go away, go away.

Pick him up.

Anka, come home,
you brat!

Then a Russian patriot came,

and he knocked me down...

simply because I'm German.

Then a girl came,

she was nice to me.

If it hadn't been for her,

they would have k*lled me.

have you heard?

Our Tsar has abdicated.

- You're lying.
- Who's lying?

What a rush!

What a rush!

Brothers, friends,

the rising sun of revolution

has destroyed the tyranny.

Alexander Feodorovich.

I don't have time,
I don't have time.

I greet you on behalf
of the Provisional Government.

Free citizens of free Russia,

Now the Duma of people
will govern.


To hell with the Tsar.

We can assume
that there will be no w*r anymore.

We can assume
that from the landowners...

the land...

What a rush!

w*r is over.

'The land will be...


okay, attack.

Fire, fire!

Why don't you fire!


when will this be over?

Don't k*ll me.

I have a wife
and child at home.

I think he doesn't
want to fight.

Don't k*ll me.

No, he doesn't.

Explain to me, my dear...
'we don't want to fight,

they don't want to fight,

but still, this is the fourth year
that we've been fighting.

Where are you going,

Let me talk.

Every scoundrel,
German agent,

spy and traitor,

is appealing for fraternization
on the front.

At this very moment,
when the country, covered in blood,

is fighting
against the external enemies,

the Bolsheviks betray
the Motherland.

The Bolsheviks
disintegrate the army.

On behalf of the Provisional
Government, I declare...

- sh**t those scoundrels!
- Don't disturb me, let me talk.

On behalf of the Provisional
'Government, I declare,

with no mercy,
we will destroy soldiers,

traitors calling for fraternization

and disintegration of the army.



a*tillery, sh**t the traitor
of the Motherland.


My dear Nikolai...

Don't give r*fles
to the commanders.

Deputies, soldiers...

the Winter Palace
has been captured.


Sit down and play!


What's the matter?

- We've arrived, get off.
- Go to hell!

- I told you, we've arrived!
- I won't get off.

We Kindly request you
to get off.

- I'm submitting to v*olence.
- As you should! Peter, arrest him!



Get up, Kolya.




- What do you want?
- Get up.


What a rush!

The End.
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