sn*per: Reloaded (2011)

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History/Civil Wars, Cold w*r, WWI, WWII, Rebellions, Revolutions and more! w*r movies collection.
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sn*per: Reloaded (2011)

Post by bunniefuu »

sn*per: RELOADED (2011)


Marine, this hearing

falls under
the jurisdiction

of the United Nations.

Now, you understand
this is a deposition,

not a trial.

The charges against
you are serious.

Desertion of your post.
Dereliction of duty.

Any legal actions

that may or may not proceed
from this investigation

will be adjudicated

under the Uniform Code
of Military Justice.

Do you understand your
rights in this matter?

Yes, sir.

Lieutenant Abramowitz.

Sergeant Brandon Beckett,

please can you tell us
where you were

on the 4th of August, 2010?

The Democratic Republic
of the Congo in Africa.

What were you
doing in Africa?

My squad had just transferred
from Kabul, Afghanistan

two months earlier.

Your assignment?

We were there as part of ATEP.

The Africa Train
and Equip Program.

We were helping train
the Congolese regular army

to resist the incursion of
well-armed rebel forces

backed by t*rror1st groups.

In exchange, African
troops would join

the coalition forces
in Afghanistan.

Can you describe the events

that led to your going
AWOL eight days later?

It started August 3rd
at the parade ground...


the Soviet w*apon designed
to replace the AK-47.

Most likely, this
or one of its variants

is what your enemy
will be using.

The r*fle is chambered
for the 5.45 x 39mm round,

similar to our
5.56mm NATO round.

Only the AKS uses
a 52-grain steel-core b*llet,

designed to penetrate
body armor.

This w*apon's barrel
has a one in eight twist.

That means there's
enough spin to stabilize

even the heavier
70-grain b*ll*ts.

It's accurate.

If you hear this
thing going off,

you get out of
the line of fire.

in our exercises,

you'll be using blanks and
laser-activated MILES vests

to score hits.

But when you get
into a fire fight,

the idea is
not to get hit.

My men are good soldiers.
They know how to fight.

They just don't
know how to duck.

Look, Captain Ngoba,

I know some of this is
straight out of the book.

Your soldiers are
courageous and brave,

but they have to fight
the natural tendency

to start firing back
from unsecured positions.

Yes, we know.

You gotta aim if
you want to maim.

Ngoba, get your
men in formation

and let's go again.

Captain Nelson,

Colonel Jäger would like
to see you in his office.

Brown, take over.
Beckett with me.

Uh-oh. What did
we do wrong?

Maybe my transfer
came through.

You leaving the Marines?

Anything to get
away from you.

You wanted to see us, sir?

New orders for tomorrow.

New orders?

Training operations will
be temporarily suspended.

You will be taking
men into the DRC.

Sir, I thought
it was off limits

to outside military forces.

The Congolese government

has cleared us for
this one mission.

The rebels are threatening
all Europeans in the DRC.

Most have moved out long ago

after the country ceased
being a Belgian colony.

But one last Belgian
plantation owner,

a Jean Van Brunt,

has refused to respond
to our communications,

and his property is here.

Come on.

Here in Mukana,
just over the border.

An old-style plantation
that, like its owner,

has outstayed its welcome.

Take 10 men.

You have to go in there
and extract him

and any persons
still working for him.

I'll take five of my Marines
and Ngoba's men.


Yes, sir.


Yes, Sergeant?

Why not airlift him out?

It's too dangerous
to fly in the area,

since the rebels have
gotten their hands

on Strela missiles.

If they have Strelas,

what else do they
have in store for us?

you don't find out.

So we're on
babysitting duty

NGOBA: This is not
a walk in the park.

There's rebel activity
all over that area.


Don't worry, Paddy.

We'll be in and out before
they know what hit them.

Bing-bang, like
a Chinese prom date.

Man, you're a pig,
you know that?

CAPOBIANCO: You love it.

Whoa. Check out
the new chick.

BECKETT: Who is she?

BROWN: She's from England.

That's military intel, bro.
Don't even think about it.

What's that
supposed to mean?

It means she'll want
a man with brains,

and you ain't smart,
even for a Marine.


Well, she's looking
over here.

It doesn't make
any sense,

but she's looking
at you, dude.

Go for it, Sergeant.
She wants you all up in there.

Not interested.

Ten bucks says
you don't have the
nerve to talk to her.

I'll second that.

You're on.

Oh, yes.
Oh, yeah!

MAN 1: Here we go.
MAN 2: Go get it, B.

MAN 3: See you
in five minutes.

Hey. I'm Sergeant Beckett.
You're new here, right?

That's it?


That's your
come-on line, Sergeant?

"Hey, you're new?"

Yeah, I guess it's...

It's Abramowitz.
Lieutenant Ellen Abramowitz.

Work on the line, Marine.
Then get back to me.

I will.

How'd that work out?
MAN 1: Fail, Sergeant.

BROWN: Walk of shame.

Fraternizing with
a superior officer.



CAPOBIANCO: Shot down.
MAN: Way to go, B.

You knew she
was a Lieutenant.

You owe me 10 bucks.

You struck out.

The bet was
to talk to her.



BROWN: What did she say?

What did you say?
What did you say to her?


A gentleman never tells.


Shutting him off
like a light switch.

That was pathetic.

I didn't see you
talking to any women
last night.

Brown's q*eer
for Capobianco.

f*ck you.
f*ck you.

BROWN: Busting my balls.

Border coming up.


BROWN: There's some fly
women around here.

HOAG: You're gonna take
them back home with you?

BROWN: I ain't saying
I'm gonna take them home.

I'm just saying...

Yeah, yeah, yeah,

"I'll give you a new life."

HOAG: Yeah.
"Move to Utah."

Guys, guys, settle down.
We're almost there.

Mukana's 10 klicks
north of here,

just past Uhuru.

What, they've got a town

named after the chick
from Star Trek?

That's Uhura, d*ck.

Uhuru is "freedom"
in Swahili.


Check out the big
brain on the...


Bad joke,

since the rebels
have driven everyone

out of that part
of the country.

Oh, right.
I heard they walked.

Settle down, Vincent.

Yes, this may not be
Afghanistan or Fallujah,

but be careful.

It's the jungle
of the Congo.

Okay, jungle faces on.

BROWN: Sounds like a holiday.

BECKETT: Hunters?

Chandler and his
rich European friends

come to get trophies.

I thought it was too dangerous
for Europeans in this area.

Down here,

hunters are a big part
of the economy.

They pay good money
to the government

and they feed the
local villagers.

Keep your eyes open.

And Marines, behave.


You're Jean Van Brunt?

Who's asking?

Can we speak to
you please, sir?

Come inside.

VAN BRUNT: I don't
understand these orders.

NELSON: It's simple.

We have to take
you out of here.

I have no problem here.

Where are your workers?
They ran off.

They are afraid.

I'm not.

It's for your
own protection, sir.

Leave this place?
I can't.

I'm afraid
we're under orders.

Screw your orders.

This plantation was
built by my father.

It survived the Congo wars

and several small
uprisings since.

I'm not going to abandon

everything he lived
and died for.

No. No, everything that
means anything to me

is in the house

and on that land.

My wife is buried out there,
for God's sake.

You want me to walk
out that door?

I'm sorry, but you
have no choice.


All right. I will come
with you. For now.

Take me to your commander.
I'll talk to him.


Ngoba, get the
vehicle. Let's go!

Everybody, move out!

MARINE: Got to
bring her around.

Sir, I don't know
what to say,

but when the fighting is over,
you could come back.

To what? An empty field
where this house once stood?

No. If you take me
out of here,

this place dies, and so do I.

Get down!


Get down!

MARINE 1: Fall back!
MARINE 2: Run for cover!

Find cover!

HOAG: He's f*cking hit!

Hoag, get down!

Get down!

Get f*cking down!
Hoag, get down!

Get the f*ck down!

f*cking rebels.

I don't think it's
a squad out there.

Why do you say that?

His rate of fire,
the radius of attack.

I think there's
one guy out there.

One guy. A sn*per.
BROWN: sn*per?

f*ck! f*ck!

Where is he? Where are
those sh*ts coming from?

BECKETT: I can't tell.

I think he stopped

He's playing with us.

He can't see
around the door.

He's moving around to a
better location to get sh*ts.

VAN BRUNT: Maybe he's gone.

I gotta get back
into my house.

f*ck your house!
You don't understand...

There's 50 yards
of clear k*ll zone

between here
and that tree line.

He can pick us off
one by one.

But in my house, my...


MARINE: Objective is f*cked!

Oh, my God.
Damn it! Shit!

Come on, stop it!

It won't stop.

BECKETT: Look at me!

BROWN: Breathe,
breathe, breathe.

I messed up.


I can't breathe.

NELSON: You stupid f*ck.

f*ck it!

NELSON: Why isn't
he sh**ting?

BECKETT: He must be
moving positions.


f*ck what?

This is a U.S. Army
shipping container.

You see this case?

I've packed cases like
this back at Pendleton.

Pelican model 1780 cases.

Cases that hold 12
full-size M-1 6s each.

Shit. What the hell
are they doing here?

I don't know.

Well, Captain,
you got a plan, man?

Against the sn*per?


Why are you looking at me?
You're in charge.

Aren't you the
sn*per expert here?

Well, you know more

about this shit
than me, man.

That's beautiful.

How do we fight
this m*therf*cker?

We wait until
darkness falls.

what if he has NODs?

Night vision only
works in darkness.

We'll make our move
right at dusk.

He won't be able
to use his NOD.

His day vision will
be compromised.

That's our best chance.

And if we can't
get out of here?

Then what?
Walk back to Zimbala?

Those m*therf*ckers
walked us into an ambush.

We're on our own here, man!

You led us into
a f*cking ambush!

I am going home.
I am going home.

Two tours in f*cking Iraq,
one in Afghanistan

and to die in
Africa like this?

f*ck that, man.
f*ck them!


NELSON: f*ck! f*ck!

We're dead, man.
We're f*cking dead.

Not yet. Not yet.

Sun's going down.
We gotta move together.

Okay. Which way?

The trees by the
road are closest.

We kick the door,
but we run for it.

He'll have trouble
with us moving fast.

You sound like you
believe that shit.


I have to.

Ten bucks says you don't
make it to that tree line.

You're on.


You're hit.
You're gonna get yourself...





Where am I?

You're in my camp.

You're the hunter.

Yeah. Martin Chandler.

You got a name, kid?

Beckett. Sergeant
Brandon Beckett.

Okay, Brandon,
you want to let go of my arm?


What were you gonna
do with that knife?

I was gonna try and get the
b*llet out of your shoulder.

It's a clean entry,
but it's gone in too deep.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

Where are you going?

You've got to get
to a real hospital.

That wound's gonna
get infected.

You're lucky to be alive.

How did I get here?

I was scouting for kudu
when I heard the sh*ts.

By the time I got there,
it was all over.

The plantation.
I gotta get back there.

No, it's too dangerous.

Try and stop me.


Who are these kids?

They're orphans.

Their parents were
k*lled in the w*r.

I'm helping
Duku protect them.

They live here?

The rebels are always
looking for new soldiers.

They force the young
boys to join them

and thr*aten to k*ll
their families.

Sometimes just k*ll
their families.

These are the sort of people
you're up against, huh?

Can you give me directions
back to the plantation?

A map of some type?

I can't leave my
friends out there.

Look, I knew Van Brunt.
He was my friend.

He helped me set this place up
in the early stages.

And he helped me
with supplies

when rebels cut off
the shipments.

I also want to see
his memory served.

By letting the people
who k*lled him get away?


So you'll take me?

Yeah. I'm also crazy.

These hunters
are going out

early in the morning
to sh**t buffalo.

I'll take you
to the plantation,

but I gotta get back
before they leave.

How do I thank you?

Just don't get me k*lled.

This is where
I found the bodies.

Where are they?
They were here.

You were the
only one alive.

So someone took them?


Let's check the house.


They don't leave
much unturned.

f*cking rebels.

You do business with them?

I trade them game meat

so they don't
k*ll my clients.

The same thing.

Yeah, yeah.
I'll go upstairs.


Put that down.

Give that to me.

Just hold on.
We're not gonna hurt you.

You k*lled my father.

I should k*ll you
right now.

No, I didn't.
I was here to help him.

I don't believe you.


Okay. Okay.
Putting my g*n down.

I'm a friend
of your father's.

My father had
a lot of friends.

He would have spoken
about me. I'm Chandler.

The hunter?

I didn't know you'd be here.

Okay, you say you knew
my father. Prove it.

Okay. He said you
were away at school.


In Brugge. You're
staying with your aunt.

Is that correct?

Thank God you're okay.

You should come with us.
We can get you out of...

And who are you?

My name is Brandon Beckett,

with the United States
Marine Corps.

In the Congo?

Working for the UN.

They sent us here to take
your father back to our base.

They knew there was
trouble with the rebels.

Rebels didn't
k*ll my father.

BECKETT: Her father had
hidden her in the safe room.

I was pretty sure we'd been
cut down by a single sh**t.

But Kelli said she'd heard
looters in the house

who spoke English.

Maybe it was the same pack
who att*cked Chandler's camp.

(DISTANT g*nf*re)


taking the children.

Kelli, get down!


Get down!

Where the hell
is Chandler?



Were they
looking for me?

No, supplies
and children.

Why did they take them?

They'll force them
to fight for them.

Give a 1 2-year-old
boy a r*fle,

and they call
him a soldier.

We have to get
back to the base.

Can I borrow one
of your vehicles?


They've stolen everything
but the Land Rover we had.

I've got to use it to
track down the rebels

and find the children.

Are you coming?
BECKETT: I can't.

I've got to turn Kelli
over to base authorities.

How will we get back?

We'll walk.

We can't be more than
four klicks to the border.

You don't know the
bush well enough.

I know how to use
a compass.

Do you have
a compass?

East, west.

The border is straight
east from here.

It's too risky.

We'll be okay.


Not with that you won't.

Take this.

It's fine for rebels,

but if you run into big game,
that'll just piss them off.

Take this.

It's not loaded and the shells
are in the side pocket.

Thanks. I'll bring it back.

That's if you live.
Keep off the roads.

Good luck.

Why didn't your father tell us
you were in the house?

He didn't know you.
He was scared, I guess.

But I thought he didn't
have any enemies.

What would he have
been scared of?

I don't know,
but he was worried.

I could tell.

Why would this
have happened?

Can you tell me that?

My father was
everyone's friend.

I, uh...

I guess anything I say
right now isn't going to help.

That's right.

BECKETT: Your mother?

She died
when I was 10.

My father knew
I needed a family,

so he sent me
to live with my aunt.

Finally, when
I'm old enough,

I came 6,000 kilometers
to see my father,

only to lose him.

Now I have no one.

Kelli, you don't know me,
but you have to trust me.

The men who did
this to your father,

I'm going to find them.

I swear.

Let's go.

Your wound is bleeding.
Are you all right?

Yeah, great.
Never better.

You're lying.

Was it at all convincing?


It's not much further.
We'll make it.

Is that more lying?

If it is, then
I'm lying to myself, too.



United Nations!

I have to get back.
I have to get back.


Radio the UN base!

His wound
has gone septic.

We need to get him
to the hospital now!

What will happen to him?


MILLER: You do not
want to feel any strain

on your muscles.

If you feel stressed,

you will not be able
to hold that position

without moving.

You move, you give
away your position.

You move, you die.

Now breathe
and fire at will.

Once you have
your mission,

the most important
thing for you to do

is identify the location
of your hide.

Now for this,
you will use intel.

You will use satellite maps.

You will use good
old-fashioned reconnaissance.

Nakelski, what
are we looking for

in the final firing position?

Maximum field of fire and
observation of target area,

concealment from enemy
and clear evac route.

God damn it, son.
You are absolutely right.

A hide that seems good to you

will also seem good
to the enemy.

So you want to avoid
high spots like towers,

like crests of hills
that will get you silhouetted.


Don't salute me, son.
I have no rank.

Thank you, all the same.

Once you establish your FFP,

you may have to
hold this position

for several days.

Days, sir?
How do you...

You don't.

You piss your pants
and learn to love it.

I love it so much
I'm doing it right now.

You do not get
to use the can

till your mission
is completed. Savvy?


Now breathe, fire at will.



That must have
been a bad one.

Yeah. I'm burning up.

Drink up.

Whoa, slow down.
You'll drown, Sergeant.

Where am I?

Zimbala, the UN base.

It was touch and
go for a while,

but your fever broke today.

You're really lucky
you got here in time.

The girl?

She's safe.
Safe and sound.


MILLER: I count the holes.


Little holes there
in the acoustic ceiling.

I count them.

It helps.

That helps you sleep?


It helps me stop thinking
about the friends I lost,

men I k*lled.

You've k*lled a lot of men?


k*lling ain't hard, kid.

It's just pulling
the trigger.

It's living with it
after. That's hard.

Who are you, sir?

My name is Miller.

I'm a friend
of your father's,

here to take you home.

Excuse me.

He cut us down
like wheat.

My men died.

I should have
died with them.

I fell down and I lived.
They were k*lled.

What you're feeling, kid,
it's called survivor guilt.

It's irrational,
but it's normal.

Someplace inside, you
know it's not your fault.

You just gotta
find that place.

Oh, I know what
I need to find.

What? The sn*per?
And then what?

k*ll him.

You can't fight something
you don't understand.


Being a sn*per is something
completely different

than being a field trooper.

So I should what?
Become a sn*per?


No way.

All that sneaky shit?

That's not
fighting, sir.

Brandon, I know
who your father is.

So do I.

Warfare is fighting
face to face

in the b*ttlefield.

Sniping the enemy
from a hiding place?

That's pure chicken shit.

You gotta face your enemy.

Is that how you're
gonna fight your sn*per,

up-close and personal?

I'll figure it out.
Newsflash, kid.

Half the Congo is at w*r.
It is not our w*r.

It's time to go home.

You can go if you want.
I'm not finished here.

You're weak.

Your wounds are
still healing.

I think I'll stick around.

Do whatever you want.
It doesn't matter to me.

Good night.

On your feet.

What are we doing?

Quiet. Take this.

There, by the
perimeter tower.


You see the sentry?

I see the back
of his head.

Good. sh**t him.

You want me
to sh**t him?

He is your target.
Take him out.

Who is he?

He's leaking information
to the rebels.

Now you have
your assignment.

Take him out.

Look, I don't even
know who this...

You don't need to know.

What's the distance?

Two hundred yards.
And how do you know that?

Through the scope.
He's 10 mils high.

Good. Switch him off.

What are you
waiting for, sn*per?

You have your
assignment. sh**t.


I need to know more...
What do you need to know?

That man is the
f*cking enemy.

You put a b*llet
in his head.

I don't k*ll

Correction. You
don't follow orders.

You're not ready to
take on a sn*per, kid,

because he would sh**t
that man on command.


So, end of the lesson.

JÄGER: Captain Ngoba,
according to your report,

your men were in
a direct attack,

and you were separated
from the rest of the unit.

Once you determined
your men had been k*lled

and lacking sufficient cover,
you chose to retreat to base.

And leave the
rest of us to die.

Is that a correct reading
of your report?

Yes, sir.

That will be all, Captain.

Lieutenant Abramowitz,

do we know who
these attackers were?

It seems like a
squad-sized force.

However, I think it may
have been one sh**t.

That seems unlikely, no?

The medics removed a Russian
.30 caliber r*fle round

from his shoulder.

One hundred
forty-seven grains,

one in 11 .5-inch twist.

Are you sure
about the twist?

It's what it says here.

Colonel, the rebels
use Soviet weapons.

Their 7.62mm sn*per r*fle
uses a one in nine-inch twist.

One in 11 .5.
That's one of ours.


The M-24 U.S.
Sniping System barrel

uses that twist.

Whoever it was
used a U.S. sn*per r*fle

chambered for
the Russian round.

There are millions of weapons

of every caliber
in this country.

Sir, if I may,
just one more thing.

Ballistic suggests
it was a sn*per,

but it must have been a squad

that returned and
sanitized the scene.

They removed the bodies,
cleared Van Brunt's house

and made it look
like looting.

So? We'll never know.

Thank you for your report.

That's it?

My men were shot

by what may have
been U.S. weapons,

and you say,
"Thanks for the report"?

Sergeant, we've done
all we can do.

Doesn't look like
you've done anything.

ABRAMOWITZ: The Colonel means

the UN doesn't have the time
or manpower to investigate.

Don't you care
about what happened?

That's beside the point.

The conflict in the
DRC is a flashpoint.

The government can
topple any day.

We have no idea how this will
affect diplomatic relations.

I can look into
it on my own.

Oh, no. That's the
last thing we need.

We cannot afford you
running into the middle

of an international incident
like a cowboy, Sergeant.

Until further notice,
you are confined to base.

Yeah, Captain?
What do you want?

I heard your story
back there.

No, you did not, Sergeant.

Your men do not
respect my men.

We both know this.

But we are African soldiers
and you are Marines.

That does not mean
you can judge me.

This is my country.

We did not ask for you and
people like you to come here.

It is unfortunate
about your men,

but I did what I thought
was best at the time.


They told me
you were still here.

I was surprised.

They're still trying
to contact my aunt.

They told me you might die.

The medics always make
it sound worse than it is

so they can look like miracle
workers when you pull through.


I brought you some DVDs.

The Michael Jackson movie,
Jonas Brothers.

You know, some
of my favorites.


These are code five.
Won't work in Belgium.

Maybe you can trade them.

Kelli, have you had
any more thoughts

about who may have wanted
to k*ll your father?

I already told that woman.


Same as I told you.

I don't know
anyone who would.

In the house,
there was a picture

of your father
with some soldiers.

It wasn't there
when we went back.

You know the one?


Was your father
in the army?


But he would let the soldiers
come to our plantation.

He traded with them.

Did he trade
with the rebels?

He traded with
the rebels, tribes

and the Congolese army.

He had to, to keep
our home safe.

Sorry. I'm not used
to the Officers' Mess.

It's been a long time
since I've seen a tablecloth.


WAITER: Here you go, sir.

The Dover sole is amazing.

You rather have an MRE?

No, no. This is great.

So, what do you
want from me?

Well, you've asked
me to dinner.

Can't just be because
you find me attractive.

I think you know more
than you're letting on.

You spoke to Kelli.

You know her father
traded with the rebels.

Why did they k*ll him?

Between you and I,

the UN may be moving
out of here soon.

Chances are it was more
than a rebel attack.

Even if I did have
the authority to help,

it's just me and four
computer operators.

We just don't have
the resources.

I know I can
track him down.

It would be
a su1c1de mission.

Mukana was a known hotspot,
even before you got ambushed.

Let it go.

If it was your men,
would you let it go?

I've seen your records.

Three suspensions
during high school,

disciplinary action in
each of your two years

of junior college.

I had a problem
being told what to do.

So you joined the Marines?

I thought it would
help me get over that.

Did it?
I guess not.

Here I am in the
principal's office again.

So tell me,
how did you get here?

Why would you want
to know about me?

Clearly, you've done
your research on me.

Am I not allowed to know
something about you?

Look, I mean, if it's
too embarrassing...


My father was a sergeant major
in the SAS at Hereford.

I grew up on the base.

That must have been fun.

Fun? Oh, no.

But it was interesting to grow
up surrounded by people

that had dedicated their lives

to something grander
than themselves.

Their country.

So, I followed
in his footsteps.

Is that what you
wanted to hear?

Rule number one.
Know your enemy.

I'm not your enemy,

It feels that way.


Did I hurt it?

You didn't do anything.

It wasn't your fault
that you survived.

What's important
is that you did.

It doesn't feel that way.

MILLER: Howdy.

Where are you going?

For a walk.

Into the Congo?

If you go up against
a sn*per in your condition,

you're going to get
yourself k*lled.

I'm a Marine.

I came into this world
kicking and screaming,

covered in someone
else's blood.

I have no problem going
out the same way.

Look, kid, last night
was what we called

a "stress fire" exercise.

Every sn*per goes through it.

Hell, I went through it.
It's just a test.

And I failed, right?
But you, you can save me.

Not until you get
yourself into trouble.

Sergeant Beckett, do you
mean that this office

is expected to believe

that you went AWOL

to find your squad's

Yes, sir.

What did you think
you were gonna do?

I needed help.

In all of Africa, I knew
there was one man

who could help me
get to the rebels.

I needed to track down

where the rebels were
getting these weapons,

including the one
I was shot with.

I was hoping that's
how I'd find the sn*per.







Ma'am, it's okay.
It's okay.





I just came to bring
your g*n back.

Why the hell did
you come back here?

I need your help.

The sn*per who shot me,

he's out there working
with the rebels.

I need to find him.

How the hell
can I help you?

Listen, I'll help you
get your kids back

if you take me
to the rebels.

I know where they're
getting the g*ns.

Come on, son.

is a place more alive

than any you've ever been to.

You heed her rules,
and she'll take care of you.

You stray, and your bones
will bleach in tomorrow's sun.

Now, if you're up
against an enemy

that can k*ll you,

that first clean bore shot
could save your life.

Another patch.

There is a chance
that they can k*ll you

before you even get
close to your target.

I'll get to my target.

Are you sure about that?

Soldiers just bull
their way into situations.

It's the way they're trained.

But a hunter's got to stalk.

When he's stalking,

he's gotta use the terrain
to his advantage.

It's basic training.

No. There's more
to it than that.

When you're
stalking your prey,

you gotta become
one with the land.

You probably know that
from your father, huh?

Unfortunately, no.
I never knew him that well.

I became a grunt
to spite him.

And what does
he think about that?

I don't know.

who att*cked my camp.

Criminals led by a man
that claims himself

the spokesperson of God.

There will be
no negotiating.

I wasn't expecting any.



Those are your kids.

They're going to take them
to the other rebel camps.

I got to get them
out of there now.

Okay, if you
can distract them,

I'll make my way down
there behind them.

Are you up for this?

Let's do it.







Someone's helping us.


There's someone
else out there.

No! He's on our side.


the hell is this?

Martin Chandler,
this is Richard Miller.

You never
told me your rank.

Not important.
How you doing?

So, you're a spook?

Friendly ghost.

Okay, guys.
Help each other,

find everyone and get
on that truck, okay?

are you doing here?

I'm here to
save your life.

met you before,

but you flew halfmay
around the world

just to give me a ride home.

Right. You know

I know sn*pers aren't sent
to k*ll squads of men.

They're assigned
a specific target.

Your men were
collateral damage.

Van Brunt was
the primary target.

How do you know
all of this?

I know who the sn*per is.


I trained him.

They call him The Italian.

But he's not Italian,
he's not Russian or Somalian.

His name is
Vincent Masiello,

and he's an American.
He's a Marine.

We were shot by
one of our own. Why?

I don't know why.

All I know is that
order had to come

from pretty high up in
the chain of command.

Operation like that,
I have to assume

they wanted to keep Van Brunt

from revealing
delicate information.

He was the one supplying
U.S. weapons to the rebels.

Then he must have got them
from somebody on our side.

That's the kind
of something

the military would want
to keep from the public.

Is that why you're here?
Are you part of this cover-up?

If I were,
we wouldn't be talking.

You'd be dead.

I'm not here on
anyone's orders.

When I heard Tom Beckett's son
was ambushed in Africa,

I decided to get
my ass down here

and bring him back
before he got k*lled.

Why do you care?

I care because
I knew your father.

He was my friend.
He was my teacher.

He taught me how
to be a sn*per.

And he saved my life.

Look, I'm not going back
until I'm done here.

Does that include
your funeral?

Because you will never
see Masiello coming.

Then I need to make
him come to me.





Where the hell are you?

I know who k*lled our men.

I need protection.
You have to send a team
to come pick me up.

You know I don't have
the authority to do that.

I'll be right on the border.

An abandoned village

east of Van Brunt's
plantation named Uhuru.

Okay. I'll see what I can do.


You can trust her?

I don't have to.

If the conspiracy is
coming from the base,

it won't be legit UN force
that'll show up.

It'll be Masiello,
coming to k*ll me.

Colonel, I found him.

Uhuru, it's a town on
the Zimbala-DRC border.

1300 today.

I cannot risk any more of
the men in my command.

Beckett says he has
evidence of the soldiers

who ambushed his men.

It takes too long
to get permission

from whoever passes

for today's
provisional government.

We won't need
a full-scale operation.

I could get him myself.

You'll need a security detail.

I want four of your
best men to escort her.

Get in there and get out
as fast as you can.

Yes, Colonel.

Thank you, sir.


I'll get the kids
across the border,

then I'll come back
and help you.

Not your fight,
my friend.

Are you sure?

Where will you go?

Out of the Congo.

Zambia. Maybe Namibia.

It's good hunting there.
At least they'll be safe.

Thank you.

This is going
to get hairy.

I'm ready.



He's not coming alone.

You're gonna
have to engage

the primary attack
house to house.

Pick your spots.

Is the com working?

Loud and clear.

And one more thing.

Here. It's an LAR
Grizzly Mark I.

I didn't know we
had an a*tillery piece.

A little souvenir
your father gave me.

In case he gets up
close and personal.

Plus, it's been
chafing my ass.

I don't know what to say.

Let the w*apon
do the talking.

Where are you gonna be?

I'm going high.

A high hide's
never a good idea.

Who taught you that?

Same person who taught you.

Well, you're right.

This time, we're
doing the ambush.

I still don't know
why you're staying in this.

I told you.
I trained Masiello.

I didn't train him
to k*ll Americans.

What about when
you get back to Pendleton?

You're gonna answer for this.

Are you kidding?

We're not gonna
live through this.

Lovely view.

Totally exposed.

Vehicle coming. Look alive.

Wait with the vehicle,
Captain Ngoba,

until I make
contact with him.

Yes, Lieutenant.







What the f*ck
are you doing?

What are you doing here?
I came to bring you back.

Are you crazy?
MILLER: Beckett?


Who is that young
lady looking for?


What is this?

It was supposed
to be an ambush,

but you weren't
supposed to be here.


Tell me exactly
what's going on here.

We got company.


UN 'flage, cute red hats.
Doubt they're legit.

Anyway, they're taking
position around the perimeter.

I brought soldiers
from the base.

To bring me back.

It's them.

It's a hit squad.

They didn't come with me.

Why are they
sh**ting at us?

They're not here
to bring me back.

They're here
to k*ll us both.

Give yourself up.

NGOBA: We have no choice.

I'll explain later,
if we live.

Beckett? You trained
us well, no?

No! They're
still stacking up!

I see you.


BECKETT: One shot, two kills.
You heard about that, huh?

Are you all right?
Are you kidding?


Ellen. We're ready to move.

What's the plan?

MILLER: Half a dozen uglies
out that door, big guy.

I'll draw their fire.
When I do,

you go straight that way.


MILLER: Make that a dozen.
Baker's dozen.

Be careful.

See you back at the base.

BECKETT: Go, go, go!

MILLER: Chasing down Ngoba?


I got your back, kid.


I am not fighting you.

You took us out
to that ambush.

I am a soldier.
I was following orders.

Where is he? Masiello!

I don't know.
Who's behind this?

He'll k*ll me.

I'll k*ll you! Who?

I have no proof.


Colonel Jäger?

He was using Van Brunt

to funnel American
weapons to the rebels.

You knew this? Why
didn't you report him?

Who would have
believed me? You?

Would you have believed me?

My men were k*lled.

Yours and mine!

And we are next.


Miller, do you read me?

My old instructor is at a loss
for words, baby Beckett.


That saves introductions.

Last time we met,
I missed you.

I'm gonna correct
that mistake.

You still with me,
baby Beckett?


Not good enough, Beckett.

Son of the great
Thomas Beckett.

It skips a generation, huh?

Your father
wouldn't have missed.

Let's see how you
handle night vision.

What are you
dragging this out for?

Well, that wasn't even close.

I switched scopes,
thanks to you.

Won't miss next time.



BECKETT: I caught up
with Lieutenant Abramowitz

by midday.

Miller had disappeared.

It took most of
the next day for us

to get back to the base

where I contacted
U.S. consulate,

who arranged to
bring me back here.

In your debriefing,

you said you believed
a coalition officer

was conspiring
with the rebels.

And you identified
that officer?


Sergeant Beckett,
do you have any evidence

to corroborate
your accusation?


I'm afraid without
further evidence,

I have no choice

but to proceed with
the court-martial.

What about our men lying in
an unmarked grave in Africa?

What are you gonna
do about that?

The U.S. military can
do nothing officially.

We have rules to obey,
regulations to follow.

Of course, you don't.

Peter? Hans?

I think it's broken.

Your security detail
won't be coming, Colonel.

You k*lled them?

I don't k*ll

I'm not you.

You must be good.

You survived The Italian.


He was good.

I was better.

You know how
this works, right?


You're here to k*ll me?

You had my men k*lled.

Ngoba told you that?


Well, he's dead.

Think he would
have testified?

You're in this picture.

Van Brunt had the same
one in his house.

You two were friends,
weren't you?

He helped you sell
weapons to our enemies.

We sold weapons
to both sides.

Congolese government
and the rebels.


We didn't know
who was going to win.

We need leverage with whoever
is going to run the country.

Is that right?

That's the way
we have done things

for hundreds of
years, Sergeant.

It's called politics.

Then why k*ll Van Brunt?

Want me to be honest?
Because he knew too much.

He was the only one who could
connect us to the rebels.

And my men?
I'm sorry

if your personal loss
is more important to you

than the bigger
picture of the w*r.

But you should know,

it looks like the rebels
will be forming

the new provisional

and because of
our policies here,

they will not be hostile
to working with us.

That's supposed to
make it worth it?

I didn't create
the situation.

But a scandal will not
help us win a global w*r.

You've played
the game for so long

you forget what we fight for.

You know who
my father was?

A real soldier,

a man who honored his country
with his service,

who did his job

even when betrayed by cowards
and politicians like you.

Okay, so k*ll me.

Think that will
change anything?

As long as there's w*r,

there will be a
necessity for things

most people don't
have the stomach for.

(g*n CLICKS)

Did you get all that?

Even the sanctimonious part.

Colonel Jäger,

under the United
Nations military code
of criminal justice,

you are under arrest.

Brandon Beckett?

Major Ed Gulle, Special
Operations Commander.

I'm not a Marine
anymore, Major.

I know. That's why
we want to talk to you.

We got a job for you, kid.
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