Parer's w*r (2014)

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History/Civil Wars, Cold w*r, WWI, WWII, Rebellions, Revolutions and more! w*r movies collection.
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Parer's w*r (2014)

Post by bunniefuu »

Crikey, Norm, you can see

everything from this lookout!

Japs' whole base!

Troop movements, shipping -

the works.


Move out.

Shh, shh!

Come on. Let's go. Get down.

That'll have to do, Damien.

We need to ankle out of here fast.

Mind what you do with that film

you took from the lookout.

It's a vital post and we're

all dead if the Japs find it.

Yeah, too bloody right, Norm.

I won't use it

till you say it's cleared.

Sorry, Cotter.

Might write tomorrow.

Hail Mary, full of grace.

Our Lord is with thee.

Blessed art thou amongst women,

and blessed is the fruit

of thy womb, Jesus.

Holy Mary, Mother of God,

pray for us sinners,

now and at the hour of our death.


Ha! 7th Division.

Oh, thank Christ for that.

Mate, Parer, DOl.

General Rowell's taking command?

Yeah, someone who knows what

he's doing for a bloody change.

Got some film here. What do you

want me to do with this?

Off as soon as you can, mate.

Department of Information's

waiting on it.

Get there a darn sight sooner

if you take it with you.

Nah, I'm not going back.

Cable they sent this morning

says you are.

Shit and derision.

Walked all the way home, have you?

From Libya, by the look of it.


Hoping you'd be here by now.

What the hell am I meant to do

about that?

I don't think this will suit

General Rowell, old man.

No. No, out of the question.

We can't afford to lose you now,

Damien. Or you, Chester.

We're gonna need

your ABC broadcasts,

and your pictures, Damien.

I want this undermanned,

undersupplied cock-up

I've inherited on the record.

It's a f*ckin' shambles,

as you'd both appreciate.

These troops should have been here

months ago.


And I've got no clear idea what

the devil's going on up at Kokoda.

And no competent liaison officers

to get up there

and assess the situation for me.

You boys have covered the w*r

in the Middle East.

You've enough military nous

to know what you're looking at.

I wouldn't miss it for quids, sir,

but that's an order.

I'll deal with the Department.

Who's your superior?


Bob Hawes.

Thank you, sir.

You just get up to Kokoda

and get those pictures for us

so that bloody fool at GHQ can see

what sort of w*r he's got up here

and stop pushing for

a swift victory.

In this terrain?

And a lot of poor bastards will

have to get k*lled to provide it.

Just how much strife are we in

up at Kokoda, Chester?

I think that's what he's asking us

to tell him, old son.

Hope you brought your hiking boots.

Down here.

I can't find you.


A bit of water if you've got any.


Struth, mate,

what are you doing off the track?

Just having a rest. Wouldn't have

any morphine, would you?


All I've got's this.


where the hell are you?


Here. Take this.

We'll come back for you.

Thanks, cobber.

Father, forgive me.

Deus meus, ex toto corde poenitet

me omnium meorum peccatorum...

For God's sake, man!

I thought I'd lost you.

We've got to keep moving.

.. eaque detestor, quia peccando...

This is not what people

want to see, Damien.

It's sordid.

Nothing good about it.

It's what they're bloody well

gonna see, Bill.

The complacency back home -

they need kicking out of it.

Good God! Where's this?

Halfway up to Myola.

It's a bastard of a trek, Kokoda.

It's one razorback after another.

There's your out.

Hang on, Ken.

Should be a bit more here showing

how visible their uniforms are.

It's bloody hopeless.

The yellow fellas

in jungle-green camouflage...

.. and our chaps' desert gear

standing out like dog's balls.

You need to put that

in the dope sheet

so we know what we're looking at.

Might need that

for the commentary.

That's Eora Creek

when we got the order to withdraw.

Just didn't have enough damn film

to show the scale of it.

They're the wounded coming back from

the forward lines. Bloody hundreds.

All this damn panning, Damien.

How do you suppose we cut it?

I think we need the whole shot, Ken.

It's just more truthful that way.

Fair enough.

This is all out of order.

That's up at Efogi.

What are they saying?

They're telling the officer

what they're up against.

It's a new kind of warfare.

We need to see it.

Is there any action footage?

You can't get action, Ken.

They're fighting blind.

You can't even see the enemy

when he's 10ft away

and then you're dead.

That's what they're telling him.

Look, these sh*ts,

they're all over the place.

We've gotta get these bloody reels

in order.

Perhaps we should take a break,


Let's grab half an hour,

get a bite.

I know!

And I said to him, 'Didn't you

take dance classes at school?'

And he just looked at me

like I was crazy!

Don't know what's going on

with this government.

Tobacco's getting more and more

expensive, if you can get it at all.

It's a bloody joke.

Yes, but straight out of

the field? He's stonkered, Ken.

The propaganda boys want

it out as fast as we can do it.

Well, I've got his dope sheets.

I could leave the commandos

until later

and do a rough assembly on this

over the weekend

while he's taking a break.



Where have you been, you scoundrel?

Forgotten how to write?

Yeah. Sorry, got a bit sidetracked.

Oh, is that what you call it?


Just stringing some negs

in the darkroom.

Get yourself a drink.

And something to eat.

You look like

that mangy yellow dog

who hangs around the cookhouse.

Get yourself cleaned up. There's

a shaving kit in the bathroom.

A lot of people want to catch up

with you tonight.

Marie's gonna be there.

Look out!


I need a drink!


Marie, over here!

Hello, Maxey.

Damien told me he'd won

a jitterbug contest in Cairo,

which sounds like absolute rot.

I've done a fiver

betting he couldn't.

Oh, well, Ronnie was there too.

Didn't he warn you?

Not a word.

Gosh, what a stinker!



There you are, Cotter.

Yeah, and here you are,



give the girl a rest!



I was wondering

what was keeping you.

Oh, you know, work, things to do,

and possibly being the last person

to find out he's back from Max.

Damien, I despair!

Serve you darn well right

if I ran off with her.

Such a rotter!

Ah, she already knows that.

Hey, Damien!

Silkie, you scallywag!

Where the devil have you been?

Come on,

Marie. Let's practise!

Well, I've got an exhibition dance

to live up to,

so I'm gonna get back

into practice.

And then Frank Hurley,

Frank decides he wants to do the

whole thing in a re-enactment...


Hello, mate.

Borrow him for a tick, if I may?

What are you doing?

That's no way to treat a girl.

Especially not THE girl.

Oh, keep trying to make up my mind

for me.

No. But someone else will,

if you're not careful.

That'd settle it, then.

I know she doesn't love me.

Spare me the hairshirt, Damien.

You've been doing that for how long?

The kid is mad about you!

Always has been.

So you keep telling me.

She never has.

Of course she's not gonna put

herself on the line like that,

when Lord knows if you'll ever

pop the question.

Don't be such an ass.

You ask me to look after her

while you were away, so I do.

We talk, mainly about you.

Great party, mate.

Thanks a lot, Damien.

Yep. Take care.

Hooroo, mate. Cheerio, Max.

Thanks, mate.

Damien and I

lost our hearts there.

Ah, Bill. Thanks, mate.

Athens in spring has a flavour

and beauty all of its own.

He's extensively well travelled,

aren't you?

You mean for the w*r? Yeah, well,

it does count, you know.

I mean, they have time to shop.

Behave, Cotter.

You're being naughty.

I just thought it

worth mentioning.

Ah, Cotter, I'll take you home.

Well, you don't have to, you know,

considering you didn't bring me.

This is how Silkie

told me how to drive...


.. in North Africa.

Jeepers, Damien!

For heaven's sake, slow down!

Look! Aah-ha-ha-ha!

Don't! Damien!


How much have you had to drink?!

Not enough! Ha-ha!

I suppose

I'll have to marry you now.

Have to?

You most certainly do not.

I mean, as you darn well know,

you've never even

properly kissed me before.

No, I didn't mean it like that.

What an awful thing to say!

I meant we should think about it.

How could you even ask me

when you're drunk?

No, I thought you wanted...

To be insulted?

'Oh, yeah, Cotter's

the sort of girl

who's no better

than she should be. '

I'd never talk about you like that.

Is that why you stopped writing

and you didn't tell me

when you were back?


Well, then why?

I don't know why.

Well, that makes two of us.

Why don't you try and talk to me

when you're sober,

if you even remember!

You shouldn't be out here like that.

Oh, Father, forgive me,

for I've really sinned.

Not only parking with my boyfriend

and improperly dressed,

in fact, I'm not dressed at all.

Although I can't see Mum's chenille

inspiring anyone to lust.

But I could be wrong.


And would it be an actual occasion

of sin

if Dad was watching us

the whole time?

He'd let you come out

and sit with me like that?

No, of course not.

He told me to fetch you in before

all the neighbours are up,

or you'll cause talk.


For love is heaven,

and heaven is love.

Isn't Diana just everything?

I think I've truly lost my heart

this time.

Well, then

you're a lucky bastard.

You have to let it happen, Damien.

I think I asked Cotter to marry me

last night.

You think?

I made a real muck of it.

Go and take her for a picnic

or something, old fella.

Try and come home to us

for a while.




You lose!



Not likely.

Ah. Race you back up.

Hey! Hang on!

What happened to 'ready, set, go'?

So you can get a head start?

I don't think so!



You spoilsport!

Hurry up! What's keeping you

so long?

Come on, Cotter! Pull your weight!

You are a cheat!

It'll take a penance

and an act of contrition

to get you out of that one.

Come on.

Here. Help me.

Help me!

Help me, Damien.


Take this.

What is it, darling?

It's nothing.

Sometimes I think I'm not much good

to you, or anyone, for that matter.

I know, but I've got

to do something

for the w*r effort, don't I?

You'll find no useful answer

in questioning God's purpose

for us.


What purpose is there

in so much suffering?

There's not an ounce of mercy in it.

It's not a fair go.

He tests our faith.

Every day of our lives, son.

I can cop that, Father,

but not when he tears apart

some other bloke to do it.

You'd be thinking

they're never gonna make it,

then they'd dig their big toe in

and inch their way up.

You've spent a lot of footage

on these native bearers.

Almost as many sh*ts as you have

on the troops.

Because that's the story, Ken.

'No boongs, no battle,'

the boys reckon.


Natives' word.

Do we know what it means?

It's 'brother'.

We'd be wiped off the map up there

without 'em.

We need to be saying that.

And everyone back here

complaining about bloody smokes,

the price of things.

They have no idea

how much danger this country's in.

Didn't get the half of it.

Sorry. Thought it was better

than this, Ken.

Well, it lacks a bit of action.

Don't you worry about that.

You wait and see what we do

with it.

Yeah, well, it's just not there.

Not how it was.

But it will be.

If you introduce it, just the way

you've been telling it to us.

What, on screen?

No, no. I don't think

I'd come out well enough, Ken.

But you've got conviction

in your voice. That's all we need.

Not if I make a muck of it.

We'll bring you up to scratch.

Have a think about it.

Go stretch your legs.

Terry, you and I can move on to

the second film.

Put up the commando footage.

Terrific action.

I missed the real thing.

They're re-enacting it for me here.

Yeah, well, you wouldn't know.

Look at their faces,

how confident they are.

It's not how it is

when they go into battle, Ken.

Well, it'll work for us.

There's your out, Terry.

Who's this fella?


No, hang on.

This is from the lookout tree.

It's gotta go. We can't use that

shot until it's cleared, so...

It's on the dope sheet.

Yeah, I've got it as a cut.

I've seen that image before.


The stupid,

incompetent bloody goats!

Mr Hawes!

Sir, I gave those men my word.

They trusted me to make sure

their lookout

wasn't given away to the Japs.

I can't understand

how it could have been missed.


If it's our mistake.

I can't see how

if we'd been properly informed.

It's written on the dope sheet,

for God's sake.

'Pictures from scouts' tree

cannot be used

until they cease to use this place,

as it would endanger scouts' lives. '

I mean, how much clearer

does it have to be?

There's no need for that tone,

Mr Parer.

If indeed you're correct,

it's most unfortunate.

Of course, we'll investigate

how to...

I don't care how it happened,

Mr Hawes.

Just get the pictures removed

from the press immediately.

And alert the military censor

so the boys can be warned

if it's not too late.

I'll decide the appropriate course

of action, Mr Parer. Not you!

You are an employee

of this department.

You do the job you're assigned

and go where you're told to.

When you're directed to return

to Brisbane, that's where you go.

And don't you think a cable

supposedly from General Rowell

fools anyone.

If anything's happened to those men,

God forgive him.

Keep moving. He's still watching.

And you'd better know that

he released that lookout footage

to the Yanks too.

Oh, shit and derision!

If it's gone that far,

there'll be a lot of explaining

to do if he withdraws it.

Very likely. Oh, Chester rang

from the ABC looking for you.

He's back.

Bloody Hawes.

Petty little shit so full of his own

importance, nothing else matters.

The military censor

has to be alerted.

Anything else is unthinkable.

You'd reckon.

I just don't trust him to fix it.


Well, we'll see about that.

Jane, Chester here.

Yes, would you get me

George Prentice

at the military censor's office?

Thank you.

Thank you.

I suppose you've heard

General Blamey's on the point

of replacing Syd Rowell.


Instead of listening to him?

Yeah, that's the rumour.

He's argued the conditions at

Kokoda we reported back to him,

but Blamey and MacArthur

are refusing to listen.


George, old man.

Yes, I've got a rather urgent matter

I think you'd want to know about.

I wasn't going to do it,

but I bloody am now.

'General Rowell was on the job, and

now we had a really fine command. '

Will Ken Hall let you say this?

I don't think I'm gonna tell him

why I want to say it.

Ken won't want to get mixed up

in the politics.

No. I don't blame him.

DOl won't like the flak either.

Oh, to hell with them!

I'm giving it a good go.


Is this our young lass?

What's taken you so long, Cotter?


I got held back at work

for an air raid drill.

Just smile and nod.

You won't get a word in edgewise.

Marie, this is Chester.



How very nice to meet you.

Yes, I know who you are.

You're the one who tells me

everything he doesn't.

Ah! A discerning listener.

Mmm, a bit too much.

I was half expecting you

to still be 'slimed in mud,

unwashed for weeks

and odorous as a polecat'.

Ah. Thankfully not.

I assume you heard my account

of Damien's cooking prowess

with bully beef and hardtack.

Mmm, and weevils.

Well, I admire your courage.

Lord knows what's in these pots

he's prepared for us.


I didn't know that

you listened to Chester.

Well, of course we all listen.

Chester's the first thing we talk

about at work the next morning.

All the girls?


He'd like that.

I'll bet.

Well, everyone knows about someone

who's missing or hasn't come back.

It's just as well you're not in

all the fighting,

so I don't have to worry

about that.

Oh, not likely.

It's just me stooging around with

a camera, making a pest of myself

when it's all over.

Yeah, that's what Ronnie said.

Eight days ago, I was with our troops

on the withdrawal from Kokoda.

No. I still don't like it.


Sounds too much like 'retreat'.

The way MacArthur's PR department

are getting it out there,

it is not the story

we want to tell.

Let's go again.

Slate one, take two.

Eight days ago, I was with our

advanced troops in the jungle,

facing the Japs at Kokoda.

It's an uncanny sort of warfare.

You never see a Jap,

even though he's only 20 yards away.

They are complete masters

of decept... of...

Oh, bugger!

It's 'camouflage and deception'.

Go easy on yourself. Relax.

Remember the story.

It was the spirit of our troops

and the knowledge that

General Rowell was on the job,

and now that we had

a really fine command.

Was that better?

It'll do.

Eight days ago,

I was with our advanced troops

in the jungle,

facing the Japs at Kokoda.

It's an uncanny sort of warfare.

You never see a Jap,

even though he's only 20 yards away.

They are complete masters

of camouflage and deception.

When I returned to Moresby,

I was full of beans.

It was the spirit of our troops

and the knowledge that

General Rowell was on the job

and that we now had

a really fine command.

There seems to be

an air of unreality,

as though the w*r were

a million miles away.

It's not.

It's just outside our door.

Jungle warfare

is a new kind of warfare.

The rarely seen enemy is close.

Green uniforms,

faces and hands painted,

hidden in treetops, slinking

through the green wilderness.

Where the patrols go,

the bearded Parer goes too,

so that this strange,

uncanny warfare

may vividly be brought to

the outside world.

What's that shot doing there?

Where was all this filmed?

Mubo, with the commandos

five months ago.


Shh, quiet!

.. business of man

against man, k*ll or be k*lled.

If only

everybody in Australia

could realise

this country's in peril,

we might forget about

the trivial things

and go ahead with

the job of licking them.

Let's get out of here.

Bloody Ken.

Cutting in those phoney sh*ts.

Is that Damien Parer?

Creative treatment of actuality,


Yeah, too bloody creative.

What are the men gonna think?

Well done.

Well done, Damien.

Well done, mate!

Yeah, thank you.


Thank you, thank you.

Very good. Very good.

Absolutely loved it.

Thank you.

Well done, sir.

Well done, Mr Parer.

I'm afraid we really must get

going. Thank you, Mr Parer.

Ken's perfidy aside, old man,

it does seem to be concentrating

their minds.

We didn't have those pictures,


and we needed something

of our men in action.

It's not the truth, Ken.

Commandos were nowhere near Kokoda.

The sh*ts don't belong in this film.

Well, they do when the story coming

out of MacArthur's headquarters

is that our boys

don't have the guts for a fight.

Is that the go now? What sort of

dimwits are running this show?

Not all of them, apparently.

There's a General Eichelberger

who's been looking for you.

He's seen the film.

He wants to have a chat

to you about camouflage.

What, for the Americans?

It would seem

we've gingered things up a little.

Damien, if you could paint

a bit of a picture

of the Pacific theatre of w*r...

There is the very real

potential that men will be k*lled.

I understand the risks, Colonel.

The integrity of my office

has been compromised

by the involvement

of the Minister...

Hey, what's going on?

Military censor.

There's quite a stink about

the release of that shot

from the lookout.

Well, Hawes can't piss him off,

can he?

God, man! Of course the minister's

had to be involved!

And that's not all.

The FBI raided our New York office

and confiscated the lookout footage

for the duration of the w*r.

Hell's bells, they don't

muck around, do they?


You just keep that powder dry,

Damey boy.

I think we know

who to thank for this.

You do not take matters like this

into your own hands, Mr Parer.

It is an act of gross disloyalty

to myself and this department.

I've tried to be loyal to my country,

Mr Hawes.

This department represents

your country to you, Mr Parer.

You'd be very unwise

to forget that.

I haven't finished.

If I decide you're not fit

for this job, you will be finished.

There'll be no future

left for you here.

You'll be put straight in the Army.

I doubt that suits your ambitions,

Mr Parer.

And there'll be no more

giving interviews to the press

without departmental approval.

Don't load the g*n for him.

Oh, Ronnie, he threatened me

with the Man-Power Act.

To put me in the Army, as though

that's the lowest form of human life

doing the lowest job

he could imagine.

That's what he thinks

of our soldiers.

He's just a silly, ignorant clot,

who only wonders which end

of the camera the b*llet comes out.

Stay out of it, Ronnie.

He'll go after you too.

Oh, good. You made

a special effort for tonight.

Well, come on, you're not gonna

talk me out of it again.

I told Chester we'd meet him

at the Union club.

Oh, no, you don't! You promised.

Everyone at work's seen your film

except me.

Oh, well, then go

on your bloody own, then.



Look, the last thing I wanna do

is see the damn thing again.

Yeah, well, I'm starting to think

it's me you don't want to see it.

What's it got to do with you?


You don't understand a thing,

do you?

Oh, pardon.

Am I not clever enough?

I don't know what goes on

in your bloody head.

I don't even know

if you really like me.

Well, no, I don't always,

if you want to know,

when you're so rude!

I don't think you even know

what love is. Real love.

I don't know?! Oh!

Give me strength!

Coming from someone who gets drunk,

insults me?

I mean, what is the matter with you?

Why are you doing this?

If that's the way you feel, then you

can go and do better for yourself.

Don't think

it hasn't crossed my mind!

Well, there you go!

If you think I'm gonna marry you,

you've got another think coming!

Oh, no, I haven't!

I am... I am hardly gonna marry

a man I don't love anymore!

Not that you'd have

the foggiest why!

Well, that settles it, then.

Come on.

Let's go and look at

all the pretty girls.

Go on like this, and you'll

end up with a gallery of girls

who might have been,

and no-one to love you.

Oh, just leave it be, Ronnie.

Cotter's perfect for you.

If it's marriage or nothing,

you must get married.


You being such

a fine example of it.

A renegade Catholic with a wife

and Lord knows what else.

I'm not you, Damien.

I never could live the faith.

You do. So does she.

What's this really about, Damien?

Are you still worried

you're going to cop it

next time you're at the front?

More about coming back

minus bits and pieces.

What girl would want you

in that state?

If that's what's holding

you back... Oh, forget it.

I've been such a bastard this time,

it's well and truly over.

I could have a talk to her.


If you could just keep an eye out

for her, make sure she's alright.

That might not be so easy.

There's a liaison position

coming up in the Canberra office.

Away from Hawes? Ah! Take it.

What about you?

The sooner I'm back in the field,

the better.

Men are sweating, suffering,

dying in that jungle,

so that it cannot happen here.

Are they getting all the support

they deserve

from the mines, from the factories,

from the ordinary civilian?

Can every man and woman

in this country truthfully say,

'I've done all I can,

given all I can'?

I've seen the w*r.

I know what your husbands,

sweethearts and brothers

are going through.

If only everybody in Australia could

realise this country's in peril,

that the Japanese are a

well-equipped and dangerous enemy,

we might forget about

the trivial things.


Listen, Ronnie,

I don't want to talk about it.

Well, I do.


All those letters about who he's

met and which units they're in

and which mess he had drinks in -

it's all rubbish!


If you seriously think we're gonna

tell our women we're scared,

filthy, and haven't had

a decent feed in weeks...


But he didn't tell me that he loves

what he's doing

or that he wants to be there,

did he?

Marie, you have to!

You have to love it!

Or you can't keep doing it.

Why do you think I came back

and I took a desk job?

I thought he'd met someone else.

How was I supposed to know

the other woman's a darn camera?

Yes, it is a darn camera,

and it always will be.

You can't change him.

You take it or you leave it.

It's your choice.

Where is there room on the plane

for him?

Uh, standing in the well

behind the pilot's seat

sh**ting over

Torchy Uren's shoulder.

Struth! Silly bugger.

That's a bit risky.

Terrific pictures.

Think we could be looking at

two films

from this Bismarck Sea footage.

When's he back?

Next week.

Thank you.

What the hell's so important

it couldn't wait?

This is.

We've won an Academy Award...

.. for Kokoda Front Line!

My oath, we have.


Looks like the real thing.

But where's mine?

For what precisely, George?

The religious iconography

that he pinched

for that shot of the bearers.

And will again, Silkie.

You're a bloody inspiration.

What a coup for you blokes, eh?

And the Department,

I think you mean, Mr Silk.

Well done, of course, Mr Parer.

Thank you.

But I do hope it's understood,

there's no question

of the Department

securing the award for you

personally, being an employee.

Uh, yeah, well...

I think the award goes to Ken Hall

as the producer, Mr Hawes.

Who edits the film that belongs

to this department.

If you would, Mr Parer.

Isabel, Cinesound, please.

I'm sorry. It's insufficient.

You'll just have to do it again.

You asked me to make out a case,

and I have.

A case, Mr Parer. Not a blank

application for increased allowance.

Just a tip, mate.

Mr Hall might want to circle the

wagons around that award of his.

The Department seem to think

they have claim on it.

Sir, this is just the...

Detailing all expenses

incurred by you in doing the job.

Taxis, phone calls...

I'm not in the habit of claiming

taxis or phone calls.

But you must.

You're entitled to it.

I mean, these native porters,

donkeys, all of it.

Of course we'll reimburse

your out-of-pocket expenses

on proof of payment.

Receipts? From the native carriers

who don't read or write?

Or the villagers

that we have to buy food from?

I'm trying to help you, Mr Parer.

I can't justify it otherwise.

It's up to you to find a way

of working to Department rules,

not the Department working to you.

Well, it just can't happen

like that.

Not in the field,

let alone on the front.

You're not the only cameraman

here, Mr Parer.

If you can't manage

your assignments,

there are others who will.

I'm stuck here

in bloody Moresby

doing one fluff piece

after another.

They're not gonna let me back

with the infantry.

Damien, you should be

with the Americans.

I belong with the Aussie troops,

George. That's where my film is.

What it's really like inside

a good front-line unit.

But right in there with them,

getting the truth of it.

Like my submarine story.


Focus on just three or four boys

on patrol,

dead beat after a hard show,

the comradeship...

It's all in their eyes, George.

The camera's gotta get closer.

If you're not getting that,

you're not...


It's good to see you again, Norm.

Is it?

It was written

on the damn dope sheet.

What use is that?

I just shouldn't have filmed it.

Best you hadn't.

Didn't take much for the Nips to get

a back bearing off that picture.

Straight to our lookout.

It was f*cking close.

Andy got winged.

I won't ever trust them again.

With anything. Ever.

Well, best not.

Or no-one will

f*cking trust you again.

I wouldn't ask them to.

I'll just have to censor myself

if I ever get back on the front.

Hail Mary, full of grace.

Our Lord is with thee.

Tell me what to do, Mother.

Blessed is the fruit of thy womb.

I just can't see how

to bust this thing up.

How can I quit when I owe Ken?

Holy Mary,

guide me to do what's right.


You sure resigning's the answer?

I'm rooted if I don't, George.

I'm never gonna last there.

They'll make sure of that.

Thought about where you're going?

Not yet.

I've got three months notice

to serve out of the DOl.

And then I'm off to make my infantry

film, whether they like it or not.

Is that all you can manage?

That Double Mountain track's

worse than Kokoda, Warfey.

Then I won't have to explain

why you're living on hard rations

if that at all.

It's our bloody supply trail.

Ha! Good-o.

Any chance of a cuppa?

This is Damien, Scotty.

He's a good bloke.

Try not to lose him.

He wants to take some pictures

up at Ambush Knoll.

We're dug in just up here.

I wouldn't have thought

stand-and-defend was the go

for you punch-and-piss-off boys.

Ah, it is if Warfey says it is.

Lieutenant Garland here?

Ah, Damien Parer, this is Judy.

He wants to dope out

the Japs' earthworks.

And Judy's men, they had a big hand

in taking this place.

Must have taken a bit of dash

to do that.

Crikey! How did you manage

to winkle them out of this possie?

We didn't have to.

They decided to leave.

It wasn't worth their while.

Can you spot 'em from here?

Not unless we can bait them into

lobbing something our way.

Yeah, just don't tempt 'em

too close, Hughie.

What, and spoil the fun?

Right five degrees.


Got it. Here she comes.


They're still ranging too low.



Move over, then,

you smart bastard.

Here go the Beaufighters.

Our camera's going to ride in one,

capturing some of the most

sensational pictures of the w*r.

Nice sh**ting, skipper.

They're feeling awful sick.

They're throwing back plenty

at us,

and lead is whistling all around.

Away to port,

there's an untouched ship.

The staff aboard and others

are not so happy about the w*r.

I think you should write to him.

I will not. He hasn't written to me.

I couldn't care less.

Well, how can he, Marie,

when you haven't even told him

where you are now?

Marie, wasn't it fantastic?

Um... I thought you would have.

With the Oscar all over the news,

you don't feel it's a trifle

churlish of an old friend

not to offer congratulations?

Living in hope, are you?

It's in the eyes, Jock.

How many Yanks you have to kiss

to get hold of this, Damien?

He's a trollop, Doc.

Middle of Tobruk, he shows up

with a camera in one hand,

suitcase full of grog in the other.

Get a good look at

those Jap earthworks?

It's like a fortress.

Beats me how Garland's crew dug...

how many Japs out of there?

Between him and Hughie's crew,

a couple of hundred.

What did Brigade have to say?

Any chance of relieving those boys

in the morning?

If there was, I would have done it.

Any mail for them down there?

A bit of news from home

would give 'em a lift.

Platoon can take it up

in the morning.

There's one there

waiting for you too, Damien.


Not for me.

I've gotta get back up that ridge.

No more targets of opportunity,

Johnny. Conserve every shot.

Hey, Jonno.

Yeah, mate.

Afternoon shift, eh?

Oh, shut up.

G'day, mate.


Get out of there.

Get out of there!

Get back to the fallback position!

Aah! NO!

Jock, get out of there!

I'm sorry, Damien. I'm really

sorry. Can it be fixed?

No, I don't think so. Not here.

I just didn't see you.


Really bloody sorry.

It's alright. I'm... I'm rooted.

It's no use crying over spilt milk.

There's no filming for me here.

Either of you cop a hit?

No, just his camera.

That's a bastard.

Anything you can do about it?

No. I'll have to head back

to Moresby

and see if I can get it fixed.

Then you'd better get going

tomorrow morning.

The Nips are pouring out of

Salamaua like bloody ants.

Hail Mary, full of grace.

Blessed art thou amongst women.

Holy Mother, pray for us sinners.

It's not looking too good here.

Watch over these men,

and grant them with your protection.

Lost the phone to Ambush Knoll.

Line's gone dead.

They've cut the line? That means

that they're on our supply trail.

How are we supposed to

get that gear up there now?

I've told young Judy to hold on,

we're coming.

So that's what has to happen.


You can hear the rate

of fire up there,

so you know they've had the d*ck

with no resupply.

Our supply lines are gone.

And north's the only approach

the Japs won't be expecting,

'cause only a f*cking idiot

would try to climb it.

Any takers?

Too right.

Yes, sir. I'm in.

Yeah, mate.

Yes, sir.


Right. Get to it.

Bugger off, Damien.

What are you still doing here?

I thought I'd stick around

and make myself useful.

Oh, did you? Well, you'll be bloody

asking for it going up there.

I'm just as likely to cop it trying

to get out of here, George.

I reckon he's volunteering, boss.

Look, see, I'll do what Scotty says

and scoot if it gets too hot.

For God's sake, don't get knocked,

or I'll be for the chop.

There's a*mo!

Water and bully beef too!

Knocks it out of you, eh?

I haven't cracked a fat in months.

Half your luck.

Here, boys.

Thanks, Doc.

I've got a girl back home

who mightn't be too happy about it.



She's in the Land Army.

Country girl?


Never got her hands dirty

in her life.

Reckons I might not know her

when I get back.

You getting married?

Yeah, one day.

What about you?

You got a girl back home?


Try not to think about it.

Go on, mate.

You've gotta have something better

to think about

than this bloody life.

Hey, load me up too, will you?

Hughie, a*mo!

I'm coming for you!

You're gonna die tonight!

Get stuffed, Tojo!

Have a go then, you bastards!





Hang in there, boy.

Any time you're ready, Damien.

What are we doing?

Not another bloody thing,

for the rest of today, anyway.

Nips have given it up

as a bad joke.

They've withdrawn?

Four hours ago.

We've just relieved the boys

up there.


They named that north-facing

feature Parer's Bowl,

seeing as how you wore

a f*ckin' road through it.

So what's the story

with this busted camera of yours?

You did a good job of it, Jock.

Yeah, you wouldn't want to

get in his way when he's bolting.

You know, I reckon we could fix

this. It'll need some soldering.

Thought that'd do the trick.


Oh, you bloody beaut!

Oh, lost my favourite lens,

but I could make it work.


Bench Cut recce patrol.

Jock Erskine's copped a load.

Oh, that's a bastard.

How far away?

About an hour up the track.

It's an LMG load.

Won't be a tick.

You coming?

Course I bloody am.

Looks like you've scored yourself

a homer, Jock.

Righto. Let's get him back.

You're right, mate.

You'll be right.

You'll be right, Jock.

We'll be doing a stalk

on the vermin for this one.

The more, the bloody better.

Get your head down,

you idiot!

Nice and slow.

Timbered Knoll's gonna be

a tougher nut than Ambush.

You sure you wanna take him

all the way in with you?

It's what he wants.

I reckon he's earned it.

Christ, he's like a f*ckin'

border collie herding sheep.

Damien! Back here!

Mate, you'll cop it if you're

the first target the Japs see.

Don't stop him, boss. Some galah's

gotta get out there, act as bait.

I thought that was your job, Scotty.

When we get out there,

I want you behind me.

Yeah, understood.

But it's in their eyes, Johnny.

Gotta get a bit of that.

Keep an eye on him. He's starting

to take a few too many risks.

Not that way.

It's bloody su1c1de.

Go around the back.

We'll flank 'em.

Cheeky bastard!

Keep your bloody head down,


Keep moving through, boys.

Keep your eyes open.

This one's still alive.

Two men down on this point.

Losing light. It's getting a bit

dark for any more pictures.

Some things I can't trust 'em


They don't even

get their own wounded out.

They just leave 'em for the rats.

Well, it's done.

But it bloody cost us.

I saw Hooksie cop it.

Alright. Get any comms.

Who else?

Bucks and Bonny Muir.

The wife?



Who bloody knows?

That definite?

Oh, maybe one day,

she'll take me by storm,

if I come back still in one piece,

not missing bits and things.



Yep. Yep, same.

If I'm still around.


Something the boys souvenired

off a Jap officer on the Knoll.

Ah, she's a beaut.

They want you to have it.

Well, I'm blowed.

There's one more thing

we'd like you to do.

Above all,

taking the shield of faith,

wherewith ye shall be able

to quench

all the fiery darts

of the wicked.

And take the helmet of salvation,

and the sword of the Spirit.

I am the Resurrection and the life,

saith the Lord.

He that believeth in me,

though he were dead,

yet shall he live.

And whomsoever liveth

and believeth in me

shall never die.

As the rain seeps down,

comrades whose memories

will never dim

are laid to eternal rest.

Tread softly, for the valiant

sleep in hallowed ground,

and before them,

men's mute homage to a majesty

of their giving.

How in God's name

could those drongos at DOl

have been stupid enough

to lose him?

They are your men,

your sons, husbands, brothers.

Working for the Americans,


I still have to earn a living, Ken.

And how else am I gonna stay

on the front line filming the boys?

Well, the Yanks are no place

for you, Damien.

Yeah, but I gave them my word,

and they're the ones

that gave me a lifeline.

And you will serve out

your contract with Paramount.

But you are a mug if you think

they will let you film

Australian boys

on an American payroll.

There's more chance there

than with Hawes and the Department.

I had to go AWOL to get this film.

Just like Kokoda.

Bide your time, Damien.

We'll have you back.

But next time, on your own terms.


'All my love... Marie. '

Now, you have rung Cotter?

She does know you're coming?

Yes. I'm picking her up after work.

You're quite certain?

No bottling out this time.

I think I've been a bloody fool,


She's the best thing

that's ever come into my life,

and it's a pretty empty one

without her.

Have you told her that?

Well... not yet.

Not in so many words.

You said you were going to

write to her.

Yeah, I know, but it's a bugger

trying to write things like that.

You managed to write it

perfectly well to me.

Well, didn't you tell her?

It's not me she's going to be

asked to marry, Damey boy.

I rather think she needs to

hear it from you.

I will. Course I will.

And preferably without it

leading to another bust-up.

There's one or two other things

we need to talk about as well,

given the monastic life you've led.

Oh, he's nice.

Yeah, he's mine.

Oops. Sorry.

Here I am, Cotter.

You look nice.


I can't have changed that much

in a year and a half.

Well, come on, then.

We can't keep Ronnie waiting.

Oh, heavens,

we can't have that, can we?

We're meeting Ronnie for a drink

at the Kurrajong

and then on to dinner

with Ken Slessor.

And Chester's at the w*r Memorial.

He's working on my film.

So he's gonna join us too.

How does that sound?


I thought you were coming

to see me.

There's plenty of time for that.

I like the hat.

Yeah, so do I.

You said you wanted to talk.

Yeah, I just thought we should,

you know, chat about things.

What sort of things?

Oh, the way I treated you in

the past, it was a pretty poor show.

You could have said that

on the phone.

I'm listening.

There you are. I haven't changed

at all. I'm still pushing you.

...and now we're gonna have to bring

the 39th back to the beaches.

The 6th Army are gonna have

to come over. Why?

Because they're not doing

the proper research.

I mean, it's just ridiculous.

Yeah, but forget about

what you're hearing at HQ.

The mad Major has an unenviable

record of losing his men, Damien.

Oh, yeah, but look at

what he's got to work with.

Warfe's the best attack commander

they've got,

so they give him the worst job.

There's a certain truth in that.

Look at the footage that we're

re-editing from the Timbered Knoll.

That's all he's gotta take to place

with. Those boys in the...

And of course the casualties

are high. They're bloody awful.

But nowhere near

what they should have been.

You're quite right. They played

merry hell with that Jap g*n.

The point is, OK,

he's got damned all to work with

and no hope of reinforcements.

If you'll excuse me for a moment.

Are you deliberately trying to

start a blue with her?

But the men couldn't hope for

a better commander.

Is that for me, Willy? Goodness!

Actually, it's my Liszt.

There's only a handful of boys

up on the Knoll.

16 men, for goodness sake.

And who are the officers up there?

What on earth's taking Marie

so long?

Um... Hughie, he copped it.

And Ron Garland.

Winterflood came later, I think.

Cotter, come back to the table.

You can't leave Damien like this.

Oh, can't I?

He's wondering where the devil

you've got to.

Well, he can come

and find me himself.

This is not the way to do it.

Do what?

You know perfectly well

why he's come here.

No, as a matter of fact,

I don't...

Outside, Cotter.

Now, if you please.

We both know he's been

a bit of a mess

and he mucks it up every time,

but do you have to give him

the brush-off

just when he has finally

decided to live!

I will not put up with it again.

I mean, look how he's behaving!

He couldn't care less

if I'm here or not.

And you rise to the bait

as always. That's helpful.

Well, the only reason

he came to see me

is because you and Max

told him to.

Did he say that?

More or less.

Just marry him, Marie,

before he drives us all mad.

Well, how am I supposed to do that

if he doesn't ask me?!

You're a woman!

Make him!

As you all do. Take charge.

Are you cold?

No, I'm quite alright, thank you.

You should have brought a jacket.

I'm due back in Sydney tomorrow.

Yes, you already said.

I don't suppose I can see you in?

No. Not unless you want a bunfight

with the guardian.

She's a light sleeper.

Think I'd rather risk a run-in

with the Japs.

Yeah. Much safer.

Well, goodnight.

No, I don't think so, Damien.

Well, if that's how you feel,

why didn't you say so when I rang?

What's the point in me coming down

here if you're just gonna fob me off?

No, we're not doing that, Damien.

You're not picking a row

to try and get out of it.

Don't know what you mean.

Yes, you do.

Well, are you going to see me off

in the morning, or not?


We're not doing that either.

I'm either coming with you

to see my parents,

or nothing at all.

I suppose I'll marry you.

Of course you will.



These ridges rob a man of half his

strength before the fight begins.

Those native boys are cutting a path

to take the wounded back to Wau.

The company commander

sends Jock out to reconnoitre.

Johnny's platoon won't go out

until Jock gets back.

And there's that

blasted woodpecker again.

There's Jock.

Machine g*ns got him.

It's bad.

Doc knows he's not gonna make it.

This is the final as*ault

on Timbered Knoll.

Wasn't that hilarious?

I mean, that they were showing

Kokoda Front Line at the cinema.

Well, at least Chester

didn't book us into a shanty.

I was half expecting that.

Yeah. Ha!

I, um... I wasn't too sure myself.

I don't suppose you feel like

a bite of supper?

Uh, not really. Unless you do.

No. Just, um...

No. Just thought you might.

Oh, now, there's a sensible idea!

A proper shoe rack down the bottom.


Don't do that.

Can you please just put it back on?

Isn't that what I'm supposed to do,


I think we should say

a decade of the Rosary first.



When else are we gonna

consecrate the union?

Damien, whatever it is

you're supposed to do,

just come here and do it.

Damien, everyone must know

what we're doing.

I reckon if we have a child out of

this, he's bound to be a comedian.

Go! Go, go, go!

Keep it up!

Move, move, move!

Well, she's making

such a song and dance out of it!

I promise you, I'm not.


He opens with,

'This ship life is so boring,

I've got quite keen

on reading a good mystery.

Could you send me

a Sherlock Holmes omnibus?'

That's not asking too much, is it?

No, but then he goes on

to mention in passing

that they're also in the middle

of being bombed and strafed.

And your mind

flew to Sherlock Holmes,

not which side of the ship

my lifeboat is on?

That's what I thought!

Right, yes, look at the time.

He's off at the crack of dawn.

Oh, good Lord, it's that late.

So it is.

Is two pairs enough, my love?

Oh, make it three, darling.

If it's Guam,

I'll be sweating buckets.

You know that chest of drawers

from Mum's?

Mm-hmm. Toss you for it.

Well, I was gonna use it

for your things,

but we might need it for the baby.

We're having a baby?

He's on the way already?

Come here.

12 weeks now.

You can guess when that happened.

We should ask them to send you home

between assignments more often.


Oh, my beautiful wife.

Why didn't you tell me earlier?

I would have skited to the boys.

Not ready for that yet.


We need to be a bit careful now,

don't we?

No, not that careful.


# Listen to me, baby

# You'd better drop

just what you're doing

# Got one last thing to say

Before I set my plans...

What is it?

I don't know

if this is gonna last.

Now, don't you start that again.

You never thought

we'd be together.

Here we are, my beautiful man.

Your wife again?


Jeez, you got it bad, buddy.

You guys with us again tomorrow?

Yeah, we've told Division we're

gonna stick with your platoon,

if that's alright with you boys.

Alright, we'll brief you

in the morning, first light.

Hail Mary, full of grace.

Blessed art thou amongst women,

and blessed is the fruit

of thy womb, Jesus.

Get your head down!

My dearest darling wife,

it's a wonder to me every day

that you could love me,

that it could be like this.

I never thought it possible

I could feel this way.

Can you send me another photo

of yourself?

I have no picture except

the very first one you sent,

which seems to lack life

to me now.

It's not the dearest girl

that holds me in her arms.

Well, that's all for now,

my love.

Until we're together again,

darling, know that I love you

now and forever,

my sweet, dearest Marie.

Love and goodnight, sweetheart.
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