Jarhead (2005)

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History/Civil Wars, Cold w*r, WWI, WWII, Rebellions, Revolutions and more! w*r movies collection.
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Jarhead (2005)

Post by bunniefuu »


A story.

A man fires a r*fle

for many years...

and he goes to w*r.

And afterward,

he turns the r*fle in

at the armory...

and he believes

he's finished with the r*fle.

But no matter what else

he might do with his hands...

love a woman, build a house...

change his son's diaper...

his hands remember the r*fle.


You are no longer black,

or brown, or yellow or red!

You are now green!

You are light green

or dark green!

Do you understand?


Sir, yes, sir!


Sir, yes, sir!

You the maggot whose father

served in Vietnam?

Sir, yes, sir!


Did he have the balls

to die there?

Sir, no, sir!

Too f*cking bad!

He ever talk about it?

Sir, only once, sir!

Good! Then he wasn't lying!

Are you eyeballing me

with those baby blues?

Are you?

Sir, no, sir!

Are you in love

with me, Swofford?

Sir, no, sir!

You don't think I look good

in my uniform, Swofford?

Sir, the drill sergeant

looks fabulous

in his uniform, sir!

So you're gay, then,

and you love me, huh?

Sir, I'm not gay, sir!

Do you have

a girlfriend, Swofford?

Sir, yes, sir!

Guess again, m*therf*cker!

Jody's banging her right now!

Get on your face

and give me 25...

for every time

she gets f*cked this month.

Down on your face!


It was shortly after meeting

Drill Instructor Fitch...

that I realized that joining

the Marine Corps...

might have been

a bad decision.

What in the f*ck

is this?


it's a recruit's drawing

of a footlocker, sir!

Jesus, Joseph

and doggie-style Mary!

That is a pile

of dog shit.

Sir, the recruit's

never been good

at drawing, sir!

Why the f*ck

are you my scribe, then?

Isn't my scribe

supposed to know

how to draw?

Sir, the recruit

doesn't know!

The recruit thought

the scribe was supposed

to write, sir!

Of course the recruit

doesn't know!

The recruit doesn't know

because I haven't told him!


All right,


show me exactly

where your Skivvies

and running shoes go.

Sir, the recruit

can't think...

while the drill instructor

is hitting him

on his head, sir!

You can't think

while I'm giving you

a few love taps?

How the f*ck

are you going to

fire your r*fle...

when grenades are going off

in your face?

What the f*ck

are you even doing here?

Sir, I got lost

on the way to college, sir!

##[Don't Worry Be Happy



So, now my hands

were d*ck skinners.

A flashlight was a moonbeam.

A pen was an ink stick.

My mouth was a cum receptacle.

A bed was a rack.

A wall was a bulkhead.

A shirt was a blouse.

A tie was still a tie,

and a belt a belt.

But many other things

would never be the same.

[Marines sounding off]

[Marines sounding off]

Swofford. What kind of

f*cking name is that?

It's English.

My great-grandfather

came over here

in the 19th century.


I'm putting you

in Golf Company.

It's full of retards

and f*ck ups.

Maybe you can elevate

the sons of b*tches a little.

Or maybe not.


[Marines chattering]


Jarhead: Noun.

Slang for "Marine. "


From the resemblance

to a jar...

of the regulation

high-and-tight haircut.

The Marine's head,

by implication, therefore...

also a jar.

An empty vessel.

[Marines exclaiming]


May I help you?

Yeah, I was assigned

to Second Platoon.

Second Platoon?


What's going on, boss?

Nothing much, man.

Welcome to Second Platoon.

Thanks, man.

Hey, boys!

Fresh f*cking meat!

What kind of meat?

We don't want you!


Boo, m*therf*cker!

[Marines hooting]

Get some!


Oh, f*ck.

[g*n clicking]

Yeah, we switched out

the hot brand.

Little f*ck-f*ck trick

we play on the new guys.

[g*n clicking]


You want a brand,

you gotta earn it.

Welcome to the Suck.



Still got

that stomach flu, Swofford?

I can't seem to shake it.

That's all right.

Not everyone's cut out

for the Marines.


But for me, there was nowhere

else. That was the truth.

After all,

I was made in a w*r.

Here's Mr. And Mrs. Swofford

on R&R from Vietnam.

Honolulu Hilton, 1969.

I can't watch...

and neither can you.

And here are some other things

I can't show you.

Visiting my sister.


Making muffins with Mom.

Breakfast conversations

with Dad.

But here are some things

you can see.

Taking a dump.

Thinking about

going to college.

Studying after school

with my girlfriend.

Oh, my God, I love you.

I love you, too.

Giving away

my favorite USMC T-shirt.

I'll write you every day.

(Staff Sgt. Sykes)





What the f*ck? You're sick?

No, I just had

a stomach thing, sir.

Staff Sergeant Sykes.

I'm with Surveillance

and Target Acquisition. STA.

I heard it took six guys

to pull that little branding

trick on you.

Your file says that you ain't

too f*cking dumb, either.

So you better get un-sick

most m*therf*cking


because there's a chance

that you could be

a scout sn*per.

What the f*ck is this?

"The Stranger by Camus. "

That's some heavy dope

right there, Marine.

"Mary however... "

"That's when we ran up

to the office... "

Indoc class starts on Monday.

I suggest you have

your ass there.

Is that an order,

Staff Sergeant?

It's a f*cking opportunity.

It's a f*cking honor.

It's the best f*cking job

in the Marine Corps.

Sounds good, Staff Sergeant.

Sounds good,

Staff Sergeant!

Sounds good.

Could I have my...

You know what?

I got a better idea.

You play any instruments?

I played the trumpet

in third grade,

Staff Sergeant.

Played the trumpet

in third grade? Good.

You still play?

A little,

for small holiday concerts

and festivals.

Good. You ain't gotta be

Chuck Mangione.

All I need is a bugler.

Somebody to play Taps,

Reveille, Battle March...

that type of shit,

raise the morale.

Does that interest you?

Oh, yeah.

Good! Parade field, 0600.

All right, thank you,

Staff Sergeant!

My pleasure.

Can I get my book?

[Trash can rattling]

There's 60 of you.

I only need eight.

That means 52 of you

will perish. Do the math.

There's no possible way

that all of you can make it.

If you think

you're worth some shit...

Staff Sergeant Sykes!

Private Swofford

reporting for bugle tryout!

Indoc! Atten-hut!

I don't give out

too many special treats...

but this morning,

we have a very special treat.

Private Swofford here

is going to play Reveille

for us.

Okay, Swofford,

play Reveille.


I don't have a bugle,

Staff Sergeant.


You don't have a what?

I don't have a bugle.

Oh, no. No, no.

Damn, damn.

You better play

with your mouth.


I said, play it

with your g*dd*mn mouth.

##[Imitating bugle]


##[Imitating bugle]

I love that tone.

Sounds good to me.

My morale is lifted.

You know

any Stevie Wonder?

You know You Are

The Sunshine Of My Life?

Yes, Staff Sergeant.

Good, that's a classic.

[Clears throat]

##[Imitating bugle]

[Sykes snapping fingers]

Will you shut the f*ck up?

There is no bugle program.

You sizzle-d*ck m*therf*cker.

Who do you think you are,

some kind of Kenny G

or some shit?

No, Staff Sergeant.


Now to the rest of you,

do you have what it takes...

to be the meanest,

the cruelest,

the most savage...

unforgiving m*therf*ckers

in God's cruel kingdom?


Yes, Staff Sergeant!

Will you be able to one day

say, "Yea, though I walk...

"through the valley

of the shadow of death,

I will fear no evil...

"because I am

the baddest m*therf*cker

in the g*dd*mn valley"?


Yes, Staff Sergeant!

We shall f*cking see!

You still here?

Yes, Staff Sergeant!

Yes, what?

Yes, I am still here,

Staff Sergeant.

So f*cking be it. Fall in!

One mile!


One mile!

Ain't shit!


Ain't shit!

Two miles!

Two miles!


Your mission is to k*ll me.

My mission

is to k*ll you first,

and I'm good.

Them paintball b*ll*ts,

they hurt?


Oh, shit! f*ck, I can't see!

Back to the grunts, d*ck face!


In order to

engage your target...

you must see your target,

but your target

must not see you.


[All laughing]

You laugh, you die.

Scratch your nose, you die.

You shift your weight

to take a piss, you will die.

You want to shit,

you better shit

in your pants.


Still kind of cute,

huh, Swoff?

No, sir.

This suit will hide you.

You will become a tree.

A rock.

You are mud, sand, and dust.

Still funny?

No, sir.

In order to fire accurately...

you must be able to judge

distance and wind direction.

How far are those trees?




figure that?

Three football fields.

Three football fields,

that's right.

You take what you know

and then you multiply.

Please don't use

your dicks.

They're too small,

and I can't count that high.

I don't wanna hear,

"400,000 inches. "

Now, wind.

You use what you have.

Use a flag,

use a plume of smoke,

a little bit of dust.

Spit on your finger

and hold that bitch up.

These are formulas

that you can use...

but in the end,

you have to trust your gut.

Details, gentlemen.

Details is gonna be

the difference between

you k*lling your target...

and your target k*lling you.

We've all been taught that,

"Thou shalt not k*ll. "

But hear this:

f*ck that shit!

Now, consider your target.

If you are lucky,

in that window

will one day emerge...

the figure of the enemy.

The JFK shot.

The pink mist.


Fire, fire, fire.


Fire, fire, fire.



The sounds that you

are hearing are live rounds.

You will get

the fear out of you.

Keep moving.

If you pick your head up,

you will get f*cked up!

Let's find out

if we have any bitch in you!


You guys crawl

like old people f*ck!

Keep moving!

Get the fear out of you.

Keep moving!

Do not bunch up!

Keep moving!

I can't!


Keep your head down!

Come on, man!




Keep it moving.

Just f*cking move!

Come on!



Keep moving! Don't bunch up!

You can do it!


You can f*cking do it!


Keep moving! Come on!

I can't!

Keep moving!

Don't bunch up!

I can't! No!







I told you to keep

your f*cking head down!

If you listened to me...

you would still be

f*cking alive right now!

Stupid f*ck!

[Thunder rumbling]


God help me.

You are now scout sn*pers.

Now, I know you've heard this

but I'm going to tell it

to you again:

sn*pers do not work alone.

You work as a team.

Spotter, sh**t.

Spotter, sh**t.

Spotter, sh**t.

Spotter, sh**t.

You may now open your case,

pull out your M40A1 r*fles.

Once you've done that,

you will repeat after me.

This is my r*fle.


This is my r*fle.

There are many like it,

but this one is mine.

There are many like it,

but this one is mine.

Without my r*fle,

I am nothing.

Without my r*fle,

I am nothing.

Without me,

my r*fle is nothing.

Without me,

my r*fle is nothing.


The grunt dies for

f*cking right.

The sn*per dies...

for that one perfect shot.



Fire, fire, fire.

I was hooked.


Fire, fire, fire.


Fire, fire, fire.



I wanted the pink mist.

Good evening.

Iraq invaded and took over...

its tiny neighbor,

Kuwait, today.

That set off

worldwide protests

and drew sanctions...

from the United States,

Great Britain

and the Soviet Union.

The government

of dictator S*ddam Hussein...

claimed it went in

at the invitation

of revolutionaries...

who had overthrown

the Kuwaiti government.

We have appealed

to all our friends

around the world...


the United States...

to come to our aid

and assistance.

We're going to f*cking w*r.

##[Ride of the Valkyries


##[Marines singing

Ride of the Valkyries]

# Ta-ta-da-da ##

[all cheering]


# Ta-ta-da-da ##

[woman speaking in Vietnamese]

sh**t that m*therf*cker.

[Chattering in Spanish]

[All cheering]

[Marines hooting]

Come on,

start running, m*therf*cker.


sh**t that m*therf*cker!


[All cheering]

Run, Charlie!

[All sighing]


Now hear this. Now hear this.

All personnel from 2-7...

are to report immediately

to your company area.

Get some, Marines. Get some!

[All cheering]

[Marines chattering]


Me, I had a choice...

either join the Marines

or go to jail.

And you know

what the shit of it is?

Yeah, if you'd

gone to jail...

Don't spoil

the joke, assh*le.

If I'd have went to jail,

I'd be getting out today.

Would you like some nuts?

No, thanks.

Yes, are they warm nuts?

No, I believe

they're room temperature.

Well, maybe later

you can come

and warm up my nuts.

You know,

I don't really like

the little ones.


Okay, is that all?



Would you like some nuts?

You poor bastard.

I bet your recruiter

promised you a whole

wide world of p*ssy, huh?

You f*cking A.

Cocksucker knew the price

of every whore

from Olangapo to Stockholm.

And here we are,

headed to the desert.

No p*ssy in 1,000 miles.

f*cked by

the green wienie again.

What would you be doing

if you were a civilian?

Staying up late,

jacking off...

playing Metroid, trying to get

to that ninth level?

You know what happens

when you get there?


You just start

all over again.

How long you think

we'll be there? Two weeks?

Less, man.

We'll be back so fast...

we'll still be

sh1tting out those nuts.

Good luck, now.

Goodbye, now.

Good luck, now.

Goodbye, now.

Want to keep me company

for two weeks?

Goodbye, now.

You don't know

what you're missing.

Yeah, yeah.


[Helicopter whirring]


[Marines chattering]

Attention on deck!

Take your seats.

Good afternoon, Marines.


Good afternoon, sir!

Jesus, did you just land

in a w*r zone

or a funeral parlor?

Good afternoon, Marines!

Good afternoon, sir!

I just felt my d*ck move.

[All laughing]

For those of you

who don't know me...


Lieutenant Colonel Kazinski,

your battalion commander.

We are now a part of

Operation Desert Shield.

Now, just north of us...

S*ddam Hussein's got

one million Iraqi soldiers.

And some of those boys

have been fighting...

since you were nine

or ten years old.

They are tough.

They will stop at nothing.

They've used nerve gas

against the Iranians

and the Kurds.

Now, here's a picture.

I know

what you're thinking.

You're thinking,

"Let's kick ass

and take names...

"and end this shit

the day before yesterday. "



But the bureaucrats

have a lot of jawboning to do.

So for now, these Iraqis

who have r*ped and pillaged...

poor little Kuwait

are not yet in our g*n sights.

Our current mission

is to protect

the oil fields...

of our good friends

in the Kingdom of Saud...

until further notice.

And gentlemen,

I'm talking a lot of oil.

A lot of oil.

So you will hydrate,

you will train...

you will adjust

to this desert,

and you'll hydrate some more.

And you will be ready.

You will maintain

a constant state

of suspicious alertness...

and one day soon...

S*ddam Hussein is gonna regret

pulling this sorry shit.




We're gonna kick

some Iraqi ass!


What did you say?

We're gonna kick

some Iraqi ass, sir!

Oh, hell, son.

What, you gonna win

the Medal of Honor

all by yourself?

What's the rest

of my battalion gonna do?


Kick some Iraqi ass!

You know,

I think it's time

for me to retire.

I can't hear a f*cking thing!

Kick some Iraqi ass!

Oh, boys,

I just got a hard-on!

[All laughing]


Man, this defensive

position shit sucks, huh?

We need to get out

of this shit hole soon.

I need to sh**t something!

You're gonna get

all you want soon enough.

First to f*cking fight!

Yeah. For what?

I've been around

these old white f*ckers

all my life.

They got their fat hands

in Arab oil.

The m*therf*ckers drink it

like it's beer.

That's why we're here,

to protect their profits.

You're full of shit.

He's full of shit.

Who do you think gave S*ddam

all his f*cking weapons?

We did!

f*ck politics, all right?

We're here.

All the rest is bullshit.




Everyone else

is unpacking, man.

I'm taking a break.


What you got?


She's hot. Yours?

Yes, man.

You better sh**t yourself

in the foot...

and get a ticket home...

because Jodies are

gonna be all over her!

[All exclaiming]

Look at her!

Ain't she an animal!

They won't

leave her alone!

That's nice

for a white chick, man.

Thank you, man.

Nice? Come on.

I'd drink a gallon

of her pee just to see

where it came from.

All right, all right,

all right.

This is hardcore right here.

This is close to porn.

Let me see that one.

Let me see.

She's got

a baby fist down here.

Dream on, brothers, dream on.

I'm storing that

for later, man.

I'm storing it for later.

Hey, y'all horny fucks

wanna see a beautiful woman?


Let's see it.

Let's see it.

Give it up!

Check this out.

Yeah, boy!

Give it up, give it up.

No, no, no.

Oh, no! Please

don't love me!

Now, tell them

how many tortillas she had

before that picture.

[All laughing]

Hey, she's pregnant, man.

That's why

she's so beautiful, man.

This is what it's all about

right here, man.

[All booing]

Hey, f*ck you guys!

Married guys.

I'm telling you, married guys

lose brain cells

by the billions.

If the Corps wanted you

to have a wife...

they would have

issued you one.

Yeah, they would have

issued you one.


No family photos, Swofford?

Hey, can I see

your pictures?

Yeah, sure, man.


Fergus, right?


She have her own clothes?

Well, ain't this cozy as f*ck?

You guys get settled in?


Yes, Staff Sergeant!


if you're not too busy...

Gas! Gas! Gas!

Right now!

I'm talking about gas!

Let's go! Let's move it!

Come on, guys,

what the f*ck are you doing?

Let's go! Get it on!

Right now your dicks

are falling off!

Your skin is bubble wrap!

Let's go! Move it!

You sorry m*therf*ckers,

I told you, "Don't get lazy. "

Didn't I tell you

not to get lazy? Let's go!

Let's go.

What are you doing?

That's your f*cking

sleeping bag, you moron!

Let's go!

It's been 30 seconds.

What the f*ck are you doing?

Get it on!

You stay ready,

you ain't got to get ready!

You nasty m*therf*ckers

are so lazy! I told you

to stay on point!

That's 45 seconds!

What you doing?

What you doing?

You better get

your m*therf*cking ass

in gear!

You gonna be

the first m*therf*cker

I kick up in the ass.

Get it on!

I'm trying!

They packed mine wrong!

Ret*rded m*therf*ckers,

let's go! Put it on!

Let's go! Stop!

Stop it right now!

[Lmitating Darth Vader]


Come over

to the dark side, Luke.

55 seconds. You're all dead.

And since you're all dead...

I guess you wouldn't mind

taking a little run

in these suits.

Let's go!

##[Bang a Gong playing]

[Swoff panting]


if you don't pick it up...

I'm gonna sh**t you

in your f*cking foot!

Move it!


The price of crude oil

has nearly doubled.

President Bush

sends in more troops.

Us, six times a day,

we gather for formation.

Drink it down,

all of it.

And we hydrate.

Now, hold them up.

We patrol the empty desert.

Get down!

And we dehydrate.


We throw hand grenades...

into nowhere.

We navigate

imaginary minefields.

We fire at nothing.


And we hydrate some more.

You will hydrate

till I get full.

There you go.

Hold it down.

Now, hold them up.

[Swoff sighing]

And we look north,

towards the border...

and we wait for them.

This is our labor.

We wait.

I got one! A white one!

Master race.


Check her out.

It's beautiful.

Chango's reign of terror

is over! Over!

[Marines cheering]

Come on!

It's over,

you f*cking p*ssy,


Chango, come on.


Hey, come on, Chango.

Come on, Chango!

[All cheering]


Now you're gonna see a fight, kid!

Come on! Come on!

[All cheering]

Come on, whitey!

Come on. Come on.

Come on! Come on!


Pay me my money,



All right!


I told you, I told you!


Go, Chango!


Chango! Chango! Chango!

[All continue chanting]

f*cking assh*le.


Suggested techniques

for the Marine to use...

in the avoidance

of boredom and loneliness:


rereading of letters

from unfaithful wives

and girlfriends...

cleaning your r*fle...

further masturbation...

rewiring Walkmen...

arguing about religion

and meaning of life...

discussing in detail

every woman the Marine

has ever f*cked...

debating differences,

such as Cuban

versus Mexican...

Harleys versus Hondas...

left- versus right-handed


further cleaning of r*fle...

studying of Filipino

mail-order bride catalog...

further masturbation...

planning of

Marine's first meal

on return home...

imagining what

the Marine's girlfriend...

and her man Jody

are doing in the hay...

or in the alley...

or in a hotel bed.

Is she up there yet?


Get the f*ck off me, man.

Don't worry, she will be.

She'll be right there.

She's gonna look beautiful

up there.

Yeah. Thank you.

I wonder what she's doing

right now.

No way to know.


Now, here are the rules.

When you talk

to these reporters,

you do not get specific.

Tell them that there's

no better sh**t

in the world...

than Marine sn*pers.

Tell them that you're happy

to be here.

You're proud of the mission.

All right?

And you can't wait to mash

the f*ck out of these Iraqis.

Anything other than that

comes out of your mouth...

I get f*cked up.

And if I get f*cked up,

I'm gonna f*ck you up.


Take your shirts off.

Show your muscles.

You've been working out.

This is censorship.

This is what?


You're telling us what we can

and can't say to the press.

That's un-American.

Yeah, what about

freedom of speech?

The Constitution?

No, you signed a contract.

You don't have any rights.

You got any complaints,

you complain to

S*ddam Insane...

and you see

if he gives a f*ck.

Why, that's exactly

what S*ddam Hussein does.

You're treating us

the same way.

You are a Marine.

There's no such thing

as speech that is free.

You must pay

for everything that you say.


We're rolling. Sound, speed.

(woman reporter)

You're a Marine

here in Saudi Arabia.

Are you glad to be here?

Oh, yes, ma'am,

I'm glad to be here.

My uncle and my father

served in Vietnam...

so I'm proud to serve

my country here.

I have supreme confidence

in all my leaders...

you know, from my team leader

to my President.

I'm very proud

to serve my country, yeah.

So, who's waiting

for you back home?

Can I give a message

to my brother?


Tim, hey. He's gonna get this?


Tim! What's up?

I got your letter, man,

and you are a maniac.


You're crazy.

He'll understand that.

You're a Marine

here in Saudi Arabia.

How do you hope

the Kuwaitis will greet you?

How do you feel

about the Iraqis?

They're the enemy.

Do you have nightmares

about them?

How do you...

[clearing throat]

I love it out here.

This is what I want.

'Cause I count for something.

Back home...

I'd be working some

nowhere job. Nobody would

even know I was alive.

"We burn the fat

off our souls. "

Hemingway, he said that.

Who's waiting

for you back home?


Well, you know,

I have a girlfriend

waiting for me.

Anything you'd like

to say to her?

Yeah, sure. Yeah.

Hi, Kristina.

Here we are.

[Clears throat]

Are you scared?

Yes, ma'am,

I'm very happy to be here.

I love my country.

I miss my parents.

Hey, Mom, hey, Dad.

They're treating me

all right here.

It was an opportunity for me

to defend America...

the country which

has given freedom to me

and to my family.

And it is an honor

to fight for that freedom.

To defend my country...

and to serve my country...

and to learn skills

to eventually

go into law enforcement.

Are you scared?


I'm 20 years old...

and I was dumb enough

to sign a contract.

I can hear

their f*cking bombs already.

I can hear their bombs.

And I'm f*cking scared, yeah.

Don't tell my Staff Sergeant,

though, all right?

(woman reporter)

So in case

of a chemical attack...

what provisions

do your men have for that?

This is what we call

the NBC suits.

That's nuclear-biological

- chemical protective suits.

We also have a mask.

This is the M17 A1 mask...

which is fitted

with a drinking tube...

so these guys

can drink from

their canteens...

without taking off

their masks.

Oh, really?

Want to try it?

No, thanks, but can I hold it?

Yeah, sure.

It's heavy.

Yeah, it is.

But you know, we need these

in order to protect us.

They fight with all this

in all this heat?

Yes, they do.

They fight with it and...

As a matter of fact,

let me give you

a small demonstration of that.

Kruger, get rid of the ball.

Get rid of the ball.

Kruger! Get rid

of the f*cking ball.




Give me the ball.

All right, listen up, guys,

today is your lucky day.

These reporters want to see

how your NBC suits work.

All right, so we're gonna

continue this little

football game...

in full chemical gear.


That's right.

Come on, let's go.

It's 112 degrees.

Then I guess

you won't be needing

your parkas, will you?

Let's play!

[Breathing heavily]

[All shouting]

I'm gonna hurt you, Swoff.

I'm gonna hurt you so bad.

Do you like pain?

(Marine #1)





Where's the f*cking ball?

Swofford, what is that?

Swofford, I guess

you call that

using your head, huh?

Using his head.

(Marine #2)


[All shouting]

(Marine #3)



[All cheering]



f*ck you! f*ck you, bitch!

Who got me? Who got me?

No, no, I want him.

You want

the Mexican leprechaun?

Well, let's take him.

Yeah, I'll take

the f*cking midget.

I'm the midget?

Let's go,

you squishy-faced ret*rd.

Don't you ever call me

a squishy-face.


Let's go, baby, squishy-face!

Let's go, squishy-face.


[Marine yelling]

[Whistle blowing]

All right, that's it!

That's halftime!

Put the masks back on.

Bring the water.

We're gonna further

this demonstration.

Men, these M17 A1

drinking tubes...

are designed to work

perfectly with your canteen

and your mask.

Take the narrow part

of the tube...

with your fingers

extended and joined...

and place it into

the appropriate receptacle...

on the canteen lid.

The lid on my canteen's


Watch your mouth.

I got another one

for you right there.


My hydration tube is busted,

Staff Sergeant.

We're gonna die

of dehydration.

We're not gonna die.

Just cool it.

Staff Sergeant,

my drinking tube fell off...

at the gas chamber

at Pendleton.

It's been four months...

I understand that,

and I want everybody

to understand this!

f*cking piece of shit!

And I want you to play

f*cking ball!


Oh, that's a peach, baby! Go!

[Marines cheering]

Kruger of Arabia!

Kruger, field f*ck.

Field f*ck?

Field f*ck!

It's just good

old American...

##[Gonna Make You Sweat



Stop it. Stop it,

you assholes. Stop it!


Put your clothes on!

Come on, bring the camera.

You're gonna put

your clothes on

and quit acting like monkeys.

You stupid m*therf*ckers.

Put your clothes on, assholes!

[All cheering]


Come on.

Let's go check out

the a*tillery and everything.

Field what?

He said "field fun. "

That's one of the exercises

that we run here in the field.

The armory.

Why don't we have

a look at that?

Yeah, let's...

[all yelling]

[Marines all hooting]

Come back soon, now, you hear?

I don't hear you laughing now.

[All laughing]

I can't hear you.

That's better. Sounds jovial.

Platoon! Atten-hut!


Lance Corporal Swofford!

Yes, Staff Sergeant!

On top of the world, huh?

Yes, Staff Sergeant!

Well, I have

more important things to do...

like play with my balls.

But guess what,

you guys are scheduled...

for a little two-day vacation

back in the rear...

so I suggest

you get your shit together.

You can start

by taking all that down.




Yeah, whatever.

[Thunder rumbling]


Come on, Swoff, pack up.


Your mommy again, Fergie.

What are you listening to?


My mom's Christmas tape.

You're a ret*rd.


Fergus, you and your mom

got fire watch tonight.


Man, that's two

straight weeks.

Why does it have to be me?


'Cause you're so boot.


You are boot.

Oh, yeah.

That's the third

f*cking time, man.

What's that?

I just want it to say

"no preference. "

Is that so f*cking hard?

What difference does it make?

God knows you're

"no preference. "


At least they got

the blood type right.

I mean, which would you

rather get? The wrong prayer

or the wrong blood?


One lonely pink letter

from Sacramento.

Kristina. I wonder

what she's up to?

Now, I dare you...


Go jerk off outside.


Oh, my God.

(Marine #1)


Oh, my God, man, I have a son!

[All yelling]

I got a f*cking son, man!

I got a little boy!


Let's see.

Look at that cute kid.

You better check

the mailman, bro.

This baby's a gringo, man.

No way. That's definitely

Montezuma Jr.

I don't care, as long as

he's not a Cuban

with a little d*ck.

Cortez, can I see him?

Here you go, Pinko.

He's beautiful, man.

[All cheering]


I'll put my little boy up.

Doesn't look good.

Kristina has a new friend,


She got a new friend?

He's the night manager

at her hotel, and she says

he's a good listener.

Man! This is getting worse.

He's f*cked, man.

Oh, I told you. I told you.

She's one of those girls

with a military fetish.

Yeah, and she's getting off

when she tells the Jody...

that her boyfriend's

a jarhead.

Yeah, man, f*ck.

All right, f*ck off.

I can see it.

I can see it now.

She works in a hotel.

She goes into

a vacant room, right?

Grabs onto the pole and goes,

"Jody! Jody! Six-foot-four!"


Hey, hey, hey.

Go pull the legs off a spider.

Okay, Corporal.


Hey, Swoff. That's right.

Cheer up, man.

We heading back to the rear.

We'll get some AC...

shit in a flush toilet,

you can use the phone.

I'm gonna call her.


You f*cking A.

Even if she is f*cking

someone else.

Root beer shower!

No more monkey ass!

[All cheering]

Root beer shower!

[Marine hooting]

What? Where are you going?

To work.

Where you going?

Hey, look, it's a cock,

but smaller.

[People chattering]

##[Something in the Way


[Breathing heavily]





Kris, it's me.




Oh, my God, Tony.

How are you? I'm good.

How are you?


Missing you.

I'm all right.

I'm missing you, too.

I saw your mom.

We went to visit your sister.

How is she?

Your mom?

No, Rini.

She's doing better.

She's doing really good.

So this guy...

Did you get the pictures?

Yeah, I got them.

They're great.

Did you see the one

of you and me?

The guy at the hotel...


How well do you know him,


Who, Carl? He's just a friend.

How well do you know him?

Tony, he's just a friend.


Yeah, I'm here.




I'm here.





[Off-the-hook phone beeping]

[Water running]



You were making

some pretty weird sounds, man.

Dettman's wife sent him

Deer Hunter.

Let's go watch it.



Put it on!

Shut up, Fowler,

you f*cking shit bird!

Shut the f*ck up.


You shut up already.



##[Deer Hunter

theme music playing]

Get your boot off

my f*cking chair,

you f*cking boot.

Rude m*therf*cker, Swoff.


[All yelling]

What the f*ck?

That's my wife.

That's my f*cking wife!

Oh, f*ck. That's my wife.

That's Clancey.

That's my f*cking neighbor.

I lent him my f*cking car.

That's my wife.

That's my f*cking wife!


You f*cking bitch!

No! You slut! No!



You don't need

to see this shit.

Oh, f*ck, baby.

You don't need to see this.

Swoff, come on.

Take him outside.

Come on, Dettman. Come on.

f*ck! I wanna go home!


I wanna go home.

Who's f*cking around now,


[All yelling]

f*cking f*gg*t, man!

Let's watch it again!

[All cheering]

[All chattering]

That's enough! That's enough!


No, no, no! Why?

That's his f*cking wife!


[Marine booing]

No fun!

What are you doing?

I'm waiting for you to leave

so I can watch it again.

Why do you want to

watch it again?

I want to watch it again.


I want to see

what it's like...

to watch somebody else

f*ck your girlfriend.


Come on. Get your shit.

Come on. We're going back.


For most problems...

the Marine is issued

a solution.

If ill, go to sickbay.

If wounded, call corpsman.

If dead,

report to graves registration.

If losing his mind, however...

no standard solution exists.





What's up, buddy?

Merry Christmas.


I hear you got some good shit.

Fly, rumor, on winged feet.


read this.

What is it?

It's a love letter

for the Major.

I write all of his letters.

"Dear sweet Gloria,

I wish I was up in you now...

"with a finger in your ass.

"Love you, Captain Skinboat. "

I studied classics

at Dartmouth.

It's a good school.

$40, five gallons.


Hey, Swoff.

Which way do I mount this?

What does it say?

"Front toward enemy. "

Oh, yeah.

Got to be a clue.

Thanks. Sorry.

Fergus, you take

my watch tonight,

I'll pay you back.


Not again. It's Christmas Eve.

I'll send you out

a f*cking tree.

Oh, great, a tree.

Merry Christmas.

##[OPP playing on radio]

# I'll take you

frame by frame it #

# To have y'all jumpin'

shall we sing it #

# O is for Other,

P is for People

scratchin' temple #

# The last P, well,

that's not that simple #

# You down with OPP ##


[All yelling]

# The first two letters

are the same #

# The last is something

different #

# It's the longest,

loveliest, leanest

I call it the leanest #

# It's another

five letter word ##

[all yelling]

[All cheering]

##[Grandma Got Run Over

by a Reindeer

playing on radio]

##[OPP playing on radio]

[All cheering]

f*cking K*llers!

##[Grandma Got Run Over

by a Reindeer

playing on radio]



[Marines yelling]


[Marines all cheering]

Oh, shit!

[Flares exploding]


What the f*ck?

Come on! Now!

Let's get some!

[Marines yelling]

f*ck! f*ck! f*ck! f*ck! f*ck!

What the f*ck is that?

It's time to do it all!

It's time for me to...


Sorry, guys. I'm really sorry.

It was my sausages.

Fucker's f*cked now.


So do you have all of that

unauthorized beverage

out of your system?

Whose watch was that,


It was mine.

It was yours.

But since you don't know

how to handle


we are demoting you.

You are now a private.

You think you're the only one

that's bored around here?

Because when this w*r begins,

and it will begin...

I don't want you

covering my ass.

So guess what's next?


Instructions for the

effective burning of shitters.

The Marine will need

the following:

One metal fence post,

one pair of welder's gloves...

[flies buzzing]

Five gallons of diesel fuel,

and one box of matches.

Hold it right there, Marine.

So you are the f*cking idiot

who tried to

burn down my camp.

Yes, sir.

Stick that back in there.

It's already full

of diesel fuel, sir.

I don't care

if it's full of Chanel No. 5.

I'm not going to

the other side of this camp

for my morning glory.

Stick that fucker

back in there.


I'm waiting.

[Flies buzzing]

I left you a little gift

in there.

Not too hard, not too soft.


Thank you, sir.

Happy holidays, Private.








How many is that, Cortez?

Twenty-six in a row.

What would you say

if I told you

I was gonna k*ll you...

for f*cking me over like that?

I already told you,

it was an accident.

An accident.


Like when this trigger slips.

Of course, your nice little

mom and dad are where?

Cottonwood Falls.

Cottonwood Falls.

They'll be sad.

They won't have

their little boy to

send f*cking cookies to.

I'll say it was

an accidental discharge.

I might even spend some time

in the brig...

but I'll end

this f*cking waiting.

And I'll know what it's like

to k*ll a man.

What are you doing?

I'm in the firing position

known as the sitting position.

After the prone position,

it is the platform

most likely...

to enable a Marine

to effectively

k*ll his target.

His target being a human,

generally an enemy...

but sometimes a friend

or friendly.

We call this friendly fire,

or friendly f*cking...

or getting friendly f*cked.

Come on, Swoff,

it was your watch.

It was Christmas Eve,

and I was just sitting there

thinking about home.

That's it.

What do you think, Cortez?

You think I'll accidentally

k*ll your homeboy

from boot camp?

Sure you'll k*ll him.

Accidents happen.

You don't see shit, right?

I don't see shit.

This ain't even my tent.

As a matter of fact,

I ain't even here, Swoff.

[Breathing heavily]

What are you doing, man?

The M16A2 service r*fle

is a lightweight...

air-cooled, gas-operated,

magazine-fed shoulder w*apon.

It fires a 5.56 mm

ball projectile...

muzzle velocity

This is my r*fle.

Repeat after me.

Repeat after me.

Repeat after me!

This is my r*fle.

There you go. That's right.

[Fergus crying]

Say the f*cking words!

There are many like it.

There are many like it.

But this one is mine.

Without my r*fle,

I am nothing.

Say it, you f*cking idiot!


This is my r*fle!

There are many like it,

but this one is mine!

Without my r*fle,

I am nothing.

This is...

No, come on!

Shut the f*ck up.

Shut the f*ck up.

Shut the f*ck up

and repeat after me!

Without me, I'm...

This is my r*fle.

There are many like it!

Without me, my r*fle

is nothing! f*cking say it!

Repeat after me!

Repeat after me!

Without my r*fle,

I am nothing!

I am nothing!

I am nothing.

Shut the f*ck up.

I'm nothing.

Shut the f*ck up.

Shut the f*ck up.

Get up.

f*ck, sh**t me, then.

f*cking sh**t me!

sh**t me in the f*cking face!

I don't want to.

Do you f*cking see

how hard it is?

You sh**t me

in the f*cking face,

you f*cking f*gg*t!

No, I don't want to.

Friendly f*cking fire!

sh**t me, you f*cking p*ssy!





f*ck. f*ck. f*ck.

So you had a round

in the chamber?

You were locked and loaded?

I messed up, man.

Look at him.

He's f*cking shaking.

Fergus, get up here.

I messed up, man.


Look at him.


You f*cking do that again,

and I will sh**t you myself.

All right?


[Voice catching]

I'm sorry, man.

[Distant expl*si*n sounds]

What was that?

It might be an echo.

[Distant expl*si*n sounds]

No, it's not. I hear it, too.

Call it in. See if there are

friendlies in the area.

Lima 2 Charlie.

Lima 2 Charlie.

This f*cking shit

is f*cked, man.

Army has satellites,

and we have this f*cking shit.

Better off sending

smoke signals, man.

All right, guys,

spread it out.


Troy. Troy.

Who are they, man?

I don't know.

They got RPGs

under their robes, man.

If they've got

anthrax in there,

we're gonna f*cking melt.

[Both speaking in Spanish]

[Mumbling in Arabic]

Form a line!


What do we do now?


Looks like they wanna talk.

Yeah? How you gonna do that?

[Speaking in Arabic]

That's his left hand.

sh**t him!

Easy, easy, easy.

Hold your fire.

[Speaking in Arabic]


Swoff, what are you doing?


Guys, cover him.


f*cking crazy m*therf*cker.

[Swoff speaking in Arabic]

What's up, man?

[Man speaking in Arabic]


What is he doing?


Calm down.

What the f*ck is he doing?

Don't f*cking touch the r*fle!

Back up! Back the f*ck up!

No fire.

No fire!

[Camels grunting]

What did he say?

Someone shot their camels.



shot their camels, man.


Eight men for five camels.

Swoff spoke Arabic.

Sounded like a duck f*cking

or something,

but he spoke Arabic.

Oh, yeah, yeah. But at least

we finally saw something.

You guys should see

what the. 40 does...

to the head

of a f*cking camel, though.

What does the. 40 do

to the head of a camel,


It turns the head inside out

in about three f*cking knots.

The head shot's

like a m*therf*cker, too.

It's easy sh*ts, slow...


[Imitating splattering]


[Vehicle honking]

Oh, shit!

Wow! Here they are!

My lady love!

Show's starting, boys!

Hey, teach me

some of that Arabic.

What's "Come suck my d*ck"?

[Talking gibberish]

.. ducks f*cking...

Drop the zero,

get with the hero.

I like you.

Sit down, Fowler.

That's the one. You saw.

She'll never forget me, man.

It's not funny, man.

That bitch wanted me.

Did you see that?

You truly are an assh*le.

Come on, man.

You just haven't got

to k*ll anything yet.

That's your problem, man.

Don't f*cking touch me.

You'll get to k*ll something


Your day will come, man.

Your day will come.

Listen up!

I'm about to read to you

what Mr. S*ddam Hussein...

has just said

to the Iraqi people.

And you better not

consider this

a bunch of bullshit.

"The mother of all battles

is upon us.

"The sacrifices

the Iraqi people will make...

"are equal to the importance

of the victory.

"Kuwait is the branch

that must be returned

to the tree.

"The blood of the infidels

will flow like a river.

"Jihad is the way

of all Arab people. "

We are now

Operation Desert Storm.

And we're the f*cking

righteous hammer of God.

And that hammer

is coming down.

It's real now.

We're going to the border.



Let's go! Let's move it!

Let's punch in this clock.

We got work to do.

Let's go. Let's move.

Come on! Let's go!


Listen up.

When we cross this berm


we expect as many as

the first day.

There will be gas.

It will be f*cking nasty.

These atropine-oxime

injectors go along

with your PB pill packs.

In the event that

you're att*cked by

nerve agents such as soman...

these agents will produce

casualties immediately...

if you do not deploy

these countermeasures

f*cking ricky-tick.

Why in the f*ck,

if we've already taken

a set of PB pills...

and just now been issued

the f*cking injector?

Shut the f*ck up.

I'm sick of your shit.

All right, all right, man.

Calm down.

Look, they don't want

chemically dead fighters

on CNN.

Just sign it, Kruger.

What the f*ck is this?

It's a waiver.

It says these pills

aren't proven.

It says you won't sue

if you get f*cked up.

Okay, yeah, sure, fine.

I'll take the f*cking pills,

and a year later...

my assh*le will

turn inside out and

start f*cking talking to me.

It's all a bitch.

These pills

ain't worth a shit.


you country motherfuck!

In 1987, S*ddam Insane

used chemical weapons...

against the Kurds,

and he k*lled thousands

like f*cking that.

The ones that lived,

their kids came out

f*cked up.

Eight toes to one foot,

no a**l opening...

Ret*rded, blind.

Such f*cked up

little m*therf*ckers...

they should have

just k*lled them all anyway.

You want that,

don't take the pills.

You don't want that,

sign the f*cking waivers...

and take the f*cking pills!

All of you,

get your pills in your hand.

Get them out.

Get them so I can see them.

[Distant explosions sounding]

Now take the pill

and put it on your tongue.

Swallow the pill.

Now let me see your tongues.

Now, doesn't that

feel better?

Don't we all feel better?

Yes, Staff Sergeant!


Now, dig your sleeping holes.

Dig your holes

with the hands God gave you.

[Jet engines roaring]

f*cking zoomies.

They're gonna win the w*r

all by themselves?

They'll be sleeping

in their own beds

tonight, too.

So what, man?

We're scout f*cking sn*pers.

When the shit hits the fan,

we lead the f*cking way.




Sure, look around.

You hear those planes.

This w*r is gonna move

too fast for us.

All right,

we can sh**t 1,000 yards.

To go that far in Vietnam,

that would take a week.

In World w*r I, a year.

Here, it's gonna take

about 10 f*cking seconds.

By the time we have

our r*fles dialed...

the w*r is going to be

a mile down the road.

Wake up!


What the f*ck is going on?

Get out of my sleeping hole.

We're about to go

in the shit, and you're

f*cking with their heads.

Get out of my sleeping hole.


Lucky day! Listen up!

We've got our orders.

We leave tomorrow, 0900.

Swofford, you got to sign

your waiver again.

I can't read

your f*cking handwriting.

Yes, Staff Sergeant.


I don't give a f*ck,

Swofford, I could read it

the first time.

Your boy, Troy

got turned down

for re-enlistment.

What? You're f*cking with me.

Hey, watch your mouth.

I don't need

your f*cking attitude.

But that's all he...

That's all he wants,

is to be in the Suck.

I know that,

but the Suck doesn't want him.

He had a criminal record.

He lied about it.

And he lied about it

on his application.

So when we get back home,

he's out. He's out.

The reason I'm telling you

is so you can keep him

from f*cking up.

You think

you can manage that?

Can you manage that?

[Helicopter whirring]


So you weren't

even gonna tell me?


Why don't you just

shut the f*ck up

and mind your own business?

What the f*ck is this, man?


Bet it smells good, man.

She sent it back, man.

Sent it back

like you send back a ring.


What did she write?

"I'll always love you,

Kristina. "

What's the f*cking problem,


Nothing stays the same,


Not our girlfriends,

not our families,

not anyone.

Time doesn't stop

back in the real world...

'cause we're about to

go in the shit.

We're Marines.

Nobody gives a rat's ass.

No, we're jarheads.

Yeah, what the f*ck

do you know?

I know you're

a f*cking jarhead,

and that's all I need to know.


Hey, jarhead,

what's the Marine Corps


Marine Corps birthday?

November 10th, 1775.

Older than the USA.

f*cking A.


Tun Tavern, Philadelphia.

That's the city

of brotherly love.

A. Tarawa?


Bloodiest battle

of World w*r II.

Dan Daly?

k*lled 37 Chinese by hand

during the Boxer Rebellion

of 1900.

The greatest w*apon on earth?

The Marine and his r*fle!

You wanna win

your f*cking w*r?

You tell it to the Marines!

[Marines cheering]


Get the brand! Get the brand!

Now! Now! Now!

Get him down!


[Marines cheering]

He's yours.

[Marine laughing]

You earned it, man.


We turned

the inside of our tent...

into a circus.

'Cause inside of our circus,

we cannot be injured.

Inside of our circus,

we cannot be touched.

But we are insane...

to believe this.

(Marine #1)


(Marine #2)


[expl*si*n sounds]

[Marines shouting]

Get the f*ck in here!

Get the f*ck in here!


Get the f*ck down here!





My combat action...

has commenced.




Are you all right?

What the f*ck, man?

I pissed myself.

Got to find the f*cking FO.


The forward observers,

they got us dialed in.

We gotta find the f*ck...

Get down!


Swofford, you get

on the binos.

You get your binos

and you find him.

Troy, get on that radio.

Radio's dead.

Go to the com truck!

Look up!

And get some batteries!

Where is it?

It's over there!


It ain't getting no closer.

Get the f*ck going!




[Swoff grunting]

Do not f*cking die!

Do not f*cking die!

Do not f*cking die!

Do not f*cking die!

[Marines screaming]

This f*cking hole

isn't deep enough!

What are you talking about?

We need batteries

for the 77.


Man, we are f*cking dying!

I need a f*cking battery

for the 77.

Why are you f*cking

arguing with me?

What are you doing?

Those are dead batteries!

Shut up!

What took you so long?

f*ck you.

Here are the coordinates,

call that fucker in.

I just ran through incoming

to get a dead f*cking battery.

Welcome to the Suck.


Damn, you was

too f*cking slow!

They're already retreating!

Sykes says

we're going after them!

We're gonna get some!

[Jets roaring]

That was A10s.

Warthogs, baby.

Those things

are f*cking t*nk K*llers.

That shit's

a f*cking monster.

Yeah, no shit, Fowler.

# Off they go

into the wide blue yonder ##

Let's go, zoomies!

Let's drop

that righteous hand of God!

Fowler, get back

in formation.

They're about to

drop those bombs!

Fowler, stay in position.

They're gonna

drop the hand of God

all over the Iraqis!


stay in your formation.


Fowler, get...

Are they supposed

to come back?

Get in formation!


[Marines shouting]

Quebec 4 Delta,

this is Echo 5 Charlie.

Request medevac, priority.

Marines down,

in grid 671584.

We'll mark with smoke,



What are they doing?

Supposed to be flying.


f*cking assholes.

You call those Humvees up,

and we keep moving.

They f*cking thought

we were Iraqis?

Keep moving.

[Distant explosions sounding]

[Man chattering]

Come on.


Keep moving.

They could be over

this next berm.

Now listen up,

let's stay focused. We're

heading north. Let's move out.

Keep your eyes open.

[Metal clanking]


What are you doing?

They were trying to get away.

f*ck it, man. Come on.

Fergus, here.


Staff Sergeant,

I gotta take a shit.

Stay in voice range.

Spaghetti marinara.

[Fly buzzing]

One f*cking hell

of a day, huh?

You all right?


What's over there?



Holy shit!


Oil wells.

They lit up the oil wells.

[Distant rumbling]

It's raining oil.

It's raining oil, fellas.

You ever see that movie


You've seen the movie Giant.

James Dean, man.

"My well came in, Bick.

"I'm rich, Bick.

Richer than you. "

Come on, shut your trap.

That shit's poison.

Come on.

The earth is bleeding.

Well, you'd better

get used to it, 'cause

we're gonna be living in it.

Dig those holes, boys.


[Soil squishing]


Shit's stinging my eyes.

My eyes is burning! Shit!

Oh, f*ck! f*ck,

it's in my eye,

I can't see.

Oh, shit, it's burning!

It's burning!


Swoff, get me some water.


f*ck, it's burning!

Calm down. It's okay.

What are you doing?

Don't rub your eyes.

Don't rub your eyes.

Shit, it's burning!


Hey, just close your eyes.

Swoff, I need that towel.

All right, there you go.

You want me

to wipe your ass now?



Put them back on.

You're okay, man.

Put them back on.

You'll be fine, perfect.

Thanks, man.

Hey, listen up!

The wind's changed.

We're moving out this shit.

Let's move!


I came here to fight.

I've just got to get out

of this f*cking oil.

Let's go, man. Let's go.

##[Break On Through

(to the Other Side)

Playing on radio]

[Helicopter whirring]

That's Vietnam music, man.

Can't we get

our own f*cking music?

Hey, Krug...

what's Fowler doing

digging way over there?

He ain't digging.

Fowler, what are you doing?



What are you digging

over there?


Our orders

are to dig over here.

Mind your own

f*cking business.


Hey, Fowler, H20?

Hey, Fergie, come here.

I gotta show you something.

This is my

new best buddy, man.

Who's under there?

Just my friend.


Jesus Christ, Fowler.

Ahab the Arab, huh?



Oh, Jesus.

Get that out of here.


f*ck, Fowler.

$5 to get your picture taken

with it, guys.

Check out

what I put in his mouth.


What's the matter, Swoffy?

Swoff doesn't like Ahab.

You don't like Ahab?

This is w*r, man.

This is w*r.

You can't handle it?

What are you, a f*g?

If you f*cking touch me,

I will beat

your f*cking head in.

I swear to God.


Get it out of here.

The whole g*dd*mn desert

is sh1tting dead ragheads.

Have we done anything?

Have we done anything

but walk around in the sand?

I didn't k*ll him.

He's dead.



f*ck you.

There's tons of

crispy critters

around here, man.

I'll get as many as I want.

You won't get this one.

Yeah, but I'll get

as many as I want, man!

'Cause I don't even

f*cking want that one!

I don't.


stay sharp.

[Horse snorting]

[Horse breathing heavily]

It's all right.

You're gonna be all right.

It's all right.


You're covered

in this f*cking oil.


The Army

may pull this type of shit,

but the Marines don't.

When we get back,

Fowler will be

passing out shit-paper.


I could be working

with my brother right now.

He's got a dry-wall business

in Compton.

Does the inside

of office buildings.

You know, the metal studs.

I could be his partner.

Said he'd give me

that brand new

Dodge Ram Charger.

You know, the 318 Magnum?

The beast?

All indoor work, too.

Lots of AC.

I could sleep with my wife

every night.

f*ck her, maybe.

Take my kids to school

every morning.

And I'd run his crews, too.


increase productivity

Make $100,000 a year.

Do you know why I don't?

Because I love this job.

I thank God

for every f*cking day that

He gives me in the Corps.


I mean, who else

gets a chance

to see shit like this?

You know what I'm saying?

Yes, Staff Sergeant.

Do you?

Listen up. Colonel says

he wants my best sn*pers.

God help me, it's you two.

We've had

beaucoup surrenders,

whole f*cking units...

but the Republican Guard

is still out there...

and they are

most definitely hardcore.

So you keep

your shit together.

Go over there.


Yes, Staff Sergeant.

Thank you, Staff Sergeant.


Thank you.

Don't thank me,

just don't f*cking die.

Let's go.

[Engine starting]

f*cking A.


Get a k*ll,

you f*cking pussies.

(Lt. Col. Kazinski)

Sykes thinks

you boys are good.


Yes, sir.

Well, if it comes from him

it's not bullshit.

I got the kind of mission...

scout sn*pers

would pop their grandmother

to get.

We got 750 Republican Guards

dug in around

a control tower...

at airfield Al Jabar.

Grid 703003.

The recon reports

two high-ranking officers

in the tower.

All my air is tied up

farther north till 1800.

So if you could

take out those officers...

maybe the cannon fodder

will white flag it...

and save me having to take

the whole battalion...

hey, diddle diddle,

right up the middle.

Aye-aye, sir.

This is not Rambo time.

Before you take a shot,

you must get clearance,


Yes, sir.


Some of my officers think

that scout sn*pers

are prima donnas.

They think STA stands

for Sun Tan Association.

Are they right?


No, sir.

Then f*cking show me.



Oh, shit!

There's no one

in the tower, man.

The sun's going down. Shit!


Thank you, Jesus.

Romeo, Golf, Charlie.

Romeo, Golf, Charlie.

This is Lima 2 Sierra. Over.

Officers in control tower.


That's what

they look like, huh?


Wind is?

Five to seven, west to east.

Romeo, Golf, Charlie.

Romeo, Golf, Charlie.

Requesting permission

to take the shot. Over.


We have the shot. Over.

Affirmative. Out.

Permission to fire.




What the f*ck frequency

are you on?

Oh, f*ck.

We got air.

I'm calling it in.

We have permission

to take the shot.

Tough break, you were

just gonna sh**t one guy.

Watch this, it'll blow

your f*cking minds.

Bad knees.

College football.

Requesting permission

to take the shot, sir.

Request denied.

You never know

how many chances

you're gonna get to do this.

Wait, wait, wait.

Sir, just let us

take this one shot

right before the air comes in.

Those aren't my orders,

Marine. Hitman 45...

No, wait, wait, wait.

Hitman 45...

Wait, wait, wait.

Wait, sir,

we won't tell anybody.

We don't need to

tell anybody.

What difference does it make?

We have a perfect shot.

Just let us take it.


We have permission

from the Colonel, sir.

Hitman 45. Hitman 45.

This is Corporal...

God damn it,

he's dead anyway!

Just let us f*cking do it!

You are way out of line,



What difference does it make?

Give him back the handset.

If it doesn't make

a f*cking difference...

why the f*ck

do you have to do it?


we have the g*dd*mn shot!

That's why we're here!

Give me the f*cking handset!

f*cking f*ck!

f*cking stop!

Stop it!

That's my k*ll!

f*ck! That is my k*ll!

That is my k*ll!

You f*cking desk jockey!

He's a f*cking prick.

You don't know

what we go through, hell!

It isn't done!

Let go of me.

Just f*cking let go of me.


I was trying...


I was trying to explain...


Oh, man.

You STA boys

are some weird m*therf*ckers.

Hitman 45. Hitman 45.

This is Bravo 4 Lima. Over.

[Dispatcher chattering

on radio]

Are we ever gonna

get to k*ll anyone?

f*ck if I know.

When are they gonna

kick you out?

Two weeks after we get back.

I already have

my separation papers.

You got any ideas?

I'll sell some crack.

Sling some dope.

Yeah, all you want is in.

All I want is out.

Welcome to the Suck.

Where's our pickup?


[Jets roaring]

f*cking Scuds, man.

Motherfuck, it's gotten

the battalion.

We don't know that.

They could be friendly.

You ever hear

friendly fire like that?


Jesus, you hear that?

What is that?


Republican Guards, man,

over this berm.

Ready? Are you ready?

Let's f*cking get

those m*therf*ckers.

I'll cover you. Go! Go! Go!

[Men screaming]

##[Fight The Power

playing on radio]

[Marines cheering]



You m*therf*ckers

were still out there?


You didn't get the memo,

did you?

Having a little party.

You're a little overdressed.

This shit is over,


You didn't die.

Have a cigar.

It won't k*ll you.

Party on!

Hey, m*therf*ckers,

did you get a f*cking k*ll?

Did you get

a f*cking k*ll, man?


Oh, shit.

We're f*cking...

This f*cked up rodeo is over!

We're going home!

Get your jungle camies, boys.

I'm burning all these.

We don't need them anymore.

We k*lled S*ddam, man!

He's f*cking history!

Yeah, he's f*cking history!

We never have to come back

to this shit hole ever again!

[Marines cheering]

I never shot my r*fle.

You do it now.

[g*n fires]


Four days.

Four hours.

One minute.

That was my w*r.

[People cheering]

##[band playing

The Marines' Hymn]

[All clamoring]


You want some beer?

Look here, I got a beer.

[Marines cheering]

The party's started now.

Semper Fi, Marines!

Semper Fi, Marines!



You did it.

You did it clean.

You made us proud.

Semper Fi.

Semper f*cking Fi.

Welcome home, Marine.

Welcome home.

Welcome home, son.

Welcome home, Staff Sergeant.

##[Soldier's Things playing]

You mind if I sit down

in your bus?


Every w*r is different.



Every w*r is the same.

##[Soldier's Things playing]

Give me one shot...

Hey, where you going?



Hey, man.

Hey, man, how you doing?

Nice haircut.

Good, thanks.

Come on in.


I got some bad news, man.



A story.

A man fires a r*fle

for many years...

and he goes to w*r.

And afterwards

he comes home...

and he sees that

whatever else he might do

with his life...

build a house...

love a woman...

change his son's diaper...

he will always remain...

a jarhead.

And all the jarheads...

k*lling and dying...

they will always...

be me.

We are still...

in the desert.

##[Jesus Walks playing]


# All my life

it was my dream #


# All my life

it was my dream #

# To be a bad motherfuckin'

US Marine #

# To be a bad motherfuckin'

US Marine ##
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