01x08 - Julie's Rejection

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Gimme a Break!" Aired: October 29, 1981 – May 12, 1987.*
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Nell Harper is the no-nonsense housekeeper and surrogate mother for police chief Carl Kanisky's children: Samantha, Julie and Katie.
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01x08 - Julie's Rejection

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Gimme a break, I sure deserve it ♪

♪ Gimme a break, I sure deserve it ♪

♪ It's time I made it to the top ♪

♪ Gimme a break, I'm looking forward ♪

♪ Get behind me, pull out every stop ♪

♪ I want a happy ending, I'm tired of pretending ♪

♪ Won't let 'em get the best of me ♪

♪ Whoa, whoa, whoa

♪ Gimme a break

♪ The game is survival

♪ Gimme a break

♪ And plan my arrival

♪ Gimme a break

♪ For heaven's sake

♪ What happened to my piece of the cake? ♪

♪ Gimme a break

♪ Gimme a break

♪ Gimme a break!

"Buy one -pound bag of garlic and get one free." All right.

Looks like it's just you and me tonight, nell.

Yeah, your sister leave already?

You better believe it.

Those snooty girls in her sorority are real strict.

If you're late, they rip the alligator off your shirt.

Well, julie, what are we going to do tonight?

Well, um, want to go upstairs

And help me with my coin collection?

Let's do something more exciting,

Like, um...

Throw crumbs on the floor and watch the ants race.

Wow, dad, that's some jacket.

I got it special for the hockey game tonight.

What do you think?

Somewhere there's a motel with a shower curtain missing.

You got no taste.

Hi, you guys.

You two better get going before you miss the kickoff.

Nell, it's not a kickoff.

It's called a face-off.

Boy, can't wait.

The center gets the puck.

He stick-handles to the left, dekes out the defenseman,

Whips across the crease,

And flicks a wrist shot into the net.

And it's a goal!


Give me five!

Give me five!

Boy, would I love to be a hockey player.

That's great, sweetheart.

You'd be the first -year-old with false teeth.

Okay, samantha, honey, let's get moving.

Okay, dad.

I wouldn't want to miss any of the fun stuff --

High-sticking, fighting,

Hooking, spearing, slashing.

I don't care what it costs.

First thing tomorrow, she starts ballet lessons.


Blood. Blood.


Let's watch some tv, nell.


Oh, wow. I sure am glad dad isn't here.

He would never let me watch this.

It's a tv movie about a call girl on rodeo drive.

Oh, yeah.

Yeah, there it is -- "the $ million woman."

You know, why are you at home tonight?

Why aren't you out with katie and her friends, having fun?

You mean, katie's club?

Nell, those girls are idiots.

"Hi. I'm a silver slipper.

"I'm pretty and popular.

And on a warm day, my i.q. Goes up to ."

Oh, come on, it can't be that bad.

Nell, the biggest thing those girls have going for them

Is their bras.

Sounds like you're jealous, dear.

Me? Jealous of what?

Nell, there are more important things in life

Than throwing parties and running after boys.

Yeah, like catching them.

I've got a real fun idea.

Let's go upstairs and put lipstick

On one of daddy's shirt collars.

It'll drive him crazy wondering how it got there.

[ Chuckles ]

Hi, you guys.

Julie, you'll never guess

What just happened at our club meeting.

You all got together and o.d.'Ed on clorets.

Julie, I put your name up for nomination,

And it got accepted.

I'm nominated?


To the silver slippers? Uh-huh.

I'll get a jacket and everything?


Oh, katie, thank you!

Oh, this is the most exciting thing

That's ever happened to me in my whole life --

Ever, ever in my whole, whole life!

This kid would make a great revolving door.

Come on, julie! Move it!

We've only got two hours till the meeting.

How do I look?

Like an awning in a pizza shop.

Julie, if you're gonna be a silver slipper,

You've got to learn how to dress with a little class.

[ Knock on door ]

Who is it?

[ Knock on door ]



You guys are no fun.

[ Both screaming ]

Sam, where did you get that thing?

It's neat, huh?

Steve sandler lent it to me. He's on the hockey team.

You want to see the blood stain where he chipped his tooth?

Oh, gross.

No, thanks. Goodbye, sam.

Nice outfit.

Thank you.

I love shopping at garage sales.

Out, sam.

I'm sorry. I'll be good. I promise.

I won't say a single word.

All right. But not one word.

Okay, julie, let me see how you sit down.

What's the matter?

You look...dumpy.

I thought dumpy was in this year.


Hi, nell. Come on in.

Hi, sweetheart. How's it going?

Not great.

Come on, julie. Sit up.

Put your hands at your sides, both feet flat on the floor,

Chin up, back against the chair, look straight ahead.

Any last words before I pull the switch?

I'll never make it.

They're not gonna want me. They're not gonna want me!

Julie, you're panicking.

You want me to slap her?


It always works in the movies.

Come on, honey. Just calm down.

The one thing you need to be tonight

Is relaxed and cool.

Yeah, the slippers are really into cool.

I'll give them whatever they want.

If they want cool...

I'll spit ice cubes.

That ought to charm them.

Listen, what else do the girls worry about?

Whether you can dance or not.

What's the latest dance?

That's easy --

Anything that black folks were doing last year.

I think the latest dance goes like this. Let's see.

, , , Cross, turn, touch.

Come here, try it.

, .

, .

, Cross...

Hold it. Hold it. Hold, hold, hold, hold.

Honey, that ain't it.

Look, you been hanging out with republicans?

Nell, I don't know what to do.

Baby, when it comes to dancing,

It is not what you do but what you do it with.

Honey, put some music on that tape deck, miss thing.

And move back 'fore I hurt you.

[ Upbeat music plays ]

Okay, I'm tired. That's enough.

Hey, this is kind of fun.

[ Music stops ] well, great.

Now I'm okay at being cool, sitting, and dancing.

Sure you don't like this outfit?

I'll go look for another one.

Julie, I've got a better idea.

Why don't you wear something of mine?

Come here.

This might be really nice.

Look, it'll make you look older.

Katie, I really appreciate what you're doing for me.

Hey, what are sisters for?

Hey, you know what would knock them dead?

If you took your glasses off.

Yeah, you know, I once saw this movie

Where there was this frumpy old librarian

Who whipped off her glasses and let her hair down,

And she turned out to be raquel welch.

Yeah, it was amazing how her body filled out

When those glasses came off.

Okay, I'll give it a try.

We got a lot of work here, honey.

So, how are they doing up there?


What do you mean, "weird"?

They didn't even want to see the blood on the goalie's mask.

It's a good thing I didn't show them the tooth.


How's julie?

Chief, we just gave her an instant course

In what, miss katie?


I hope I look that pretty when I'm old.

Julie, you're...beautiful.

Thank you, dad.

You know, you look like you should be in the movies.

Who said that?

We're gonna be late. Let's go.

Don't be nervous, honey. They'll love you.

Why should I be nervous?

I'm supercool.

I've got it, and I'm gonna flaunt it.

Come on, we'll be late.

You know, julie, I'm kind of tired.

Why don't you drive? Hey, hey, hey!

Just wanted to see if you were paying attention, dad.

[ Indistinct conversations ]

[ Bell rings ]

Bring in the next neophyte.

Oh, wow, I love the candles.

You who stand before us and ask our acceptance, speak.

Hi, I'm babs pasternak,

A junior at lincoln high school, home of the fighting bantams!


And I have just been elected president

Of the rooster boosters.

Oh. Oh. Oh.

Is there anyone who would like to question this neophyte?

If I may, honored chairwoman.

Okay, let's say you have

This really outrageous cashmere sweater --

I have six.

[ Girls murmuring ]

If one of the girls in the club wanted to borrow it,

Would you let her?

Oh, for sure.

Hey, there isn't anything I wouldn't do for my club sisters.

Besides, I always welcome the opportunity

To take off my sweater.

[ Laughter ]

Okay, thank you. Take her away.

I like her.

[ Bell rings ]

Bring in the next neophyte.

What happened? Was there a power failure?

You who stand before us and ask our acceptance, speak.

Well, uh, hi.

My name's julie kanisky,

And I'm a "lunior" at "jincoln" high.

[ Laughter ]

I-i mean a junior at lincoln high.

Well, is there something else

You would like to tell us about yourself?

I once held my breath underwater for two whole minutes.

I did that once making out with a lifeguard.

Oh, may I ask a question?

You may.

Um, are you a virgin?


A virgin. That's someone who --

Hey, I know what a virgin is.

So, are you one?

Me, a virgin?


Don't be silly.

Oh, so you've had a lot of experience?

Are you kidding?

You think I'd let a body like this go to waste?

When was the first time you french-kissed?


Oh, you mean like with an exchange student.

[ Laughter ]


You know, kissing with your tongue.

You've got to be kidding.

Is there such a thing as a geekette?

[ Laughter ]

I think that about wraps it up.

Thank you, julie.

Thank you.

[ Music plays on television ]

Thataboy. Go get him.

Ha! That's it! Another one ripped to shreds!

[ Laughs ]

Samantha, what's gotten into you lately?

Why? 'Cause I'm watching "jaws"?

No, because you're rooting for the shark.

Hi, honey, how did it go?

I don't know. They're voting right now.

Who cares anyway? They're a bunch of airheads.

Hi, dad.

Hi, julie.

Well, honey, when will you find out?

Well, there are nine votes to count.

With those dumbbells, it could be a tie.

You must have been nervous. Your dress is all wet.

That's what happens

When some clumsy nerd spills punch all over you.

What a farce.

Somebody spilled punch on you? Who was it?


Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Come here, honey.

Did they ask you any hard questions?

Oh, you know those kind of girls, nell.

They all want to know the same thing --

You know, the old virginity question.

What virginity question?

Samantha, turn the tv on and watch jaws eat boston.

And I nearly burst out laughing

When they asked me about french kissing.

French kissing? Virginity?

What were you trying out for, a porno movie?

Look, dad, it's all a big joke.

I want to go upstairs now and write this all down

Before I forget how hysterical it was.

I don't get it.

Chief, I think I'd better go check on her.

Dad, can I ask you a question?

Sure, honey, go ahead.

What's french kissing?

Samantha, you know how some apples on a tree

Are ripe and ready to be picked

And some are still green and immature?

Yeah, I guess so.

Yeah, well, get back up in the tree

And don't come down till you're married.

So you weren't too comfortable tonight, were you?


I felt great.

It just dawned on me while I was standing there --

Why should a girl with all my brains

Work so hard to be phony?

Oh, child, I know just what you're talking about.

You do?


Really? Sure.

You know, every time I see those leggy blondes like bo derek,

I know I am three times the woman she is.


Oh, this feels good.

I love being dumpy.

It's great being back to me.

Who needs all this fake stuff?


From now on, I'm just gonna be me...

The plain me...

The real me.

You know, dad, I've been thinking.

With all this girl stuff going on,

It must be kind of tough being the only guy in the house.

It's m*rder.


Hi, katie.

What happened?

She didn't make it.

Holy crud.

Well, how could that be? She's your sister.

I'm sorry, dad. I did the best I could.

Katie, I want you to quit that club.

Dad, that's crazy.

I mean, I nominated julie, and I voted for her.

Why punish me?

It's not you. It's those girls.

They don't care who they hurt.

Dad, they're my friends.


If they don't want your sister, they can't have you.

That's ridiculous.

Isn't that the most ridiculous thing you've ever heard?

I'm on his side.

It's easier.

Dad, if I quit, I'll be a social outcast.

I'll be a nothing.

Like your sister?

Hi, guys.

Hi, julie.

What's going on?


You know, I like you a lot better in your glasses, and i...

I'm sorry, julie.

You didn't make it.

Make what?

Oh, you mean that stupid club.

What a relief.

What are you talking about?

I realized tonight those girls just aren't for me.

I was afraid I'd hurt your feelings

When I turned them down.

You mean you really don't care?


Boy, I'd high-stick their teeth out.

Julie, that's such a relief.

Dad wanted me to quit because of you.

Dad, that's so silly.

Katie belongs to the slippers. Those girls are her friends.

You see?

Katie can have her friends. I can have mine.

Katie, you ought to stay in the club.

I know how important it is to you.

It doesn't mean anything to me. I'm too busy.

Who has time for that sort of stuff anyway?

The truth is, I really don't even care.

All I wanted was the crummy jacket.

A stupid jacket -- can you believe it?

I mean, of all the ridiculous...silly...

[ Crying ]

Don't cry. They're not worth it.

They're your friends.

Not anymore. I'm quitting.

No. Yes.

Us kaniskys stick together.

You know, dad, I have a great idea.

We should form our own club.

We could think of a name and have an initiation

And cut our wrists and take a blood oath.

Speaking of blood,

That reminds me, I've got something for you.

Are we gonna go to another hockey game?

No, no, no, no, no.

Something much, much better than that.

[ Laughs ]

No! Take it away!

No! No!
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