07x209 - Wendy vs. Aquarius – Let's Have Fun in the Amusement Park!

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Fairy Tale". Aired: September 30, 2011 - September 29, 2019.*
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Lucy runs away from home to become a magician in the magical land of Fairy Tail; on her way there she meets all sorts of curious companions like a dragon and a flying blue cat.
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07x209 - Wendy vs. Aquarius – Let's Have Fun in the Amusement Park!

Post by bunniefuu »

[NATSU] Uh, so, is this just

some big stack of rocks?

[HAPPY] Uh, they're

called ruins, genius.

[NATSU and HAPPY yell]

[LOKE yells]

[NATSU grunts]

[NATSU] Let's get

one thing straight.

There's no way I'm going to let

you guys forget about Lucy.

I just couldn't stand to see her

go through that kind of pain.

[LOKE] Hmph.

[NATSU grunts]

[LOKE chuckles]

That light of yours.

It looks darker now,

like it got dirty.


[LOKE] My light

is far from soiled.

It's just as pure as

my desire for freedom

and every bit as powerful!

Ha. There's one way

you haven't changed.

You're still full of crap!

[LOKE laughs]

The heck are

you laughing at?

[NATSU yells]

Fire Dragon Iron Fist!

Pitch-Black Hammer!


[HAPPY screams]

--[LOKE grunts]

--[HAPPY screams]

Happy! No!

[HAPPY yells]

[NATSU] Ah! Son of a...

[HAPPY whimpers]


You okay, buddy?

You gotta hang in there!

I-I hid a fish in

your pillow, Natsu.

Give it to Carla for me.


Good job, scumbag!

Thought you looked dirty,

now I know for sure!

Get down here and take

what you got coming!

[LOKE laughs]

[NATSU gasps]

[NATSU] What did I eat today?

Your flame burns

low, Dragneel.

[NATSU grunts]

[NATSU] C'mon...

You'll get no mercy.

Pitch-Black Punishment!

[NATSU retches]

[LOKE & NATSU gasp]

[BOTH yell]


Wendy vs. Aquarius.

Let's Have Fun in

the Amusement Park!

[HISUI gasps]

I can't help but feel

that I should be there.

[LUCY] Let's end this.

--[LUCY grunts]

--[VIRGO giggles]

[LUCY shouts]

[VIRGO laughs]

[LUCY pants]

[VIRGO giggles]

You seem tired.

That makes it my turn.

"Let's end this!" That's what

you came for, right?

[LUCY grunts]

Feed me with your pain!

Every whimper charges my whip!

[LUCY] Please stop...

Beg away, but there's

no safety word with me!

That would ruin the fun!

[VIRGO laughs]

Down girl!

[LUCY gasps]

[LUCY screams]

[VIRGO giggles]

[CANA growls]


Shall I explain who I mean

when I tell you

that "I am the rules"?

Me, myself, not you.


That really isn't helpful!

You must be

eager to begin.

Enter standby sequence.

I deploy two Field Cards!

Face down!

[CANA] Don't think I

have those. Go fish!

Well, guess I'll have to

work it out by watching him.

Now for the fun part.

Enter battle sequence!

I summon spirits!

[CANA growls]

Piri, piri!

My name is Gemi!

And I'm Mini!

Are you going easy on me,

or is this just a warm-up?

Quite precisely

the opposite.

If you're as skilled

as I've heard,

then holding back

would be more than rude.

It would also be

a grievous mistake.

I'll press my advantage.

[CANA gasps]


The unification of the Gemini

allows for a linked attack.

Together, they can destroy

any enemy monster

with less than five thousand

offensive points.

I said go fish!

I don't have any monsters so

you can't destroy them yet!

[CANA gasps]

You do lack monsters.

Which allows my Gemini

to attack you-- directly!

Piri, piri, pikkiri!

Piri, piri, pikkiri!

[CANA gasps]

[AQUARIUS] Pretty awesome

Amusement park, right?

And now that you're here,

I've got someone to play with!

No way!

I'm on a mission.

I don't have time

for dumb games!

My goodness child,

where did that come from?

You can say no without

that bullying tone.


Hmph. I meant every word.

Boo on you.

Guess you like to be boring.

[AQUARIUS sighs]

But you won't spoil my fun.

I mean who cares if

you don't want to play?

If I use this,

you won't have a choice!

No way.

You should've been nice!

Ready or not!

Time to have fun!

[CARLA & WENDY gasp]

[AQUARIUS] Ha, ha, ha!

See what I mean?

You've got to play

whatever I want now!

Just look, I've got an

awesome water twister!

[CARLA gasps]

[WENDY] Wow,

that's amazing.

Nice try, but it's too late

for sweet talk. Let's go!

Come on! She thinks

it's cool. Why don't you?

Aw... Hey, wait!

You haven't even seen

what it can do yet!

[WENDY] Stop it!

[CARLA] Wendy!

[AQUARIUS laughs]


This isn't funny!

Stop! I don't think you want to

hurt us, but you're going to!

[WENDY gasps]

[CARLA] She may look like a

child, but her power's grown.

She's almost as

destructive as Natsu.


Uh oh!

It doesn't really look like

we're going to be able

to ride the horsies anymore.

Sorry about that.


You could've hurt us!


I want to keep on playing!

[WENDY] Look you, that is

not how playing works!

There's nothing fun

about getting att*cked!

And if you can't

understand that,

then I'm going to

have to show you!

Sky Dragon Roar!

[CARLA & WENDY scream]


That's the spirit you two.

I knew you'd come around!

--[CARLA whimpers]

--That could've gone better.

Do you feel well

enough to move?

Ugh. I'll try,

but no promises.

As soon as I can stand,

I'm going to give that

brat the what for!


That's what you are:

an evil, cackling, meanie!

Ah, "Meanie."

Such an eloquent word.

No I'm not,

I'm just playing!

Stop being such a sore loser!

You're a meanie!

No I'm not!

You are!

And a jerkface!

--It takes one to know one!


[CARLA] At least we aren't being

hunted by a water twister...

I suppose that this beats that.


You called me a meanie!

You shot me!

You kind of shot yourself.

Because of you!

Going to cry about it?

Of course not!

No... If I could pick,

I think I'd take the twister.

[WENDY] I'd rather eat my foot!

Look, it's going to make

me all kinds of mad

if you won't play

with me, you got it?

I'm serious!

I'm sorry, I don't speak meanie,

could you translate that?


You're making me mad!

Well I don't care!

You'd better stop

calling me a meanie!

'Cause you're the mean one!

[WENDY yells]


So much for diplomacy.

Whoa, you're fast!

Hey, let's play tag instead!


[WENDY screams]


[WENDY screams]

[WENDY] Dad gummit, this is

nothing like tag!

I'm tired of running,

let me at her!

This little brat needs

to be taught a lesson!

Take me to the ground, Carla!

[CARLA] That's far

too dangerous!

You've seen how powerful she is!

Come on!

Look, Carla!

I can do this!

[AQUARIUS laughs]


Beat those tiny wings

as fast as you can!


[WENDY & CARLA scream]

Aw, the poor

guy bit himself...

But I think he's

going to be okay.


Oh. Guess they're hiding, huh?


You know what that means:


That's our most

favorite game ever!


No clues?

They're good hiders!

Fine. We'll have

to flush them out!


[WENDY gasps]

This girl's crazy!

What do we do?!

[WENDY & CARLA gasp]

So that's where

you were hiding!

I'm going to get you now!

Ow, What's the deal

with these raindrops?!

They're as sharp as knives!

Aw. I could've sworn

I'd get them with that one!

Uh, excuse me, Aquarius?

[CARLA] Be more assertive!

What gives you

the right to do this?

The entire amusement park

is in shambles 'cause of you!

Now there's lots of

broke stuff to hide in!

[WENDY] Nu-uh!

No more Hide-and-Seek!

Fine! There are tons

and tons more games

that we can play

around here!

You are really

difficult to talk to!

What you did was dangerous,

and you need to realize that!

[CARLA] Sheesh.

If you'd asked me to

drop you, I would've.


Sky Dragon...

...Wing Attack!

Wait a second,


Say what?

I spy someplace tasty,

right over that way.

[WENDY] Huh?

You do? What is it?

I'm pointing

right at it, silly!

Uh... yeah.

Could I have another clue?

It's two against one.

Why not fight me?

What do you think

of my swimming, Ma?

I've been practicing

my freestyle!

[PISCES MOM] You swim

beautifully, snookums.

[PISCES BOY] Cut it out

with the pet names!

Forget you, Hag, I can

take her out all by myself!


Why do you hate me so?

You've called

me mean names

and you've fought

girls without me,

but both at once?

I can barely take it!

I won't hurt you!

[MIRAJANE growls]

I spy someplace tasty,

right over that way!

[WENDY] Huh?

You do? What is it?

I'm pointing

right at it, silly!

Uh. Yeah.

Could I have another clue?

The ice cream shop,

doofus, let's go!

Uh, you...

want ice cream?

Okay, but this isn't exactly

the best time for treats.

[AQUARIUS giggles]

Let's go! I'm sure

you'll like it!

[AQUARIUS giggles]

Oh, look, diplomacy

has resumed.


you're as excited as I am!

Cause you're in for

a crazy good treat!

Hurry up, Wendy,

you walk like an old lady!

[AQUARIUS giggles]

I'm all for talking this out.

But there's a key

difference between

speaking to your foe and letting

her lead you into a trap!

Ice cream...

No! Don't be a fool!

She'll give you worse

than a brain freeze!


Here you go!

Thank you!

Wow, it looks delicious!


You're welcome!

Nothing like some

break-time ice cream!

More like death cream.

Don't eat that.

I have reason to believe

that it's been poisoned.

There's no telling

what she might've--


Hey, kitty?

I made this one for you!


Thank you.

Wait, I can't accept

this, take it back!

Then give it to me.

What? You actually

ate some of it?

I told you this was

awesome ice cream!

I give in.

Well, it doesn't particularly

taste like it's been poisoned.

[AQUARIUS] I've tasted

every flavor of ice cream here!

And you know what?

I still can't pick a favorite!

[WENDY] It's a big decision.

Don't rush yourself.

[CARLA] This stuff is more

than not bad. It's... decent.

[WENDY] I have a scoop

of ice cream with you

and now it feels

like we're friends.


We are.

Plus it was two scoops,

so we're double friends.


[WENDY giggles]

[AQUARIUS giggles]

Hey! Eyes off my chocolate.

[WENDY giggles]

Touch your nose.

[AQUARIUS laughs]

[WENDY giggles]


This is more than decent.

So, was it as

yummy as promised?

It was the best dessert

I've ever had.


Now that we're friends,

we should stop fighting.


What're you talking about?

We never fought.

[WENDY] Huh?

We were playing,


So let's get back to it!

But, I don't like that game.

And we just had ice cream,

two scoops each,

that means we're friends!

Put down the urn!

Please don't hurt me!

[CARLA] Wait, I haven't

finished mine.

I said it was a trap,

but did you listen? No!

You really are

a quick one!

[WENDY & CARLA scream]

What was that?!

[WENDY grunts]

[WENDY screams]

This isn't good!

We're sitting ducks

up here, Carla!

Hey, what happened?

Are you okay?

Just peachy,

why do you ask?

Because your spirit friend

shot me with her magic urn?

Or because the only limbs

that I can move

are my stubby

little legs? Help me!

I'll try, but I don't know

if I can reach that far.

[CARLA] You can't just

tug on my foot!

You'll have to pull

me from the inside!

[WENDY grunts]

[WENDY] Okay, got it.

So, I don't think

I can get in there.

[CARLA] What do

you mean by that?!

She's coming!

[CARLA] Do something, quickly!

Wow, such a pretty view

and I'm only halfway up!

Bet yours is even better!

Enjoy it while you can!

Please stop sh**ting!

You'll knock down

the whole Ferris Wheel!

Ha, ha, ha!

Sounds like fun!

I think I'll aim for

something fragile this time!

Like me?!


[WENDY gasps

[NATSU screaming]

[WENDY] Whoa, is that Natsu?

Sounds like him!

[NATSU] Look out below!

That's weird.

Didn't think that

meteors could yell.

[NATSU & HAPPY scream]

[NATSU groans]

[NATSU] Don't worry, Wendy...

Natsu to the rescue...

[WENDY] You two look

horrible, what happened?

Are you all right?

[HAPPY] There's not a fur on

my body that feels all right.

Loke blew us straight

out of his world

with this crazy-strong attack.

[NATSU] Yup.

Is it just me or is that

happening way too much lately?

[CARLA] Happy! Happy!

Look over here!

Uhh... Carla!

I sure am glad that you're okay!

Do I seem okay?!

My head's stuck

in a pane of glass.

Get over here and

pull me out, please!


No problem!

[BOTH grunt]

Try to be gentle!

[BOTH grunt]

[CARLA] That was way more rough!



[BOTH grunt]

[HAPPY] Hey look,

I'm trying my best here,

but the thing is that.

I just took a pretty

serious beat-down,

so I'm feeling kind of woozy.

Tell it to me straight, Wendy.

Does this thing move?

It's supposed to,

but not right now.

Well, that's a relief.

[AQUARIUS] If you've

got Natsu up there,

tell him that he

hasta play with us!

Why does she know

who I am, anyway?

She's gotten way smaller, huh?

Is she less scary now?

[WENDY and NATSU yell]

[AQUARIUS laughs]

[NATSU] Hey! Watch

where you're aiming!


[NATSU] Fire Dragon

Brilliant Flame!

[ferris wheel groans]

Listen to that, it sounds

like the Ferris wheel's

about to fall apart!

Well, is there something

we can do to stop it?

To be honest,

I think our best shot is to jump

off of it while we still can!

You can't be serious.

[CARLA] Happy! Take Wendy

and Natsu to the ground

for me, okay?

No way, I am not going

to leave you behind!

Also, I'm still weak from

that fight with Loke.

I can barely even keep

myself in the air.

Sheesh, you're even more

useless than usual.

[HAPPY] Aww...

Check it out!

It's shaking!

All right, guess we'll

have to wing it!

You ready for this?

[WENDY gasps

[NATSU yells]

[CARLA grunts]

[CARLA gasps]

You did it!

Piece of cake!

[AQUARIUS laughs]

Excuse me, Aquarius?

[CARLA] Now you're

being too nice.

This place isn't safe anymore,

so we're going to leave.

I think that you

should come with us!

Stop being such

a spoilsport.

I want to keep on playing!

This thing's on its

last leg, Aquarius.

Get the heck away

before it crushes you!

[NATSU yells]

You're right, it is

going to fall down!

Isn't that exciting?

Guess we're doing

this the hard way!

Fire Dragon Roar!

Water puts out fire,

stupid. So you lose.

[NATSU growls]

[AQUARIUS groans]

Way to go!

[NATSU laughs]

--[WENDY sighs]

--[CARLA] He did it!

[AQUARIUS whimpers]

No fair...

I'm only a little girl,

you're supposed to let me win.


[AQUARIUS wails]

The heck, man?

What's she crying about?

From what I heard,

you're a meanie.

I'm nice and you know it!

[wailing continues]

You know what, Aquarius?

From the things Lucy

told me about you,

I thought that you'd

be really scary.

But you're not at all!

[CARLA & WENDY gasp]

[NATSU whimpers]

[HAPPY screams]

[AQUARIUS gasps]

[WENDY gasps]

We have to break her fall!

But I'm not done

playing yet!

[AQUARIUS screams]

[WENDY and CARLA yell]

[NATSU] Hey, Don't go!

[HAPPY] Carla!

[NATSU] Hey... don't go...

[WENDY] Aquarius, I'm coming!

There's only one way.

Sky Dragon Roar!


That was fun, right?

[AQUARIUS giggles]

[HAPPY growls]

--[HAPPY giggles]

--You saved me!

[HAPPY] Of course!

I won't ever let you fall!

[NATSU screams]

Hey, didn't you just tell us

you were too beat-up to fly?!

You got to fight through the

pain to save the ones you love.

[HAPPY] You gotta fight

through the pain

to save the ones you love...

Yes, I suppose that's true...

[NATSU] You couldn't

get me after?! Aaahh!

[crashing sound]


I... I don't believe it...

How could you forget me...?

Good job!

Thanks again for saving me!

That would've hurt!

Oh no, you're

all dirty now.

Like I care, I just want

to go out and have fun!

Let's do this again, just with

less danger and more ice cream.

Okay, but can my games

really be that dangerous?

Yeah, they're

extremely dangerous.

And not just for

the people around you,

you nearly hurt yourself bad.

Yeah. I'll try to be careful.

We will play again

someday, won't we?

But maybe we should

play cards instead.

[AQUARIUS giggles]

I had fun, thanks!

You're welcome.

Thank you!

[NATSU groans]

Well look at that:

they made up again.

You've been here for a long time

now, do you want to go home?

Yeah. Think I'm ready.

Remember, we're

double scoop friends.

How could I forget?

I'll see you later, Wendy.

[WENDY sighs]

[CARLA] Well, that's one

mission accomplished.

Now if someone would stop

slacking off in his crater,

we could get moving.

Don't start with me,

you dirty traitor!


Standby Sequence!

I play twenty field cards!

[NATSU] Uh, what're you

going on about, man?


Don't you know?

There's a whole new

battle card game!

It's a craze!

[NATSU] Huh.

Sounds cool to me.

What're the rules?

[HAPPY] Don't be

ridiculous, man!

It's a battle card game.

Why would there be rules?


So you know how to play?

[HAPPY] If you let a rulebook

tell you how to play,

then you'll never

develop your own style.

Oh! It's my turn!

[NATSU and HAPPY] Next Time:

Guild Deck vs. Celestial Deck.

[HAPPY] Guild Battle Standby!

[NATSU] Okay, but seriously.

How do you play?
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