07x210 - Guild Deck vs. Celestial Deck

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Fairy Tale". Aired: September 30, 2011 - September 29, 2019.*
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Lucy runs away from home to become a magician in the magical land of Fairy Tail; on her way there she meets all sorts of curious companions like a dragon and a flying blue cat.
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07x210 - Guild Deck vs. Celestial Deck

Post by bunniefuu »

What the? Is there

something stuck to my head?

Uh, what the heck is going on?


about to begin our contest.

What contest?

A quiz! Worthy of

a Zodiac Spirit!

A game show?

[CAPRICORN] I suppose.

Each contestant

will be presented

with a series of questions

they must answer.

There are ten in all.

Once the final score is tallied,

the winner will then be

granted complete freedom.

And the loser will suffer

a truly horrible fate.

Oh. I don't like

the sound of that.

But why are we playing

a trivia game?

Well, because I'm rather

fond of them, that's why.

Now then.


Cult Quiz, Question Number One!


Cult Quiz, Question Number One!

[AUDIENCE cheers]

Guess I have no choice

but to play.

Fine then.

Excellent, let's proceed.

[HEAVEN VOICE A] This doll

was a gift to Lucy Heartfilia

from her mother.

What'd she name it?

--[LEVY] Ha!

--[HEAVEN VOICE A] Miss Levy!


You're swift on the buzzer,

but are you accurate?

It seems like I was nervous

about this for no reason,

because this

game's super easy!

That doll's name was "Michelle"!

[buzzer sounds]

Uh. That sounds bad.


Mr. Capricorn!


Lucy named her doll "Gonzales."


That is correct!

While the doll did eventually

come to be called Michelle,

this was not the name

it got from Lucy.

Upon receiving the doll

as a birthday present,

young Lucy could think

of no better name

--for it than Gonzales!

--[AUDIENCE cheers]

[LEVY] Wait, don't

you have amnesia?

[HEAVEN VOICE A] Incorrect

answers must be penalized!

What? Hey!

Can someone fix this thing?!


For each incorrect answer,

our contestant's odds of falling

into the "Fun Zone"

will increase!

[LEVY yells]

[CAPRICORN] Look at us.

Two perfect examples of what

to do and what not to do

when engaged

in a match of wits.

The fun zone isn't

fun at all, is it?!

[HAPPY] Guild Deck

vs. Celestial Deck!

[CANA] What did those

brats just do to me?!


Piri, piri!

--Check it out.

--Her life has gone down!

[SCORPIO] I'm not

the only rule in this game.

Allow me to explain:

the lit symbols to your left

indicate your

current life total.

You've just lost one

out of four life points.

Now, should you lose

the remaining three,

you will lose this match

and pay the price.

What price?

The real fun of this game

is in devising varied,

unexpected strategies to

keep one's life points safe.

But, you'll agree that a game of

cards is most entertaining

when the stakes are high.

So... If you do lose, you'll be

added to my card collection.

[CANA] Fat chance, nerd!

I'll win your stupid game,

then you'll let me close your

gate like a good little spirit.

If you play as shrewdly

as you hand out insults

then I'd say the two of us are

in for a game to remember.

Now that our bets are placed,

I'll end my turn.

You may begin yours when ready.

I'd love to, but

where do I start?

I still don't get what

"I am the rules" means.

Plus these cards are blank.


The game board we're standing on

is clearly magical.

When you placed your cards,

it looked like the Gemini

twins appeared in the flesh.

So you filled

your deck with friends.

then summoned them on the board.

Seems easy enough.

If you're going to play

with your friends,

then I'll stack the

deck with my own.

[CANA] So that's what you meant.

You aren't the rules

after all: I am!

I can make whatever

cards I want,

based on the people

that matter to me.

You catch on quickly,

don't you?

Card master indeed.

The game lets you combine

cards to form different att*cks.

Well, that I'm

pretty much used to.

Let's get things moving.

First, my draw sequence.

Next up, my standby phase.

I summon my friends

Happy and Carla!

Aye, Sir!

Would you like us to rough

somebody up for you then?

Piri, piri.

Both of her friends

are kitty cats!

I think they're

called "Exceeds".

[CARLA] So you're the

ones we're fighting.

[HAPPY] Tough break for you,

cause I'm super strong!

[CANA] Those figures

aren't real, are they?


They're illusions.

To give the game

some extra flavor.

Well, they're

extremely convincing.

I appreciate that.

[CANA] I deploy two Field Cards!

Face down!

[SCORPIO] You've never

even seen a field card flipped,

and yet you're deploying

your own! Amazing!


She's not bad.

[HAPPY] Uh, why's he shaking?

[CARLA] How would I know?

I love the tactics of

strategy card games

more than life itself.

So doing battle with a

player as masterful as you

gives me a thrill like no other.

[CANA] What a creeper.

All right! I'll start

my Battle sequence!

Get them, Happy!

[HAPPY] Aye, Sir!

[SCORPIO] I'll block

that attack with Gemi.

Sure hope he

doesn't beat me!

Happy Attack!

[GEMI grunts]

[CANA] Good work, Happy!

That's one down!

[SCORPIO] Destroyed cards

are sent to the spirit realm:

a trash zone, which generally

renders them unusable.


Both of my Gemini

possess a special ability.

Whenever an allied

monster is destroyed,

I may replace it

with a field card!

I reveal "Celestial Punishment",

which summons Virgo the Maiden.

Summoning Virgo during

an opponents turn

triggers her ability to

resurrect a monster

from the spirit realm.

Are you glad to

be back, Gemi?

Of course I am!

No way! You can

actually do that?

And by the way,

summoning me also allows him to

draw five cards from his deck.

You're playing a lot of

cards on not your turn!

You seem flustered.

Which is precisely how

I like my opponents.

[CANA] Screw it. I end my turn.

[PISCES BOY screams]


Sweetie-pie, no!

You should teach him to speak

to his mother with respect.

Just who are you

to criticize?!

If I wanted parenting

advice from a demon,

I would've asked for it!

[MIRAJANE] If you keep indulging

him, he'll treat you worse!

We are the perfect picture

of what a family should be!

This one doubts

our bond, munchkin!

Let's show her what a

loving family can do!


Yeah, Whatever hag.

I guess I'll help you.

Why do you let him

talk like that?!

--[PISCES MOM] A mother.

--[PISCES BOY] And son's.

[BOTH] Forbidden embrace!

--Work it, sweet-pea!

--I love you, ma!

--[MIRAJANE] On second thought.

--[PISCES BOY grunts]]

[PISCES MOM gasps]

[MIRAJANE] It seems that

your indulgence is mutual.

[PISCES MOM] Unhand us!

[PISCES BOY screams]

[PISCES MOM screams]

That looked painful.

I'm sorry.

If I were you... I'd run.


There's more to family

than indulgence.

You're meant to help

each other grow.


Take it back....

[PISCES MOM] Snookums...


Finished already?

Then I'll start

my draw sequence!

Entering standby phase!

I'll send Mini to the spirit

realm in order to summon

Taurus, the golden bull!

[MINI] Bye, bye, brother.


Apologies, good Gemi.

Your partner's sacrifice

was a noble one.

I will strive to ensure

she did not fall in vain.

Aw! This bites!

[CANA] Sounds like there's

some dissension in the ranks!

I'm not too worried about it.

Entering battle phase!

Taurus! I want you to

Launch an attack!

[TAURUS] As you command.

Carla, block his attack!

He'll squish me!

Before damage resolves,

I'll flip a field card.

Activating, Maiden's Bond!

This card allows me to

special-summon a female friend

to give Carla some backup!

Look at that, I've got Carla's

best friend right here.

I summon Wendy!

The Dragon Slayer!


[WENDY] Sorry

that I took so long!

[CARLA] Glad you're here!

[CANA] Know what happens when a

Dragon Slayer and her Exceed

use Maiden's

bond together?

They get a bonus , attack!

Did you say , ?!

Oh, and I get to draw

three cards on top of that.

[SCORPIO growls]


Then I'll sacrifice Gemi

in order to increase

Taurus' attack by , !

[GEMI screams]


Now this is power!

How can you

sacrifice your friends?!


Don't be so sentimental.

He was nothing but a pawn.

[CANA] Wendy! Carla!

[WENDY] We're on it!

[CARLA] We'll barbeque him!

[WENDY] We weep for Gemi.

He was too kind a spirit to

be sent to the spirit realm.

[CARLA] For every tear shed,

we'll gain , attack points.

Keep crying!

[TAURUS] What an

"offal" predicament!

How can I call

myself a gentleman

if I bring harm to a

maiden while she weeps?!

Wait? , attack?!

[WENDY] Sorry in advance.

[CANA] Take him out.

[BOTH] Tearful Maiden


[WENDY] Tearful Maiden


[CANA] Having fun yet?

[SCORPIO] I wouldn't pour

a victory drink if I were you!

Taurus' death was

a part of my plan.

[CANA] Yeah, right!

With him gone,

the field tilts in your favor.

That makes this the perfect time

for me to summon Libra,

the balance!

There must be balance

in all things.


makes for a fine equalizer.

When summoned, she

weighs her own attack

against that of an opponent's.

Whoever's weakest gets

sent to the spirit realm!

[LIBRA] I choose the cat!

[CARLA] Why's it always me?

[SCORPIO] When the scale

tips, the weakest one will rise.

[CARLA] That's just my luck!

--[CARLA screams]

--[LIBRA] I banish you!

Carla, no!

[CANA growls]

[LUCY screams]

[LUCY] Is that a

fricking spike pit?!

Not having it!

[LUCY grunts]

[LUCY] Way too close...


That was impressive.

But tell me, what'll

you do about...



--What?! Wait! Not the--!

[LUCY screams]

Please don't

crush me, Virgo!

I want to live,

can't we talk this out?

[WENDY sobs]

[CANA] Your tears

can't bring her back.


I'm grateful for them.

They give us a shot at revenge.

I Figured he'd

go after Carla.

Flipping the field card:

"Wendy's Tears!" Activate!

[SCORPIO moans]

To predict plays

that far in advance

you must've read me

like a street sign!

You weren't half this

good in my dreams!

I'm going to pretend

I didn't hear that

and use this card to

kick your creepy butt!

Activating Wendy's Tears

allows me to dual-summon

Gray Fullbuster

and Juvia Loxar!


I bet she summoned

the two of us together

because she knows that

we're an item, darling!

I'm going to need

you focused.


[CANA] By the way,

it's still your turn.

Got anything else for me?

[SCORPIO] Nah, I think

I'll leave things as they are.

I end my turn.

[CANA] 'Bout time, too!

Cool, so first I draw a card.

And then I start

my standby phase.

I summon Lucy the

celestial wizard

and Erza Titania!

Just tell me

what to s*ab.

We're here to help!

Time for my

battle sequence!

Juvia, I need you

to take out Virgo.

[JUVIA] Right!

[CANA] She and

Gray're dual-summons.

So as long as he's on the field,

her attack will be

five times its usual.

Not good...

We're even more connected

than before, Gray!

I can feel your power

surging inside me!

[SCORPIO] By the way.

Virgo has one other ability.

She can temporarily

summon an ally at any point

during one of my

opponent's att*cks.

[CANA] Sounds pretty

frigging cheap to me!


I special summon Capricorn!

Take the hit!

This should be refreshing!

[JUVIA yells]

I've taken the hit, sir.

You make a fine shield

and I appreciate your efforts.

Let's see you

pull it off twice.

You're up next, Erza,

run them through!

As you wish.

[CANA] Erza's ability allows me

to take any requip field card

that I have in hand and

put it directly on her

when she att*cks.


Heaven's Wheel Armor!

[CANA] She has , Attack!

I'll just block with Virgo.

[CANA] Got something

up your sleeve,

or do you just suck at math?

Why bother stuffing my sleeves

when I have a field card?

I activate: "Cruel Punishment"

[ERZA] What's this?!

Erza, no!

It's my worst nightmare!

I wasn't any help at all!


sent to the spirit realm

via punishment effects,

are completely untouchable.

So there's no point

in trying to save her.

[CANA] There's some

smug on your face.

Don't worry though.

it wipes right off.

Could you help him

out with that, Lucy?

Leave it to me!

[CANA] Take a life point!

You've got this!

[LUCY] I won't let you down!


I'll block with Libra!

[LIBRA] Where we lack

balance, there is chaos.

Attacking triggers

Lucy's best ability!

If I have a celestial spirit

card in my hand,

then I can play it!

Leo the Lion! I summon you!

Intriguing. You've summoned

a spirit of your own.

But as he was a

special summon,

I can weigh his strength

against Libra's.

You better not be making

up crap as you go!


Responding to such an accusation

would be beneath me.

Now then, let's see if your Leo

can match the strength

of an Eclipse Spirit.

[LIBRA] Uh-oh.

[LOKE] Sorry, babe!

Rules of the game!

Symmetry lost!

Correct me if

I'm wrong here,

but it looks like

you're out of blockers.

You are correct, indeed.

I'll just have to take

the damage, then.

--[LUCY] This one's for Erza!

--[SCORPIO yells]

[SCORPIO sighs]

[CANA] Why do you look

so damn pleased?

[SCORPIO] You're amazing.

In all the time I've played,

you're the very first player

to take one of my life points.

[CANA] You're welcome?

[SCORPIO] Thank you.

This card can only be

played when I lose life.

You'll be the first to see it.

Oh, you've got to be kidding me!

[SCORPIO] I flash-deploy

and activate a field card:

"Twelve Constellations"!

Don't bother asking

what it does,

you'll have to wait and see.

Fine, then go ahead

and show me.


All in good time.

Entering Draw Sequence.

Begin standby sequence.

I summon Sagittarius!

The Archer!


for the battle sequence.

[CANA] That weird

field card you played.

Going to use it or not?


Give her the whip, Virgo.


She has been naughty.

[CANA] And here I thought

it was annoying

when you only wanted

to talk to me.

Lucy, block the attack!

[LUCY] No problem!

Uh, yeah I take that back.

[CANA] What's wrong?

[SCORPIO] Just another

one of Virgo's abilities.

When she att*cks, she can

also root an opposing monster

to the ground.

Which makes it a bit

tough for them to block.

[CANA] Dammit!

[VIRGO] Spare the rod,

spoil the human!

He's got me

halfway down already.


What's on your mind?

Were you thinking about

how suddenly I took what

small advantage you'd gained?

You can tell me. C'mon.

[CANA] Can it, weirdo!

Once you're in

a tough position,

it's quite hard

to bounce back.

You get stressed,

start making mistakes.

That tight spot will

get even tighter

and you'll lose your

mind to panic.

This has been a great

talk, but could you shut up

and play something?

Now my "Twelve Constellations"

can take effect.

This card will hit you with no

less than twelve blasts of magic

before my turn can end.

[CANA] Twelve?!

Did I hear that right?

[SCORPIO] Yeah, but...

Look, I know twelve seems

like more att*cks

than anyone needs,

but if you keep in

mind they don't stop

even once you're beat, you can't

quite call the effort wasted.

[CANA] Geez! Overkill much?

Hey, why take a risk

if I don't have to?

You ready for the first one?

[CANA] Block it, Juvia!

[JUVIA] Sure, I'm all over it!

[JUVIA screams]

And here comes

number two.

Lucy, please!

[LUCY] I'll do my best.

[LUCY screams]

Well, that sucks.

I'm sorry, girls...

It's on now!

[CANCER] Shake me down,

I want to prance!

I got to move.

It's time to dance!

Oh yeah!

[GRAY] The heck have I done?

Anything but this

I could've dealt with.


Don't just stand there!

Show me your moves, man!

Say what? What do

you mean by "my moves"?


You know what I mean.

Your hot boogie moves!

You've got them inside!

So let them come play!

[GRAY] That isn't helpful!

Twelve Constellations.

Attack three inbound.


Just two life points left...

Hey, wait! I forgot about that.

Let it come. I don't

plan to block it.

You hatch some

desperate plan?

I'm down to my last life.

And as a result of that,

I can now play the Field Card:

Mavis' Patience!


After sitting through a

countless number

of bathroom emergencies,

the first master of Fairy Tail

became the poster

child for endurance.

Not only can

she block you,

she ends your turn

when summoned!

[SCORPIO] A much better

plan than I expected.

I'll pass my turn then.

Lucky thing that I


It's not that

uncommon to lose track

of the effects your

deck can have.

But it certainly seemed

to have worked out well

for you this time.

You've turned a game of cat

and mouse into a dogfight!

And you did it

with a single move!

[CANA] I told you that

you're weird, right?

Beginning my

standby sequence.

I'll summon a pair of Happys!

[BOTH] Aye, Sir!

Why are there more of me?

[SCORPIO] Goodness.

Triple stacks are pretty rare.

[CANA] Happy's special ability


If there are three Happys

on the field at once,

then they all get sent

to the spirit realm.

Wait! I want to get

to know myself!

[SCORPIO] What ability?

You're sacrificing them.

[HAPPYS] But I thought

we were friends!

[CANA] Now that I've sacrificed

all three of my Happys...

I can summon Natsu,

the dragon slayer!

I'm all fired up!

After that, I'll flip one

of my field cards.


"Gray gets half-naked."

[GRAY] Hell yeah!

Now that's a good card!

[CANA] A shirtless Gray

gains , attack!

I place one field card

face down.

And then I'll start

my battle sequence.

Since Natsu and Gray

both have the same target,

they can combine their att*cks!

--[GRAY] Sounds good.

--[NATSU] Oh yeah!

Break the Twelve


[GRAY & NATSU yell]

[CANA] You know, that

card really wasn't so bad.

[SCORPIO] It's rather

funny you should say so.

Because by destroying my

"Twelve Constellations"

you've triggered

its final ability.

I need only discard two cards.

And then I can perform

a Golden Summons.

Leo the Lion!

Women are just the worst.

Well, damn. Never thought

I'd hear myself say that.

Beat him down, will you?

This "Loke" looks frail.

I'll block with Leo.

I'll destroy him.

[CANA] C'mon, Loke!

Make me proud!

[LOKE grunts]

[SCORPIO] It seems that

my Leo is the superior warrior.

[NATSU & GRAY] Loke!

[LOKE] Astounding.

Was I really that weak?!

I'm sorry, Loke...

I'll try to give your

sacrifice some meaning.

Come to think of it, one of my

field cards needs a death.

I'll flip and activate:

"Call from the Spirit Realm"

as Loke passes through the gate!

[SCORPIO] A resurrection?

[CANA] One soul in

and one soul out!

I special summon Happy

from the spirit realm!

[HAPPY] Aye, Sir!

I'm back in business!

[CANA] There's more. With Happy

and Natsu on the same field,

I can fuse the

two fairies into one!

This brings forth my one

and only ultra-combo Wizard.

Winged Nappy Dragneel!

[NATSU] Aye, Sir!

[LOKE] It's so awkward.


It's Dragneel as a flying cat,

what'd you expect?


Pretty much anything but that.

Okay, Winged Nappy Dragneel,

show them how you fight!

I'll block him

with Sagittarius.

[SAGITTARIUS] Targeting!

[NATSU] Woo-hoo!

Screw getting' carried,

I can fly on my own!

[NATSU grunts]

[NATSU] No thanks!

He dodged it?

Course he did! Why else would

I combine Natsu and Happy?

An unblockable pyro

hits his mark!

--[NATSU] Aye, Sir!

--[SCORPIO grunts]

[CANA] Either find

a way to stop him,

or enjoy your last two turns.

How'd I let

this happen?

I'll end my turn.

But the clock's ticking.

[SCORPIO] That was

good. But I can still do better.

I'll summon a spirit:

Aries the ram!

[ARIES] 'Bout time you

got me in on some action!

I've been bored as hell!

Say you're sorry!

[NATSU] And what if I don't?!

To start my battle sequence,

I'll attack with Sagittarius!

I shan't miss!

[CANA] Block him

with your ice, Gray!

[GRAY] Let's see him

sh**t through this!

[GRAY grunts]

Gray, no!

Next, I'll activate

this field card.

Flames of Darkness.


Such unthinkable power!

[SCORPIO] Put on Leo,

it grants five million attack.

Did you say million?!

Nappy Dragneel!

You have to try and block him!

[NATSU growls]

[NATSU grunts]

[HAPPY screams]

Look, I'm back

to four lives.

[CANA] What?! How?!


It's a lesser-known effect

of my dark flame combo.

If the augmented spirit

can split a fused wizard,

then I get my lives back.

--[CANA growls]

--There, there.

You played the game well.

It just didn't matter.

Go on, Aries, put her down.

Sure thing!

I'll make her cry too!

I can still win this.

When my last life point

is att*cked head on,

I can use an

extra-special summon!

The only catch is that

he be an S-Class wizard.


I special-summon my father,

Gildarts Clive:

the Ace of Fairy Tail!

Hey, darling.

Too cool! She just baited me

into rescuing her!

[GILDARTS] It's a rough

situation. But even so.

I just wanted to say how

glad I am that you called,

and how much I love to

hear you call me "Father".

I mean, "Daddy" would trump

that, but still, I'm very happy!

I'd call you "Daddy" if you

hadn't ditched Mom, you jerk.

Try to take this seriously.


If it's serious for you,

then I will do

whatever it takes.

Come on, we need

to get moving!

Yes, but where to?

It's pretty clear what

we need to do next.

[NATSU] Yup. We've

got to stop Loke

And guess what? He's got

a whole world to himself.

First, we're going

to sneak in there.

Then we're going to find him

and beat him senseless!

[HAPPY] ♪ Ba-da-ba-ba, hey! ♪

So. What do you

think of my moves?

[NATSU] Never seen

someone flail like that.

Did it hurt?

[HAPPY] Of course not!

And that was not flailing,

it was a dance, you got it?

[NATSU] So... like

a seizure-dance?

[HAPPY] My talents

are wasted on you...

[NATSU] One more time!

[HAPPY] Fine, but focus!

Back spin! Half turn!



[NATSU] Still just flailing.

[NATSU & HAPPY] Next time:

Gray vs. Cancer!

Dance Battle!

[NATSU] Your legs are too

stubby for dancing, come on.

[HAPPY] You're so rude!
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