07x225 - Lightning Man

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Fairy Tale". Aired: September 30, 2011 - September 29, 2019.*
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Lucy runs away from home to become a magician in the magical land of Fairy Tail; on her way there she meets all sorts of curious companions like a dragon and a flying blue cat.
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07x225 - Lightning Man

Post by bunniefuu »

--[stomach growls]

--[NATSU groans]

Feed me. This is life or death.

I'd eat you if I

had the strength.

[MIRAJANE] Huh? Did you guys'

last job not pay very well?

Seemed like lots of money,

till we spent it.

Hey, I have a plan!

Let's nab that book

Lucy's writin' and sell it!



That's brilliant!

It's gotta be worth

at least one meal!

[LUCY] Oh, no you don't!

What did you just say?


Do not make me ask you again!


We're hungry?

What about the other part?

You know, where you

rob me of my masterpiece

so you can pawn it off

for fish and chips!

Take a deep breath,

let's not bite their heads off.

[LUCY growls]

Long time no see!

Why don't'cha buy us lunch

so we can catch up?

Forget it. I can barely

afford to feed myself.

But if you're as hungry

as you say you are,

then stop begging for

a handout and get a job!

There's a whole board

of 'em right there!


Are there now?


Oh. Well, uh...

There's one, at least.

Why don't you take it?

Actually, it's

because they can't.

Why can't they?

Don't ask me why, but...

It specifically asks for Laxus.

This job does expressly

ask for Laxus.

[LAXUS grunts]


I told you.

Why would I say so

if it weren't true?

I guess the master

called him over?

So what's the deal, Laxus?

What kinda job did ya get?

None of your business.


Aw, c'mon!

Don't let the lightning

control you, boy.

What, like how liquor

controls you, old man?

[door creaks]

Cheeky punk.

I should've spanked him

more when he was young.

Seriously though, what's

the deal with that job?

It's from a city

that's been plagued

by lightning for weeks.

A plague of lightning?

Sounds like a heavy metal band.


Lightning Man.

[MAKAROV] The job comes from

the courier town of Volwatt.

It's been barraged by

lightning on a daily basis.

Well, they've certainly

got no shortage

of lightning rods.

The place is a

friggin' ghost town.

[FRIED] I'm sure the two

observations are related.

There's so much static.

It's doin' wonders

for your hair.

ya look like you're goin' super.

[BIXLOW laughs]

Yours is even worse.

Like you can comment

on anybody's appearance.

Heads up.

Okay, yeah. That didn't

look natural at all!

All those lightning rods

seemed a bit like overkill,

but now I understand.

Laxus, wait.

Where are you going?

I've got a client

to meet up with.

[LAXUS gasps]


That's brutal!


[neck popping]

Lightning should never

last this long.

For real though, this has gotta

stop sometime, doesn't it?

If the lightning doesn't run out

of juice, then Laxus will.

We've gotta help him!

My Leprechaun spell

should to the trick.


[yelps, groans]

Imagine trying to

live your daily life

in these conditions.

It'd be impossible.

[LAXUS sighs]

This is gettin' tedious.

Lightning Dragon Roar!

[CROWD gasping]

Mission accomplished?

Those clouds'll be

back soon for sure.

We need to find a

more permanent fix.

There's just as much

static as before.

Which suggests that

the storm's not

the source of the problem,

but a symptom. Quite the enigma.

I'll say.

[CROWD murmuring]

Holy... They're everywhere!

[CROWD cheering, murmuring]

[BOY A] Whoa! You're

Laxus from Fairy Tail!

I watched you fight Jura

in the Grand Magic Games.

You beat a Wizard Saint!

It's a pleasure to see what

such an accomplished wizard

as yourself can do.

This is the first

time we've had

a clear sky around here

in over a month!

You have this whole

town's gratitude.

Actually I saw you fight in the

Grand Magic Games as well!

I'm just a little

bit star-struck.


Um. Excuse me!

D'you think that I

could shake your hand?



Ooh, and then me!

All I have is lipstick,

but could you

please sign my arm?

Listen. I'm not--

[MAN B] Wow! He blasted those

clouds right outta the sky!



And he's a solid ten to boot!


S-Class wizards are so cool!

Please, sir!

Shake my hand, too!

Oh, me too!

[CROWD squealing, shouting]

It would seem that

he's a bit overwhelmed.

Wish the babes were

tryin' to shake my hand!

Do I look like

I'm having fun?

No need to hide it.

You're enjoying every

last bit of this.



[WOMEN gasp]

Wow. That sultry glare!

He really does

have a powerful gaze.

And things'll start

gettin' a lot better

now that he's here.


Shake my hand! Please!

Sorry, kid. As a personal rule,

I only use my hands

for fighting.

[CROWD gasping, murmuring]


Wow. He's so cool!

I'm a solid ten, am I?

Whaddaya know...

[EVERGREEN chuckles]

[LAXUS grunts]



Why, hello there!

It's a pleasure to make

your acquaintance.


Ah, there goes the mayor.

That's him?

So, you must be

our client, then.

It's good to finally meet you.

Let me introduce Mr. D. Seever,

the mayor of our

fine town of Volwatt.

Hi! Hi!

My name is G. Rifter,

and I serve the town

as the mayor's secretary

And, by the way,

to answer your question, yes,

we're the men who hired you.

One of the better calls

we've made, I think.

We saw you.

We saw it all. Yes!

You're simply amazing!

First time I've seen a lightning

man with such wattage!

We liked what we saw. Yes!

And we'd love to see more!

[CROWD murmuring]

Well done, Mayor Seever.

Yet again, our town has

been saved from disaster

by your sound judgment

and watchful eyes!

Our citizens may return to their

prosperous lives without fear

of being struck down

by bolts of lightning!

Isn't that great?

Such wonderful news!



Although we're very grateful,

there's more to discuss.

If we might have the honor

of a private audience.

Well, the mayoral

palace is nothing

compared to your guild-hall,

but I think it should suffice.

We're quite keen to tell you

what we know of this phenomenon.

And to hear what you

might have to say of it.




People of Volwatt!

One last round of applause

for the Thunder Legion!

The saviors of our town!


What a fabulous bunch.

This "Lightning plague." Exactly

when did it first strike?



The lightning came

when you did.

You screwed this town, Laxus!

[GROUP gasps]

You do recall your

last visit, don't you?

It was around a week before

the Grand Magic Games

were scheduled to

begin in Crocus.


[sighs] Still haven't

had enough to drink.


Look, an old fart.

Huh? What did you just

say to me, pipsqueak?

Take in the scene,

ya old drunk.

Talkin' smack when

you're surrounded

by armed thugs in the night?

Someone's goin' senile.

Oh? You must be

talkin' about my dad.

He's near as dumb as you brats.

The fact you kids've got

three chest hairs between ya

doesn't make me old.

Now, run on home to your

mommies why don't 'cha.



We can't let'cha pass

until you pay the toll.

We're takin' your jewel

one way or another,

so ask yourself:

do ya wanna end up broke,

or broke and bleeding?

[sighs] Why do I bother?

Listen. This is the last

time I'm gonna say it.

Get out of my way.


You wanna die?

Fine, have it your way!

[SWORD MAN A groans]

Bad move, dude!

Broke and bleeding

it is, then!

Get ready.

I told you nimrods to

go home to your mommies.


Shut up, old man!

[LAXUS grunts]

This is bad.

That guy's a wizard!

Why didn't he tell us

that before we mugged him?

That was your last warning.


That emblem!

This guy is a

member of Fairy Tail!


Aw, crap!

We made a terrible

mistake, Mr. Wizard!

We didn't realize that

you could put up a fight!

Please, ignore my colleague

and take this.


A small token of apology.

You tryin' to buy me off

with a wad of stolen cash?


Uh. No, sir! Well, maybe? Look--


Get out of my sight, you scum!

[MEN yell]

So, this is where I was.

Where you were for what?

I passed through here

after some job.

Yeah. It's all comin'

back to me now.

And this place has

been thunderstorm city

ever since then, huh?

You're darn right

about that! Moron!

Is it just me, or does the

mayor seem way different?

He's showing his true colors.


Volwatt prospered once.

Half the mail out of Crocus

came through here.

But after you left the wrath of

a lightning god in your wake.

Couriers avoided this town.

Business grinded to a halt

and people's livelihoods

were ruined,

because of your

reckless abuse of power!

And do you have any

proof for that claim?

Enough. Just tell me what

you want me to do about it.


I want you to

clean up your mess.

And nothing else? Really?

[SEEVER] I ask only

that you finish the job

you were hired for.

Figured the knowledge that

you caused this chaos

in the first place might

put some spring in your step.

The people see you as a hero,

but they don't realize you

savaged our entire economy

in order to win

a back-alley brawl.

Have you ever heard the phrase

"higher the climb,

harder the fall?"

Think of how opinions

would change when they learn

the true root of their troubles.

Think of your

guild's reputation.

Can it take the hit?

That mayor guy

really chaps my hide.

If what we saw up there

was his true self...

He must have something planned.

Why do you say that?

Because he's a lying fink.

I'm not sayin' you're wrong,

but I'm not convinced.

Well, small surprise

you couldn't see it.

But something's definitely

off with that man.

Why blackmail us into the work

we'd just signed up for?

He must've had a reason.

Are you coming?

Think I just realized what

the old man was gettin' at.

What are you talking about?

Don't let the lightning

control you, boy.

Like how the liquor

controls you?

Guess you were right.

I let the lightning

and the liquor control me

and now I'm payin' for it.

[thunder rumbles]

The storm clouds are back.

Better move fast.

Will you dispel them

in the way you did before?

No more quick fixes.

I started this and

I'm gonna end it.

that's the least I can

do for this town.

Right behind you.

Whatever it takes, we'll do it!

We're with you all the way.

As always, the Thunder Legion

is at your beck and call, Laxus.

[LAXUS] Hey, guys. Sorry for

draggin' ya into this.

You've dragged us into worse.



Something wrong?

[LAXUS] The town. It doesn't

just have an electric charge.

It's building one.

It almost feels like it's

draining the lightning

right out of my body.

Then we've only one option.

We're gonna have

to snoop around.

But what's our objective?

The mayor, or the lightning?

I'm thinkin' both.

[RIFTER] Everything's going

according to plan, sir.



You've outdone yourself

with this one, Mr. Rifter.

You flatter me, Mr. Mayor,

but I'm nowhere near your level.

Blasting your town apart in

order to extort compensation

from Fairy Tail was

a stroke of brilliance.

When you put it like that,

it sounds almost sinister.


That wizard did leave

behind some static,

and without it, our

little lightning plague

would'nt've been possible.

Well played.

The beauty of our plan is

that whatever catastrophe

comes of this,

the world will know that

it was caused by Fairy Tail.

So, how much should I ask for

when the reparation talks begin?

Huh. Let me think on that.

These buildings were designed

by a famous architect,

so , , each?

But, one can't put

a price on heritage,

so you could

demand twice that.

[SEEVER] Clever scoundrel!

You're in a league of your own!

[RIFTER] As humble

as you are devious, sir.

The lightning's everywhere now.

Even in the ground!


What are those things?

Aw, crap!

Those are lightning elementals.

They're what? Laxus!


[LAXUS grunting]

Be careful, buddy!

You're chargin' up too fast!

It's gonna be tough to handle!

I don't got a choice here!

If can't hold it in,

I'll blast the whole town

and you with it!

It looks like we're surrounded.

We've gotta thin their numbers.

There are too many

for Laxus to absorb!

Fairy Machine g*n: Leprechaun!

Nope. Didn't help.

Just shreddin' 'em

won't do the trick.

We've gotta destroy

'em completely!

Baryon... Formation!

Oh yeah!

Well, if that's all it takes...

Then I'll try a

Fairy b*mb: Gremlin!

They're coming up

from the ground.

--Well, that's strange.



Don't worry, I'm fine.

Look by that statue.

Why? Those metal

grilles beneath it.

[FRIED] Electricity's

seeping through them.

On top of that, this looks

a lot like the place

where I zapped those punks.

You two go on ahead!

We'll make sure

nothin' follows you!


Do you see that light up there?

What the hell--?

That sphere's filled

with my electricity.

How can you be certain?


Every wielder of electric magic

has a unique wavelength.

Sorta like a fingerprint.

This must be the

electricity I blasted

into the ground that night.

[FRIED] So, it's been drawing

in static and lightning

ever since and

that's making it grow?

I didn't even know

that was possible.

[LAXUS] It happened,

so I guess it happens.

But how could it grow so

much in so little time?

Doesn't matter.

I've gotta stop it.

Do you have a plan?

If I hit it with

everything I've got,

it should cancel out.

[FRIED] That's far too risky.

You're already in pain as it is.


We're out of opinions.

I don't like the mayor,

but that sphere down there

proves he was right.

I created this thing. And it's

up to me to put it down.

Stop. It's too much,

even for you!

Never mind me. I'll be fine!

There's gonna be a

big bang down here

and I need you to contain it!

[LAXUS grunting, yelling]

Dragon Slayer Secret Art!

Roaring Thunder!



They pulled it off!

'Course they did!


What's that?

[BIXLOW] I've been possessing

one of the mayor's statues.

What's the news, kitty?

Didja hear anything juicy?

[LAXUS grunts]


[FRIED] That was amazing.

All of that power...

And you're still alive.

The expl*si*n.

So nothing was destroyed?

I managed to hold

the blast in this room.

Just had to place a protective

enchantment on the walls.

You're quick on your

feet as always.

Well, shorthand enchantments

always were my specialty.




A lacrima.

That explains it.

Your electricity didn't accrue

all that power on its own.

This lacrima must've

been amplifying it.

But how did it get here?

Doesn't seem like an accident.

Agreed, chances are that

someone deliberately

planted it here.

But who and for what reason?


We figured it out!



Evergreen was right

about the mayor!

He set this whole mess

up and framed you!

[LAXUS growls]



--[screams] It burns! It burns!

--[RIFTER] Oh my goodness!

--So badly! help!

--Mr. Mayor, please!

No. My poor palace.

What is this?

I... I've no idea.

Mr. Mayor!

Look, sir, over there!

What now?



Another lightning storm!

Right. But why isn't the

lacrima drawing it away?

--[SEEVER screaming]

--Have you been injured, sir?


You did this!

[RIFTER yelps]

Mr. Mayor, are you--?

How awkward!



I'm scared, Grandpa!

No, run away!

[LAXUS] Huh. So you

are good for something.



When I found out what

you'd done to your town.

I figured you were

selfish, human waste.

Make things right with

your people, Mr. Mayor,

or I'll be back.

You gotta be kiddin' me.

That's when you're supposed

to beat the tar out him.

How else will he learn?

I know it's tough to grasp,

but mercy is a good thing.

Plus the guy's

granddaughter was watching.

Don't ya think that'd

be a little awkward?

So. You did end up

gettin' paid, right?




I'll take that as a no.

Well, you know.

We wouldn't have wanted

that crooked mayor's

dirty money anyway.

And besides, the citizens

sent us off with a parade.

What more could

we have asked for?

Yeah. We have the

people's gratitude.

That's our pay.

[HAPPY laughs]

They totally stiffed you guys!

[BIXLOW] They paid us

in honors and praise!

But they were short on cash.

It happened, so I

guess it happens.



We're going to need

a veritable fortune

to rebuild this ruin, sir.

[SEEVER] Well then why are

you just standing there?

Something tells me

that we can get

a pretty penny

out of Blue Pegasus.

Shall we try it again?

Is the king a punkin'?

[BOTH chuckle]

Let's play, Grandpa!


Anything for you, cutie-pie!

What would you like

to play? You name it!


Hey, Happy.


Wah! Oh, Natsu. It's just you.


You seem kinda jumpy, dude.


Well, of course I am!

It's terrible, Natsu.

All of Magnolia, it's been--


It's been what? What happened?

[HAPPY whimpers]

I can't say it!

Just thinkin' about it

gives me shivers.

[NATSU] Quit hypin' it

up and spit it out!

[HAPPY] Okay. It's kinda like--

right behind you!

[NATSU screams]

[NATSU, HAPPY] Next Time:

"Fairy Tail of the Dead Men."

[NATSU] This is horrible.

What kinda monster are you?
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