01x09 - The Royal Blacksmiths

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu". Aired: January 2011 to present.*
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"Lego Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu" revolves around the adventures of six ninja: Kai, Cole, Jay, Zane, Lloyd, and Nya.
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01x09 - The Royal Blacksmiths

Post by bunniefuu »

NARRATOR Previously on Ninjago

NARRATOR Previously on Ninjago

The first Fangblade is ours!

The Serpentine now have the first Fangblade.

NYA I'm the Samurai. JAY You're the Samurai?


NYA What's happening? JAY My true potential!

The worst is yet to come!

♪ Jump up, kick back Whip around and spin ♪

♪ And then I'll jump back Do it again ♪

♪ Ninja, go Ninja, go ♪

♪ Come on, come on And do the weekend whip ♪

♪ Ninja, go Ninja, go ♪

♪ Come on, come on, come on And do the weekend whip ♪

♪ Jump up, kick back Whip around and spin ♪




Why must we stop

when the next Fangblade is just ahead of us?

What good is unlocking the Great Devourer

with the four Fangblades if we're not around to see it?

Get the boy!

Bring the boy!

Oh! You're letting me go?

Heh. Only to fetch, my dear boy.

Do step lightly.



Bring me the Fangblade, and I'll let you go.



[GASPS] Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!

[ECHOING] It's gone!

It's gone?

Where is it?

LLOYD Do I still get to be freed?



Though they got the first one,

there are three more,

and we just need one to stop Pythor.

They have a map and we don't,

so the question remains,

how are we gonna find them first?

Heh. I still can't get over the fact

that you were the Mysterious Samurai.

Is anyone else blown away like I am? Eh?

We're over that, can we move on?


Someone's a little hot under the collar.

It appears his impatience

is because he has not found inner peace

and unlocked his full potential

like you and I have, Jay.

Great observation, Mr. Roboto,

but Cole hasn't found it either. I got it!

You've unlocked it?

Oh! Why am I the only one?

No, I figured out

where I recognized the Fangblade from.

I have a picture of it.

Oh, ha, ha. Is that it? Heh.

Good. I've got it!

Oh! That's it!

Back where I grew up, there's this big competition,

where every year the winner gets the Blade Cup.

My dad's won it multiple times.

You never told us your dad was an accomplished athlete.

What sport? Oh, uh...

He's a, uh, Blacksmith.

Nothing wrong with that.

My father was a blacksmith too.

But I've never heard of a competition--

That's because he's not a "blacksmith" blacksmith.

He's a Royal Blacksmith.


JAY That's your dad?

But how did the Fangblade become a trophy?

Well, supposedly, the Blade Cup was made by this guy

who collected priceless artifacts.

His name was something like, uh, Dutch...

No, Clutch. Clutch Powers!

Anyway, it gets passed on to each year's winner.

Who has it now?

I don't know.

I haven't talked to my father in years.

Well, then we'll call him up. You can't!

He thinks I'm in Ninjago City

training at the Marty Openheimer School

of Performing Arts.


He wanted me to follow in his footsteps,

but when I couldn't sing or dance, well I...

I ran away. When he sees I can't dance,

he'll know I've been lying in the letters I've been sending.

He doesn't know you're a Ninja?

What? You gonna crack some joke that my old man wears a tutu?

No, but if we're gonna have

any chance at getting that Fangblade before they do,

we better get our own act in tune.



Hmm... I had hoped

we would have reached the summit before the moon had risen.

The Craglings never miss a midnight snack.


What is this place?

There's no such thing in Ninjago.

They're a horde unlike any you've seen.

Not all places exist to be found, brother.

Sometimes one must revel in the shadows

to truly see the light.








Watch out, brother.



Just like old times.

"Just like old times."

WU & GARMADON Ninja, go!



All right, hand 'em over.

Uh-uh. But no mortal shall possess all four.

JAY Ha, ha, ha. Very funny.

You wanna remind me again why we can't keep our weapons?

I told you, my dad can't find out I'm a Ninja,

and I don't feel like making up excuses

why I'm carrying a giant scythe around with me.

Just remember the plan,

we find out who has the Fangblade trophy,

we snatch it, and then we get the heck out of town.

LOU Just a moment!

Heh. Hey, dad, how long has it been?

What? You're too good for the doorbell?

Uh... LOU Use the bell, son.


Ha, ha. Come on in, son.

It's been forever.

What did you bring, a quartet?

Come in, come in.

I've got a kettle of lemon honey tea

on the stove right now.



Did my son tell you I broke my foot?

It was the cha-cha,

but I swear the percussionist had it in for me.

No, Dad, I didn't tell them about your silly stories.

Silly stories?

What he meant was, we've been so busy training at the...


Uh, The Martha Openheimer. Yeah. Ha, ha.


Martha Openheimer?

What he's trying to say is

The Marty Openheimer School of Performing Arts.

Right, heh, well, uh, see,

we have this final research paper we're doing

on the history of Ninjago talent,

and what we really wanted to know was,

how can we get our hands on the Blade Cup?

You're talking about

getting your hands on the Blade Cup.

The most prized and heavily-guarded award

in all of Ninjago.

The symbol of excellence in harmony and grace.

You can't just "get" it,

you must earn it.

You have to exhibit style.

Perfect pitch.

Push the boundaries of artistic license

and win this year's Ninjago Talent Show!

Um, perhaps there is an easier way?

Is this why you came?

You knew I was injured,

and when my quartet insisted we shan't go on,

you four have come to take our place?

Ha, ha. Ingenious!

My son, bringing forth

the next evolution of the Royal Blacksmiths.

Let me hear the sweet, sweet sound of harmony.





Uh, look, dad,

we just need the trophy. Yeah.

We're bringing home the gold, and we want you to train us!


I've never been more proud.

If you'll excuse me,

I need to write a song about my feelings.

What are you doing?

Look, we enter this competition

so we can get close enough to the Blade Cup.

Once we get the Fangblade, we leave town.

How hard can this be?


Hey, get a load of that.

SOLDIER Oh, look, a singing competition.

I like singing.

No, you idiot, the trophy! It's the Fangblade!

Wait, that's what Pythor is looking for!

We have to tell the others.

LOU Okay, from the top.

Five, six, seven, eight!

♪ Bop till you drop ♪ ♪ Shake it till you break it ♪

♪ Move it 'til you lose it ♪

♪ Spin it till you win it ♪

Stop. Stop! Ugh.

If my ears weren't attached to my head,

they'd be running away!

Kai, love the energy, hate the hair.

Jay, you're giving a lot, but I need more.

Zane, you're like a machine, don't change anything.

And Cole, try to act like you wanna be here.

He's worse than Sensei Wu.

Okay, moving forward!

Let's take a look at the big show-stopping climax.

Cole, we can't have history repeating itself.

Dad, it was The Triple Tiger Sashay.

I was seven!

What's the Triple Tiger Sashay?

Only the most difficult dance move ever created.

It's true.

Many professionals have dare tried,

but it's never been successfully completed.

Hence my father thought a -year-old could,

but I ended up falling on my face,

humiliating myself, and letting my quartet down.

If you're going to win, you have to go big!

All right, time for a break. Take five.

Uh... I'm starting to see why Cole is so closed off.

It's cause twinkle toes here couldn't deliver the goods.

Is that why you ran away? Oh, I could deliver the goods.

Look, I'll deal with my father,

but let's stick with the plan.

All we have to do is keep this charade up long enough

until we can get our hands on the trophy.

I don't know,

I'm starting to think we can win this thing.


Okay, okay, we'll stick to the plan.

It's here. I feel it.

Calm down. There's no need to attract unwanted attention.

Look, the Ninja!

♪ Bop till you drop ♪ ♪ Shake it till you break it ♪

♪ Move it Till you lose it ♪

Ah, now there's no chance to take it.

Patience. We're snakes, remember.

They'll never see us coming. Hmm.

"Open Auditions".



The vortex back to Ninjago is just over that bluff.

Please, you first.

Though we live in two different worlds,

I still see good in your heart, brother.

GARMADON The battle between our worlds is inevitable.

You put too much trust in me.



But I came for your help to save your son.

Did you lead me here to destroy me?

See you on the other side.






I'm back, Ninjago.





COLE Then kick ball change,

barrel roll, barrel turn,

and we all do the double wings...

Ow! Ow! You gotta follow me.

Follow you? You're two beats off.

Actually, . off of the beat.

Guys, Guys!

Let's not make this any harder than it needs to be.

We just stick to the plan and keep up the charade

until the trophy's revealed.

Once we steal the Blade Cup,

we can argue all we want once we get back home.

But this is your hometown, Cole.

Don't you wanna try and win it?

Ugh. The only dance step I wanna perform is called

"get me out of this nut house

and let's burn these memories from my head".

What? Dad, I...

You-- You were going to steal it?

Ugh. Dad, I didn't mean for you to hear that,

but I'm glad you did.

There's something I've been wanting to tell you.

All these years,

I haven't been training to be a singer or dancer.

I found something new that I'm really good at.


I'm a ninja. Huh?

And the truth is,

if we don't steal that Fangblade...

I mean, Blade Cup.

there's other people that will.

Bad people. Serpentine!

And we need it to save the world.

I know how ridiculous this sounds,

but I'm proud of who I am,

and I want you to be proud of me too.

I can't be proud of any son

who thinks stealing is right.

And I'm not going to wait around

to watch you make a mockery of our family's legacy.

Dad, I...

[GROANS] I'm sure he didn't mean that.

If he just saw you in action.

No, it's-- It's okay.


KAI "Treble Makers"?

Wait a minute, what are they doing here?

PYTHOR I can't help it if I offend anyone.

My only job will be to tell the truth.

You don't look anything like your photo.

Ah, sadly, the camera adds a few pounds.

I'm just happy to have the opportunity

to judge this prestigious competition.

MAN Wait a minute, I'm still here.

He swallowed me!

He's not a judge. Huh?

Quiet, or else I won't let you out.

MAN My apologies.


The Fangblade.

Ah, yeah. You mean the Blade Cup.

Yes, yes, whatever.

It looks like we're not the only ones

planning to steal the Blade Cup. Pythor's here.

This complicates things.

Then I say we make our move.

We can't risk losing out again.

I say we steal it!

We're not gonna steal it.

We're gonna win this competition,

but we're gonna do it our way.

ALL [IN UNISON] Our way?

♪ My poison lies Over the ocean ♪

♪ My poison lies Over the sea ♪

♪ My poison lies Over the ocean ♪



♪ Oh, bring back My poison to me ♪


Whoo! Yeah!



ANNOUNCER And last but not least,

The Royal Blacksmith--

Er, hold on, uh, this just in.

There's been a switch.

Taking the stage next is

Spin Harmony!

If we're gonna do this,

I want everyone to see who we are.

I have butterflies in my stomach.

Ah, come on. That's just nerves.

No, I really do have butterflies.

Okay, glad he got that out of his system!

Last call for...

Spin Harmony!

Let's do this for Cole.

If we can do the Tornado of Creation,

we can score perfect s out there.

I can say anything,

and it will only go to elevate our team unity.

I'm glad you guys are my friends.

Let's do the whip!

ALL [IN UNISON] Ninja, go!

Well, it looks like the last act is no longer performing.

Ha, ha. That means I can give this to the winners--

ANNOUNCER Ladies and gentleman,

Spin Harmony!



♪ Jump up, kick back Whip around and spin ♪

♪ And then I'll jump back Do it again ♪

♪ Ninja, go Ninja, go ♪

♪ Come on, come on And do the weekend whip ♪

♪ Ninja, go ♪

♪ Ninja, go ♪



Huh. The Triple Tiger Sashay!


So he did it!

The Triple Tiger Sashay!

He's danced the impossible!




What? Wait!

I didn't write that.

It's a perfect score!

Spin Harmony wins the Blade Cup!


Ooh. This is a travesty of epic proportions.

I demand for there to be a recount.


I've never felt more alive.

JAY Ha, ha! We did it!


No, Cole did it.

Because of you,

Ninjago will sleep safely tonight.

Thanks, but go on and celebrate without me.

Winning this just doesn't feel the same

without my dad being able to...

LOU Cole!


I saw it all, son.

I saw it all.

You saw me dance?

More importantly, I saw you fight.

Those Serpentine were up to no good,

trying to steal the show,

and I saw you stand up for what is right.

I was wrong.

I shouldn't have pushed you so hard

to follow in my footsteps.

Everyone is born with a special talent inside

that's just waiting to get out.

And you were born to be a ninja.

You're not mad? How can I be?

My son's a hero.

Eh, sorry to interrupt your little family reunion,

but did you know it's me, Pythor!

You couldn't fool us, Pythor.

I didn't want you to miss our big show-stopper!





They took the Fangblade.


He found his true potential.


But how did we survive that?


Cole's found his true potential.

His relationship with his father

must have been holding him back.

He's indestructible!

Ugh. Great,

so now I really am the only one

who hasn't figured out my special power.

Is everyone all right?

What just happened?

We're all okay, son.


You found your true potential.

So I guess the scorecard now reads

Pythor, two Fangblades, Ninja, zero.

Yeah, but all we need is one,

and there are still two left to find.

Who knows, maybe when I unlock my true potential,

I'll turn into the destined Green Ninja.

Ha, ha. Okay. Yeah, dream on.

The only thing you're destined for is a more inflated ego.

It may not be the trophy,

but it sure will look good on my wall.

COLE All right.

Excellent! Awesome.

Nice! Ha, ha.

As far as I'm concerned, you're all family now.


♪ Ninja, go Ninja, go ♪

♪ Come on, come on We're gonna do it again ♪

♪ We just jump up, kick back Whip around and spin ♪

♪ Ninja, go ♪

♪ Come on, come on, come on And do the weekend whip ♪

♪ Jump up, kick back Whip around and spin ♪
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