02x06 - Wrong Place, Wrong Time

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu". Aired: January 2011 to present.*
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"Lego Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu" revolves around the adventures of six ninja: Kai, Cole, Jay, Zane, Lloyd, and Nya.
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02x06 - Wrong Place, Wrong Time

Post by bunniefuu »

SENSEI WU Previously on Ninjago.

SENSEI WU Previously on Ninjago.

This is the end, isn’t it? SENSEI WU Use this!

It’ll turn you old,

and the Grundal back to dust and bones.

NYA And it’s working!

We’re not kids anymore.

But what about Lloyd?



♪ Jump up, kick back Whip around and spin ♪

♪ And then we jump back Do it again ♪

♪ Ninja-go! Ninja-go! ♪

♪ Come on, come on And do the weekend whip ♪

♪ The whip Ninja-go! Ninja-go! ♪

♪ Come on, come on, come on And do the weekend whip! ♪

♪ Jump up, kick back Whip around and spin ♪

SENSEI WU Episode Wrong Place, Wrong Time

Your new body is a fighting instrument.

Listen to it.




Since he’s grown, he’s learning faster, Sensei.

But will it be enough to challenge Lord Garmadon?

Only time will tell. Yeah!



Ha, ha.

You’re getting pretty good,

but that move you fell for was basic .

Yeah, if I had focused more

when I was little, I would’ve seen that coming.

We cannot change the past,

but we can improve for the future.

Again. And this time, do not hold back.


The Falcon has returned with troubling news.

What did you see, my mechanical-feathered friend?

NYA The Lost City of Ouroboros!

KAI Garmadon has returned to the Serpentine home base,

but why?

COLE It looks like they’re preparing for a final battle.

Nya, change course.

We’ll head straight for them.


More firepower!

When we attack the Ninja, they won’t see it coming.

Our forces will be so strong, Ninjago will be mine!

Argh! Uh!

SENSEI WU Ninja-go!

Oh, brother!

It’s time we finished this.


Bring it on, fools!



Lloyd? Is that you? LLOYD Yeah.

I’ve grown a little since the last time you saw me, dad.


Stop him!


Blast these Ninja!

If only they weren’t around. If only they never existed!


Yes, that’s it!

I wish I could go back in time,

and make it so the Ninja

were never formed in the first place!


Now, to finish the Ninja once and for all,

so that my son never becomes the Green Ninja!

He used the Mega-w*apon again! Oh, swell!

Every time he uses that thing, something really bad happens.

Now what?

COLE What’s going on?

JAY Is the city sinking?


The city’s returning back into the desert,

as if it had never been found in the first place.

Uh. What? What does that mean?

What’s happening?

Garmadon’s gone back in time

to make it so Lloyd never turns into the Green Ninja.

I can’t...

I can’t feel my hands.

KAI Uh. Uh. We have to go in!

If he changes anything,

he changes everything!

Protect the future, Ninja!

NINJA Ugh-oh!



Remind me to pack a helmet next time we time travel.

Where are we? You mean when are we?

KAI Four Weapons.

Ha! My parents’ shop!

Nya and I used to work there.

Hey, wait a minute.

This is the day Garmadon ordered the Skeletons

to take my sister!

We need to warn them!

Whoa, whoa. You heard what Sensei said:

We change anything, we change everything.

Yeah, I was confused by that too.

ZANE What he means is,

our world is the result of past events

that have already happened.

If for whatever reason,

events in our past fail to happen,

then the future could radically change.

Er... So what you’re saying is,

we gotta stop Garmadon from changing anything.

But of all the times, why did we land here?

KAI ’Cause this is where it all started.

Today I met Sensei Wu for the first time,

and I began my training as a Ninja.

Somehow, Garmadon is gonna try to prevent that, but how?

COLE Ah. If only Sensei were here to guide us.

Oh look, there he is! Maybe he can!

COLE We gotta tell him what Garmadon has done.

ZANE But we can’t let the old Kai and Nya

see that we talked to him,

or else it will affect the future.

Hm. I know exactly what to do.

PAST KAI And the shop is called "Four Weapons,"

not "For Browsing." Either buy something,

or go peddle your insults somewhere else.

Ha! Too bad.

Thought I’d find something special here.


Sensei, we need your help!

JAY Whoa, whoa. Wait a minute.

If we’re trying to stop Garmadon from changing anything,

wouldn’t talking to Sensei kind of be like

altering the past, thus changing our future?

That would be correct.

I believe a big "uh-oh" is in order.


Well, we can’t undo what we’ve already done.

Sensei, we really need your help.

SENSEI WU All four of you...

You... You... Traveled back in time

to warn you of impending doom?

Yeah, but we don’t have time to explain. Can you help us?

I don’t understand,

but I can try. Okay.

Any moment now, the Skeletons are going to attack

and we think Garmadon may try to hurt me.

I mean, the past me. Garmadon?

We have to do everything in our power

to protect my past self!

NUCKAL Let me go first!

Please, oh please, I’m dying to go down there.


Why did I ever trust these numbskulls?




What are they?

I don’t know. Stay here.


KAI Well, can we help or not?

Don’t look at me.

I’m wise, but not that wise.

Technically, since the past has already been altered,

I don’t see why we can’t fight a few Skeletons,

just as long as your former self never sees you.

COLE Ha! You made my day, Zane.

I missed beating these guys up.


Ninja-go! Ha, ha!

Watch for when Samukai throws his daggers.

And don’t forget to save me. Huh?

KAI It’ll all make sense when it happens.

I thought I told you to stay back?

NYA And what?

Let you have all the fun?


Oops. [GROANS]


Sensei! I’m on it.


Sensei Wu, your Spinjitzu looks rusty.

Nothing like bone to sharpen its edge, Samukai.


Heh, heh, heh. Argh!


Oh no! Ninja-go!

Lord Garmadon says take the girl.

Uh, argh...


You fools, you missed!




What is it?


Uh... Nothing.

Oh, my goodness.


Oh, this isn’t good.


We saved you and your sister.

No, the Skeletons were supposed to get away with Nya.

Ah. The only reason you convinced me

to become a Ninja in the first place

was to get her back.

Oh, I see.

Sensei, no matter what, you need to convince Kai

to go with you. Why?

Because if Kai doesn’t become a Ninja,

the world as we know it won’t exist.

The four of us will never unite.

We’ll never train Lloyd to become the Green Ninja.

And Nya will never fall head over heels for Jay.

No matter what,

you need to convince him to go with you!


Thank you for your help.

If it wasn’t for your "twist-itzu"

or your "tornad-zu,"

my sister might have been taken.

SENSEI WU Spinjitzu. Uh...

Come, we must train.

You must become a Ninja. [LAUGHS]

Sorry, but I got a blacksmith shop

to help get back on its feet, so--

No. You must come!

It is very important that you become a Ninja.

Because, uh...

We must harness the fire within you!

Hold on, Kai, maybe there’s a reason

this man came into our lives.

Father always said the world works in mysterious ways.

I think it sounds kind of exciting.

Ha. Okay, if you wanna become a Ninja, fine by me,

but I’m only going ’cause you want to.

Ah, great, he’s going!

We saved the future. Not so fast.

We still have to make sure he becomes a Ninja

in order for everything to get back on track.

NUCKAL Do you see two trees or one?

KRUNCHA Two, you imbecile!

Stop fooling around!

We failed our mission, and now Lord Garmadon

is really going to let us have it.

Well, I just wanted to know if I was seeing double.

I thought I saw the same Ninja twice back there!


So the Ninja followed me here,

and they think they can stop me?

They are as annoying as they are troublesome!

Well, two can play at this game.



SENSEI WU You must harness the fire deep within you, Kai.

Aw! Ah. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Oh, I’m worthless.

It’s like you don’t even want to be a Ninja.

Look, I told you The only reason I became a Ninja

was to rescue my sister.

ZANE If Kai doesn’t learn to be a Ninja,

our future will be destroyed.

COLE Ah. Even when Garmadon does something good,

it’s always evil!

Sensei ain’t cutting the mustard.

Guess it’s up to us to get things back on track.

I thought you said not to get involved.

"Change anything, change everything."

That was before Garmadon altered the past

and changed the future.

Now we gotta clean up the mess.

ZANE He’s right.

The only way to save our future

is for Kai to find his fire.

JAY But-- What’re ya tryin’ to say, Zane?

ZANE I’m saying, we have to give Kai his motivation back.

We have to kidnap Nya

and deliver her into the hands of the Skeleton.

Ah. If that’s what it takes.

Okay, but if it’s all right with you guys,

I’ve got an idea

on how I could talk some sense into myself.


Time to play our parts.

ZANE We’ll have to act quickly

while Kai is keeping himself busy.





Hey, dummy! Argh!

Yeah, I’m talking to you. Me?

Would you get your head on straight

and start listening to Sensei?

The fate of the world kind of rests on it. Huh?

NYA Unhand me, Skeletons!

Oh, I’m sorry, Nya.

NYA How’d you know my name?

Oh! When my brother finds out about this,

you’ll be sorry!

Actually, he’ll be quite relieved.

Uh, guys, we’ve got company.

JAY Ah-ah-ah!

Isn’t that, uh, us?

Better lower our masks, so they don’t recognize us.


COLE Let’s not hurt ourselves, boys.

I’d hate to leave a mark.

NYA Kai? Help!

Huh? Nya!

NYA Help!

Hey, I wasn’t done talking to you. You can’t leave.

Why not? You’re just my reflection!

Argh! Uh!

Sorry, but I can’t have you spoiling our plans.

KAI Oh. Why does time travel have to be so complicated?


Guys, let’s get out of here.

They took Nya!

Huh? They took my sister?



We’ll get your sister back.

But first, I want you to meet your team.

Looks like the fire returned.

All we gotta do to get everything back on track

is to deliver Nya to the Skeletons.



This is no time to celebrate,

we didn’t get the girl.

How would you like to go back to the Underworld

to tell Lord Garmadon that we failed?

How would you tell Lord Garmadon that we failed?



Argh! Huh?


Ah, Samukai?

How would you like to go back to the Underworld

to tell him we succeeded?

Master, we have the girl.



Er! What is the meaning of this?

It is I, your future self!

How can it be?

I know you are searching for the Golden Weapons,

and it is because of them that I have gone back in time

and stand before you now.

SHADOW LORD GARMADON I don’t understand.

You have... Uh, I have four arms.

Yes, and I need your help

to get rid of the Ninja once and for all.

Listen carefully.


That is truly evil.



Great Scott!

JAY Ah. Why are we still here?

I thought everything is back on track.

Yeah, but we have to stay

and make sure all goes as planned.

So what exactly happens next?

Our former selves have most of the Golden Weapons.

Shadow Garmadon now should have my sister,

and in about one minute, I get woken up

and tricked into taking the Sword of Fire

that will eventually unleash

the greatest nemesis unto Ninjago.

PAST KAI Nya! Wait up!


Ah. This is when I steal the Fire Sword

and cut my sister down.

Then I get att*cked by my own shadow.


SHADOW LORD GARMADON Tick-tock. Tick-tock.

PAST KAI Ninja-go!



Stay close.

Trust me, I’m not going anywhere.

You can’t hurt us! You’re only a shadow!

This time, I’m actually much more.

Wait, he never said that before.

Something’s different.

G-- Garmadon.

You’re supposed to be trapped in the underworld.

Oh, there’s so much more you don’t know.

Go, future me.

Destroy him!


Ah, we have to do something!

I don’t stand a chance against Garmadon’s four arms!

Wait. That’s it!



Two Kais?


I guess I have four arms too.

ZANE Uargh!

Now, I’ve got you.


I think it’s safe to say

the past has drastically changed.



I was thinking about that.

It could be possible to erase the events

that have transpired so far

by destroying the Mega-w*apon

that brought us here in the first place.

You mean, if we destroy that w*apon,

everything goes back to normal?

Er... Theoretically.

COLE But nothing can destroy the Mega-w*apon.

Only a w*apon of equal power

has any chance of stopping it.

Ah-ha. Like maybe the weapons forged

to create it in the first place?

No! The Golden Weapons!

JAY Yeah. I thought these might come in handy.

Okay. No time to find out how you got these.

We have to destroy the Mega-w*apon once and for all.


Lightning! Earth!


Oh! No!

What are you doing?



What’s happening?

JAY Did we just...

Uh... Return to the future?

This feels familiar, but weren’t we training Lloyd?

The future was altered,

and there is no Green Ninja.

Sorry I’m late, guys.

Are we ready to get training?

Ha! You’re still here!

Yeah? Why wouldn’t I be?

So when we went back in time

and destroyed Garmadon’s Mega-w*apon,

that didn’t change anything?

My father has a Mega-w*apon?

Oh, wait a minute, you’ve never heard of it?

I-I think I would’ve remembered that.

Why? What is it?

Should I be concerned?


Hey, what are you guys laughing at?

What’s so funny?


I think some things are best left in the past.

Come on, let’s just prepare for the future.


I don’t get it.



♪ Jump up, kick back Whip around and spin ♪

♪ Ninja-go! ♪

♪ Come on, come on, come on And do the weekend whip ♪

♪ Jump up, kick back Whip around and spin ♪
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