02x07 - The Stone Army

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu". Aired: January 2011 to present.*
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"Lego Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu" revolves around the adventures of six ninja: Kai, Cole, Jay, Zane, Lloyd, and Nya.
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02x07 - The Stone Army

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously, on Ninjago...

You think my powers

can still turn you
into Anacondrai.

It's working! Finish the spell.

We'll be taking Ninjago now.

I'll go alone.

I'm the only one
with an elemental dragon.

Not anymore.

You gotta tell us
how you did that!

I faced my fear.

* Jump up, kick back
Whip around and spin *

* Ninja, go

* Ninja, go
Ninja, go *

* We just jump up, kick back
Whip around and spin *



Chen and his Anacondrai army
have a day's start on us.

Be prepared for anything
and everything.

How did we lose so much time?

You know, you took an oath
never to leave a man behind.

And we're not all quick

Mastering your fear to create
Power Dragons takes time.

we're running out of that.

There's Ninjago City.

Hurry's my middle name.

whatever happens down there,

we're stronger united.

We fight as one.

Let's do this!





I wish I still had the power
to change.

You have changed.

You're with us now.

Could you be a dear
and move your dragon?

Thank you, young man.

If we're the first ones
they've seen,

where's Chen
and why hasn't he att*cked?

We have to get you
and my father off the streets

before we alarm everyone.

Everyone else, stick together
and watch over the people.


Why is the spell wearing off?

If we attack now
and turn back to normal,

everything will be for nothing!

Eh, about that...

We read everything
on page ,

but lo and behold, the spell
continues onto the next page.

You slithering klutzes!

What have I told you about
attention to details?

I knew I should've had Clouse
read the spell.

"In order for the transformation
to become permanent,

one must obtain the essence
of a true Anacondrai."

Where are we supposed to
get that?

There aren't any
real Anacondrai left!

Eh, if there's any out there,
we'll find it.

There's another problem,

The Ninja and their friends
have arrived.

Oh, why must conquering Ninjago
be so difficult?

Fine. We change plans.

It's not like I don't have
something else up my sleeve.

And what's that, Master?


Now come on.
We have some scheming to do.


And hello to you,
my old friend.

You're all back.

Zane. Look at you.

You're all shiny.

But where's your father?

It's me, Misako.

Don't worry,
we have reason to believe

the spell
may be wearing off.

But if that's true,
it only makes Chen

more desperate to act now.

Everyone, this is Skyler,
Chen's daughter.

You're amongst friends, Skyler.

Thank you for looking
after my Misako.

As any good brother should.

Yes. A good brother.

There isn't much time.
Our friends are on standby,

but we don't know where Chen
will strike first.

And if we're not
all there

to stop him
when he first att*cks...

Ninjago will succumb
to w*r.

Our greatest fear
will come true.

Then the greatest victory
will be

that which has no battle.

But how do we prevent a w*r?

How do we stop an enemy
we know so little about?


We find someone who does.


Kryptarium Prison.

Home to Ninjago's
worst of the worst.

I don't get it,
who's gonna help us here?

If one must learn
how to fight a snake,

one must talk to one first.

Sorry I had to confiscate
your weapons.

Here we try to foster
what I call

"an environment
of encouragement."


I'll rattle bones, Warden!

Very creative, FrakJaw.
Love the puns.


Easy, Soto, I'm the captain
of this ship. Ha, ha.

Ninja ain't popular
around these parts,

considering you put most of them
behind bars, hm-hm.

But who you're looking for,
he hates Ninja the most.

Last cell on the left.



Why yes, Pythor,
this may very well be

the greatest cup of tea
you've steeped.

Oh, you flatter me, Rodrigo,
but do go on.

We need your help.

Help you?

The Ninja?

You fed me to the Devourer,

defeated every army
I've aligned with,

even forced me to swallow
your shrinking pill!

Haven't you done enough damage
to my diminishing ego?



I suppose this is about

that culturally insensitive
noodle baron

and his ilk
that are now Anacondrai.

Imposters, if you ask me.

You are the last remaining

You must know
how to stop them.

I'm not going to say another
word until you can figure out

how to make me big.

And don't ask me
to trust a Ninja.

Would you trust a snake?


Oh, now my interest is piqued.

Let's make a deal, shall we?

I thought you should be aware
that someone

has been poking around
the Kryptarium database

with an interest in your,
shall I say,

little friend.

I don't know,
but be on your guard.

You may be expecting
unannounced visitors.



That's strange.


So gullible.

Everyone knows there's no such
thing as ghosts.

Then you get the spell book,

and I'll tell you their weakness
and then--

There's been a breach
in Sector !

They appear to be Anacondrai

Uh-oh, and they're coming
my way.

They see me talking
on the intercom.

Oh, boy, here they come.

Why am I still talking
on this thing?


You led them to me?
What have you done?

There's no escaping
an Anacondrai!

Curse this fraudulent furniture!


Tell me! How do we stop them?

What is their weakness?

Don't you get it?
There is no weakness.

They're Anacondrai!

Guys, we've got company!

I'll handle this.


We're trying
to keep the inmates in,

not let them out!


Your hand. That may be
why they've come for Pythor.

What if he holds the key

to making their transformation

That's why Chen
hasn't att*cked.

Then we have to get him
out of here.

If he's the key
to preventing a w*r,

we can't let him fall
into the wrong hands. Literally.

Oh, I get it, it's literal
because of my size.

Ha, ha. Very funny.

But I'm a little sensitive
to all the size references.

A little sensitive?

I stepped right into that one.

Zane, keep them busy.

Ah. What do you think
we've been do--?

Get out of here already,

it's not like we can
hold them off all day!




Kryptarium's on lockdown.

If we don't find a way out,
we may never escape.


It ain't fair. Why is it they've
got weapons but we don't?

Everything's a w*apon
in the big house.


Oh, some heroes you are.

And to think
there's only two of them.

Sensei Wu said,

the greatest victories--
Has no battle, blah, blah, blah.

Well, if they're imposters,
you're cowards.

And what are you?

There's a reason
we never trust a snake.

First the Anacondrai betray
the truce in the Serpentine w*r,

then you tricked Lloyd--

Are we still talking about
the Serpentine w*r?

The Anacondrai
had every intention

of honoring the truce.

It was Chen who told us your
kind was going to betray us.

We had no other choice
but to attack.

Chen said you were
going to betray us!

Sounds like Chen
was playing both sides.


Again I say...


Protect Pythor.

Ninja, go!



I lost him!



What do you mean you lost him?

Find him!






Hey! Watch it!

Hurry, grab his spear.

No, the other left.


Oh, no!

Uh, guys, I think we're about to
serve some hard time.

Uht Tong Tcheko.



I'm not an outdated relic


Okay, since we've already fought
most of these guys before,

what say we keep this short?

I'm with you.
The door, hurry!

All right, who's busting
out of here with me?

There's no way you're breaking
through this door.

It's solid metal.

I never said anything
about a door.



When people try to bust out
of jail, they do so quietly.

Not literally.


Ah, digging our way
out takes forever.


Thank you!

Got him!

Don't got him!


I really hate being small!



Wu. My savior.


Do you have him?

We can't let them escape!

we can't let them escape!

No more smashing walls.

Leave this to me.


I'd hate to let anyone down,


I encourage you to go back
to your cells.


Ah! Charlatans!


Two-bit phonies!

I don't get it, how are we
gonna get enough sweat

out of that little guy
to fix all of us?

The simplest plan
is often the best.

The more complicated one's
are so much more fun to watch!

Now run!

A true Anacondrai would never
demean himself.

I have my honor, you know.

And we have a Swamp Rat!


As you can see,

fear is a powerful thing.

Oh, the Essence, it's working!

Soon I'll have enough

to make my entire army
permanently Anacondrai.

And now that
that one problem is dealt with,

it's time we give the Ninja
one of their own.

It's time to spread some fear.



We got here
as fast as we could.

Twenty Noodle Trucks
have been spotted

heading toward Ninjago City
just clicks away.

Let me guess,
they ain't hauling noodles?

Twenty trucks
could hold Anacondrai.

If they get to the city
before we do,

the city will be theirs.
And they'll have achieved

the pivotal first foothold
in the w*r.

We have to stop them.

I've already warned the others
to head them off at the pass.

They should be able
to hold the line

until you offer support.

I had them equip themselves
so we could communicate.

We're in position.

If they show up, we'll be sure
to put up a fight.

They're coming
to your location soon.

I see them.

Let's show them
what we're made of.


The trucks.
They're going every which way.

What do you mean? Aren't they
going to Ninjago City?

I don't know
where they're going,

but they ain't going together.

There are over
densely populated villages

within a -click radius.

They aren't planning
to launch one attack,

they're planning multiple.

What do we do?
You told us to stay together.

Chen knows he can't
take you all on at once.

He's trying to split you up.

But even if just one of those
trucks makes it to a village,

the people won't be able
to defend themselves.

We have to protect the people.

Tell the Elemental Fighters
we have to split up.

We'll each intercept a truck

and stop it from reaching
those villages.

Whatever happened
to "we fight as one"?

This isn't a vote, Jay.

This is stopping the end
of our world as we know it.

What's my father up to?

Nya, ready the Bounty.

We must prepare
for the worst.


You heard our orders, split up
and intercept those trucks.

Nya, why aren't we in the air?

We just gave the old gal
a makeover.

It's gonna take some time
for her to warm up.

notify every ally we have.

We're going to need
all the help we can get.

And brother, if for whatever
reason this doesn't work out,

I'm glad you're home.

There's something wrong.

What aren't you telling me?

We're on the threshold of w*r
and I'm a man-snake.

Take your pick.

You're my husband,
I know you better than that.

There's something else.

Do you remember the letter
I gave you long ago?

Of course.
Those words you wrote.

It was the reason
I fell in love with you.

That letter was not--


Nya? What just happened?

I'll have her back online
in no time.



The trucks are in position.

It's time.

What about me?

You can't just leave me here!

Where's the honor in that?

Oh, right, honor.

Like you said,
we aren't real Anacondrai.


No, we are not. No, no, no.



Sorry, kid. No time to explain.


Hey, let's play dragons.

Not a chance, pal.

Can't let you finish
this delivery route.


Oh. Not giving up, huh?

Neither will I.


Out of the way!


Hey, not cool.


I thought I told you
to move your dragon, young man.

I've gotta get him out of town.


Now, that's what I call getting
back onto the right track.


Zane, have you diverted the
truck away from the villages?

Yes, and once
it's at a safe distance,

I plan to take care
of the Anacondrai.

Good work. The people are safe.

No, they aren't.

We aren't pulling them away
from the people,

they're pulling us!

Stop the trucks!


All right, snakes,

you're about to be charged.


No. It can't be.

Everyone come back now.


I'm not afraid. I can do this.

I have to get back.

I can't. I'm too afraid.

It was all a trap.

Then that means...

The greatest victories...

have no battle.

Now our worst fears
have come true.




The New Serpentine w*r...

has just begun.


SENSEI WU Previously on Ninjago.

SENSEI WU Previously on Ninjago.

ZANE By destroying the Mega-w*apon,

it could be possible to erase the events

that have transpired so far.

KAI You mean, if we destroy that w*apon,

everything goes back to normal?

KAI Fire!

JAY Lightning! COLE Earth!



♪ Jump up, kick back Whip around and spin ♪

♪ And then we jump back Do it again ♪

♪ Ninja-go! Ninja-go! ♪

♪ Come on, come on And do the weekend whip ♪

♪ The whip ♪

♪ Ninja-go! Ninja-go! ♪

♪ Come on, come on, come on And do the weekend whip ♪

♪ Jump up, kick back Whip around and spin ♪

SENSEI WU Episode The Stone Army





Yep! Ready!



It’s so bright.

I never understood how your kind could live in such heat.

Lord Garmadon,

what brings you to our humble dwelling?

The Ninja may have destroyed my Mega-w*apon,

but I have an ingenious new plan.

Are we still allowing him to be in charge of us?

Earlier, when Pirates mutinied our ship

and locked us in the brig,

Captain Soto’s journal mentioned

they had been looking for a fabled dark island

created out of evil itself.

Once we find it, its concentrated dark powers

will help me, I mean, us!

We could rule Ninjago together!

Oh, please.

You’re having us chase after fairy tales now?

Not fairy tales,

but a real place that existed long before

any of us were around.

A place full of untold power.

"Untold power"?

Count me in.

A place dripping with evil.

Evil. Sounds nice!

I’m looking for a few brave snakes.

Who’ll join me?

ALL Aye!



Uh. Ah! Uh...



Is it Wednesday already?


Sunrise exercise.

I hate sunrise exercise.

Ah. Good morning, morning, morning! Up, up.

It’s a new day, students.

Before we begin sunrise exercise,

I noticed the dragon made another mess outside.

It looks like a two-person job. Heh, heh.

Ah. What was that, Sensei?

Did I just hear an SOS call come in?

ZANE I sense I need to be somewhere else.

Lloyd, I’m sure you got this. Heh.

Ah. You might’ve been able to dump chores on me

when I was smaller, but I’m grown up now.

That’s not fair!

Ah. You’re right, Lloyd.

We need to settle this like men.

With a round of Rock, Paper, Clamp!

Okay, on three.

One, two, three!

Ha, ha! Paper beats rock!

Uh. How does paper beat rock?


I always have to do the dirty work!

Hey, having a pet dragon

requires a lot of responsibility.

Didn’t your mom ever let you have a pet?

I don’t remember my mother.

She abandoned me when I was really young.

She just left?

Who took care of you?

I spent my whole life at Darkly’s Boarding School.

NYA Hey, I have a mission for you guys.

It’s the Museum of History!

They’ve asked for you guys!

Something really strange has happened. What?

You’re gonna have to see it to believe it.

Here, Nya, hold this.

Wait a minute. What am I supposed to do with these?



CURATOR Oh, thank heavens you’re here.

We heard there was an emergency?

Yes, come, come. Quickly, this way.

The Stone Warrior exhibit opens to the public tonight,

and this couldn’t have come at a worse time.

Er... What couldn’t have come at a worse time?

Ninjago City appreciates your help

in destroying the Great Devourer some time back,

but it appears its toxic venom

has seeped into the city sewer system

and has had the most unusual after-effect.

NINJA Argh! KAI Uh... It stinks!


CURATOR The toxicity in the venom

somehow brought our merchandise to life!

They’re so unruly!

I just didn’t know who else to call!


We’ve got this covered.

I think we can handle a few toys.

CURATOR And please, could you contain the fighting

to the gift shop?

The doors to the new exhibit will be opening soon. Thank you.



Whoa! Stupid little guy.


All right, play time’s over!


NINJA Ninja-go!

Uh. Oops.

Ah-ha-ha! Whoo!


Come here, you little...




Wu. I... Uh...

It’s been a long time.


So, are you gonna introduce us?


Yes, this is Misako. Lloyd’s mother.


My... My mother?

Ah. Lloyd?

My little boy.

You’re so much bigger than I remember.

[SPITEFULLY] Yeah, well, it’s been a long time.

I didn’t want us to meet like this.

I have a reason why I’ve been away.

Well, I don’t wanna hear it.

Lloyd, wait. Please!


The endless sea. I don’t get it.

It’s because there is no land

outside of Ninjago!

We’ve been searching all day.

The island must be out there.

We’ll do another lap.

He’s without his Mega-w*apon.

He’s vulnerable.

So how do you recommend getting rid of him?

Turn around.

We need to find the island today!

CAPTAIN Yes, Lord Garmadon.

Ooh. There!

Is that the island? Where?



It’s about time we had a Serpentine back in charge.

All hail, Scales!

ALL All hail, leader of the Serpentine!


Lloyd? Lloyd!

I’d watch your step.

That sinkhole doesn’t have a bottom, son.

It’s where I found the ancient Stone Warrior.

Ah, "son"?

You’ve been gone my whole life!

There’s nothing you can say.

Well, I’m going to talk anyway.

You wanna know what I’ve been doing all this time?

Long before Sensei Wu ever knew

who would be the Green Ninja, I knew it would be you.

And I knew you would

eventually have to fight your father.

I dropped you off at the Boarding School

so I could go learn everything I could about the prophecy,

in hope of one day preventing the final battle

of good and evil.

All this time, son,

I’ve been trying to save you and your father.

Long before time had a name,

Ninjago was created by the First Spinjitzu Master--

Yeah, yeah. We’ve heard this story a hundred times.

But you’ve only heard half of it.

In Ninjago,

there has always been balance between good and evil.

So you know about how the First Spinjitzu Master

created Ninjago,

but what if I were to tell you,

in order for there to be light, there must be shadow,

and within shadow,

there is darkness.

The blackest of darkness

that existed from the very beginning.

An evil spirit called "The Overlord."

Did you know about this, Sensei?

I had hoped if I’d kept the secret,

that name would never be spoken again.

MISAKO The balance was at stake,

and their battle could have gone on for eternity.

Each side powerful,

neither could conquer the other

until the Overlord created his indestructible warriors:

The Stone Army.

The Spinjitzu Master did what he could,

but he knew he would soon be defeated.

So instead of losing the w*r, he divided Ninjago in two.

And lucky for us,

since then there has been no trace of the Overlord

or his Stone Army, until my recent discovery.

So that’s why the battle has yet to be decided.

It was never finished.

But where is this Dark Island?

I’ve never heard of it.

Disappeared, I presume.

But the legend states that so long as the balance

between good and evil remains even,

the Overlord shall remain trapped from this world.

I have always feared your father’s ambition

will ultimately lead to a shift in the balance.

That is why he must be stopped.

We have each felt the power

of the First Spinjitzu Master,

passed onto us in the form of the elemental weapons.

But now that power has been inherited by the Green Ninja,

which is why only Lloyd can defeat the ultimate evil.

Or else all of Ninjago will fall prey to its darkness.

Leaving you was the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do.

But faced with saving you and the world,

I had no other choice.


And now, ladies and gentlemen,

I present to you this museum’s greatest find.

It outdates every other piece we have here,

found right underneath this very building.

I give you...

An ancient Stone Samurai Warrior!

ALL Whoa!

It’s alive! [ALL SCREAMING]

Impossible! It just looks lifelike.



LLOYD Have you discovered a way to prevent me

from facing my father? MISAKO I’m sorry, not yet.

But I have reason to believe there’s still hope.


Whoa! Excuse me?

Will somebody please tell me

what the heck is that?

The Stone Warrior.

The Devourer’s venom has awakened him!

Oh, great.

Kai, take care of him.

Uh... Me?

Okay, blockhead.

Take this!



Well... In my mind’s eye,

I saw that playing out entirely differently.


The Overlord created his Stone Army

from an indestructible material

only found on the Dark Island!

Ah. Great. You could’ve mentioned that earlier.


Lloyd, use your powers.




Wait a minute. How are we supposed to destroy this thing?

You can’t.





He, he. Easy big guy, maybe this is a sign

you need to loose a few pounds. He, he.


Close call!



Ah. Oh.

Ah! This is gonna be much harder

than a bunch of bobble-heads, fellas.

Yeah, well. Then it’s a good thing we’re in a museum.

Why is that? ’Cause we’re all about

to become history!



The guy’s got a pair of sneakers on him.

Pick up the pace!

Go, Go, Go!


Oh, man. He’s pretty fast for a big guy!


Ah. This thing is unstoppable!

Indestructible, to be precise.

That door ain’t gonna hold him forever.

Then let’s settle this like men.

With Rock, Paper, Clamp.

Loser has to face him, so the rest can escape.

Uh-uh! Not you, Chosen One.

Ah. On three.

One, two...

Wait a minute! That’s it!

What’s "it"?

If you guys can keep him busy,

I think I know how to stop him.

I say we give the kid a shot.

You’re just saying that ’cause you’re too afraid to face him.

Do you wanna face it?

I say we give the kid a shot.


Be careful, Lloyd. And good luck.

Thanks, mom.

I can’t believe that’s Lord Garmadon’s son.

Don’t forget, he’s yours too.


He’s had a good teacher.

You mean, "teachers."


OVERLORD Ah. I’ve been waiting for you.


Who are you? Where are you?

What is this place? Where am I?

This isn’t Ninjago.

OVERLORD [SINISTERLY] It is the place you were always meant to find.

Destiny brought you here.

This... This is the Dark Island!

The one mentioned in Captain Soto’s log!

But, who are you?

OVERLORD I go by many names,

but you may call me "Overlord."

I... I order you

to give me the power to defeat the Ninja.

Give me the power to turn Ninjago into my own image!


Why do you laugh at me?

OVERLORD Soon you will have everything you desire,

but first there is something you must do for me.

And what would that be?


Whoa! direct hit!

Ha, ha!


KAI All right! COLE Hey-hey!

Did we get him?


He’s still here!

You think Lloyd’s ready with his plan?

I hope so!



I might not be a Ninja, but I can look after myself!




Over here!



Hey, loser!

Paper beats rock!


Of course.

The bottomless pit.

I’m so proud of you.

I feel like the balance has brought us together.

Stay with us.

Help us fight the good fight.

If that’s okay with my son.


The more, the merrier.


How much further?

OVERLORD Until I say so.

You do want to turn all of Ninjago

into your image, right?

Of course, it’s all I’ve ever wanted!

Four hands.

Is that a coincidence?

OVERLORD I told you it is destiny.




OVERLORD The ultimate battle between good and evil

has been foretold.

And with your help,

we will rule this world!



♪ Jump up, kick back Whip around and spin ♪

♪ Ninja-go! ♪

♪ Come on, come on, come on And do the weekend whip ♪

♪ Jump up, kick back Whip around and spin ♪
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