03x01 - The Groupie

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Gimme a Break!" Aired: October 29, 1981 – May 12, 1987.*
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Nell Harper is the no-nonsense housekeeper and surrogate mother for police chief Carl Kanisky's children: Samantha, Julie and Katie.
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03x01 - The Groupie

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Gimme a break, now I know what it takes ♪

♪ Gimme a break, now I know what it takes ♪

♪ I'm putting a new face on the old one ♪

♪ Ready for anything

♪ Playing with fate, not a moment too late ♪

♪ I'm showing the whole world nothing can get me down ♪

♪ O-o-o-oh

♪ Gimme a break

♪ Yeah, yeah ♪ gimme a break

♪ 'Cause I sure need one ♪ gimme a break

♪ Yeah, yeah ♪ I finally know where I belong ♪

♪ Gimme a break

♪ Yeah, yeah ♪ gimme a break

♪ 'Cause I sure need one ♪ gimme a break

♪ Yeah, yeah ♪ I finally know where I belong ♪

♪ Gimme a break!

Now, this is only gonna hurt a second.


Out there in our living room

Are three of the most popular girls in school,

Maybe in america.

Now, I have a chance, with your help,

To sit at their illustrious table in the cafeteria --

[ Gasps ]

Say no more.

It's coming to me.

You know rump roast gives me psychic powers?


You know my friend b.b. Is in town

To record an album with andy gibb.

Say what?


And you want me to tell you the secret place they're recording

So you can tell those three girls

And become part of the in-crowd, right?

It's amazing what you can get from rump roast.

So where's he recording?

Ask the rump roast.

Nell! I'm sorry, honey.

I promised b.b. I wouldn't tell a soul.

Nell! B.b. Is just some guitar player.

I'm practically your daughter!

[ Chuckles ]

Get out of my face.

Honey, I'm sorry, but b.b. Made me swear to secrecy.

Nell, how am I gonna face those girls?

Look, if you don't tell me, I'm gonna die!

Well, I can't tell you,

But I can sing at your funeral.

Well, where are they recording?

Uh...nell made me swear not to tell you.

Let's go, you guys.

Um...wait! Um...

[ Chuckles ]

I'm gonna be with andy tonight,

And I could mention your names.

[ Giggles ]

Sure, why don't you tell andy gibb to call me?

[ Laughter ]

I'll bring proof!

Okay. We'll check it out tomorrow.

But if you're lying,

The invitation to sit at our table is off.

Can you believe her?

I am so sure!

You can't sit at my table either.

Julie lied and told her stuck-up friends

She's gonna see andy gibb tonight.


Nell, the truth doesn't get you popular.

That's the truth.

Come on, where's he recording?

Why don't you ask your father?

He's in charge of security for him, not me.

You know daddy. He hates rock music.

You ask him for me. No.

Please? No.

Please? No.

I'll take care of you when you're old and gray.

Next time the city council invites a rock group

To use glen lawn as a recording hideout,

I'm quitting.

Teenagers crawling all over the station house

Like cockroaches,

Looking for clues about andy gibb.

I'm running a police department, not "american bandstand."

Do I look like d*ck clark?

You're white.

I should have known it wasn't my day

When I left my g*n at home.

Daddy? Nell has something to ask you.

Oh, honey, I don't think this is the time.

When you're old and gray, you'll need me.

Chief, would you mind terribly

If julie were to watch andy gibb record?

It's probably the most important thing in her life.

It'd make her very popular with the other girls. Can she do it?



Why not?

Because nobody is supposed to know where they are!

And even if every teenager in town did,

I don't want you there.

You know how I feel about that rock-'n'-roll garbage.

Nell, you can leave my dinner on the stove.

I won't be home until after .

Daddy! When are you coming out of the dark ages?

Whether you like it or not, rock 'n' roll is here to stay!

Whether you like it or not, so are you. You're grounded.

I guess daddy doesn't care

If all of his daughters are popular.

Well, two out of three's not bad.

Let's make that three out of three.

Here, julie.

Here's the address of the recording studio.

You're gonna let me go?

You just better be home before .

You give this note to b.b.,

And he'll see that you get in and meet andy gibb, all right?

Nell, I love you for this.

Oh, sweetheart.

I remember what it's like to want to be in the in-crowd.

Is that what it was like for you in school?

Honey, I was the in-crowd.

I kept girls like you out.

No, julie.

I got strict orders nobody could go inside.

We got to keep the groupies away from andy gibb.

Simpson, I'm the chief's daughter!

I know.

What's that like?

I'll wait for him to come out.

That wouldn't be for two hours yet.

Where's andy gibb staying while he's here?

I'm not allowed to tell.

Oh, I suppose he's anonymously staying

At the glen lawn inn, huh?

No, he's anonymously staying

At fred's motel off of route .

[ "Show me" plays ]

Want to take a peek before you go home, huh?

♪ Well, hey

♪ Show me a man that's got a good woman ♪

♪ Now show me

♪ Come on, show me ♪ show me a man that's got a good woman ♪

♪ Now show me

♪ I said, show me ♪ show me a man that's got a good woman ♪

♪ Show me a man that's got a good woman ♪

♪ Show me a man that's got a good woman ♪

♪ Show me a man that's got a good woman ♪

Whoo! ♪ Show me a man that's got a good woman ♪

♪ I'll show you a man that is always hummin' ♪

♪ He knows that he's got some sweet love a-comin' ♪

♪ At the end of his workin' day ♪

♪ Show me a woman that's got a good man ♪

♪ Now show me

♪ Come on, show me ♪ show me a woman that's got a good man ♪

♪ I said, show me

♪ I said, show me ♪ show me a woman that's got a good man ♪

♪ Show me a woman that's got a good man ♪

♪ Show me a woman that's got a good man ♪

♪ Show me a woman that's got a good man ♪

♪ Show me two people in love with each other ♪

♪ Now show me

♪ Come on, show me ♪ show me two people in love with each other ♪

♪ Now show me

♪ I said, show me ♪ show me two people in love with each other ♪

♪ Show me two people in love with each other ♪

♪ Show me two people in love with each other ♪

♪ Show me two people in love with each other ♪

Whoo! ♪ Show me two people in love with each other ♪

♪ I'll show you two people that ain't going no farther ♪

♪ Than their arms can reach to touch one another ♪

♪ Let them lovers alone

♪ Let them lovers alone ♪ ha-ha-haaa

Nell, you're not concentrating.

Julie's not back yet?

Uh, no.

Well, where is my little julie?

Grandpop, can I tell you a secret?

I let julie go out after the chief grounded her.

[ Both giggle ]

Good for you, nell.

But won't you be in trouble when he finds out?

Oh, it's early.

He won't be home till after .

He'll never know.


He's home.

Your father's home! I want to see you right away!

Wait till you hear this.

Samantha? Sam yes, daddy?

Katie? Katie yeah, dad?




You should have seen it. The station house was att*cked by these new-wave freaks."],…}

One girl had red-white-and-blue hair.

Red, white, and blue!

What's america coming to?

Anyhow, it hit me right then what a lucky guy I am.

I have three wonderful girls,

And I don't tell them often enough.

I'm proud of you, samantha.

And I'm proud of you, katie.

Where's julie?

She's upstairs.

I'll tell her how proud you are of her.

Ah, no, no, no, no.

I'll tell her.


Daddy wants to apologize.

Oh, dear god, get me out of this.

What are you bothering god for?

All we got to do is to fool my son.

She had the covers pulled way up over her head...

Just the way she used to do when she was little.

I didn't have the heart to wake her up.

Thank you.

That's all right.

Well, I feel kind of drained.

I think I'll hit the hay myself.

I've got a terrific family.


What a jerk.

[ Dog barking and crickets chirping ]

[ Indistinct conversations ]


A little girl's fallen asleep.

Ah, look, the poor little thing.

She'll catch her death of cold, man.

Shall I wake her up?

Oh, I think you're crazy.

She'd just keep us up all night.

Yeah, you're right.

We've got to get some sleep.

I'm gonna cover her up.

Nell, nell! Wake up!

Nell! [ Gasps ] one, two, three!

It's a.m., And julie's not home yet.


What could a -year-old girl

Be doing out till a.m. With andy --

Oh, no.

Who are you calling?


[ Dog barking and crickets chirping ]


What a nice guy.

Thank you.

Thanks a lot, andy.

I'll never forget this night if I live to be .

You'll be lucky if you live to see .

[ Growls ] get home!

Nell! Nell, I can explain! I don't want to hear it!

Nell! I don't want to hear it!

[ Door unlocks ]

Nell. Shh!

I knew that you'd understand,

But what happens if daddy finds out?

Shh! Just get upstairs, get in bed, and rumple it up.

Come on.

We got up early and went jogging!

This pillow has not been slept on!

Daddy, daddy, I can explain!

No explanations! Get ahold of yourself!

Don't tell me to get ahold of myself!

My little girl was out all night!

Daddy, can we discuss this intelligently?

I'm tired of being intelligent!


Go to your room!

[ Doorbell rings ]


Yes? Is julie here?

Oh, yes, honey, but she can't talk.

Nell? Please?

Okay, come on in.

[ Gasp, shrieking ]

It's his jacket! Andy gibb's!

Can I touch it?


He actually gave it to you?!

Oh, yeah.

Last night, at his motel.

Sweet guy!

[ Chuckles ]

My father is just a little bit upset.

Get upstairs and get ready for school!

Hey, can we walk you to school, julie?

My closest friend, julie kanisky,

Who sits at my table in the cafeteria,

Spent the whole night with andy gibb!

You have the right to remain silent.

If you give up the right to remain silent,

Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.

Daddy! Stop!

Damn it, now I got to start all over.

This is the third time. Please, nobody interrupt.

You have the right to remain silent.

If you give up the right to remain silent --

[ Shrieking ]

[ Applause ]

You can't get arrested in this town.

Daddy, you're making a big mistake.

Corrupting the morals of a minor is a serious offense!

Especially when it's one of my minors.

Chief, do you realize what you're doing?

You have a world-famous rock star and his band

Spread-eagle against the wall like a bunch of criminals.

Looking good, b.b.

Thank you, mama. Looking good, too.

I'm working on it.


I just went to his motel to get a souvenir.

But I fell asleep outside, waiting for him.

You mean you didn't even --

I woke up outside with the jacket over me.

Nothing happened.

I swear, daddy. Nothing!

That's too bad, julie.

Look, I just put my jacket on her

So she wouldn't catch cold.

Chief, can't you see he's telling you the truth?

Look at that face.


I never even spoke to him.

I'm sorry for the misunderstanding, andy.

I hope there's no hard feelings.

No. Don't be silly.

Listen, why don't you stay and watch us rehearse?

[ Shrieking ]

That's very generous of you, son,

But I hate your music.

Thank you.


Simpson -- simpson, put down the g*n.

Are you sure, chief?

They still might try something funny.


Hey, b.b., Is this the lady you were telling me about?

Yeah, that's my nell.

We made a great team. [ Chuckles ]

Hey, nell, we're just gonna do "up where we belong."

Why don't you join us?

No, I can't. Come on, nell.

It'll be fun.

No, no. I have -- no, I really can't.

It's been so long. No, I can't.

Can you do it in e-flat?

Aah! [ "Up where we belong" plays ]

Tell you what -- you do the first chorus.


Thank you.

♪ Who knows what tomorrow brings ♪

♪ In a world few hearts survive ♪

♪ All I know is the way I feel ♪

♪ If it's real, keep it alive ♪

♪ The road is long

♪ There are mountains in our way ♪

♪ But we climb a step every day ♪

♪ Love lift us up where we belong ♪

♪ Where the eagles cry

♪ On a mountain high

♪ Love lift us up where we belong ♪

♪ Up where we belong ♪ far from the world below

♪ Up where the clear winds blow, yeah ♪

♪ Now, some hang on to "used to be" ♪

♪ Live their lives looking behind ♪

♪ All we have is here and now ♪

♪ All our life out there to find ♪

♪ The road is long

♪ There are mountains in our way ♪

♪ But we climb

♪ We climb a step every day ♪

♪ Love lift us up where we belong ♪

♪ Up where we belong

♪ Where the eagles cry

♪ Cry ♪ on a mountain high

♪ Love lift us up where we belong ♪

♪ Up where we belong

♪ Far from the world below

♪ Up, up ♪ up where the clear winds blow ♪

♪ Yeah

♪ Love lift us up where we belong ♪

♪ Up where we belong, we belong ♪

♪ Where the eagles cry

♪ Yeah, yeah

♪ From a mountain high

♪ It's all about living ♪ love lift us up where we belong ♪

♪ Up where we belong, we belong ♪

♪ Far from the world below

♪ Up where the clear winds blow ♪

♪ Love lift us up where we belong ♪

♪ Oo-o-o-o-h

♪ Love lift us up where we belong ♪

♪ Up, up, up

♪ Far from the world below

♪ Up where the clear winds blow, yeah ♪

♪ Lift us up where we belong ♪

♪ Where we belong

♪ Where the eagles, the eagles cry ♪

♪ On a mountain high

♪ Yeah

♪ Love lift us up where we belong ♪

♪ Far from the world we know ♪

♪ Up where the clear winds blow ♪
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