03x05 - Joey: Part 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Gimme a Break!" Aired: October 29, 1981 – May 12, 1987.*
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Nell Harper is the no-nonsense housekeeper and surrogate mother for police chief Carl Kanisky's children: Samantha, Julie and Katie.
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03x05 - Joey: Part 2

Post by bunniefuu »

Last week on "gimme a break!"... Yes?

Last week on "gimme a break!"... Yes?

Well, hello, down there.


What can I do for you?

I'm collecting for jerry's kids.

You can tell your aunt nell.

Well, my little -year-old brother...


He's really one of jerry's kids.


And it's like I'm collecting for him.

[ Clears throat ]

Oh, yeah, and I was only gonna give you a dollar.

Here, baby, make it, uh...

Make it $ . There.

He's really sick.


Make it $ .

Gee, thanks.

I-i caught the bunco artist, chief.

He's been using some phony story about jerry's kids...

You dirty crook.

Come on, this -- this runt?

Nell I don't believe that.

Honest. The kid's a real pro.

You know how many jerks in this neighborhood

Have given him a lot of money?

♪ Gimme a break, now I know what it takes ♪

♪ I'm putting a new face on the old one ♪

♪ Ready for anything

♪ Playing with fate, not a moment too late ♪

♪ I'm showing the whole world nothing can get me down ♪

♪ O-o-o-oh

♪ Gimme a break

♪ Yeah, yeah ♪ gimme a break

♪ 'Cause I sure need one ♪ gimme a break

♪ Yeah, yeah ♪ I finally know where I belong ♪

♪ Gimme a break

♪ Yeah, yeah ♪ gimme a break

♪ 'Cause I sure need one ♪ gimme a break

♪ Yeah, yeah ♪ I finally know where I belong ♪

♪ Gimme a break!

Honey, you haven't eaten all weekend.

Come on, take one teeny-weeny bite.

Come on. Take a bite for nell.

Aunt nell. Take -- aah!


You bit me, and you drew blood, you little vampire.

[ High-pitched tone ]

What are you doing up? It's in the morning.

I couldn't sleep.

It's the kid, isn't it?

[ Sighs ] look, nell...

[ Tone stops ]

So he doesn't eat for a couple of days.

It won't hurt him.

Eventually, he'll get hungry. He'll eat.

That's the way life is.

I think I'll make myself a sandwich.

Ah, it'll ruin my breakfast.

I do everything I can to help that little boy.

You know, the girls are growing up, and pretty soon,

There won't be any children 'round here for me to mother.

It sure would be nice to have one.


Aah! Aah! Aah!


Did I tell you that he bit me?

If he don't know a good mama when he sees one,

Well, to hell with him.

You want to know something, chief?


I never thought that I could open up like this

In front of you.

It sure is nice to have someone who's so understanding,

You know, to listen to my problems.

[ Snoring ]


You ate the whole box of froot loops?


Chief, I was saving those for joey.

I was gonna use them to tempt him out of his hunger strike.

It would have worked. They're great.

All right, where is it? What?

The prize.

You mean this?

Chief, what would you want with a toy whistle?

I'm a policeman.

You're a big baby.

I got to be getting to work.

Well, did you leave me money for groceries?

Yeah, I left bucks in the letter box on my dresser.

Girls! Your father's leaving!

Why don't you just take out your whistle and blow?

Because saying goodbye to those three sweet, happy faces

Gets me through the day.

Bye, dad. See you later.

Have a nice day.

I don't know about you, but they sure cheered me up.

What is it with you girls?


They're gonna put him in an orphanage.

I just know it.

Look, girls, I'd like joey to have a nice home,

But I just want it in another county.

County cork would be nice.

That's in ireland.

Well, it's a little close,

But there'd be a lot of water between us.

Bon voyage, kid.

Listen, joey. You haven't eaten all weekend.

You're going to starve to death.

Now, come on. Have a little breakfast. No!

Please? No.

Okay, which one of you three's been sneaking food up to joey?

Some hunger strike!

Here, I worried myself sick all weekend,

Trying to figure out a way to get some nourishment

In your little, dumb little body,

And --


You bit me!

Now we're even.

[ Sighs ]

What is the chief talking about?

There's no $ in --


[ Gasps ]


All right, there you go.

Now, you be sure to keep in touch, okay?

Yeah, and, joey, call us if you need anything, okay?

Yeah, call collect. Daddy'll pay for it.

Now, we want you to call every day.

[ All talking ]

Say goodbye, joey!

Be a good boy and --

Shut up and go to school!

[ Indistinct shouting ]

All right. I want you to sit!

[ Exhales sharply ]

Now, everybody does something they're sorry for.

Now, don't you have something to tell me?



Now, what is it?

I want some froot loops.

Have a hot dog.

Look, you have something to tell me,

And I want to hear it right now.

But first, let me get you a glass of milk.

You're like all the rest of the grown-ups.

You don't like grown-ups, do you?

I don't trust anyone over .

Well, I don't trust anyone under .

Now, don't you have anything to tell me?

Grown-ups say they love you!

They take you into their house!

Then they pass you on to somebody else,

Or they go away and leave you all alone!

I don't want you, and I don't want your old milk!

You're crying.

[ Voice breaking ] I am not!

You're actually crying.

I can turn it on or off whenever I want to!

You're something else, joey donovan.

Go it alone.

You don't need anybody.

Well, I'm gonna tell you a little story.

That's all grown-ups do is tell you dumb stories.

Well, I'm gonna tell you another story,

So shut up and listen!


You know, I was once years old myself.

Come here.

When I was years old, I was a tomboy.

I could beat up any boy on my block.

I still can.

But I was playing baseball,

And I threw this ball through the window

Of the house of the meanest man in alabama.

I mean, now, that's mean.

That's ugly mean.

So I went and I hid in the bushes.

He came. He found me.

He dragged me out, and he said, "did you break my window?"

I said, "yes, sir! Yes, sir!"

He said, "here's your ball back

'Cause you're the first kid to ever tell me the truth!"

Well, joey, we became friends.

Do you understand what I'm trying to tell you?


You know, that christmas, he gave me a puppy.

Yeah! Mm-hmm.

He gave me a puppy,

And that's when I started to trust people over .

Oh, dear god, joey's a good boy.

He just needs a little help in doing the right thing.

Oh, god?

Please forgive me for that phony story.

But you have to admit,

The part about the puppy was a nice touch.

Oh, joey, joey. Aunt nell.

I love you. I love you, too.

Oh. [ Chuckles ]

[ Doorbell rings ]

[ Gasps ]

What's the matter? Nothing.

Nothing, honey. You -- you --

You stay here and be quiet.

Okay? Good.

[ Doorbell rings ] I'm coming!

Yes? Good morning. I'm mrs. Lopez.

I've come for joey.

He ran away. Thank you for coming by.

Look, chief. I've raised your children.

I have kept your house.

And that time when your back went out,

I stepped in for you on your bowling team.

Now, you owe me, and joey's staying!

What do you think?

I'd better pack.


Your aunt nell promised you could stay here,

And you're gonna stay.

I'm gonna prove to you that you can trust people over .

Thanks, aunt nell. I trust you.

Well, that's because I'm not that much over .

But you're gonna like it here. You know why?

Because this place is full of love.


It's full of other things, too.

Nell! Coming, chief!

Um...joey, you stay here.

I don't want the chief to see you

Before I have a chance to talk to him, okay?


♪ Ebony and ivory

♪ Together in perfect harmony ♪

Well, this ivory is not gonna harmonize with that ebony!

You look upset.

Nell, how the hell could you let that kid get away again?

Oh, is that -- is that what's bothering you?

Mrs. Lopez was so ticked off

That she phoned judge harrison at juvenile court!

Well, the judge called me.

I don't remember his every word,

But I do remember "kicked out on your polish keister, kanisky"!


I have a little problem.

I put out an a.p.b. On that kid

To every airport, every bus station!

Alerted amtrak!

The highway patrol is calling in extra people!

Do you understand

How many thousands and thousands of dollars

That runaway is costing the taxpayers?!

Now, what's your problem?

I ain't got no problem.

[ Indistinct conversations ]

What a great football game!

Glen lawn high wins again!

Gimme a "g"! "G"! "G"!

Gimme an "l"! "L"! "L"!

Gimme an "e"! "E"! "E"!

Gimme a break!

Uh, girls, could you hold it down?

Your father's just a little tense.

What's the problem, daddy?

Joey's run away again. That's the problem.

Joey got away!

Joey got away!

Gimme a "j"! "J"! "J"!

Gimme an "o"!

Oh, shut up!

Well, at least he won't be sent to an orphanage.

Sometimes, I just don't understand my own family.

[ Glass shatters ]

Nell, one of the girls broke a dish again --

It was the cat.

We don't have a cat.

I bought one?

Here, kitty, kitty, kitty!

Hi, chief.

[ Shrieks ] he's back!

It's a miracle! It's a miracle!

All right, all right!

Gimme a "j"!

Take him into the kitchen!

I want to talk to nell!


You lied to mrs. Lopez.

I can explain, chief.

You jeopardized my job by lying to that social worker.

I can forgive anything but a lie!

Simpson, tell them to call off the search for joey donovan.

I found him myself on highway .

I can forgive anything but a lie!

Well, that's not a lie.

For your information,

This house is right in line with highway .

If they extended that highway,

It would run right through this living room.

I better put a traffic light on the porch.

Nell, why did you do it?

Chief, we really would make

The perfect foster parents for joey.

We're turning him over to mrs. Lopez in the morning.


Come here, honey.

Chief, look. See how little he is?

He hardly takes up any space.

She took your place on the bowling team, chief.

Now, you owe her!

Uh...baby, go back into the kitchen.


I owe you?!

You bowled a with gutter balls!

The kid goes back in the morning!

No further discussion!

All right.

But you tell him, chief.

You wanted to talk to me, chief? Yeah.

Sit down.

Look, I want you to know that you're not a bad kid,

But I can't have you living here.

If I was you, I wouldn't keep me either.

You wouldn't?

You're used to girls.

I'm a boy. Boys are trouble.

Well, you wouldn't be that much trouble.

Chief, never trust anybody under .

You almost had me there, joey.

You're good.

You're good, too, chief.


Nell yes, chief?

You're good, but you can't fool an old pro.

You can put him to bed now.


And he goes back tomorrow.

All right, chief.

Joey, um...you're gonna use samantha's room tonight,

And I'm going to tell you a bedtime story

About this police chief

Who sent this poor little nice kid off to an orphanage.

He was mean.

Real mean!

He was ugly mean!

And take care of sam and julie and katie

And, of course, my aunt nell.

And please forgive the chief.

He's a good guy.

He just doesn't know

This is the first real home I've ever had.

He just doesn't know

How much I really want to stay here.

All right, I'll phone them first thing in the morning

And get it all fixed up.

We'll -- we'll be his foster parents.

Oh, chief.

Thank you so much.

Is that a tear I see in your eye?

Cops don't cry.

Here, give him back his whistle.

[ Clears throat ]

[ Sighs ]


You were perfect, just the way we rehearsed it.

[ Both laugh ]

Sit down. Are you ready? Joey ready as can be. Nell yep!

Ladies and gentlemen,

Introducing nell harper and joey donovan

Doing "me and my shadow."

[ Piano plays ]

♪ Me and my shadow

♪ Strolling down the avenue

♪ Me and my shadow

♪ Not a soul to tell our troubles to ♪

♪ And when it's

♪ We climb the stair

♪ We never knock

[ Feet tapping ]

♪ 'Cause nobody's there

♪ Just me and my shadow

♪ All alone and feeling blue ♪

All right!

Take it, joey!

Take it, aunt nell!

Chief hey!

♪ Just me and my shadow

♪ All alone and feeling

♪ All alone and feeling

♪ All alone and feeling

♪ Blu-u-u-e



Chief, what do you think?

I think I could have done better.

♪ Gimme a break
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