03x14 - Flashback

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Gimme a Break!" Aired: October 29, 1981 – May 12, 1987.*
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Nell Harper is the no-nonsense housekeeper and surrogate mother for police chief Carl Kanisky's children: Samantha, Julie and Katie.
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03x14 - Flashback

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Gimme a break, now I know what it takes ♪

♪ Gimme a break, now I know what it takes ♪

♪ I'm putting a new face on the old one ♪

♪ Ready for anything

♪ Playing with fate, not a moment too late ♪

♪ I'm showing the whole world nothing can get me down ♪

♪ O-o-o-oh

♪ Gimme a break

♪ Yeah, yeah ♪ gimme a break

♪ 'Cause I sure need one ♪ gimme a break

♪ Yeah, yeah ♪ I finally know where I belong ♪

♪ Gimme a break

♪ Yeah, yeah ♪ gimme a break

♪ 'Cause I sure need one ♪ gimme a break

♪ Yeah, yeah ♪ I finally know where I belong ♪

♪ Gimme a break!

I said no, samantha. But, daddy -- no!

You're too young to go with any boy to a drive-in movie.

You're treating me like a baby! Let me grow up!

I want to live!

How can he be so unreasonable?

It's a gift.

Don't worry, honey. I'll think of something.

Sure she will, sam.

Nell knows how to get around dad.

I learned from the best -- your mother.

You met mom in chicago, didn't you?

Oh, yeah.

She was on her way to see her family,

To try and explain again why she married your father.

Oh, yeah, I remember that.

You guys got snowed in and had to spend the night together.

No, it was two nights.

See, all flights were cancelled,

And the airline tried to get us to spend the night

On a bench in the terminal.

You slept on those hard benches?

Oh, no. Your mother told the airline

That we were undercover reporters for walter cronkite.

So the next thing we knew,

We had the presidential suite at the ritz-carlton, baby.

Sounds like you two had a lot of fun together.

Oh, we did.

The next time I saw margaret was .

It's been years since I met you kids.

Yeah, and I was introduced to your father.

You talk about introduction? That was an introduction.

You want to talk about an introduction? Whoa.

Why? What happened? I can't talk about it.

Oh, come on!

Tell us, nell!

Shh, shh.

You got to promise not to tell your father.

Promise. Swear.

Okay, sit down. Promise.


Well, I had just come out to california

To do my first gig out here -- nightclub, you know.

Well, I was the starring act,

The "headliner" at mr. Funky's in fresno.

Well, anyway, it was my opening night.

And your mother came in.

♪ I never thought I'd come to this ♪

♪ What's it all about?

♪ Yet if you said you love me

♪ I'd be lost

♪ I'd be frightened

♪ I couldn't hope

♪ Just couldn't hope

♪ I'd turn my head

♪ I'd back away

♪ I wouldn't want to know

♪ He just scares me so

♪ I want him so

♪ I love him so, yeah

♪ I love him so

[ Cheers and applause ]

Thank you. Thank you.

Nell harper. Nell harper. Isn't she great?

Come on. Let's hear it for her.

[ Cheers and applause ]

I'm telling you, y'all -- she sings just like a nightingale.

Me, I sing like a night in jail. Ba-dump-bump.

So I want you to drink up 'cause mr. Funky needs the money.

I should know. I'm mr. Funky.

Whoo, boy, get out of here.


What are you doing here?

I found this in my luggage when I got back from chicago.

Are these yours?

Margaret, I don't wear purple panty hose.


I've been looking for these for over a year, girl.

Sit down. Sit down.

What are you doing here in town?

I read about your opening tonight,

And my home in glen lawn's only an hour away, so here I am.

So, how do you like california so far?

The weather is terrific, but these people are weird.

Your governor is ronald reagan?

[ Laughs ]

Is your husband, carl, with you?

No, he's a cop. He's working the night shift.

Oh, by the way, he's a lieutenant now.

That's wonderful.

Nell, can I see you for a second, baby?

If he "babys" me one more time,

I'm gonna set fire to his toupees.

What is it, mr. Funky?

Look -- dump that dame.

I got the cold duck. We'll go to my room.

Look -- I don't want cold duck or a hot time, okay?

Hey, you want to keep your job?

I'm the boss, and what I say goes.


Well, say "nell," 'cause I'm gone.


Come on. Let's get out of here. I just quit my job.


That mr. Funky wants me to do three shows a night --

Two up there on stage and one in his room.

Well, what are you gonna do now?

Hey, no problem. I have $ .

I just go back to alabama and wait for my next gig.

Wait a second. Better idea.

All come out, come out, wherever you are.

Come out, come out, wherever you are.

Come out, come out, wherever you are.

Okay, g*ng, front and center.


Hi, mommy!


Kids, I want you to meet my friend nell.


Nell, this is katie, my -year-old.


And this is julie, my -year-old.

I'm gonna be .

Now, you told me they were beautiful,

But she didn't tell me you were smart, too.

Then I'm gonna be years old, then , , .

Someday I'll be as old as you.

Leslie, this is nell.

Hi. Hi.

Where's the baby?

In the closet.

I wonder where samantha could be.

[ Giggling ]

I don't know where samantha could be.

Here I am.

There she is.

Samantha, I want you to meet my friend nell.

Hi, precious.

Oh, aren't you a little darling?

I found a dead moth.

Oh, a dead moth.

Thank you, honey.

Mommy and I haven't had dinner yet.

Would you like white meat or dark meat, dear?

I'll take a wing. There.

I'll be leaving, mrs. Kanisky.

Oh, okay, leslie. Here you go.

Thank you, and good night.

Thanks, mrs. K.

Okay, girls, time for bed. Run upstairs.

Say good night to aunt nell.

Girls night, aunt nell.

I'll be down as soon as I tuck them in.

[ Doorbell rings ]

I'll get that, okay?


You're not mrs. Kanisky. Where is she?

She's upstairs. She'll be right down.

But you come right on in.

I'm bickford from across the street.

This whole neighborhood is going to hell in a handbasket.

Well, I wasn't thinking of buying a house.

Oh, hi, mr. Bickford.

I see you've met nell.

Margaret, you keep your daughter julie

Away from my little grandson.

I just happened to go down to my basement,

And there they were, standing there in the buff,

Stark naked.

Well, since they're both years old,

I can understand why you're upset.

"In the buff," you say?


Do you think this is funny?


Well, I don't think your husband will think this is funny.

He's a cop.

He would have thrown the book at them.

What a nice, sweet, dirty old man.

Let's go over to his basement and take our clothes off.

[ Both laugh ]

Come on. I'll show you to your room.

You'll be sleeping in my room tonight.

This is your -- oh, margaret, no, I can't take your room.

Oh, no, really.

There's a movie I want to see on "the late show,"

And then afterwards,

I'll just crank into the guest bedroom downstairs.

Look, margaret, please -- I can't let you do this.

Really, it's more convenient for me.

When carl works all night, I do this all the time.

Are you sure?


And by the way, I am so happy that you came here.

I am, too, and thank you.

And just think -- you still got your bucks.

Oh, no, no. I have $ .

No, no. $ . The room is $ .

Get out of here.

[ Clock chiming ]


Margaret! Margaret!

Margaret! Margaret! Margaret! Margaret!


I see you two have met.

Hi, darling. I'm sorry we took so long shopping.

Actually, I missed you a lot.

Honey, honey, not in front of...

[ Laughs ]

You should have been with us, carl.

The department store was mobbed.

There were so many people at that sale

We couldn't get near the shoe counter.

Yeah, that's when margaret fainted.

So while everybody gathered around her,

I bought three pairs of shoes.

That was a lousy thing to do.

It's no big thing.

I fainted for her in lingerie.

Nell, nothing personal,

But have you got a job yet?

No, but it's awfully nice

To know that you're interested in my career.

Well, anything to help.

Look -- if it's a matter of transportation,

I could get one of the guys to run you to the state line.

That's nice of you, carl,

But there's nothing over the state line but desert.

I know.

Well, I got to get ready for work.

Well, I think I have overstayed my welcome, honey.

Oh, no, nell. No, that's just carl talking.

Mommy! Aunt nell! Yay!

Kids, listen --

It's time for you to go wash up for dinner, hmm?

[ Doorbell rings ]

Hi, carl.

Here's your electric drill I borrowed.

Hey, that carbide bit works like a charm.

I told you it would.

Oh, say, about the kids, I punished bobby,

So it's all right if he and julie play together again.

What'd they do?

Didn't margaret tell you?

They were naked in my basement.

Must have slipped my mind. See you.


Margaret, get down here!


What is it, darling?

Don't "darling" me, honey.

You do this every time, margaret.

Something happens. You don't tell me about it.

Then when you tell me, it's like nothing really happened.

By that time, I'm so steamed up I say something stupid,

You cry, and then I feel guilty.

But it's not gonna happen this time.

Carl, before we continue this discussion,

Did I tell you that julie and bobby bickford

Were naked together?

You see? You just did it.

But they're only children, carl.

You stay out of this.

We never had a nudity problem until you got here.

Oh, carl, they're years old.

It was totally innocent.


Carl, children have a natural curiosity about their bodies.

It's not the same as...

When I saw you in your shorts...

Now, that was the opposite of innocence.



The sight of you in your underwear

Stirred feelings in me that I didn't even know existed.


I mean, even now the picture of it

Just flashes across my mind.

Oh, lord, protect me from lust.

Lust? Lust.

Protect her, lord. Amen.

Uh, carl, nell and I had a woman-to-woman talk,

And I forgave her

Because I knew what the sight of you in your boxers

Had done to me all these years.

I've been meaning to pick up a few more pairs.

So, what is it that you wanted to talk to me about, carl?


Well, I'd better be getting to work.

I may be a little late tonight,

But we can sure use the overtime.

Oh, by the way, nell, for what it's worth,

My old hygiene teacher told me

That taking a cold shower sometimes helps.

[ Both laugh ]

You are evil.

[ Telephone rings ]

[ Laughs ]


Yes, she is. It's for you -- bakersfield.

[ Gasps ] bakersfield. I hope it's a job.


Yes, this is nell harper.

It's fred's lounge in bakersfield.


I'm available, yeah.

I just have to find out when the next bus leaves.

Oh, can you call me back in a few minutes?

Okay. Bye.


Sounds like you got a job.

It's not the greatest job in the world, but it's a start.

I mean, so what if I live in a rooming house

And eat in some crummy diner?

Oh, I'm so excited.

I just got to find out what time the next bus leaves.

Too soon.

Say what, babe? Oh.

You know, margaret,

I want you to come and see me in about three weeks,

When I really get my act back into shape, okay?

Well, I'll try.

I can't promise.

What you mean, you can't promise?

You're the only fan club I got, girl.

I'm dying, nell.


That's not funny, margaret.


Oh, my god.


Does anyone else know?

No. No.

And I don't want carl to know until he has to.


No, no. Come on, harper.

Now, I've lived with this for four months,

And I will be damned if I will go out crying.

All right.


Besides, I mean...

It's not like we're not ever gonna see each other again.

You're not gonna live forever, either.

And when we do meet again...

I want you to promise me one thing.


Don't wear that dress.

She's insane.

Nell, sit down.


I want you to raise my girls.

What are you talking about?

Well, I've been watching

How wonderful you are with the girls.

They love you. Wait. Wait.

You've been watching me?

Well, carl can't raise them.

He loves them and he'll try,

But his answer to everything is to yell at them.

They need you, nell.

And the minute that you walked into this house,

I knew that you were the answer to my prayers.


No! No!


The good lord did not send me here

To help raise the trapp family.

I am not julie andrews!

You -- you invite me into your house.

You're nice to me. You become my friend.

You get me to fall in love with those adorable little brats,

And then you pull this on me, margaret?

That's low.

That takes the cake.

Sweetheart, you can yell all you want to.

I know you care.

Yes, I care. I care about me.

I got a life to live.

I don't have time to be wiping noses here in glen lawn.

I got a future in bakersfield.

[ Telephone rings ]

That's probably my future there.


Yes, this is --

Nell's here!

This is nell harp-- can you speak up?

♪ Ring around the rosies

Nell is on the phone.

I can't hear you.


There is a bus leaving tomorrow for bakersfield.

But, uh...

Listen, I won't be on it.

I got some noses to wipe, okay? Bye-bye.

♪ Ring around the rosies

♪ Pocket full of posies

♪ Ashes, ashes

♪ We all fall down

Sounds like mom was a great lady. She sure was.

Whenever you were down,

You could count on margaret to make you laugh.

[ Chuckles ] yeah.

And she had the last laugh, too.

She stuck me with you all these years.

She did.

Being with you hasn't exactly been

Over the rainbow for me, either.

[ Laughs ]

Um, what about samantha going to the drive-in movie?

Absolutely not.

All right. I'll go with her, okay?

All right, if you're going, I guess...

All right, you can go.


I don't think martin's gonna be too thrilled

@ About having a chaperone along.

@ That's why I'm calling james.

We're going in separate cars.

♪ Gimme a break

♪ Gimme a break

♪ Gimme a break

♪ Gimme a break
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