03x18 - The Big Apple: Part 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Gimme a Break!" Aired: October 29, 1981 – May 12, 1987.*
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Nell Harper is the no-nonsense housekeeper and surrogate mother for police chief Carl Kanisky's children: Samantha, Julie and Katie.
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03x18 - The Big Apple: Part 2

Post by bunniefuu »

Last week on "gimme a break!"...

Last week on "gimme a break!"...

I want that trip to new york. I'm gonna solve it.

The answer is "give me liberty or give me death."

Sajak that's it. Congratulations, addy wilson!

We won the trip to new york!

If you're determined to do this, do one thing, will you?"], Index , start ,…}

Use the buddy system.

Never get separated.

Always stay together day or night

If you don't want to be found lying in the gutter

With your head bashed in.

And have a nice trip.

I don't believe it.

We only been in new york two minutes,

And already somebody swiped my bag.

I see who did it -- that crook over there.

Look, he's not gonna get away with this.

Got another one?

You all right, lady?

Sure. I'm a pisces.

Suppose you want another light.



Thank you.

Have a nice day.

A g*n?

White powder?

Nell, I don't think this is your bag.

No, addy.

That's the bag I took from the man at the airport.

Hello, nell harper speaking.



Hey, addy, you know that man that you said

Would never find out which hotel we're in?


I think he knows which hotel we're in.

♪ Gimme a break, now I know what it takes ♪

♪ I'm putting a new face on the old one ♪

♪ Ready for anything

♪ Playing with fate, not a moment too late ♪

♪ I'm showing the whole world nothing can get me down ♪

♪ O-o-o-oh

♪ Gimme a break

♪ Yeah, yeah ♪ gimme a break

♪ 'Cause I sure need one ♪ gimme a break

♪ Yeah, yeah ♪ I finally know where I belong ♪

♪ Gimme a break

♪ Yeah, yeah ♪ gimme a break

♪ 'Cause I sure need one ♪ gimme a break

♪ Yeah, yeah ♪ I finally know where I belong ♪

♪ Gimme a break!

Maybe the man that owns this won't come looking for us.

Yes, he will.

They always come looking for you.

You know, this looks exactly like that stuff

They k*ll you for on "hill street blues."

I'm gonna call the police.

The dialing instructions are on that little tray.

Oh, yeah.

Bell captain, . Car rental, .

Pleasure palace, . Barber shop, .

Give me that! Come on!

Here, take it!

It says right here, "for an outside line, dial ."

Now, information is , so that's .

It's very simple.


No, thank you. We don't want any theater tickets.

Oh! "It's very simple."

I'm going downstairs to the pay phone.

What for?

Oh, never mind. I'll do it myself.

[ Gasps ]

[ Door closes ]


Addy, it's him.

He's here. He's there.

He's gonna k*ll us.

Call the car rental. Let's get out of here.

Oh, oh, oh.

Nell, stop!

Stop it! Stop it!

Look, are you positive it looks like the same man?

Addy, when it comes to K*llers, close is good enough.

Well, don't worry.

I figured out how to use the telephone.

Yeah, what do you do? Dial for operator.

Well, get out of the way!

I know what to do.

Hello, operator. I want to make a long-distance telephone call.

This is room .

[ Telephone rings ]


Hello, chief, it's nell.

Nell, I'm glad you called.

I've been feeling guilty about telling you and addy

Such terrible stories about new york.

New york is as safe as glen lawn,

So forget what I told you.

They're trying to k*ll us.

What did I tell you?

Chief, look, this is what happened.

See, we accidentally picked up the wrong luggage

At the airport.

This luggage has some dr*gs in it.

And, uh, uh --

Pow! Pow! Pow! Pow!

Oh, it has a . g*n and some size boxer shorts.

Did you call the police?

No, I can't.

The man who owns this bag is in the hallway.

Calm down, nell. Calm down.

I'll call my friend with the new york police --

Sergeant madigan.

Now, you just -- you don't leave your room...

Don't you leave the room...

...till the police arrive or I arrive.

...till they arrive or they arrive.

I'm gonna catch the first plane to new york.

I'll be there in a few hours.

Oh, thank you, chief, but you know, this is all addy's fault.

My fault?

Look, chief, the man is big.

I mean, he is ugly, mean-looking!

Hello, chief, this is addy.

It was nell who told her name to the first man who called.

Oh, wait a minute. I was just being polite.

Why are you being polite in new york?

You were downright rude in california.

I'm on my way. Don't panic.

Listen, addy.

We wouldn't be about to die if you hadn't said,

"Give me liberty or give me death."

Well, I said it, but I didn't mean it.

And another thing.

He probably wouldn't have followed us

If you hadn't looked so phony puffing on that cigarette.

Don't you blame me. It was your dumb plan.

Don't you dare hang up on me!

I'll hang up on you if I want to.

Oh, yeah?

Well, you just take this.

I told her.

Nell, we got to pull ourselves together.

I'll turn on the tv.

I'm so scared.

I don't even know what I'm saying.

Man good news, new yorkers.

This cold front, as you can see, is moving out,

And a warming trend is moving up from the gulf right here.

Just my luck to die when there's a change in the weather.

I don't want to watch the weather.

It's too depressing.

[ g*nshots ] [ gasps ]

Man # no one muscles in on my territory.

[ g*nshots ]


What is it?

I got a headache,

And I can't line up the damn arrows on this aspirin bottle.

Where are the police?

I called the chief over three hours ago.

We've called them three times since then.

[ Knock on door ]

Did I hear voices?

Look, madigan.

I don't want the new york city police department

To mess this up.

Took me hours to track these two down.

Now, the way I figure it, they're a couple of mules.

They just deliver the stuff.

Far be it for me to tell a federal officer

How to do a drug bust,

But those two ladies

Are friends of a police chief in california.

You're kidding.

It's too bad they stole your bag.

Did they get your g*n, too?

As a matter of fact, they did.

If I saw them take the bag, so did the pusher who wants it.

He'll be coming here after them.


Okay, I'll post a couple of my men downstairs.

I'll protect the ladies.

You go downstairs and keep your eye out for the fish.

Got you.

[ Door closes ] [ gasps ]

I think whoever it was left.

Nell, did you hear anything they said?

No, they were mumbling something about...mules.

People in a new york hotel standing in a hallway,

Talking about mules?

Well, addy, they could be having a convention of mule salesmen.

You donkey.

Listen, addy, I can't hear through doors.

[ Telephone rings ]

I'll get that -- might be the police.

Hello? Oh, chief!

Oh, chief, chief, chief, chief.

It's the chief.

Nell, my plane had a mechanical.

I'm in salt lake city.

But hang in there. My plane leaves in five minutes.

Will you please hurry up, chief?



What are we gonna do?

Hey, we can get rid of the bag

So when the man who owns it comes,

We won't know nothing about it.

And if he can't find it here, he'll leave us alone.

That's it! Come on.

Let's just lay this down on the street.


The coast is clear.

Put your coat on.

Nell be cool. Just -- here.

Don't attract attention.


[ Whistles ]

Nobody's watching.

[ Whistles ]

Let's leave it here.


[ Whistles ]

I can't whistle.

We're in luck. There's a cab.

Let's grab it! Go!

Excuse me.

We saw it first.

I telephoned for it.


All right, ladies. You take my cab.

Addy. Addy. Addy.

It's felix. Sidney.

Tony... Randall.

All that and more.

Oh! Oh!

What are you doing here in new york?

I am new york.

A star -- oh, big star giving us his cab.

I would give you my cab even if I were only a little star.


Mr. Randall, hello. I'm nell harper.

You know, I won a trip to new york,

And I brought along my friend.


Mr. Randall, we couldn't take your cab.

No, no, I insist.

I'd like to clear up a misconception

About us new yorkers.

We are not rude, aggressive, pushy people.

We are kind, civilized, gracious people.

East th and st.

Hey, I don't know where you think you're going.

This cab is the ladies' or I'll bust your face.

Don't let the jacket fool you. He's from new jersey.

Ladies, your carriage awaits.

Thank you.


Ohh, goodbye, mr. Randall! Bye!


Oh, wait till they hear about this in glen lawn.

I touched you! Beaumont hotel.

Bye! Bye!

Bye-bye! Bye-bye!

Thank you.

Nice going, tony.

Now where the hell are you gonna get a cab?

[ Whistles ]

Oh, thank heavens.

Now nobody can connect us with that bag.

Oh, addy, I haven't felt so relaxed

Since we been in new york city.

I know what you mean. [ Sighs ]

Ah, this feels so good.

[ Chuckles ]

[ Doorbell buzzes ] both [ gasps ]

It's him.

Who cares? Let him search the room.

We don't have his bag.


Mr. Tony randall said you left this on the sidewalk

This morning.


Ahh, addy.

These magic fingers really help.

Oh, I have been so nervous and tense.

Ooh, it makes me feel good.

You know, we put up a statue to thomas edison

For his electric light,

But what do they do for the man who invented magic fingers?

Why don't we put up a finger to him?

A finger?


The lights went out.

The lights went on again.

[ Doorbell buzzes ]

Somebody's at the door.

[ Doorbell buzzes ]

One of us should take a look.

Well, you go.

I'm not the curious type.


You make me sick.

I'll look. I'll peep through the peephole.

There's nobody there.

[ Doorbell buzzes ]

Take another peep.


I'm peeping. I'm peeping.

I told you ain't nobody out there.

They must have left. I'll look.

Nell do that.

You're right. There's nobody here.


You want more towels?

Thank you.

Excuse me.

The lights just went on and off. What's wrong?

The generator.

Happens like that all the time in these cheap hotels.


Do you think we can trust her?

[ Telephone rings ]

Don't answer it.

I'll get that. It might be the police.

Well, whoever it is, don't give him your name this time.


Hello, this is addy wilson speaking.


Look, nell, we're grounded in milwaukee for bad weather.

It's freezing.

The police haven't arrived yet?

Well, sit tight and don't leave the room.

My plane for new york is leaving in five minutes.

[ Sobbing ]

The chief's in milwaukee now.

That's a hell of a time to stop for a beer.

[ Door slams ]

[ Both gasp ]

I heard a door slam.

[ Telephone rings ] I heard a phone ring.

I'll answer it.

Hello. Nell harper here.

Oh, hi, chief.

I'm in albany. My plane leaves in five minutes.

Okay, chief, I'll tell her.


The chief's in albany.

Well, at least he's closing in on it.

[ Doorbell buzzes ] aah!

Don't answer the door.

We got to. It might be the police.

Oh, you going with me. No.

Oh, yes.

Oh, it's him!

[ Knock on door ]

He's after us.

The g*n.

The what?

The g*n!

I ain't sh**ting no g*n in nobody.

We'll fire it out the window.

That way it'll attract the police.

In fact, there's some police down there right now.

I can't pick up no g*n!

[ Knock on door ]

I'll pick up the g*n.

No, no, the chief said never pick up a g*n.

It's dangerous.

[ Gasps ]

I'll pick up the g*n.

Ohh! Ohh!

Wait a minute!

Wait. I was wrong.

You can't fire a g*n out the window.

You're liable to hurt somebody.

Fire it into the pillow.

They'll hear the g*nshots in the street.

Oh. Okay.

[ g*nshots ]

You did it! I can't believe...

I ain't shot nothing.

That's them sh**ting each other down the street.



I think we're dealing with a professional here.

Bathroom. Run!

The bathroom.

Run, run, run, run!


Addy, here's the number for security right here.

We should have thought of that before.

They're right here in the hotel. They'll be here in two seconds.

Hello, security.

This is room --

They put me on hold.

They're playing music.

We're gonna die, nell.

[ Mumbles ]

♪ Young and handsome

♪ The boy from ipanema goes walking and... ♪

Oh, it's a nice arrangement.

[ Thudding ] ♪ ahh...

What was that?

Good thing this hotel has chains for extra protection.

This hotel has a lot to learn about extra protection.

Addy, nobody pays any attention to a victim's nails.

I always do my nails when I'm nervous.

Close it, okay? Close it.

Nell. Hmm?

Supposing he has to go to the bathroom.

If he doesn't, I do.

[ Thud ]

In the shower!


This is a perfect hiding place.

It worked like a charm in "psycho."

Here, okay.

Hey, you two in there?

Remember, the buddy system.

Both yaaaaah!

Hold it!

Don't k*ll us!

We have connections.

Yeah, we know mayor koch.

And we're tony randall's best friends.

In fact, he's the one that brought the bag up here.

Yeah, don't k*ll us. k*ll tony randall.

k*ll tony randall. We won't tell the police.

I am the police!

You mean you scared us half to death,

And you didn't tell us you were a cop?

I'm an undercover cop.

I was gonna make a bust at the airport

When you two ladies messed things up by taking my bag.

And you couldn't say one word to us?

I figured the guys I was after would show up here after you,

And I would nab them.

Oh. So you were using us as bait.

It worked.

Well, the cops got them downstairs.

Didn't you two hear the g*nshots?

Oh, I get it. Of course I was worried about you two.

That's why I broke in the room.

[ Chuckles ]

This is hilarious.

You mean, you set us up and didn't tell us?

I could die laughing.

[ Laughs ]

You know what the funniest thing is? What?

When I saw you two at the airport,

I thought you were a couple of mules.

Ah, mules.

Ugh! Ow!

What did you kick me for?

What did you expect from a couple of mules, a kiss?

Come on, honey. Let's go find us some hot pastrami.

Get my clothes.

I don't know about you, but I'm glad we're leaving.

Me, too, child. I've had enough excitement.

You better hurry, ladies.

Your flight for los angeles is boarding at gate .

Thank you. Let's go.

Let's get out of here.


♪ Gimme a break

♪ Gimme a break

♪ Gimme a break
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