07x247 - Tartaros Chapter – Alegria

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Fairy Tale". Aired: September 30, 2011 - September 29, 2019.*
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Lucy runs away from home to become a magician in the magical land of Fairy Tail; on her way there she meets all sorts of curious companions like a dragon and a flying blue cat.
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07x247 - Tartaros Chapter – Alegria

Post by bunniefuu »

Some hand-to-hand combat, huh?

Sounds like fun to me!

Obey my order.

That won't work.


Release my limiter!

She's controlling herself!

[SEILAH growls]

[MIRAJANE gasps]

--[SEILAH roars]

--[MIRAJANE groans]

[MIRAJANE gasping]


[SEILAH roars]

Careful. Please Mira.

[LUMMY grunting]

[gasps] Oh no.

[LUMMY laughs]

[LISANNA gasps]

What'd I tell ya?

Your sister never had a chance

when she decided to go up

against a legit demon.

Yeah, well, you just haven't

seen what Mira can do yet.

[LUMMY laughs]

Oh, give me a freaking break!

You should've just died

before things got ugly.

And it is gonna get real ugly.

You won't believe the things

Tartaros is capable of.

It's almost game over.

For Fairy Tail, and every other

grody human out there.

[MIRAJANE panting]

Well that hurt. Aw man.

Why'd she hit me, too?

[LISANNA] Has she

lost control of herself?


She's way too powerful!

I don't think I can beat her

in regular fight like this!

I need to take her over!

It has to work!

I just gotta keep trying!


What a fool!

You will never take

control of me!

[SEILAH] I give myself

this simple command!

I must tear my enemy

limb from limb!

[MIRAJANE groaning]


No, Mira!

[SEILAH yells]

[MIRAJANE screaming]

Stop it!

[LISANNA yelps]


You gotta watch this next part!

This is where your sister

gets completely wrecked!

I forgot to ask, are there

any hot guys in your guild?

[SEILAH laughs]


Lisanna. Elfman. I'm sorry.

[CROWD yelling]


Get out!


You can't stay here!


Filthy demon!


You don't belong here!

[WOMAN C] You and your

family better leave!

[MAN C] Get outta the village

and take that curse with you!

Oh, no, Mira. Are you okay?


I'm sorry. It's all my fault.

No, none of this is your fault!

I brought this on the moment

I decided to step inside that

church. This awful curse.



Get outta here, ya demon!


We're askin' now!


But we'll make you leave!


She's possessed by a demon,

it's just a matter of time

before she kills us all!


No, Lisanna! Don't!

[LISANNA whimpers]

My big sister was

the only one here

brave enough to fight

the demon at the church!

She put her own life at

risk to save all of yours!

How can you treat her like

this? The only reason she got

possessed in the first place is

'cause she was tryin' to help!

You should be thanking her!

None of this is her fault!

[LISANNA cries]

It's okay. Don't cry.

[ELFMAN cries]

There's no reason

to cry Elfman.

[MIRAJANE] We're just gonna have

to find a new place to live.

[ELFMAN] It looks

so small from up here.

[LISANNA] We'll find

somewhere better to live.

Let's go.

[MIRAJANE cries]

[LISANNA laughs]

[MAKAROV] Looks nice,

doesn't it? You should go in.

My name's Makarov.

And I'm the master of

the Fairy Tail guild.


What's that?

This place. Says

so on the sign.


What a strange name.

[bell tolls]

Looks like a

"Take Over" spell.

You're not really

possessed by a demon.

[MIRAJANE gasps]

I can imagine that

you must have been

frightened to death of that.

But it means that you possess

the power of a demon.

So it's kind of a good thing?


I still don't want it.

[GUILD MEMBERS chatting]

I've heard about you.

You're Mirajane, right?

My friends say you've

got some cool powers.

Well, what do you think

of our guild so far?

What's wrong?

Don't mind her. She's

just the grumpy type.

Never talks or smiles.

She's like a little dark cloud.

Her brother and sister fit right

in with everyone else, though.

Magic, demons, I don't want

anything to do with this.

It's disgusting...


Get out!


Filthy demon!

[WOMAN C] You and your

family better leave!

[MIRAJANE] I'm not even human.

Not anymore.


Everyone's so nice there.

They'll take good care

of Elf and Lisanna.

But I can't stay, I'm sorry.

I'll miss them. I know,

but still. It's for the best.


Hey, Mira!


Where are you going?




Check this out!

You're not gonna

believe this. But look!



I can turn into a cat! See?

I really do have "bear"

hands. Or one at least!


They taught us these spells.

We both wanted to

be more like you.

I can only really make

it work on one arm so far.

Cool, huh?

I know you were feeling

lonely before.

But now the three

of us are just alike.

You're so sweet.

We all have the same magic now!

And it's super awesome!

--Ready, bro?

--Oh, yeah!


Uh... I think I messed it up!

I still need a lot

more practice.

Ah! Me, too!

I guess we all have

some work to do

before we try to go on any jobs.

Thank you, Sis.

You protected us with your power

when we needed you the most.

Now we can always

do the same for you.




I was scared at first.

I didn't want this power.

[MIRAJANE grunts]

[MIRAJANE] But I will

do whatever it takes

to protect my family!

And if that means I have to

be a monster or a demon,

then so be it!

Try as you might, you will

never take control over me!

[MIRAJANE grunting]

Mira! You need to get

out of here right now!

Run away!

[MIRAJANE yells]


If I could just take one part!

What is this? Let go!


That weakness I just felt...

[SEILAH] Was her take over

spell working on me?

Impossible, I'm an Etherious!

[SEILAH] I'm done playing

around with her.

It's too dangerous

to let her live!

[SEILAH growls]

Mira, no!

[MIRAJANE] I still believe in

my power, no matter the odds.

I know I can protect

the ones I love.


Ah! Demon Eye. Release!


This is the good part!

Now die!


This Macro curse....

Once you've controlled

someone with it,

you can do it anytime you want.

That's what you told me.

[SEILAH] Is this why I felt

that weakness before?

Was she able to take control

of just my curse power?

I gave an order.

Let's see if it works.


It's pointless, you fool!

I'm the only one who

can give myself orders!

[MIRAJANE] I never said

that I gave it to you...



Come here. I need your help.

--[ELFMAN growls]

--[SEILAH screams]

[SEILAH groaning]

He's really here!

[SEILAH gasping]



A real man protects his family!

[KYOKA] Lord Mard Geer,

I come bearing bad news.

It seems we underestimated

our enemy.

The Face plan has failed,

and Ezel and Franmalth

have been wiped out.

Add Seilah and Hell's Core

to that list.


We must summon our master, now.

I'm afraid that we cannot.

[KYOKA gasps]

[MARD GEER] There is a

considerable obstruction

to that goal currently

existing in this world.

I'm talking about magic power.

In order to revive him,

it must be eradicated.

That's what we were

trying to achieve

with our plan to detonate

Face, but it failed.

How I pity you, Kyoka.




You've never been able

to see the big

picture, have you?

Face was just a speck.

Was what?

[MARD GEER] A miniscule point

in a much larger tapestry.

The range of which a strategist

such as I can see clearly.

In the grand scheme of things,

Face's failure is another

small point among many.

It's nothing worth our worry.

I'm confident in time,

the world's magic power

shall cease to exist.

But how can you be so sure?

Kyoka, tell me what we are.

We are Zeref's demons.


What is our goal?

[KYOKA] Our primary goals

are to revive master E.N.D.

and return to Zeref.


And what are humans?


Vile and disgusting creatures.

[KYOKA screams, gasping]

Lord Mard Geer! Why are you...?


[MARD GEER] You brought

humans to our fortress,

and made them your playthings.


I tortured them...

To extract information

about Face. [groans]

This fondness you

have for humans.

It will be your undoing.


No, that's not true.


This behavior displeases me.

I simply cannot abide

my subordinate

playing with such

lowly creatures.

And thus, you must be

punished for your crime.

Which is not playing

with humans.

But displeasing me, the

Lord of the Underworld.

I understand my lord.

Thank you for the lesson.

Those detestable humans.

[KYOKA screams]

Their ineffective actions do not

concern me in the slightest.

But the thought of them

in my home disgusts me.

Perhaps this calls for Alegria.


Hold on a sec.

I think Gray is getting into it

with one of the

enemies back there.

I'm pretty sure that I can smell

Mirajane somewhere nearby.

[LUCY gasps]


Hey guys! Can you hear me?


You startled me!

[MINERVA (NEO) yells]

[ERZA] I hear you!

Has something happened?

We've found Mira!

She's safe and sound!

I'm sorry to worry

you. I'm fine now.

[LUCY, NATSU laugh]

[WARREN] Elfman and

Lisanna are with us, too!

That's a relief!

Oh, Warren, hey!

Can you make it so everybody can

hear me through your telepathy?

Yeah, sure. Just

hang on a second.



Wendy and Carla pulled it off!

I don't know how they did

it, but they stopped Face!

[ALL cheering]


That's great news!

[LUCY] There's something else

we need to tell you about.

Can Master hear me?

I have a message.

Sure Happy. I'll put

you right through.

[HAPPY] We talked to

the soul of Master Hades!


His soul? That's weird.

What did he tell you?

He said that even though

we stopped Face,

it's not over. He gave

us a message for master.

I don't understand what

it all means, but he told us

that Master has to

"unleash the light".

To do what?

[gasps] He's talking about

The Lumen Histoire!

He can't be serious!

Ah! Please don't

shout like that!

Well, he seemed pretty

dang serious to me.

[WARREN groaning]


What's the matter?



[WARREN groaning]


Hey! What's wrong, man?

[ELFMAN] Yeah, what's

happenin' to you?

Come back!

I'm losing the signal!


Please pardon the interruption.

I wish to speak with the

Wizard Guild, Fairy Tail.

[JET] Somebody's hijacking

into Warren's telepathy!

Who the hell are you?!


The Underworld King, Mard Geer.

But knowing who I

am won't save you.

For none of you shall

live to see tomorrow.



Whoa! What's going on?

[WIZARD B] Crap! This thing

is turning upside down!


We're all gonna fall!


Try to hold on to something!


Grab Laxus and the wounded!

What in the hell is this?!

No! It's got me!

It's not... letting go!

[KEYES] The Underworld King's

will is made flesh.

The walls.


I don't feel so good.

[BOTH grunting]

[LUCY] Help, Natsu!

I'm being pulled in!


Grab my hand!


I'm trying!

[BOTH grunting]


Come on!

[BOTH scream]

[GRAY screams]

[ERZA grunts]

What is all of this?


Perfect! Now I've got you!

No! Never!


Hold on to me!


I am!


This stuff is pullin' me down!


Someone, help me!

Lord Mard Geer...

The... Alegria.

It will k*ll our own soldiers!

Consume everything.

[SOLDIERS groaning]



[SOLDIERS groaning]

[ALL groaning]


Stop this! She's mine!

Damn you, Tartaros!

You promised me

that I could k*ll her!



We are bearing witness

to the endless cycle

of death and rebirth.

Those foolish humans were doomed

once they set foot in here.

This cube is a prison, from

which escape is impossible.

They're forever sealed

inside the Plutogrim!

[KEYES chuckles]

[SILVER] Alegria, the word may

mean happiness to some people,

but to me it's something

different entirely.

It just means that our

paths will never cross.

Magic power?



The Alegria swallowed

up many lives just now.

But one seems to've

avoided its grasp.

[LUCY grunts]



What is all this?

It looks like some

kind of tissue.

The chance of surviving

that curse is less than one

in a billion. What fortune.


One solitary human soul left

to suffer in the underworld.


So I'm the only one left

after the Underworld

King's curse.

But I'm not gonna

give up on my friends!

No matter how many of these

demons I've gotta fight off!

My celestial spirits and I

will do whatever it takes

to get everyone back

and to save the world from

losing its magic power.

My back is to the wall,

and I might have to

make some hard choices,

but nothing is

gonna stop me!

Next Time: "Tartaros Chapter

A Strike from the Stars"

The celestial light will

shine though the darkness!
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