07x249 - Tartaros Chapter – Celestial Spirit King vs. Underworld King

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Fairy Tale". Aired: September 30, 2011 - September 29, 2019.*
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Lucy runs away from home to become a magician in the magical land of Fairy Tail; on her way there she meets all sorts of curious companions like a dragon and a flying blue cat.
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07x249 - Tartaros Chapter – Celestial Spirit King vs. Underworld King

Post by bunniefuu »


Open! Gate of the King!

[KING growls]

[CROWD murmurs]

A fallen star or king?


You know who I am.


What the hell is goin' on here?

Hey, stop yer cryin'

and start talkin'!

No! No! No!

What could've taken

down Plutogrim?

Seems like the old flying beast

has finally been put to sleep.

Those vile fairies. What now?

It has been quite a while,

King of the Stars.


Not long enough, Mard Geer.

[MARD GEER] I must say, I'm

very surprised to see you again.

Perhaps most surprised

at my miscalculation.

I didn't think anyone

here could summon you.


I see you're still

lugging that battered

tome around with you.

Have you not yet fulfilled

your ambition?


This holds the spirit of E.N.D.

The embodiment of Tartaros.



And you still seek to bring

life from those dead pages?

[MARD GEER] You know very

well what my goal is.

To revive E.N.D.

and return to Zeref.

Until it has been achieved,

I will not waver.

[KING] Mard Geer. You've always

been such a twisted fool.

Feet firmly planted in

the mire of avarice.

So blinded by your ambition

that you would plunge the

entire world into chaos.

Yes, I would. But I'm not blind.

I clearly see our journey's end.

We have come far in

our return to Zeref.

In fact, it's looming

on the horizon.

[LUCY cries]


My old friend is on the ground.

Sobbing and twisted in pain.

Did she try to impede

your journey?

Yes, she did.

[LUCY cries]

[KING] The tears she sheds.

They anger me.

Are you the one who

caused them to flow?

[MARD GEER] I think the time

for discussion has long passed,

wouldn't you agree?


Yes. Wholeheartedly.

In order to fulfill my

obligation to my old friend,

I will eliminate all

who would do her harm.

Will you?

[KING] You will pay dearly

for your transgressions!

[KING roars]

[KING] Is your only strategy

to flee, Underworld King?

[MARD GEER] You're exactly

the same as you've always been.

With the same glaring weakness.

It's quite a relief.

It means that I can remain

assured in my victory.

[KING] And you still

are nothing but talk.

Lulled into complacency and

false pride by your own words.

Curse of Thorns.

[KING grunting]

May these never ending briars

ensnare your ponderous bulk.

And bring about your ruin!


Earlier, you chided me.

Indicted me for

my willingness

to throw the world into

chaos to achieve my goals.

Did you not?

It seems to me that your

memory is growing feeble.

Let me remind you

of recent events.

Not long ago you and your

"eclipse" spirits threatened

not only your own world,

but this one as well.

And now you barge

in here threatening

to harm me and my

demonic brethren.

How you reek of the putrid

stench of hypocrisy.


You are mistaken.

I admit, we did

stray from our path.

We let misguided ambition

rule and paid dearly for it.

But our friends risked

everything they had

and set us back on course.

It is for that reason

I'm here today.

I owe it to them to render aid

when they need it most.

That is the true meaning

of friendship.

These brambles may set

me back momentarily,

but the pain they

inflict is nothing

compared to the suffering my

friends endured to help me.

You will not hold me back!

Is that so?


I shall vow again and again!

To pay tribute to

the life of my friend,

and the sacred bond we share.

I will eliminate you!

You missed.


Meteor Blade!

I'm impressed. However,

"Celestial Spirit King,"

as I said before, you

have a glaring weakness.

Even your title betrays it.


What do you mean?

You're bound by

celestial law.

The rules that govern your

interaction in this world.

So although you may

tower over me now,

my ultimate victory

is set in stone.

Aw, damnit!

My tail's caught under

this friggin' boulder!

[JACKAL grunting]

So what happened? Why did

our fortress crash and burn?


[LUCY cries]


You did this? Didn't you?

[JACKAL] Stop with all

the pitiful blubbering

and answer me! Whenever

I see someone crying

like that, it makes me

wanna gouge out their eyes!

[LUCY cries]

I said enough!




A force-field of water?

Aquarius?! Are you here?!

Please, talk to me!


The hell?

Hey, why are you glowing

like some kinda star?!

You tryin' to pull another

one of your freaky stunts?

I can feel it. Magic power.

[KING] Aquarius holds a

great deal of magic power

in her hands. And that is

now shared with you.


Celestial Spirit King?


Use it. Stand up!

[LUCY] This was her last

gift to me. Her power.

[KING] Rise and make use

of what you've been given!


I will!


My old friend.

May the radiance of

the stars be your guide.


Thank you, your majesty!

[JACKAL growls]

You stupid girl!

[LUCY] You too, Aquarius.

For everything you've done.

You forget my curse?

Lemme remind you!

[JACKAL] Burn baby burn!

Explode into a million pieces!

[panting] That did it!

There won't even be

a body left to bury!

No way! That's impossible!


You're right, Aquarius.

[JACKAL] Hey you!

How dare you ignore me!

You'll be sorry! I'll

make you burn for real!


I can't keep on crying forever.

This'll get your attention!

expl*si*n Spiral!


I have to save my tears.

[JACKAL grunts]

What the...? I don't get it!

[LUCY] Because right now,

I need to help my friends.


I need to fight!



[LUCY] Oh stars far and wide

that embody the heavens.

I implore you, Tetrabiblos.

By thy radiance,

reveal thy form to me.

Eternal ruler of the stars...

What is she babbling about?

[LUCY] Now that the

aspect is complete,

I ask that you to lend

your power to me.

Let your unrestrained rage flow.

Open the raging,

tumultuous gate!


I dunno what she's saying,

but I know that it's not

gonna be good!

With all heavenly bodies.

Shining Uranometria!


No! Don't do it!

--[JACKAL screams]

--[LUCY yells]

Jackal's curse power is no more.


That little cockroach.

What is this magic?

[KEYES] Conjury of the celestial

world. The maiden survived.

[KING yells]

You're not as spry as before.

Could it be that

something is ailing you?

[KING] It seems my old friend

has exhausted her strength.

[MARD GEER] A spirit,

however large and imposing

they may appear is inexorably

bound to its summoner.

So if that wizard's magic

power is depleted, well,

the spirit also loses its

potency. It really is a shame.

But regardless.

This is where you end.

[KING] I swore an oath

to eliminate you.


Come to me.

May the starlight fantasy of

the illuminated bodies

imbue this spirit with

celestial might.


Galaxia Blade!

It's an omni-directional attack?

Your summoner is nearby, will

you "eliminate" her, as well?




You wouldn't dare!

What could this

strange light be?




I will strike you down!

Yes! The fight I hunger

for! What I need!

[ERZA grunts]

The passion is electric!

It makes me feel alive!

[GRAY grunting]

What the hell just happened?

Hey, Pantherlily!

Where'd you go?

[JUVIA] Gray, my love!

Where are you?

Call my name and

I'll come running!

Well that sucked.

Is it over now?

Shadow Gear! Levy?

Are ya here?

[DROY] We're here. It's a

miracle that we're not dead.

Yeah, right. But I'm

getting crushed over here.


Hang on! I'm comin'!

You're not playin hero, tubby.

That's cuz' I obviously am one.

Clean out your ears.

She clearly called for me!

Bullcrap, we both heard her

say "please save me, Droy!"


Are you okay?

Yeah, thanks!


They beat us to it!

[ELFMAN] So, uh? Can anybody

tell me what all that was?


I'm not really sure,

but I think we're back

on the ground now.

[LISANNA] Yeah, you're

right. So did we fall?


Natsu! Where are you?


My head feels kinda weird.

Like it's heavier or something.





Are you okay?

Man, am I glad to see you!

I smoke too much to be running.

Does this mean we're all

up and moving around again?

[ELFMAN] I just know, that I

think we're alive.


What's the matter with Mirajane?


She's just exhausted.

She needs a little

time to recover.

All right! We gotta go

check on everybody else.

Now we're gonna find some

injured. They'll need our help.


Let's go get our guild mates!

It's crazy out here.

But we'll find them.

I wonder about

Natsu and Lucy.


I'm sure they're fine, but...

[MARD GEER whimpering]

You've broken the Alegria curse.


The cleansing light of the stars

has chased away the sinister

shadow you've cast.

My old friend and her comrades

will finish the job here.

They will send you back

where you belong.


Curse you.

[KING] Once again, your lack

of understanding is glaring.

You saw my bond as a chain

tying me to a weight.

But this is not so. This bond

connects our hearts and minds.

It means we share in our goals.

It means we will finish what

the other has begun,

without question.


It is far from a "weakness".

In fact, this bond is our

greatest strength.

Now your weakness is exposed.

Your ignorance of love,

trust, and friendship.

The concepts would

never enter your mind.

So you neglect them,

at your own peril.

But before I leave this place

for the celestial world.

And my old friend continues

the task we share.

There is one more thing I must

do to help my comrades.

My dear friend. I look forward

to our next meeting.

I know it will be under more

joyful circumstances.


You're running away?!

No. What is this?

Does that starry-eyed old

fool think he can stop me?

I know that victory shall

be mine in the end.

If the humans and the

king truly share hearts.

I'll just have to make

them cease their beating.

They will share death.


How is this possible?

That pitiful little girl took

out both Lummy and Jackal?

[TORAFUZAR] Her magic must be

more powerful than we thought.

I can't stop. They need

me. I gotta help them.


He should've just k*lled her

when he had the chance!

But I'll do it now.


This can't be.

I thought that the girl was

the only remaining survivor!




It would appear

Mard Geer's Alegria curse

has been lifted.

But still. The fairies will

fall! It is their fate!

Water Nebula!


[JUVIA] I won't let

you harm my friends!

You should cool down.

[JUVIA gasps]

Not happenin'!



[KEYES] Mm. The boy

cancelled out Silver's ice.

Nice one.




[TEMPESTER] What is this?

He's eating my fire attack?

[NATSU] Wow, Lucy, I don't

know how you did it.

But you saved the day.

You are one tough little lady.

We'll work together and

finish what you started.

You deserve to take a break.


Thank you.


All right!

Looks like we've got

our work cut out for us.

These guys are serious!

I'm fired up now!

[LUCY] Fairy Tail is

finally back in action

and ready to spring

into battle against

the demon gates of Tartaros!

Meanwhile, Wendy and Carla

learn the disturbing truth

about the plan to use Face,

and it's not over yet.

Tension is building everywhere.

And as our members

pick up the pieces,

Erza and Minerva's rivalry

has exploded into a

life or death face off!

Next Time: "Tartaros Chapter

- Erza vs.Minerva"

[LUCY] Where does true

strength come from?
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