07x250 - Tartaros Chapter – Erza vs. Minerva

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Fairy Tale". Aired: September 30, 2011 - September 29, 2019.*
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Lucy runs away from home to become a magician in the magical land of Fairy Tail; on her way there she meets all sorts of curious companions like a dragon and a flying blue cat.
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07x250 - Tartaros Chapter – Erza vs. Minerva

Post by bunniefuu »


We've dealt with Face.

And your little city just

crashed and burned.

Looks like it's about time

for you boys to surrender.

I know you.

Nah. You couldn't

possibly be him.

Ah! Who, that guy?

He's the jerk who froze

the giants' village!

Oh, yeah, and on top

of that he froze me!



Can it!

[GAJEEL] I gotta say though.

The guy smells like you.

He has the same parfum

as my darling Gray?

[GRAY gasps]

Gray, no!

I like this one. I think

I'll take him with me!

What? Where?


Where'd they go?


No tellin'.

The nerve of that man.

I've liked Gray for

much longer than he has.


How fascinating.


You've turned your backs.

Quite arrogant, considering

the calamity before you.



[JUVIA gasping]

[LUCY screams]



[GAJEEL] Good luck blowin'

me away. Iron Dragon Club!

[GAJEEL grunts]

[NATSU grunts]

Water Slicer!

How're we supposed

to hurt that?!

[GAJEEL yells]

[KEYES] A water wielder.

Even more fascinating.

Keep your guards up, all right?

Shake and Rumble.

[NATSU groaning]

So strong.


I'm fired up now!

Let's do this!



[JUVIA] Let's make them tell us

where that old man took my Gray!

Come on!



This is far from over.

Uh... Well isn't

this pathetic.

I've managed to separate

myself from my comrades.

And right when they need

me the most. Disgraceful.

Uh?! Is that the sound

of distant thunder I hear?

What shall I do if it is?

I lost all the kiwis I

saved for emergencies.

I'm doomed!

[PANTHERLILY] A crate of

kiwis ripe for the taking!

Wait. These aren't kiwis at all!

They're cannonballs!

How could I have mistaken

these useless lumps of metal

for sweet, nourishing kiwis?

Oh for shame.


Stay strong.

You must not let desperation

make a fool of you again.


None of these are kiwis.

[HAPPY groans]


Uh?! Huh...

Hey Happy! It's good to see you.

I'm glad you're all right.

Unfortunately, I've been

separated from Gajeel And I...

--[HAPPY whimpers]



[HAPPY] My head got

knocked up by a fungus.

Just like that old Midi

woman said it would.

Knew I should'a paid her.

Can you... feel it move?

Oh, no, what if Carla doesn't

think I'm handsome anymore?

No, uh listen...

As skull based fungi go, that

one looks almost 'dapper'.

Ya mean it?


Yeah... Sure.

Why not?


"Look what I found, Grandma,

an Exceed with a

mushroom in his head."

"Good eye, child, that'll

make a delicious side dish.

Let's cut it off and

throw it in the skillet

for dinner tonight."

So, it's stuck there, is it?



[PANTHERLILY] I apologize in

advance if you lose your ears!

[HAPPY] Woah woah woah! Can't

we try something else first?!


We can.

[HAPPY] Aren't we gonna

count off or something?

C'mon you gotta

give me a warning!

If you keep this up you're gonna

pop off my entire frickin' head!

I. Don't. Want. To. Die!

Shroom one. Us zero.

Maybe I can make it trendy.


Best not to lie to yourself.

[HAPPY sighs] At least

Carla hasn't seen it yet.

What'll she say?

Ha, ha, ha!

[FRANMALTH] It may have

looked like I was dead,

and I did become quite weak

after Hell's Core went kaboom,

but I used my curse to force

this feline to absorb me!

Now, safe behind the fuzzy

ears of my foe, I'll wait.

These kitties will lead

me to their friends,

and then I'll strike!


Hey, Cana! Check this out!

Whoa. Last I remember,

we were in that cube.

Now it's been destroyed?

Doesn't look like it

made much distance.

Yeah, we're still close to

Magnolia. Just south. I think.

Has anybody seen the master?

[DROY] I heard that he was

heading for the guild hall.


I wonder why.

I'm sure it's just a smoking

pile of rubble now.


What a morbid sight this is.

Even Kardia Cathedral.

The pride of this town.


The second master's final words.

"It's not over yet."

"Makarov must

unleash the light."

[WENDY gasps]

Where am I?!


Carla, hey. Wait.

Didn't we...?


How are we still alive?

What about Face?!

We did stop it, didn't we?


Yes. You certainly did.


Uh!? Doranbolt. You're here?

You two were heroic, truly.

Doranbolt showed up the instant

before Face detonated.

He's the reason we're alive.

I'm just glad I was able

to made make it in time.

Wait, so...

Carla? Would you be

my friend again?

Of course I would.

I can't believe it.

Neither can I.

Our adventure isn't

over after all.


No. It's just begun.


[WENDY] We owe you our

lives. We won't forget.

Yeah. Listen.

If anyone deserves a break

it's you two, but...


This fight. It's not over yet.

[BOTH gasp]

[HAPPY] There's gotta be some

way to get this off'a me, right?


I wouldn't mess with it.

Thing might spread its spores.

Your entire body could end

up covered in mushrooms.

That's a nice image.

[FRANMALTH] I'm confident

in my king, of course,

but I'm confused

by what he said.

Our plans remain unchanged. The

Face's activation is imminent.


I thought we were wrong

about where Face would appear.

But what if we weren't?

What if the Face we charted

just hadn't appeared yet?

[WENDY whimpers]



[FRANMALTH] They stopped one

Face. But only one of 'em!

How many are there?

There's no official count

on the number, but...

thousands, at least.


There it is.

[MARD GEER] The engine

of humanity's demise.

Appeared at last,

in all its glory.

We fought so hard.

Nearly gave our lives to destroy

just one of these things.

But thousands remain.

We've lost. It's ov--

Don't say it, Carla.


I'm tired of despair.

[WENDY] I'm done with it.

It doesn't help anything.

Wendy. Your hair.

I'm through shedding tears. I've

cried enough for one lifetime.

Our comrades are determined.

They're fighting.

I'll fight with them.

[BOTH growling]

What has happened

to you, Minerva?

I am now called Neo-Minerva.

For as you can see,

I have been reborn.

As the ultimate wizard!



[ERZA screams]

Was that as good for you as

it was for me? Sweet Erza--

--[ERZA yells]

--[MINERVA (NEO) screams]

[ERZA growls]

[MINERVA (NEO) yells]

[MINERVA (NEO)] I gave

everything for strength.

Including my feeble humanity!

Then explain to me...

Just what it is

you're fighting for!



You're a disgrace.

[MINERVA (NEO) gasps]

[MINERVA crying]


You're of my blood.

So tell me why it is

that you're so weak!

[MINERVA (NEO) gasping]


I'm sorry, I don't know.

Please forgive me,

Father! I'm so sorry!

[JIEMMA] If you cared

to learn this lesson,

you'd know better than to beg.

[MINERVA yelps] I wasn't

thinking! Please don't be angry.

Do you continue pleading to defy

me or are you simply stupid?

You whimper like a victim...

Sabertooth has no

use for victims.

Sabertooth has no

place for the weak.

[MINERVA (NEO) yells]


[JIEMMA] Our guild demands

but one thing. Strength.

We cull the weak. And I

do not allow exceptions.

Prove your strength to earn your

place or get out of my sight.

I am not weak!

[JIEMMA] You reveal your

weakness in every way.

Stop waiting to get

hit, and attack!

Do not relent. Do not defend.

Victims need defending.

Tigers need the hunt.

[MINERVA groaning]


Stop acting hurt.



Get on your feet right now

before I break your legs myself.


Fingers! Continue!



[FINGERS] You'll have

to do more than jump!

[MINERVA gasps]

Absolute domain magic...

She used Territory...

[FINGERS yells]

[FINGERS gasps]




Are you okay?

[JIEMMA] Not for long

he isn't. Finish him!



Only the weak can be defeated.

And the weak are

like insects to us.

Lowly creatures not worthy

of your time or sympathy.

He's worth the heel of

your boot and no more.

But why? Fingers is a

friend ours, isnt he?

[JIEMMA] "Friend" is a word

made for and by the weak.

My daughter has no need for

such words. Try these instead.

We aim to stun the heavens,

to rouse the land beneath us

and silence the raging seas.

For you see that is

the Sabertooth way.


But do we have to be so--

[JIEMMA] If you can't relieve

him of his shame, I will.

Be gone.



Wha... What'd he

do wrong? [cries]

Stop crying.


Cease your crying this instant!

There is nothing weaker

you can do than shed tears!

How many times must

I tell you this?

Please forgive me.

I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.

[MINERVA (NEO)] I can't be weak.

I have to be stronger than you!


That will never happen!

The years I've spent teaching

you have been wasted.

But a place may do

what I could not.

These woods are filled

with vicious beasts.

Either they will strip

you of your tears,

your heart, and your weakness.

Or they will strip

you of your life.

Once your tears have dried

for good, you may return.


I'm sorry Father.

Forgive me, I'll

do better. I will.

[JIEMMA] You're no daughter of

mine. You're weak!

I cull the weak! I should crush

you like the insect you are!




We aim to stun the heavens.

To rouse the land beneath us.

And to silence the raging seas.

For you see.

For you see. That is

the Sabertooth way.

Get it together!

[ERZA] Back at the

Grand Magic Games,

you crossed a lot of lines.

I can't forgive you for

hurting my friends,

but I can understand.

You wanted to do what's

best for your guild.

Minerva. My fists weep for you.

They protest every blow.

They're asking for a reason

as to why we have to fight.


There isn't one.

And I'm out of fight.

I have a request.

Please free me from my shame

and show me to my death.


I've always been weak.

And weakness is

easily corrupted.

Just look at what

I've done to myself.

I beg you...


Horns or no, you're human.

Someone is out there waiting

for you to come home.

I m sure of it.

[MARD GEER] This is why

I so despise your kind.

It's bad enough that you go

through birth and death and rot.

Do you have to speak of it, too?

It's repugnant.

Do I know you?

[ERZA] Wait, I've heard

that voice before.

[ERZA gasps]

The Underworld King, Mard Geer!


What a bother.

The Celestial Spirit King's

got all that refuse

we had swept away

popping back up

through the woodwork.

Curse that meddlesome boor.

Luckily, I have a bit

of time to spare.

More than enough to clear

you away once and for all.

So you're behind all this.

[ERZA screams]

What kind of curse

does he wield?


I'll start right here.



Erza. Run.


We're just in time.

[ERZA gasps]


Or fashionably late.

We came to bring

ya home. M'lady!

I'm really diggin' those horns!

You belong with us,

back at Sabertooth.

And please never

leave us again!



[STING] Now that is one

mean-lookin' fella'.

Guess he must be our

enemy. Right, Erza?

His energy. It's like nothing

I've sensed before.

C'mon, ladies.

The twin dragons've got this

clown; you need a break.

We packed an extra lunch.


[ERZA] Someone is out there

waiting for you to come home.

I'm sure of it.

[LUCY] Thousands of face bombs

are set to detonate in an hour.

Newly arrived at the scene of

this unprecedented crisis,

Sabertooth's Twin

Dragons now challenge

the Underworld King with

anger in their fists.

Gray and Silver's fight begins

with Silver flinging words

as well as curses.

Words of revelation. The kind

that tear your heart out.

Next Time: "Tartaros Chapter

The Boy's Tale"

A woeful truth shines

light on despair.
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