01x07 - Lady of the Evening/The Racer

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Fantasy Island". Aired: January 14, 1977 – May 19, 1984.*
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Guests are granted so-called "fantasies" on the island for a price.
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01x07 - Lady of the Evening/The Racer

Post by bunniefuu »

The plane! The plane!

Well, another beautiful
day, hmm, boss?

It is indeed.

Uh, Tattoo, you have a smudge
of something under your nose.

This is no smudge.
I'm growing a mustache.

A mustache, Tattoo. Really?

Yes, you know. All the great romantic
figures... They all had mustaches.

Clark Gable, Casanova,
Burt Reynolds...

- Is something wrong, boss?
- Oh, no, no, no.

I was just thinking of the poor ladies.
They won't have a chance now, will they?

- I'm a real devil, right, boss?
- The worst, Tattoo. The absolute worst.

Smiles, everyone. Smiles.

Who's on board this time,
boss? Any celebrities?

Does the name "Jack
Kincaid" mean anything to you?

- The racing car driver?
- To refer to Jack Kincaid
as a racing car driver...

is like referring to
Michelangelo as a house painter.

So, that's why we were so
busy the last couple of weeks.

I was in Monte Carlo the year
he won the Grand Prix. Oh.

- Is that him?
- It is indeed, Tattoo.

And his wife Rachel
and son Patrick,

who think they've come
here just for a vacation.

But there is something else?

There is something else, Tattoo.
That limp Mr. Kincaid walks with...

was caused by a terrible crash.

A crash that ended his
racing career, and haunts him.

A crash he's asked
us to re-create.

Miss Renee Lansing.

Twenty-six. Single.

All the way from New
York City. A very pretty lady.

And single too. What's
her fantasy, boss?

In part, just to spend
her vacation with us.

Vacation? At these prices?

There must be a dozen places
where she can go for half price.

Yes, but those other places cannot
guarantee she won't be recognized.

Why don't she want
to be recognized?

Because, for just a
little while in her life,

she wants to be Renee Lansing... just
another young woman from New York City...

instead of who she
really is: Belinda Green,

a very expensive...
lady of the evening.

- You mean, she's a...
- I mean, she is our guest.

My dear guests, I am
Mr. Roarke, your host.

Welcome to Fantasy Island.


Ohh! Oh. Oh.

Oh, that's great.
That's just great.

Well, no harm done.
I wouldn't say that.

Unless, of course, you're used
to getting hit from the blind side.

Uh, Inspector
Clouseau at your service.

- Thanks.
- Tell me what was in this.

I'll stumble back over to
the bar and get you a refill.

Oh, no. That's not necessary.

Maybe not for you, but I
have a reputation to maintain.

You see, I figure if I'm lucky, I can
wipe out about four or five more people...

before I get back to the bar.

You, uh, you wouldn't want to stop me
from maintaining my quota, would you?

I'm afraid I'm going
to have to, Mr., uh...

Fredericks. Bill. And you're...

Late, Mr. Fredericks. Now,
if you'll just excuse me...

This time I'm ready, boss.

Tattoo, I've beaten
you 183 straight races.

But, boss, you promised to
race me again if I practiced.

Lack of persistency is certainly
not one of your failings, is it?

Are you ready?

Oh, too bad, Tattoo.

Mr. Kincaid, come in.

Ah, Mr. Kincaid. I thought
you and your family had gone...

horseback riding
for the afternoon.

Well, I sort of begged off. I
told 'em I'd catch up to 'em later.

- Oh, I see.
- Tell you the truth, I've been
kinda anxious...

- to start on my fantasy.
- Uh, well, Mr. Kincaid,

we'll be happy to show you what
we've completed of your fantasy so far,

but, uh, it will still be a couple of
days before everything is ready.

It takes time to construct a
replica of the Kincaid Special.

You're not telling me you've...
rebuilt the Kincaid Special?

Oh, but we have indeed.

But all I asked for was a
car and a track to race on.

Oh, I know what you
asked for, Mr. Kincaid.

But wasn't your real fantasy to
re-create as much as possible...

the conditions that existed
a year ago, when you...

raced... and crashed?


Thank you. I'll take it.

Oh, thanks. Could
you start a tab, please?

Don't press your luck. I, uh, could
spill the next one down your back.

May I? Well, I...

Oh. You're expecting someone.

Yes. Don't tell
me. Let me guess.

He's the president of Harvard. And
he's come here to Fantasy Island...

to give you a job as professor
of American literature,

- specializing in Ralph Waldo.
- I beg your pardon?

Ralph Waldo Emerson. The
book? The book you were reading.

The one I gave a
bath to. You know,

I got thinking
about that later on.

And I decided that the only
people that read Emerson anymore...

are college professors,
literature freaks,

and high school
teachers like me.

Well, I'm sorry, but
it's none of the above.

I just happen to like
his poetry, that's all.

So do I. But trying to sell him
to a bunch of high school kids...

that think Fonzie's
a poet laureate...

that's a different story. My
girlfriend has the same problem.

Only she starts them
off with comic books.

If she ever runs
out, send her to me.

I've got Spider-Man back to '73.

And some very difficult-to-get
copies of The Incredible Hulk.

No! Listen.

If I were you, I'd
keep that very quiet.

I-I'm expecting my
friends in a few minutes.

Well, there's no problem. I have
lots of things to catch up on myself.

Um, it's been lovely talking
to you, whoever you are.

I'm sorry. Renee. Renee Lansing.

And... thanks for the drink.

My pleasure.

I hope I see you later
on, Renee Lansing.

And remember. If ever
you need Spider-Man,

I'm available.

Incredible. We aim to please.

It's almost exactly like
the San Carlos track.

- Right down to...
- To the north embankment, Mr. Kincaid.

The north embankment,

where at 160 miles an hour,
your car ran off the track,

through a barrier,
and burst into flames.

Here comes the start now,
and there's the green flag!

Here he is, Kincaid, wide open!
But wait... Kincaid's lost control!

Kincaid is through the fence! Ladies
and gentlemen, Kincaid's through the fence!

You're a man who does
his homework, Mr. Roarke.

You must be anxious
to see your car.

Corky? Yeah.

Jack! Jack, it's really you!

Hey, man!

You monkey! How'd
they get you out here?

Well, who else could put this
machine together besides me, huh?

Well, it's you. You're
as ugly as ever.

Well, you ain't exactly
Cheryl Ladd, baby.

Thanks a lot, pal.

God, it's good to see you.

Last time I saw you
was back at that hospital.

They were sayin' that...
you'd never walk again.

It's comin' along pretty
good. Hold on a sec.

Mr. Roarke. Hello, Corky.

Mr. Roarke, would it be all right if I
stayed here? I'd like to look over the car.

Oh, by all means, Mr. Kincaid.
I'll send a Jeep for you in an hour.

There'll still be time to
meet your family. Thank you.

You're welcome. So long, Corky.

Rachel here?

Yeah. She's out with the boy. They're
lookin' over the island on horseback.

Uh-huh. She know
you're here to drive?

Ah, there's no
point in telling her.

She wouldn't have gone
along with it anyway.

Maybe she's right
this time, Jack.

It is still Kincaid out in front!
Martinez trying to catch up,

but he doesn't have the
oomph to get up next to him.

Here is Kincaid... Look
it, he's opening up now!

130, 140 miles an hour!

Kincaid, 160 miles an
hour! Wide open! But wait...

Kincaid is out of control!
Kincaid is through the fence!

Jack? Jack?

Hey, hey, I'm sorry. What?

I said, maybe
Rachel's right this time.

- What are you talkin' about?
- The whole thing's gettin'
kind of scary to me.

The island, Mr. Roarke...
same track, same

automobile, the way
he's gotten us all here.

I think we oughta call
the thing off right now.

No, it's too late for that.

It's a long time too late.


What are you doing out here?

I was just brushing
up my new camera.

Other than comic books,
I'm very in to photography.

- How long were you watching me?
- Just a few seconds.

- I'm sorry. I didn't
mean to startle you.
- Oh, no.

It's just that you look
so beautiful sitting there.

Almost like you belong here.

When I was a little girl,

I used to take long
walks in the country,

dreaming of what my
life was going to be like.

My parents had a
house in Vermont.

I used to look forward to those
summers more than anything.

Did any of those summer
dreams ever come true?

No. Not many.

You know, you're a
very beautiful lady.

But you're also
difficult to talk to.

That wasn't part of the package.

- What?
- It's time to leave.

Renee, I... I hope I didn't
say anything to upset you.


Help me! Somebody help!

Ohh! Help!

Oh, Bill!

Okay. Hold on, now.

All right. Steady.

You okay? I'm fine.

Sure. That's why
you're shaking like a leaf.

I'm just a little bit... wobbly.

Thank God you were
here. It's perfectly okay.

All in a day's work
for the Spider-Man.

You realize, of course, I
expect some kind of a reward.

Wh-What did you have
in mind? I don't know.

Why don't we go up to the
Spider-Man's web and... discuss it?

Nothing ever changes, does it?

Did I say something
wrong again? No.

Just predictable. Oh,
come on. I was only kidding.

Yeah. The hell you were.

Well, forget it. A simple thank
you might have been okay.

But I guess for you, even
that would have been a strain.

Here. Let me wipe
that off for you.

Wipe what? Well,
you have something...

Oh, my goodness!
You're growing it!

Oh, I'm sorry.

I didn't know. I'm so sorry.

Patience, Tattoo. Rome
wasn't built in a day either.

Casanova told me it took him quite
some time to raise a proper mustache.

Casanova told you?

Hey, I told ya
I'd catch up to ya.

And you know it'd be time
to get something to eat.

That is, if there's enough. There's
more than enough. Come and get it.

Dad, you should have
seen it back there. There's

a waterfall that's
gotta be 200 feet tall.

Well, after lunch,

you can take me back up there
and we can take a look at it, okay?

What's wrong, hon? Your hands.

They look like you've
been working on a car.

Oh, that's probably because
I ran into Mr. Roarke...

on the way out here, and he asked me to
look at a Jeep that was giving him trouble.


- And what's bothering you?
- I guess for
a moment, I got scared.

I thought of racing cars and...

Well, we gotta think about
racing cars sometime.

I mean, Dad is gonna
race again, isn't he?

Patrick, you were there when your
father announced his retirement.

Yeah, but uh... But what?

Well, it was just a couple of
months after he got out of the hospital,

- and people figured that...
- Figured what?

That he really didn't mean it.

Jack, is there something
I don't know about?

Have you changed your mind?


Uh, hi!


Uh, can I come in? I'm not
carrying a b*mb. Promise.

Well, in that case...

I, uh... came here to apologize.

You're nice people. Too
nice for the way I treated you.

Now, look... No! Don't.

I was stupid. I just wish that there
was something that I could do about it.

Actually, there is
something you can do.

There is? You can take
me to dinner tonight.

I can, eh?

And you'd better have lots of
money with you. Because I'm starved.

Mr. Roarke! I was
hoping to see you. I did it!

I mean, I really did it. I beat
Jimmy Connors three straight sets.

Oh, Mr. Brennan,
I'm so happy for you.

- You must have been
- Magnificent? I was terrific.

Of course, Jimbo
hit some good sh*ts,

but once we got to the old
tiebreaker, the kid folded.

You have something on your lip.

Thank you.

I can't believe it. I mean,
I just cannot believe it!

Well, perhaps you should
find your wife, Mr. Brennan.

She must be anxious
to know the outcome.

My wife. My wife! I
forgot all about her.

See you later!

Tell me the truth, boss. Was that
player he beat really Jimmy Connors?

Tattoo, would I ever
deceive a guest?

Does duck make
quack-quack in the water?

Oh, I can't remember an evening
when I've laughed so much.

Thank you. Don't thank me.

You picked up the tab,
remember? That's not what I meant.

Listen. What are your
plans for tomorrow?

I don't know. I guess
I don't have any.

Well, you do now. I'll pick
you up here at 9:00 sharp.

Do you have anything
specific in mind?

I mean, it would help
to know what to wear.

I tell you what.

I'll call you at 8:00.

You think about it overnight,
and we can make a decision then.

Fine. Okay?

Are you all right?

The best I've been in years.

I'll talk to you at 8:00.

Hello? Hello. Belinda?

Is that you? It's Roy Burke.

I saw you over
in the restaurant.

I'm sorry, but you've
got the wrong number.

Belinda, you must
remember me. The, uh...

The hotel in New York?
The desk clerk called you.

Uh, look, uh... There
is no Belinda here.

Oh. Well, you can't k*ll a guy
for making an honest mistake.

Listen, uh... whoever you are...

What are you doing
tonight? I'm going to bed.

Good night.

A few high clouds, but a warm
breeze coming over the track.

The drivers out there
on the pregrid now.

There's Jack Kincaid
talking to his mechanic.

We are just about ready to get under
way. Photographers gather around the start,

the starting line... here comes the
start now, and there's the green flag!

And bursting out in front is the
incredible American driver, Jack Kincaid.

And look at this. Already,
he's moving out in front.

Wait a minute. Tommy Hamilton,
the English star, is out on the infield.

He's all right!
Hamilton is all right!

It is still Kincaid, out in front!
Martinez trying to catch up,

but he just doesn't have the
oomph to get up next to him!

Klein running in third spot. Here is
Kincaid... Look it, he's opening up now!

130, 140 miles an hour...

Kincaid, 160 miles
an hour... Wide open...

Kincaid's lost control!

Kincaid is through the fence! Ladies and
gentlemen, Kincaid is through the fence!

It's all right! You're all
right, Jack. Darling, it's okay.

- What happened?
- Oh, Dad just had one
of his nightmares, that's all.

- You haven't had one of those
in months, Dad.
- Yeah, well, it looks like...

your old man's got a bogeyman
running around in his head.

Now either we chase him out or I
guess we'll never know when he'll pop up.

I appreciate the concern.

Now I think, uh,

we should all go back to sleep.

- Night, Dad. Mom.
- Good night, Son.

Good night, Patrick.

He's a good kid.

The shame of it is that he thinks
you're the greatest man that ever lived.

Hey, a kid should think
his old man is great.

What's wrong with that?

Maybe nothing. Until
you end up k*lling him.

- What are you talkin' about?
- The grease under your nails.

Now, for the first time in
months, one of your nightmares.

I wasn't wrong this
afternoon, was I?

You've already
made up your mind.

We came to this island so
you could race, didn't we?


I guess we did.

Look, honey. Rachel,
it's not the way you think.

Isn't it? Then why
didn't you tell me?

Why did you lie to me? I didn't tell
ya because I didn't want you to worry.

It's not even a real race.

It's an empty track
and just... my car.

That's what it is now.

But before long, you'll be back
on the circuit again, won't you?

And then Patrick will want
to work with you again.

Before long, he'll
be a driver too.

And I can sit in the stands and
wonder, "Which one dies today?"

Hey, whoa, whoa. Back up.

Patrick is just a kid.

We don't know if he's
gonna go into racing.

He's got a whole
life ahead of him.

Not as long as you're
still driving, he doesn't.

- What's that supposed to mean?
- Jack, it's not your fault.

Don't you see that Patrick's life is
ruled by the fact that he's your son?

That's his identity to his
classmates, to the world.

And if you go
back to racing now,

that's all he'll ever be.

That's not fair
to lay that on me.

- That boy'll grow.
- Fair?

I sat in a hospital for almost a
month with you more dead than alive.

I didn't know from one hour to
the next if I was a widow or not.

Rachel, don't you understand?
I can't walk away from this.

Why? Why can't we
walk away from racing?

It can't be the money. We have
enough money for ten lifetimes.

Damn it, Rachel, you
know it's not the money.

It has to do with what a
man has inside himself.

Or what he doesn't.

Ever since that crash,
I've lived a nightmare.

I gotta find out what's
still left inside me.

Ahh! That makes us even!

Now I guess I'll have
to stop playing around.

Playing around? I thought I was
gonna need to call a respirator.

Belinda? Belinda! It is you!

Sorry. It's Renee.
Renee Lansing.

Renee? Oh. Well, if you say so.

Maybe I got the name mixed up,
but, uh, don't you remember me?

- Sorry.
- Burke! Roy Burke.

What was the name of
that hotel? You remember.

Of course! Um, the convention.

Uh, my group presented
a fashion show.

And you were the one that took
us all out to dinner afterwards.

- That's it!
- Oh, yeah. That's right.

- Now you got it.
- Yeah.

We just about turned that Big
Apple upside down, didn't we?

- Yes!
- Well, Renee,

nice seeing you. Bye.

Hope we bump into each
other again real soon.

Bye. Bye.

Sometimes, it's a great
disadvantage to be a model.

Well, we all have to compromise
somewhere along the line.

Uh, Bill, do you mind if I
cop out on this last set?

I think the heat's
getting to me.

Sure. As long as you
promise me a rematch.

Yeah. Oh, no, no, no.

I'm fine. Call me
this afternoon, okay?

Bye. Bye.

Well, boss. What do you think?

It's really me, isn't it?

Well, it's really
something. Uh...

But this afternoon, it was
just a... just a little, uh, stubble.

Oh, I fill it in with
a little shoe polish.

- You painted it on?
- It was either that...

or not going to the
discotheque tonight.

It's only until it
grows out by itself.

Oh, of course. Of course.

Come in, please.

Ah, Miss Lansing.

What can I do for you? Well, for
openers, I'd like to have my money back.

Oh, is something wrong? And I suppose
you're going to tell me that you had...

nothing to do with a man
called Roy Burke being here?

On the contrary, Miss
Lansing. I did, most assuredly.

But that's not fair! My fantasy
was to spend my vacation...

in a place where nobody
would recognize me.

Was it, really?
What do you mean?

Oh, my dear Miss Lansing,
wasn't your real fantasy...

to see if you could
change your... lifestyle?

Change it despite the temptations a
wealthy man like Roy Burke could provide.

Change it enough so you could
really be the type of woman...

a good, decent man like, uh...

Well, say, Bill
Fredericks... could care for?

You're very certain
of yourself, aren't you?

Well, I'm sorry to
disappoint you, Mr. Roarke.

But my participation in this
little puppet show is over.

You can play with somebody else's
life. I want to leave on the next plane.

That would be... tomorrow
afternoon. I'll arrange it.

We are ready to get under
way. Here comes the start now.

And there is the green
flag. Out in front is

the incredible American
driver, Jack Kincaid.

And look at this. Already,
he's moving out in front.

Running second at this point, Alfredo
Martinez, the Mexican road race star.

And running in third in
the Lotus is Marshall Klein.

Here is Kincaid! Look
it, he's opening up now!

130, 140 miles an hour! Kincaid
160 miles an hour! Wide open!

But wait...

Ladies and gentlemen, Kincaid's through
the fence! Kincaid is through the fence!

Ladies and gentlemen,
Kincaid is through the fence!

Who is it?

Roy Burke.

Leave me alone, please.

Would you prefer that I
spoke with your boyfriend?

I thought that might do it.

What do you want?

What do I want?

Well, I'll settle for
what I got last time.

The way I figure it,
after today, you owe me.

Get out!

Come on, honey. I'll pay.

This isn't a freebie.

You don't understand.

For the first time in my life,

I found someone.

Someone special. Oh!

Someone special, huh?

Don't tell me you think you're
in love with that schoolteacher.

Honey, come on. You and him?

How long do you
think that could last?

I mean, you're not exactly the type for
a little white house with a picket fence.

Can you be so sure?

Yeah. I can be sure.

I bought and paid for
you once, remember?

No, fast cars, pretty
diamonds, Saint Moritz...

That's your style, baby.
And it's a good one too.

And it's guys like
me that pay for it.


You want to play
games? That's fine.

You go have your fun
with your schoolteacher.

He doesn't have to
know anything about us.

As long as we can have
our fun together too... Okay.

Bill and I have a dinner date.

Meet me here afterwards.

You got it. I'll
be back at 10:00.

And it'll be like old times.


Nice place. Very.

I feel like we're back
on the tennis courts.

But instead of a net between
us, it's more like a wall.

- I'm sorry.
- Renee.

What's wrong? Talk to me.

I don't know.

I guess I'm just realizing that
all this is going to be over soon.

But it doesn't have to be.

As a matter of fact,
I've been thinking lately.

I have a couple of weeks
before the new term starts.

How would you feel about me
coming to New York for a few days?

- Why?
- Why?

Oh, I don't know. To see
the Empire State Building.

Feed the pigeons
in Central Park.

To get to know the lady I
think I'm falling in love with.

What did you say?

I said, I think I'm
falling in love with you.

Renee, please! Don't run away.

This is not going to work
between us, Bill. It's not.


What's the matter? Isn't that the
man we met on the tennis courts?


I don't know what's going
on. You have to talk to me.

There is nothing to
talk about. Nothing!

I'm sorry. Our future.

As much as I wish there was,

we have no future.

As long as there's men like him.

In fact, he's due in
my room at 10:00.

Some sort of payoff.

So he won't tell you the
truth about what I really am.

The truth is, Bill,

I'm a hooker!

Good evening, Belinda.
Excuse me, Renee.

I see you're still trying for the little
white house with the picket fence, huh?

Only this time,
she's gonna make it,

if I have anything
to say about it.

Maybe you and I oughta
have a little talk, friend.

There's nothing you can tell me.

Nothing that I haven't
known all along.

And if I were you, friend,

I'd take that smiling
face of yours out of public,

before somebody
like me flattens it.

How did you find out?

I've known about it
all along. But how?

Four years ago, I
went to New York.

I met Belinda Green.

Then, you were one of my...

Customers? I guess so.

I was alone, scared.
Out of my element.

I was very lonely.

You came over.

And I've been in love
with you ever since.

But if you knew
about what I am...

why didn't you say something?

Because I was afraid we wouldn't have
the chance to get to know one another.

That you'd run away. That I wouldn't be
able to say all the things I wanted to say.

About coming to New York? No.

About loving you.

About how... alone
I was that night.

And how vulnerable you were.

I've never stopped
thinking about you.

Tell me.

When you came here,

what was your fantasy?

Don't you know?

My fantasy was finding you.

And Mr. Roarke promised I would.

And that's what
he wanted all along.

I love you very much.

Oh, please. Don't ever stop.

Don't ever stop.

And here comes Jack Kincaid,
the famous American driver.

Here is a man
well-known to the crowd.

He's popular, he's young,
he's got a lot going for him.

Look at the photographers gather
around as Kincaid gets ready.

Kincaid has a shot at the
world driving championship.

This is something he's
been looking for all his life.

Today, he has a chance
to take that crown:

the world driving
championship crown today.

It's a long shot, but if anybody can
pull it off, it's got to be Jack Kincaid.

The other drivers coming up now,
getting ready for the start of this race.

We're just about ready
to get under way. The

crowd pressing close
now to the barricades.

Here are the other drivers out now,
Martinez, Klein, Tommy Hamilton...

the English driver coming out... we're
just about ready for the start of this...

very important and prestigious race here
today at the beautiful San Carlos circuit.

Well, boss, he made it.

He's conquered his past, Tattoo.

Now all that
remains is his future.

Thank you, Mr. Roarke.

Mrs. Kincaid, Patrick.

You seem to be just in time. He's
not supposed to drive till 10:00.

- And it's not even 7:00 yet.
- Maybe he was anxious.

I didn't expect you down here.

I don't know what
the big surprise is.

After what you said the
other night... That's in the past.

I don't want to lose you.

At least, not because I
took you away from this.

Well, Dad? When
do we get started?

- We don't, Patrick.
- What do you mean?

I came out early this morning
to walk the track. Think about it.

And that's what I did. I'm
not gonna race anymore, Son.

- I don't get it.
- Well, let me explain it...

Explain? At least
let me talk to you.

What's to talk about?
You lost your nerve.


He'll be back.

He'll be back a man.

Oh, Mr. Roarke! Before you say anything,
I want to apologize for the other day.

All is forgiven, Miss Lansing. I'm glad to
see things seem to be working out for you.

Things are working out
just fine. Better than fine.

Well, since your fantasy
was, in a sense, reality,

at least you have
a good head start.

Good luck. Good-bye.

Good-bye. And, uh,
I'm sorry, Miss Lansing,

if I ever hurt such
a lovely... lady.

Oh, good-bye, and
thank you for everything.

Not at all, Mrs. Kincaid.

Pleasant journeys, Mr. Kincaid.
Same to you, Mr. Roarke.

There is a saying that
might serve you well in life,

young Mr. Kincaid.

"Cowards die many
times before their death.

"The valiant
never taste death...

but once."

Perhaps someday you'll realize
what a brave man your father really is.

Let's go, Son. Time to go.

Thank you.

Tattoo, I've just realized.
Your mustache. It's gone.

- I decided it was not for me.
- But you said all the romantic
figures through history...

had mustaches: Casanova,
Clark Gable, Burt Reynolds...

- Wasn't it working for you?
- It was working...

right until the time...

I was whispering sweet
nothings into Susan's ears.

You don't mean...

Shoe polish all over her face?

Nobody's perfect, boss.

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