01x12 - The Over the Hill Caper/Poof! You're a Movie Star

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Fantasy Island". Aired: January 14, 1977 – May 19, 1984.*
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Guests are granted so-called "fantasies" on the island for a price.
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01x12 - The Over the Hill Caper/Poof! You're a Movie Star

Post by bunniefuu »

The plane! The plane!

He likes sunflower
seeds, you know?

Yes, I know. Uh,
tell me, Tattoo,

how is your latest moneymaking
scheme coming along?

Oh, very good. He's not biting
anymore, and he's starting to talk.

Oh. Pepper, come here.

Look. Pick it up.

Come on. Pick it up. Pick it up.

Good boy. How did
you like his trick, boss?

Well, it's a beginning.

But when you teach him to fold it and
put it back, then you'll have something.

Smiles, everyone. Smiles.

Any famous people
on board, boss?

There is indeed, Tattoo.
Miss Shirley Russell. Who?

Shirley Russell,
the star of two new,

very high-class
European pictures...

The Scarlet Whip and
Two Women in Bondage.

Never heard of them or her.

That's probably because the
films were never really made.

But if we are going to
fulfill Miss Russell's fantasy,

we have to convince certain people
that she is an actress on the rise.

Why? What's her fantasy?

Hers is a dream shared by
women the world over, Tattoo.

She wants a chance
to become a movie star.

She's certainly
good-looking enough.

She is indeed.

Ah! Mrs. Winnie MacLean,

heir to the Winnfield fortune,

and her husband of two
days, Spencer MacLean.

With all that money,
what's her fantasy?

Well, she believes they have come
to Fantasy Island for her honeymoon.

But in actuality, it is Mr. Randolph's
fantasy we are charged with fulfilling.

Mr. Randolph? But I thought you
said that his name was Mr. MacLean?

Well, MacLean is the name
he has been living under...

during the past 40 years
ever since he went straight.

You see, in actuality, he is the
notorious Spencer Randolph.

He was once the leader
of the Strawberry Hill g*ng.

The famous bank robbers?

The Robin Hoods of
the Depression era.

Forty years ago
when they broke up,

they made a pact never to try
to contact each other again...

no matter what
the circumstances.

But now, for his fantasy, Spence wants
them together again for, uh, one last job.

They must be spread
all over the world.

Not anymore, Tattoo.

Not anymore.

My dear guests, I am
Mr. Roarke, your host.

Welcome to Fantasy Island.

Oh, Miss Russell, I'm
afraid you've made a mistake.

How so, Mr. Roarke? Uh, may I?


Well, your official
biography states...

that, uh, you maintain
your lovely figure...

through, um, strict dieting.

You'll find the watercress
very nourishing.

Nobody likes a fat movie star.

No, of course not.

Mr. Roarke, when do you
think my fantasy can begin?

Your fans.

Shirley! Can I have your
autograph, please? Please!

Thank you, Shirley!

Just sign here.
I'll get everybody.

Thank you so much. Oh, sure.

Ah, Mrs. MacLean. Mr. Roarke.

Mr. MacLean. I hope you find
your accommodations satisfactory.

Oh, I couldn't have asked for a
nicer honeymoon cottage, Mr. Roarke,

or a nicer man to go with it.

How many times
must I tell you, my love?

I'm not a nice man.
Just a lucky one.

Here, here. Mr. Roarke,
there you are.

- Am I too late
for a tour of the island?
- Not at all, Mr. Prentiss.

I don't believe it. Spence.

What an incredible
coincidence. How you doing?

Okay. Tommy, I'd like
you to meet my wife.

Hey, that's right. I heard
you just got married.

Congratulations, Mrs. MacLean.
You've got yourself quite a guy here.

I know. But please,
call me Winnie.

All my friends do.

Then Winnie it is.
I'm Tom Prentiss.

Did I hear you say
something about a tour, Tom?

That sounds like a good idea.
Spence? I think I'll pass, hon.

You go ahead.

I'd be more than honored to escort you on
the tour. With your permission, of course.

Well, if Winnie can
stand it, I guess I can.

Then I accept, Tom. Thank you.

See you soon. Mm-hmm.

Don't worry, Spence. I'll,
uh, take good care of her.

Hmm. There's only one person he
knows how to take care of... himself.

Not an uncommon trait,
especially among blackmailers.

And this kid's the worst.

Mr. Roarke, I wanna thank you
again for your help in getting him here.

Well, I must say, had the
bait not been a million dollars,

my job might have
been far more difficult.

Tell me, Mr. Roarke, my, uh...

The other part of my fantasy,

my old g*ng, have you
been able to find any of them?

Oh, Mr. MacLean, if you're
referring to Burt "Fingers" Lonagan...

your expert powder man...
he is here and raring to go,

as is your acrobatic second-story
man, Frank "Spider" Randall...

and the legendary
Curtis "No Skids" Jackson,

the best wheelman
in the business.

My old g*ng. You
really got them here.

It'll be just like the good old
days. I hope so, Mr. MacLean.

I certainly hope so.

Watch this.

All right, this is the law.

Put your hands
where I can see 'em.


Oh, come on, you guys. Get up.

Come on. Take it easy.
It's me! It's Spence!

You old polecat!

- That's old, baby!
- Oh, come on.

I was only kiddin'.

Hey, puttin' on a little
weight, eh? Oh, why not?

I don't have to scale
any walls anymore.

I got him! I got him! I got him!

Hold it! Hold it! I got him!

It's Spence. What?

Spence! Spence...


Oh, Spence. All of
us together again,

just like old times.

Well, I sure hope so.

Hi, there. Wait a
minute. Who are you?

Don't worry, honey. I'm Liz Perry
from Publicity. Hey, boys, come on.

Bring those things in here. Courtesy
of your producer, Arthur Gantman,

who also happens to
be the head of the studio.

As you can see, he
digs flowers. Oh, sorry.

No pun intended. I'm speechless.

Well, don't be.
There isn't time.

You have wardrobe
fittings and makeup tests...

and eight pages of dialogue to
memorize before tomorrow morning.

Here's your script. Well,
I'd better start memorizing.

Later. Right now, you have
to get ready for the party.


The shindig that Arthur Gantman's
throwing in your honor tonight.

And, honey, you have a
date with Desmond Vaughn.

Not the Desmond Vaughn?

Didn't you know? He's
your leading man on this flick.

No! But Desmond Vaughn...

He's my favorite movie star.

Oh, that Mr. Roarke
thinks of everything. Oh, no.

What will I wear?

Like you just said, honey, that
Mr. Roarke thinks of everything.

Oh! Somebody better pinch
me to make sure I'm alive.

You know what amazes
me? We all made it.

That we all survived. Yeah.

If you call driving a bus
in Nicaragua surviving.

Well, it sure beats selling
insurance in Laredo, Texas,

let me tell ya.

Try tending a milk bar
in a nursery school...

filled with screaming kids.

I think we all miss the good old
days. The excitement and all, huh?

You guys want excitement?

What would you say if I told
you guys I had a job for ya?

Oh! A real important job.

Oh, you're puttin' us on.

I'm not puttin' you
on. No kidding?

And this is not gonna
be any pushover.

Well, what is it, Spence?

You, uh, remember
Frank Prentiss?

Remember him?
Still get nightmares...

thinking about that guy
bustin' in, flashin' his badge.

The all-time crooked cop.

And his son turned
out the same way,

only his racket is extortion.

And you're looking at
his number one victim.

Oh, come on, Spence. Not you.

I'm afraid so.

What's he got on you, Spence?

Something his old
man could never get...

A file full of records linking
me to our last three jobs.

The kid's been bleeding
me for the last two years.

Now he's giving me a
chance to get it back.

What he wants
this time around...

I'm not going to give him ever.

Oh, uh, yeah.

Wait till you see this.

This is a picture of my wife.

We just got married
a couple of days ago.

Wow. She's a knockout, Spence.

Oh! Mm-hmm. Is she rich?

Uh... Yes.

She's rich, Burt. But, uh,

I-I love her,

and I don't want
her to get hurt.

This rat... Prentiss... he's
after her money too. Is that it?

He wants me to convince her...

to invest a million dollars in
one of his bogus companies.

With the help of Mr. Roarke,
I've lured him over here,

telling him that we
will finalize the deal...

and make the exchange
while I'm on my honeymoon.

What we've gotta do then is,
uh, steal the file. Is that right?

That's the idea.

Well, it's been a long time,

but I'm with ya.

When do we get started?

Me too, Spence. Where
do they keep this file?

Wellington Castle.

Constructed three years ago for a
very special and expensive fantasy...

requested by one of our guests.

Mr. Prentiss chose it because
of his special needs for security.

You mean he knew we were
coming? Oh, no, no, no, no.

He knows nothing of yours or
Mr. Randall or Mr. Jackson's presence.

But men of Mr. Prentiss's ilk...

usually have many
enemies who can cause you...

to live with high
walls and bodyguards.

What's the setup inside?

Oh, I'm sorry. Mr. Prentiss
is my guest also.

And as such, I am obligated to ensure
his privacy to whatever extent possible.

- I hope you understand.
- Couldn't you even tell us
where he's keeping the file?

Mr. MacLean,

your fantasy was to have
your old g*ng reunited...

and your blackmailer
made available.

I have lived up to
my end of the bargain.

I'm afraid the
rest is up to you.

Uh, looks tough.

But compared to what we
put up with in the old days,

it'll be duck soup.

Piece of cake.


Follow me. Where to?

That table over there.
Excuse me. I'll be back.

Here she is, Mr. Gantman.

Prettier than her picture too.
I'm Arthur Gantman. Welcome.

Oh, thank you for the flowers
and everything, Mr. Gantman.

Don't mention it. Uh, Liz, you know
how I hate these press functions.

- Can we hurry it along?
- Okay, fellas,
juice up your strobes.

Miss Russell and Mr. Gantman are about
to sign the contract for Wayward Wife,

currently in production
here on Fantasy Island.

Ladies first.

It is a real pleasure,
Miss Russell.

Good night.

Good night.

Yeah? This is Spencer MacLean.

I wanna talk to Prentiss.

Okay. Come on in.

What can I get you,
Spence? Scotch? Brandy?

Oh, let's not worry about
the amenities, Prentiss.

You know why I came here.

I wanna see the file. Jumpin'
the g*n a bit, aren't you?

From my conversation
with your wife this afternoon,

I had the impression you haven't
even mentioned my proposal to her.

She'll hear about
it soon enough.

But first, I wanna make sure that you came
prepared to hold up your end of the deal.

Oh, Spence. I'm shattered.

Don't you trust me?
You're stalling, Prentiss.

What's the matter?

You afraid that I might take it
away from you if you show it to me?

You're living in
the past, old man.

Get the file.

Satisfied? It's all here.

Good. Now it's your turn.

You've got 24 hours to
deliver one million dollars.

Well, I could use a
little more time. You

see, there are many
things that I have to...

Come on, Spence.

I saw the way that old lady
looked at you. Twenty-four hours.

I leave Fantasy Island
tomorrow, midnight.


I'm coming.

Who is it? Liz. And you're late.

Late? What do you mean?
It's 5:00 in the morning.

And you're due in front
of the camera in one hour.

Didn't you check your call
sheet? What's a call sheet?

A piece of paper that says you're
due in front of the camera in one hour.

But I stayed out until
2:00 in the morning,

and then I had
to study my lines.

You still have to be
on the set in an hour.

And before that, you have makeup
and hairdressing and wardrobe.

All right. Just give me
five minutes to get ready.

Honey, you've
got two and a half.

Now after you finish sh**ting...

With a little luck, early... we'll
schedule part of your portrait session.

But that means you're gonna have
to meet with the fan club president...

and the newspaper
people between scenes.

I really like this
merry-go-round I'm on.

But when do I get
some time for me?

All I can say is, it's gonna
get worse before it gets better.

After all, you're a star.

It's so cold out here, those butterflies
in my stomach have ice on their wings.

I never met an actress yet who
wasn't nervous before her first scene.

Don't worry, honey. You
are gonna be all right.

Okay, baby, this
first scene's a snap.

Gloria's got a g*n, and
she's trying to k*ll you.

The two of you
fight for that g*n.

The fight carries you over to the
edge, and you both fall in the water.

You got that?

Well, I don't know too
much about making movies.

But you know that
fall off the pier?

Don't you use stunt people
for that? Not in my flicks, baby.

When Vince Gregory
directs, everything's for real.

Places, everybody.
Okay, this'll be a picture.

Quiet! And roll 'em.

Scene 48, take
one. All right. Action.

In the pond!

Looked good to me.

Good? It's gotta be perfect.

Okay, dry 'em off
and we go again.

All right, folks. One more time,
please. Quickly now. One more time.

Thank you.

Scene 48, take four.


All right. A little slow.
We'll have to do it again.

Scene 48, take seven.


Cut. Cut! Come on, girls!

We need some fire,
electricity. Whoa!

Mr. Gregory, this
is the eleventh take.

Will you please tell me
what I'm doing wrong?

Nothin'. You're great, baby.

Well, then why so many retakes?

Because I don't feel it yet.

Now don't worry,
honey. We'll get there.

You wanted to be in show biz.

Places, everybody.

Scene 48, take... take 11?


And cut it. We'll
have to do it again.

The safe is right
here, in the basement.

The wall is solid
all the way around.

So I figure we
could go over it here.

What about the gate? Wired.

I could take care
of it if we had time.

So all that's left
is the getaway.

After you drop us off,

fling around to the main
gate and wait for us there.

- Now you know
where that is, right?
- Sure.

It's right, uh, there.

That's the upstairs bathroom.

- Don't you have any glasses?
- They only give me headaches.

I only use them for reading.
Driving's never been a problem.

For you, maybe. But what about all
those poor suckers you kept running over?

At least I don't let
my body deteriorate.

All right, all right, you guys.

Now, if we wanna pull this
off, we've got work to do.

Work? What kind of work?

I figured we were
a little bit rusty,

so I asked Mr. Roarke to
set up a few exercises for us.

Oh, Spence, give us a break.

This is a practice
run for your getaway.

Gentlemen, will you
take your positions?

- Are you ready?
- Uh-huh.


Open the... Hey!

Open the door! Open the door!

All right, come on,
you clumsy idiot!

Hurry up, will you, now?

Let's get this...

Let's get out of here!
Now what have you done?

What happened? Move, move, move!

Let's get out of here, Spence.

- What's he doin' out there now?
- What's the matter now?

We've gotta get movin'!

- Come on. Let's go without him.
- Some getaway.


Are you ready?



Mr. Lonagan? Yes?

The switch. The what?

The switch is not on. The
switch has nothing to do with...

Are you thawed
out yet? Just about.

I hope I don't come down with
pneumonia in the middle of the picture.

May I come in? Please.

Good afternoon, ladies. Hi.

I think, uh, Miss Russell,
you know this gentleman.

- Hi, babe.
- Bill. How did you get here?

Oh, I took the liberty of
inviting him, Miss Russell.

It seemed natural that your
fiancé should want to share...

in this exciting
fantasy of yours.

But I told him I was going
to Abilene to visit my sister.

You're not angry
with me, Bill, are you?

Angry? Heck, no. I got me
a movie star for a girlfriend.

We can talk about it over lunch.

Lunch? Oh, my gosh. I can't.

Shirley's having lunch
with Arthur Gantman.

Well, I'll see you back
at the bungalow. Okay.

Yes, we should be going too.
Tattoo. Will you excuse us?

So, uh, who is this
Arthur what's-his-name?

Arthur Gantman. He's
the head of the studio.

It's strictly business, Bill.

Sure, I understand. I was just looking
forward to being with you, that's all.

I'm really surprised, and
I'm very excited to see you.

But this is all a
part of my fantasy.

You can understand
that, can't you?

Yes, of course I can. After
all, it's just for the weekend.

It is just for the weekend,
isn't it? Of course.

Well, good. When can I see you?

Well, I don't know.

They've got me on
such a busy schedule.

But I'm sure I can
squeeze you in somehow.

Yes, tonight. We'll have dinner.

But I'll have to get Liz
to cancel out Desmond...

and make sure that the photographers
and the press don't bug us.

Dinner. All right?

Oh, hi, I'm Bill. Ready?

Shirley's fiancé.


Real warm fellow.

Oh! Oh!

Come on! Move it. Move it.

Spence? Oh.

Oh, hi, hon. We'll
see you later, Spence.

Yeah. See you later. All right.

Yeah, so long.

Oh! I wish you hadn't whisked
your friends away like that...

before I had a
chance to meet them.

After all, it's not every day in
the week that you get a chance...

to talk to a real, live
g*ng of bank robbers.

I suppose that sounds silly,
particularly since I'm married to one.


I've known from the
beginning, my love.

- Oh.
- Well, almost
from the beginning.

You see, when you're a
very rich lady and alone,

there are a lot of men who
will try to take advantage of you.

So you learn to
be very cautious.

I had you investigated, Spence.

I'm not proud of it,
but that's what I did.

And the people I used
were very thorough.

Did they tell you about
Prentiss's little scheme too?

That's how I knew for certain
that you really loved me.

Otherwise, why would
you risk stealing that

file in order to protect
our relationship?

- How can I help?
- Oh, I-I...

I don't want you... I mean,
this is gonna be very dangerous.

I don't want you involved.
But I am involved.

No. You're my
man, and I love you.

Look, I don't want... I may have
been born rich, but my father wasn't.

He could get very tough when the chips were
down, and he taught his daughter how to.

Now, wait... Come on, Spence.

Give me a piece of the action.

How is, uh, Pepper's
training coming along, Tattoo?

Great, boss. You
want to see a new trick?

- Another one?
- Pepper?

That's a boy.

- How do you like it?
- Bravo, Tattoo.

Bravo. I'm truly impressed.

Oh, that bird would
command a very high price.

That's what we're
working for. Right, Pepper?

Miss Russell's fiancé
looks very unhappy.

Well, Tattoo, into each
fantasy a little rain must fall.

Boss, why did you
bring him here?

Because very soon now, Miss
Russell will make perhaps...

the most important
decision of her life.

I thought it proper that
her choices be very clear.

Very clear.

Bill, you can't believe how much
my life has changed. Smile, baby.

Suddenly, I'm a somebody.
Yeah, and engaged to a nobody.

Oh, come on. That's not fair.

Come off it, Shirley. We can't
even have dinner alone together,

not without being followed
by hoards of photographers.

But it's all part
of the excitement.

The press parties, lunch with the
studio boss, signing autographs.

Bill, people actually
want my autograph.

Me, Shirley Russell from Omaha.

- You really like it?
- Wouldn't anyone?

Excuse the interruption, but I
just had to see you, Miss Russell.

You don't mind, do
you? Miss Russell,

you are everything
Mr. Roarke said you were.

You've got talent... raw talent
that still needs some polishing.

But all the equipment
needed for stardom is there.

Thank you, Mr. Gantman. I
really don't know what to say.

Say "yes." Say "yes,"
and you've got yourself...

an exclusive seven-year
contract with Monarch Pictures.

We'll give you the
total star buildup.

TV talk shows, a national
publicity tour, the works.

I've already talked to the board of
directors. They've given me carte blanche.

I'm speechless.

I knew you would
be. Oh, by the way,

the front office feels the
picture needs some punching up,

especially if we're going to
invest so much into your future.

I've ordered a slight
rewrite on the script.

What sort of rewrite,
Mr. Gantman?

Bill, please.

Promise not to get
skittish if I tell you.

Skittish about what?

Doing the love scene with Desmond
Vaughn, you have to be nude.

- Nude?
- Nude?

It's only make-believe.

This is show business.
Nobody thinks anything about it.

Well, I think a lot about it.

My fiancée's not gonna strip for you
or the whole damn board of directors.

Nobody. Tell him, Shirley.

Shirley, tell this creep
you're not gonna do it.

- Honey?
- I don't know.

I do.

Is he for real?

I'll bet you look
terrific in the buff.

Hello, Mr. Prentiss. Uh, Tom.

This is Winnie MacLean.

Yes. Fine, thank you.

My husband's just been telling
me about your business proposal.

It sounds fascinating.

Uh, do you suppose we could get together
and discuss it tonight over dinner?

Good. See you at 9:00 then.

Oh, Liz, I don't
know what to do.

I could get canned for this.

Don't compromise your
principles, honey. Don't do it.

I love Bill. But this
is my big chance.

The dream of a lifetime.

All my life, I've wanted
to be somebody special,

somebody looked up to.

Until a few minutes
ago, Bill looked up to you.

Do you wanna do a nude
scene? Of course not.

But my career!

Mr. Gantman's going
to make me a star.

You think stardom is all glamour and bright
lights and handsome men and adoring fans?

Well, honey, it isn't.

It's work, hard work.

And the higher you go, the harder
you have to work to stay there.

It's a world of compromise.

And it's a very isolating,
lonely place to be.

Think about it, Shirley.

That leaves one
more in the house.

No sweat. He won't hear a thing.

Is everybody ready? Fingers!

Fingers! Huh? Huh?

How come it's so dark?
Because you're dead.

Come on. Let's get
out of here. I'm dead?

If I'm dead, how
come I'm walking?

That's a good question.

This is the place.
Now, let it go!

- Try it again.
- I thought they said
"Practice makes perfect."


Okay, now, let it go!


- I was standin' on it.
- Yeah, I know.

All right, fellas,
now let's get to work.

Up! Up the rope! Up you go!

Up! Just like old times.

Just like old times, yeah. Up.

How did you guys get
up here ahead of me?

Oh! Oh, come on.
Get down out of there.

And stop... Go
ahead now. Up you go.

Right there.

Ready? Yeah. Tap it.

Oh, I forgot. Yeah.

I think she's ready to
go, boys. Let her go.

I feel like one of those
dogs from Switzerland.

Shh! I should have
lost some weight.

Come on. Let's get to work.


Make some noise to get
him down here. Noise, noise!

I wouldn't stand
there if I were you.

Come on!

I got it! Come on!

Lock the door so
he can't follow us!

Push the button. Open the gate.

- Hey, where is Jackson?
- Turn around, old man.

Come on. Come on. Let's
have it. I got a plane to catch.

Enjoy her while you can. Tomorrow,
this file's going directly to the D.A.

Ah, ah! Too late for heroics.

Too late for anything.

I got the file, Spence!

Come on! Get in the car!

I got it. I got it.

Man, you really made
them scatter, you sly fox.

Yeah. Made who scatter?

Spence, next
time, let's call a cab.

Janis, put a couple of those
flowers over there by that tree, will ya?

Where's our eager young
starlet? Here she comes now.

Charlene, you and Rosemary
get together and make sure...

the girls' hair matches
so Van Inger doesn't...

Come on, honey.
I'll warm you up.

What kind of a
reading you got, Don?

Wally, tell Mr. Vaughn we
won't need him till tomorrow.

Then tell Audrey or Janet up in the
office to call Skip and tell him that...

Don't mention it
again. Okay, fine.

- Are you ready?
- Ready.

- Good girl.
- - May I have the first team, please?

First team, please.
This is the best I can do.

It's not good enough, honey.

Mr. Gantman, I want a movie
career so badly, I can taste it.

I've wanted one...

ever since I was old enough to play
a camel in the church Christmas play.

But even the camel
got to wear a blanket.

I'm afraid you're going to have to
get yourself another girl, Mr. Gantman.

This one just quit.


Bill! I thought you'd
gone back to Omaha.

And miss a chance to
see my favorite movie star?

Ex-movie star. Oh!

Well, Mrs. MacLean, you seem
to have gained some friends.

Indeed, I have. Trouble is, now
we have to go back to reality.

That means splitting
up the old g*ng again.

Back in the mothballs for the
lot of us. Oh, but not forever.

Right, Mr. Roarke?

It seems your wife has
made arrangements...

for another reunion
next year, Mr. MacLean,

for the purpose of
fulfilling her fantasy.

- Which is?
- To rob a bank.

Only this time, I
wanna run the show.

Honey, if you should
need somebody...

to whip these old
codgers together again, I...

You're hired.

Good-bye, Mr. Roarke.
Good-bye, Mrs. MacLean.

Thank you, Mr. Roarke.
Mr. MacLean, a great pleasure.

Good-bye. Good-bye.

Thank you, Mr. Roarke.
It's been very enlightening.

I am very glad. And will you
tell me something, Miss Russell?

Are you now certain that, uh,

you can return home, marry Bill,
and never regret your decision?

I'm certain. From now on, I want
him to star in all my love scenes.

Thank you. You're welcome.

Thank you. Bye-bye. Bye-bye.

Bye, Tattoo.

I see that Pepper
is still with us, huh?

- Yes. And wait until you see
one of his new tricks.
- Oh?

Pepper, I want you to take
one card... the ace of spades.

Good boy.

You see? The ace of spades.

Memorable, Tattoo.
Truly memorable.

Now would be a good time
to sell Pepper for top dollar.

As a matter of fact, one of our
guests inquired if he were for sale.

I know, boss. But I
turned down the offer.

You turned down
an offer for money?

Well, that's not
like you, Tattoo.

You see, boss, Pepper and I,
we are very attached to each other.

My dear Tattoo,
do I detect a chink...

in that mercenary
armor of yours?

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