01x07 - An Unexpected Snow

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Touched by an Angel". Aired: September 21, 1994 – April 27, 2003.*
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Monica is tasked with bringing guidance and messages from God to various people who are at a crossroads in their lives.
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01x07 - An Unexpected Snow

Post by bunniefuu »

I don't care what you do,

just don't make it
a long way to walk.

Oh, but a long driveway

is so much more dramatic.

Honey, you're going
to get plenty of drama.

She's late.

There's no such thing as late.

Destiny picks its own time.

What do I do when
it happens, Tess?

Destiny doesn't
happen, it arrives.

And when it does, you
either batten down the hatches

and wait till it blows over,

or you swing open the
gates and invite it in to supper.

I wish it had a way
of showing itself

so she'd know what
she's dealing with.

Then it wouldn't be destiny.

And I wouldn't have a job?

Go, girl!

Now you're catching on.



I miss the old days.

I need to talk to you.

We need to talk.

You... I-I need to
know where we stand.

I need to know where I stand.

Hi, listen.

The Gallagher motion to
dismiss has to be filed by 5:00.


Oh, and listen...

Call Hardwick and
spell it out for him.

No, he cannot jump bail

and spend Thanksgiving
in New Jersey.

Show him a map and explain
the concept of state lines to him.




Are you listening to me, mister?

'Cause I'm only
going to say this once.






Are you hurt?

That depends.

Are you calling an
ambulance or a lawyer?

I am a lawyer.

Figures... drive to k*ll, right?


Are you implying
that this was my fault?

Well, why don't you try driving

on the right side of the road?

This isn't England, you know.

I had to swerve to
get out of the way.

You were on the
wrong side of the road.

Don't make me laugh.

Which one is Megan?

Nature girl.

That's the trouble with destiny:

You can never dress for it.

Maybe we could
invite it to dinner.

It's nice, baby.

It's really nice.

♪ When you walk down the road ♪

♪ Heavy burden, heavy load ♪

♪ I will rise and I
will walk with you ♪

♪ I'll walk with you ♪

♪ Till the sun
don't even shine ♪

♪ Walk with you every time ♪

♪ I tell you, I'll
walk with you ♪

♪ Walk with you ♪

♪ Believe me, I'll
walk with you. ♪

I was coming around the curve

and I deliberately...
I don't believe this.


Have a wee bit of
a scrape, did you?

Do you have a phone?

Oh, there's not a phone
around here for miles.

Mine can't hold a signal.

Mmm, that's a pity.

Are you okay?

Anybody hurt?

I'm fine.

How about you?

Oh, I'm fine.

Well, maybe a
little... No, I'm fine.

Where's the nearest gas station?

Right next to the nearest phone.

Oh, great!

This is just great!

It is, isn't it?

You know, we were hoping

to have some company
over the holidays.

Do you live here?

Oh, yes.

We have a house just
through those gates.

And since it'll be dark soon...

Do you have a car?

I have got to get out of here.

If she has a car,

I have as much
right to it as you do.

I had the right of way.

Ladies, please!

The car isn't here,

and the phone
hasn't been put in yet

and hardly a soul ever
comes down round this road.

But we have good food,
we have warm beds,

and we have a great
fire in the hearth.

You're very welcome

to spend the night with us.

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving.

Let's just be thankful

that you lived to see it.

Is anyone expecting
you for Thanksgiving?

No, I thought I was spending it

with my boyfriend,
but... plans changed.

I was on my way
back to the city.

I don't know how I
ended up on that road.

No service, no service, no...

I'm roaming...

I'm roaming. I'm
roaming! I'm roaming...

That's a llama.

Who are you, Dr. Dolittle?

Wow, I used to dream
about a place like this.

What is that... cedar?

Mm-hmm... cedar in
the hearth, fire in the soul.

Oh, I love the smell of cedar.


What is that, a turkey?

Yeah, but don't get attached.

Your room is on the top floor,

and yours is at
the top of the stairs.

Excuse me, but
before we all split up,

I think that I must insist

that we exchange
driver's license and I.D.

Do you really think
that's necessary?

Relax, Counselor. We'll get it.

We were involved in an accident,

and whether or
not we can report it,

I think we should still
follow certain protocol.

Excuse me.

We are all ladies of
good character here,

and I must insist that
the business matters

be left outside at the door.

Now, those cars are not
going anyplace tonight

and neither are you,
so let's just play nice.

My name

is Tess, and this
is my friend Monica.

And you are?

Susana. Susana...
Susana will do just fine.

So you must be... Megan.


Nice to meet you.


Make yourselves at home.

Whatever you find, you may use.

Dinner is at 8:00,

and bring a new word
to share with the others.

Pardon me?

A word?

What is this... a game?


You did great.

Look at all this stuff.


This is a very
delicate business.

You could throw off
the whole balance.

Aw, come on, Monica,
it's Thanksgiving.

I've got the time off,
and I can't think of anyone

I'd rather spend it with
than the two of you.

Adam, we are working.

I'll help.

I can't have the Angel of Death

running through
somebody's destiny.

Well, who knows?

Maybe I'm supposed
to be a part of it.

This is Adam, a friend of
the family, passing through.

So I persuaded him to
join us for the weekend.

I'm sure that Thanksgiving

will be very lovely,
but I plan to be gone

first thing in the morning
one way or another.

That would be a shame.

I'm meeting my
husband, actually.

He must be worried sick.

I mean, we've never
been apart for a holiday.

Could you give me
a lift in the morning?

A lift?

Well, tomorrow's
a very long way off.

Right. Susana, we
usually end our meal

with a new word, and I'm ready

to hear yours.

I've got a word for her.



Mmm, I know that word.

I use it all the time.

Oh, what does it mean?

I don't know... I just say it

and people nod as
if they understand.

You're full of it.



Repayment, reparations,

satisfaction of payment.

That's not a new word for you.

That's legalese.

That's cheating.

I don't cheat.

I've got a word.


Excuse me?


hot air, pretension, bull.

You know what, Counselor?

You've been working too hard.

You may be right.

I'm going to go to bed.

Good night.

Dinner was very nice.

Well... I think, uh...
I'll go for a walk.

Where did you learn how to play?


"Describe your first love."

How do I make a
difference here, Tess?

You know I've never
been in love before.

I don't know anything
about romance.

Don't start.

This is not a destiny
of romance, Monica.

This is a moment of truth,

and love is only
a part of the truth.

This is a house where
deception cannot live.

And we're nurturing a friendship

that may not last long,
but it will be based on truth.

And the truth
shall set them free.

Good morning.

Good morning.

Did you sleep well?


Actually, really great.

I found this outfit.

I hope you don't mind.

Of course not. That's
what it was there for.

It's beautiful... thanks.

Come on, baby,
sit over here by me.

You loaned her an outfit?


I left one for you, too.

You did?

I guess you weren't looking.

You know, it's too
bad you have to leave.

There's nothing like a
stroll through these grounds

wrapped up in a
nice warm cardigan.

I had a favorite old cardigan.

It was really an ugly,
beige, shapeless thing

with one of those
awful roll collars,

but I thought it
was just beautiful.

It had belonged to my father.

It always smelled
of his aftershave.

I wore it all through
college till it fell apart.

Good morning, ladies.

And a happy Thanksgiving.

Adam, I've got a job for you.

See that turkey over there.


What did I tell you?

Don't go getting
sentimental on me.

That's Thanksgiving dinner
walking away right there.

Oh, no.

Send him to his
reward and do it quickly.

Come on, Tess... not me.

Who else?

If anyone should know
when his time is up, it's you.

Excuse me.

I was hoping that
Adam could give me a lift

to the nearest service station.

Oh, Adam hasn't got a car.

Well, then how did you...?

A friend dropped me off.

But, uh, I'll tell you what.

I have had experience with
things that cease to function,

so I could take a look
at your cars for you.

But that might take a
long time, won't it, Adam?

Yeah... yeah.

It might take all day.

Or longer.

It's going to take Adam all day

to get that car
in running order.

Now, you can fidget
around on one foot

and get your bloomers in a knot

or you can put that on
and make a day of it.

Either way, it's going to
take the same amount of time.

Dinner's at 8:00.


What are you looking at?

Haven't you ever made
angels in the mud?


Hold really still.

You look great.

Can I have copies of this
for Trial Lawyers Monthly?

I think I've finally lost it.

Sanity's overrated.

That is the last place on earth

that I expected to
be on Thanksgiving...

Posing in a pond in a wet
T-shirt contest with a llama.

Well, what happened yesterday?

Did you get lost?

I didn't think I was lost,

but I must have taken a
wrong turn somewhere.

Story of my life.

You ever wonder how that works?

You go right instead of left,

you cross the street
here instead of there,

and... and in a second
you've changed your life

and you don't even know it.

I met my husband on a
street corner in a newsstand.

Wonder where I'd be today

if I hadn't stopped
to buy a newspaper.

He must be really
worried about you.

He never worries about me.

Well, he ought to see you now.

I'm really a mess, aren't I?

No, you look...

very... elemental.

Very beautiful, actually.

Really, trust me, I
do this for a living.

You've got a fabulous profile

and this great quality.

You should let it out more.

My husband always says that.

"You have this great quality."

He told me once
that I was beautiful,

but he doesn't remember
because he was talking in his sleep.

And what about you?

Do you have a husband,

boyfriend, significant other?

Significant nightmare.


Is that why you're
alone on Thanksgiving?

I always used to
laugh at married people

who would talk
about their other half.

Now I... I think I
know what that means.

If you find one, hold on to it,

or it'll just slip away and you
don't know how to get it back.

I'm trying to, but he's...

Well, it's... complicated.

Well, it's always complicated.

I had an accident, sort of.

It looks like you had
yourself some fun.

It's all right.

Just admit it.

We've got more
mud, more fun and...

more clothes.

So, can I assume
you'll join us for dinner?

Well, Adam hasn't fixed
my car yet... has he?

I don't believe so.

Mmm, you have
a fabulous profile.

Hope it's what you need.

It's great.

Are you, um... are you
good at it... picture taking?

Some people think so.

Why do you suppose
people take pictures?

Well, I think deep down it's our
way of declaring w*r on death.

You take a picture of something

and if it goes away,
you still have a piece of it.

It seems to me that it's better
to have all of it for a while

than a piece of it forever.

Excuse me.

Where's the woman
who was driving that car?

She's fine.

She's down at the house.

What house?

Just right through those gates.

Just follow the road.


Wait till you see this.

I... I think I got
some great sh*ts.

She's so pretty.

She doesn't even know it.

Excuse me.

I'm looking for my wife.


Wait till she sees this.

She was supposed to meet
me last night out near the lake,

but she never showed up.

I figured she got caught
up in some business thing...



Are you all right?

I had an accident...
oh, a little one.

I'm fine, but there
was no phone.

I thought I lost you.

Oh, Monica, Megan... come here.

I want you to meet my husband.

Megan, this is my husband, Jack.


I just met your wife yesterday.

It was an accident.


Well, it wasn't
really an accident.

I mean, nobody was hurt.

But the cars aren't
going anywhere right now.

By the way, I'm Monica.


They let us spend the night.

How did you find me?

Well, when you didn't show up

and you didn't answer at home,

I called everybody
I could think of

and then I just got in the
car and I started looking.

You were really
worried about me?

Well, here you are, you're fine.

Why don't we get your stuff

and we'll just come
back for the car later?

Oh, I promised that I'd
stay for Thanksgiving dinner.

This is such a wonderful place,

and I'm just beginning to relax.

Can we stay?

Look, maybe...

Oh, of course, the
more the merrier.

Uh, we dress for dinner.

What size are you?

44 long?


Well, great.

We should get started.

Megan, could you
help me with dinner?

Come on, I'll show you around.

I was thinking of
making pumpkin pie.

Unless you'd like to.

I've never actually
made pumpkin pie before.

But it was either that or Tess
is going to make mincemeat.

So... it's me, Tess,
Adam, you, Jack, Susana.

Do you think that four
squash would be enough?

Jack won't eat the squash.

Oh, damn.

Did you really
think you could have

something like
this with no tears?

Does it show? Do
you think she knows?


I saw the picture of
Jack in your room.

We never planned it.

You didn't stop it.

I guess that after all the
screwed-up relationships

I had with single men,

I thought this would
be safe, you know...

No expectations. No surprises.



There was this weekend
a few months ago.

Jack was able to
get away on business.

And we were driving
through the lake country

to some bed and breakfast
that we'd heard about.

We took a shortcut
through the woods

and... and then all of a sudden

his car phone rang.

And he didn't answer it
and I didn't say anything

and he didn't say anything.

And it rang and it rang,
and we both knew it was her.

And it kept ringing.

And we started talking
casually over the ringing

trying to pretend that
nothing was happening.

But there we were in
the middle of nowhere

and she was there with us,

begging to be heard,
and we just ignored her,

like somebody trapped
in the trunk of the car

screaming to be let out.

And then when the
ringing finally stopped,

we never talked about it.

And that's what I
thought she was...

Just some distant bell
you hear and ignore.

She wasn't real until now.

What am I going to do?

I can't leave and I can't stay.

This is what you call
an unexpected snow.

One moment the sky is clear

and the next moment
it's falling down.

Now, you can run inside and hide

or you can become part
of it and let it change you.

You said you wanted
to help out around here.

Yes, but...

it's a little bit like inviting
an accountant to dinner

and then asking him to
balance your checkbook.

You're unbelievable,
do you know that?

Just do it.

Oh, come on, Tess.

Look at his face.

Behold... the noble turkey.

You do realize that
Benjamin Franklin

actually proposed the
turkey as the national bird.

Ben was a nosy motormouth
who didn't have sense enough

to come in out of the rain.

I want that turkey
on the table at 8:00.

Oh, this looks wonderful.

We thank you, Lord, for
this Thanksgiving meal,

and we thank
you for all the gifts

we take for granted every day...

For pumpkins and llamas,
for stars and for snow.

What is in this stuffing?

Well, that's an old recipe
I got a little while back.

Mmm, that squash is so good.

I think I'm going to
have Jack's portion.

Jack doesn't like squash.

And you don't like
mashed potatoes.

Who doesn't like
mashed potatoes?

Everybody likes mashed potatoes.

Would you pass the
cranberry sauce, please?


Where's the gravy?

Oh, I forgot the gravy.

Oh, I'll get it.

Could I have a roll... please?

Adam, I still don't know

what you do for a living.

Oh, um... well, I'm
in, uh... transportation.

Mmm. Mmm.

You know what I could
use? Another napkin.

I can see I'm going
to need another one.

Everybody's napkins
okay? I'm already up.

So, how did this happen?

I swear I didn't
know who she was

till you walked
through the door.

Why didn't you tell me
Sunny's name was Susana?

What were you doing
on this road anyway?

I told you to take
the interstate.

I don't know.

Look, I'm sorry.

Are you okay?

You told me she
was an ice queen.

She's sweet, she's wonderful.

You don't give
her enough credit.

Look, this is crazy.

I'm not going to
talk about this.

I always thought you
were miserable with her.

I thought I was the one

that was supposed
to make you happy.

Look, you do.

You are.

Let's just get
through this and...

And what?

And I'll work something out.

You've been saying
that for a year.

Well, I know.

It's just taken longer
than I thought it would.

Maybe there's a reason for that.

And what's that
supposed to mean?

I always knew you had a wife.

I just never realized
you were married.

"If you had to spend

"the rest of your life
on a desert island,

who would you spend it with?"

A boat builder.

Who would you
want to spend it with?

It's okay, it doesn't
have to be me.

Probably someone
who plays poker.

Oh, you play poker?

Yeah, sometimes.

I can't believe it.

I'm playing dumb games

and I haven't thought
about work all day.

I think Megan has had
a good influence on me.

"Describe your happiest day
and why you remember it."

That's a nice
Thanksgiving question.


Do you take requests?


Stop playing.

Tess, would you sing
something for me?

I'm tired.

Oh, please... My
soul misses it so.

Well, okay.

"What Is This
Thing Called Love?"

in E flat.

And it's not a funeral,
so put some feeling in it.

♪ What is thing ♪

♪ Called love ♪

♪ ♪ ♪

♪ This funny
thing called love? ♪

♪ And just who can
solve this great mystery? ♪

♪ What I want to know ♪

♪ Is why it always
makes a fool of me. ♪

♪ He saw you there ♪

♪ That wonderful day ♪

♪ And he took your heart
and just threw it away ♪

♪ And now you ask the Lord ♪

♪ In heaven above ♪

♪ What is this
thing called love? ♪

♪ What is this thing ♪

♪ Called love? ♪

♪ What is this thing ♪

♪ Called love? ♪

Do you know what the
name Megan means?

A pearl of real value...
Something very precious,

deserves to be
cherished and not wasted.

All this time I told myself
we have something special.

But tonight when he looked at me

and walked up
the stairs with her,

I realized... my God,
I'm just the other woman.

I'm his secret.

He's been keeping me in a
room I didn't even know I was in.

But you walked into
that room all by yourself.

I did the one thing I
swore I'd never do.

It's just that...

after a while you spend
enough nights alone, you go

to too many other people's
weddings and baby showers,

you spend too many holidays
at other people's houses

and you want just a little piece
of their happiness for yourself,

just for a while, you know?

Just so that I could say someday
that somebody wanted me,

that somebody
thought I was special.

Megan... wanting to love someone

and wanting to
be loved in return...

These things are good and right.

But wanting them from
someone else's husband is wrong.

He's not supposed to be married.

He's supposed to be with
me... God's made a mistake!

No, when things get
this ugly and this painful,

God has nothing to do with them.

Well, then I wish he'd
tell me what to do now.

I think he's just about to.

Megan, when you
cry, God cries with you.

But he can't wipe
away your tears

unless you let him.

The road I took yesterday...
It wasn't an accident.

And this place?

This house was created for
you, for this night, this moment.

Megan, I'm an angel,

and this is your
unexpected snow.

Well, I can't.

I can't give him
up, and I won't.

You go tell that to God.

Why can't he just
let me have this?

Because there's
better love for you.


I don't know where,
and I don't know when.

The only thing I do know

is that the kind of
love worth waiting for

you won't have
to lie for or steal

or keep it hidden in a
box to visit on weekends.

Well, it may not be a
great love, but it's my love.

No, it isn't.

It belongs to Susana.

It's a beauty.

Carburetor, right?

I thought you worked on cars.

Well, hey, I managed to fix
Susana's and Megan's cars.

I kind of work on
feel, though, you know.


Right over here, Tess.

Good morning, Jack.

Can I have a word with you?

What is that?

This, uh... this is Alexander.

The late Alexander?

Well, not exactly, Tess.

Well, what did we eat yesterday?

Sure looked like the
real thing, didn't it?

Well, I... I guess you could
call it a turkey-like substance.

Oh, get out of my way,
I don't want to hear this.

You're going soft on me, boy.


Uh, have you seen Megan?

I haven't seen her around

and I'd like to say good-bye.

Oh, really?

Well, suppose you and
I just take a little walk

and talk about some things.

It's just a little further.

I want you to see this.

Look familiar?

I spent my honeymoon here.

I mean, it couldn't
have been here.

That was in Vermont.

But it's the same place.

Except... Except what?

There was a swing on the porch.

Hey, what's going on here?

Brace yourself, Jack,

because I don't
have a lot of time

to pussyfoot around with you.

I'm an angel sent by God.

Now, you can accept that or not,

but what you will
accept when I'm finished

is the concept of fidelity...
Lock, stock and barrel.

Do I make myself clear?

I'll take that as a yes.

Pretty soon

we stopped finding
things to talk about,

and after a while
we just drifted apart.

When two people
are on a journey,

there will be miles
when they fall silent.

But that doesn't mean

they shouldn't be
traveling together.

The last time I
sat on this swing,

I was scared to death.

Susana was inside asleep,

and I spent half
the night just terrified

that I'd just given my life over

to another person...
One person... forever,

someone I loved so much

that I just couldn't imagine
her not being in my life.

Maybe that's what
scared me the most.

I think that's why I
finally had an affair.

The more you
invest in one person,

the more you have
to lose if you lose her.

So... you just decided

to spread your wonderful
self all around, huh?

Gave you an easy way
out the back door, doesn't it?

I actually read about
this at the dentist's office.

It's called the "male
fear of death" syndrome.

Oh, that's what you got?

Well, that's what it feels like.

Well, get over it.

Look, I'm not proud of all this.

But that journey that
you're talking about...

I just can't seem to find
my way back to the road.

You stand up,
honey, and you walk.

And if you ever feel
like straying again,

remember this moment.

You can always come
back to this moment.

Just a minute.

Can I come in?


She's beautiful.

She's got a great
quality about her.

She's beautiful and she's
got a great quality about her.

Can I ask you a question?

If you had to spend
the rest of your life

on a desert island, who
would you spend it with?

I thought so.

Well, guess what.

You're on a desert island.

Who will you spend it with?

My wife.

Good answer.

You know, in a crazy way, I'm
glad this weekend happened.

Maybe it put us
all back on track.

But I want you to know how
much you've meant to me.

Well, it was the best of times,

it was the worst of times.

In case you run
into some weather.

Thank you.

Tess, I had a
wonderful Thanksgiving.

Oh, I'm so glad you did.

Megan, I know there are
going to be lonely nights ahead,

but when they come, I
want you to remember

that no matter how lonely
you are, you're never alone.

It's beautiful.

Am I ever going
to see you again?

But I promise you this:

I'll dance at your
wedding, my girl.

Thank you.

Oh, ladies...

Your cars are down by the gate

all fixed up and
gassed and ready to go.

I'll drop you guys off.

Why don't you go ahead?

I want to say good-bye to Megan.


Well, I'm really glad I met you.

So am I.

All right, I'll see you at home.

I'll be right behind you.

You need a ride into town?

Uh... sure.

Get him to tell you

his theory on the male
syndrome death thing.

Might be an education for you.

Bye, babies.

You driving back to the city?


I had a wonderful time here.

I'm glad we ran into each other.

So am I, Susana, I really am.

Remember I told you my
husband talks in his sleep.

Well, you know what he says?

He says "Megan."

I've had a name for a long time.

I just didn't have a face.

I'm sorry it had to be yours.

When we had the accident,

it seemed impossible that
you could be that Megan,

but when I saw you and
Jack together, I knew.

I never meant to hurt anybody.

I'm sorry.

I'm so sorry.

It's over... it really is over.

Can you forgive me?

When I was going to
meet Jack for the weekend,

I thought there was a
very strong possibility

that this would be
our last Thanksgiving.

And then... somehow I
ended up here and I met you.

And I recognized
something in you

that was a part of myself

that I'd been missing
for a long time.

I guess Jack had
been missing it, too.

You helped me find it.

I'll forgive you.

And I'll forgive Jack.

Not today, probably, but I will.

These holidays are a k*ller.

Tess, I was wondering...

Do you think I can
keep the llama?

Don't you start with me.

Happy Thanksgiving.

I'm really thankful for
you, you know, Tess.

Well, thankful is as
thankful does, Miss Wings.

I simply adore you, I adore you.

♪ What is this thing ♪

♪ Called love? ♪
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