01x08 - Manny

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Touched by an Angel". Aired: September 21, 1994 – April 27, 2003.*
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Monica is tasked with bringing guidance and messages from God to various people who are at a crossroads in their lives.
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01x08 - Manny

Post by bunniefuu »


That doesn't fit.


Too mythological.


Daisies are yellow.

Does this look like
a yellow car to you?

When you choose a name,
it's got to be who you are.

It's got to represent the nature
of the thing you're naming.

Don't you know that?

All right.

Big red boat car.

A little creativity
would help here.

What difference
does a name make?

"A rose by any other name

would smell just
as sweet," right?

Yeah, but the problem is,

most people... think
more about the name

than the rose.

There's a rose in that man...

but right now, something
just plain stinks.

♪ When you walk down the road ♪

♪ Heavy burden, heavy load ♪

♪ I will rise and I
will walk with you ♪

♪ I'll walk with you ♪

♪ Till the sun
don't even shine ♪

♪ Walk with you ♪

♪ Every time, I tell
you I'll walk with you ♪

♪ Walk with you ♪

♪ Believe me, I'll
walk with you. ♪

Oh, it's a... it's a disaster.

It's an utter
disaster. I'm so sorry.

Oh, Barbara,
it's not your fault.

She just seemed so
steady and reliable.

Let me see your
phone book, quick.

Her references were
impeccable, Barbara.

She did all those biggest
parties last year, you know?

Polo club Christmas
party, the big charity bazaar.

All of those.

Just seemed so nice, too.

Not at all the sort of person

who'd just run off and
leave you in the lurch

while she goes somewhere
and has appendicitis.

And I guess it's a
new world, isn't it?

Here it is. It's
the Metropolitan.

I'm calling the Metropolitan.

I'm going to find
out who did their...

opening gala last month.

I don't think
there's enough time.

Oh, I'll get that.

When are you
going to get a butler?


Well, why don't you just
check your-your party-giving

record-keeping office?

Well, never mind, never mind.

You have been very kind.

Thank you. Though
not very helpful.

Amelia, this is Monica.

Monica has been sent to
replace our party coordinator.

Oh, marvelous.

Now you see, Barbara?
What did I tell you?

Never panic.

What is going to be will be...

even if it never comes to pass.

That's what I always say.

Hello. I'm Amelia
Beauthorpe Archibold.

Hello, Mrs. Archibold.
How are you?

Uh, has my daughter-in-law
explained our situation?

Oh, yes. I understand

that you're hosting a
very large function here.

Oh, functions, my dear, are
held in church basements.

This is an event.

The Founders Club banquet is
the highlight of the social season.

I had thought about
having it back in here,

or maybe out in there.

Um, I don't know.

The appendix lady was
supposed to have decided that.

This year, my son,

Dr. Harrison
Trowbridge Archibold IV,

is the guest of honor...

as well as the host... A
quaint but expensive custom.

To be a member, you have
to donate something to the city:

um, a school, a library.

Uh, Harrison is donating

a new children's
wing to the hospital.

Oh, you must be
very proud of him.

Always have been. He
is the jewel in my crown.

So, the, um, banquet is in...

Oh, it's in about two weeks.

Uh, I'm afraid I
really don't know

all the arrangements
that have been made.

I've been awfully busy recently.

They're trying to have a baby.

The mama does test
tubes, sh*ts every day.

This conception
is quite a business.


Well, Barbara,
we're all girls here.

Monica, do you
have any children?

No, no, I don't.

My late husband,

Harrison Trowbridge
Archibold III,

always said a man
who dies without children

is deader than a mackerel.

Or something like that.

Well, now, I
thought about having

a little cappuccino
bar over here.

I had a cappuccino once.

And, uh, I had some thoughts
about, uh, centerpieces...

Something elegant and
simple, maybe even kinetic.


Yes, you know, little
moving works of art

right there in the
middle of the table.

Barbara, you've
got a half an hour.

You take a temp...?

Hello, Mother.

Harrison, uh, this is Monica.

Monica's going to help us
with the Founders banquet.

Ah, well, good. Have fun.

If you would excuse us, please.

Oh, certainly.

Take as long as you need.

Um... about those centerpieces.

It'll be done by this afternoon.

Thanks, Matt.

Hi. MONICA: Hello.

I hope you don't
mind me dropping by.

They told me at the
hospital I'd find you here.

I need some checks signed.

Oh. No problem.

How's the banquet coming?

Oh, it's going great.

I thought I'd see for myself

what the founder has founded.

It's going to be much
bigger than I thought.

Yes, well, it is
quite a fitting tribute

to the family, isn't it?

Not to mention the children.

That too.

Beauthorpe Archibold
Pavilion is going to be

the most advanced children's
emergency medical center

in the entire country.

They'll have the best
equipment, best research,

best pediatric surgeons and
diagnosticians in the world.

Starting with yourself?


My father used to bring
me to this lot on Saturdays

and pitch balls to
me, and we used to...

sit under that tree and talk,

and I can always
remember him saying,

"Those to whom much is
given, much is expected,"

which is why I became
a doctor, I think.

Despite the family money,
or maybe because of it,

he always wanted to give
back something in return.

And so do you?

With privilege
comes responsibility.

I'm an Archibold
and a Beauthorpe,

so that's twice the
responsibility right there.

Um, see if I'm still making
these monthly donations

to this Child Watch thing...

and, uh, you can
renew my subscription

to Pediatric Journal.

Come in.


Honey, I was just
finishing up here.

I was on my way home.
Wh-What are you doing here?

I... We're not,
um... Those sh*ts

didn't work.

I'm not pregnant... again.

It's okay.

There's always next month.


We'll-we'll try again.

Oh, what's the use?

What's the use?

Barbara, Barbara...
listen to me.

It's just a matter of
commitment and follow-through.

I don't think I can
follow through anymore.

Honey, there's no one

I would rather follow
through with than you.


Barbara... you're tired, honey.

You've been k*lling yourself
with this Founders banquet.

It's going to be over
in a couple of days.

You're going to
feel better, okay?

Hmm? Hmm? Hmm?

And there's this darling
little Thai restaurant

over on Gaylord Street.

They fold their napkins in the
shape of little white gardenias.

I just think it'd be perfectly
lovely for my guests:

to have the napkins in the
shape of little white gardenias.

Could you check
that out, please?

And remember,
nothing but the best.

Now, uh, what time are the
caterers coming on Monday?

3:00. Oh, don't you
think that's a little late?

Well, uh... Would
you please call them

and have them come at noon?

I-I'd be happy to.

Now, now, don't forget
to turn the other cheek.

I'm running out of cheeks, Tess.

You know, I've
been here two weeks,

and all I've had to do is
to order the perfect chairs,

the perfect flowers,
the perfect napkins.

Patience is a virtue.

Virtue is a grace.

Put them all together, and
they make a happy face.

Tess, what am I doing here?

The Founders
banquet is in two days.

Once it's over, then what?

I think that's what everybody in
this house is asking themselves.

The people in this place
have nothing to look forward to

except the next big party
or the next disappointment.

Maybe something less
than their idea of perfect

is exactly what
this house needs.

I just had the most
marvelous idea.

Now I wonder where
she keeps that thing.


You know, when I lived here,

everything was
in its logical place,

very organized.

That is a Beauthorpe trait.

Mrs. Archibold, now
that the party is so close,

I was wondering if I
might take on an assistant.

No, you don't. No way.

A-A-An assistant?

Mm-hmm, just for
a couple of days.

Do you think it's necessary?

No, it is not necessary.

Yes, utterly, absolutely.

Well, um...

whatever you want to do, Monica.

Oh, oh, here it is.

The sterling cake server

from Harrison and
Barbara's wedding.

Oh! Oh!

This is Tess, my assistant.

Oh. Uh, uh, Amelia
Beauthorpe A-A-Archibold.

Beauthorpe, Beauthorpe.

Would that be the
Beauthorpes of Charleston?


Yes, yes, indeed. Oh...

Carry on.

Hello. May I help you?

Hi. Is Archibold here?

Well, Mrs. Archibold is here.

Would you like to see her?

Yes, please. Tell her that
Manny Galinda is here.

It's very important.



Is that the doctor?

Mm-hmm. Yes, it is.

Who's this?


He's looking for you.

You Dr. Archibold?

Yes. Yes, I am.

Hi. Manny. Manny Galinda.



Manny Galinda.

Are you the paperboy
or something?

Manny Galinda?

Who is this young man, Harrison?

Emanuel Galinda from Ecuador?


I come to visit

my friend Archibold who
send me $25 a month.

He's the boy we
sponsor from Child Watch.


Long trip.

Can we get something to eat now?

Damn it.

The Child Watch offices
are closed till Monday.

This is just absolutely amazing.

Do you all realize how far
this child has had to travel?

Lenore Watkins and
her daughter Jane,

the debutante with the lazy eye,
went to Buenos Aires last year.

She said it was a nightmare.

Mother, please.

We have some decisions to make.

Well, he can't just stay here.

Well, why not?

Barbara, he's an illegal alien.

He's a child

and he's just traveled
thousands of miles to see you.

This is your fault.

You signed us up
for this damn program.

He's thirsty.

Can you get him some milk?

Tell me something.

Um, how'd you get
across the border?

Oh, I-I travel in car trunk.

I had blanket on me.

Very scary.

Lots of stops.

But whenever I got sad,

I just thought how happy
I'd be to see Dr. Archibold.


Does your mother
know that you're here?

My mother's dead.

But it's okay.

It's better for me here.

Well, do you have
any other family?

Anyone who will miss you?

No, I all alone.

Harrison, we have a
responsibility to this child,

even if it's just for
a couple of days.

I still think we
should call the police.

Dr. Archibold, please.

Can't you think
this thing through?

I mean, if you call in the
police, they'll be forced

to bring in the authorities,

and it seems such a shame

to deport this wee boy

just because he wanted
to meet his benefactor.

Now, Harrison, I
absolutely agree.

I don't even know
this kid from Adam.

Well, I say he can stay.

At least until we
can work things out.


Oh, Harrison.

Now look at that.

The poor thing's
just utterly exhausted.

He can stay until Monday.

I don't want you to
think I approve of this.



Barbara, he's gone!



Well, now what should we do?

Well, I just think we
should consider ourselves

extremely fortunate and
let the whole thing go.

But he's a child.

Something bad
could happen to him.

Barbara, he traveled the
whole way from Ecuador

by himself, in
the trunk of a car.

I don't think we have
to worry about him.

Now look, I want you to hear
the top of my speech here.

"I come from a long line of
men who value honesty..."


Look who I ran into
on the front doorstep.

"Decency and hard work.

A Beauthorpe family motto."

Harrison... I'm really worried.

He's going to be
fine, honey. Listen.

"I grew up hearing..." Hola.

Oh, Manny. Oh, thank goodness.

We thought you'd-you'd found

another home to go to.

Great place you got here, Doc.

Oh, I'm glad you like it, Manny.

Well... I have to get going.

Winthrop's always very punctual,

and I have a 9:00 tee time.

I'll be home in time for supper.

Well, why don't you
take the boy with you?

I'm, uh, I'm sure he'd
love to see a golf course.

Sorry, but no room on the cart.


I would love to
take him, darling,

but the club has a
very strict dress code.

I just happened to
pick up some clothes

this morning that might
be very appropriate.

I love golf!

See? He loves golf.

♪ I got a car... ♪

Slow down, Manny!

Watch the trees!


Manny, no!

Manny... pull
over there, please,

and stop the cart.

♪ They gave me the keys... ♪

No, no, no!



Oh, Manny!


I want you to sit
right over there,

and I don't want you
to touch anything.

And don't speak to anybody.

It's going to take 'em
weeks to drudge that lake,

find Winthrop's
$1,500 five-iron.

Sorry, Doc, it slip
out of my hand.

I don't want to hear about it.

What's the matter?

You don't like kids?

Of course I like children...

but there's a place
for everything, Manny.

Do you want to have kids?


It's okay if you want
to practice with me.

Then I could be
part of your club.

I'm sorry, son, but, uh...

they don't allow children
as members here.

Oh, not here.

The Super Warriors Club.

How'd you find out about that?

I saw it at the
end of the slide.


You know, the, uh...

the house that I live
in, Manny, it was, uh...

the house that I grew up in.

That club house used to be
my secret place when I was 12.

My, uh...

My dad helped me build that.

He thought it'd help
me make friends.

So, I can join it.

Then I can be your friend.

But the club disbanded
a long time ago, Manny,

and I-I-I grew up.

Oh. And besides, there-there
was only one member

of that club, you know.

Not much of a club...
Just one member.

So now you pay, and
they have to let you in.

Yes, it's 555-3736.

I-I would appreciate it.

Thank you.

Oh, look at this.

Let me see here. Oh, Monica.

Mm-mm! Exquisite.
Absolutely stunning.

Thank you very much,
Monica, thank you.

Oh, honey, I thought
you-you took the day off.

No, honey, it's absolutely
crazy around here,

so I'm just going to go to
the office for a couple hours.

I want to finish my speech,
and then I'll come back

in time to change, all right?

Honey, I bet Manny would
love to see your office.

Barbara, I have to
finish my speech.

Please, do it for me and
the Founders banquet.

What is he going to
do in my office all day

except maybe destroy it? Please?

All right, fine. Hold
up, hold up, pal.

You're coming with me.

Play with tongue
depressors all day

while I finish my speech.

Oh, please, not my
stupid punchbowl.

A dustpan?

Aw, Tess, those are lovely.

Not according to Miss
Beauthorpe Archibold.

She says they're too pedestrian.


Uh, no, I'm afraid she's
not available at the moment.

Can I take a message?

You're calling from where?

Child Watch?

Well, are you sure?

Okay, thank you.

Manny Galinda is in Ecuador

with his father, six
brothers and sisters.

Then who is this little boy?

They don't seem
to know who he is.

Things are starting
to get interesting, huh?

I'm going to finish
writing my speech,

so you-you just
sit down over there.

Occupy yourself with something.

Huh, this... is funny.

You look a lot smaller in this
picture than you do in person.

Oh... that old picture.

I grow a lot.


When did you get this?

I mean, uh... what's this?

That's the model for the,
uh, new children's pavilion.

They're building it over there.

So, here, new building.

We in old building? Yeah, yeah.

This is, uh... that's
the old building,

and they're going to
tear down this old building

when the new
one's built, and, uh...

this place is
actually a disaster.

I think I go to bathroom.

Uh, don't you want
to know where it is?

Uh, yeah. Where bathroom?

Out the door, down the
hall, first door on the right.

Thank you.

Dear God... I know
I should be patient,

but they're going to tear
this hospital down pretty soon,

and... I won't have
a place to live...

so you got to make this happen.

You got to make them want me.

Please, God, you have
to make them want me.

Thank you. Gracias, Dios.

commitment to public...

Oh. The, uh, Beauthorpe
ideals of excellence

and family honor...

So, excellence
and family honor...

What's this?

That's a heart.

It's not shaped like a heart.

It's shaped like a heart.

It's just not shaped
like a valentine.

Ideals of excellence
and family honor...

No, no.




That's your heart, Manny.

It goes by itself?

I don't even think about it.

Yeah, that-that's right.

It's-it's, um... it's called
an involuntary muscle.

You don't have to
tell it when to go.

What tells it to stop?

Um... I don't know.

I guess God.

God told my mom's heart
to stop when I was a kid?

Well, sometimes hearts
just get tired, Manny.

My heart gets tired every
time I think of my mom.

Let me take a... a
listen to this heart, okay?

Manny, this is one
of the best hearts

I've heard in a long time.

You're going to
be just fine, hmm?

And if it's not in there, Howie,

do whatever you have to do.

Okay, sure.

Oh, Lord, have mercy. Help me.

Did you work out
the centerpieces?


Well, that's close.


Well, yes. They're, uh...

they're just not...
kinetic enough, busy.

You do know what
I mean, don't you?

Look at it again.


I didn't see those fish before.

Oh, I love that.

That's fabulous.

There you go.

Now I look like I belong here.

It takes more than a suit
to belong somewhere...


I know who you are.

You're not going
to tell, are you?

No, you're going to.

I can't. They'll make me leave.

Then where will I go?

I have to find a family for me.

But if you have
to lie for it, Luis,

it will never really be yours.

Let me tell you a secret.

I'm an angel.

I am... really.

Oh... don't be afraid.

God loves you, Luis...

and He has heard your prayer.

You know, the one
that you say at night

before you ask Him to
give your mother a kiss?


He listens to me.

Now you have to do your part.

You must tell the
Archibolds the truth.

God will take care of you.

I promise He will.

Uh, can you take
one for me, Monica.



Hey... There you go.

Thank you.

Dr. Ed, there's something
I have to tell you.

Um, I like you very much.

Well, we like you, too, Manny.

Well, I-I hope
you still like me...

even when I'm not Manny.

What are you talking about?

Well... um... my
name is Luis Peron.

I'm not from Ecuador.

I lied. I'm sorry.

I just thought that
you would maybe...

Maybe what?

Maybe be my family.

I don't believe this.

What is this, some
kind of con game?

It's very impressive, Manny...

or whatever your name is.

You really put one over on me.

I'm sorry.

Good, you should be.
You tell that to the police.

Because you and
whoever put you up to this,

have a lot of explaining to do.

Oh, Harrison, wait.

The boy hasn't hurt anyone.

And if you call the police,

it's going to ruin the party.

She's right.

The last thing we
need is scandal

right before this banquet.

You better wait until later.

Who knows what that
boy could steal by then.

If he was going to steal
from us, he'd have done it,

and be gone by now.

Let's wait till
the night is over.

There's nothing that the
boy wants except you.

You stay in your
room till this is over;

then we'll deal with this.

Well, it's all up
to Harrison now.

What do you think
he's going to do?

I think if his heart

has to battle against
his family crest,

I'm afraid his
family crest will win.

Snobs aren't born.
They're created.

I think it's time

to put this family
crest out of business.

I can't help but wonder if
that's how it is with Manny.

Looking out at everybody

living a life that you
can't be a part of.

It's enough to make you
do something desperate

to have some of it for yourself,

you know what I mean?

I know.

So when are you
going to tell the truth?


The truth.

I'm sure I don't know
what you're talking about.

Oh, I'm sure you do.

I know all about the
Beauthorpes of Charleston.

All your life you've wanted
to be a part of something

as much as that
little boy upstairs.

Well, this is your chance.

You can have the real thing.

If there was ever a time

that you needed
to open your mouth,

it's now, Miss Lady.

Well, what would you rather be:

a Beauthorpe...

or a mother?

There's something
I want to tell you.

This may not be the best time,

but I do want you to know,
before you make any decisions

concerning Manny.

His name is not Manny.

But does that really matter?

He's still a little
boy without a family.

What are you suggesting?

Well, I'm just saying

that maybe families
are what you make them.

Well, that sounds
a little revolutionary

coming from a Beauthorpe.

I never thought
I'd be saying this.

You see... I'm not a Beauthorpe.


Beauthorpe is a little
shrimp port down on the Gulf.

I don't actually come
from any family to speak of.

You're not a...?

I'm not a...?

I was 18, Harrison,

and I was working as a waitress
down in Charleston, and...

oh, I was aching
to get out of there.

So I saved up my money

and I bought myself
a fancy ball gown

and a ticket up North.

Well, I crashed
a lot of parties.

Then I finally met
Harrison Archibold.

I told him my story
about the Beauthorpes,

the lost family fortune.

He fell in love with me.

Then I got my dream.

And the lie that came with it.

What is your name?

Amy Klump.

I'm a Clump?

With a "K."

I'm half Klump, half Archibold.

That's something else
we need to talk about.

Do you remember when
you were a little boy,

remember that nice man
out at the country club?

He used to give you rides
on his big lawn mower?

Mr. Rojas, the gardener?

Director of
Landscape Operations.

Well, he was he
was very kind to me...

during a period of
difficulty with my marriage.

Oh, my God.

I'm the son of an
Argentinean gardener?

A fine man.

Not an ounce of
pretense about him,

and a brilliant musician.

I'm not a Beauthorpe Archibold?

Did Dad, did Dad
know about this?

I think he suspected.

Of course he
never said anything.

Well, aside from the
occasional reference

to your, um...
exotic coloration.

I don't believe this.


Oh, please, don't be angry

with me. Now, I know

I've made some terrible
mistakes in my life.

I know that, but they
were my mistakes,

not yours.

I only told you this
because I want to help.


Are you crazy?

You have just ruined my life.

Ladies and gentlemen,

I'm sure I don't
have to introduce

the host of today's festivities.

A renowned physician
and a generous benefactor,

Harrison Trowbridge
Archibold IV.

Good afternoon.

I stand today as a new
member of the Founders Club,

proud and honored to
carry on its worthy traditions.

I come from a long
line... of Archibolds

and Beauthorpes.

I grew up hearing the family
tales of my mother's father,

Colonel Alden
Kittering Beauthorpe,

and his tremendous generosity.

The truth is, ladies
and gentlemen,

that this donation is not about

the Archibolds or
the Beauthorpes.

It's about my giving something
back to the community.

Originally the new wing of the
hospital was to have been called

"The Beauthorpe Archibold
Children's Pavilion."

But this facility has absolutely
nothing to do with the past.

It has to do with the future.

And for that reason,

it is my desire to
simply call this facility

"The Children's Pavilion,"

because that is who
it will truly benefit.

Thank you.

Harrison, I have
a message for you.


Uh, why don't you just
leave it by the phone,

I'll return it later.

No, I have a message from God.

From God?

Uh, why don't you just
let me call you a taxi?

Don't be afraid.

I'm an angel.

What does, what
does he have to say?


Well, he says, "Big deal."

So your name isn't Harrison
Trowbridge Archibold IV.

Big deal.

God loves you and he knows

who you are no matter
what your name is.

I've been living
my life as a lie.


Would you have
done anything different

if your name had been Rojas?

Would you have been
any less of a person?

Would you have
loved Barbara less?

Harrison, who you are

is not your name or your family.

Who you are is more
essential than that.

It comes from God.

And what you make of yourself,

that is what you
give back to God.

Maybe God knows who I am, but...

I have something for you.

This is a family.

Not people who share a name
or a lineage or a background.

But people who belong together
because they love each other.

Oh, Harrison, don't
let that slip away.


I didn't tell you
you could come in.


Can I come in?


You live here?


How come you live in a hospital?

Well, it was the last
place I ever saw my mom.

She was pretty
sick. We came here.

We waited and waited.

I mean, I tried
to help her, but...

Her heart stopped.

Then they told me
to wait in the room.

Then I heard them
calling the police.

I knew they were
going to take me away.

The only thing I ever
had was my mama.

It was cold
outside so I just ran

down the stairs.

This is where I ended up.

How is it here?

Not bad.

If that's so,

how come you
pretended to be Manny?

I wanted to be a doctor.

I mean, at night I'd go
into doctor's offices, learn.

I like your office the best.

It's the biggest.

The leather's real.

One day I found a
letter from Manny.

I thought if you liked
me, I could be a doctor.

I also needed a family.

But I guess it was a dumb idea.

Wanting a family
is a great idea.

I know a lot of people
would give anything for that.


How would you
like to be in mine?

I've never really liked
that picture of the Colonel.

Oh, that's too bad.

Because I got such a good
deal on him at that garage sale.


Honey, thank you for calling.


Oh, I was so worried
about you, Manny.


I'm okay now.

Yeah, we both had
a lot of thinking to do.

Yeah, we did a lot of thinking.

Well, you want to
know what I think?

I think... I don't care
what your name is.

I love you.

What do you think about that?

Well, I think that we should
call a lawyer in the morning,

and figure out a
way to make a family.

The First.

Huh? Yeah.

Now we have to learn the
secret handshake, okay?

If you were the only member,

who else did you do the
secret handshake with?

Well, I've been waiting
a long time for this.

So here we go. Ready?

One, two, two, three. Three.

Ah! Ah!


All right, ready?


Good. Good.

Now, of course, we
have the clubhouse song.

Oh, boy.

Okay, ready?

Now, follow me.

♪ Stars of the summer night ♪

♪ Far down yon azure gleam... ♪

Tess, I've been thinking

and I have the perfect
name for the car.

Well, lay it on me.

The car.

"The car..."

I like that.

It's real and honest.

The car.

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