02x01 - Interview with an Angel

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Touched by an Angel". Aired: September 21, 1994 – April 27, 2003.*
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Monica is tasked with bringing guidance and messages from God to various people who are at a crossroads in their lives.
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02x01 - Interview with an Angel

Post by bunniefuu »

♫ I sing ♫

♫ Because I'm happy ♫

♫ And I sing ♫

♫ Because I'm free ♫

♫ His eye is on even
the little sparrow ♫

♫ That's how I know
he watches over me. ♫

There are over
ten million stories

in the naked city,

and maybe 30
million pigeons, I think,

but I have never even seen
a sparrow in Manhattan, Tess.

Forget the sparrow.
It's a metaphor.

If you wanna do
good in this job,

you gotta stop being so literal.

I know what a metaphor is.

This... is a metaphor.

That is an artichoke.

I bought it in a market
down there in the street,

and the little man said
that it has a heart inside

that is so fragile
and so delicious,

it's worth all the
trouble to get to it.

What have I told you
about taking human form

and then starting on the food?

You just stay away
from these little men

and their metaphors.

But you just said...

I know what I just said,
but sometimes I don't think

you have the sense
God gave the goat.

What's the matter, Tess?

You're not yourself.

Oh, I got a new
assignment for you,

and it's... It's
not like anything

you've ever done before.

This is my new
assignment? But I can't...

Answer this ad.

A tabloid magazine, Tess?

"Your mail is
delivered by aliens"?

"Boy sees through ear"?

What, so this Miss Martin
needs an angel, huh?

There are one
million journalists

in the naked city,

and they need
a little faith, too.

But what if they don't
know that they do?

Well, I know a lot of people
who don't believe in angels,

but I've never met a soul

that didn't want
to believe in them.

This Miss Martin, she
didn't have to run this ad.

She could have made
up something about angels

like the rest of them do,

but somewhere deep inside,
she wants something better.

She wants the truth.

Think of her as an artichoke.

So which one is it?

There. Two over and four down.

She's the editor of the Weekly.

Watch out. She's a handful.

I don't know. It was
always a risky shot.

Why don't we just
use what we got?

I mean, there's
some crazy stuff here.

All right, listen to this.

"Dear Ms. Martin,
I've been channeling"

"an angel named
Owen for six years"

"and he just left me
for a girl named Sue."

All right.

"Sirs, I've enclosed
a copy of my book."

How to Download
Your Angel after 40.

All right.

"To whom it may concern,"

"an angel changed my oil
on the Taconic Parkway."

But there's no proof.

Since when do we need proof?

We're missing the
hook here, Chris.

I mean, you can get anybody

to say they've seen a miracle,

but to prove one...
Now there's a story.

Hello? Miss Martin? How did you get
in here? Do you have an appointment?

Well, I came about the ad.

Oh, let me guess.

You've had some sort
of angel experience?

Well, I am an angel experience.

I am an angel.

♫ When you walk ♫

♫ Down the road ♫

♫ Heavy burden ♫

♫ Heavy load ♫

♫ I will rise ♫

♫ And I will walk with you ♫

♫ I'll walk with you ♫

♫ Till the sun
don't even shine ♫

♫ Walk with you ♫

♫ Every time ♫

♫ I tell you, I'll
walk with you ♫

♫ Walk with you ♫

♫ Believe me, I'll
walk with you. ♫

You're an angel?


Well, thanks for
coming in, really,

but we're axing the story.

How long have you been an angel?


Let's narrow it down.

Was it before or after
you were captured

by Elvis clones?

Why don't I just
tell you my story,

and by the time I'm
finished, I promise,

you will believe.

What are you doing for lunch?

I heard about this great new
place down on 57th street.

Back in an hour, Chris.

No, no.

What? This is just the
hook I've been looking for...

a real nut.

All right...

full name and where do you live?



Let's get the ground rules down.

I'm looking for facts.

I need solid proof
here, like wings.

Do you got any wings you
carry around or something?

I don't think you're
ready for those.

Anyway, this is not about proof.

This is about faith.

Faith doesn't sell.

I need evidence,

something the readers can see.

Faith is the evidence
of things unseen.

Yeah, okay. Um... Why
don't you start talking,

and we'll see how it goes, hmm?


Um, well, my name is Monica,

and I've always been an angel,

although I've only been
a caseworker for a year,

which isn't very long,
as you can imagine,

in the scope of eternity,
so I'm still learning.

Yeah, well, wait. Back up.

A caseworker?

Well, I started
out in the choir,

but then, of course,
everybody does.

And then I spent a little while

in special appearances...
You know, "behold,"

and so on and so forth,

but that didn't last too long,

and then I got transferred
over to Search and Rescue...

You know, zoom, push
a train back on the track,

zoom, you're out of there.

It was all very
exciting, of course,

but I never got to spend more

than a few seconds
at a time on Earth.

There were centuries

of little bits and
pieces of lifesaving,

but nothing you could
really get your teeth into.

And then Tess... Well,
she's my supervisor...

Well, actually, she's
really more of my friend...

She thought that I would
make a great caseworker.

I mean, saving
lives has its merits,

but saving souls and
futures and families...

That's something
else altogether.

I think I've really
found my niche.

Did you ever wonder
why some foods are free

and some you have to pay for?

No. Go on about
being a caseworker.

Tell me about a typical case.

Well, I mean, that's
all very confidential...

You know, high level stuff.

Well, about eight months ago,

I was watching this
young man Andy.

He was climbing up
the side of a rock face

with his friends...
No help, no ropes.

To begin with,

I thought that Andy
was my assignment,

but lesson number
one: Assume nothing.


No activity on the EEG, Doctor.

No blood flow to
the brain on the scan.

I think Andy can
be an organ donor.

Let's keep him ventilated.
Run a chem 7, LFTs and CPKs.

And notify the family,

get the organ
release on this, stat.

I found a donor
card in his wallet.

Get the family on board anyway.

I don't want this falling
apart at the last minute.

Mark time.

Let's go. Call the
transplant team.

This one can go
septic on us easy.

It's amazing how one
moment can change everything.

Like handling a fillet...

Can't think of it as
anything but meat.

Honey, your
jacket's calling you.

Oh, excuse me.

You are so talented, Lisa.

You make these
gorgeous works of art,

and I can hardly make
a hair appointment.

Oh, I knew it. Randy
Arnam just upped my bid.

I'm gonna go stand
over there and protect it.

Are you staying for the banquet?

I can't. I have
to install a piece

at the new wing at the hospital.

It's gonna take me all night.

Well, see ya.


I got a heart. Oh, good.

Can I get the keys?


No, don't worry about me.

I'll just get a ride.

There are just a few
forms to be completed.

Thank you.

This one, it gives your consent

to harvest the following
organs from your husband.

Andy signed his donor
card just last week.

He's, um, always
thinking of everybody else.

He was.

He's not dead really, is he?

He's only being kept
alive by machines.

But maybe if we waited,

he could come back
in a month, couldn't he?

I mean, miracles
happen, don't they?

Yes, they do,

but the real miracle
here is that Andy's death

will help save many other lives,

and that's something that
you can always be proud of.

What have we got, Rintz.

A 24-year-old male...
Massive hematoma.

We went in, but we
found a closed head injury

with severe brain swelling,
so he was no good.

We've had him on a
respirator since 3:00.

Timing's perfect. I was just
about to order a margarita.

So we've got the liver and lungs

going out to St. Agnes.
One kidney we lost,

but the other one
flies up to Albany.

I mean, they're
flipping out up there.

They're gonna lose
their boy in 24 hours.

The harvest is
set for 7:00 tonight

once the paperwork gets done.

The heart's all yours.

I'm passing, you're receiving.


A 30-year-old male... Stage Two.

He's been waiting for
a match for two years,

and this one's perfect.

He's, um, he's Gus
Jacobson's patient.

I mean, Gus gave
him maybe a week.

This is his last shot.

30, Huh?

Yeah, congenital heart,

and the guy shouldn't
have even made it this far,

but, I don't know, looks like he
hit the second-chance express.

The ambulance
is bringing him in.

He's at home?

Yeah. Gus sent him
home to die. Who knew?

Donor family?

Married six weeks.

Mountain climbing... He
was climbing solo, unroped.

She hasn't signed yet.

Um, excuse me.
I'm Dr. Patcherik.

I'm the surgeon

who's gonna be
supervising the procedure.

I just wanted to tell
you that I understand

what a terrible
loss this is for you

and to assure you

that your husband
will be treated

with all the care and
respect he deserves.

Let them know,
the ones that, uh...

just tell them how
much we love him.

He had a very good, kind heart.

I promise.

There's our winner. I'll
get him processed. Yeah.

Hello, Doctor. I'm your
Transplant Coordinator.

I've never seen you before.

They like to rotate
the coordinators.

It keeps us objective.

I'm really glad we found
the perfect match for you.

Great. So, uh... Monica.

Monica, that kid's organs
could go bad any minute.

I got a recipient in here
who's not gonna see Tuesday

if I don't get that
paperwork signed now.

Well, she just
needed a little time.

I mean, she is going to sign.

It's just that sometimes...
I know. Just do it, okay?

Let's change him over.

Ready? One, two, three.

Are you doing okay?

He's steady, alert, excited,

and we're just in time.

Oh, there's his cardiologist.
Have you met Gus yet?

She's the one from Memorial.

She took Jack Caldwell's chair.

That's Gus?


Papers are signed,
everything's in order.

Just need your signature.

Good girl.

Gus, this is Joe Patcherik.

Hi. Heard a lot about you.

Oh, sorry.

I just pulled the engine
out of my '63 Merc.

You know, I use
that volcano stuff,

but I think an extra hour
of scrub ought to do it.

You're scrubbing?

I hope you don't
mind if I sit in,

but Ethan's a special
patient of mine.

Ethan? Interesting guy.

He's had more than
his share of problems

besides this heart
stuff, and I'll tell you,

he's overdue for some good news.

He's a good guy.

"Thomas Ethan Parker."

Everybody calls him Ethan.

Oh, my God.

I didn't see that, Joe.

Get yourself another surgeon.

Ethan Parker
m*rder*d Joe's children.

Wait a minute.

A surgeon refuses
to do a transplant

on the guy who
m*rder*d his kids?

How come I've never
heard about this?

May I take your order?

Yeah, a club sandwich
and an iced tea.

I'll have an artichoke

and a double-decaf
mocha latte with a spoon

and, ooh, you know,
those little bowls

with the sauce to dip it in.

The spoon?

The artichoke. Yeah, Chris,

The spoon's for the double-decaf
mocha latte. Get all the info you got.

Okay, I got that.
On an Ethan Parker.

I'm down here at
Roylance's on 57th street.


Can you get me
some backup on this?

I mean, any litigation pending?

There's gotta be some
sort of lawsuit out there.

But we had a deal here.

I mean, you can't get
sidetracked with facts.

See, I knew this was going
to be a difficult assignment

the moment I realized

that Ethan had only
seven hours to live.

Wait a minute. The
doctor said he had a week.

He didn't. He had seven hours,

and I knew that the
moment I saw Henry.


The Angel of Death.

The Angel of Death?

You make him sound so grim.

No, those guys are
real sweethearts.

Guys... plural?

Well, it takes a lot
of angels like Henry

to cover it all.

You see them all the time.

Well, I do.

Oh, my God. I never
made the connection.

But he didn't m*rder them.

It was an accident, right?

The guy was driving drunk

and plowed into five kids.

That's m*rder.

You know, I knew that Ethan
spent a couple years in jail

for drunken driving, but I
never put the two together.

Oh, God.

Guess what, Ethan.

You know, the good news is

we finally found
you a new heart.

The bad news is your
surgeon doesn't want to do it

'cause you ran over his kids.

What am I gonna tell him?

Have you ever come across
anything like this before?

In one form or another.

Well, I suppose there's
always the long-shot chance

we'll get another
heart in the next week.

But another perfect match?

Well, let's not count on it.

Would you excuse me
for a moment, please?




Just when things start
getting predictable... voilà.

Voilà? That's all you learned
after a century in France?

Well, that and... oh, "A
glass of red wine a day

keeps the Angel
of Death away..."

for awhile.

Is Ethan...?

Yeah, I thought I'd
get here a little early,

get him used to the idea.

You know, it's always
harder in hospitals,

making it something special.

How much time do I have?

Um, well, unless you
think of something,

we'll be gone by midnight.

Look, it's no problem, buddy.

I don't blame you for a second.

If I could do it for
you myself, I would.

Frankly, I'm glad
I don't know how.

What about Phil Stalter?

The whole red team
had the weekend.

Now, he said something

about taking his
kids to the Berkshires.

We could stall the harvest
an hour maybe, if he left now.

I'm on it. I'll find
him. Don't worry.

Drives the middle
and slams it in.

The Orangemen are up by two.

They've gotta box out...

Daddy, it's time.

Yeah, okay, pal.

Be over in just a
minute, all right?

But you said that hours ago.

You said when it snowed,

we could go sledding
as soon as it snowed.

Okay, okay, be right there.

Go, go. Come on.

Go to the hoop. Jeez.

Joe, are you gonna
take them or not?

Yeah, honey.
They're in overtime.

Can't be much longer...
Ten minutes tops.

Oh, come on. Ten minutes
is forever to these guys.

Let me just take
them, all right?

No, no, no, no,
no. I'll do it. I'll do it.

Okay, here I come.
This is me leaving.

Getting out of the chair.

Oh, foul. Come on.

That was a charge. You saw that.

I saw it. Sweetie, they've
been waiting since christmas.

You've had 24 games
since then, okay?

I'm gonna take them to the park.

Come on, guys, let's go.

Okay, I'm right behind you.

Good-bye, sweetheart.
See you later.

Have a great time.
Okay, I'm coming.

Okay, let's go.

Oh, jeez. Let him have the lane.

Hey, hey, hey.
Give me that hand.

Give me that hand.

You have fun.
Bring me a snowball.


Mary Ann, come on, sweetie!

Watch out for Wilkins.

He's breaking loose.

Pass to the middle...


So I hope you're getting
paid by the pound for this.

No. Actually, I'm
donating this piece

because my
husband's a doctor here.

Well, any chance he
could spare a minute

to give us a hand?

He's doing a heart transplant.

Oh, transplants, huh?

Well, I could use a new back.

Tell him I'll wait for
him in the, uh, what is it?

Atrium. He's never been in it.

Come in.

We haven't had much
success finding another surgeon.

I know you can't imagine
going ahead with this,

but I'm here to see you through,

and I'll do anything
I can to help.

Weird world, huh?

What are the odds
of this happening?

The laws of probability
never seem to matter

when it happens to you.

I have been a
prisoner of probability.

Chance disappears
when you make a decision.

Oh, I made a decision
a long time ago...

If I ever saw that man again,

I would k*ll him
with my bare hands.

This will just take a minute.

Now... this is your
mayo, Mm-hmm.

Yogurt and dill,

curry, white wine and mustard,

drawn butter and garlic.

Isn't food a great perk?

Well, you enjoy
it while you can.

Thank you.

Okay, here we go.

Hey, I got it.

Thomas Ethan Parker, 30,

served two and a half
years on a DUI in Jersey...

Ran over the curb
about four years ago

and k*lled five kids

getting into a car in
front of their house.

Two and a half years?

First offense. That's all I got.

They named a hospital
or something after the kids.

There's a picture in there
from the guy's arraignment.



So I'll, uh, I'll see you later?

Oh, ye of little faith.

Okay, so he
existed. Look at this.

The guy kills five children,

and all he got was
a bad cut on his face.

You know what's missing here?

Where's the headline that
says this piece of scum died?

I mean, how could
anybody seriously consider

giving him a second chance?

And don't tell me
that it's God's will.

Why don't you let
me finish my story

and then you decide.

Dr. White to the pharmacy.

Dr. White to the
pharmacy, please.

Do you wanna go in
there, Dr. Patcherik?

Um, no. I changed my mind.

Have you seen in there?

It looks more like a garden
than a hospital lobby.

No, no, I've never
been in there.

Oh, come on, take a peek.

No, that's all right, really.

Oh, they're putting
a little statute up.

It's gonna be real cute
when they get through.

Come on. No, really,
it's okay. I don't...

Never mind.
I'll-I'll see you later.

It seems he wanted
to talk to you.

He hasn't wanted to
talk to me for a long time.

Well, somebody should
start saying something.

That door swings
both ways, you know.

There's nothing to
worry about, Ethan.

It happens all the time.

Well, it's almost 7:00.

Just because they
said 7:00 doesn't mean

that they're gonna go
in at 7:00 on the dot.

And don't forget,

we've got five
surgeries to coordinate

before we can harvest,

and that might take a few hours.

Don't you worry.

You know, you're gonna be
right next door to that heart,

and as soon as they get it out,

their gonna serve it up faster
than a burger and fries, honey.

You can bet on it, Ethan.

Gus, I...

I don't think I
have a few hours.

I can feel it, like
death is in the room.

So why don't you just
get a substitute surgeon?

That's not the point,
and you know it.

A substitute is
not what he needs.

You're beautiful
when you're cosmic.

Hi. I thought you
could use this.

Hello, Ethan, I'm Monica.

I'm coordinating the
transplant for the hospital.

You've, um...

got a lot to look
forward to, my friend.

I hope so.

I'm looking for my husband.

He's doing a heart
transplant... Joe Patcherik.

Oh, my... oh, no.

Maybe I can help you.

I saw him out front.
Patcherik, oh, no.

Oh, my God.

Oh, my God.

Oh, my God.

Ethan, it's okay.

I heard.

You want to say something to me?

Just a word.

Maybe fill your
quota for the year.

Just been thinking.

When we buried...

when we buried
our babies, I, um...

I stopped believing in God.

Do you remember when Sylvie
used to point up at the stars?

She'd ask which
one God lived on.

You'd point at her heart

and say, "You're the star."

"God lives inside you..."

Stop it, Lisa. Just stop that.

There is no God.

No. No, maybe there is.


How could I hate him
so much if he didn't exist?

Oh, God, that's bull.

It's not God you hate. It's me.

Just say it. Come on, Lisa...

No, no, no. Get
it over with. Say it!

I see it. I see it every
time you look at me...

When you look at me.

You blame me. I couldn't wait.

I had to park the car
outside in the street.

I should have waited until
the basketball game was over.

You're damn right you
should have waited!

You should have waited!
I told you I would do it!

I said I would take
them! I told you!

Why couldn't you leave me
alone for five more minutes?

That's all... five
lousy minutes!

You just sat there!

Why couldn't you take
them when I asked you?!

Why couldn't you
listen to your children?!

They never got to go
sledding. They never got to go.

Is that what you
wanted me to say?

I don't know! I don't know!
Is that what you wanted...


You want to blame me.
You want me to blame you.

You want to blame him.
You don't care who you blame,

just so long as you don't
have to blame yourself!

Well, I've forgiven him,

and I've forgiven you and me

and God and basketball

and snow and everybody
else that I blamed.

And it's slow,

but I'm starting
to get my life back.

And I'm going to,
with or without you.

You can honestly
look me in the eye

and tell me that you have
forgiven that monster?

If I don't...

I'll die, too.

So that's it, huh?

You're-you're-you're over this.

I... well, I guess
you must have,

because you spend
every waking moment

raising funds so
that you can finish

this damn children's wing,
and the rest of the time

you disappear into your studio

so you can make some
stupid statues of something.

You think I don't know
what that children's wing is?

You have any idea why I
can't walk into the damn thing?


Well, it is not a
memorial to our children.

That is your eternal
"up yours" to me. Oh...

And you made sure that I
would have to walk past it

every day for
the rest of my life.

Well, I will. I
will walk past it,

but I'll be damned
if I'll go inside it

and pretend that I'm over this.

Lisa, the truth is that a
minute this way or that way,

what is the difference?

And you could've
gone, or I could've gone.

The thing is that he
got into his car, and he...

He is the one,

and he should've
died a long time ago!

Don't come home until you've
forgiven that man in there...

and yourself... and God...

basketball... and snow.

Dr. Sousa to physical therapy.

Dr. Sousa to physical therapy.

Where have you been?

Where is Stolter?

He's up in Tanglewood
at a concert.

We paged him. There's no answer.

Doesn't Griffin Memorial
have a transplant team?

We don't have enough
time. We gotta harvest now,

'cause those other organs
have places they gotta go tonight.

And we can't keep
that heart on ice forever.

Face it, Joe, this
is the right heart

at the right time for
the right match, and...


Ethan Parker's losing it.

He's going down a lot
faster than Gus expected.

He found out about you.

It's getting late.
I gotta harvest.

Look, go on up to O.R.

Now as soon as I close,

I'll come over there,

and I'll back you up, all right?

Just... Just
turn it all off, pal.

You gotta pull this one off,

'cause nobody is gonna believe
it's a mistake if that guy buys.

You'll lose everything.

I already have.

Don't... You could
lose your license.

He's not worth it.

Dr. Patterson, there's
a phone call for you.

Dr. Wright to
delivery suite Four.

Dr. Wright to
delivery suite Four.

Hey, wait a minute.

Hey, nurse!

Ah, don't worry. We'll
just go back down to...

You know, I've always
had this heart thing...

ever since I was born.

It's like always
living on the edge.

Nobody thought I
would make it to 12...

and 15... 20...

I made it to 25. I
thought I had it beat.

But the day after my
birthday, they said, "no way."

I would be lucky
to make it to dinner,

let alone 30.

So I kind of went crazy.

I started drinking.

It was the only thing
that kept me going.

I don't care.

I just want you to know...

whatever life I had,

I lost that day anyway.

I'm not really sure
why I'm still alive

or why I've been
given this chance.

But I want you to
know, I'm gonna use it...

Try to make a difference.

But if something happens
on that table tonight,

I wouldn't blame you.

Neither would I.

Hey, get this guy to O.R.

Yes, Doctor.

Dr. Kaye to 312 East.
Dr. Kaye to 312 East.

Dr. Lamonico to ICU.
Dr. Lamonico to ICU.

Andy wrote something on
the back of his donor card.

"Take what you
need and carry on.

I know I plan to."

They, um...

they say he was a
wonderful person.

Do you ever wonder
why some people must die

so that others can live?

Or why enemies
live, and innocent die?

All the time.

Perhaps it's because
we're not supposed to know.

Never a good reason for death.

You don't know
that until you die.

All I'm saying is,

how can you judge
something fairly

when you don't even
know what the rules are?

You can't play God, Joe,

because you aren't God.

This is ridiculous.

Ethan Parker should
have never had a chance

at a heart in the first place.

I mean, somebody
should have stopped it

before he ever
got on a waiting list.

You too, then. You
think he deserved to die.

Absolutely, and it's too bad

he couldn't have
died five times over.

Well, he did a terrible
thing, that's true.

And he only got two
years. I mean, it's obscene.

No chance that anything
good could come out of this?

No way. Bad eggs...

Throw 'em all out before
they stink everything up.

I gotta go to the ladies room.

Speaking of
throwing people out...

it's taking longer
than I thought.

Well, this is not w*r and Peace,

and I've been on
my feet all day,

and the chef's been
in a bad mood all day.

And if you think I'm gonna
pull the dinner shift, too,

you need to get your
halo straightened out.

Go on and tell the story
and let's get out of here...

before it's too late.

Timing is everything now.

Okay. Let's get this over with.

Just so you'll know,

it's only 25 minutes
until Happy Hour.

We start to set up
for the dinner crowd.

I hope that won't disturb you.

I'm almost finished.


No substitute. Joe's
gotta do the surgery,

but he doesn't
have to do it right.

What a terrible thing to say.
Are you always so vengeful?

This is a very lonely
town, you know?

You gotta fight
for what's yours...

The seat on the subway,

the next number
in line at the deli.

I reported the people next
door for lifting the classifieds

out of my Sunday paper.

So if somebody actually

took away something
I really loved,

I'd nail him in a New York
minute and never look back.

So that's what you believe
in, huh... getting even?

Nobody ever did me
any favors, Monica...

No humans, no angels.

Me... that's what I believe
in. And don't ask me to believe

in anything else
unless you've got proof.

♫ In the wee small hours ♫

♫ Of the morning ♫

♫ When the whole wide world ♫

♫ Is fast asleep ♫

I'll see what I can do.

♫ You lie awake... ♫

Time was running out for Ethan,

and there was no one else
to do the transplant but Joe.

♫ And you never even
think of counting sheep ♫

♫ When your lonely heart ♫

♫ Has learned its lesson ♫

♫ You'd be happy ♫

♫ If only she would call ♫

♫ In the wee small hours ♫

♫ Of the morning ♫

- ♫ That's the time...
- Cross clamp.

Cross clamp.

Somebody turn
that off. Yes, doctor.

All right, let's go on bypass.

Okay. Starting now.

Let Rintz know we're ready.

Yes, Doctor.

We're all ready to go.

Excuse me.

It's all yours, Joe.


Okay, give me some light here.

Come on, light!

Hey, Rintz, I think I'm
beginning to black out here.

I told you before... I'm
here to see this through.

I'm an angel.

That is your own life that
you're holding in your hands,

and you can't save it

any more than you can
take or save Ethan's life.

There's only one physician
in this room who can do that.

It was He who gave you
the talent to save lives,

and only He has the right
to give a life or take a life.

Let Him give your
life back to you, Joe.

Let Him help you find
mercy for those who failed.

I don't know how.

I'm here to help you.

God loves you, Joe.

And whether you
think He should or not,

He loves this man Ethan.

He wants this to be a
room of life, not death.

But He can do nothing
unless you get out of the way.

Let go of your guilt, Joe,
and release this man from his.

With Andy's heart,

Ethan has a chance to carry on,

and so do you.

And who...

who will carry on
for my children?

They're carrying on just fine.

You okay, Joe?

Let's do it.

Pickup. NURSE: Pickup.

Blood temp is normal, Doctor.

Looking good.

Okay. Let's open
her up, see if it takes.

Here we go.

Heart's gonna take
over any second. Right.

Come on.

Come on.

Come on. It's taking too long.

He's fibrillating. We're
gonna fire. Let's go.


Here we go.

Clear? NURSE: Clear.

Charge to 10. Charging.



Charge to 20.

Charge to 20.

Shock. NURSE: Shock.

Still fibrillating.

Electrolytes okay?
Strong and steady.

Venous blood gas?

Looking good.

Maybe he's got air
down his coronaries.

No way. Everything
went perfectly.

The clamps have been
off for two minutes, Doctor.

All right, wait a
minute. Just wait.

Carry on.

All right. Sinus rhythm.

We're out of the woods.

The door is open.

It's-it's beautiful.

It's beautiful.

So what about the drunk
driver? He survived?


I don't get it.

It wasn't his time.

What a waste of a heart.

I can't print this.

It's some sick fairy tale you
made up about real people.

Where are you goin'?

You told me that when you
were finished with your story,

I'd believe in angels.

Yes, I did. I promised.

Yeah, well, the story stinks.

You're finished,
and I don't believe.

Thanks, but I'm outta here.

You okay?



Sure. I'm just glad I was there.

You take care of yourself.

Now I'm finished.

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