02x04 - The Driver

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Touched by an Angel". Aired: September 21, 1994 – April 27, 2003.*
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Monica is tasked with bringing guidance and messages from God to various people who are at a crossroads in their lives.
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02x04 - The Driver

Post by bunniefuu »

Columbian Supremo at 422.

French roast, 416.

Ooh, somethin'
freeze-dried at 401.

How come people
don't make cappuccinos

in the morning, Tess?

They gotta go to work,
honey. They don't have time.

But there's nothing but time.

Well, everybody
doesn't know that.

I'm on my way. I want
it to be there and ready.

Oh, come on...

No. Why can't the guys
just meet me there?

It's too early. What do
you mean? It's only 7:00.

Why do they do it, Tess?

They invent clocks, and then
they become slaves to them.

They make up little jobs

and then they become
prisoners to them.

They-they build all sorts
of roads going nowhere,

and they spend all their
time going up and down

and back and forth and
sometimes, you know,

I could just shake them.

Well, in a nice way,
I mean. Of course.

You've been hittin' that coffee
a little too hard lately, huh?

Look. MAN: Yeah.

If he's dirty, he's goin' down.

And I'm not gonna wait
around to read about it.

He's the governor. Ron.

Yeah. Unh.

What? Ron?

Yes. You know I'm right.

Oh, come on, Deb.

I don't think I could
do a 9:00 to 5:00

I don't think she could either.

That young woman is a
sl*ve to more than her clock

and a prisoner to
more than her job.

And I'm afraid she
doesn't even need her car

to drive herself to
where she's goin'.

Oh, Deb, Deb... Deb,
I cannot hear you.

You're breakin' up.



Let's just cut to the chase.

Yes. Okay.

I mean, I am going to nail
this guy, one way or the other.

Deb? I mean, never
put off till tomorrow

who you can expose today, right?

As your mother
always says, right?

Oh, please, Ron.
Give me a break.

Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Just wait a minute. Unh!

Ron, oh, look... okay!

Ron, I'm about
five minutes away.

We'll discuss it then,
but I'm tellin' you, I'm right.

Yeah. All right, you'll see.

Yeah. See, I know what
I'm talkin' about, Ron.

I'll come in.
We'll chat a little.

You'll tell me what
you want me to cover,

and then I'll go on and do
what I want anyway, okay?

Now put Kenny on so I can
rake him over the usual coals.

Kenny? Hey, Kenny, my man,

let me tell you
what you did wrong.

That's Debra Willis,
your assignment.

Is she what you'd
call a driven woman?

Well, the problem
with most driven people

is that they make
the mistake of thinking

they're doing the driving.

That's how accidents happen.

Is anything ever really
an accident, Tess?

What difference does it make?

You're going to have to
handle it when it happens.

And this one is bound to happen.

♫ When you walk ♫

♫ Down the road ♫

♫ Heavy burden ♫

♫ Heavy load ♫

♫ I will rise ♫

♫ And I will walk with you ♫

♫ I'll walk with you ♫

♫ Till the sun
don't even shine ♫

♫ Walk with you ♫

♫ Every time ♫

♫ I tell you, I'll
walk with you ♫

♫ Walk with you ♫

♫ Believe me, I'll
walk with you. ♫

- A - Channel 5
exclusive last week,

conducted by our
very own Debra Willis,

has resulted in an
announcement yesterday

by Denver City
Council, detailing a plan

to conduct a
full-scale investigation

into the Platte
River waste dumping

by Colorado real estate
developer Andrew Considine.

That's the news this
morning. Have a great day.

And tune in at
noon, 4:00 and 6:00

for the day's developing
events on Q News. Good day.

What did you do,
run all the lights?

Oh, cut the small talk.
I'm just passin' through.

Yeah, what's the hurry?

Bad guys don't need as
much sleep as good guys.

That's why good guys
have to work harder.

Hey, great job on
the Platte River story.

Hey, that's why I get
the medium-sized bucks.

Aw, that was a compliment.

Thanks, but I would much rather
have an update on the governor.

Well, he's gonna pardon
two dozen white-collar cons

before his term ends
tonight at midnight.

Says who?

Informed sources.

That's good enough for
me. Come on, let's get rollin'.

Hey, wait a minute.
Slow down once in a while

and take your new
producer with you.

Look, I want to get that
governor on the steps before...


Hello. I'm Monica.

Monica, this is Debra Willis.

Hi, Monica.

I didn't think we had a
new producer in the budget.

Me neither, but the brass
upstairs say, "Here she is."

So I guess we did.

Well, I would much
rather have the money,

but, um... welcome to Q-Zoo.

We have more questions
than answers, but, hey, we try.

Thank you.

I've seen your work.

It's very good.

Yeah, New York's gonna
be knocking on her door soon.

Not soon enough.

You ready to get to Capitol
Hill and kick some butt?

I suppose I am.

Don't forget to write.

Why should these
men be pardoned?

Well, it's my opinion
they were victims

of an overzealous prosecutor...

District Attorney
Frank Randolph.

And your opinion has
nothing to do with the fact

that Randolph opposed
your reelection?

No. Politics has
never interfered

with my sense of justice.

Now if you'll excuse me...

Governor, can we
get a picture of you...

Cut, Freddie.

You know, I'm getting
a little old for this, Deb.

Next time you're gonna
have to go a little easy on me.

If he's out of office
as of tomorrow,

what does he mean by next time?

Freddie, keep rolling.

Governor, please,
just one more question.

What are your
future plans in politics,

and will there be a
next time, governor?

Never say never, okay?

When and if Governor
Watson's name

next appears on a ballot,

voters will have their
say on his decision

to pardon these
convicted felons,

no matter how starched
and white their collars may be.

It's his right, it's your law,

and as my mother always says,

"Never ask how
sausages or laws are made

unless you're willing
to change the recipe."

This is Debra Willis
for Channel 5 News.

Shouldn't that be "Like
my mother always says"?

"As" is grammatically correct.

But nobody says that.

My mother does.

She sounds like a very
special lady, her mother.

No one's ever even met her.


Hey, aren't you that lady on TV

who bucks the system?

And aren't you that
cop who is the system?

Hey. Hey.

Leo, meet Monica.

She's new in town, and
she's my new producer.

Monica, Leo, the best
detective in Denver.

How do you do?

Just fine, and welcome
to God's country.

Well, I suppose it
started out that way.

Well, that's a good point.

She ought to do great
in this job. Coffee?

Uh, no, thank you.

Actually, I'm, uh,
trying to cut down.

Harv, the usual... two.

You got it, Leo.

Now, you coming to Sal's
retirement party tomorrow night?

I don't know, Leo.

You never know what
the news will bring.

Well, what about that
boyfriend of yours?

You don't have
time for him, too?

We make time for each
other. We jog every night.

Oh, jogging... sounds romantic.

You know, um, I think
he wants to get married.

Well, what's wrong with that?

Bet you could work
him in, couldn't you?

Monica, you married?


Oh. Well, don't get me wrong.

Anybody who wants a
career ought to go for it.

But when it's over,
I'd rather end up

with a gold watch
and a hand to hold

instead of just a gold watch.

Hmm. I can't imagine anyone

would wanna stick
around with me that long.

Well, you've got a point there.

Leo, you're supposed
to be on my side.

Hey, let's get
these cappuccinos.

Gosh, she never stops, does she?

No. She's so busy
listening to her head,

she never listens to her heart.

She's gonna wear
that boyfriend out.

Sometimes I wonder
if she's running

to something or from something.


Every time she
tries to slow down,

she hears this voice that says,

"You'll never be good enough,

"you'll never be smart enough,"

"you'll never be pretty enough,"

"and you'll never deserve
the love of a good man."

It's an ugly voice,

and it runs even
faster than her feet.

All right, all right,

we're gonna break six minutes.

It's gonna be a new record!

Look, I don't care about
records. Stop, stop.

Here, take it.

Now come here... and kiss me.

I'm sorry, I'm sorry.

I can't just walk
out of the studio

and let it go so fast.

I'm sorry.

Look at that.

I'm not in love with that woman.

Why is everybody on my case?

I'm busy. I like it that way.

Okay, okay.

We're still on for
tomorrow night, right?

What's the plan?

Meet me at 6th and Welton

on top of the
parking garage roof...

8:00, okay?


Two years ago I
fixed your rear flat tire

and introduced myself.

Call me sentimental.

Our anniversary?


George, you aren't... Shh.

Tomorrow's special,
okay? For me.

Okay, okay, tomorrow. Okay.

But what do you say
we get one more mile in

before it gets dark?
Come on, let's go.

It's gonna get dark a lot
sooner than she thinks.

What do you mean? Look.


What's the Angel
of Death doing here?

Well, he's not here yet,

but he's getting closer.

Hey, it's Kenny here.

Can you hold for a second?

Hey, hey, it's Debra.

I'm sorry. Look...

It's 6:40 and I'm on my way in.

Great. See you
in the editing room.

Look, be there or be fired.


Just kidding.

Uh-huh. Bye.

Hey, Leo, it's me.

Look, don't bother
calling me back.

I just had a great idea
when I passed O'douls.

Let's get Sal something
fun for this retirement,

not this gold watch-
needlepoint crap.

Oh, damn it. Look at this.

I need to call a
news crew out here.

Fire hydrant just blasting
with the reservoir real low.

Look at all of this
water being wasted.

I'll tell you, look, I
got to go right now.

I'll call you back
when I'm human,

if that is possible.

I am the power of my universe.

I am the power of my universe.

I am the power in my universe.

I am the power in my universe.

I am the key to my success.

I am the key to my success.

I am all that I need.

I am all that I need.

I am in the driver's seat.

I am in the driver's seat.


I am the power in my universe.

Oh, my God! Oh, my God!

Are you okay? Can you hear me?

Are you okay? Can you...

Oh, my God! Oh, no, hang on.

Hang on, hang on.

Okay, it's still beating,
it's still beating.

Damn it! Damn it!
This isn't happening.

Hang on, hang on.

Damn it.

I am the power of my universe.

I am the power in my universe.

God, Debra. Look at this mess.

What were you thinking?!
Were you thinking?

I am all that I need.

Something like
this will follow you

all the days of your life,

and no one will want to
have anything to do with you.

I am the power of my universe.

I am the power in my universe.

Hang on, hang on, hang on.

Damn it.

I am the key... WOMAN:
Emergency 911.

Hello? Hello? I'd like
to report an accident.

What happened?

A kid's been hit by a car.

A... a boy, uh...
uh, 16, 17 years old.

All right, what
is your location?

The 1200 block of Warner Avenue.

Okay. Hurry, please!

Send an ambulance right away.

Got one on its way.
Hurry, he's unconscious!

Yes, ma'am. Can I
have your name, please?

What...? Why do
you need my name?

It's policy, ma'am.

I am the power in my universe.

I am the key to my success.

I am all that I need.

Oh, no. Oh, no.

I am in the driver's seat.

I am the power of my universe.

How could she just have
left him here like this?

I don't think the real
Debra could have done this,

but that woman is capable
of doing anything right now.

Henry, are you going
to take him now?

Too soon to tell.

You know, I don't
place the orders.

I'm just the delivery man.

Look, Henry, you
know, sometimes you...


Oh, Debra, good morning.

We got a lot going on
here, so where is Monica?

Look, come with me.

I'm telling you,
you hire someone,

you give them a chance
when nobody else will,

and the next thing they
know, they repay your faith

by showing up to work any
damn time they feel like it.

Now, we need a producer
if we're gonna do the news.

I mean, I need a
producer, I need Monica.


Well, gee, hi, Monica.

Look, we need you
to get down here. We...

Yeah, what?

What is it?

How long ago?

Are the other stations there?

Okay, okay, you stay put.

Monica just called.
She's at the hospital.

Bobby Garcia
was just brought in.

He was hit by a
hit-and-run driver.

Bobby Garcia...
that kid? Oh, no.

Bobby? That's his name?

You don't know
who Bobby Garcia is?

Deb, you really
ought to stick around

for the sports wrap-up
once in a while.

The kid is the best high
school baseball player

in the history of this state.

Sports says he
was skipping college

and going right to
the major leagues.

Yeah, he was just brought in.

There's no word
yet on the extent.

How did Monica
get there so fast?

Because she's good.

Didn't I just say that?

What, are you still
here? Get to the hospital.

Ron, I mean, do you really
think that's a good story?

It was just, uh... some
kid got hit by a car.

That kid is from
a family of five.

His dad died two years ago.

His mother is a hairdresser.

Kid's a sure millionaire

until he steps off
the wrong curb.

Debra, this is the American
dream gone all wrong.

Now get down there.

So are we all set?

We're all set.

Have you seen Debra?

I haven't seen her yet.

Oh, there she is.

Oh, thanks.

Hello. We're all ready here,

but it's a bit of
a feeding frenzy.

It always is.

And at this hour,

there are more
questions than answers.

Will Bobby Garcia
recover from his injuries?

Who was the
driver of the vehicle

and why did they run?

And who made the
phone call to 911,

a good Samaritan passing by

or the driver of the vehicle

that left a young man
fighting for his life?

Doctor! Oh, Doc...

The patient has
suffered head traumas

as a result of the accident.

He's listed in critical
condition at this time.

Thank you. That's all.

There's his mother.
There's his mother.

Can you give us a
statement, Mrs. Garcia?

No, not now. Please.

Mrs. Garcia, have
you had a chance

to talk to your son yet?

Please, just let me through.

She said please.

Debra Willis...
you, I'll talk to you.

I don't get it.

His mother just picks
you for an exclusive

out of the whole reporter pool?

Yeah, lucky me.

Mrs. Garcia said
she talked to Debra

because Debra shows
respect for her mother.

Oh, as your mother always says,

"You can't buy respect."
"You can't buy respect."

You know, I don't even
think she has a mother.

I think she makes
this up all by herself.

Oh, oh, this is it.

I didn't raise Bobby
to be a baseball player.

It's what he does,
it's not who he is.

I raised him to be a happy man

with respect for
others, to love himself...

God... and his family.

His family is at home right now,

praying for him.

And still no leads in the
case of Bobby Garcia,

the teenage baseball star
who was injured this morning

by a hit-and-run driver.

Garcia's considered
the top pro prospect.

Recently he spoke with
Channel 5 sportscaster star Callet

about his life as
a future superstar.

I just wanna do whatever's
best for the team,

and then go pro.

I wanna buy mum a house...

You know, with fruit trees.

You know, how you see on TV...

You can just reach right over

and pick them off and eat them.

That'd be so cool.

She deserves it, I mean,
for putting up with me.

Garcia's still
unconscious at this hour,

and police ask that anyone

with any information
regarding this tragedy

to please come forward. Steve.

Thanks, Debra.
It's a horrible thing.

Just horrible.

I think it's time to
turn to a lighter note,

and in so doing,

we'll turn to the local
fishing competition.

Hey, Sallie, how are you doing?


Excuse me, Monica.

You want a martini
with those onions?

Mnh-mnh. I just
like them straight,

thank you very much.


Uh, it's somebody
with sweaty palms.

Hey, why are your
palms so sweaty?

Well, it's a sweaty world, Leo.

But you never sweat.

Oh, that's my beeper.

I've been beeped.

I've never been beeped before.

Excuse me.

So, um, what you got on
the, uh, Garcia accident?

Accident? Who said
anything about an accident?

Try felony hit-and-run. Felony?

Well, you can't hit
somebody in the street

and leave them there.

Whoever did it ought to be shot.

But, uh, what if it
were an accident?

Even if it were,
it became a crime

the minute she drove away.


A woman made the call
right down the street here

then took off.

50 Bucks says that's who did it.

And we'll catch her all right.

Oh, yeah, they
brought out the big g*ns

to lead this investigation.

Oh, yeah? Who?



I volunteered.

This one I do on my own time.

Oh, by the way, I got
your message this morning,

and we are buying
Sal a gold watch,

also a gift certificate to
that sports, uh, magazine.

Hey, Leo, you gotta make
a speech about Sallie.

Me? I got nothing prepared.

Hey, everybody, listen up!

Now, I wasn't
supposed to be the one

to stand up for Sal,

but it looks like I'm the
only one who can stand up.

Tonight Sal's a great cop.

Tomorrow he won't
be a great cop anymore,

but he'll still be a great man.

Here's to Sal.


Debra, that was the station.

Bobby may be getting worse,

and they need us
to do a follow-up.

Oh, no.


♫ For he's a jolly
good fellow... ♫

We love ya!

Hi, I'm Debra Willis.

Can you tell me anything
about Bobby Garcia?

Yeah, he needs blood.

You got some?

His blood type is very rare.

We're putting out a
call for A-B negative.

That's my blood
type... A-B negative.

Well, fancy that.

How about you, honey?

Blood banks can
always use some extra.

I don't know that
I can give blood.

Oh, I bet you can.

I bet your blood is purer
than the driven snow.

You don't faint, do you?

You, uh, really never
gave blood before?

No, but there's a lot
of things I haven't done.

Not me. I've done
everything I set out to do.

Well, almost.

I need a little sleeve
rolling-up action, ladies.

Which arm do you want to use?

Um... it doesn't matter.

Woman: Dr. Carlson, Room 223.

Dr. Carlson, room 223, please.

There you go.

Now, here's some orange juice.

Drink it all, honey.

It'll stop you
from getting dizzy.

And you make sure
she drinks every drop.

Dr. Daniels, please
meet Mr. Elco in the lobby.

You want to know about
these scars on my wrists.

I was 16... A
classic overachiever.

I just... I just
had to be perfect.

I got my first A-minus
and, uh, I went crazy.

I don't see how it
could be that simple.

But, hey, I got over
trying to be perfect.

Can't you tell?

Dr. Toman to Obstetrics.

Dr. Toman to Obstetrics, please.

She's a pretty
remarkable mother.


Sounds as if you have a
pretty remarkable mother, too...

I mean, that phrase of yours.

"As my mother always says..."

Yeah, she's really
something else...

Very wise and wonderful.

She'd say things like,

"You won't get the blue ribbon"

"for running half the race,"

or, "You're a waste of space"

"if you're not in first place."

But somehow she really had a way

of inspiring me to be my best.

Your best or hers?

Well, that's what always
made it interesting,

trying to figure that one out.

Is that what happened...
You couldn't?

Hey, what's going on?

Some guy over on Dexter

has got his boss and
some customers hostage,

a couple of kids.

One officer down,
maybe one of the kids.

Nobody can get to him.

I'll call the station;
You get the address.


Debra, the station
told me you were here.

What's going on? Are you hurt?

No. I'm covering a story.

Look, I couldn't meet
you tonight. I'm sorry.

Wait a minute.

You just stood me up
and you ain't even call?

George, I don't have
time to talk about it now.

You don't have time?

Hey, Ron, Ron, look, I'm
headed over to Dexter and...

32nd. 32nd and Dexter.

Hostage station.
Yeah, I'm on it.

Look, Debra, we need to talk.

Garcia's holding steady.

I'm on my way right now.

Monica's here, too.

Ron's gonna call the crew.

Call the desk, get them to
pull the hostage tape from July.

Debra, stop!

Now look, you want
me to just assume

that we'll talk sometime

or that you'll never have time?

I just want you to
make this clear to me.

George, not now.
Yes, Debra, now!

The extension is 35.

Look, yes, now.

What was that dinner about?

What dinner?

You, tonight on top
of the parking lot...

I saw it.

Dr. Syramon, line one, please.

You were there?

George, I don't
want to get married.

Dr. Sousa to Admitting, please.

I didn't ask you, did I?

But you were going to.

Look, let me make
it easy for you.

I am not the person

you want to spend
the rest of your life with.

I think I have some say in that!

Debra, wa...

What did you do to your car?


It looks like
somebody ran into you.

How could you not notice this?

Monica, are you all set?

All set.

Come on, get in. Let's go.

Damn it, Debra, will you
stop running away from me?


Where's SWAT?
Where's my SWAT Team?

The crew's all here.

We're cutting in for a
live feed in two minutes.


Hey, you're earning your
paycheck tonight, huh?

Yeah, so are you.

Well, the party was getting
pretty maudlin anyway.

So what's going on?

Guy got fired, he came back,

was drinking all day.

Says he's gonna k*ll
himself and everybody else...

Kids first, he says.

Well, do you have a name?

Yeah, we do, but
please don't use it, okay?

If he's in there
watching himself on TV,

hearing his name
right now could blow it.

Well, of course.

I understand.

60 seconds, guys.

But just to show
you I'm all heart,

I have something and
you can break it, too.

Well, thanks, Leo.

We got a lead on
that hit-and-run.

Oh, yeah?

That's great.

Yeah, we know a
few things for sure.

One... we're looking
for a white car.

We got some paint
off some trash cans.

It looks like pay dirt.

And we heard some tape
playing in the background.

Um, anything else?

Debra, I'm sorry.
We've got to go.

Excuse me. Okay,

and that's five,
four, three, two...

This is Debra Willis live
with Channel 5 Q News.

We're here at 32nd and Dexter

where a 30-year-old
man is holding

several employees
and customers hostage.

Some of these hostages
appear to be children.

A police officer has been shot

and is in critical condition.

Some of these hostages
appear to be children.


Hey, Debra.

We're live.

Um, we'll continue
to keep you updated

throughout the evening.

This has been a special
report from Channel 5 Q News,

and this is Monica...

This is Monica, and
back to the studio.

Come on, Mama.

Debra, what are you doing here?

Mother, I'm sorry to
barge in on you like this.

I just... I just
needed to see you.

Oh, well, look at my new hybrid.

What do you think of
the size of that bloom?

It's very lovely, Mother.

Yes, but it's not...
it's not quite...

I don't know.

There's something...

I don't know...
Something missing.

Mother... I'm in trouble.

If that boyfriend of yours
has dumped you, I'm sorry.

I know how it hurts,

but quite frankly, I'm relieved,

because I never
thought he was capable

of handling all your moods.

Now this one... Mother, please.

What is the matter?

I've been in an accident.

What kind of accident?

I hit somebody with my car.

Mama, it was a kid.

It was a kid.

He's in the hospital.

And, God, mother, God,

I don't know if he's
gonna pull through.

Oh, God, Mother.

But the... the worst...

the worst part is...

I left the scene
of the accident.

Oh, dear God.

I just ran away.

I just... I just left
him laying there.

But, Mommy, I'm
so scared, Mommy.

Debra... How could
you do this thing?

I raised you to take
full responsibility

for your actions.

What did I always say
about responsibility?

If I don't take
the responsibility,

who will?

You're always putting
those silly little words

into my mouth on television.

"As my mother always said..."

You make me sound so ridiculous,

like Little Mary Sunshine.

You know, if you really wanted

to do something
very constructive,

I wish you would stop quoting me

and start listening to me.

Well... I guess someone
has to take responsibility.

This is without a doubt

the most ridiculous stunt
you have ever pulled.

And tell me,

why is it I only see you
when you need something?

Harper, yes, it's
me. It's Grace.

I'm sorry to disturb
you at this hour.

I'm afraid we've run into

a very sticky little
family situation here.

Yes, it's Debra.

Of course.

It's very disappointing, I know,

but then again,

huh, it's nothing
new to you and me.

Ah, It can't be long now.
She actually saw me.

It only happens right
near the end, you know.

All along I thought you
were here for Bobby.

Hey, so did I.

I mean, who would
have thought this morning

that she'd be the one I'd
be leaving with tonight?

I hate this part.

Doesn't seem fair.

Why am I here with Debra at all

if I can't interfere
when it matters most?

Who says you can't interfere?

Where did you read that?

The rules are very clear, Tess.

You can't force a human
to choose life for herself,

otherwise what kind
of life would that be?

That's right, it's
got to be her choice.

But something tells me

she doesn't think
she's got a choice.

I hate you!

The only thing she can hear

is that ugly voice
inside her head.

I'm afraid there's
no turning back now.


What are you doing here?

I want you to put that down.

Leave me alone.

Put that down, Debra.

This is no way to escape
what happened today.

I know about the
voice inside your head,

the voice you heard
after you hit Bobby Garcia.

I know it's the voice
that made you run away,

and it's the same
voice that's telling you

to do this terrible thing now.

You're always driving

and driving and driving, Debra,

but the voice will
always catch up with you

until you stop and listen.

Only then will you finally hear

that the voice is lying.


Oh, oh, are you okay?
Can you hear me?

Are you okay?

I am the power in my universe.

I am the key to my success.

They can trace a
cellular phone, Debra.

Look at yourself.

I am in the driver's seat.

Look at this mess you have made.

I am the power of my universe.



What were you thinking?
Were you thinking?

I'm sorry, Mommy.

Something like
this will follow you

all the days of your life.

No one will want to have
anything to do with you.

Losers do things
like this, Debra...

not winners.

Losers do things
like this, Debra,

not winners.

As my mother always
said... Oh, God,

I think I'm losing my mind.

No, Debra, you're
just starting to find it.

It may be hard for you
to understand, Debra,

but I'm an angel,

and everything that
has happened here,

God has allowed me to
show you for a reason.

He's gonna k*ll me.

No, but he's afraid
you're going to k*ll yourself.

You did something wrong, Debra.

You walked away from
someone who needed your help.

Bobby Garcia.


But 15 years ago,

you also walked
away from yourself.

You may not realize it,

but the night you tried
to take your own life,

you actually succeeded.

I didn't die.

No, but the best
part of you did,

the part of you that's
human, that's Debra,

and all that remained

was the part that couldn't allow

anything less than
perfect to survive.

The perfect little girl,
always making sure

that she did just as
her mother always said.

Oh, Debra... you have the
right to be less than perfect.

Oh, God.

I just... I just left him
laying in the street.

That wasn't me.

It's not like... like
I was afraid of...

going to jail or losing my job.

It's... it's just that
I was afraid that...

That no one would
love you anymore.

I can't do it
right all the time.

I know that.

God knows that.

How can he blame
you for being human

when he made you human, huh?

God really loves me?

Yes, and there's not a
thing you can do about it.

After three-and-a-half hours,

police negotiators
were able to talk

the 35-year-old restaurant
worker into surrendering,

but not before one
officer was shot.

A hospital spokesperson
reports that Denver police officer...




Hi, Monica.

Hello, Leo.

I, uh... hope I didn't wake you.

No, I wasn't sleeping. I
was hoping you'd come by...

and I was, uh...

kind of hoping that
you wouldn't have to.

The, um, Bobby Garcia case,

the other piece of
evidence you needed, um,

the tape playing in the
background of that 911 call...


This is what you heard.

I knew you wouldn't let me down.

It's gonna be okay, kiddo.

It's gonna be okay.

Yeah, I know.

I just need... one favour.


Mrs. Garcia?

Miss Willis.

You didn't have to come
back all the way again.

That nurse...

told me that you gave
blood to my Bobby.

They say he's
gonna be just fine.

He woke up an hour
ago, hungry for pizza.

If you hadn't had shown up
when you did, they said that...

Mrs. Garcia...

there's something
that I have to tell you.

You're really very
good at this, you know?

I'm working on it.

That was an
unconditional compliment.

Can't you just take it?

Thank you, Henry, very much.

What are you still
doing around here?

Nothing. Everybody's
gonna live today.

So, uh, how about some coffee?

Ah, angel after
me own heart, eh?

And so Debra Willis,
former KQIS news anchor,

has entered a plea
of guilty to the charge

of leaving the
scene of an accident.

Her license was revoked,

and she was sentenced
to 18 months probation

and six months
community service...

A lighter sentence
than expected,

due in part to the statement
of support from the mother

of hit-and-run
victim, Bobby Garcia.

Nice job, Miss Wings.

Does that mean I can drive?

No, it does not.

When are you
finally going to relax

when I'm in the driver's seat?

The driver's seat?

Who knows? I'm
waiting for a sign.

There's one: "Brake For Snakes."

That's not the kind of
sign I'm talking about.

♫ ♫
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