02x11 - The Feather

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Touched by an Angel". Aired: September 21, 1994 – April 27, 2003.*
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Monica is tasked with bringing guidance and messages from God to various people who are at a crossroads in their lives.
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02x11 - The Feather

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on
Touched by an Angel:

Do you have any idea
what you've done?!

Do you know what you've done?!

Wayne, please,
would you just listen?

Listen to her, Wayne;
She's an angel.

I used to pray
for a little brother.

And when I finally
got one... well...

Every morning, I'd wake up

expecting a miracle,

hoping I'd walk
through the door,

he'd be at the breakfast table

all fixed, fine.

But a miracle never happened.

And I stopped believing in them.

Joey really needs
you now, Wayne.

♫ O little town of
Bethlehem... ♫♫

Hey, Wayne...

guess what?

What's that?

You love me.

Yeah, I do.

And I love you, too, Wayne.

♫ Halleluia,
halleluia, halleluia... ♫

♫ Forever and ever ♫

♫ And He shall reign
forever and ever ♫

♫ King of kings ♫

♫ Forever and ever ♫

♫ Halleluia, halleluia ♫

♫ And lord of lords... ♫

Hey, Wayne, can I open
my Christmas presents now?

Sure, I'll be right down.

Okay. Last one to the
Christmas tree's a rotten egg.

What did you eat to make
you dream about flying angels?

Don't forget, after
we open the presents,

we got to go back
down to the church

so I can see the angels again.


I'm no good at praying,
you know, not real praying.

I guess after what
happened last night

I should believe in you,

but it's not going
to be that easy

because if you're
really out there

I'm in a lot of trouble.

I appreciate the angels and all,

but I'd just as soon
pass right now.

Thank you.

He knows the truth, he saw it.

Why is he so afraid to believe?

The first day one believes

can be the most beautiful
and the most difficult.



I'm coming, little brother.

A miracle is a
very fragile thing,

and if you don't take care of it

you can let the truth
just get twisted out of it.

And that's when it
becomes dangerous.

How can a miracle
become dangerous?

Anything from God
can become dangerous

in the wrong hands.

Wayne... Wayne is a man

who's walked in the
darkness for a long time,

and a miracle like last night

has shown a bright light

and it's shining smack dab

in the middle of everything

that Wayne does not want to see.

So he can't begin his new life

until he's finished
with the old one.

He's at a crossroads, baby.

And you've got to get
him out of the intersection

before he gets run over.


Be right there, Joey.

Someone is speeding
in his direction

and he's about
to get hit dead on.



Merry Christmas.

Thanks... you, too.

I'm sorry, but we're
not serving breakfast yet

on account of what happened.

But I'll get you some coffee.


What happened?

Come on, an angel appeared

and flew in the church?

She didn't fly, she
sort of hovered.

Everybody saw
it. It was miracle.

I'm telling you, I
felt something like...

Like God.

You didn't see Him, but, uh...

somehow, you just
knew He was there.

But you saw the angel?

Clear as day... awesome.

It was kind of
scary and beautiful

all at once. Yeah.

I'm going today to
see if she comes back.

Twice in the same year.

You're kidding, right?

Can you give me
directions to this church?

Miracles are kind
of my business.

That's right, a
Christmas miracle.

Yes, it's true; I saw it myself,
and so did everybody else.

It was kind of... scary and
awesome all at the same time.

You'd better get a news
crew down here right away

'cause if you don't, I'm
going to call Channel 10 next.

All right, you're welcome.

Tess, why does God
make men like that?

He doesn't.

They make themselves like that.

The sad truth, baby,

is that wherever
there's an opportunity,

there's an opportunist.

And nothing brings them out

like a good,
old-fashioned miracle.

♫ When you walk down the road ♫

♫ Heavy burden, heavy load ♫

♫ I will rise, and I
will walk with you ♫

♫ I'll walk with you ♫

♫ Till the sun
don't even shine ♫

♫ Walk with you every time ♫

♫ I tell you, I'll
walk with you ♫

♫ Walk with you ♫

♫ Believe me, I'll
walk with you. ♫

Merry Christmas.

Merry Christmas, Colleen.

Merry Christmas.

Merry Christmas, Joey.

Aw, hi, Edna.

Is Wayne inside?

Aw, no, he had to go to work.

On Christmas?

Oh, nobody works on Christmas.

Well, the pastor
works on Christmas.

That's a good point.

Looks like we got
some extra people,

so, uh, make sure
you only hand out

one to each person, okay?



Merry Christmas.

Merry Christmas.

Hey, son, can I
have one of those?

Aw, you came to see
the angels, didn't you?

That's why I came.

I saw the angels
last night, too.

Anybody else see the angels?

Oh, yeah, everybody...

My brother and Edna,
Pastor Mike, everybody.

The angels, they took my
friend, Serena, up into heaven.

And then the one angel,
she turned into light.

She flew high up into the sky.

And then the white
bird, it flew away.

But it dropped a
feather, and I got it here.

You see it?

Is that so? Yeah.

It's starting now;
I got to go, mister.

I got to hand out programs.

That's my job.

Well, then, I'll
take one of those.

Bye, kid. Thanks for everything.

All right, bye now.

Hey... hey, hey.

Where's my feather?

The angel was
hovering right over there.

And then the dove flew
right over my head...

It flew right over my head!


Leave that donkey alone.

Get out of here.

Excuse me!

Everybody is
supposed to sit down

when they hear the organ.

Please, could we
all take our seats?

Merry Christmas.

Merry Christmas.

Last night, something
happened here

that some are calling a miracle.

It was a miracle.

But what does it mean?

It means that we're doomed.

That's what it means...
Judgment is coming.

A little girl died last night.

But I saw her here,

and the angels
just took her away.

Yes, Serena's passing may
have been part of a miracle...

Praise God.

But this is something
we must take

one step at a time,
slowly, reverently.


We have been given
a marvelous gift.

A mystery has
occurred in our midst...

A holy visitation.

We must not greet it with panic

and superstition;
We must cherish it

and hold it in our hearts

until we have learned

what God intends
for us to do with it.

Pastor Mike, some
people slept here last night.

I know I went home,

but I couldn't sleep at all.

Harvey Osborn thinks

this is the beginning
of the end of the world.

And Clara Otis said her
rheumatism's feeling better

and Amy Tesser said
hers is feeling worse.

What in the world's going on?

Well, I'm... not
exactly sure, yet.

But if we could all pray...

Oh, come on now,

really, there's got to
be something more...

It's time for a hymn.

Please, let's try to stay
calm, please, everyone.

Is this the place
with the flying angel?

May I help you?

Gena West with Channel 8.

Um, we're here to
check out the miracle.

Miss West, our services
are open, but not...

I would appreciate
if I could just ask,

um, who was it that
saw the miracle?

Was it one person,
did you all see it?

I saw the angel.

He's our man.

Folks, I'm a stranger
here... a guest in this town...

A man looking for direction
that saw my lack of direction.

But last night, I...

I saw a light in the heavens,

a light brighter than anything

I have ever seen.

You saw it, too,
didn't you, son?

Oh, yes, sir.

The angel showed it to me.

That's right, the angel...

the most beautiful
sight I have ever seen,

an angel all in flowing white.

I tell you, folks,

I was headed down a dark road,

an itinerant preacher
who'd lost his faith,

planning to abandon my calling.

But I saw the light
of God last night,

and it led me here
to this sacred place.

I stood in the back
of this church...

Tears of joy on my face...

As the light from the angel

cleansed my soul.

Excuse me...

And the most
miraculous sight of all

was the light turning

into one of the most
pure of God's creations...

a dove.

Praise be to God.

You saw it, didn't you?

For those of you
who may be doubters,

I have proof!

Hey, that's my feather.

That's right, son, it's
yours... and yours, and yours.

It belongs to us all,

a gift from the
heavenly creature itself.

This feather, this
heavenly reminder

of God's presence

floated down to me like
manna from the heavens.



Tess, why are they
believing all this?

Because he's telling them

exactly what they want to hear.

They're eager to
embrace the miracle,

and eagerness is
what a con man loves

best of all.

Hey... You came back.

Hello, Joey.

Hey, everybody,
the angel's back!

Uh, no, Joey, I'm
just here for you today.



Never mind!

You know, uh, the other angel,

the real... the funny one?



She took Serena up
to heaven, didn't she?

She helped, yes.

So, uh... so she's
not coming back, huh?

No, she's not.

But you should know

that Serena is very
happy where she is today.

It's okay to cry, Joey.

I know how much you miss her.

She was... my friend.

And she took care of me.

Well, now it's time

that you started to
take care of someone.


Are you who I think you are?

Well, you're late.

Everybody's gone.

Oh, no, no, no, no.

Don't cry. Don't cry.

Oh... uh... Hey. Hello. Hello.

Ooh, uh... Hello. Hello, baby.


Oh, I never picked
up a baby before.

I mean, I picked
up a puppy once.

I knew this was a special place

the moment I walked in.

See, people want to believe,

and this is about to become
a place of great belief.

Happens every
time I throw a revival.

Get ready for the onslaught.


People don't experience
miracles every day, if ever.

They want to see
where they happen.

Be a part of it.

Once in San Antonio,
a mob leveled a church.

They were splintering the
pews with axes just to get relics.

Ah, it probably
won't happen here.

Well, it's been nice
meeting you all.

Oh, uh, do you have
to go somewhere?

I've said my piece.

It's time to move on.

Uh, would you just wait
here a minute, please?

Of course.

Now, I don't think

we should take axes
to these old pews,

but we could use a refurbishing.

Well, you have a
building fund, don't you?

No. Just a charity fund.

Ah, yes, that does
require some finessing.

I once ran across the same
situation in Tallahassee.

We took the charity fund

and temporarily called
it the "building fund,"

and invested in the
church and community

by adding on and building up.

Attendance increased so fast,

that in one month we replaced
the charity fund and doubled it.

That is amazing.

Yes, He is.

Uh, Edna,

I think you ought
to take a look at this.

Sorry, not now, honey.

No, no, it's not a puppy.

We're busy now, son.

Pastor Charles?

I think I speak
for all of the others

when I say that we'd appreciate

any help you could
give us around here.

Are you asking me to stay on?

Well, we'd like you

to hold one of
your revivals here.

I'm not worthy,

but thank you, I'd be honored.

Pastor Charles, would
you do me the honor

of having Christmas dinner
with my family and me?

The honor, sweet
sister, would be mine.

Wayne'll be here in just
a minute to pick us up.

Won't he be surprised?


Oh, hey, Wayne.

Who are you talking to?

Your Christmas present.

A crack baby?

Lots of dr*gs in
that baby's system.

It's tragic.

Which one is your baby, honey?

That one.

That's my favourite, too.


Hey... you're the angel.

Are you a nurse now, too?

I'm here to watch your baby.


Me, too.

What's that thing over his bed?

Oh, that's a light to
keep the baby warm.

Well, I'm not cold.

Well, babies are a little
more fragile than grown-ups.

Oh, well... I don't
know about that.

I don't know about
a lot of things.

You know about your baby.

Is my baby going
to be all right?

Well, Joey, your baby
has special problems.

You see, his mother took dr*gs

before he was born,

and it hurt her,
and it hurt the baby.

And then she went
away and left him,

so we have to keep him here

and take care of him.

Well, how do we do that?

Well, for starters,

these babies have
not been held enough

or loved enough.

And we don't have
enough nurses to rock them.

Rocking them make
them feel real good.


Can I rock my baby?


I think that's a bad idea.

We need to go, Joey.

But, Wayne, I...

I love him, I want to rock him.

You're not rocking the baby.

Am so.

Joey... Uh, Jackie,
could you help here?

Uh, it's Wayne, right?


Could we talk a second?

Babies in this condition
need special attention.

They have been so deprived

that any love that
Joey could give

would really help.

Look, I can appreciate that,

but as you can see,

Joey doesn't
understand a lot of things,

so just what makes you think

he can handle
something like this?

Oh... just a nurse's instinct.

Oh... it's tub time.

I'm going to go put on my gown.

So how's the little
guy doing today?

Oh, much better.

At this rate, he'll be
needing a home soon.

Hint, hint.

Oh, no.

I got my hands full with Joey.

Maybe you could do
it if you had some help.

And just what makes you
think that's a good idea...

Nurse's instinct again?

You're learning.


Hey there.


Ooh, ooh, ooh... Here we go.

Here we go.

What's going to
happen to my baby?

As soon as he's ready,

we're going to
find a home for him.

Well, I have a home for him.

Joey, it takes a
lot to be a parent.


Do you have to be smart?

'Cause I know I'm
not... I'm not smart.

Well, do you know
what babies need?

Food and clothing.

And to go to school.

Could you do all
that for a baby?


Well, that's okay.

We'll find somebody who can.

I wish I was smart.

Hi, Wayne.

Hello, Edna. What
brings you here?

Oh, Deacon Atkin's kidneys...

Well, they're acting up again.

I haven't seen you
since Christmas Eve.

I know... I've
been other places.

So what brings you here?

Nobody's sick, I hope.

No, Joey found a
baby in the church.

We're here visiting it.

Oh, my.

Miracles just keep happening.

You must meet the new pastor.

Well, it's not official yet,

but I think it will be.

Do you know, in one week

he has almost doubled
the charity fund.

Is that so?

Yeah. When it
comes to fund-raising,

I bet you he could talk
the whiskers off a cat.

Money sticks to him like glue.

Yeah, that Pastor
Charles is something else.

"Pastor Charles," huh?


You know, Edna,
maybe we will drop in.

Oh, good.

Wayne, why do we have to walk?

Because we couldn't
find a parking place.

An angel of the Lord
visited us right here.

It happened in
this hallowed place,

and a feather
dropped from that dove.

And I did not pick
up that feather.

That's my feather.

No, that hand of God
picked up that feather

and handed it to me.

And as Jesus said to Peter...

Oh, no, it's him.

"You are the rock..."

Come on, Joey, let's go.

No, no, I'm listening.

Let's go, Joey.

I say to you

this is the feather of God,
and on it I shall build mine!

Alleluia, brothers and sisters.

What are we leaving for, Wayne?

Because we don't
belong in there.


Hey, there you are.

Where'd you go?

Wayne, it's the angel.

She's not an angel.

You know I am.

I don't know what you are.

Maybe a magician.

Probably a con artist like...

Meet me in the truck, Joey.

Okay. Bye.

I don't know what
happened in there

Christmas Eve... Some
sort of mass hysteria,

maybe a special effects show.

Don't talk yourself out
of a miracle, Wayne.

The presence of God
was in the church that night.

Have you been in there today?

I didn't know God was in
the T-shirt business now.

He's not.

Well, somebody is.

And if that's what a
miracle is all about,

then I'm not interested in God.

What you're not interested in

is this religion
created by Charles

to take advantage

of a lot of vulnerable
people right now.

It's been going
on for centuries,

people trying to explain
the unexplainable

and giving their souls over

to someone who
claims to speak for God.

Well, if that has
your boss upset,

then why are you out here?

The man inside
is your con artist.

He's also your brother.

Yeah, he is, and I put
a lot of time and space

between him and us.

And there's no way you
could have known that.

Unless you are an angel.


So there really is a God.

And He knows what I used to do.

Yes, He does.

So what if I choose
not to believe in Him?

Well, that's
certainly your choice,

but it's not going to
make Him go away.

God is real, Wayne,
and the miracle is real,

and God wants the
people of this church

to know the difference

between the truth you all saw

and the myth that
has replaced it.

Well, what can I do?

It's my brother.

I can't fight him.

You're the only one who can.


Did you...

I had a message
from the Lord last night,

a powerful, fearful visitation,

from the angel,
the angel herself,

sent by God to this very
place not one week ago.

But she was not the vision
of glory or of Christmas love

this time, however, my
brothers and sisters... no!

She had a terrible
aspect upon her face

as she hovered over my bed,

her great wings trembling.

For she had a fearful message.

God is not pleased.

God has told me that he
does not want this holy relic,

this consecrated feather
relegated to a glass case... no!

He has other plans.

For this feather is
not just a feather,

but the very finger
of God Himself.

It's a miracle.

And so, my sweet
brothers and sisters,

we are being led
to a time of healing.

This feather is
God's Christmas gift.

And all those who believe
shall be healed by it.

I believe.

So, my friends, there's going
to be a healing service tonight,

a glorious night of healing.

So there you are.

Come on, Joey.

But, Wayne... CHARLES:
Of every believer.

The more you believe,
the deeper your healing.

The more you believe...

the deeper your healing.

Joey, your baby's
doing very, very well.

It won't be long before
he'll be healthy enough

to... to go live with somebody
who can give him a home.

That's good.

You know what that means, Joey.

This little boy won't be here

for you to take care of anymore.

Oh, but there'll be others
who need your love, too.

That's right.

We'll be needing your help.

Well, I can't come

because I'm going to
be real busy at home

taking care of my baby.

Joey, you don't understand.

I do understand.

I'm not... stupid.

Least I won't be after tonight.

Well, it's my brother.

Come on in.

I've been expecting you.

I'd shake your
hand, but I'm waiting

for the disappearing
ink to disappear.

Want a drink?

I'm not going to stay that long.

What are you doing here?

Hey, look, I'm just
passing through.

I had no idea you lived here.

At least until I heard
about the angel.

Man, what a scam.

I just couldn't resist.

I hope you don't mind me
jumping on your train, brother.

It's not my scam,
and it's not my train.

So how many people
you got on the payroll?

Some effects guy
definitely, maybe two.

Obviously some
chick to play the angel,

but what I don't get is

how come you
haven't cashed out yet?

What's your angle?

There is no angle.

It really happened.

And besides,
I'm out of that life.

Ain't no bugs or
recording devices

in this fleabag
cr*cker box, Wayne.

Now, what's your angle?

I'm not kidding you.

There's no con.

There was an angel.

A miracle really
did happen here.

All those years
you were the ringer,

and I did the talking.

Should have been
the other way around.

I almost believe you.

Look, I don't expect
you to understand this,

but I'm not going to let you

take what happened
to these people

and turn it into
something cheap.

Turn what into something cheap?

There is no God.

You know it and I know it.

Now, don't get me wrong.

I wish there was a God, because,
man, I could use one right now.

But all I got is me, and
that's what I believe in.

You believe in anything
you want to, Charlie,

as long as you
believe this, too:

If you don't pack up now...

Get out tonight,
no healing service...

I'm going to blow
the whistle on you.

I don't want to,

but I'll tell the local
police about that $20,000

that disappeared
from the building fund

in the church in Wisconsin.

Whistle blows both ways, Wayne.

They connect me, I connect you.

I didn't steal that
money; You did.

That's the way you remember it.

Hey, you were great
at this... A natural.

Remember that night
in Chillicothe, Missouri?

You cried out in the
back of the church,

"Heal me, mister. I
got a terrible disease."

And you huffed and
puffed your way up the aisle.

Man, I could have sworn

you were going to
die on me right there.

And the more I prayed,
the sicker you got.

I could have kicked you.

But then all of a sudden,
you slapped that look

of absolute beatific
heavenly glory

onto that baby face of yours.

Lord, what a haul
we raked in that night.

What ever happened to the kid?

Your brother's name is Joey.

He lives with me now.

My God.

Could have sworn

they would have put that
poor, pathetic creature

into a home somewhere.

Look, you finish
your business here

and then get out of
town, and I mean it.

Well, that's right
neighborly of you, brother.

You can't just walk
away from him, Wayne.

He's got me, Monica.

If I try and stop him,

he's going to take me down, too.

And I'm not saying
I don't deserve it,

but if I get put away,
what happens to Joey?

God doesn't want
you to lose Joey,

but He also doesn't want

your brother to rob these people

of their money or
their trust or their faith.

And you have to have faith

that if you've been
chosen to do something,

God has a very
good reason for it.

I've got a good reason, too.

Think what you're doing, Wayne.

God loves you.

He came into that
church on Christmas Eve

to tell you so.

He took away your disbelief.

If you walk away from Him now,

you do so knowing
exactly who it is

that you're turning
your back on.

And if a man walks
away from God,

where else is there to go?

I don't know.

I'm afraid I'm
going to find out.

I'm happy, Wayne.

Good for you.

I'm happy because tonight
I'm going to be made smarter,

and we can have the baby.

We're going to have to
think of a name for him.


Well, I don't know
about that, Wayne,

because if we call him
Joey and my name's Joey,

how am I going to know
who you're talking to?

Listen, we're not
getting the baby,

and nobody's going
to make you smart.

Oh, oh, yeah, yeah, he is.

The man from the church is

because he does
miracles from God.

No, he doesn't.

No, no, Wayne,
you didn't see it.

I saw it.

His hand was bleeding

and then he touched
it with the feather,

and it was all gone.

It was a trick.

Well, how do you know that?

Because a long time ago,
the man in the church and I,

we used to trick
people together.

He's your friend?


No, he's our brother.

He is?

Yeah, he's been
gone a long time.

Well, he... he took my feather.

Charlie hasn't changed much.

If it's not nailed down,

it'll be in his pocket
within an hour.

Well, you shouldn't take
things that don't belong to you.

I know.

That's why I left
him and came back.

To take care of me.

Yeah, to take care of you.

Well, how come Charlie
doesn't take care of me?

I don't know.

He just couldn't, I guess.

Hey, hey, Wayne, if you could,

would you touch
me with that feather

and make me smarter?

You know I would.

Well, Charlie is
my brother, too,

so he going to touch
me with that feather

and make me smarter.

You're missing the point, Joey.

Charlie's a liar and a cheat.

Just stay away from him.

But, Wayne, he's my
only chance to be smart.

You don't have a
chance to be smart.

Yeah, I... I do.


Joey, come back!


I'm sorry!

Dr. Geller to
delivery suite four.

Jackie, can you
take a look at this?

Jackie, we have a problem.

Oh, no.

I'm not sure which
way the church is,

but the angel said
if you find the star,

it'll show you the way.

So all we got to...

There it is.

Excuse me.

Do you know my phone number?

I know it has two sevens in it,

but I'm not sure about
the other numbers.

Maybe there's a four?

Do you have any milk?

'Cause babies need
milk... Even I know that.


♫ Holy, holy, holy ♫

♫ Lord God Almighty ♫

♫ Early in the morning ♫

♫ Our song shall rise to thee. ♫

God bless you, my
brothers and sisters.

God bless you.

Are you ready to be healed?

Have you brought your
faith with you tonight?


Is there a doubter in the room?


Because if there's a
doubter, we can't do anything.

Are you all believers?

Believers in the
power of the feather?

Believers in the
power of the angel?



Will the ushers please bring
forward the offering trays?

Oh, God of our fathers,

God who gave us
every good thing,

the one who brought
us here tonight,

bless these poor
offerings of the heart,

these small tokens of the wealth

that lies inside
every grateful heart

that has been touched
by this life-giving miracle.

God grant that every
believer... Every true believer...

Will receive healing
tonight according to his faith.



No, no, no.

Not according to faith.

Pastor, have you seen Joey?


No, Wayne, I haven't.

Are you listening to this?

He's taking away
everything that's holy

and blinding them with smoke.

What have I done?

No matter what the ailment,

you can be healed if you believe

in the power of the feather.

We believe!

Over here!


Me, Charlie, I'm next.

Who said that?

Come on up here.

Some people call me
"pastor" or "brother."

But you can always
call me "Charlie."

Hey, Charlie, it's me.

Sorry, kid, I don't do diapers.

Well, I-I want to be
smart, like you, Charlie.

And this baby here needs
to get all the dr*gs out of him

so I can take him home
and take care of him.

But first, you got
to make me smart.

Well, aren't you going to
touch me with the feather?

No, he's not.

Sorry, Joey.

But he's my brother.


You stole my feather.


Yeah, on Christmas Eve,

the dove dropped a feather

and I showed it to
Charlie, and he took it.

Doesn't matter where I got it,

it's still the feather
from the dove.

How would you know?

You weren't even there.

Be careful, Wayne.

Is Pastor Charles
really your brother?

I'm afraid he is, Deacon.

But he's no pastor.

He's a thief.

He's a hustler, folks.

I'm sorry I hadn't
told you sooner,

but I used to be
just as bad as he is.

And ever since the
miracle, I've been afraid.

God was going to come
down and punish me.

I guess this is
the beginning of it.

Edna... Don't you "Edna" me.

Now, you take off that
robe before I take it off you.

"Man of the cloth," my butt.

So, there was no miracle.

Oh, no, there was a miracle.

I can't pretend

it hasn't complicated
things something awful.

But there was an
angel, I saw her.

And I don't believe God sent her

just so we could be
at each other's throats.

Then what was it all for?

It was a Christmas present.

It was a little
glimpse into heaven,

a gift from God for the
faithful people of this church

whose roof may be leaky and
whose organ may be ancient,

but whose doors have always
been open to the sick and the poor,

the lost... and the simple.

But you took the gift

and you let someone ruin it.

You worshipped a feather

and an angel instead of God.

You sought out fame
instead of the needy,

and you embraced the
loud arrogance of pride

and became deaf
to the tiny voice

of a small baby in a manger.

But the rest of you
turned your backs

on the truest love all,

and you exchanged
the miracle for a lie.

Please, will you tell
God that we're sorry?

You can tell Him that yourself.

That's what He
was trying to tell you

on Christmas
Eve... He is listening.

God, if you're listening,

can I have my feather back?

This feather won't make
you any smarter, Joey.


That's what Wayne said, too.

God doesn't care
how smart you are.

He cares about what's
inside your heart.

And the love you
had in your heart

gave this forgotten little baby

the will to keep living.

God has a plan
for this baby, Joey,

and for the family
that is waiting for it.

And you have a family, too.

I got to do something.

So, uh, Charlie, guess what?


You can have the feather back.

I don't need it anymore.

Neither do I.

You've been faking the miracles

for a long time, Charlie.

What's it like to finally
see the real thing, huh?

Yeah, I know... me, too.

All these years, I just
didn't think about it.

I didn't know that I was making
up lies about somebody real.

God help me.

He will.

Just ask Him.

Come on, Charlie, let's go home.

♫ Angels we have heard on high ♫

♫ Sweetly singing
o'er the plain ♫

♫ And the mountains in reply ♫

♫ Echoing their
joyous strain... ♫

That's what I call a miracle.

How come people only
notice them at Christmas?

Well, we're working on that,

we're working on that.

♫ Gloria, in excelsis Deo. ♫
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