02x14 - Rock 'N' Roll Dad

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Touched by an Angel". Aired: September 21, 1994 – April 27, 2003.*
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Monica is tasked with bringing guidance and messages from God to various people who are at a crossroads in their lives.
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02x14 - Rock 'N' Roll Dad

Post by bunniefuu »

"Rest in peace."

"Rest in peace."

"Rest in peace."

Well, most of the time,

that's the only rest
that anybody ever gets.

If people knew what
was waiting for them,

they wouldn't make
these places so sad.

Well, grieving is a very
powerful thing, Miss Wings.

It's a good thing,
it's a healthy thing,

it's a healing thing,

and it lets you get
rid of a lot of pain,

but it's something
you should go through,

not something you
should hold on to.

I don't understand
why human beings

hold on to things that hurt.

Well, it's like if you
give up the pain,

you give up the
person you've lost.

It's a hard lesson,

but there's only
one way to learn it.

♫ God is dead ♫

♫ Hope has died ♫

♫ You said you loved me ♫

♫ But you know you lied... ♫

What is going on?

It's a music video,

and I use the word "music"
very loosely. ♫ You know I cried ♫

♫ And now hell is ♫
Is he my assignment?

Oh, Tess, my first rock star.

♫ Just another place in my
heart ♫ Yeah, riding high, too,

but the dirt is gonna crumble
under those boots soon,

and you need to be
there when it does.

♫ But you know you lied ♫

♫ You know I cried... ♫

Andrew, what are
you doing to yourself?

Looking good.

Let me guess... ♫
And now hell is just ♫

rock 'n' roll is dead, and
the angel of death has come

to bring us the glad tidings.
♫ Another place in my heart ♫

Tess, this is Jon Mateos.

I'm one of his biggest fans.

Well, you're his silliest.

Are you here on business?

I don't know.

I just got the call. ♫ Hell is ♫

♫ Just another place ♫

♫ In my heart... ♫

Cut! Yeah! Jon, very
nice, very good, very sweet.

Music... She's been
a little bit cranky

ever since the death of swing.

Yes, and I'm still grieving,

so don't give me any
trash, Mr. Halo Boy.

All right, come on.

All right, uh...
let's take it again

from the fall in the grave,

and this time I need more,
uh... more death, okay?

What is it, Andrew?

Everybody ready?

Let's do this one
more time, let's go.

It just looks like
there's gonna be

a lot more death ahead.

♫ When you walk ♫

♫ Down the road ♫

♫ Heavy burden ♫

♫ Heavy load ♫

♫ I will rise ♫

♫ And I will walk with you ♫

♫ I'll walk with you ♫

♫ Till the sun
don't even shine ♫

♫ Walk with you ♫

♫ Every time ♫

♫ I tell you, I'll
walk with you ♫

♫ Walk with you ♫

♫ Believe me, I'll
walk with you. ♫

♫ ♫


Good morning, Miss America.

Yeah, it's Ms. America to you.

So I wasn't dreaming.

I am married to the
sexiest man alive.

Yes, you are.

You may thank me, and
then you may kiss me.

Oh, boy. Mmm.

Mmm, mmm, mmm.

I love Saturdays.

We should just
stay in bed all day.

Oh, yeah, what about the kids?

The kids can stay
in bed all day, too.

We'll call them on the phone.

I'm sure Kathleen
Sullivan would love that.

Am I doing her show tonight?

Mm-hmm. Plane leaves at 4:00.

Murray's got the tickets.
I packed you last night.

Murray? You're not coming?

Mm. Samantha's recital at 3:00.

So you catch a shuttle.

I'd have to be out
of there by 5:00...


Get to the airport by 5:30,

shuttle leaves, what, 6:15?

Get in about 7:20.

Hmm... I don't know.

Do I love you that much?

You flat-out do.

You told me so once in front
of a whole bunch of people.

Yeah, all your
friends, I recall.

What happened to Roy?

Uh, family reunion...
They sent a replacement.

Well, she looks very eager.


Come back to bed.

We have time to play.

Play? Play.

Yeah, much better.

Well... aren't you
gonna invite me in?

I'm sorry. If you're
making a delivery,

go to the service entrance.

No autographs
or pictures, please.

And if you haven't
announced yourself at the gate,

I must ask you to leave.

I am your new nanny.

I didn't have an old nanny.

Well, you got a new one
now. Let me talk to your mother.

I'm sorry. If you're making a
delivery, go to the service...

Back off and get your mama.


And what are you snickering at?

You have such a wonderful
way with children, Tess.

They respond so well to you.

You keep that up,

and watch how I respond
to you, Miss Wings.

Everybody decent?

Come in, Sam.

Hi, sweetie.

You guys got to
get over each other.

It's so embarrassing.

Well, you better
get used to it, kid,

'cause it seems to be
a permanent condition.

Um, Mom, I set the
table for breakfast

and I brought in the newspaper,

and I'm going with
Lisa to that concert,

so I'm gonna need some
money for the tickets.

What? Wait, freeze.
What concert?

Zombie Charlie and the Erasables

at the university.

It's gonna be really cool,
and we're gonna stay

with Lisa's brother at his dorm.


Please don't say no.


Mom, everybody's going.

Yeah, well, that's everybody
else's moms' problems.

I only worry about you.

Sam, you're too young to
be staying a night in a dorm.

And that's final?

Yeah, that's final.

This is so unfair.

What is? I already said no.

To what? Jon.

Dad, there's this concert...
Yeah? Who's playing?

Sam, would you excuse
us a minute, please?

Yeah, if I get to go.


Honey, you're supposed to
back me up when I say no.

No to what?

That's not the point.

Oops. Have I committed a...

parenting felony?

Well, considering you jumped
into an open grave yesterday

wearing leather pants screaming,

"Hell is just another
place in my heart,"

gee, Jon, I'd say
your parenting skills

are about as good
as we could hope for.

Are you saying you don't like.

"Hell Is Just Another
Place In My Heart"?

That song is gonna
put new Italian granite

on your kitchen
countertops, babe.

Well, I don't hate it as
much as the other one.


Am I hearing this?
You hate my music?

Are you telling me
you hate my music?

I've always loved your music.

It's just your lyrics lately.

What about them?

"God is dead, hope has died,

"you said you loved
me, but you lied"?!

So it's the '90s,
it's despair, it's...

it's, uh, it's a rebellion song.

You know, gives kids permission

not to listen to
their parents. What?

Yeah, but, Jon, we want our kids

to listen to their parents.

Evie, it's just a song.

Yeah, but songs get
stuck in your head, Jon,

and I don't want "God
is dead, hope has died"

stuck in our kids' heads.

Uh-huh, okay, fine.

Well, I'm-I'm doing what I can.

You think you can
do better, be my guest.

All right, I will.

Good. Maybe it's
time you started

making some of the
money around here.

You're sure good at spending it.

Yeah, like the way I spent five
bucks a week and kept us eating

so you could spend
$20 on guitar strings.


Do I have a nanny?

Oh, I completely forgot.

Um, what time is it?

Is she downstairs?

Just tell her I'll be

right down, sweetheart.

We'll discuss this later.

Is that a yes?

Yeah, buddy.

That's a yes.

God is dead.

Says who?

My dad.

Is that so?

Well, I'd like to
see his research.

I am so sorry.

I see you've met Dillon.


He's very... vigilant.

Yeah, well, we teach our
kids to be very cautious.

My husband's become so popular

that we have to be very
careful about security.

Actually, we've, uh, had fans
mail themselves to the house.

I wouldn't try it.

I made some coffee.
I hope you don't mind.

I love coffee.

Perfect. Oh, have
you met Monica?

Oh, yes, we've met.

♫ I sold my soul
to rock 'n' roll ♫

Dad... Jon, Samantha,
Tess and Monica.

Welcome to the
asylum. Thank you.

I've seen worse.

Oh, really? Murray's going to

meet you at the
airport with your tickets.

You still gonna make
that flight tonight?

Mm-hmm, I'll be there.

Wait. What about my recital?

I'll be there, too.

I'll take care of everybody.
It's what I live for.

Besides, uh... spending
other people's money.

Besides, I wouldn't
wanna miss out,

seeing you all
decked out, wearing...

Oh, your pearl necklace?


You're gonna let me wear it?

It's gonna bring you luck.

Oh, thank you.

Oh, isn't it lovely?

It's just a stupid necklace.

You take care of that.

It's my favourite. I will.

All ready to go, sir?

Yeah, this must be me leaving.

So am I gonna be
seeing you later then?



Have you ever driven a
rock star before, Monica?

Oh, well, I'm trained
to deal with VIPs.

Sure, she is.

It's a very nice
family you have there.


One of them is
mad at me right now.

Satpage, this is account 679.

I wanna page my wife.

The message is "C-F-G, Jon."

Yeah, thanks.

Excuse me?


What does "C-F-G" mean?

Oh, it's the perfect
chord progression

in a classic rock tune.

It's our private shorthand

for "I love you."

Oh, you can never
go wrong saying that.

Hey, so proud of you, Sam.

You were wonderful.

I know.

Okay. Did you put the
necklace back in the box?


Well, we'll be back
tomorrow night.

Please tell Dillon
to feed the guppies.

Yeah, all right.

I love you. Bye.

Yeah, hi.

Um... account 679.

I'd like to page my husband.

"C-F-G back at ya... Evie."


Yeah, thanks.

♫ I know someone's there ♫

♫ You're the answer ♫

♫ To my prayers... ♫

Congressman, thanks so much

for joining us and answering

these questions for
your constituents,

and we'll be back
right after this.

Where is she?

She was supposed
to be here by now.

You're on. Yeah?

Yeah, here. Look at that.

It's no problem. I'm set.

Hi. How are you?

All right, people.
Settle down now.

We're on in five,
four, three, two...

My guest tonight,

Jon Mateos... superstar,
rock 'n' roll legend,

and may I say, a fine musician

whose sometimes
personal, wrenching music

touches a chord in all of us.

I actually attended his
20th anniversary last year.

That's right, Kathleen, you did.

But this wasn't your show
business anniversary,

although that was
quite a party, too,

but this was the one that
matters most in your life.

Yeah. Your wedding anniversary.

Are you the only
happily-married rock star

on the planet?

I am. You could look
it up. Good answer.

My wife is my soul. She's
my greatest inspiration.

She's also my biggest critic.

Ooh, what's to criticize?

Well, I do have a dark
side. Might as well face it.

Well, I do remember
that you used to be

quite a wild man.

Those days are
done. I'm past all that.

I lot of people found
religion, but, uh, I found Evie.

She's actually writing
me a love song right now.

20 years later, still
writing love songs...

Singer, father, husband,

no longer wild man Jon Mateos,

and we'll be taking
your call in just a minute.

Will you excuse me a second?

And we're clear. Okay, folks.

Erin, gimme a hand
here, would ya?

What's up?

Well, there's
been... it's Evie, Jon.

They just found her car.

It was raining and the
roads were slick, and...

And what? What happened?

Where is she?

She's dead, Jon.


WOMAN: Dr. Nelson...

Sorry to have to meet you under

these circumstances, Mr. Mateos,

but there were no
personal effects recovered.

You, too.

I'm sorry to have to
put you through this...

Where are you from?

New Jersey.

Great. That's a beautiful state.

They got great audiences there.

I'll wait for you
outside, Jon, okay?

Yeah, okay.


Thank you, Mr. Mateos.

I think you can go. No.


Baby, I'm so sorry

about the things I said
to you this morning.

I thought we'd have a
chance to kiss and make up.

I wanted to hear your song.

I don't know what I'm
supposed to do now.

And so we say
good-bye, dear Evie.

We will miss your smile,

your generosity of spirit,

and most of all,
your loving strength.

Rest in heaven,

knowing that you
leave your family...

Why are you still
hanging around here?

You're worse than a groupie.

Oh, no, no, no.
I'm still on call.

Oh, I see.

Well, we've got our
work cut out for us.

What's going on?

You look awfully
angry at somebody.

I'm not.

Well, I can't be,
'cause... 'Cause why?

How can you be mad at
someone if they're dead?

Your mum.


I happen to know that
He's alive and kicking.

I bet you're mad at Him
because of your mum, huh?

You could tell Him,
write Him a letter, maybe.

You can't send
a letter to heaven.

Sure, you can.

You don't even need paper.

You could write
it with your heart.

That's the dumbest
thing I ever heard.

You want to believe
it, though, don't you?

I don't know what we're
gonna do without her.

When are we back in the studio?


Yeah. When are we back?

Listen, uh... Jon... uh...

I'm not just your producer.
I'm your friend, okay?


I'm telling you,

it's time to ease
off, all right?

I canceled all
your session times.

Yeah, but you can
set it up again, right?

'Cause I really wanna
go back to work.


What are you doing tonight?

Wait. You're going
to work tonight?

Yeah, I, uh,

I thought, you know, I just
might go in for a minute.

If you need anything,
Tess'll be here, so...

Dad, I can't believe this.

I mean, we just... it's just..

Sam, I'm not going far.
I'll just be at the studio.

Mom has the...



Come on, guys.
It's not that hard.

Uh, Jon, look, uh...

maybe you'll be more
inspired tomorrow.

What do you say?

No, we'll get
this. We'll get this.

Two, three, four...

♫ God is dead ♫

♫ Hope has died ♫

♫ You said you'd be here,
but it seems you lied ♫

♫ Oh, baby ♫

That's... enough of
this. It's the same song.

I keep on writing the same song.

We're lost.

♫ Hope is dead ♫

♫ Hope has died ♫

You guys think my
music is too dark?

Why don't you take him home?

I've been trying
for three hours.

Uh, Jon, listen, why don't we pack
it in for tonight and get a fresh start

in the morning?
What do you say, huh?

No, no, I'm fine, Murray.
We're not leaving.

♫ ♫


What the hell?

Dad, um, I was...
What are you doing?

What are you doing?!

That doesn't belong
to you. Take that off.

It was Mom's.

Just take it off.

No, Dad...

Now look what you've
done, Samantha.

It isn't my fault.

Not your fault?

If it wasn't for

that damn recital, your
mother wouldn't... My recital?

That was not my fault.

She planned to go
to that for weeks.

It was you. You wanted
her to go to your show,

and you knew she
already had plans.

All right, that's enough.

No, it's not enough.

She would be here
tonight with us right now

if she hadn't tried so
hard to please you.

You're the one that k*lled her.

How dare you say that to me?!

You get outta here,

and don't you come
back in this room again!

I need help.

I can't pick up the pieces.

This is a beautiful letter.

God loves good
penmanship, you know.

I figured.

How does it make you feel?

Okay, I guess.

Not so sad inside.

You know, when you
write a letter like this to God

and ask Him to keep
your mother safe in heaven,

you keep her safe
in your heart, too.

I wish she was safe
inside my house.

I know, I know, baby.

Oh... I know, but
it's gonna be all right.

It's all gonna be all right.

Why do I have to do everything?!

This whole album is on my back!

Nobody's helping me!

Nobody seems to
understand this is my life!

And we're gonna stay
here until we get it right!

Does he do this often?

Not in years.

It's like the old days.

Before Evie?

Before Evie, yeah.

All right, one more
time from the top.

Monica, we need some
more bourbon in here.

Oh, Lord.

Jon, don't you think
you've had enough?

No, I haven't had enough!

That's it.

I'm outta here.
Pack it up, guys.

And just where do
you think you're going?


10:00 at night?

Yeah, to a slumber
party. What's the big deal?

A slumber party at your age?

Well, it's kind of a tradition.

Staying home with your
brother would be a good tradition.

Yeah, well, I didn't ask you,
and you're not my mother.

You are not my wife!

Careful of the glass, Jon.

Glass-schmass. Let it bleed.

I can't just stand here

and watch you do this to
yourself or to your children.

You wanna know something?

You don't have to. You're fired.


You're fired, so
get out of here.

Give me the keys
to my car, please.

Oh, no, I can't let you drive.

You have been fired.

Now give me the
keys to my car... now!

Thank you.

Now get out.

My mum said I could
go the day she died,

and I'm going.

I'm calling your father.

He'll be a big help.

Nobody said anything to
me about a slumber party,


Monica says when you're mad,

you should write
a letter to God.

That is so lame.
Well, lame or not,

it would do you good.

You'd be surprised at
what He can write back.

You got have good
handwriting, though.

You can write a letter for
both of us, okay, Dillon?

I can't reach your father.

Well, that's Lisa.

Um... her number's
on the counter. Bye.

Come on, Sam.

What are we doing here?

Aren't we going to the concert?

Come on, Sam.

We can't go to a
concert without boys.

Where are we going?
What-what boys?

College boys.

He didn't mean it.

Come back inside.

No. I'm going home.

Come on.

What's the matter
with making out a little?

He likes you.

I don't wanna do this.

You don't have to.
Just come back inside.

What did they put
in those drinks?

I can hardly see.

Let's go ask.

No, you go.

I'm staying out here.

She's okay. Just
leave her alone.

Hi. Satpage.

This is account, um... 679.

I wanna page Jon Ma... Mateos.

Dad... help me.

I'm... at 555-0155.

I'm no...

Just like old
times, huh, Murray?

I'm gonna do the whole
record without you, man.

Take it from the top.



You look like you
need a ride, Miss.


You all right?

Kind of.

I... think somebody put
something in my drink.

I'm really dizzy.


Whoa. This is a pretty
dangerous stretch.

Right up there is where
that rock star's wife got k*lled.

Stop. What?

Pull over. Stop.

What are you talking about?

I just got to get
out. Let me out.

But, Miss, I just
can't leave you.

Just go. I... Just
leave me alone. Go.


Aah! Aah!

Ow. My leg.


♫ ♫

"Dear God..."

Who are you?

I'm an angel, Samantha.

Are you... are you
gonna save me?

In a way, yeah.

I'm your angel of death.

Were you my mother's angel?


It was here, wasn't it?


It was very fast,

and it was her time, Samantha.

But it doesn't have
to be your time,

not if you have
the will to live.

I'm so cold... and
my leg's broken.

I don't think I'm gonna make it.

Shh. I'll tell you what.

You keep writing
that letter, okay?

All right.

It'll help.

Aren't you getting
a little close

to crossing the line, telling
her about the will to live?

That's got to come from her.

Well, and if
she has it, it will.

Oh, come on, Tess.
I'm an old caseworker.

I can't help it.
What can I tell you?

Well, if you're gonna stand
around and do nothing,

I'm gonna proceed
as if you weren't here.

Okay, okay, now
who's crossing the line?

What happened to free will?

There's nothing wrong
with keeping free will warm

while you're waiting
on it to kick in.



Who's watching the little boy?

Who do you think?

Oh, God.


Oh, God, please help me.

God, please help me.

He will, Jon.

Didn't I fire you?

Yes, I know, but
you can't fire God.

God is dead... hope has died.

God is not dead.

He doesn't die just because
you say so in a song,

but a part of you dies

every time you
tell yourself that.

This is a very bad trip.

No, it's a very good one,

and a very real one.

I'm an angel, Jon,

sent by a very living god

to help you live
the rest of your life

without Evie.

It's gonna be a short one.


You said something
on that interview show

the night that she
died, something that...

other people found
religion, but you found Evie.

I did.

But that's a burden
of responsibility

you can't put on anyone, Jon.

You can't worship something

that's not greater
than yourself.

Evie was greater.

Evie was a wonderful,
loving, caring

and very human being,
and she knew that.

That's why she cared so
much about the songs you sing.

But the only hope finally left

to a human in this world
is denied every time

you glorify darkness
or dance in a grave

or ridicule your Creator.

Evie knew the
power your music has

to take hope away
from your public,

from your children,
even from yourself.

That's what she
wanted you to see, Jon.

She still does.

Her death is no excuse

for the best part of
you to die with her.

You don't understand.

Without Evie... I am nowhere.

You're here, Jon,
and you're alive,

and God is alive.

And He loves you,

and He wants to help you
and Samantha and Dillon,

but you've got to let Him.

You're all crying inside,

and you're all crying alone.

What you have to do now

is all cry together.

But I'm afraid
if I start crying...

I'm afraid I'll never stop.

I know.






Samantha, are you all right?

Samantha, oh, baby.

I'm so sorry.

God. You're freezing.

Are you all right?

I-I think I broke my leg.

Oh... I thought I was gonna die.

Sweetie... Then I saw an angel.

So did I, so did I.

Oh, baby.

I'm so glad you're okay.
Let's get you out of here.

What is this doing here?

Evie wasn't here alone, Jon.

Neither was Samantha.

Oh, that's... it was
just a dumb letter

I started to write.

Where did you get it?

Just in Mom's purse.

What does it say?

And these are the lyrics
that we found that night.

They were written on
this envelope in her purse.

And you say that an angel

actually led you
to your daughter?

Yes, ma'am. That's amazing.

And now Evie's song. Hmm?

Jon Mateos and his
daughter... Samantha.


Come on, Sam.

♫ I never left a
stone unturned ♫

♫ In my life ♫

♫ Driven by a thirst I felt ♫

♫ Inside ♫

♫ But the faith
that filled my cup ♫

♫ When I suddenly looked up ♫

♫ Was the vision of an angel ♫

♫ In the light... ♫

♫ I lift my hands... ♫ You
wanna give them a hug from us?

♫ To the sky ♫

♫ 'Cause only heaven knows ♫

♫ The tears the lonely cry ♫

♫ Now I know ♫

♫ Someone's there ♫

♫ And I see ♫

♫ You're the answer
to my prayer ♫

♫ Yes, I see You're the answer ♫

♫ To my prayer. ♫
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