02x18 - Lost and Found

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Touched by an Angel". Aired: September 21, 1994 – April 27, 2003.*
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Monica is tasked with bringing guidance and messages from God to various people who are at a crossroads in their lives.
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02x18 - Lost and Found

Post by bunniefuu »

Craig, are you okay?

Craig, honey, can you hear me?



You looking for somebody?

Uh, yes... my son.

He's eight.

He has on

a red cowboy hat.
He's been in there

for a few minutes.

There's nobody else in there.

Well, sure there is.

Believe me, lady. There's
nobody else in there.

What are you talking about?



Center for Missing Children.

May I help you?

Yes, we are.

Yes, Amy Mileo is still missing.

Oh, she would be...
about seven now.

Are you saying you
think you've seen her?

What school bus?

Oh, Tess... Uh-huh.

I never realized.

Where was that?

Oh, no, honey, you
did the right thing.

Let me connect you with the
person in charge of the case.

Ann, line two, the Mileo case.

I can't even imagine
which one is my assignment.

They... they all need an angel.

And there's been an angel

assigned to every
case on the outside.

Your work is here on the inside.

Listen up, everybody.

Frank's got something to say.

I just got a call
from St. Louis PD.

Our lead panned out.

Marcy Goldblatt has been found

safe and sound in a van on I-70.

That's Frank Champness.

He used to be a
great police detective,

but he left the force
and he works here now

as an investigator.

Here's one for our side.

Now let's make it happen again.

Frank is a driven man
on a job that's never done.

Because there's always
another child to find,

and the faces of those
children haunt him,

and that can be
very hard on a soul.

And that's where I come in?

Well, he's more
vulnerable than ever now,

and we're here to protect him.

Protect him from what?

I don't know yet.

Frank, this is Monica,
the new rookie.

Welcome aboard.

Thank you.

Look, I've got to
make some calls,

so why don't you
two go grab a bite

and I'll show Monica
around when you get back.

Julie will cover for you.


How are ya?

Well, good-bye.

Oh, have a great
time in Bermuda.

And good luck with
that job interview.

Ah, elevators are such a great
place for meeting people, Tess.

Why can't they see that?

Well, people are suspicious.

They don't know when you're
going to steal their money

or their car or...
or... Or their souls.

Speaking of the devil.

Kathleen... what's
she doing here?

I don't know, baby.

But there's always
a fallen angel

around the next corner,

trying to start
trouble for somebody.

You just keep your assignment

and let that evil thing go.

♫ When you walk down the road ♫

♫ Heavy burden, heavy load ♫

♫ I will rise ♫

♫ And I will walk with you ♫

♫ I'll walk with you ♫

♫ Till the sun
don't even shine ♫

♫ Walk with you ♫

♫ Every time, I tell
you I'll walk with you ♫

♫ Walk with you ♫

♫ Believe me, I'll
walk with you. ♫

All the volunteers work closely

with local law
enforcement agencies,

as well as the FBI.

We have the advantage

because we only do one thing:

Find missing kids.

Well, that's what I want to do.

Oh, boy, excuse me.

Out late last
night, huh, partner?

New girlfriend.


It's about time you had
something besides this.

We work with
various online services

and maintain a data
bank on missing kids.

Within minutes of an abduction,
we can fax almost simultaneously

to hundreds of police
departments across the country.

Don't the police do that?

They don't have
the capabilities.

We have state-of-the-art
equipment here

that gives us a leg up.

Uh, Frank, line
four. Don, line five.

Thank you.


Hey, baby.

Take a look at this.

This is so incredible.

All right, this is a
picture of a child

that's been missing
for about two years,


Now obviously he's grown.

So we don't know
what he looks like now.

This computer can actually
age-progress his photograph

to give us an idea of
how he looks today.


All you do is, you
take his photograph,

scan it through the computer,

along with pictures
of his parents,

taken at, you know,

approximately the
same age and...

and unfortunately
it takes forever...

So... Maybe we can

hurry this along a little bit.


Time's very
important around here.

So now you're moonlighting
as a computer technician, huh?



What are you doing here?

It's my shift.

Look at this.

This... Ooh, I love computers.

Your shift?


You know, this is the
toughest assignment

that an angel of death can get.

Sitting around here,

waiting to get the word.

It's too hard.

But I thought you liked
being an angel of death.

Oh, no, I do.

I do.

Sometimes, you
know, the getting there...

But attending the
m*rder of a child...

So we take shifts.

So how about those
computers, huh?

Your assignment is on the move.


Give me a fine quill pen and
hand-pressed parchment any day.

How long has he been missing?


Frontenac Mall?

Yeah, I heard you.

We'll be right there.

Wait up, Frank.

If you want to learn,
you've got to keep up.

We really got a break here.

Usually, we get all our
information secondhand.

Uh, I guess I'll go
see what's what.

Are you all right?

Yeah, fine.

There's the mother.

How can you tell?

I've seen that look
a thousand times.

White Plains PD.

Brought us in as soon
as they got the call.

It's pretty much the way
they ran it down on the phone.

The father's on his way.

No indications, really,
of a family abduction.

They gave us the okay
to talk to the mother.

Let's do it.

Mrs. Cooper?

I'm Don Dudley.

This is Frank
Champness and Monica.

We're with the Center
for Missing Children.

Oh, my God.

He's really gone, isn't he?

Mrs. Cooper, are you up for
answering some hard questions?

Yes, I think I am.

Did you see the janitor go in?


Did you see anyone else go in?

I don't know.

People were coming and going.

I wasn't watching.
I was just waiting.

It's my fault, isn't it?


It happens in malls
all across the country.

Don't blame yourself
or you won't be any help.

Do you have a recent
photograph of Greg?

We just picked
some up this morning.

This will be fine.

Call me anytime, day or night.

I'm going to find your
son, Mrs. Cooper.

That's a promise.

Three-year-old Brian Grayson
disappeared two weeks ago.

Investigators have
failed to locate

the three-year-old
Grayson child,

who was abducted from the...

It's been ten years since Brian
Grayson was last seen here...

So you two worked
so well together,

you decided to become partners?

Please, enough already.

You've got my whole life story.


Take these forms
and get them copied

and get them to a
case manager, okay?

All right. I'll be right back.

Can I get a word?

What the hell's
going on with you?

What? Making a promise?

What are you going to do

if you can't make good on it?

I will. Oh, you will? I see.

And where does
the center fit in?

We walked away without getting
half the information we need.

Back off, man.

Just back off.

Something's going on with him.

He never drops the ball.

Maybe that's why he can't
keep his mind on the job.

But who can blame him?

That's the new girlfriend.

Tell my man his angel's here.

Kathleen is Frank's
new girlfriend?

I know, baby.

The battle just took
a turn for the worse.

Well, Miss Monica,
we meet again.

Kathleen, I wish I could say

I was happy to see you.

Somebody's happy to see me.


Hi. Look.

This is exactly like the
rug my grandfather had.

How did you find this?

Well, I remembered
how you described it,

and when I saw it in the window,

I just had to get it for you.

Do you like it?

This is the nicest thing
anybody's ever done for me.

Let's go see how it
looks in your place.

Um, excuse me, Frank.

I still have some
questions about...

Haven't you had enough

of this depressing
job for one day?

We just found a child
this morning in St. Louis.

I think that's inspiring.

And I bet you got 17 calls

about missing
children since lunch.

Am I right?

How many, Tess?


Isn't she amazing?

I think maybe you're
psychic or something.

Uh, Frank, you were
going to show me

how to use the database.

But it's 6:00.

Look, we just got a new case.

The trail is still hot.


What do you mean, go?

I mean go.

I'll cover tonight.

Get your head on straight.

You take the first
shift in the morning.

Let's go.

Come on, rookie.

This won't take long.

The computer almost runs itself.

Mm. Talk about
going to the devil.

I can't believe it.

Happens every day.

Where do you think
we ought to put it?

In front of the couch, silly.

That new girl, Monica...
She's very pretty.


She has a crush
on you, you know.

What are you talking about?

Women have radar.

We know these things.

It's obvious

the way she follows you around.

The way she looks at you.

She didn't even want
you to leave tonight.

No way. We just met.

I've seen this before, Frank.

She'll happen to get
assigned to all your cases.

Start doing little
things for you.

Making excuses for
coming to your door.

And then when you don't give
her the attention she wants,

she starts throwing
little tantrums and...

Oh, that's nice.

Undermining you on the job.

And then the whole
office is falling apart.

You know, I think

you're starting to
get a little jealous.

I'm thinking of you.

Not me.

Besides, she can't cook
you a dinner like I can.

Why don't you go take
a hot shower, relax?

I'll start cooking.

You're too good to be true.

Too good to be true.

The water is taking

longer and longer to heat up.



I'm really sorry to
bother you, but we can't

find that photograph
of Craig Cooper.

You know, the one
his mother gave you.

I, um... I think you put it

in your jacket pocket.

Oh, and, uh, I found
this outside the door.

I guess you must
have dropped it.


It's from the IRS. Hmm.

Thank you.

Come on in.

Here you go.

Look, you didn't have
to come over yourself.

We've got runners to
do that type of thing.

Oh, I don't mind.

Well, I, uh... I suppose
I should be going.

Suppose you should.

I'll see you tomorrow.

Thank you.

Gee, she showed up
sooner than I thought.

Don't say I didn't warn you.

Every chance she gets,

she does something
to try to hurt Frank,

even if he doesn't know it.

I just don't understand
why she does it.

It makes no sense.

Trying to make sense out of evil

will only give you a
headache, Miss Wings.

Evil is for evil's sake, period.

Its goal is chaos
and destruction.

Well, all I know is you cannot

let Frank Champness
get pulled down.

I can't tell you how many times

I've been standing
by, ready to go,

and Frank just gets
there, just in time.

I don't know how he does it.

Sure you do.

The miracle is

there's no more evil in
the world than there is.

Mmm, mmm.

Chicken paprikash.

Pumpernickel bread, Greek salad.

All my favorites.

Maybe you are psychic.

Frank, I want to apologize
for snooping earlier.

I overreacted.

No, I shouldn't
have done it, and...

well, I just feel so
comfortable with you.

I don't want to keep
any secrets from you.

But I understand if
there are things that...


It's hard for me to
let anyone get close.

Now, I guess I figured

that love just wasn't
in the cards for me.

But I wasn't counting on you.

I started keeping a scrapbook

when I first was assigned
to Missing Children.

There's so many of them.

Sometimes we find them
before anything bad can happen,

and sometimes we don't.

So, I started cutting the
articles out of the paper

and pasting them in this book.

Successes and failures.


Then I never look at 'em again.

I guess it's like

I'm cutting the darkness
out of me and locking it away.


The things you've seen.

The horrors these
children have endured.

The guilt you must feel
when you're too late.

I really worry about you, Frank.

You need some rest, though.

I'm going to go
clean the kitchen

and go home.


I want you to go straight to bed

and get some sleep.

It feels good having
someone looking after me.

That's what I'm here for.

If only I would have
gotten here sooner.

Yeah, yeah, I'm coming.

This better be... Are
you all right, baby?

Fine. Why?

I-I, um... I had a premonition.

It was cold and dark.

There were bodies.

I-I thought it might
have something

to do with you.

It did.

Come in.

I feel a little foolish
waking you up so early.

Please don't.

I was glad to get
out of that dream.

Besides, you know,
I can get to the office

a little early.

It's amazing that
my little premonition

was about a dream
you were actually having.

I guess we have
a real connection.

I guess we do.

And since that one
was so on target...


I see this bright red.

If you see bright red today,

you should reach
out and grab it.

I'm supposed to grab bright red?

If you don't, something
terrible will happen.

And there's something else.

You know that little boy?

I see him with animals.

Animals? Mm.

What kind of animals?

Lions, tigers, bears.

Oh, my.



Something red.

She did it again.

Oh, good morning.

Good morning. Good morning.

Lions, tigers and bears.

The circus.

Monica, I just got a
lead on the Cooper kid.

I'm going to check it out.

Well, I'll go with you.

No, no, no. I need you here.

Page me if anything comes up.

Center for Missing Children.

Where have you been?

Following my lead.

Well, we got a
call from somebody

who said that they saw
Craig Cooper downtown.

Well, why didn't you page me?

We tried to, 11 times.

So I finally

woke Don from a dead
sleep and sent him instead.

Hello, Center for
Missing Children.

Uh, yes, Don.

What happened?

All right.

Yes, all right, I'll tell him.

Don didn't get there in time.

They found Craig's cowboy hat,

but nothing else.

You can't find them all, Frank.

I, uh, I've been
looking all over for you.

Look, Monica, I
know a lot of women

come to this city
expecting to meet

the right guy, but...

this isn't the time,
and I'm not that guy.

Meet a guy?

Oh. Oh, no, that's
not why I'm here.

I have all the love
I need in my life.

I'm here, Frank,
because I respect you

and the work that you do.

Well, lately, I
haven't done anything

that deserves respect.

Now, you mustn't blame yourself.

Oh, mustn't I?

Well, who should I
blame... You? Don?

Well, if you must lay
blame, then blame the evil.

It's not you who loses them,
but evil who takes them.

"Evil"? Like Satan,
like the devil?

Yes, he exists.

And he's working every day
of every month of every year

to destroy what is
good in this world.

Look, Monica, I
know you mean well.

But I don't believe in evil.

I believe in evil people,

but evil as some
intelligent force? Uh-uh.

Bottom line: Craig
Cooper is missing

because I screwed up.

I can't believe this
is happening again.


Brian Grayson.

Three years old, and
already a Brewers fan.

He disappeared in
a mall in Milwaukee.

I was a rookie cop.

I had this... idea
of being a hero...

Finding Brian, and
personally placing him

in his mother's arms.

So, I held out.

I got two leads, but
instead of giving one

to another cop
who could follow up,

I tried to cover
them both myself.

The first lead didn't pan out.

By the time I got around
to the second one,

it was too late.

Brian was gone.

15 years later, I'm
still looking for him.


If evil does exist, it's
not some outside force.

It's inside me.

No, Frank.

That's not true.

Please, Frank, help me!


Are you an angel?

Yes, I am.

I prayed for you to come.

I know.

God heard you, and He sent me.

I miss my mommy and daddy.

I know you do, honey.

And they really miss you, too.

And someday, you'll
all be together again

in a new home.

But you get to go there first.

Here we go.

You can't have him.

And who's going to stop me?

You have rules
to play by, Monica.

Angels must not interfere
with a human's free will.

Well, I don't play by the rules.

His will is already mine.

You've already lost.

It's not me you're
fighting, Kathleen.

It's God.

And I don't think I'd
count Him out just yet,

if I were you.

May I help you?


I mean, I...

You trying to make up your
mind whether to go upstairs or not?

How did you know?

Oh, I know a lot of things.

I know that you're the
janitor from the mall.

And you think you might be able

to help find that missing boy.

I don't know.

I feel kind of dumb.

What if, what if I'm wrong?

"If" is the saddest word
in the history of language.

For instance...

If I had gone down
to those detectives,

and told them what I know,

could that little boy
have been saved?

You hang onto
that "if" long enough,

it can eat a hole
right into your heart.

But let it go.

Tell people what you know,
whether it sounds dumb or not,

and then that little word

has no more power over you.

It's up to you.

I guess I'll go up.

I'll go with you.

And so the guy asks,

"You ever meet a real
cowboy?" in this really quiet voice.

I should have known
what was going on.

There's no way you could
have known that, Ryan.

I just wish that I
remembered sooner.

A lot of people
recall details later.

What's important is
that you're here now.

So, you didn't
see the guy's face?

No, sir.

Okay, well, thank you.

If you remember anything
else, give us a call.

He did that.

Did what?

That thing she just did.

It was a woman.

Dressed like a man.

Was there anything else?

Anything at all
that was unusual...

No matter how small?

Well, there were
some tags in the trash,

like, from new
clothes, I don't know.

I figured it was probably
shoplifters, or something.

Do you remember what
store they were from?

Kelly's Men's Store.

They have this little
shamrock on their tags.

I'm on it.

You did real good.



Check over here.


I'm in here!


We'll have you out
in a minute, Craig.

Hold this.

Evelyn is on the way.

You've been a very good boy.

Your mom's going
to be here soon.

So, we found him, Tess.

And the police have already
caught the lady kidnapper.

Oh, that was no
lady, angel girl.

It's funny, I'm surprised
it wasn't Kathleen.

Oh, no, no.

That's not her style.

She's more interested
in the bigger picture.



Oh, thank you!

Oh, God, thank you.

Hey, puppy.

See you around.

Oh, my God.

Brian Grayson, three years
old, and already a Brewers fan.

Brewers fan.

I had this idea of being a hero.


15 years later, I'm
still looking for him.

I'm still looking for
him... still looking for him.

Frank, what's wrong?

You look like
you've seen a ghost.

Somebody broke
into my apartment.

No, don't.


The place was a mess.

I'm telling you... the
place was a mess.

I'm really worried
about you, Frank.

What is wrong with this thing?

Dudley, I need to...

So, there are just five
more numbers here

that we really should...

Who do you think you are?

You just couldn't leave well
enough alone, could you?

I told you I made a mistake,

and you had to spread
it around, didn't you?

Kathleen warned me about you.

She warned you about me?

But it's Kathleen
you should be...

Just stay away from me, lady.

You got a real problem.

Lay off, Frank.

If anybody's got
a problem, it's you.

Oh, so now you're
investigating me?

What? If you didn't trust me,

you should have come to me

instead of going behind my back.

As of right now, our
partnership is over.

What's the matter with you?!

Why won't you help me, Frank?

It's all your fault.

Find me, Frank.

It's all your fault, Frank.

It's all your fault, Frank.

What's that face on you, baby?

I should have gone after him.

Well, Kathleen is working
Frank over pretty good.

But you cannot make a man
pull back unless he wants to.

So when she's
pushed him too far,

he'll be ready
for a little backup.

And you just be ready.


Rough day in angel world?

Frank needs help.

But Tess wants me to wait.

I can't just sit here and do
nothing if Frank's in trouble.

So what's that?

An unsolved case of Frank's.

He thinks that he made a mistake

and that's why the wee
boy was never found.

He's been tortured
by it for years.

Wait. Stop the presses.

Let me tell you what.

You go get me the
old case file on this.

And remember, family
photographs help.

Andrew, I don't know about this.

Tess doesn't want me to do
anything until Frank is ready.


Well... I'm doing something.

No, I'm doing something.

You're watching.

You're always like this.

All right, here we go.

You know this is going to
be a long shot, don't you?

I mean this child's been
missing for more than 15 years.

Does that help?

Brian Grayson was first
reported missing in 1980

and has not been seen since,

and it is generally known
that it is all Frank's fault.

Frank, it's your fault.

It's all your fault.

It's all your fault,
Frank. It's your fault.

It's all your fault,
Frank. It's your fault.

It's all your fault, Frank.

It's your fault. It's
all your fault, Frank.

It's your fault.

It's all your fault, Frank.

It's all your fault, Frank.

Help me.

Help me, Frank.

It's your fault.

It's all your fault, Frank.

It's all your fault, Frank.

Help me, Frank.

It's all your fault.
It's all your fault.

It's all your fault.

It's your fault.

It's all your fault.

It's your fault.

It's all your fault, Frank.

It's all your fault, Frank.

It's all your fault.
It's all your fault.

It's all your fault.

It's your fault.

It's all your fault.


God, please.

Help me.


I am an angel sent
by God to help you.

An angel?

My God.

She's just your
hallucination, Frank.

Your job has finally
pushed you over the edge.


I am an angel.

I care about you, Frank.

And you can't take the
pressure of this job anymore.

You've done enough
good deeds for one lifetime.

It's time to take
care of yourself.

What a perfect plan.

To destroy a man who
repairs broken families.

I don't believe
this is happening.

It's not.

You're losing your mind.

No, you're fighting
for your soul, Frank.

Right here. Think.

When did all these terrible
things start happening to you?

When did the nightmares begin?


Kathleen loves me.

No, Kathleen has shown
you a poor imitation of love,

but if you look at her
with the light of God,

then you will see her
for what she truly is.

Oh, come on.

Don't be ridiculous.

Look at her, Frank.

You can't find them all, Frank.

And they will pay
for your mistakes.

Don't listen to her.

The pain, the terror
of those children

will be on your shoulders.

God has abandoned them.

No, never.

I'm telling you the truth.

She's telling you lies, Frank.

God, please help me.

Who's telling the truth?

Come on, baby.

You said so yourself.

I'm too good to...

To be true.

Get out.

What was she?

She used to be an angel,

but she traded the power
of love for the love of power,

but her power over you
has just been broken.

That was close.

She almost stopped you

from doing what you
were born to do, Frank:

To save the children.

I don't... I don't save them.

I want to win every time.

God doesn't expect you
to win every time, Frank.

He loves you.

And you should use that love

to give you the
strength to keep going.

What about the children?

Some of them you will
carry back home in your arms.

And the others, He
will carry home in His.

Trust Him.

And let go of anyone

or anything that
tries to hold you back.

The boy you've been
looking for... Brian...

He's alive.

And look who he grew up to be.

Thank you.

Yes, ma'am.

He said he's been
fascinated with shopping malls

ever since he can remember.

I guess now we know why.

Well, he looks just like your
Brian, only 15 years older.

No, no.

Don't thank me.

We work as a team here.


Your mother wants
to speak to you.


I do.

I do remember.

No, they just told
me you were a dream.

I love you, too... Mom.

I always did.

Let's give him some privacy.

It's good to have
you back, partner.

It's good to be back.

I want to thank you.

I'm not sure why,

but something tells me
you had a hand in all this.

Back to work.

I don't know what to say.

Just never lose hope.

There's always a battle
going on that you can't see.

We lose our children

to something more
terrible than bad luck

and it isn't luck
that saves them.

I have only one question.

I told you.

Where did this grownup
picture of Brian come from?

Oh, um... well, Tess, you see.

I cannot tell a lie.

I did help Andrew to make it

even though you told
me to do nothing, but...


Good thinking.


Put that time to good use.

Well, you know,
it's a team effort.
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