02x22 - Flesh and Blood

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Touched by an Angel". Aired: September 21, 1994 – April 27, 2003.*
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Monica is tasked with bringing guidance and messages from God to various people who are at a crossroads in their lives.
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02x22 - Flesh and Blood

Post by bunniefuu »


Megan? Megan!



Freeze or I'll
blow your head off!

"You are a calm and
graceful presence."


Oh, gosh.

"Get tea."

No fortunes.

Oh, I did that.

I don't understand
what people see in tea.

How could they
not prefer coffee?

But I suppose

just as there are cat
people and dog people,

so, too, are there

tea people and coffee people.

And listening people
and talking people.

That's Kate Prescott.

She's your assignment.

She doesn't look like
she needs an angel.

She doesn't.

Right now, she needs a friend.

Later on, she's going
to need an angel,

and you're going
to have to do both.

I don't see Kate.

She'll be here.

This is where she
spends her days.

What kind of a trial is this?

A sweet girl got
m*rder*d in her own home.

Oh, Tess, no.

The evil that men can do.

That's the victim's
father there.

Poor man.

He's a victim, too.

In this case, baby,
we got a lot of victims.

What do you mean?

Excuse me.

Oh, hello.

Is that seat taken?

Oh, no, not at all.

It must be very hard for him.


Hi, Mom.

♫ When you walk down the road ♫

♫ Heavy burden, heavy load ♫

♫ I will rise and I
will walk with you ♫

♫ I'll walk with you ♫

♫ Till the sun
don't even shine ♫

♫ Walk with you every time ♫

♫ I tell you, I'll
walk with you ♫

♫ Walk with you ♫

♫ Believe me, I'll
walk with you. ♫

Dr. Hayes, based
on your examination,

were you able to establish
the cause of death?

Yes, two b*llet wounds
to the upper torso,

.22 caliber.

One was superficial
in the shoulder area;

The other pierced the heart.

Death was instantaneous.

And did you notice
anything unusual

about the path of the b*ll*ts?


Your Honor, the prosecution

is leading the witness.

He's an expert
witness. I'll allow it.

Yes, there was
something unusual.

The b*ll*ts had a severely
downward trajectory.

And that told you what?

That either the
perpetrator was 15 feet tall

or the victim was on her
knees when she was k*lled.

On her knees

like she was begging for mercy?



The jury will disregard
Mr. Reynolds' last question.

Mr. Page, what was your
relationship to the deceased?

She was my daughter.

Would you please tell
the jury what happened

on the night of
April 4th of this year?

Megan had come
home from college.

It was a surprise.

She had a long weekend,

and she had... decided
to spend it with me.

She made dinner,
just the two of us.

And she wanted to talk...

Not about anything,
just be together and talk.

But I wanted to
get some ice cream,

so she cleared and
I went out to get it.

I was gone about half an hour.

And as I pulled
into the driveway,

I saw somebody
coming out of the house.

His back was turned to me,
but when my headlights hit him,

he turned around
and I saw his face.

Then he ran away,

and, uh, I saw
the door was open.

And I ran... into the house.

Megan? Megan!

And she was lying there.


And there was a lot of blood...

and I tried to... put
something over the wounds,

but there was too much blood.

Mr. Page, the man who you saw

outside your house,

do you see him in
the courtroom today?

It was him! He k*lled her!



Mr. Page, only
answer the questions

that you're asked.

I saw him in my house!

His footprints were there!

He k*lled her!

Your Honor, this is
extremely prejudicial.

The jury will disregard.

No! Don't disregard!

He k*lled her.

Order. Order!

Bailiff, please remove
Mr. Page from the courtroom.

He k*lled her, I'm telling you!

He did it!

He k*lled my daughter!

There's no doubt about it!

Order! Order in the courtroom!

He's the one who
did it! He's the one!

This court is adjourned
until 9:00 tomorrow morning.

Members of the jury,

you're reminded not
to discuss this case

amongst yourselves
or anyone else.

I'm sorry.

This must be very
difficult for you.





You heard him.

She was on her knees
begging for her life.

I saw him with my own eyes.

The police caught him in
the woods next to my house.

How much more
evidence do you need?

Do you know he's been
in prison three times?

He has to be put away for good!

How could you raise a
human being like that?

Mrs. Prescott, has your son

ever discussed
the crime with you?

Is it true that your ex-husband

was an abusive father?

Has the D.A. asked
you to take the stand?

Stand back, please,
and give her some space.

Come with me. I know a way out.

This way.

Excuse me.

It's locked.

I wonder how that happened.

My name is Monica.

Well, look, Monica,

my Thomas has been
in plenty of trouble.

He's no saint.

But he's never hurt anyone.

And he never would hurt anyone.

Make sure you print that.

Print it? Print it where?

In your newspaper.

Oh, no, I'm not a reporter.

I'm a stranger.

Reporters I tolerate.

Strangers I ignore completely.

Is this seat taken?


It's a public bus,
honey... you come on

and you can sit
wherever you wish.

How are we today, Mrs. Prescott?

Can't complain.

It wouldn't do any good, anyway.

Look, please, I'm
on a schedule here.

Who's your friend?

Don't have any friends.

I'm Monica.

Hi, Monica, I'm Mrs. Angeli.

That's like "angel," but
there's an "I" at the end.


Mrs. Prescott and
I, we go way back,

don't we, Mrs. Prescott?

Way back to three weeks ago.

Ever since she
began coming to court.

It's a tough day, I heard.

You all right?

I'm all right.


What's the word on the street?

You don't want to know.

Mm, that's all right.

I already know.

The papers, all of
them say that he's guilty.

I mean, they haven't
even heard his defence yet.

What's his defence?

That he didn't do it!

Please don't.

Officer Bolton, after you
responded to the 911 call,

did you apprehend a suspect

in the woods surrounding
the Page home?

Yes, I did.

Do you see that man
in the courtroom today?


Would you please point him out?

It's the gentleman sitting
at the defence table there.

Let the record show
that he has identified

the defendant, Thomas Prescott.

Your witness.

Officer, do you agree with
the prosecution's theory

for the motive in this crime?

Yes, it was a burglary
that went wrong.

And what makes you believe that?

The victim's purse was stolen

which contained some
cash and credit cards.

There was some
jewellery missing as well:

Several rings, an I.D.
necklace, bracelets...

Thank you...
That's in the record.

Now, on the night that
you arrested Mr. Prescott,

was he in possession
of the victim's purse?

Well, no, but they
usually don't hang onto...

Just answer the question
"yes" or "no," Officer.

No purse.

Was he in possession
of the stolen jewellery?


Were there any traces of
gunpowder on his hands?


Was there any
blood on his clothing?


Nothing further.

Your Honor?

Prosecution may redirect.

Officer Bolton, is it
possible to fire a handgun

and not leave gunpowder
residue on your hand?

Sure, if he's wearing gloves
and he dumps them afterwards.

Objection; Speculation.

Overruled... you opened
the door, counselor.

Thank you, Your Honor.

Officer, how would
you describe the terrain

around the Page home?

It's a heavily wooded area.

Did the police conduct
a thorough search

for evidence in that area?

Yeah, but it would take
a hundred men all year

to look everywhere.

So in your opinion,

it would be possible for
someone to hide evidence

in that wooded area
that would not be found?

Very possible.

Thank you very much.

Mr. Prescott, how far do
you live from the woods

where the officer arrested you?

Not far, ma'am, about a mile.

And were you in those
woods last April 4th?


I couldn't sleep that night,

so I went for a walk.

I like to go to the woods

because there's nobody
out there, you know?

I can be alone, think
about things, and...

All of a sudden, I heard
a bunch of sh*ts, and...

they sounded like
they were real close by

and I wanted to make
sure no one was in trouble,

so I looked into it

and all I could see in a quick
flash in the moonlight was...

someone, but I
couldn't see their face.

And I looked, I saw a man
coming out of that house,

and he was wearing
a green hunting cap,

and he was carrying
a woman's purse.

And I looked over
and the door was open

and I walked right in.

And when I walked inside,

that girl was on the
floor in a pool of blood.

And... I was scared.

Any man would have been.

And I didn't know who
else was there, or...

I just tried to
get out of there.

The next thing I remember,

you know, somebody
pulled up and started yelling.

I just, uh...

I ran.

Mr. Prescott...

did you k*ll Megan Page?

No, ma'am, I did not.

Your witness.

Tell me something, Mr. Prescott.

Do you frequently go walking
at night all dressed in black?

No, sir, it's just what
I had on, that's all.

Don't you usually
wear black clothes

when you're committing crimes?

Your Honor?

Mr. Reynolds, you
know better than that.

I apologize...
withdraw the question.

He does not have a regular job.

He works part-time
at a gas station.

He goes for walks in the woods
just to get away from the world.

You may see someone

who does not fit your
idea of a model citizen.

But most importantly,
you did not see him,

nor did anyone else see
him, commit this crime.

He was simply

in the wrong place
at the wrong time.

The fact is, the
prosecution has failed

to meet their burden of proof.

They have given you
no physical evidence

that links Thomas
with this crime.

And without that evidence,
you are compelled by law

to find Thomas
Prescott not guilty.

The defendant
admits he was there.

He was in the house.

And a person gets
scared and they run

because they're guilty, not
because they're innocent.

And just because
he's hidden this g*n

in a place where
it can't be found

does not mean he
didn't commit this crime.

We know who k*lled Megan Page

and it wasn't somebody
in a green hunting cap.

It was Thomas Prescott.

And it's time for you to tell
this man that you know it, too.

Your Honor... JUDGE: Order!


All right, Mr. Prescott,
that's enough.

Let's get to the
jury instructions

so they can begin deliberations.

Waiting out a verdict like this,

my heart goes out to you
and that poor Mr. Page.

Thank you.

I am sorry about
his daughter, too,

very sorry,

but my Thomas has had
nothing to do with this.

I didn't mean to say...

Oh, Tess, I don't know
how to be her friend.

I'm not even sure
that she needs me.

You take it from old Tess, baby.

Tomorrow when
that verdict comes in,

Kate is going to
need you plenty.

Mr. Foreman, have
you reached a verdict?

Yes, Your Honor.

Mrs. Prescott, remember,

there's always
the court of appeal.

But he's not guilty, Monica.

I don't care what
anybody thinks.

He is not guilty.

Mr. Foreman,

have you all agreed
on your verdict?

Yes, Your Honor.

We have.

Will the defendant
please rise for the verdict?

Mr. Foreman, please
read the verdict.

We, the jury, find the
defendant, Thomas Prescott...

not guilty.

JUDGE: Order. Order!

I will have order
in this courtroom.

Order! Order!


I'd like to thank the
jury for their time.

Mr. Prescott, you're free to go.

Court is adjourned.

The reaction to
the Prescott verdict

continues at this hour.

Angry protesters
are still picketing

outside the courthouse,
carrying signs

saying "Doubt Thomas" and
"Murdering women is a crime."

Meanwhile, the jury's foreman
spoke out about the verdict.

The jury was not allowed to know

about his past burglary arrests.

I mean, if we had...
well, who knows?

I mean, most of us
felt he probably did it,

but there were some questions,

and as you know, it's guilt
beyond reasonable doubt.

We just couldn't do it,

but we don't feel
that great about it.

Not guilty.



Hey, Bill, what's going on, man?

Yeah... no, I was just about
to call you about my schedule.

No, no, look.

Just take your stinking
gas station job and just...


Yeah... who's this now?

Oh, yeah, this
is the k*ller, yeah.

Yeah, no, this is the k*ller.

Yeah, why don't you
come over here right now

and I'll k*ll you, okay?


Yeah... Uh-huh.


Mrs. Prescott!

Word on the street
is that Leonard Page

is getting the whole
town up in arms.

Thomas is not guilty!

People need to get over it.

No kidding.

I really admire

the way you're handling this.

Living with Thomas
must be very difficult.

He wasn't always like this.

He was a happy boy,

with these real bright eyes.

He never had a
father... What a bum!

So he started hanging
out with older kids.

They decide to
steal a car one night

and so Thomas
goes along with it.

You know how kids do.

So they sent him
straight to juvenile hall

which was supposed
to straighten him up.

But when he came out
of there, he was different.

His eyes weren't bright anymore.

They were cold, hard, you know?

And they haven't
been bright since.

Oh, no!

We had evidence in this
case that was far beyond...

Get out of here!

There he is! There he is!


Oh, Tommy, no!

Tommy, stop!


Thomas, get in the house!

Get in the house!

Tom, go inside!

Inside now!

Go home, everybody!

Go home.

Go away!

Go home, everybody!

Ma, who is she?

Oh, she is my friend, Monica.

I don't know her.

We met at court.

She was the only person

willing to sit next to me.

Hello, Thomas.

Ma, you don't know why
she's being so friendly.

Maybe she's wired.

Maybe I should frisk her.

Thomas, this is my guest.

Now, what were
you doing out there?

I was just trying to get
rid of them out there.

Why didn't you call the police?

I did! And?

They laughed.

You think they're
going to help me?

They think they're the
ones that are not safe?

I'm the one who's not safe.


That's the v*olence
Thomas Prescott

is capable of on
a moment's notice!

The justice system
does not work!

That's right.

We all have to defend ourselves

because the system
won't defend us!

It's too late for my daughter!

Do you want yours to be next?


We're not safe in our homes

while this k*ller is free!

Do you want to live
next door to a k*ller?


Father, there are a lot
of fired-up people here

that need to be cooled down.

Whatever you do will
be greatly appreciated.

Then do something about it!

That's a nice touch.

What's going on?


Look... they're running away.

They're going.

It's not going to
rain forever, Thomas.

Yes, can I please have the
number of Channel 6 news?

I'm here with Kate Prescott,

mother of acquitted m*rder
suspect Thomas Prescott.

Mrs. Prescott, why did
you request this interview?

Well, um, Thomas has
been found not guilty.

Now, everyone, leave him alone.

Please, leave us alone.

May we speak to your son?

He's not here.

Where is he?

I'm not going to tell you.

He has been through enough.

Tommy has had problems
in his life like anybody else.

But he never
hurt that poor girl.

He has never, ever hurt anyone.

There is absolutely no evidence
that my son did anything wrong.

People, you know, just
want someone to blame.

The police haven't even bothered

to look for the man in
the green hunting cap.

Tommy could never do this.

He... he couldn't.

He wouldn't.

I know my son.


No Mrs. Prescott, huh?

No, I haven't seen her.

I'm not surprised.

Word on the street is,

she doesn't want
to show her face.

I'm worried about Kate.

Seeing Thomas in
the woods last night,

I'm not sure what to make of it.

Don't make anything of it.

That's not what you're here for.

Am I not here to
help my assignment?

Of course you are.

But you remember this:

The truth will set you free.

The truth will set
everybody free,

but that does not mean

it's going to drop in your lap.

You've got to find it first.

Now that Mrs. Prescott
has broken her silence

to defend her son,
what is your response?

Well, it's sad.

She has to believe he's innocent

because otherwise,
she'd have to ask herself

what part she played
in raising a k*ller.

She can't ask herself
that; It's too terrible.

So she has to
believe he's innocent,

no matter what the facts are.

If you could say anything
to Mrs. Prescott right now,

what would it be?

I'd tell her that...

that your son is a k*ller.

I know it, he knows it,
the whole town knows it.

We want him out now.

Don't make things worse
than they already are.

People are angry enough
to do almost anything.

Nobody wants to see
you get caught in the way.

Thank you, Mr. Page.

We're done.

I just need to do a
quick stand-up out front.

We'll be out of
here in ten minutes.

Sure, whatever you
need to do is fine.


Hello, Mr. Page.

I'm sorry, I didn't see you.

I got a message for you.

Oh? From the police?

No, it's from God.


Seeing as how you're a man

who thinks only
his view is right,

I know you're
going to have trouble

with this concept,
but listen to me here.

In this world, there are
two kinds of judgment:

God's judgment
and man's judgment.

I'm sorry. What?

Man has judged Thomas Prescott

with the only system it
has... the legal system.

Which is not a perfect system.

Of course not.

It's operated by man.

But man has spoken.

And whether you like it or not,

the verdict is what it is.

And the only judgment
still left to be made

is God's judgment.

Are you crazy?

Are you saying he
should walk away free?

I assure you that God's judgment

is more just than
you can imagine,

and whoever k*lled your daughter

is going to have
to answer to Him.

No, whoever k*lled my daughter

is going to have
to answer to me.

What do you want, Mr. Page,

justice or revenge?

What's the difference?

The difference is that
one of them is right

and the other one is wrong.

Is this woman with you,
this woman who's in here?

Is she with you, because if...

I'm sorry, I don't
care about that.

Sir, it's a take-it-
or-leave-it deal, okay?

You will?

Okay, thank you.


Ma, I just sold the story

to one of those TV shows.

10,000 bucks.

You did what?

Why shouldn't I?

I lost my job for
no reason, okay?

I'm on the TV all the time now.

They're making money off of us.

We need the money.

This'll only make things worse.

They want to hate you, Tommy,

and you keep giving
them reasons to.

Stop giving them reasons!

Ma, listen, please relax.

I've got it completely
under control.

Are you all right?

Yeah... Yeah, I think so.

But, you know, I
felt like I got hit.

They tried to k*ll me.

They tried to k*ll all of us.

Leonard Page is after my son.

He's never going
to leave us alone.

May I make a suggestion?

Mr. Page, I'm as
unhappy about being here

as you are about having me here.

I doubt that, Mrs. Prescott.

Two hours ago, someone
fired a g*n into my home.

They tried to k*ll us.

Well, if you're suggesting

I had anything to do
with that, you're wrong.

I don't think you
actually pulled the trigger,

but you might just as well have.

Now, what is it that you want?

I want your son dead.

Since I can't have that legally,

I want him the hell
out of this town.

We're not going to move.

You leave us alone.

Like your son left
my daughter alone?

The jury said "Not guilty."

The jury was wrong.


Look at my daughter,
Mrs. Prescott.

Take a real good look at her.

Look at her.

This is what was
taken away from me.

She was very beautiful.

She was my life.

I know why you need to
find the person who did this.

I have found him.

You have the wrong man.

Now, no matter how much
you hate him, he didn't do it!

No matter how much
you love him, he did.

Are you going out tonight?

Yeah, I'm stuck inside all day.

Okay, but be careful, all right?

No, no, leave the dishes.

I'll do them.

Ma, I picked this
up this afternoon.


Just a little something
to say thanks

for hanging in there with me.

Oh, well, thank you.

I thought you stayed in today.

Whatever. Read it, will you?

All right.

"You're my favourite girl.

Love, Thomas."

Oh... Mom, this goes with it.


Oh, this is beautiful!

But you can't afford this.

Don't worry about that, Ma.

You deserve it.

Okay, go on.

Go out.

Have some fun.

See you later, Ma.




Oh, no!


Oh, no.

And then I thought,

"What is the guitar
doing out of its case?"

So I opened the
case, and there it was.

I feel like such a fool.

Oh, Kate, there is nothing
you could have done.

You can't say that.

I am the one who raised him.

I thought I taught
him right from wrong.

Oh, I defended him to everybody.

"No, my son would
never do anything like that.

He's a good boy."

Well, he's not.

He's not a good boy.

He's a criminal.

Hey, Ma.



Ma, some jerk started
a fight in the bar.

I'm sitting there

minding my business
the whole time.

They threw me out.

What's wrong?

You tell me the
truth about that night!

I told you the truth.

Stop lying!

You searched my room?

You gave me

Megan Page's
jewellery as a gift?!

You don't understand!

I understand that
you k*lled that girl!

No, she was dead already!

Liar! Liar!

Ma... I did lie.

But not about that, Ma.

I was in the woods that night,

but I was just looking
for something to steal.

Nothing big, just something
to make a couple bucks on.

And then I heard these sh*ts.

So I went to look and
see what was going on.

I saw this guy with a green hat,

and he was running.

He ran right by me.

So I went inside, Ma.

And I was just looking around.

And then... and
then I saw the girl.

She was just lying
there, Ma, lifeless.

And then... then I
was going to call 911...

but then I saw the jewellery.

I don't know, Ma, I
just had to take it...

I don't even know why.

By the time I got out of there,

the father came home, so I left.

That's it, Ma, I
swear that's the truth.

Well, I don't believe you.


Don't call me that anymore.

Ma... No more, no.

I thought you believed in me.

I used to!

She didn't believe me.

Can you blame her?

No one believes you, Thomas.

How could you do it?

And how could you do it to her?

I didn't.

Hey, this is my life
we're talking about here.

Yes, and you're wasting it.

That's my business.

Look, you've every
right to ruin your own life,

but you certainly have
no right to ruin hers.

Get out of my house.


Have you heard?

Heard what?

I found the
jewellery in his room,

and... and I am so sorry
for everything he has done.

I don't know why
he did what he did.

But, um, I... I'm just so sorry.

He's gone.

I went in his room this morning,

and he is gone.

I don't know where
he's going to go.

He doesn't have much money.

He left the jewellery behind?

And this.

"Mom, I know you probably
didn't mean what you said,

"but I have to go.

"Don't worry.

Love, Thomas."

Step out of the car.

Have you step
towards the police car.

Put your hands on
the car for me, please.

Put your hands on your head!

Do it now!

You're under arrest!

Cuff him, Pete!

You have the right
to remain silent.

Anything you say can and will

be used against
you in a court of law.

You have the
right to an attorney.

If you cannot
afford an attorney...


Yes, it is.

Yes, sergeant.

Are you sure?

Oh, my God.

Our top story tonight...

Police say they have arrested
the man who is the k*ller

of college student Megan Page.

The suspect is described
as having a history of v*olence

and has apparently
confessed to the k*lling.

They say he laughed as
she pleaded in vain for her life.

Bill will be along with that
weekend weather forecast

and Dave will have
all the sports scores

a little bit later.

Oh... I didn't hear the door.

I didn't use the door.

Monica, I'm not much
of a people person,

but I don't know how I
could have gotten through this

if you hadn't been
watching over me.

You've been a real angel.

Just like one.

Oh... Oh, my... God
sent me to you, Kate.


God is real?

Oh, yes... more than real.

There have been so
many times I've prayed.

And... He really is there.


So, He knows what I've done.


I've betrayed my son.

I've turned my back on him.

I did the one thing I never
thought I could ever do.

I failed him.

I failed God.

Oh, my God...

Kate, I didn't come here to
watch you condemn yourself.

God doesn't want that.

Everybody fails sometimes.

Not like this.

Exactly like this.

You exchanged your
faith for evidence.

You stopped believing
in what you knew

and you started
believing in what you saw.

But you see, faith
is the evidence

of what you can't see.

So put your faith in
God, who you can't see,

and trust Him to right
the wrongs with Thomas.

Let Him speak to you

and to everyone else
who has failed Him.

Like Leonard Page.


You two are more alike
than you are different.

You've both suffered great pain.

But with God's help,

you can turn judgment
into compassion.

You can turn hate
into forgiveness.

You must forgive Leonard Page.

And, Kate, you need
to forgive yourself, too.

Oh, I could never do that.

I, uh... wasn't there

when my son needed me the most.

Nobody is perfect,

except the One who sent me here.

And He sends perfect
peace to imperfect you

and imperfect Thomas.


Who are you?

My name is Tess.

I'm an angel.

And now I'll tell
you who you are.

You're a man so
full of hate and pain,

you want the whole
world to feel it, too.

I have the right to hate.

Maybe so.

But who does it really hurt...

The man who k*lled
your daughter or you?

Hate is more toxic than
any chemical, Mr. Page.

It poisons from the inside out.

And it's a fast-acting poison;

Before you know
it, you're filled with it,

hate's in charge and you
can't control it anymore.

You thought by blaming that boy

for what happened, that it
would make you feel better.

Did it?

It was a mistake.

But now they've
caught the right man.

Yes, they have.

But what difference
does it make?

Do you turn your hate around

and start the whole
thing all over again?

The only thing you
can do with this man,

Leonard Page, is forgive him.


Forgiveness is not
a sign of weakness.

It's a sign of strength.

Hating is easy,
forgiving is hard.

My baby... is gone.

She's gone, but not lost.

And another Father is taking
very good care of her right now.

I should have been here.

I should have protected her.

There was nothing you could do.

And sometimes admitting
that is the hardest part.

You did not have
the power to stop it.

I'll never see her again.

Oh, honey, we angels
don't talk about "never."

I believe that you'll
hold your little girl

in your arms again some day.

But in the meantime,

realize that Megan
is never too far away.

A part of her will live
in you for all of time.

And there's a part of you
inside her right now, today.

I'm so sorry.

Please come in.

Have you, uh...
heard from Thomas?


Um, oh... uh, this...

this belongs to you, too.

With everything
happening, I'm sorry, I forgot.

I would like you to keep this.


Tess, where's Mrs. Angeli?

She got transferred.

Oh, too bad.

There was something
about her I really liked.

She said the same
thing about you.

She did?

She did a good job, too.

Yes, it must be

very difficult driving a bus.

Oh, that wasn't her job,
that was just her assignment.

"Her assignment"?

You mean...

She was the advance
angel on this case.

She set it up so the
caseworker could do her job.

Imagine that.

Well, then I guess,

the only question I
have is about Thomas.

What is that, angel girl?

He left the jewellery behind.

He's going straight, isn't he?

He surely is.

And Leonard Page has declined

to press charges on
the stolen jewellery.

He says it's time for healing.

Well, that's very nice,

but Thomas seems to
be the forgotten soul here.

I mean, wherever
he is, he's alone.

You know better than that, baby.

How are ya, honey?

Are you new around here?

My name is Mrs. Angeli.

That's like "angel, but
there's an "I" on the end.

Do you want some coffee?


All right, now, listen,

we have a blue-plate special.

But, trust me,
I wouldn't try it.

There's my smile.

You know what?

You're too thin.

We are going to
have to fatten you up.

So Thomas is gone, but not lost.

God never gives up on us, baby,

even though sometimes people do.


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