03x06 - Secret Service

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Touched by an Angel". Aired: September 21, 1994 – April 27, 2003.*
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Monica is tasked with bringing guidance and messages from God to various people who are at a crossroads in their lives.
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03x06 - Secret Service

Post by bunniefuu »

( band playing bold march )

( all cheering )

( siren sounding )

Hammond! Hammond! Hammond!

WOMAN: There he is! There he is!

( Crowd cheers )

Dillard to crowd control:
Spartan is moving.

Thank you.

( Humming )

TESS: That's Ulysses.

Watch him, baby.
You'll learn something.

MONICA: Nothing's happening.

TESS: That's all you see?

Did I miss something?

Everything. He's fishing.

But he's not catching anything.

What's the point of fishing,

if you don't catch any fish?

A real fisherman doesn't
have to catch a thing.

The joy is in
the beauty of the fishing.

But with some folks it's...

all about the winning.

That's the way
she looks at life.

TESS: Meet your new assignment.

She's been out here
every week for months now,

and has never said
a word to anyone.

She doesn't have any friends

'cause she doesn't know
how to make them.

So how are we doing
this fine day?


Thank you.
I'm doing fine myself.

Never felt better.

Please, you're gonna
scare away the fish.

Looks like she could learn
a few things from him.

That girl has put her whole
life on hold for her career.

TESS: She wants to save
some politician's life.

Be a hero. Get the credit.

Catch the big fish.

That's right, baby.

She thinks that once she has
her big moment in the sun,

then she can begin
enjoying her life.

But in the meantime,
she's not living.

Just competing.

Always competing.

I think she'd have a better time
if she fished with Ulysses.

MONICA: He seems like
such a nice man.

Oh, yes, he is.

And Ulysses is
the best kind of fisherman...

he's a fisher of men.

And when he casts his line,

he draws people to him.

Even those who put up
the biggest fight.

( Della Reese & The Verity
All-Stars' "Walk With You" playing )

REESE: ♫ When you walk ♫

♫ Down the road ♫

♫ Heavy burden ♫

♫ Hea-ea-eavy load ♫

♫ I will rise ♫

♫ And I will walk with you ♫

REESE: ♫ I'll walk with you ♫
CHORUS: ♫ I'll walk with you ♫

♫ Till the sun
Don't even shine ♫

♫ Walk with you ♫
♫ Walk with you ♫

♫ Every time ♫

♫ I tell ya I'll walk with you ♫

♫ Walk with you ♫

♫ Believe me
I'll walk with you ♫

Baby, what do you know

about the Secret Service?

Well, we perform a kind of
a secret service, don't we?

Yeah, that's right.

And for you,
this is going to be a snap,

because that Secret Service

is almost like
Search and Rescue.


Well, the difference is,
you wear these.

TESS: Special Agent Monica,

you are about to
report for duty.

Marty, meet your newest member

on the Hammond detail.

Hello. I'm Monica.

What, the treasury authorized
another agent for the senator?

Phelps, we got it covered.
I got it handled.

That was before he won

the Pennsylvania primary
last night.

Hammond is cleaning up
all over the country.

He could be the next president.

Which reminds me.

Listen up, everybody.

If Hammond gets elected,
they're tapping one top agent

from several field offices
around the country

for the presidential detail.

They'd like one from here,

since this is
Hammond's home state.

No pressure,
but all eyes are on you.

So let's get serious
around here.

Look, Phelps, um...

I'm very serious.

Marty, it was a joke.

So, well... why another
female agent?

Is there something wrong
with what I'm doing?

They want the best,
regardless of sex.

You of all people should be
happy to see her here.

Give her a break. And be nice.

You two better get busy
on the advance work

for the town-square rally
next week.

After the primary last night,

I guarantee there'll
be a major turnout,

and you know Hammond:

Always the w*r hero,

man of the people,

Mr. Accessible.

This is a very tough assignment.

I've had many tough assignments.

I'm not talking about you.

Guy Hammond's life
is in my hand.

It's my job to make sure

that he's safe
and secure at all times.

Look. I don't know where
you come from,

but protection is
a lot different

from running down

This is a department
of one mistake.

You make one mistake, at best,
you embarrass the protectee.

At worst you k*ll him.

I'm not looking out
for you out there.

I'm watching Hammond.

It appears to me
we're on the same team, Marty.

Shouldn't we be
supporting each other

instead of tearing
each other down?

Aw, look, Monica.

If this little talk
is tearing you down,

then I have no problem
telling Phelps

that you're not
the man for the job.

MAN: Marty.




Looking good. Nice suit.

You know the guys
in Forensics already?

You just got here.

Uh, well, um, Andrew has
done some forensic work

for me in the past.

Oh, I work for you.

What do you got?
Another death threat.

Oh, charming.

Do you think it's serious?

Probably not.

But as soon as you stop
taking 'em all seriously,

you start going to funerals.

You update the nutcase file?

We're downloading all the data
we got on this guy

for the computer
composite sketch.


Maybe we should reroute
the motorcade for the rally.

I'm taking care of that.

Why don't you check on
the batteries for the radios?

All right,
according to the grid,

it looks like we've got
an access problem

on Third and Jefferson.

So, uh, we need to
reverse the route

and come in the backside
of Fallon Street.

Uh, excuse me.
May I say something?

I just checked with
Traffic and Road Conditions,

and Fallon Street
is still under construction.

Guess your grid
just locked up, Marty.

( Agents laughing )

But there's still a way
around the construction.

If we divert at Allston Way
and come in Fallon,

through Oak Street...
You see Oak is a one-way...

That sounds fine. All right.

Why don't you check the route

with Oak as our main throughway
into the square?

But nothing goes to Transpo
till I approve it.

That's it. Thank you.

I'm... I'm sorry.

I hope I didn't
step out of bounds...

I've been a Secret Service agent
for 10 years.

If you think I wouldn't have
changed that motorcade route,

you'd be making a big mistake.

Did you check the radios?

Looks like you've got
the Secret Service's

equivalent of KP duty, baby.

I don't understand, Tess.
I was right about that route.

She should have been happy
that I pointed it out.

Oh, baby, she looks at you
and she sees herself,

several years ago:
Eager and smart, competent.

And she's afraid you're gonna be
too much like her

and steal some of her light.

But I don't want
to steal anything.

I want to help.

You keep that attitude.

You will get your chance.

( Tender theme playing )

MAN: Old General's been part of
the lore of this fishing hole

since I was a little fella.

MAN 2: Is that right?

MAN: Never knew if it
was for real or not...

Ah-ha-ha! MAN: Till now. Oh.

( laughter, applause )

Ulysses, you're doing great.


Good job, man. Good show.

Here ya go.

MAN 3: All right!

( Fishermen cheering )

That was Old General.

Y-you threw him back.

Well, look at her!

She speaks.

Why did you release that fish?

Why would I want some big
ol' stuffed fish on my wall?

Big ol' glassy eyes
staring at me

while I'm trying to watch

Well, it's a prize catch.

I mean, like my father
used to say,

"Anything but the biggest
fish is just a fish."

He would have put Old General
up on the wall

so people could see him.


I, uh...

I threw him back
so everyone could...

have the dream of catching him.

The excitement
of reeling him in.

Maybe even you.

What about all the excitement,

having everyone gather
around you, cheering?

I mean, if it were me,
I'd be celebrating.

I'd be popping some
champagne or something.

Well, I don't have
any champagne.

But I got some
history-making bait.

And I'd be happy to share
it with you.

MARTY: Drop it!

Drop it!

Drop that bar!

( Groans )

Good morning, Marty.

You know, sometimes,
you have to give things

a little encouragement
to get what you want.

Please, Mr. Machine.

( Candy clatters )

"Please, Mr. Machine"?

And she's guarding the next
President of the United States.

This is very scary.

MAN ( over P.A. ):
For your safety,

we ask that you stand back,
behind the barricade.

( crowd cheering )

MAN: Please stand back
behind the barricade.

( crowd cheering
and applauding )

HAMMOND: Thanks for coming out.

Thank you for your support.

Thank you all for your support.

You're great.

University of Virginia.
Yes, sir.

That's for me.


Spartan straying into the crowd.

Area not clear. Spartan is open.


Thanks for coming out.

Stay here. Watch his back.

Excuse me.

MAN: We don't need
any more foreigners

taking our jobs!
HAMMOND: Thank you.

I think we might have a problem.

MAN: Do you hear me?!

We don't need these bums
moving into our country!

I work hard for my money!

( g*n cocks )


( g*nsh*t )

( crowd screaming )

( suspenseful theme playing )

Senator Hammond.

I'm so glad you're all right.

Well, barely.

What the hell
happened out there?

Someone shot at me.
I don't like that.

Senator, in the future,

if you want to go
into an unprotected area...

Marty, the point is,
he should be able to stroll

through Central Park
if he wants.

I know that.

Senator, I'm sorry.

But when you went into the crowd

there was this really
angry man yelling.

There was something wrong.

I got a glimpse of him.

He was going nuts.

I think he might
have been a decoy.

He could have been a guy
with a bad day at work.

The point is,
you were looking at him

while the real sh**t
put a g*n in my face.

Well, maybe I should have
been up there too.

You were watching his back,

and that's where you were
supposed to be.

You saved his life.
She saved your butt.

HAMMOND: Well, you people
figure out what went wrong.

This will not happen again.

I want to live to be president.

I think you all could learn
a little something from her.

I was just doing my job, sir.

That'll be all for now, Monica.

Monica's not working out.

You're right.

We certainly don't want
any Secret Service agents

saving candidates' lives.

She's a grandstander.

She could bring us all down.

And I don't want anybody
costing me

my chance
at the presidential detail.

The only one getting in the way

of you and your dream job
is you.

You had tunnel vision today.

You wanted to make
that save so badly,

you forgot about the man
you were trying to save.

You want that White House job?

Then do this one.

Now, get outta here.

MARTY: So I get called on
the carpet and chewed out

while my alleged partner takes
all the credit for the save.

"Just doing my job."

Miss Wings, you shouldn't have.

I didn't.

Funny how two people

can see the same thing
so differently.

ULYSSES: It's funny how

two people can see
the same thing...

so differently.

I like that man more
and more all the time.

Come on, Ulysses.

What's there to see differently?

She undercut me
in front of my supervisor.

I worked long and hard
to make my name mean something.

I don't see how you can do it.

All that pressure.

I like pressure.

Yeah. I can see that.

Hey, what are you doing?

I'm cutting your line.

You're snagged
out there on the rocks.




my father always told me,

"Marty, you either fish
or you cut bait."

Just get one thing straight:

I never cut bait.

Sometimes, Marty...

you just gotta let it go.

Now a true fisherman
knows when to cut bait.

ULYSSES: So your daddy called
his little girl, Marty.

Uh, what kind of name is that?

The kind of name your dad gives
you when he really wanted a boy.

( Line snaps )

( sighs )

( whistles )

( band playing bold march )

( suspenseful theme playing )

( knock on door )

What are you doing here?

Another death threat.

MAN: Yeah. I want you to
take a personal message

to that hero
that wants to be president.

Tell him it's a long dangerous
road from the DMZ to D.C.

He'd better start looking out
for some friendly fire.

( dial tone hums, tape clicks )

Yeah. That's the same voice
I heard.

And if that's the guy...

that guy in the dark glasses...

Well, at least we know
he wears a ring.

It's not much,
but it's all we have.

And we can't stop
till we get him.

Or until he gets Guy Hammond.

ULYSSES: So you get that, uh...

problem at your job
straightened out?

Yeah, I think so.

You did.

It's been a week full
of big events though.

Uh, pull... Pull your line back.

Hm? Pull it back.

Oh, I'm sorry.

That's it. That's it.

I guess my mind's just not here.

Everywhere I look I think I see

the face of that wacko.

You get him, eh?
Because I like Guy Hammond.

( Chuckles )

He's a good man.

Yes, he is.

I-I-I'd like to meet
him someday,

to say,

"Go get 'em."

You know?

I think I could
make that happen.


Uh, d-do you have one of
those c-candy bars you...

carry... with you?

Yeah, sure.

Thank you.

You all right?

Yeah, I'm all right.

I'm a diabetic.

I need sugar.

Every now and then.


( Sighs )

You know... sometimes just
getting through the day

is a big achievement.

( Chuckling )

Now, of course,
now, you're different.

You're still looking
for those big prizes.

That big stuffed fish
to put on the wall.

Well, what's wrong with that?

What's wrong with... getting
a little praise now and then?


Especially if your daddy
never gave it to you

when you were a little girl.

I don't want to talk about him.

Okay. Okay.

Me... I'm at
the stage in my life

where all I want to do
is count my blessings.

Be grateful for the little
small moments in life.

You know?

My daddy didn't bring
me up that way.

I know.

Your daddy brought you up to...

celebrate achievements.


If it was me, I'd have taught
you to celebrate life.

( Chuckles )

( delicate theme playing )

WOMAN: Honey, Margaret would
love it if you took her fishing.

MAN: I don't think so.
I mean, she's a girl.

She should be doing girl things.

Look, there's something
I wanted to talk to you about.

I wanna try again, honey.

I'd like to have a little boy.

WOMAN: You don't
need another child.

You barely spend any time
with the one you've got.

Come on...

MAN: But a son is different.

I mean,
a boy, you can fish with.

A boy, you can throw
the ball around with.

You know, he can carry on
the family name.

WOMAN: Oh. All right, this is insane!
You know Margaret...

MAN: Don't get me wrong.
You know I love her.

WOMAN: And she loves you.

She wants to spend
time with you.

MAN: Don't you think she'd
love a little brother?

WOMAN: I don't know. Maybe eventually.
But not now.

MAN: What's wrong with now?

I mean, it's a perfect time.

Because she needs you now.

( Man sighs )

MAN: She's the perfect age.

( Sighs )

HAMMOND: And when when I
look at the difficult issues

dividing this nation,

I'm reminded of
Benjamin Franklin's chair.

There was a sun painted on it.

And after the Founding Fathers

finished hammering out
the Bill of Rights,

Franklin announced,

"Only now am I finally convinced
the sun is rising, not setting."

Let's keep the sun rising
on this country of ours!

( Crowd cheering
and applauding )

( band plays bold march )

MAN ( through earpiece ):
Spartan is moving.

CROWD: Hammond! Hammond!

HAMMOND: Thanks for coming.

Congratulations, senator.
Thank you.

Thank you for your support.

It's going to turn
our country around.

Hope to see you at the inaugural ball.
MAN: Great speech.

WOMAN: Nice to
meet you, senator.

HAMMOND: Thank you
very much for coming.

Thank you very much for coming.

Senator, it's an honor.

It's an honor.

There are so few real
heroes these days.

Well, thank you, sir.

ULYSSES: No, thank you.
Thank you.

HAMMOND: Thanks for coming.

We don't need any more
foreigners taking our jobs!

Send them back
where they came from!

Do you hear me?


( Menacing theme playing )

Good job, Marty.

Oh, no.

Man down. Man down.

We need an ambulance.

MARTY: Ulysses!

Hang on there. Hang on, Ulysses.

Come on.

WOMAN: According to police sources,
there's a probable link between

last week's
assassination attempt

on Senator Hammond's life,

and the one that took place
this evening

as he was celebrating
his biggest victory to date.

In a fitting display

of the candidate's philosophy
on equality,

it was a female
Secret Service agent

who saved the senator's life,
and captured the suspect

that the FBI and Secret Service
had been tracking

since this campaign began.

I'm sure he's gonna
be all right, Marty.

Excuse me, was I off the day you
got your degree in medicine?

His vital signs were strong
when they took him.

That's always a good sign.


Excuse me!

( Knocks on counter)

We're looking for Ulysses Dodd.

Oh, after hours,
it's the family only.

I'm, uh, um...

I'm a friend.

Well, I'm glad to hear it

'cause he's gonna need one.

Maybe I can make a little
exception in this case.

( Heart monitor beeping )

( chuckling ): Hey.

Just a flesh wound.

Those doctors exaggerate
more than fishermen.


I understand you're a hero now.


Aw. No.

Well, what? No.

( Chuckles )


Hi. Oh, hey.

Thought you could use this
about now.



Oh, Ulysses...

Hm? This is Monica.

There's nothing I like more
than meeting a pretty lady...

unless it's a pretty lady
with a... candy bar.



( laughing ) ( laughing )

Ulysses Dodd!

Now, what's wrong
with a little bit of chocolate?

Nothing, unless you have
a big case of diabetes.

Are you ready for your insulin?

Now, do you have
this under control?

Hey. You told me
you have this under control.

The doctor says
I'm checking out tomorrow.



You bring the bait.
I'll bring the bubbly.

Well, now...

all I need is
a... beautiful smile.

Come on.

Come on.

( laughing )

( chuckling ) There it is.

( laughing )

Yeah, yeah.

You, uh...
see the Post this morning?

I glanced at it.

You're a lot more photogenic

than the guy who made
the save on Reagan.

If I had been a guy, maybe they
would've printed my name.

That chip on your shoulder,

doesn't it ever get heavy?

Me and my chip have been doing
just fine all these years.

Well, there's someone
over there,

who'd like a word
with you and your chip.

You walked out of there
so quickly last night,

I didn't get a chance to say,
great work, Agent Miller.

Dillard, sir.

Special Agent Dillard.

This morning's polls
went through the roof,

and you played
a very important role in that.

Let's face it,

an assassination attempt
plays on people's sympathies.

Your dramatic save
was gold for us.

My people want to put you
more upfront.

How do you feel about
being lead agent

in the presidential detail?

( Stammers )

It would...

Thank you, sir.

It would be my honor!

Congratulations, Marty.

I know it's what
you've always dreamed of.

Well, you better believe...

I couldn't have done it

without a really good
support team.

Thanks, Monica.

( Crickets chirping )


Have you seen Ulysses?

Not since Tuesday. Huh.

That's funny.

He said he was gonna be here.

( Bittersweet theme playing )

I wish my passport picture
looked that good.

It's a good picture.

So, what you celebrating?

Nothing without Ulysses.


Cheers. ( Clinks bottle )

( heart monitor beeping)

( whispering ):
This doesn't make sense.

He was just fine.

Well, that's what
he wanted you to think.

But the trauma he suffered
the other night

complicated his condition.

Well, he can't die
from diabetes, can he?

Well, it's not just diabetes.

His kidney is shutting down.

The man is fishing
in dangerous waters.

Well, what's next?

If we don't find him
a new kidney pronto...

he's not gonna make it.

You see, the problem is,
the waiting list is a mile long.

( Sighs )

If something
doesn't show up soon,

it will be too late.

Could I be alone with him?

Sure, baby, but he...
He may not wake up.

That's all right.

Is there nothing we can do?

It's not up to us, baby.

It's Marty's choice.

Ulysses needs a friend,
and she's the one he needs.

But I think...

Are you talking about
Marty donating a kidney?

Tess, she'll never do it.

She's got too much to lose.

She thinks she has
too much to lose,

but she has no idea
what she'll give up

if she doesn't save Ulysses.

And what about the senator?

Oh, there are
many people willing

to give their lives
for the senator.

But only one can save Ulysses.

Honey, you have to go now.

Uh, how much time does he have?

A day. Maybe two.

It's gonna take a miracle.

( Melancholy theme playing )

Primary's gonna put Hammond
over the top tonight.

You think?


This does not look like
the joyful lunch of someone

who's about to start heading up
a presidential detail.

Can I ask you a really
weird question?

( Chuckles )


How many kidneys

does it take to be on
the presidential detail?

( laughs )

I can't wait to hear
the punch line to this one.

How many? How many?

What are you talking about?
You know how many.

If you want to pass
your physical,

you got to have two
of everything.

Two... eyes, two ears,

two hands, two feet,

two kidneys.

All right, all right. I know.

So why are you asking me this?

Ah, never mind.

The odds are
a million to one anyway.

Now, I'd think
that those are exactly

the kind of odds
that you'd like.

( Chuckles )

MARTY: Hey, Ulysses.

Who...? Who's there?

It's me. It's... It's Marty.


Oh, good.


You can help me.

I was just laying here
thinking about my epitaph.

Don't talk that way.

What do you think
about this one:

"Gone fishing"?

( laughs )

( coughing )

Hey, hey, hey.
What's the matter?

Oh, life's not fair.

Not fair?

Well, I can't say I have
anything to complain about.

So, what's it...? What's it
gone and done to you now?

I got the promotion
to the presidential detail.

Well, we knew that.

So why the tears?

It's supposed to be
wonderful news.

( Sobbing ):
I don't know what to do.

I've always known what to do,
and I don't know what to do!

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

S-s-slow down. Slow down.

Slow down.

Now tell me what's wrong.

( Sighs )

The doctor says

that I'm a close enough match
to give you a kidney.

I see.

I bet that makes it
a little hard for you

to get your dream job.

Ain't that right?

Yeah. Yeah.

Tough decision.

Tough as deciding
which lure to use...

( chuckling ): Isn't it?

( laughs )

( laughing ): Yeah. Yeah.

Yeah, you could say that.

Marty... listen to me.

I've lived... a good life.

You've gotta live your life.

( Whispers ): It's time.

I'm... I'm not
gonna let you go...

throw away your dream.


I'm sorry.


Don't be sorry.

Be happy.

Happy for the time

that God gave us
to share together,

to become the friends
we were meant to be.

You know,
there's still a chance.

They're still looking
for another kidney.

I'm not worried about it.

Don't you be.


don't you have a victory party
to be going to securing?

Yeah. The polls don't close
for another hour.

It don't matter.

I already know who
the winner is.

I'm looking at her.

( Quietly ): Get on outta here.

( Whispers ): Okay.

( Exhales )

You're right, baby.
She does have a lot to lose.

And it's up to you to help her
realize just how much.

ANNOUNCER ( over TV ): And with
35% of the precincts reporting,

there seems to be no doubt
that Senator Guy Hammond

is on his way
to a landslide victory tonight.

( all cheering )
And on the local scene,

with a hotly-contested
fifth district seat...


I like the sound of that.

ALL: Hammond! Hammond! Hammond!

Hammond! Hammond!
Hammond! Hammond!

Thank you.

Hammond! Hammond! Thank you.

I want to thank you all

Thank you for your support.

And I hope to see each and every
one of you at my inauguration.

( Cheering and applause )

There's someone here

I know I'm gonna see
a lot of in Washington,

Secret Service Agent
Marty Dillard.

( Cheering and applause )


There has been a call just
recently from the Oval Office,

inquiring about Marty.

I have already appointed her
leading agent of my detail,

but I have a feeling...

Marty is gonna beat me
to the White House.

( laughter )

Let's hear it for Marty Dillard!

( Cheering and applause )

(indistinct chattering,
laughing )

It's quite a night.

Oh, Monica! Heh.

I... I didn't hear ya.

I know. You seem
pretty preoccupied.

Yeah, I'm all right.

I was just about to get back.

Well, there's no rush back.

I think he'll be all right.

Yeah. You have the inside scoop.

See ya.
I'm getting back to my post.

I know that you're torn, Marty.

You finally achieved
the attention

you've always yearned for

with the promise of
more to come, but...

it's not so easy anymore, is it?

Everybody wants you.

The president.

The man who could become
the next president.

But... there's someone else,
who needs you more.

How do you know?

I'm here guarding the senator,

and all I can think about
is Ulysses.

I finally made a friend.
And now I'm gonna lose him.

Who told you?


Oh, come on, Monica.

Give me a break.

I've got a lot on my mind.

My friend is sick.

He's dying.

And I've got a job to do.

So do I, Marty. ( Sighs )

I'm an angel.

No, you're
a Secret Service agent.

Or you were
before you lost your mind.

Yes, I am an agent...

sent from above
with a very special mission,

not to protect
a presidential candidate,


to watch over you.

Let me get this straight.

You're an angel.

God has sent me
my own special angel...

And a woman.

( Chuckles )


God made us all
in his own image.

There are no second-class
citizens, Marty.

No minorities.

No human being is greater
or lesser than any other.

We're all the same
in God's eyes.

Is that what you came here
to tell me?

"All creatures great and small"?

I learned that one
in Sunday school.

That was a long time ago,
and you may have forgotten.

And you may have forgotten

the most important lesson
of all,

that God loves you.

And you don't have to do
anything to deserve his love.

No, but I have to do
something to earn it.

No, that's a lesson
your father taught you,

and you've spent your whole life

trying to please
and impress him.

I thought that maybe
if I became a hero...

That even though he's gone,

the world might love you
the way he never did?


You can stop trying, Marty.

Your father in heaven
has always loved you.

And he was very glad
that you were born a girl.

In fact, he made sure
that you were.

And he's very proud of you.

So God wants me
to give it all up,

the attention and the glory,

and save an ordinary man?

I can't tell you
the answer to that.

But if you were an angel,

you'd know what
I'm supposed to do.

I'm just an angel, Marty.

I'm not God.

But if you ask him,

he will help you
find the answer.

And he promises
that whatever it costs,

your choice will be
the best thing for everyone.

( Somber theme playing )




( Sighs )
So... how are they biting?

You'll find out soon enough
for yourself.


I've got some good news for you.

You caught him.

You caught Old General.

You snagged him.

( laughing )

Go girl.

No. Oh...

No, but you have
snagged yourself

a big old healthy kidney
with your name on it.


Uh... Uh... It says here

that the donor wants
to remain anonymous.

You mean, somebody wants
to give me his kidney,

and I don't...

get a chance to thank him?

Well, it seems
that's the way he wants it.

You believe it?

There are some good people
in the world.

People who don't have
to blow their own horn

to hear the music.


I have to go now.

You got to what?

But I'm glad I was here
for your good news.

Oh, well, yes. Yes, right. You...

Forgot you got
that presidential detail.

No, I've got something much,
much more important.

Top secret.

Security stuff?

( Chuckles )

Believe me, I will be with you
every step of the way.

All right?

( Whispers ): Yeah.

( Knocking )


I don't know if it's
against hospital rules,

but I had a feeling
you could use one of these.

( laughs )


It's good to see you, Monica.

It's good to see you too, sir.

I wish I could say the same.

Excuse me?

No one cleared
any of this through me.

I arrive in front of
10,000 supporters in Richmond,

and there's a stranger
standing there guarding me.

I'm not gonna let you
off the hook this easy.

Uh... Sir...

I came down here personally
to tell you

to take all the time
you need to recover,

so that you're
in tiptop shape...

when you join me in Washington.

I'm sorry, Senator Hammond.

I'm afraid I can't take the job.

I've just given
a friend a kidney,

and I... I'm gonna be
leaving the agency.

I can pull strings.

I'll find you something
on my detail.


I'm afraid
I've made other plans.

What are you gonna do?

Get myself a life.

I don't know for sure,

but I know
that I'm going fishing.

( Chuckles )

Sure you won't change your mind?

Yes. I'm positive.


you still are my hero.

I might be your hero,

but my hero's
two doors down the hall.

ULYSSES: Hold it! Hold it!
MARTY: Get back! I got him!

Okay. Whoa!

Look at that!

It's Old General!

( laughing ) ( laughing )

Easy, easy.


I knew you would.

You know, he's gonna look
real great on your wall.

Oh, I think he looks
better out there.


( Splash )

I still think it's a pity

that Ulysses is never gonna know
who saved his life.

That's all right, Andrew.

We know.

What's that you got there, baby?


But they sure are biting.

What is that?

A marshmallow.

You're trying to catch a fish
with a marshmallow?

I'm not trying
to catch anything.

I'm just fishing.

Good for you.

So, what's the good in fishing

if we're not trying
to catch anything?

We've got to catch him up, baby.

Beauty is, we got all day.

( Chuckles )

( heartfelt theme playing )
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