03x13 - The Journalist

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Touched by an Angel". Aired: September 21, 1994 – April 27, 2003.*
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Monica is tasked with bringing guidance and messages from God to various people who are at a crossroads in their lives.
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03x13 - The Journalist

Post by bunniefuu »

It's sunny and cool today,

and it'll probably be
sunny and cool again tomorrow.

But if it's sunny,
that'll be nice,

because you could go out
for a long walk

and see your breath
when you talk.

I love that.

If it's rainy,
that'd be nice too,

because the earth
really needs the rain.

Anyway, you could curl up
at home with a good book

and a hot mug of coffee.

( Chuckling ): I love coffee.

So, either way it's going to be
a beautiful day tomorrow.

Now, later in the week,
we'll have a lunar eclipse.

But I'll be talking
about that tomorrow.

If it's all the same
to you, Paul.

Okay... Thanks, Monica.

And, welcome to WMLW.

I can tell already,
you're going to make the weather

something worth
paying attention to.

Thank you.

And now, we go to Rocky McCann
as she takes a "Closer Look."

Thank you, Paul.

Yesterday, I told you
the story of Thomas Sacks.

He hired high school kids
to work in his market,

then short-changed
their paychecks,

and fired them
when they complained.

Well, after my report,
I received a call.

The DA's office told me
they're investigating this...

Nice job.

Was I too vague?

Well, that's what weather is,

I wish I could do the hard news,
like Rocky.

These women have volunteered

to lay down their lives
for this country.

She's a pretty tough reporter.

She's a crusader.
She takes things that are wrong

and turns them into things
that are right.

That's what I want to do.
We've a lot in common, you know.

Thanks for dropping by.

Actually, I'm on this case.

You are?

Well, maybe you can tell me
what I'm supposed to be doing.

I thought you knew.

Where's Tess?

MAN: I'm handling this case.

Sam. Mm-hm.

What are you doing here?

( Chuckling )

Aren't you a little bit
out of your jurisdiction here?

No, I mean...

is the case that big?


Every time something
is broadcast on the air,

it affects thousands,
sometimes millions,

of people in a single moment.

And those radio waves
just don't fade away.

They continue to bounce
around in the universe.

So, what Rocky says today
could last forever.

So that does fall under
my jurisdiction.

So, Rocky is my assignment?

Our assignment, right?


Rocky needs a new cameraman,
that's you.

But she also needs a friend,

And that's you.

That woman has been through
so many storms,

every time she looks up
at the sky,

she can only see the clouds.

But that forecast is not good.

( Melancholy theme playing )

Consider this your call to arms.

( Della Reese & The Verity
All-Stars' "Walk With You" playing )

♫ When you walk ♫

♫ Down the road ♫

♫ Heavy burden ♫

♫ Hea-ea-eavy load ♫

♫ I will rise ♫

♫ And I will walk with you ♫

REESE: ♫ I'll walk with you ♫
CHORUS: ♫ I'll walk with you ♫

♫ Till the sun
Don't even shine ♫

♫ Walk with you ♫
♫ Walk with you ♫

♫ Every time ♫

♫ I tell ya I'll walk with you ♫

♫ Walk with you ♫

♫ Believe me
I'll walk with you ♫


Whoa. Hang on, one sec.

Let me get a pen.

( Sighs )

I still wish I was doing
the camera.

Ha! No, you don't.

This thing's heavy.

You know, maybe I could
tag along.

The weather won't change
between now and 6:00,

and perhaps you and Rocky
could use an extra hand.

( Sam clears throat )

Don't make me have to
explain this to you again.

Andrew is where he is
supposed to be.

You are where you are
supposed to be.

He's a camera guy,
you're the weathergirl.

Is that clear?


And I don't mean to be contrary.

I just want to be
where I can do the most good.

Well, don't kid yourself,

Predicting the weather
is not as easy as it looks.

Excuse me.
Are you the new cameraman?

Hi, yeah. I'm Andrew.

Hi, Andrew, Rocky McCann.

Grab your stuff.
I'm gonna put you to work.

Hello, we haven't actually met.
My name is Monica.

Hi, Monica. I like your weather.

Well, it's not my weather,
but I'll pass it along.

I was hoping we could
have lunch, you know?

Discuss the news business.

Lemme guess, you wanna do
the hard stuff, right?

Oh, yes, the real gritty stuff.
Out there.

Well, let me fill you
in on something.

Every woman that has ever come
to this station

starts off as the weathergirl.

I did.
But somebody helped me out,

so I'll tell you what.

I need help with research
from time to time.

So if you help me out with that,

then I'll help you work
up to the rest.


Okay. Let's go.

ROCKY: All right, Sally.

Listen, call
the babysitting service.

Tell them to send someone
over there immediately,

I've lost another one, okay.

Come on.
Come on, come on, come on!

So, what's the story?

Not sure yet.

The trick to this business
is following your gut

and finding the story.

Right now, all we've got is...


Uh, Mr., uh, Wittenberg?

Yes, Horace Wittenberg.

Hi, I'm Rocky McCann.

And this is Andrew.


Where shall we set up?

Set up?

Yes, we're from channel six.

We're doing the story
on the foster families.

Please don't tell me
they didn't call you.

I don't know anything about it.

You are the retired couple
with the four foster children?

Oh, yes, but...

Oh, I'm so sorry.

Everyone at the station
has the flu.

Not us, we're fine.

But they have this college kid
covering the phones,

and although he means well,
you know how kids are.

Oh, sure I do.
I have a house-full.

Well, come on in.

Oh, great. Thanks.

We had no idea.

We would've been more prepared.

Oh, no, no.
This is exactly what we want.


That's Tonisha

and Annie at the telescope.

And, uh, well,
Dustin's somewhere,

and I don't know quite where.

Mr. Gunderson
wears red underwear.


We set up that telescope
to watch the eclipse,

not to spy on our neighbours.

Horace, have you ever seen
an eclipse before?

Seen 'em? I invented them.

Zelda and I have been around
since the dawn of time.

( laughs )

Eating donuts
with the dinosaurs?

( Chuckling ):
You remember that one.

Dustin, this is not a toy,

it's your medicine.

Now, if you play with it again,
you're going to your room.


Nobody ever gave
these kids boundaries,

and they need them.

They need to know
somebody cares.


Ready to roll.

Okay. Um...

Mr. Wittenberg...

ZELDA: Well, you know,

we raised six of our own.

I had one and Horace had five.

So we knew what
a combined family was like.

So when ours grew up,
well, the house felt so quiet.

We missed all the chaos.

It just didn't feel right
if there wasn't a bloody nose

or a broken arm
or a lost doll to find

or another mess to clean up.

( laughs )

We just couldn't stop
being parents.

And this town has been
good to us.

We wanted to put something back.

So we decided to apply
to be foster parents,

and it's been wonderful.

It must be hard getting close
to so many children

who may only spend a few days
or a few weeks with you.

Well, yes, um...

saying goodbye is very hard,
very hard.

But we know
we're sending them off

with something they didn't
have before: Lots of love.

ANNIE: Horace, he did it again.
Tyler's stuck.


( Knocking on door )

Excuse me.

You must remember that some
of these children have

come from abusive homes.
( knocking on door )

And when they find a place
that they're comfortable in,

we let them stay there
as long as they need to.

Sometimes the door sticks,
and he can't get out.

This is Tyler.

He's been with us
about eight months.

Tyler, these
are friends of ours.

Hi, Tyler. I'm Rocky.

You okay in there?

Yeah, this is where I stay

until Horace builds me
a tree house.

Well, it's nice to meet you,

Oh! Don't close it too tight.

Good idea. How about that?


How long does he stay in there?

He can stay there all night
as far as we're concerned.

( laughing & shouting )

Whoa, whoa, hey! Wait a minute!

What's going on? Annie, Annie.

We've had so many kids
through here that.

Social Services don't even
come and check on us anymore

like they do with some.

Now, you watch it now.
Come here.

I've got cootie spray!

Dustin! Dustin, stop playing
with that inhaler!

( Air hissing ) ( yelling )

Cootie spray! Give that to me.

I need it.

Did you hear what Horace said?
You're wasting it.

It's mine.

I don't care.

If you use it all up now,

you won't have it
when you need it.

You've got to keep quiet.

I think we've got
all that we need.

What time is it coming on?

Tonight at 6.


This is gonna make
a great story.

You bet it is.

So remember
to mark your calendar

for that lunar eclipse
later in the week.

And finally, I know there are
some special children watching,

because they were paid a visit
today by Rocky McCann

and the "Closer Look" crew.


Thank you, Monica.

The foster care system
has come under

a great deal of scrutiny lately.

So when I received
an anonymous tip this morning

about a local foster home,
we went in for a "Closer Look."

Horace and Zelda Wittenberg
are foster care veterans,

supervising literally
hundreds of children

over the past 20 years.

The big house they share
with their current brood

of four seems like
the ideal environment

for nurturing troubled kids.

But wait till you get
a "Closer Look."

Horace and Zelda Wittenberg
are in their 70s,

but they're still old enough
to live by the axiom,

"Spare the rod
and spoil the child."

( shouting )

Now, I know
what you're thinking.

Raising children is tough,

and sometimes
you have to punish them.

So, what do you think about
punishing a boy

by taking his medicine
away from him?

ZELDA: Dustin, give that to me.

DUSTIN: I need it.

ZELDA: I don't care.

Obviously, Zelda isn't the cozy,

cookie-baking grandma
she'd like us to think she is.

Watch her reaction as this boy,
11-year-old Tyler,

takes a time-out in a closet.

No! Don't close it too tight.

He can stay there all night
as far as we're concerned.

ROCKY: Little Tyler has been
living with the Wittenbergs

for over eight months.

Your tax dollars pay
these people to watch after kids

who are in enough trouble
as it is.

I don't know if this is okay
with you,

but it is not okay with me.

That's why I want you to call

the Department of Social
Services and ask...

No, demand that they do
something about this.

Somebody had better
before it's too late.

I'm Rocky McCann.

Disturbing story, Rocky.

When was the last time Social
Services checked on this couple?

Over five months ago, Paul.

But let's hope
it's not another five months.

And they just let you inside?

To them it was a day
just like any another.

PAUL: Absolutely disturbing.

( News theme playing )

That's it for the 6:00 report.

We'll see you at 10.

Nice hatchet job
on the old people.

Where'd you get your sources?

Where'd you get
your personality?

I thought you said
they were a nice family.

They were.

But Rocky's story,
that was so upsetting.

Yes, it was upsetting,
but that's not the way it was.

I don't understand, Andrew.
You were there too.

I didn't see anything
that she didn't see.

But then, again, I didn't go in
looking for abuse, and she did.

You heard her. She said she
got an anonymous tip.

She went in there looking for
a negative story and she got it.

And I helped her.

So those Wittenberg people
aren't really like that?

No. Oh, no, no, no.

She made them seem like that,

because she got them
to say things, Monica,

and she got me to sh**t things,
and she got it all together,

and she made it into...

something else.

And she lied her way in there,

She said we had an appointment.
We didn't have an appointment.

We didn't.

Oh, man!

Well, there's your assignment,

You've got a crazed

who's masquerading as
this big crusader for justice,

and she's ruining
people's lives in the process.

You've got to stop her.

I know you're upset, Andrew.
But I don't believe that Rocky

is doing this just
to get ahead in her career.

I mean, she obviously really
believes in what she's doing.

If she's wrong, I don't think
she's lying on purpose.

But if she's right, those
children's lives are at stake.

Maybe our job is to help her
find what the truth really is.

I think I know
what the truth really is.

But are you sure, Andrew?

Remember what Sam said,

"Predicting the weather
is not as easy as it looks."

Uh, Rocky,

I was wondering,
are you free for dinner tonight?

Sorry, gotta get home.

Nice weather tonight,

but get yourself a new angle
on that eclipse story.

It's getting old,
hasn't even happened yet.

( Somber theme playing )

I just want to apologize.
I had no idea.

Maybe I was stupid enough
to let you in once,

but I'm not stupid enough
to do it again.

Now, I'm not falling for
anymore lies from you people!

Sir, I was only doing my job.

Oh, well, you can hurt a lot
of people just doing your job.

MAN: Get out of the
neighbourhood, child-beaters!

( Glass shattering )
( child screaming )

( suspenseful theme playing )

( tires squealing )

DUSTIN: Annie! Zelda!
Annie's bleeding!

TONISHA: Horace, someone threw
something through the window!

Is everyone okay in here?

Get off my property!

You caused enough
trouble already.

All right, Monica.

Your first research project.

The Wittenbergs just had a rock
thrown through their window.


They're being harassed.
Those kids are terrified.

And those poor people
are devastated.

What are you talking about?

I was just there. I saw it.

You had no business
going over there.

You made it my business, Rocky,

when you took what I shot
and you twisted it around.

What happened to all
the good stuff that we shot

where they're explaining
what they're doing?

Andrew, everybody
has an explanation.

You and I both know

that we saw nothing like abuse
at that house.

I saw the signs.

You have to look for what
they don't want you to see.

You have to assume the worst.

I can't do that.

And I don't know how you can,

Well, I can't not do it.

A couple of years ago,
I was doing a story

on a travelling carnival.

And one came through town,
so I checked it out.

And they were
very, very nice people,

and I believed them when they
told me that their safety codes

were stricter
than commercial airlines.

I didn't check the permits.

I didn't check
the maintenance records.

And a week later,
two people were k*lled,

and another was permanently

I did not assume the worst,
and they paid for it.

I will never let
that happen again.

Those kids are in danger.
I know it.

And I'm about to prove it.

( Melancholy theme playing )

( knocking on door )


You must be Annie.


Can I talk to you for a second?

I'm not allowed to talk
to anybody.


Because Zelda and Horace
said it's nobody's business.

Is that because
somebody hurt you?

What happened to your head?

Can you tell me
who did that to your head?

It can be our secret.

Zelda did it.

I'm warning you,
stay away from my kids!

( Somber theme playing )

( pager beeping )

( dialing )

Monica, it's me.

No, I'm here.
I just can't get in.

What have you got for me?

Oh, great. That's great.

All right, I'll meet you
at the station.

Mm-hm. Bye.


Are you Rocky McCann?


Thank you for taking
this seriously.

I was afraid to say anything.

You're the woman who called.

You have no idea
what goes on in that house.

Someone has to help those kids.

Someone is. Thank you.

( Somber theme playing )

High pressure will keep us
cozy and warm

for the next several days.

And don't forget the lunar
eclipse at the end of the week.

The sky should be perfect
for viewing.

I'll have more breaking news
on the eclipse tomorrow.

And we're looking forward
to that, Monica.

And now we turn to Rocky McCann
with a "Closer Look."

Thank you, Paul.

Yesterday I showed you footage
that asked tough questions

about the safety of the
four foster children in the care

of Horace and Zelda Wittenberg.

Tonight, I have uncovered
startling new information

that suggests these children
could be in imminent danger.

My instincts told me
there was more to this story,

so I went back to the Wittenberg
house this afternoon,

and I was shocked
by what I found.

Through a shattered
plate-glass window,

I saw a little girl.

Her name is Annie.

Her head was covered
with a bandage.

When I asked her about it,
she confirmed my worst fears.

She said, "Zelda did it."

I knew I had to dig deeper,

and my research paid off.

I discovered that Zelda
Wittenberg has kept

a shocking secret
from this community.

In 1948, she was arrested
for kidnapping her own son

during a contentious
custody battle.

What is to stop Zelda Wittenberg
from stealing these children

if the going gets tough again?

We asked for your help
last night.

Children have been hurt
in the last 24 hours.

It's time to act
before it's too late.

Where is Social Services?

I don't know what to say.

I'm sorry, Andrew.

I hate to be right about this,
believe me.

But those Social Services people
are understaffed and overloaded.

Sometimes this kind of pressure
is the only thing

that will get them
to pay attention.

You know what your problem is?

You're too nice a guy.

I gotta go. I've got
a new sitter at the house.

Monica, thanks.
You did a great job.

I, um...

I did the research that broke
the kidnapping story.

She needs an angel, Monica,
not a research assistant.

If the Wittenbergs
are the ones in trouble,

then why were we assigned
to Rocky?

( Siren wailing )

( people shouting )

ROCKY: Kids,

Social Services was swamped
with calls

after the follow-up piece

This morning,
they finally did their job.

How can...? How can
you tear us apart?

I've investigated this fully!

This piece is gold.
It cuts itself.

This could be our lead tonight.

( Children screaming )

How can you take these children
away from us?

The old man just
doesn't get it, does he?

Oh, my gosh!
She'll never sleep tonight.

Mrs. Wittenberg?
Mrs. Wittenberg?

( reporters clamoring )

REPORTER: How can you do
this to those children?

REPORTER 2: How can you
live with yourself?

REPORTER 3: What do
you think about this?

HORACE: We'll...

( solemn theme playing )

( applause )

Great work, Andrew. Great work.

Good job.

SAM: And how's the weather
shaping up, Monica?

( Sighs )

Oh, Sam.

Oh, dear.

Something tells me I better
sit down, hm?

REPORTER: How can you do
this to those children?

REPORTER 2: How can you
live with yourself?

REPORTER 3: Is it true?
Please tell us.

Please, we'll talk later.
Right now, it's very tough.

Andrew walked out.

I think he still believes
that Rocky made up

these terrible stories
just to further her career.

And what do you think?

I'm not sure.

I know that Andrew
is telling the truth, but...

I don't think he sees
the whole picture.

But you have because of what
you've seen on television, hm?

What I saw, Rocky saw, and...

I believe her.

But Andrew's another angel,
and how can I not believe him?

What do I do, Sam?

Just do your job.
Deliver the weather.

There is no weather.

Well, that lunar eclipse
is coming up.

Ah, yes, the eclipse.

Now, why is it people never pay
any attention to the light

until it's covered by darkness?

( Knocking on door )


Sir, it's Andrew again.

Could you open up your hearts
just long enough

to let me apologize?

I'm so sorry that you haven't
been allowed to tell the truth.

What makes you think
you know the truth?

I was here.

And I know what
truth looks like...

before someone starts
rewriting it.

That's what happened.

That woman,

she took the facts
and made them into one big lie.

She told the world
what to think,

instead of letting them
decide for themselves.

Okay, then tell me.
Please tell me the facts.

I want to know the truth.

But I want to know all of it.

Horace, what do we have
to lose now?

( Whispers ): Yeah. All right.

There was a man,
my first husband,

in Kansas City in 1948.

He... He...

He was a bad man, Andrew.

When Zelda asked for a divorce,
he took their son

and beat the boy black and blue.

It was his way of getting back
at Zelda, I guess.

She took that poor boy
and ran away.

Across state lines.

They called it kidnapping,

when the jury heard the truth,
they acquitted Zelda.

We wouldn't hurt a child.

I know. I believe you.

But tell me this:

When Annie...

put her hand to the bandage
and she said, "Zelda did it"?

I did do it.

When the brick came through
the window,

she was cut by some glass,

and I put a bandage on it.

Of course.

You know,
Rocky got an anonymous call.

That's what started
this whole thing.

( Knocking on door )

Police! Open up!


( Suspenseful theme playing )

What's going on?

( Crack )

What's this all about, officer?

Police. Horace Wittenberg?

Yes. We have a search warrant.

Come on! What's going on?
Would you step outside, please?

Stop! Please!

No, Zelda. Just stay calm.

Ma'am, could you step outside,

Now come on. Is this absolutely
necessary, officers?

Please step outside.

HORACE: You can't do this to us.

That's Dustin's inhaler.

We need to get it to him.
He needs his inhaler.

And he'll get it. He'll get it.

Here we go.

Leave her alone!
Dustin needs his inhaler!

It's going to be okay.

Zelda? Zelda, listen.
Dustin is going to be fine.

Dustin's going to be just fine.

They have all of his records
at the home.

All the kids are gonna be fine.

All our things.

Our whole world.

What have we done
to deserve this?

I don't know, Zelda.
I don't know anymore.

( Both sobbing )

Whatcha up to?

Taking your advice.
And I'm looking up all

the references to the word
"eclipse" on the Internet.

Ah. All the references
to the word "eclipse"?

Well, that should put you
into the next century.

Look what came out
on a police Teletype.

Good morning, Andrew.
I'm glad you're back.

They're investigating
the Wittenbergs.

Yeah, I know.

They just searched the house.

They expect to file charges
this afternoon.

Not if I can help it.

( Dialing )

Grandville Youth Home?

Hi. I'm calling about
the children

that were taken from
the Wittenberg home yesterday.

Yes, yes.

Have you checked
Dustin's medical records?

Well, because he has
life-threatening asthma.

Yes, and he left his inhaler
at the other home.

Yeah, of course. I'll hold.

Rocky, do you remember me?

Ah, yes. Hello.

Monica, this is the woman
who gave me the tip.

Oh, hello.

Well, I'm sorry to just
burst in, but, um...

Now that you're through
with the Wittenbergs,

and you have more time,

you might want to take a look at
the Strictwells down the street.

They starve their children.


Oh, it's true.
They only feed them turnips.

And the Radigins on the corner,

they adopt foreign children and
make them work in their garage.

( Mysterious theme playing )

Oh, my God.

Uh, yes. Thank you. Thank you.

Could we have security
in the bullpen right away?

Are you telling me that all of
your neighbours abuse children?

Oh, no.

The Millers buried her mother
in their rose garden.

Excuse me.


There's someone that you
really should tell this to.

Would you do that for us?

Oh, in a heartbeat.

Great. Thank you.
They're right over here.


The Williams make
their little girl wear shoes

two sizes too small
for her feet.

Rocky, are you okay?

( Sighs )

I honestly believed her.
I honestly...

I have been trying so hard

not to make another mistake.

And I just made another one.

And more innocent people
were injured.

Oh, my God.

Monica, would you please
get the police on the line.

I'm gonna go over to the house.

Oh, the eclipse.

( Suspenseful theme playing )

Horace? Zelda?




Is there anybody home?

( Melancholy theme playing )

Is this it?

Is it? Is this why I'm here?

To watch these people take
their lives before their time?

I'll do it.

I'll bring them home.

But I know
it's not what you want.

It can't be what they want.

I don't understand.

I'm here.

If you can use me,
today, for life...

tell me what to do.

This is best.

Forty-seven years together,

and I've loved you every minute
of that time, Horace.

I saw your note.

You have no call to be here,

Actually, Horace...

this is my calling.

Now that you're here,
I can't put you in danger too.

( Stops engine )


We're at the end of the road,

We don't belong in this world.

It's changed in ways
that we don't understand.

You do the best you can.

You try to help.

This is what happens.

Oh, we're tired, Andrew.

We're ready to go home to God.

God doesn't want you yet.

How do you know?

( Pleasant theme playing )

I know.

I know.

Merciful heavens.

Yes, Zelda.

They... They are.

There is mercy in heaven,

and it can be very hard
to find it here on Earth.

You're an angel, aren't you?

We always taught the kids

that guardian angels watch them
when they sleep.

You are a guardian angel.

No, no.

I'm the angel...

who escorts people
to the other side.


The Angel of Death.

You've come for us.

No, no.
If you were going to die,

I would have known that.

I understand.

I know that you feel
as if you've been abandoned

by everyone,

and you feel like
you're all alone, but...

You're not. You're not.

God knows the truth,

and God has not abandoned you.

We always tried
to be obedient to him.

And he knows that.

He made you wonderful parents.

You protected your own kids,
you took in other kids.

And all those kids
are gonna need you

when the truth comes out.

And you should think

of the children to come.

You see, God...
God isn't finished with you yet.

He wants you to continue
to give his little ones your...

Your love and your guidance,

your hope.

You see...

There are more children for you.

Believe it.

I'm home.

( Sighs )

( tender theme playing )

( answering machine beeps )

MAN: Hey, Rocky.

You sure nailed
those child abusers.

You know, people like that need
to be put out of their misery.

Great job, kid.

( dial tone hums )

I know I'm home early,

but I promise I'll pay you
for the full day.

Monica, what are you doing here?

It's almost 6.
You're gonna miss the news.

So are you.

I don't even know what the news
looks like anymore,

and I sure have no business
trying to report it.

It's not that easy.
I can see that now.

Andrew believed that
the Wittenbergs were innocent.

He was right.

I thought you were sincerely
trying to do the right thing.

I was right.

And you knew
there was more to that story,

and you were right.

But being right didn't bring
any of us closer to the truth.

I should go back
to being weathergirl.

Ah, no.
That's still my department.

I think I found my angle
on the eclipse.

"A bystander, Dr. William
L. McCann of Fort Wayne,

"received serious head injuries
when debris

"from the faulty Ferris wheel
known as the Eclipse,

"crashed to the ground.

"The Fort Wayne obstetrician,

"husband of local newscaster
Rebecca McCann,

remains in critical condition."

They gave us free passes.

Bill hadn't had a day off
in weeks and weeks and we...

We thought it would be
a silly, fun thing to do.

So I took him back there
after I had finished my story.

I told you I had
a good reason for being pushy:

( Softly ): People got k*lled.

My own husband...

was almost k*lled...

because I didn't
dig deep enough.

So I became Rocky the Crusader.

And from that day on,

I did not leave
one stone unturned

until I found the truth.

And look what happened.

Another tragedy...

and more lives destroyed.

You know, a lot of people think

that the word "news"

comes from N-E-W-S.

North, East, West, South.

It's not true, it doesn't.
But it got me thinking.

That's where
the news comes from,

the four corners of the world.

But where does the truth
come from?

Someplace else entirely.

I come from a place
where truth lives.

I'm an angel.

And all the facts and figures

and research in this world
cannot explain me,

because I'm not from this world.

Sometimes when I'm here,
I can see how easy it is

to get caught up in facts,

and how simple it is to see
things with our hearts

and our heads,
instead of our spirits.

Your head told you that
the Wittenbergs were bad people.

And your heart told you
that you were a bad woman.

And you allowed yourself,
in both cases,

to become both judge and jury.

But you see, Rebecca,

God loves you.

And he wants you to be
his child,

not his avenger.

( Sighs )

You find facts,

but let him reveal the truth,

because only he knows it.

All of it.

God loves me?

More than you know.

How can he ever forgive me
for what I've done?

He already has.

You make a better...

angel than you do a weathergirl.

Would you like
to meet my husband?


Hello, Sam.

Hello, Monica.
Right on schedule.

( Chuckles )

I wondered how
I got a nurse so fast.

Hi. Hi, honey.

( Softly ): Hi.

I want you to meet someone.

Hello, Billy.

I'm Monica.

What's that you're drawing?

Solar space station.

On Mars.

We've spent a very exciting day

flying all over
the solar system.

Oh, wait a minute.

If you're an angel too,
then that means I have to find

somebody else
to look after Bill.

Andrew's working on that
right now.


Andrew too?


Those of you who have
watched me through the years

know that I say things

that other journalists
might not say.

So here I go again.

I was wrong.

I wanted so badly
to protect these children

that I hurt them.

And I hurt the Wittenbergs,
and that was wrong.

But this story does
have a happy ending.

The Wittenbergs have been
cleared of all charges.

The children are back here,
where they belong,

And I have learned
a valuable lesson:

The next time I take
a closer look,

I'm going to take
a much closer look.

Paul, back to you in the studio.


we're out.

( Sighs )

Nice job.


If you ever get tired
of the angel beat,

just give me a call.
( chuckles )

Don't count on it.

( Knock on door )

I'll get it. I'll get it.

Hold on. Hold on.

So how are you feeling?


Are you going to watch
the eclipse tonight?

I think I'll pass.

Not interested
in shadows anymore, huh?

( laughs )

SAM: Hello!

Hello, children. Hello.

My name is Sam. Hi.

And I've got somebody here
I want you to meet.

Excuse me.

Hi, honey. Oh.

You guys, I want you to meet
my husband, Bill.

ALL: Hi, Bill. Hi.

Bill, this is Tonisha,

and Dustin and Tyler and Annie.

My name is Horace.

Horace. Zelda.


You guys, Bill is gonna
come and visit you

every day now,
while I'm at work.

What do you like to do, Bill?

I like to eat cookies.

I like him.

Chocolate chips, here we come.

You want to see my closet? Sure.

Wanna play baseball? Okay.

All right!


Monica, I...

( graceful theme playing )

Thank you.

ANDREW: You know, it's too bad
that Tess isn't on this case.

These are her favourite cookies.

MONICA: No, Andrew.
It's oatmeal she likes.

SAM: I happen to know that
Tess's favourite cookies

are peanut-butter pecan crunch
with coconut.

And she is on this case,
by the way.

She is? Mm-hm.

How? It's over.

No, not for
two and a half minutes.

So where is she?

Oh, she's on loan
to another department.

The Department of Natural
Phenomenon and Acts of God.

( Andrew sighs )

Oh, that's great.

Oh, it's beautiful.

( Heartfelt theme playing )
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