03x16 - Crisis of Faith

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Touched by an Angel". Aired: September 21, 1994 – April 27, 2003.*
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Monica is tasked with bringing guidance and messages from God to various people who are at a crossroads in their lives.
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03x16 - Crisis of Faith

Post by bunniefuu »


DOCTOR: Give me an update.

EMT: Pupils are now blown.
Pulse rate is thready.

DOCTOR: Hyperventilate. We're
gonna have to intubate. On three.

One, two, three.

Tube in. Breath sounds? Yes.

Get that neurologist
out here, stat.

Let's go, people. Did you know
this was going to happen?

Of course not. These things
are never part of the plan.

But our work was over.
Our assignment was finished.

Nothing is ever over,
and God is never finished.

Humans see to that.

I can't believe it.

One moment, one little thing, one
tiny decision, everything changes.

No. A lot of little things
led up to this.

That's the problem.

It's like ripples on the water.

People cannot always
see the ripples

before they cast a stone
into the universe.

NURSE: Pulse rate's dropping.


No pulse. Crash cart.

The stone in the water,
Tess, who threw it?

I mean, who started all this?

Does it matter?

It does.

I just wanted to make sure
that it wasn't me.

Oh, baby.

DOCTOR: Clear!

♫ When you walk down the road

♫ Heavy burden, heavy load

♫ I will rise
and I will walk with you

♫ I'll walk with you
till the sun don't even shine

♫ Walk with you, every time

♫ I'll tell you
I'll walk with you

♫ Walk with you

♫ Believe me
I'll walk with you ♫


DOCTOR: Asystole. 200 again.

Ready. Clear.

Get back. Mmm-hmm.

DOCTOR: Still flatlined.
Go to 360.

NURSE 1: Right. Charging.
NURSE 2: Ready.

DOCTOR: Clear.


DOCTOR: Asystole.
EMT: Still nothing.

What does that mean, Tess?

Hello, Andrew.

DOCTOR: In here, quick.
This one's bad.

Does the family know
what's going on?

I don't know what's going on.

This was supposed to be
just a simple assignment,

but 12 hours ago
everything changed.



Hey! Luke Brewer,
coast to coast.


Do you believe this,
son, huh? It's done.

Pretty amazing.

(PANTING) Well, as
minister of this church,

I hereby declare jump ball.


Ah, you're making it easy on me.

Come on, Dad.
Run and g*n's my game.

No, no, no, no. The more you
work it, the more you score.

Nice shot, Dad.

Of course, I gave it to you.

It's your center. I figure you
ought to get the first bucket.

No way you gave it to me.

Oh, Daniel,
it was charity all the way.

Oh, well, then
I gratefully accept.

For to whom much is given,
much is expected.

Would you like
to see that again?

Let's go.

You okay, Dad? Yeah, it's
that junkyard ankle.

GLORIA: Daniel?

DANIEL: Oh, I'm fine.

Oh, honey, this is Monica,
the building inspector.

How do you do?

MONICA: Hello.

Everything's all right, I hope?

Everything is perfect. You
have a beautiful place here.

Better be. Dedication's
this afternoon.

Oh, I got a call from the Pittsburgh paper.
They're sending a reporter.

Mechanicsburg's finally
gonna get on the map.

Oh, Daniel, this is great.


Well, I, uh...
I got one more stop to make,

and then I'm gonna
inaugurate the shower.

I don't know
how to thank you, God.

Thank you
for the privilege of, uh,

doing something that honors you.

It wasn't always easy,

but every time
we got stuck, well,

it seemed like there was
an angel looking over us.

Thank you for all
the people that helped.

Thank you for Tess.

Whenever we were running out of money...
I mean, when we were out,

she was always there
to raise it.

And thank you for Andrew.

Bless his mind and heart.

Give him the words
and wisdom to help every kid

who calls in on the Crisis Line.

Thank you for my son.

That kid...

He's your greatest gift,

and I love him,
even when he's late.

It's so nice to see
a dedicated man, Tess.

This must've been
a very satisfying assignment

for you and Andrew.

We're leaving this
Teen Center in good hands.

Well, that's it for this job.

I guess now I have time for you.

The hobby that's
supposed to relax me.


So, does he have a name yet?

Has he started obeying me yet?

I don't think so.

No obedience, no name.

I'll see you later.

I got plans for you.

We're not finished here,

are we, Andrew?

I thought all I had to do was train the
counselors and set up the hotline,

but then I got sent back.

Do you know why?

No, but if God
says we stay, we stay.

What are you... Shoo, shoo,

and don't go getting
in that pound again.

I'm not bailing you out anymore.

Oh, and one more thing
I could use your help on.

You know I've always been
a small town preacher.

I've never used fancy words.

But that's okay,
'cause the folks in my flock,

well, they're not fancy people.

But now we've got this big
city reporter coming in

and, well, Lord,

more people are gonna find out how I
feel about you in one newspaper article

than all my sermons
put together.

So, if you'd just help me with
the words, I'd appreciate it.

You know, people
are always saying to me,

"I don't understand
the teenagers today."

"I can't relate to them."

"What do they want?
What do they need?"

Well, if you listen to them,
they'll tell you.

They need your time,
they need your attention,

they need your open hearts
and your open minds,

and that's what
we're here to give them.

So thank you all for being here.

(CAMERAS CLICKING) And remember,
God loves you and so do I.


A-ha! How are you, Gladys?

Oh, I love you...

WOMAN: It's wonderful
to be here.

DANIEL: Thank you for being here.
Thanks for your...

It was quite a speech, huh?

What's it like having a Dad
who's so popular?

Great. Really great.

Well, I wonder sometimes,

does it feel like
he's a tough act to follow?

Yeah, sometimes,
but he's a great guy.

I mean, everybody wishes
they had him for a Dad.

And now with this place,
I guess they do.

Well, in a way,

but he'll always be your Dad.

And even though
he gives to everyone else,

he saves the best part
of himself for you.

WOMAN: Reverend Brewer?


Kelly Monroe from
the Register Sunday Magazine.

Oh. You agreed to talk
to me after your speech.

Yes, well, I didn't
anticipate such a turn-out.

Well, I'm sure this translates
into the kind of money

and notoriety a personality
like you can build upon.

The church can build upon.

Yes, but there are
ways a man like you,

in the public eye,

espousing a new philosophy,
can capitalize on.

ANDREW: Um, excuse me.

Ladies and gentlemen, excuse me.

We have our first
hotline caller.


Can you hold on
a minute? Thanks.


She needs help
with her algebra homework.


I think I can handle that.


Daniel, what a wonderful speech!

Thanks. Oh.

Excuse me.

Are you all right?
Is that ankle bothering you?

Oh, I'll... I'll just give it
a good soak when I get home.

You know, why don't you rest?

Let me get you
some aspirin, huh?

You have to admit,
there are ministers

who set up operations
like this for their own gain.

Perhaps, but that's really not
what this center's all about.

Super speech, Dan. Super.

Lorna thought so, too.
Thanks, Walt.

How about you, Karen?
What'd you think?

Um... Hey, you know, uh,

Karen's helping me
with our annual statement.

She's gonna be an accountant
just like her old man.

No, Dad, I...

Hey, end of discussion.

Well, I'm certain whatever
Karen should decide to do,

she'll be successful at it.


How we doing, Tess? Great.

Look at this. Oh, my.

You're gonna help Tess
make this tally. Sure.

Oh, don't worry about it.
I think I got it covered.

Dan, you want punch?
I'll get you some punch.



You, uh... You know, my Dad

wanted me to be a doctor so
bad it almost k*lled someone.


Pastor Brewer, I, uh...

Can I talk to you?

Of course.

Pastor Brewer, your speech
was so inspiring.

There's a group of young
people in Greenville

who would love
to hear you talk to them.

I'd be honored. Would you see
to it I get the details?

Yes, I will. Thank you.

What do you need, Karen?

Well, can I talk to you?

Right here? Right now?

Right now, I need you
to finish this interview.

I'm on deadline.

Yes, but I think we ought to
take a little time with this.

You need to understand
what's going on here.

Karen, honey,
this is a bad time.

Could we do this
tomorrow, maybe?

Sure. Okay?

Yeah, tomorrow. All right.

KELLY: Pastor Brewer, I need a
picture of you and your family

to go with the article.
DANIEL: All right.

Oh, there's my son. Luke?

Luke, I'd like you
to meet Miss Monroe.

She's a reporter from
the Register. Hi.

I'll tell you what.
Right after the reception,

we'll get that
family picture you wanted,

and then you can talk with Luke and get
a teen's perspective on the Center.

That okay with you, son?
Sounds cool.

All right.

I just solved that problem.

I didn't know I was so
good at the new math.

Maybe I should learn it.

I'm almost a $1,000 short.

Oh, that's a lot of money.

That's a lot of
bake sales and bingo.

Maybe you should
let me count it.

It won't do any good.

There are a lot of things
around here that don't add up.

MONICA: Everything was
sailing along so smoothly.

And then one person
made a choice,

and because of that, another
person made a choice,

and soon everybody involved
was making choices.

Ripples in the pond.

I wish there were something
I could've done.

I should've seen this coming.

No, Monica,
you can't blame yourself.

Nobody can foretell the future,

not even angels.

Karen, wait.

Leave me alone, Luke.

Look, I know you stole
the money. I saw you.

Oh, great.

Now your father's
gonna tell my father,

and then this whole thing is
just gonna get even worse.

Maybe my Dad can help. Why
didn't you talk to him about it?

I already tried.

He was too busy for me.

He's caught up with the Center.
It's a big deal.

Oh, and that
makes a lot of sense.

He's too busy with the Teen
Center to help a teenager out.

Isn't that the whole idea?

Well, I'm here. I'll listen.

I'll walk you home.


No problem. Glad to do it.

God bless you. Thanks so much.

Thank you. God bless you.

DANIEL: God bless you. Thank you so much.
Is he always like this?

Oh, no, no. Thanks.

Sometimes he's popular.

Thanks so much.

We've got a problem, Daniel.

Tess can't make the books match.

She thinks we're missing
almost a $1,000.

Well, probably
just an accounting error.

Wouldn't be surprised
if we couldn't blame it

on that old antiquated adding
machine Tess insists on using.

Listen, in my business missing
money is no laughing matter.

Come on, Lorna. I'm coming.

Oh, what a wonderful day.

A glorious day.

Pastor Brewer, what will the teen
hotline mean to your church?

Well, the church is its people.

It means our young people will have a
place to turn to when they're in trouble.

Well, let's speak financially.

All this free publicity
means more parishioners,

and more parishioners
mean more money.

Sounds to me like you've already
written your story, Ms Monroe.

As I said before, this is not about
the church receiving more money,

and it angers me
when people assume

that if you're a person of faith
you have a financial angle going.

Now, if you've come
here in search of impropriety,

I'm afraid you've come
to the wrong church.

Pastor, I'm only doing my job.

That's all I'm trying to do, so
why don't we write about that?

Instead of some
non-existent scandal?

Um, would you
excuse us for a moment?




Are you sure you're up to this?

I just want her to talk
about what's going on here,

not satisfy her own agenda.

Oh, and you think losing
your temper will help.

Danny, you have to calm down.

I know how much
this means to you.

You're right.

Maybe we should just cancel
the whole thing, huh?

Oh, that'd make
for some dandy reading.

When asked about the financial
holdings of the church,

the Pastor cancelled the
remainder of the interview.


No. But I do need Luke to help
me show the real picture.

Where is he, anyway?

Oh, you know that boy
can't keep track of time.


No, it's just me.

Oh, Monica, you're working late.

Aye, but there are
some parts of the building

you can only inspect
in the afternoon light.

Such as?

Well, such as shadows.

You know, you can't
have too many shadows.

It's a violation
of the building code.

Very funny.

I was just
trying to be thorough.

Have you seen Luke around?

I thought he was going to
be here for the pictures.

So did I.

Listen, I have a deadline.

Oh, he'll be here, Ms Monroe.

You can count on it.

Why'd you steal the money?

So I could run away.

My friend Annie has a cousin
that lives in San Diego.

Why'd you wanna run away?

Because my father
would never understand.

Understand what?

This is kind of hard to talk
about with the Pastor's son.

Maybe you should
talk to the Pastor about it.

Whatever it is, my Dad'll
come through for you.

He'll help you
talk to your father.

He's a great guy,
even for a Dad.

That's a good idea.

Thank you for your help,
and I'll see you tomorrow.

You're sure you're okay?


I just gotta go.
My Dad's waiting.

Take care of yourself?


Karen, don't! No!

Stop it! Let me go!

Stop it! Stop it! Let me go!

(SOBBING) Just let me go!

I just don't understand it.

Luke knew this was
important to Daniel.

Well, he's not in the gym.

Apparently, he's not anywhere
in the building, period.

Interesting angle.

Minister who counsels teens
has problems with his own.

It's not interesting,
and it's not true.

Good. Good.

Oh, God bless these lights,

and when they're turned on,
make them go on,

and when they're turned off,
make them go off.


Hello. Pastor Brewer's office.

Pastor Brewer, it's Luke.


Hi, Dad.

Where are you, Luke?

I'm at Karen's. Oh, no.

You're supposed to be here,
son, for the pictures.

I know, I know, but...

There are no buts, Luke.

This is no time to be
off someplace with a girl.

I need you here, son.
I need you now.

But, Dad... I'm sorry, Dad.

I can't.



Excuse me.

What'd he say?

He said he'll make
the time to talk to you.

Can we take your car?

Um, sure, but you'd
better drive.

That was Luke.
He, uh, lost track of time.

He's sorry.
I'm gonna go pick him up.

Uh, pick him up where?

He's at Karen Gregg's.

He walked her home.
I won't be long.

Daniel, you're tired.

Look, why don't you stay here, take an
aspirin for your ankle, and I'll go.

I'm okay. No, you're not.

You're angry.

I'm not angry, okay?

This evening
is very important to me.

I want my son to be here.
I need Luke to be here.

Now, hang onto that reporter.
Don't let her go anywhere.

I'll be back as soon as I can.


You don't know my Dad.

When he finds out what's going on,
he'll really be there for you.

The day I had my confirmation,
he wrote me a letter.

It was addressed, "To my son,
on the day he becomes a man."

What'd it say?

It said that life can be hard,

and when it gets hard, you're gonna forget
everything about it that's beautiful.

But if you believe in yourself,

and you believe in your family,
and you believe in God,

everything will be all right.

Do you believe that?

Yeah, I do.








DOCTOR: Mr. Brewer?

We checked your wallet
and we notified your wife.

She should be down.

Your chart says
you've been out for some time.


Oh, my God.

My car.

I hit someone, didn't I?
I hit someone.

Yes, I know.

You were both rushed here
by the paramedics.

But your injuries
are fairly minor.

Well, who'd I hit?

Are they okay?

The one passenger
is doing just fine.

The other one didn't make it.

My Lord.


He was on his way home,
just like you asked him to.

Luke's gone.

Oh, God, our baby's gone.


WOMAN: Pastor, I'm so sorry.

DANIEL: Thank you.

I just wanted you
and Gloria to know

that we'll all be there
at the funeral.

If there's anything we can do.

Thank you.

I know what you're thinking.

Why don't you just say it?

I drove that car.

I hit their car.

I k*lled our son.


Hello, Gloria. May I come in?

You know, the secrets of these
casseroles is to eat them, honey.

No, I can't eat. I can't sleep.

All I can do is think.

What do you think about?


Every day of his life.

You see, I don't wanna
forget anything about Luke,

so that's what I think
about all day and all night.

(SOBBING) I should've
stopped him, Tess.

I shouldn't have let Dan go.

He was so angry
and tired and in pain.

If only I'd given him
the aspirin,

you know, just the two minutes
it would've taken to get it,

they might've missed each other.

Just two minutes.

I could've stopped it.

No. No, no, baby.

You don't know that,

and I don't believe that.

God has not left you
alone in this,

and he doesn't want you judging
yourself or anybody else.

He wants you to do
what you've been doing.

Be his child.

Let him comfort you.

Nobody can comfort you
better than he can right now.

I know that,

and I think that's the only thing
that's keeping me sane right now.

But I'm so worried about Daniel.

What do you mean?

His faith has been
shaken so hard.

He's not the same man.

Losing Luke, it hurt him,

but the loss of his faith,
that could destroy him.

God's not gonna
let that happen, baby.

I can't lose them both.

Oh, honey, honey.


It's gonna be all right.

Don't worry about it.
It's gonna be all right.

I put the car in the driveway.

Car? Yeah.

The, uh, Sheriff's Department said
there wouldn't be any investigation,

I should just bring
the car back to you.


Sign right there, please.

If I were you, I wouldn't
even try to fix that thing.

Just let the insurance company
take it away.

And don't let them try to rip you off.
That was a nice car.

Yeah. Okay, thanks.


That was quite a sermon
for a non-preacher.

Well, thank you, thanks. I didn't
have a lot of time to prepare,

but it came from the heart.

Very nice. Thanks.

Thank you. Thanks.

Bye. Excuse me.


I am so sorry about Luke.

I know that you guys
were friends.

Don't forget, the, uh, crisis
hotline is up and running now,

and if anybody's been through
a crisis recently, it's you.

I'll let you know
if I need to talk.

What about if you need to cry?

There's nothing left
to cry about.

Is this a test?

Because if it is,
I'm failing, Lord.

(SOBBING) I'm failing.

How could you take my son?

I've been your good,
loyal servant all my life,

and this is the reward I get?

What did I do wrong?

What kind of God
could let this happen?

Well, not the God I believed in.

Not the God I loved.

Where did you go?

Oh, Tess, I thought his faith would
help him through this terrible time.

Daniel is a man
who's losing his faith, baby,

and he's losing his faith just
when he needs it the most.

Pastor Brewer?

Now's not a good time, Karen.

I just need to talk.

We've both been through
something terrible,

and I just thought maybe
we could help each other.

I wish we could, but...

I have no one else to talk to.

Just, please, help me.

How can I help you,

if I can't even help myself?

You need a man of God, Karen.

That's not who I am anymore.

I'm sorry.


(SIGHS) Pastor Brewer
should be here by now.

It's time for the service
to start.

How could he be late
for his own son's funeral?

I don't think the Bishop
can wait much longer.

You'd better go tend the flock,

while you go find the shepherd.

There's a passage in the Bible

that says,

for everything
there is a season,

and a time for every purpose
under heaven.

A time to be born,
and a time to die.

I believe this is what
you would call a time out.


I am an angel.

An angel?

Sent by God to help you.

To help me?

Now he decides to help me.

Where was he
when my son was dying?

God is always with you, Daniel,

and now Luke is with him.

Luke is with him, and I'm alone.

God is with you, too.

Is he?

Doesn't feel like it.

I'm so lonely.

I can't get used
to my son not being here.

I wake up every morning

wanting to hear
the sound of his voice.

I wanna see him smile.

(SOBBING) I wanna put my arms
around him and hug him

just one more time.

Just once more.

Some day you will.

The last words I said to him
were in anger,

but I love him. I love my son,

and I didn't get a chance
to tell him.

He knows.

You and Luke had
a very special relationship.

He told me how much
he loved and admired you.

He knew then
how much you loved him,

and believe me, Daniel,
he knows now.

If only I hadn't got
in that car.

If only I hadn't driven
to get him.

It was an accident.

I k*lled my son.

God could've
stopped it from happening.

Why did God let it happen?

People have free will,

and they make choices
that determine their fate.

Luke chose to stay
and help Karen.

You chose to get in the car.

No one is blaming you
for the choice that you made,

but you have to accept
responsibility for making it,

because only then can
you fully receive

the forgiveness
your heart needs to heal.


How can he forgive me?

All my fancy speeches
about listen to the kids

and listen to God.

I'm the biggest phony there is.

I didn't listen to Luke,

I didn't listen to Karen,

I didn't listen to Gloria,
I didn't listen to God, and...

"Listen to God," I used to say.

"Listen to him."

I believed it. I believed it
and I preached it,

and then when it counted,
I couldn't live it.

And I've failed.

You failed and you're human.

Just because
you're a man of faith

doesn't mean
you won't make mistakes.

It means

that when no one will
understand why you made them,

you know that God will.

And it means that when
no one can forgive you,

you know that God can.

Because he will
forgive you, Daniel. He will.

Will you let him?

(SOBBING) Oh, God.

Please, please,
please forgive me.

You have to forgive yourself.

He wants you to carry on.

He has work for you to do.

It's up to you, Daniel.

Will you do it?

Karen, what are you doing?

Stay away from me.

Let me help you.

It's too late.

I'm sorry I turned away
from you in church.

It doesn't matter now.

Sure it does.
We can talk about this.

I don't wanna talk.

Okay, okay, then I'll talk.

I'll talk about Luke.


Don't you get it?

If I wasn't so screwed up,
Luke would still be alive.

Is that what you've been thinking?
That you're to blame?

It started with me.

It wasn't your fault.

Yes, it was.

He was helping me.

He was the only one that cared
and he died because of it.

I don't know why he had to die.

I know I was the one that was
driving the car that k*lled him,

but I don't know
why he had to die.

I do know it had
nothing to do with you.

Luke was doing
what he wanted to do.

He was where
he was supposed to be.

He was always
where he was supposed to be.

He was there
for you when I wasn't.

Let me... Let me be here for
you now the way my son was.

It's too late.

I've screwed up too much.

We're just human beings
doing the best we can.

God knows that.

God doesn't want
anything to do with me.

He won't listen to me now.

God always listens.

I have that on high authority.

I promise you, this time
I'm listening, too.

You know the money

that Tess said was missing
from the church fundraiser?


I took it.

I had to get away.

Luke saw me.

He was trying to convince me
to give it back and stay.

He said he would
help me if I stayed.

He said you'd help me.

Can you tell me what it is
you're trying to run from?

There's nothing you can do.

There's nothing anyone can do.

I can do what I should've
done with my son.

I can listen.

Luke said you would.

Luke was right.

I screwed up, too, big time,

but I'm here for you now,
and I won't desert you.

I'm pregnant.

Must be very scary for you.

My father is gonna k*ll me.

I promise, no matter
how angry your father may be,

deep in his heart he loves you.

He'd do anything
for a chance to help you.


But I can't tell him.

I'm scared.

We'll tell him together.

We'll see
this thing through together.

I promise.



MAN: (WHISPERING) Pastor's here.

Oh, thank God.

Forgive me.

Luke was my world.

That's how I feel.

I wish I'd told him that
every day he was alive.

He was such
a beautiful young man.

These past few days,
I've lost my way.

Guess that's not
much of a secret.

I've doubted, I've questioned,

I've been very angry with God,

and yet somehow,

right here, this moment,

now I feel closer to
him than ever before.

Because God is merciful.

He is.

You know, as humans, we can't
always understand his plan,

but he loves us beyond measure,

and if we accept that

and do his work,

well, little miracles just
seem to happen all around us.

When Luke died, he was doing
God's work in the purest way.

He was doing his best
to help a friend.

Thank you for that, son.

I promise you
I'll spend the rest of my life

trying to live up
to your example.

So, here we are, Lord.

Take my son unto yourself,

and show us how to carry on.

What are you thinking?

He was a good kid.

Yes, he was. He certainly was.

So, I think we're
through here, Miss Wings.

What I was thinking about was,

who's going to play
one on one with Daniel now?

Don't worry about it.

The Lord always
provides a match-up.


I don't feel like playing right now.
Come on.

When are you gonna give
this wee dog a name, Tess?

He gets a name
when he gets trained.


I said, come.

Okay, be that way.

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