04x04 - Children of the Night

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Touched by an Angel". Aired: September 21, 1994 – April 27, 2003.*
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Monica is tasked with bringing guidance and messages from God to various people who are at a crossroads in their lives.
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04x04 - Children of the Night

Post by bunniefuu »

Here you go, sir.

Get out of here!

Here you go, sir.

Excuse me.

Hey, man, I was wondering if
you had a little change I can...

No, I'm sorry.

Ma'am, how you
doing? I... Great.

See ya.

Is that good?

Yeah, it looks great. Okay.

Are you guys
staying here tonight

or you going back...?

Yo, my man,

you're looking
good, looking good.

I was wondering maybe
if you had some change

or something maybe
you could give.. No, I don't.

I told you punks
to get out of here!

Yo, I thought I told
you, leave us alone.

Chill, mister, you're
gonna give yourself

a heart attack or something.

I'm calling the cops.

Cops, right now.

Hey, yo, man, I was
wondering maybe

you give me some change
or something. No, sorry.

We're not bothering you.

Hey, Doc, you see Fish?

No, I haven't, Jazz.

I don't know, last week maybe.

Well, if you see him, tell him

we got chased out
of the warehouse

and we're under the
freeway near Third

until we can crash
someplace else.

Got it.

Hey, have you seen Fish?

No, Jazz, I haven't.

But if he comes in, I'll tell
him you're looking for him.

Tess, you know I love
a good coffee shop,

but I thought our next
assignment was with a family

and that we were
going to their home.

Well, actually, this
is about a family,

and we've already
found their home.

That's a family?

In their own way.

They're runaways, throw-aways,

and they've gotten
together so they can survive.

When I tell you that they
live in the neighborhood,

I mean they live in
the neighborhood.

That hair.

Why do they do that?

That's not important.

But there are two things
that are important...

God loves these
kids, shaved head,

dyed hair, pierced

And number two,
underneath all those attitudes

are human beings.

And they're sweet, young,

lost babies, and they need a lot

of love and understanding.

So our assignment is to
help get them back home.

Oh, no, that's how the
world has failed them so far.

They just want to get rid
of them, send them back

where they came from.
We gotta do better than that.

We've got to give
them what they need,

not what we think they need.

And what do they need?

Well, for one thing,
they need to stay alive.

I don't expect we'll be
able to help all of them,

but we've got to
do the best we can.

Come on, let's split.

Hey! Hey, give it back!


And Andrew, too?

We've got the
whole street covered.

We take this side,

Rafael takes the other side,

and Andrew takes the rest.

♪ When you walk down the road ♪

♪ Heavy burden, heavy load ♪

♪ I will rise, and I
will walk with you ♪

♪ I'll walk with you ♪

♪ Till the sun
don't even shine ♪

♪ Walk with you ♪

♪ Every time, I tell
you I'll walk with you ♪

♪ Walk with you ♪

♪ Believe me, I'll
walk with you. ♪

Psst! Over here.


Don't look at me.

Why not?

I don't want the other street
people to see that I know you.

I'll, I'll lose my credibility.

For right now, just keep
handing out sandwiches.

But they can trust me.

I had an assignment
once, remember?

I was homeless. I've
lived on the streets.

I know what they're
going through.

No, Monica, you don't.

You were never a
homeless teenager.

Hello. Would you
like a sandwich?

Yeah, so I found a place
we can squat out for a while.

Yeah? Where?

Who cares where? Let's go.

What we got to do for it?


Ha. Yeah, right.

Give it back to me!

Is that Jazz?

First you tell me where Fish is.

I don't know any Fish.

What are you, high?

A little.

Kid doesn't know Fish.
Give her her bag back.


Well, if you see him,

tell him I'm looking for him.

Hey, Jazz, my man,
what's going on?

Look, I'm wondering if
you have a little... Thanks.

You okay?

Well, my wallet's gone, but...

I've got what I need.

You are on the wrong
side of the world, girl.

Don't walk in this park alone.

There's nothing but homeless
and runaways in here.

I know. That's why I'm here.

What'd you run away
from, some Disney movie?


Lincoln, Nebraska.

How long you been
on the street for?


Look, why don't you just

go home to your family?

I don't have a family anymore.

I'm on my own.

You guys, she's a
sitting duck out here.

We got to take her in with us.

No, no. No, no, no.

Then our food goes into
four mouths instead of three.

That's less for each of us.

Math major.


Do you have any money left?

Mm... Yeah, about $30.

Oh, I say she's in.

Yeah. Come with us, girlfriend.

If we leave you here,

you're not gonna have
that watch for long.

Umm, my name's Ally.

Well, Alexandra.

We don't do real names.

Makes it too easy to be found

by people we don't
want to be found by.

Street names only. I'm China.

This is Doc and Lightning.

And I'm... I don't know.

Job one, get you a street name.

Job one, get us a squat.

It's a junkyard.

Oh, I lived in a junkyard
once in Phoenix.

No. No, no. Phoenix
was a warehouse,

Chicago was a
junkyard. They're okay.

Yeah, if you're a rat.

Hey, you made it.


What do we got here?

Thought you said there
was only gonna be three.

Yeah, well, it turned into four.

Well, then, Doc,
Happy, Sleezy, Junkie,

welcome to the Enchanted Forest.

Here's the deal...

Anything you find
you can use, okay?

You stay away from my customers,
I'm gonna stay away from you.

You see anybody trying to
rip me off, you bark like a dog.

Got it?

Yo, man, is this guy okay?

That's cool. Thank you.

Now here's a big one.

Can I trust you guys?


Then how can you trust me?

Umm, you gotta trust
somebody sometimes.

You remember that.

Whoa, weird.

Yeah, like you're not.

All right, here we go.

Uh... Lightning, grab that
window frame over there.

Ally and China, grab
that tarp off that car.

What are we doing?

We're building a house.

Not bad.

Look who I found.

Sweetie, what are you
gonna do with a cat?

Ally, that's another
mouth to feed.

Look, you're new out here.

You don't know how hard it is
just to feed yourself sometimes.

Hey, you guys,

you know, she don't
got a street name yet.

How 'bout Kitten?

Sounds good.

No, that's what my dad calls...

used to call me.

You guys into charity?

Never object to staying warm.

Yeah, especially
with that cough, huh?

I'm fine.

Well, I like what you done
with the place, only I don't

think it's gonna be very warm
if it starts to rain tomorrow.

We don't think about tomorrow.

Yeah, well, tomorrow
always comes anyway.

What's up? What you
writing in that journal, huh?

Something you write about me?

Get over yourself. Let
me see. Let me see.

Let me see... Get out,
Lightning. It's mine.

I can have something
that's mine, can't I, Doc?

Yeah, you can.

Oh, man, I thought
we had more than this.

$4.69 won't buy
us toast and coffee.

Well, yo, Ally's got 30 bucks.

Not anymore.

What? Wait. What
did you do, girl?

You, you spent all our
money on, on, on, on...

What are we supposed
to do now, huh?!

We're supposed to eat cat food?

It's not our money.
It's, it's my money.

My, my birthday money.

Ally, things are different now.

We take care of each other.
We share what we have.

How much do you have left?

Six dollars and some change.

Oh, man.

Mayo or no mayo?

This is a very, very
tough crowd, Monica.

You're doing fine.

They're coming back;
that's a good sign.

No. It means something happened.

This is the last resort.

Hi. It's nice to see you.

I have turkey or tuna
or... well, you know,

take as many as you like, so...

Hello. My name is Monica.

Um... hi. I'm Ally.

You're new here, aren't you?

Yeah. I... I just
came from Nebraska.

Just outside of Lincoln.

Ah! I knew him. He
was a very nice man.

No one ever heard
of Garland, so I just...

Ah, no, I've heard
of it, and, actually,

if you ever want to go back,

I have a friend at
the bus company.

Come here. What are
you doing? You crazy?

I was just talking to her.

Well, you got to
understand something here.

These kids got burned bad.

They don't trust nobody.

Well, they seem to trust you.

Yeah, but I don't trust them,
and they trust that, you know?

Just don't give up on them.

That's what they're used to.

Stay with them.

These kids have
got to learn to trust.

Maybe you do, too.

Keep the faith, baby.

You want a fork for that?

Sugar rots your teeth,

and you're going to want
some when you're about 80.

I'm never going to get that old.

My prayer for you every day

is that you grow up and
grow as old as Methuselah,

but not as cranky.

He was a cranky old goat.

He ate too much sugar.

Anybody seen Fish lately?


There's a waste of a quarter.

Can I have a milk?

Sure, baby.

Geez. Runaway Barbie
and Street Kid Ken.

This was an excellent choice.

Did I just hear a bell?



♪ What's a girl to do? ♪

Hi. Coffee to go.

Where were you?

Working. I'm going back out.

I am so not in the mood
to do this right now,

but somebody's
got to make money.

Well, I need some
help in the kitchen,

and you could start
tonight. It's good pay.

Could I just have my coffee?

All right.

♪ What's a girl to do? ♪

Maybe I could work for Tess.

Look, forget it.

All right?

Jobs mean Social Security
numbers, addresses.

Then they know who you
are and where you are.

Well, what kind of
work does China do?

Hey, baby.

Hi. Hi.

Anything I can do for you?

Yeah. Get in.

Fish, it's time to go home.

I can't just keep
handing out sandwiches.

Why not? They're
hungry, aren't they?

Don't push so hard.

What's the matter, baby?

I took another kid last night.




Maybe if we tell them
who we really are right now,

we can save some of them.

They feel just as
abandoned by God

as they do by their families,

and they're not going
to listen to either one

until they get ready.

His name was Steven.

Man, I'm starting to
look like an old lady.

I need one of those
fancy spa days, you know?

Well, baby, when
I'm feelin' down,

all I got to do is pop
in one of these babies,

I'm feelin' refreshed, revived,


Hey, where is it?

What you missin', babe?

My journal. Did you take it?

Aw, man, and get my
eyes scratched out?

I don't think so.

Hey, look. It's
just a stupid book.

No, it's not stupid!

It's... it's mine.

Don't worry, China.
We'll help you find it.

No, you know,

I think this is a waste of time.

Why don't you pretend
it's your speed that's gone?

Yo, it could be anywhere.

So we look everywhere.

I dropped it in the park
or the diner. I don't know.

All right, just don't look
for it all day, all right?

We need to make some money.

You know what? If I had my way,

we'd look for
about five minutes.

Yeah, well, I don't
need your help.

I can find it on my own.

It's Fish.

Said he died last night.

He talked to me.

That Fish guy talked to me.

Yeah, well, they said he died
of pneumonia or something.

My God.

He was just a kid, like us.

He wasn't supposed to die.

Kids aren't supposed to die.

No use crying out here, Ally.

Move on.

Nobody's going to
remember us, so why should

we remember them?

Let's go.

Excuse me.

Stupid cough.

Look, maybe I could try.

Yeah, why not?

Um... Excuse me, sir?

Um... I'm looking
for my brother.

See, he's lost and,
if I could get $50,

we can print posters
and search for him.

Thank you.

You're welcome, sweetie.

There you go.



Where are the kids?

Well, they made $36 today,

and they're having dinner
at an all-you-can-eat place.

Well, that's good, isn't it?


Have you seen Ally today?

Yeah. She's getting
pretty good at panhandling.

They're getting further
away instead of closer.

Hey, they don't trust
anybody, remember?

You're the one that's
got to do the trusting.

For what?

They'll come back for
another sandwich one day?

If I could just find a way in.

Looks like you just found it.

♪ ♪

Baby, you don't look too good.

I just can't sleep. I'm okay.

I don't like the sound of that.

I'm going to make you
some chamomile tea.

Maybe that'll help.


My Mom used to... I know.

You're okay, Tess.

Just sit quiet, baby.

Oh, my goodness!

How long have
you had this cough?

I don't know, a few
months, I guess.

Well, baby, you can't ignore it.

I'll be okay.

I wouldn't be too sure of that.

What's it to you?

Now, you listen to
me, I've never told you

what to do before, but
you've got to go in the hospital.

No. No way. They ask
too many questions.

Doc, you need help.

You need to mind
your own business.

You are not just putting
your own life at risk here.

I know you.

I've seen you around,
and I think you're bad news.

Hey, wait a minute.

Wait. Honey...

You know what, Tess?

Sometimes I wish I
didn't have to do this.


You're the Outreach lady, right?

What do you want?

I want to help you.

Oh, yeah? You got a peanut
butter and jelly sandwich

that's gonna solve my problem?

China... Look... leave me alone.

You're scaring away customers.

You're just a
little girl. I'm 15.

You-you should be
at school dances and...

and having slumber
parties and making friends.


And give up this
rewarding career?

Go save somebody else... I've
got a long night ahead of me.

I think this belongs to you.

My journal.

Where'd you get it?

I-It must've dropped out
of your pocket last night

when you came back to eat.

How did you come up
with the name China?

Well... MAN: Yeah, looking good!

You know how people
always save the china

for special occasions?

The fancy china?

Well, someday I'm
gonna have some.

And I'm gonna use it every day
just because nobody else does.

So when people say my name,

it just reminds me of what
I have to look forward to.

That's beautiful.

Plus, I think it's a
great name for a poet.

Oh, do you write poetry?

Yeah, ever since I was
little I wanted to be a writer.

I'd love to hear some.

Oh, well, this thing's full
of them. Maybe I could

buy you a cup of
coffee and some dinner

and you could read
me some of your poems.

Yeah, looking good!

China, please, you
don't have to do this.

I just want to be your friend.

You want to be my friend,
then try to understand.


Please, China?

Come on.


Do you or don't you?


I'll meet you at
Snappy's in an hour.

I'm waiting.

Yo, Doc, what's up
with that, man, you sick?


Maybe we should
take him to the hospital.

No, look, the cops
wait around for kids

like us so they
can take us home.

All right? And if you
want to go home,

be my guest, but you
have to leave me out of it.

Where's China?

I don't know. She never
came home last night.

Either she's working
late or... early.

Um... listen.

What's that?

You holding out on us?

My mom always used to say, uh,

"Always keep five
dollars for yourself

no matter what."

Your last five dollars.

What are you gonna do with it?

I'm gonna call you a cab.

I'll go.

You stay here.

Cops get one look at you,
they'll pick you up for sure.

Where are your parents?

You're not on school
break, and you're not 18.

Yeah, I am.

Save it.

I see too many kids
like you these days.

Medicine alone won't save you.

You're either gonna
change your lifestyle

or you're gonna die.

Simple as that.


You have tuberculosis.

Oh, man.

Now, we'll, uh, run
a few tests tonight

and take you out to
the clinic tomorrow.

What you need is complete
rest and medical supervision.

Nah, I can't do
that... I have a f...

I have a family to
take care of. I got to go.

Go? You're not going anywhere.

You could spread
TB all over the streets.

We could have an epidemic.

The only way you're going
to get well is in quarantine.

Excuse me, sir, my brother,
he ran away from home.

No, no. Sorry, honey. And
I... I need some money...

Hi. My brother, he-he
ran away from home...

Oh, I'm really sorry.

And I... I need...

Ew, ew. Here.

Nurse Freeman,
please call operator 21.

Nurse Freeman,
please call operator 21.

Please, mister, stay with me.

Oh, God, help me.

I'm sorry, God.
Please be there for me.

He is, China.

Do me a-a favor?

I was supposed to
meet a girl at the diner.

A friend... Monica.

Tell her that...

Just give her this.

Please stay with me.

I'm not gonna leave you, China.

It's... beautiful.

Yes, it is.

Into Your hands, Father.

No! No!

Andrew, I don't understand.

I was supposed to meet
her last night at the diner.

She was supposed
to read me her poetry.

She asked me to give you this.


She called herself China,

after the dishes that people
use for special occasions.

She... she said that when
people called her name

it would remind her of what
she had to look forward to.

How could someone do
that to a child, Andrew?

But no one will
ever hurt her again.

She's at peace, Monica.

Well, I'm not.

It's my fault that
she's lying there.

Monica, no.

She was 15 years
of age... 15, Andrew!

And this is all that's left

of her hopes and her
dreams and her childhood!

She deserved a better life.

She deserved a better angel.

Monica... Monica!

Hey! China!

She's gone, Doc.


What are you doing here?

What have you done to her?!

I didn't do anything to her.

This was one of her customers.

Why is it that every time I
see you, somebody dies?

Who are you?

What are you?

My name is Andrew.

I'm an angel.

You're an angel?

The Angel of Death.


You came for Fish and for China.

And I came for you, Doc.

They had a chance
to save themselves.

They didn't take it.

This is your chance, Doc.

Please go back to the
hospital while you still can.


You stay away from me.

Stay away!

Doc, you think you're
running away from death.

You're running right to it!

There's gotta be somethin'
to eat around here.

We'll eat soon. Promise.

Are you here to tell
me to trust again?

Now, I haven't worked
with you very long, girl,

but I know that that's not you.

I thought that God gave
us hearts for a reason.

Last night my heart told
me to grab that wee girl

and drag her from the
car, but I didn't, Rafael.

You, you told me not to
push, so I didn't. I didn't push.

My head won over my heart,
and now a little girl is dead!

You gave her her chance.

Now, she said no.

How many people in
this world get their chance

and they say no?

A lot more than say yes.

But she was looking for God!

She even wrote a
beautiful poem about it.

I know, but she was
looking in the wrong places.

You see, you started at the end.

Maybe you need to
start at the beginning.



Oh, no, Ally.

You could use some help.


You hear?

Yeah. China's gone,

and it looks like
you're gonna be next.


If you spend one
more night on the street,

you'll be dead by morning.

You wouldn't listen to Andrew;
maybe you'll listen to me.

You're an angel.

Straight from God.

What does He want from me?

What do you want from Him?

God doesn't want to
take, He wants to give,

but He can't give you anything

if you're not
willing to trust Him.

It's too late for me.

I already know I'm gonna die.

Ally needs help.

She's the one who
needs an angel.

If Andrew's takin'
care of China,

and you're takin' care of
me, who's takin' care of Ally?

I will.

There ya go.

Hey, little girl.


China is dead.

She was beaten by
one of her customers.

What's that?

China gave it to me, and
now I'd like to give it to you.

Why? I don't want it.

It has nothing to do with me.

I'm not like China.

I'm not gonna end up like her.

"Monday: I slept in the
park again last night.

"My coat was stolen
and it's getting cold.

"Don't know what
I'll do for food today,

"but it's only my first week

"and I'm sure
things will get better.

"I met a girl yesterday.

"I think she's a streetwalker.

"She says she gets by

that way, but I
could never do that."

I thought I could do this.

China said it was no big deal,

as long as you didn't
let yourself feel anything.

That's what China did.

She closed off her heart,

and God wants you to know

that the same thing
could happen to you.

God? What does God
have to do with this?

God loves you, Ally, and
He sent me here to tell you.

What is He gonna do with me?

What does He want?

He wants you to go back home

to the family that was
shattered when you left.

I don't have a family.

Isn't that your family?

Where did you get this?

I tore this up the day...

the day that Dad left
us for that other lady.

Your father made a
mistake, but so did you.

He came back, but
you're still missing.

My dad came home?

Yes, but it's not a
home without you.

I probably couldn't go back.

We had a big fight and
I, I told him I hated him.

I think that sometimes
children say terrible things

to their fathers, and
then they think it's too late

to put things right,
but do you know what?

That's why God
invented apologies.

I don't know how to apologize.

Then let me show you.

You tell him that you're
sorry for what you said.

You tell him that
you were angry,

and then you tell your dad that,

that what he did made
you very, very frightened

because you love him so much

and you love your family

the way they were, the
way that they should be.

And then you apologize to him
for runnin' away, for givin' up,

and then you give him a
chance to apologize to you.

And then you wait,
love, for him to hold you.

It's probably too late.


I think it's just in time.

The bus to Lincoln
leaves in 15 minutes.

Thank you.

And your family will be
waiting for you at the station.

Hey, Ally.

Doc wanted you to have this.


Whoa, hold on there, darling.

Can't go out there.

Doc's got TB, but we're
gonna take him to the hospital.

He just wanted to
see if you were all right.

All right, see ya later.

It's time to get going.


Is Doc gonna be all right?

He's gonna be just fine.

He's got a real future
ahead of him as an architect,

and you know what, Ally?

Who knows? Maybe
one of these days

he might just build
you that house.

Where's Doc goin'?

To the hospital.

And then he's gonna be
staying at the Youth Shelter.

Yeah, right. Not Doc.

Yeah, right.

He finally found
somebody he could trust.

How long is it gonna
take you to see the light?

I got someone I can trust.



Come on, Ally
Cat, let's go home.

"Ally Cat."

I decided that's your
new street name.

I don't need a street name
anymore. I'm going home.

Oh, yeah? When's that
supposed to happen?

In about three minutes.

Oh, so that's how
it is then, huh?

Lightning, do you
believe in God?


You will.
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