04x09 - Charades

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Touched by an Angel". Aired: September 21, 1994 – April 27, 2003.*
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Monica is tasked with bringing guidance and messages from God to various people who are at a crossroads in their lives.
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04x09 - Charades

Post by bunniefuu »

Oh, Andrew, I'm so
excited to be here.

My first time in Los
Angeles, the City of Angels.

Yeah, this city needs
all the angels it can get.

Here you go.

Don't want you to, to
forget your sunblock,

'cause Tess said I
should keep an eye on you,

and I'm not taking any chances.

Where is Tess?

I don't know, but until she
shows up, I'm the stand-in.

It's a movie term.

You know, Andrew, I've
never actually been to a movie.

Tess never wants to go.

Well, you know, Tess
isn't a big fan of Hollywood.

The last time she was
here was in the '50s

and, oh, that was a bad time,

for people and angels.

But it says in my guidebook

that Hollywood was
the dream factory.

But for a lot of people,
it was a nightmare,

and for some, it
still hasn't ended.

Welcome to the
world of Libby Glaser.

She owns a talent
agency over there,

but her real talent
is for survival.

Miss Glaser, I was just on
my way to the mail room..

To pick up this? The fax just
sitting on the fax machine?

What does it say here?


By now it's probably in
Letterman's monologue.

- I'm sorry, Miss Glaser...
- Everybody's got an excuse.

The guy in the
mailroom was in the john.

Now he's out of a
job, and so are you.

Everyone is so afraid of Libby.

She is one of the most
powerful women in Hollywood,

with a very powerful secret.

Drinking? Is that her secret?

No, that is her solution.

She thinks that if she drinks
enough, the pain will go away.

It's a pain that started
such a long time ago

when she was a little girl.

She doesn't even remember.

Helping her to remember,
is that my assignment?

Not just remember.


Libby has been living a lie,

but she doesn't even know it,

and when she
finds out the truth,

it's going to drive her

straight to the edge.

♪ When you walk down the road ♪

♪ Heavy burden, heavy load ♪

♪ I will rise and I
will walk with you ♪

♪ I'll walk with you ♪

♪ Till the sun
don't even shine ♪

♪ Walk with you ♪

♪ Every time, I tell
you I'll walk with you ♪

♪ Walk with you ♪

♪ Believe me, I'll
walk with you. ♪

No, you listen to me.

I don't care if
he's out of town.

He's the head of the
Hollywood Screen Guild

and he's got to
check in for messages.

This is Libby Glaser.

I've already called
once this week.

Do you know who I am?

No, I will not hold.


- Hello?
- Hello.

Who are you?

I'm Monica, your new assistant.


I hate Hollywood.

Getting this phone call returned

is like trying to get a
phone call from God.

- Maybe I could help you.
- You?

Oh, please. If I can't get
through with my connections,

you haven't got a prayer.

Now, if you're going
be my assistant,

let's get something straight.

Around here God's in
the details, and I'm God.

I want to see very piece of
mail, every script, every fax,

as soon as it comes
in. No excuses.

My first commandment
is, Thou shalt not forgive.

God does forgive.

Not in L.A.

Take it from me.

I grew up here, with a
movie star for a mother.

That's her.

She's very beautiful,
your mother.

Beautiful, yeah,

but she didn't have a lot
of time for the mother part.

Is your father in
the movies, too?

Not in them.

He wrote them,

but he died a long time
ago in a car accident.

I'm sorry to hear that.

That's Daddy in Washington.

He was one of the
biggest writers in Hollywood

till he was blacklisted.


He sacrificed everything
for what he believed.

It must've been wonderful
to have a hero for a father.

I don't remember him.

And neither does this town.

I'm a child of the
blacklist, Monica.

If you want to work for me,

you'd better find
out what that means.

Are you a member of
the Communist Party,

or have you ever been a
member of the Communist Party?

The blacklist.

It was a product
of the Cold w*r.

It was a time in this country
when fear of communism

shattered a lot of
lives and families,

like Libby's.

You know, it all began
with naming names.

People who were even
accused of being un-American,

they lost their jobs.

Friends betrayed friends and
marriages were broken apart,

and Libby's father, Budd Glaser,

he couldn't work for the
last six years of his life.

Well, at least not
under his own name.

No wonder Libby's so angry
that people don't remember.

Well, that's why Libby's
trying to get in touch

with the Hollywood Screen Guild.

You see, they're honoring
the victims of the blacklist,

and Libby wants to make sure
that her father's remembered.

How can I help her?

You can start by
answering the phone.

Hello. Libby Glaser's office.

Yes. Could you hold, please?

Miss Glaser, I have the head
of the Hollywood Screen Guild

on the phone.

Yes, I do have a
few connections.

You just became
the best assistant

that Libby has ever had

because you've got connections
that she can't even imagine.

So, it looks as
if Libby's father

will finally get the
recognition he deserves.

Yes, for writing one

of the greatest
movies ever made.

Salvation's Child,
starring Vera King.

Libby's mother.

And Clive Hathaway.

Whoa, girl, it's not even noon.

I don't look good, you
don't get your ten percent.

Clive, this isn't about a job.

I just found out

the Hollywood Screen
Guild's going to honor Daddy

at a special ceremony
for blacklisted writers,

and restore his credit
on Salvation's Child.

Oh, that's wonderful.

Congratulations, Libby.

Does your mother know?

I'm going to tell her at lunch.

Now, the Guild

wants us both to
accept the award.

I'd like you to present it.

- Me?
- Who else?

You were Daddy's best friend
and Mother's leading man.

Maybe I will take that drink.

Budd, you're not a Commie.

They're not just
targeting Communists.

They're after Jews,
Negroes, teachers,


Budd, this isn't Mr. Smith
Goes to Washington.

This is Washington
Goes After Mr. Smith.

Budd, if you want to
keep writing pictures,

you're going have to start
thinking about your future.

I am.

I'm thinking that it is up to me

to make this world
a better place,

for my kid.

Vera's pregnant.

We're gonna have a baby.


Clive, your drink.


Libby, I'd be honored
to present that award,

if it's okay with Vera.


And get out of here so I
can earn my ten percent.

Excuse me, Miss Glaser.
This just arrived for you.

An old film? Who's it from?

There's no return address.

Well, find out what it is.

I'll be at lunch with
my favorite movie star.

Oh, Dom Perignon?

What's the occasion?

The Guild wants to honor Daddy

at a special
screening next week.

Finally the opening
credits on Salvation's Child

are going to say
written by Budd Glaser.

Mother? What's wrong?

I thought you'd
be over the moon.

I am.

Oh, I am.

I, I just... well, it brings
back so many memories.



Your father loved champagne.

Well, not the champagne
really, the bubbles.

He always said the
best things never last.

I wish I could remember him.

Sometimes it's better to forget.

It was such a painful time.

The Guild wants us
both to accept the award.

I've asked Clive to present it.


I am not standing on
any stage with that man.

What have you got against Clive?

Why can't you ever say
anything nice about him?

He was your father's
friend, not mine.

Well, he's my friend, too,
and he was my very first client.

Clive gave me my
start in this business.

And I gave you the
strength to survive it.

This isn't a competition.

This is about Daddy.

Can't you get up on
that stage for five minutes

and just pretend?

It's called acting.

I'm sorry, honey.

I'm really not very hungry.

You got to watch
those sprockets.

Any word from Tess?

No, but don't worry.

She will show up
before the final reel.

I pledge allegiance

to the flag of the United States

of America, and to the republic

for which it stands,
one nation under God,

invisible, with... Wait, what...

Did you say "invisible"?

It's "in-di-visible."


JOE McCARTHY: are not being made

on the Senate floor, and...

Although maybe
"invisible" is a better word.

Now, I intend to name names.

If a single word I say today...

What's wrong, Daddy?

Then the men named can start

- those libel suits...
- Libby,

you see this man?

His name is Joe McCarthy.

He's a very bad man.

America's number one
dummy gets a college degree.

I love Charlie McCarthy.

Yeah? Me, too.

Come here.

Come on, jump up here.

No, no...

This is one of
Daddy's home movies.

We thought they were lost.

Monica, I have to
know who sent this.

Maybe there's more.

Who's running the mail room now?

I don't know. Well, find
out and get him up here.

Go, go, go, go, go.

Excuse me, could you
tell me who's in charge

- of the mail room?
- I am.

Ah, Tess! It's so
good to see you.

Hello, Miss Wings.
Welcome to Hollywood.

Not my favorite postmark.

Oh, it looks like
Libby got her delivery.

Do you know about this?

She said that it's
been lost for years.

Oh, nothing's ever
lost. Not really.

But after so many years, Tess,

who found it, who sent it?

God, Miss Wings.

So, let me get this straight,

you're in charge
of the mail room,

that's your job.

Now, this piece of film
was delivered to me today.

It has no return
address, no identification

of any kind.

Do you recognize it?

Don't speak, just nod.

But you can't tell me where

it came from, is that
what you're saying?

All right, get back to work.

She's hiding something.

I don't know what it is,
but you're gonna find out.

Tess, I've never seen

you hold your tongue
like that before.

Well, I didn't come
here to lose my temper,

I came here to help
her find the truth.

She wants me to
follow you around and...

take down notes and everything
and then report back to her.

All right, now I lose my temper.

She wants you to inform on me?

That's the way it used to be.

Friends selling out friends
and trashing their beliefs.

Libby is just adding
fuel to the same fire

that destroyed her father.

And she used to be
such a trusting little girl.

You knew her?

Yeah, uh, I was Budd
Glazer's angel in the '50s,

when freedom was not
ringing through the land.

The only way this angel

could take human
form... was as a maid.

- Good morning.
- I'm looking

for Budd Glazer. FBI.

Come in.

Wait right here.
I'll get him for you.

Take your hat off.

It's not polite to wear
your hat in the house.

You must be Libby.

And this is Charlie.

You got a birthday coming
up next week, don't you?

How did you know?

What do you want?

Mr. Glazer.

I have something for you.

What is it, Daddy?

Kind of like an invitation,

only, uh... not to
a birthday party.

All right, let's go.

Get out!


What is it?

It's a subpoena
from the committee.

They're sending someone
out from Washington next week.

Make it nice and easy.

Why do you have to be the hero?

You're not a Communist.

Vera, don't.

We've been over and over this.

We've been having this
argument for too many years.

I wish Mommy and
Daddy would never fight.

Oh, sweet baby,
you dry your tears.

Let's play charades.
You like to play charades?

- Okay.
- Okay, I'll go first,

is that okay? Okay, okay.

Three words?

Third word?


Second word?



Love me?

First word?




- Yes!
- God loves me?

Yes, he does,

you sweet baby, and
don't you ever forget that.

Yes, he does love you.

Yes, he does.

Why doesn't Libby
recognize you now?

Well, she was a little girl,

and she's blocked
out all that time

because it was so painful.

People don't like
to remember pain.

But sometimes remembering
is the only way to heal.

Good morning.

Is the mail in?

No unmarked envelopes,
no home movies.

I checked.

I didn't sleep
very well last night.

Couldn't stop
thinking about Daddy.

I got to finish this
script. Hold my calls.


You're Libby's
mother, aren't you?

Oh, yes.

And you must be
the new assistant.

You remind me of Audrey Hepburn.

Oh. Did she work here, too?

That is enough.

Why? What's the matter, Mother?

I don't want to talk about
it when you're drinking.

You don't want to talk
about it when I'm sober!

What is it, Mother?

Are you jealous of Clive?

- Jealous?
- Is that it?

Because he was Daddy's
friend, Daddy's best friend?

He was no friend!

He destroyed your father.

What are you talking about?

How did Clive destroy Daddy?

C-Clive... is the one who...

accused your father...

of being a Communist.

That's why he was blacklisted.

I don't believe it.

Neither did I.

It happened at
some secret hearing

before you were born.

I didn't know about it until
the day Budd found out.

It was... your sixth birthday.

Y-Your father...

didn't die in a car accident.

He k*lled himself.

Why didn't you ever
tell me the truth?

I wanted you to have good
memories of your father.

I wanted to protect you.

I... I still do.

H... How could you let me

represent Clive all these years?

Oh, sweetheart, Hollywood is
full of people who named names.

I can't let Clive

present that award.
Oh, yes, you can.

That's what I came
here to tell you.

I will not watch the
man who k*lled my father

present an award to him!

Listen to me.

It'll all be over in
just a few days.

And... then we can
put this behind us.


That's my girl.

Monica, come in here.

I need you to do
something for me.

Something that
requires connections.

Got any ins with the FBI?

What exactly are
you looking for?

The truth.

And I need it by Friday.

Tess, is it there?

Libby says that FBI transcript

better be in her hands before
the ceremony tonight or...

You're fired.

How could Clive keep
people from finding out?

Some movie people were
given a chance to testify in secret,

clear their names
without a lot of publicity,

so Clive just told them
the lie they wanted to hear.

I don't understand how he
could betray his best friend.

Fear, baby.

That committee had
him good and scared.

Clive did it to save his career.

If Budd wasn't a Communist,

why didn't he just clear
his name and tell the truth?

Well, Budd tried
to, but in those days

people weren't really
looking for the truth.

They were looking for names.

Thank you for
coming, Mr. Glaser.

Have a seat.

Let's get this over with.

It's my daughter's birthday.

You must mean Libby.
She's six years old.

Oh, that's quite a party
you've got planned.

Oh, don't worry.

It's only the three of us.

I just want to say I am
a big fan of your movies,

and I sure hope you'll be
writing another one real soon.

Me, too.

My career has taken
a bit of a nose dive.

Well, let's see if we can't

get it to straighten
up and fly right, huh?

How do we do that?

By answering a few
simple questions.

Mr. Glaser,

are you now or
have you ever been

a member of the Communist Party?


But you know people who are.

Do you want the
name of the Girl Scout

that knitted socks for Russian
soldiers back in World w*r II,

or the guy who
accidentally wandered

into a Communist Party
meeting during college?

No, you don't want the
truth, you want names,

and I am not going
to give them to you.

Mr. Glaser...

Communism is the biggest
enemy democracy has ever known.

Are you with us or against us?

I am a good, loyal American.

You know that, I know
it, and my friends know it.

Let's talk about your
friend, Clive Hathaway.

Oh, Clive is not a Communist.


But he says you are.


I don't believe it.

There are a lot
of things in this file

I'm sure you won't believe.

Phone conversations,
photographs, medical records.

According to your doctor,

you and Vera
were... having trouble.

But it looks like little
Libby came along anyway.

What are you driving at,

and what does it
have to do with Clive?

Mr. Glaser, we have been
watching you for years.

You, your wife,
your best friend.

Now, our photographers
aren't as professional

as the ones in the studio...

but you might find
these interesting.



Guess what?

All of Libby's
friends showed up.

Where are you?

Libby won't blow out
her candles until you...

Honey, I, I can barely hear you.



I don't believe it.

Oh, my God.

Budd... Budd, please,
honey, don't hang...

Are you a member of
the Communist Party?

I am a good, loyal American.

Are you with us or against us?

Clive is not a Communist.

But he says you are.

Budd Glaser, I'm an
angel sent from God

to tell you to slow down.

God doesn't want you to do this,

no matter how bad the pain is.

He wants you to know
there's another way.

A different way.

God's way.

Shut up!

That's from your
movie, Salvation's Child.

The one you wrote
to honor Libby,

the little girl who needs you.

You're an angel.

No wonder Libby
loved you so much.

She loves you more
than she loves me,

and she needs you more.

If Libby ever
finds out the truth,

give her this.

No! Don't you understand?

God wants you to live.

God loves you.

Tell God I'm sorry.

Oh, don't do this.

Stop this car.

Don't do this! Stop!


Don't do this!


I'm gonna have to
handle it from now on.

What happened to Budd's note?

The note on the
script for Libby?

Budd had it with
him when he died.

And Clive's transcript?

I just hope that Libby will be
able to handle what's inside

better than Budd did.

The New York Times called him

a soldier of truth,

but Budd Glaser was more
than just a humanitarian.

He was a great writer.

He was also a great friend.

Oh, look.

Daddy's best friend.

Oh, Libby, you're late.

I was beginning to get worried.

Have some champagne, Mother.

It comes with the limo.

Haven't you had enough
champagne for one...


Excuse me, Ms. Glaser,

Ms. King, you're
on in a few minutes.

Ah, we'll be right there.

Daddy was right.

The best things never last.

"Clive Hathaway.

September 15, 1948"?

Oh, Mother, I wanted
it to be a surprise.

This is Clive's testimony.

Where did you get this?

Monica. She's got connections.

I'm gonna go out there

and blow the truth wide open.

Libby, don't do this, please.

It won't help anybody now.

He destroyed Daddy.

I'm gonna destroy him.

Haven't enough people been hurt?

Yeah, but not the right ones.


please, you don't
know what you're doing.

What are you so afraid of?

It's time everyone
knew the truth.

No, because once that
comes out, the rest of it will.

What else is there?

The part they blacked out.

For God's sake, what more
could there possibly be?

You'd better tell me or I'm
gonna go out there and...

All right.

All right.

Clive is your father.

I want the truth.

All of it.

Shouldn't we wait until... No.

When, uh,

when the House Un-American
Activities Committee

began to target Hollywood,

Budd insisted on
getting involved.

Cut to the Clive part.

Clive was the only one
I... I could really talk to.

We were about to
make a picture together,

Prairie Skies, and..

I see.

While your husband
was fighting for justice,

you were off having a
fling with his best friend.

It wasn't a fling.

Just a sad little weekend.

When... when Budd went
to Washington the first time,

he was gone for six weeks.

Libby, I felt so
alone, so abandoned.

Everything was falling apart.

Nothing made sense anymore.

People like Budd
were going to prison.

I was afraid... and weak.

You know something?

I have never seen you cry.


maybe I wasn't the
loving mother you needed,

but I loved you.

Maybe I didn't show it enough

because I was trying so
hard to be strong for you.

I want you to know something.

I loved Budd.

He was the only
man I ever loved.

When I found out I was
pregnant, oh, he was so happy.

How could I tell him?

He's the father
you should've had,

and so I decided to let
you both believe he was.

Clive went along to save
his career from scandal.

So, the two of you went on
playing your little charade.

The loyal wife, the best friend.

I thought I could
handle the guilt.

It was my secret, and I darn
well was going to make sure

it stayed that way.

And... and then, that night,

on your birthday, Budd called

from a phone booth.

He told me they...

had pictures of Clive
and me together.

He found out from them

that you weren't his child.

I can't believe that
man is my father!

Excuse me.

It... it... it's time to go on.

And I can't believe
you're my mother.

Budd was also a family man.

There were two people he loved
more than anyone in the world...

His wife, Vera, and
his daughter, Libby.

Your daughter never
saw you cry, but God did.

I... remember you.

No, you remember someone
who washed the dishes

and polished the silver
and took out the garbage,

and I am here on
a clean-up mission,

but I'm not the maid.

I'm an angel.

I... I must be having
a nervous breakdown.

Not a breakdown.

A breakthrough.

At least that's what God wants.

I don't believe in God.

Then what do you believe in?

I don't know.

I don't know.

I don't know where I went wrong.

It's simple.

You pretended that
a lie was the truth,

and you've been
doing it for years,

and it's the most difficult
role you've ever played.

First, I lost Budd.

Now I've lost Libby.

The only two people
I've... I've ever loved.

Well, love is never
really lost, Vera,

and you can always
find it again through God

because He loved you first.

And best.


Oh, let it out,
baby. Let it all out.

This award is given in honor

of those writers who
fought the blacklist,

and I'm so proud to know
that my friend Budd Glaser

will finally be
receiving his due.

Now, ladies and gentlemen,
to accept the award,

please welcome
Budd's wife, Vera King,

and his daughter, Libby.

Where's Vera?

She didn't want to spoil
our father-daughter reunion.

Oh, don't go, Clive.

You're such an important
part of what I'm about to say.

Come on back.

Ladies and gentlemen,

this evening is
all about the truth.

Giving credit
where credit is due.

Putting names where they belong.

Well, in the name
of Budd Glaser,

there's something I'd
like to share with you.

This is a very
important document.

One that hasn't been
seen in many years.

Clive, tell them what it is.

It looks like a script.

- What?
- With a note on it...

in Budd's handwriting.

It says, “Dear Libby,

"No matter what they tell you,

you'll always
be my little girl."

Go ahead. Read the rest of it.

"I love you, and that's
the only truth that matters.

"Forgive us for what
we've done to you.


Where did you get this?

I have the best
connection of all, Libby.

I am an angel sent by God,
and he doesn't want you

to make the same
mistake that Budd made.

What mistake?

Budd couldn't
deal with the truth.

Can you?

What is going on?

Whoa, whoa, Clive.

God has a little
message for you, too.

He speaks to His children,

and he thinks it's time

that you spoke to yours.

Libby... I didn't
deserve to be a father.

What I did... there's no excuse.

I was so in love
with your mother.

I thought, if I just
named Budd...

maybe she would leave him and...

She wasn't in love with me.

She was in love with Budd.

It was a mistake.

God! A big mistake.

Yeah, I guess I was, too.

Well, that's not
the way I heard it.

And when I get the
word, it is the word,

if you get my meaning.

I know you.

You work for me.

No, I work for God,

but I've been
telling you the truth

since you were a little child.

Three words.

First word, "God..."

Second word, "loves..."

Third word, "you."


That's right, baby,

and now that you've
remembered who I am,

I want you to
remember who you are.

A child of God.

Budd loved you, Libby.

He still does.

You'll always
be his little girl,

and that's what he
wanted you to know.

Ladies and gentlemen, I
had something all prepared,

but being up here has
given me a new perspective.

If Budd Glaser were here today,

he'd want us all to know

that there is a lot
to be angry about,

but, when the anger takes over,

it can destroy your life
and the people you love.

I know because I've...

I've spent most of my
life drinking too much

and trusting too little.

Mother, come out here.

On behalf of my
mother and Clive,

I'd like to thank you
for giving us the chance

to stand before you
and tell you the real truth.

The blacklist was
a terrible thing.

Friendships were destroyed,
families were destroyed,

lives were destroyed,

and all because people
were afraid to tell the truth.

To live the truth.

We can't let that happen anymore

because, if we do, it means
that Joe McCarthy won,

and God lost.

Budd Glaser wrote the
movie you're about to see,

Salvation's Child.

It asks the question,

"What if we weren't
free to believe in God?"

It was written in a time

when many of our
freedoms were in jeopardy.

The freedom to
disagree, to think,

to love.

Even the freedom to forgive.


you have not just
restored credit to my daddy.

You have restored the truth,

and now he's finally free.

I thank you for that,
and I thank God.
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