04x10 - The Comeback

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Touched by an Angel". Aired: September 21, 1994 – April 27, 2003.*
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Monica is tasked with bringing guidance and messages from God to various people who are at a crossroads in their lives.
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04x10 - The Comeback

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ ♪

Tess, I am sorry I'm late.

I thought if I took a taxi

it would put me in the mood

for this assignment,

but first we got stuck
in the Holland Tunnel,

then I get caught in a
traffic jam, rush hour...

Here, have a pretzel.

It'll put you in the mood
for your assignment.

Kind of chewy.

A little mustard.

Oh, oh, I don't think so.

Just try, try, try.

You see, it's all that

cappuccino that's
messed up your taste buds.

The pretzel is a
New York tradition,

like cheesecake

at Lindy's, or hot
dogs at Nathan's,

or dill pickles
at Carnegie Deli.

Those were the days, Angel Girl.

Back when food was food.

No, when Broadway was Broadway.

These marquees used
to light up Times Square,

and it's a shame to say so,

but there were some people who
would've rather made it up there

than made it up there.

That's Lillian Bennett.

She came to this town
about 30 years ago

with a lot of hopes and dreams.

What happened? Well, she thinks

she ran out of luck.


There's no such thing as luck.

Go try telling her that.

You see, Lillian's
the kind of a person

that puts her faith
in signs and omens

and lucky pennies,

but there are a lot of
people in the theatre

who are superstitious.

So Lillian is an actress?

Well, she used to be,

but there's a broken heart
for every light on Broadway,

and one of them is Lillian's.

♪ When you walk down the road ♪

♪ Heavy burden, heavy load ♪

♪ I will rise and I
will walk with you ♪

♪ I'll walk with you ♪

♪ Till the sun
don't even shine ♪

♪ Walk with you ♪

♪ Every time, I tell
you I'll walk with you ♪

♪ Walk with you ♪

♪ Believe me, I'll
walk with you. ♪

Look, Robbie, you gotta
find me something, anything.

I know you're my agent,
not my shrink, but I...

I'm sorry.

It's just that they're going
to shut off my phone,

my rent is due, and...

Oh, God, I think it's the super.

I got to go.



Hi, baby.

Ah, honey, oh, oh, oh.

You okay?

Oh, I just have
to put my feet up

on a nice, soft...
packing crate.

Oh, Allison, you, you told me

that this was a nice little
studio apartment with,

with a view and a terrace.

There's a view.

Yeah, I see, the terrace.

Oh, yeah, and don't,
don't tell me what this is.

Let me guess.

This is a room divider.

Mom, what are you doing here?

Allison, honey, when
you were 21 years old

I agreed that I would help
you pay for your dance classes,

your singing lessons, anything
to help you make it on Broadway.

But you agreed
that, if after ten years,

you didn't make it,

you'd cash it all
in and come home

and teach high school drama.

I know, just like you did.

But I, I don't want to give up.

Not yet.

Oh, baby, you're 31 years old.

What have you
got to show for it?

Heartache, shin splints,

cupboard full of tuna...

with the expiration
date running out.

Ma, I, I, I can't just
run out on this place.

I've got a commitment.

Do you have the rent money?

Ally, baby, you
gave it your best shot.

Now listen to me.

It's not your fault.

Baby, it's just, it's
the luck of the draw.

Maybe you're right.

I know I'm right.
I've been there.

Walking to class because I
couldn't afford the subway,

living on chewing
gum and coffee,

going from audition to audition,
"Don't call us, we'll call you,"

just in the insane
hope that some day

that telephone will ring, right?


Hey, baby.

Baby, come on. It's
going to be all right.

It's going to be all right.

This is, this is your lucky day.

I promise.

Ally, listen.

We've got time to
make the last train.

We could be home for dinner.

But, Mom, this is my lucky day.

An audition for a Broadway show.

Oh, my God, the Capitol.


I worked here once.

I know.


Five, six, seven, eight...



♪ ♪

All right. Thank you, dancers.

Eduardo, it looks great.

Okay, singing auditions
are going to start

in about five minutes.

We need all the sopranos
to bring your pictures

and your resume
over here to this table.

Oh, it's such a
beautiful old theatre.

I remember Freddie back stage.

We used to rub
his head for luck.

Oh, hey, look.

An old prompter's box.


I gotta go.

All right.

Now, now you remember
what I taught you.

Chin up, head high,
and sing like an angel.

Now remember. Chin up,
head high, and sing like an angel.

I can't sing like
an angel, Tess.

I can't sing at all, period.

And don't I know that.

And I can't dance.

You'll have what you
need when you need it.

God bless you.

Oh, I think I'm getting a cold.

Can angels get colds?

No, but their human bodies can,

and your body's about to
come down with a doozy,

but the show has got to go on.

That's your assignment,
so just work with it.

Go ahead, baby, work with it.

♪ I'll march my band
out, I'll beat my drum ♪

♪ And if I'm fanned out,
you're turn at bat, sir ♪

♪ At least I didn't fake it ♪

♪ Hat, sir, I guess
I didn't make it ♪

♪ Get ready for me,
love, 'cause I'm a comer ♪

♪ I simply gotta march,
my heart's a drummer ♪

♪ Nobody, no, nobody is
gonna rain on my parade. ♪

Thank you. That was,
um... that was great.

Oh, thanks.


Next up we have...


Are you sure you're
supposed to be here?

It's okay.

♪ Raindrops on roses
and whiskers on kittens ♪

♪ Bright copper kettles
and warm woolen mittens ♪

♪ Silver white winters
that melt into spring ♪

♪ These are a few
of my favorite things ♪

♪ When the dog bites,
when the bee stings ♪

♪ When I'm feeling bad... ♪

I'm sorry. I... Ah, no, no, no.

It's... It's, that's
fine, Monica.

That was, um... that
was unbelievable.

Well, I haven't finished.
And that's fine because I've,

I've heard enough
to make my decision,

so why don't you take a seat?


You were fine.

That cold did you some good.

Don't worry, it was
good. It was very good.

Hello, everyone.

Oh, my God, it's
so good to be back.

Ladies and gentlemen,
this is the star of our show,

Miss Amanda Revere.

Oh, thank you.

Thank you.

Oh, it is so
wonderful to be back.

You know, Andrew... Hmm?

The Capitol Theatre
is where I got my start.

No, really.

I mean, I, I remember

The footlights, and that
scruffy old prompter's box,

and the velvet
curtain... and the dust.

I think it's still
the same dust.

You know, someone
once said to me...

I think it was
Stephen Sondheim...

He said that every
time you take a breath

on the stage you inhale
a particle of Julius Caesar.

Actually, this felt more
like Ethel Merman.

Where is that?

Oh, I've got to take
care of the old pipes...

Oh, oh, because they have
to sing a lot of great songs

right here on this
magnificent stage,

but I do smell a Tony.

Come on.

Ally, let's get out of here.

Shh, Andrew's about
to make his decision.

Okay, um... for the
second female lead...

Oh, God.


Baby, I'm sorry.

And Monica's understudy
will be Allison Blaine.

Would you just wait a
second, please, here?

Honey, I don't mean to
be raining on your parade,

but I just don't want
you to be disappointed.

Disappointed? Mom, I'm thrilled.

I'm in a Broadway show!

Baby, you're an understudy.

Mom, my tenth birthday,

right after Daddy died...
Remember what you gave me?

Tap shoes.

You taught me to sing,

to dance, to love the theater.

"There are no small parts.

"Only small dressing rooms."

Rehearsal starts

in ten minutes... are
you gonna wish me luck?

No. No, it's bad luck
to wish good luck.



A lucky penny?

You and your superstitions.

I love you. I got to go.

Love you.


Break a leg!

Don't whistle in
the dressing room.

Don't look into
the prompter's box.


Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa,
whoa. Everybody signs in here.

You don't sign
in, I don't get paid.

I don't get paid, I get cranky.

You don't want to see a
cranky Freddie, do you?

Freddie? I've heard about you.

People rub your head for luck.

That's how I lost my hair.

My name's Allison Blaine...
This is my first Broadway show.

Okay, give it a good
rub and get going.

Thanks, Freddie.

Kids. Hm.

Ooh, hello.

Ah... what a hunk.

♪ Whatever Lola wants ♪

♪ Lola gets ♪

♪ And, little man ♪

♪ Little Lola ♪

♪ Wants you ♪

Hold it.

Somebody sneezed.

Who sneezed?

I distinctly heard a sneeze.


And-and, uh, you are...?

Hello. I'm Monica, Miss Revere.

We're going to do
several numbers

together, and I'm so delighted.

Oh, I'm delighted
to meet you, too.

Thank you.


A petite powwow, por favor.

Yes... Amanda.

Uh... Andrew,

if Monica gets
sick, what happens?

Uh... well, she
has an understudy.

Right. And if I get
sick, what happens?

Um... you're Amanda Revere...
You don't have an understudy.


Now, look, Andrew, this is
a very delicate instrument.

One little cold germ,

one little emotional upheaval,

and this little larynx
closes down quicker

than a musical on the IRS.

Now, Andrew, you
do understand...

that if I lose my voice,
the show goes down.

Now, d-do you know what I'm...

I'm getting at here?

I think so.

Um... I think that until Monica

is better, you would
prefer to rehearse

with her understudy.


Miss Revere, thank you
so much. My name's Allison.

The understudy.

Yes. Oh.

It's nice to meet you.

Now, listen, don't you worry,

you'll be better
before you know it.


So I said, "Look
here, David Merrick,

I already have my
Tony... Let Barbra do it."

You gave up Funny
Girl for Barbra Streisand.

Oh... Oh, Miss Revere!



Thank you. Mmm.

I can't believe I'm really
sitting here with you.

That you invited me to dinner.

Oh, well, honey, look at you.

You're so young,
wide-eyed, innocent.

You remind me of someone.

I think it was me.

I will never forget my first
time in a Broadway show.

Follow Your Dreams.


You won the Tony for that.


I cut out the Hirschfeld
drawing of you.

I pasted it here
in my scrapbook.


Oh... oh... Oh, how sweet.

You know, for ten years, I
have been struggling here,

and there were so many times

when I just didn't know
how I was gonna go on.

And then I'd put on the
original cast recording

of Follow Your Dreams,
and listen to you sing...

I know I'm just the understudy.

Allison, today an understudy,

tomorrow a star.

Yeah, but how often
does that happen?

Happened to me.

You were an understudy?


I didn't know that.

Oh, Miss Revere,

I have been praying so long

for a chance like this.

But you see,
that's your problem.

Praying is a waste of time.

You can only count
on one person... you.

♪ You'll be swell ♪

♪ You'll be great ♪

♪ Gonna have the
whole world on a plate ♪

♪ Starting here ♪

♪ Starting now, honey ♪

♪ Everything's coming up roses ♪

♪ For me and for you! ♪

I feel like Gypsy Rose.

And I feel like... Mama Rose.

Did you make your lasagna?

Didn't I?


Oh, Mom, I'm sorry, I already
had dinner with Amanda.

Oh. Well, th... that's nice.

It's my big chance.
You understand.

Sure. I understand you
want to be a big star.

Like Amanda.

This is such an exciting time.

Amanda says I've
got to be ready.

If Monica doesn't
get well, this could be

my lucky break.

Hey, did you know
Amanda started out

as an understudy?


Yeah, I heard that.

♪ Curtain up ♪

♪ Light those lights ♪

♪ We've got nothing
to hit but the heights ♪

♪ We'll be swell ♪

♪ We'll be great ♪

♪ I can tell ♪

♪ Just you wait ♪

♪ That lucky star
we've talked about ♪

♪ Is due ♪

♪ Honey, everything's ♪

♪ Coming up roses for me ♪

♪ And for you. ♪

Ah... So, on a scale
of one to ten, what?


Total honesty... I love it.

Now, listen, Al,

you better get my
good side this time,

or else.

Does everybody here
know who this man is?

Mr. Al Hirschfeld?

He does the most
magnificent caricatures.

And you know you've
made it on Broadway

if Al Hirschfeld has
his way with you.

Amanda, you think you're ready

to try that duet with Monica?

Because I think that
Monica is feeling better today.

Right, Monica?

Allison, want to
take it from the top?

Come on in, Amanda.

"Number 30 in a series of 30.

One for each day of rehearsal."

Oh, come on, tell me who he is.

I don't know. Really.

I wish I did, because
he sure brings me luck.

Maybe he'll finally
show up opening night.

Oh, my fingers are crossed.

Oh, did Freddie warn you
about the prompter's box?

No. What about it?

Oh, something about
it being haunted.

You look into it
and you're jinxed.

Just another old superstition
to add to your collection.

That Amanda sure is
something, isn't she?


You want a pretzel?

No, thanks.

You're Monica's
manager, aren't you?

Well, something like that.

My name is Tess.


I'm Lillian. I'm
Allison's mother.

You sure you don't
want a pretzel?

No, thank you. No.

I'm hoping to have
lunch with my daughter.

I made her her favorite
soup... Chicken with stars.

There's nothing in the world

better than soup made
by your own mama.

But that's not gonna do that
child a bit of good out here.

Can I help you there, madam?


Lillian Bennett.

Oh, how wonder...
What has it been?

My gosh, 30 years!

It's so good to see you!

Gosh... Amanda!

Look-look who's here.


Hello, Amanda.

Oh, Lil,

together again
after all these years.

Well, it's fate, destiny.


You were in a show with Amanda?

Mm-hmm. How come
you never told me?

Oh, it was such a long time ago.

Besides, Amanda's a
living legend now. Well...

It's true.

You make magic.

I, on the other hand,
make chicken soup,

which, apparently,
is going to waste.


Allison, take that
to the maitre d'

and tell him to
send it to the theater.

God knows Monica
needs some chicken soup.


Excuse me?


I don't want Allison to
know about what happened.

You didn't tell her.

No. I don't want
her to be ashamed.


Oh, Lil, if she only knew
how good you were!

So, this play you guys

were in together, would
you tell me about it?

Oh, miss, excuse me.

Could I have one
of those, please?

A-A yellow one.

Keep the change.

For you.

For me?


What for?

Well, yellow is luck.

Jumpin' Jehoshaphat!

Look who's here! Hello, Amanda!

Carol, darling!


Hello... Lillian?

Oh, it's so nice to have
you back where you belong.

Where've you been
all these years?

Well, raising a daughter.

Carol, I'd like you
to meet Allison.

Allison, this is Miss Channing.

Hello, Miss Channing.
It's such an honor.

I was watching the Tonys

the night you won the
Lifetime Achievement.

Oh, speak of lifetime
achievements, she's divine.

I knew your mother
when she was your age.


Oh, yes.

Her dressing room was filled
with yellow roses, like that.

A dozen every night
from a secret admirer.

A secret... you had
a secret admirer?

Uh-huh, and she
wouldn't tell us his name.

Well, sometimes a secret

is a girl's best friend.


Andrew? Andrew, come over here.

I want you to meet
a dear old friend.

Lillian Bennett,
Allison's mother.

Oh, hi, hi. It's a
pleasure to meet you.

Welcome to our humble stage.

Thank you.

I need to speak with
you for a second. Sure.

Could you excuse us?

Mom, you okay?

Yeah, no... I'm, I'm okay.

You're sure? Yeah.

Excuse me.

Perhaps you'd like to try

some of this delicious soup.

It's amazing.

I just had one cup

and I'm really feeling
completely better.

Allison, why don't you take
Mom to my dressing room

and make her comfy?


Andrew, is my number up next?


you know, Allison,
it looks like Monica

has made a, a complete recovery

and we do open on Friday

and she needs to know the part

as well as you do, because...

because she is the
one who's going on.

Why don't you sit
down over there?

Oh, honey, don't worry about me.

Sit down, Mom.

I'm okay now.

Yeah, so's Monica.

Baby, I'm sorry.

I trie... I tried to warn you.

You're all full of warnings.

Superstitions, lucky pennies.

What about the truth, Mom?

I told you the truth, Ally.

Broadway is nothing
but heartache.

Yeah, what about
the rest of it, huh?

What about you and Amanda?

What about your secret admirer?

What about the Broadway
show you were in?

What happened, Mom?

What really happened?

This used to be
my dressing room.

This is the star's
dressing room.

Opening night, I was a...

I was a nervous wreck.

I knew every step,

I knew every line,
I knew every note.

There was only one problem.

My lucky roses didn't arrive.

♪ ♪

Oh, did Freddie warn you
about the prompter's box?

Oh, something about
it being haunted.

You look into it
and you're jinxed.

The lucky roses hadn't come.

I looked smack into the
prompter's box and I froze.

I was a flop... a
failure... a fiasco...

and Amanda... Amanda
went on in my place.

You could've been a star.


I'm not gonna need this anymore.

From now on I'm not gonna
let luck stand in my way.

Monica, we open Friday,
as in the day after tomorrow.

I know, Andrew, but
I've, I've rehearsed.

I've practiced all
the steps. Um...

Shuffle ball, change,
shuffle ball, change,

step, kick, ball,
change, ball, change.

Oh, come on, Andrew.
Let's give it a shot.


Thank you. You're right, okay.

Eduardo, dancers, let's
do "Lullaby of Broadway."

Let's take it from
the bar 22, okay?

♪ The rumble of
the subway train ♪

♪ The rattle of the taxi ♪

♪ Daffodils who entertain ♪

♪ At Angelo's and Maxie's ♪

♪ When a Broadway
baby says "Good night..." ♪

Excuse me, Miss Revere.

I, I believe that "Good
night" is your cue.

No, dear, I believe it's yours.

Good night.

Good luck.



Um... well...

I mean, your voice isn't,
um... what it used to be.

You got over your cold, and
you got your old voice back.

Don't you worry.

In God's eyes, you're a star.

We all are.

There's a few people around here

need to do some
shuffle, ball, changing.

You did your best.

Mom, Mom, guess what happened?

Monica got fired.

I'm in, Mom. I'm in.

What are you...?

What are you doing? Packing.

I'm going home.

Mom, don't be ridiculous.

Tomorrow's opening night.

Amanda wants you to
come to the party at Sardi's.

Amanda, Amanda, Amanda.

I am sick of hearing
about Amanda.

Come on, Mom.

Amanda gave me my big break.

Because of her
I'm gonna be a star.


Oh, well, who... who
taught you to sing, huh?

Who taught you to dance?

You know, it would be so nice

if instead of being
jealous of Amanda

you could just be happy for me.



Oh, Lillian.

Why aren't you in your seat yet?

Well, something came up.

I, I can't stay, but would
you do me a favor?

Would you give these

to my baby and,
and tell her I love her?

Gee, yellow roses.

Gosh, that brings back
a lot of memories, eh?

Just like the ones Amanda
always used to give you.

Amanda never gave me roses.

I, I had a secret admirer.

Secret admirer?

You're kidding.

Amanda used to
get these wholesale

down there on Canal Street.

Yeah, pretty.

Lillian, what on earth
are you doing here?

I came to say break
a leg, Amanda.

Well, aren't you sweet.

No, I mean it.

And I also think you
should have these.

Yellow roses.

Mm-hmm, and they're not

from a secret admirer.

What's wrong, Lillian?

It was you.

It was you all along who
sent me those flowers.

You were my best friend,

and you knew what
it would do to me

when they didn't
show up opening night.

You knew I would freeze,
didn't you, Amanda?

Oh, come on, please.

I have no idea what
you're talking about.

Now I have a show to do.

Would you kindly leave
the dressing room?

Oh, I'm getting out,
but I'm also warning you.

I love my daughter more
than anything in the world,

and if you do
anything to hurt her

the way you hurt me,

you won't have one regard
left to give to Broadway.

You get out!

Get ou...

Oh, my God.

My God.

♪ Ah... ♪

Oh, God.

Please, please, please.

I'll give you my Tony.

I'll give you my Emmy.

I'll give you my Grammy.

God doesn't want
your awards, Amanda.

Monica, what are you doing here?

I'm an angel.

You invested in the show?

No, not that kind.

I'm an angel sent by God
to tell you that He loves you,

whether or not you
get good reviews.

Holy... Holy is right.

God doesn't want the things
you care about, Amanda...

Money, fame, fortune...

And He already has
his name up in lights.

Oh, please. Please help me.

I'm trying to.

God is trying to.

All I want...: is my voice back.

What you want is
not what you need.

Now look, I don't know
what it's like up in Heaven,

but this is show business,

and you just have to prove
yourself over and over.

I still have what it takes.

God knows that.

He gave it to you.

He also knows
who you really are.

Elaine Kagan from Kansas City.

You've worked very hard, Amanda,

but you traded away
everything God has given you...

Love, marriage,
children, even friendship.

I bring joy to
millions of people.

But not to yourself.

Joy is something
you've lost, too.

The joy of being a human being.

The joy of loving
and receiving love.

You've spent your whole life

using other people
to get to the top.

Well, this is your
chance, Amanda,

not to play a character, but
to demonstrate character.


By helping one of the
people that you've hurt.


She's felt like a
failure all her life

and that's how her
daughter sees her, too.

But God gave her the
talent to sing and to dance.

She's hidden her
light under a bushel.

God wants you to
help her finally shine.

My goodness.

Come in.

Amanda, hi.

Before the curtain goes up, I
just wanted to say thank you.

Allison, dear...

What happened to your voice?

It doesn't matter.

Listen to me.

These yellow roses...

Oh, boy.

I sent them to your
mother every night...

except opening night.

She didn't have
a secret admirer?

I made it up,

along with all that
stupid nonsense

about the prompter's box.


Well, your mother put her faith
in luck, and I put mine in me.

You were her best friend.

I was.

But I was also her understudy.

I just... I had to go
on, no matter what.

You understand,
don't you, Allison?

Poughkeepsie express
departing from gate 11.

All aboard!

You should be in an orchestra
seat instead of a train seat.

Tess, what are you doing here?

That's what I like
about the theatre.

You're always running
into people you know.

I don't know you.

Not really.

People in the theatre,

they pretend that
they're your friends...

Boy, they s*ab you in the
back the first chance they get,

and that's the
God's honest truth.

The way I look at it,

I'm lucky to get out of
this town in one piece.

Darn lucky.

I want to ask you a question.

Why would anyone

rely on luck when they
have the God's honest truth?

The truth that He loves them.

Look at that penny.

Does it say "In luck we trust"?

Don't you know what's been

missing out of your
life all these years?

Do you think God
would let a penny

or a four-leaf clover
or some yellow roses

get in the way of all
the gifts He's given you?

Who are you?

I'm an angel, sent by God
to tell you that He loves you,

and He's waiting for you
at the Capitol Theatre.

You've always

been afraid to look
in that prompter's box,

but I'm here to tell you that
you could use some prompting.

Now you get back
to that theatre,

because God has given you
the most precious gift of all,

a daughter, and she needs
you as much as you need her.

Hi, baby.

Mom, I'm so glad you're here.

Oh, honey, honey.

What is it? What's wrong?

It's a disaster, Mom.


Oh, Lillian, please forgive me.

What's happened to your voice?

Oh, listen, what I
did to you was terrible

and I wouldn't blame you

if you spent the rest of
your life angry with me,

but, you see, I
just had to be a star

and it didn't matter
who I stepped on,

and, unfortunately...
I stepped on the...

on the best.

Your mama was so great on stage.

I wish I could've
seen you back then.

Yeah, me, too.

You were the best.

Oh, thank you.

I'm so sorry about this.

I wish you could feel better.

Well, if you really mean it,

you know what to do.

Go ahead, baby, give her
some of that chicken and stars.

Oh, I... I don't
need it. I'm okay.

Just drink the soup.


ladies and gentlemen,
due to illness,

Amanda Revere will be
unable to perform tonight.

But if I could finish.

If I could finish,
please? Thank you.

Mm... This... is...

Now because Ms. Revere
does not have an understudy...


Oh, my God!

I got my voice back!

Oh, I don't believe it!


Uh, correction.

Um... the show's going to go on.

So, maestro, please.

Lil, you never did get to sing
this song on opening night.

Now's your chance.

What are you doing?

You'll be terrific.

God gave you a great voice.

It's time to share it
with the world, come on.

Get out there. Good
luck. Out. I can't do...

♪ Good times and bum times ♪

♪ I've seen 'em
all, and, my dear ♪

♪ I'm still here ♪

♪ Plush velvets... ♪

♪ ♪

♪ But I'm here ♪

♪ I've stuffed the
dailies in my shoes ♪

♪ Strummed ukuleles,
sung the blues ♪

♪ Seen all my dreams disappear ♪

♪ But I'm here ♪

♪ Black sable one day ♪

♪ Next day it goes into hock ♪

♪ But I'm here ♪

♪ Top billing Monday ♪

♪ Tuesday you're
touring in stock ♪

♪ But I'm here ♪

♪ I've run the gamut, A to Z ♪

♪ Three cheers and
damn it, c'est la vie ♪

♪ I got through
all of last year ♪

♪ And I'm here ♪

♪ Lord knows at
least I was there ♪

♪ And I'm here ♪

♪ Look who's here ♪

♪ I'm still here. ♪
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