01x16 - The Fire

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "The Waltons". Aired: September 14, 1972 – June 4, 1981.*
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A popular, long-running drama about a close-knit family in rural, Depression-era Virginia, sharing their trials and triumphs.
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01x16 - The Fire

Post by bunniefuu »

[Car horn blowing]

(John-boy) most of us
on walton's mountain

Prided ourselves on
our friendly hospitality,

Our family's good name,

And our dignity as individuals.

But in a remote hollow lived
a man named lutie bascomb

With his daughter, lois may.

If lutie prided
himself on anything,

It was his cussedness.

You come straight
home now, you hear?

Yes, sir.

And if any boy looks at you,

You look the other way.

Nobody's gonna
go looking at me, pa.

And if that teacher
tries to fill you

With any more blasphemy,

You walk out of there,
and you come home.

That be all, pa?

Ah, you better
hightail it in there

Before I think of
something else.

Now, in this area,
we're very fortunate

In that we have many
artifacts available to us.

[Bag rustling]

Good morning, lois may.

Alarm clock didn't go off.

That excuse is beginning
to wear thin, lois may.

3Rd time this week.

Yes, ma'am.

Now, in our study of aboriginal
man, I want you, addison,

To gather all the
artifacts you can find.

Arrowheads, cooking implements,

Mortars and pestles.

I happen to know that your
grandfather has a fine collection of them.

Yes, ma'am.

And, john-boy, I want
you to keep the notes.

You'll be responsible for
the final written report.

Yes, ma'am.

And, lois may, I want you to
do the scientific research.


Lois may, how many
times must I tell you?

Brush that hair
out of your eyes.

You'll go blind.

Yes, ma'am.

Now sit up straight, please.

Now, please open your
history books to page 103.

How's it coming?

Almost finished.


John know you spent the money?

The material didn't
cost that much,

And I don't charge
for the labor.


Let's see if it fits.

Oh, that's pretty.

Just because there's
a depression on

Is no reason to let
this house look tacky.


Won't john be surprised?

Well, he ought to,
all the work you put in.



That's nice.

Looks so nice, I think I'll
slipcover the whole place.

Now look at this.

A paint job is what we need.

Paint doesn't cost that much.

With this crew of waltons,

We could paint the inside
and the outside in one day.

You've got a couple of starving
animals on your hands, liv.

Uh-huh. Hungry as a bear

In the springtime of the year.

Oh, zeb walton,
you're a long time

From coming out of hibernation.

Notice anything different, john?

Like what?

Grandma, why do we put
up with these two men?

Lord knows. No, that's not new.

Think we ought to feed 'em?

(Grandma) a little food
might improve their eyesight.


You know, grandpa, mmm.

Sometimes women are
the strangest creatures.

Couldn't very well get along
without them, could we, john?

We need about
1,000 feet, I think.

And over 200 two-by-fours.

Should be able to
get that by tuesday.

Tuesday. Mmm-hmm

[Lab apparatus clinking]

Do you see anything?

It's just like miss hunter said,

Crystals are beginning to form.

Where? Right there.

Oh, yes.

I can't believe that's
really happening.

It's like something's
being created right there.

You know, if those
are sugar crystals,

I wonder what would
happen if we used salt.

Why don't you find out?

There's an experiment on
that in your science book

That you can do at home.

I have some extra beakers
and some test tubes.

You can take them
home if you like.

I don't know what
my daddy would say,

But that sure would
be fine, miss hunter.


I can hear it now, “news flash!

Miss lois may
bascomb discovers a...”

A mess, probably.
But it'll sure be fun.

Here you are, lois may.

Thank you kindly, miss hunter.

You're welcome, lois may.

Class is dismissed.

[Children chattering]

(Boy #1) bye!

(Boy #2) bye. See ya.

[Children chattering]

Well, what did you learn today?



You run along. I'll be home
a little later, all right?

You sweet on lois may bascomb?

Oh, you bet I am.

I'm gonna throw myself at her
feet, tell her I'm crazy about her,

And offer my hand in marriage.

John-boy. Yes, jason?

You're crazy.

See you later, little brother.


Lois may?

Mind if I walk along with you?

I don't know what
my pa would say.

He usually walks me both ways.

Well, just as far
as ike godsey's?

I reckon that'd be all right.

Good. I'll take your books.

Uh, I've often wondered

Why it is that your daddy walks
you to and from school every day.

He doesn't trust me.

Doesn't trust you? Why's that?

I guess it's no secret now.

I mean, everybody
knows about my ma.

Pa says I got her blood in me,

That I gotta be real careful
and watch myself all the time,

So I don't turn
out evil like her.

Oh, she wasn't a bad lady.

I didn't know her real well,

But she always just seemed
kinda sad and lonely to me.

She writes me
letters once in a while.

Wilmington, delaware is
the place where she lives.

Pa won't let me
read them, though.

He takes them and burns them.

(Lutie) lois may?


What in the blazes are you doing

Out here on this road,
walking with that boy?

We just happened to be
going in the same direction, pa.

That's right, mr. Bascomb.
We're in the same grade,

Doing an assignment together.

I don't care what
you're doing together,

You stay away
from my little girl.

What's the matter
with you, mr. Bascomb?

We're just taking a walk.

Well, your walk
has come to an end!

Lois may, you get yourself home.

Hey, ike.

Hey, john-boy.

[Chains clanking]

Ike, what have you
got against that table?

Well, john-boy, yesterday I
had a revealing experience.

Oh, yeah?

You know, I had a
table just like this

And I had to store it out back.

I never could sell it.

Last winter, it got rained on.

And then this spring, some
chickens roosted on it.

And when I was
working out there,

Some... Some
paint spilled on it.

No wonder you couldn't sell it.

No, no, hear me out.

Yesterday a city
lady came by here.

I guess she must have
got lost off the main road.

And she came in here,
she saw this, and she said:

“How much would you take for
that perfectly divine antique table?”

You sell it to her?


[Laughing] hot patootie!

And so I figured

That there must be
some more city ladies,

Who would be very
interested and hungering

For some rare old
antiques like this.

And so tomorrow I'm going
over to charlottesville

And I'm gonna do
me some business.



Hey, ike.

Ike, if I was to go
with you tomorrow

And help you out,
would you pay me for it?

What's a young squirt
like you need with money?

Well, I'll tell you, there's a
dictionary at jarman's bookstore,

And I'd give anything
to own that.

Well, I could use some help.

If you was to come
along with me, uh,

You might make enough
to buy the dictionary.

Well, then I'll sleep on it.

Don't sleep on it too
late, I plan to start early.

Hand me some of that stain,

I'll show you what
a table wrecker I am.

You're gonna help me, huh?

Sure am.

You're a pro!

[All chattering]

That's good.

Just remember now,
you tell miss hunter

That I got sick and I
had to run on back.

Sure. You tell her
first thing. Ok, jason?

I will. Thank you, buddy.

I'll take care of it. Ok.

He doesn't look sick to me.

Well, you just mind your
own business. Come on.

Wish I was sick.

[Door creaking]

[Livie chattering]

Evening, sisters.

Boy, are you in trouble.

How's that?

They found out
you skipped school.

Jason, I thought I told
you to say I was sick.

I did, but martha coverdale
saw you leave with ike

In his truck and she told.

That tattletale.

Feeling better, john-boy?

I was, till I heard this.

They're in there
waiting for you.

Evening, all.

Miss hunter.


Miss hunter's been telling us

That you weren't
in school today.

That's right.

(John) how come?

Well, I went to
charlottesville with ike godsey.

See, ike had this idea

Of dirtying up furniture
and selling it as antiques.

Did he?

Every stick of it.

The idea.

I don't see how that
man can show his face

In church on sunday.

John-boy, you think,
uh, selling antiques

Is more important than
getting an education?

(John-boy) no.

Well, daddy, see, I
wanted this dictionary.

And ike bought it for
me for helping him.

What's wrong with the
dictionary we've got here?

There's words missing out of it,

And elizabeth has cut all the
pictures out for her scrapbook.

Still no excuse
for missing school.

(John-boy) I know. I'm sorry.

Now, listen, son.

You know it's my heart's craving

That all my children
finish high school.

Even college, if I can
manage to live that long.

So when I send you
over to that school,

I expect you to
get an education,

Not come back with some report

About selling furniture
with ike godsey.

I'm sure we'd be able to
make up the lost work,

If john-boy would be willing
to spend a little extra effort.

Oh, I sure would, miss hunter.

And why do we call
him neanderthal man?


Well, because the first
one was found in germany

In a place called neander.

Were they hunters or farmers?


Hunters, miss hunter.

[Students laughing]

And, lois may... Lois
may, that hair again.

Now, what kind of
weapons did they use?

Arrows and spears mostly.

And how did neanderthal man

Differ from cro-magnon man?


Oh, uh, cro-magnon man
was better developed.

How so?

Well, for one thing,
they'd learned to draw.

We know that because they left
paintings on the walls of caves,

And they had developed religion.

Yes, lois may?

If they had religion,
did they believe in jesus?

Jesus hadn't been born yet.

We're talking about a period

From 45,000 to
100,000 years ago.

You look puzzled.
What's the problem?

Well, the bible says the world's
only about 8,000 years old.

But much of the
bible is symbolic.

Just a minute.

(Miss hunter) where
are you going?

I've gotta go home, miss hunter.

Can't you wait until
school is dismissed?

No, ma'am.

Last night my pa told me

If you was to teach me
any more of that stuff,

I was to walk out of here
or else he'd lick me good.

(Miss hunter) what
stuff, lois may?


Now, you know that's not
what I'm teaching in this room.

Yes, you are.

And my pa says if
you go on teaching it,

You and your school are
gonna burn in the fires of hell!

We'll continue with the lesson.

Now, what is known
about the kind of religion

Practiced by cro-magnon man?

[Dog barking]


Rufus. Hey, lois may.

You lost, john-boy?

No, I came here on purpose.


To see you.


I know why you came.

You could get miss hunter
in an awful lot of trouble.

I'm afraid I already have.

How's that?

He makes me tell him everything

That's said or done at school.

I had to tell him about
what happened today.

What did he say?

He was awful mad.

Maybe you and I ought to go
and talk to miss hunter about it.

I can't.

I gotta go in and fix supper.

I don't have a mama
like you do, john-boy.

I do all the work around here.

[Animals grunting]

You better go back
before my papa gets home.

It won't do either
of us any good

For him to find you here.


See you later.


[Door opening]

Mr. Bascomb!

I'm glad you've
come, mr. Bascomb.

It will be good
to clear the air.

I've seen your
kind before, woman.

You may call me miss hunter.

Don't you get high and
mighty with me, woman!

You can push kids around,

But you are talking
to a man now!

In lois may's interest...

Lois may's interest
is what I'm here about!

You call yourself
a schoolteacher?

You ain't fit to
walk in this place.

Telling these children they're
coming from monkeys and apes!

No such thing was
said in this classroom.

Mr. Bascomb, let me
show you a textbook,

And explain to
you exactly what...

I've seen them atheist books!

Pictures like that,

Of men with hair
all over their bodies,

Faces like apes!

She brings that book in the
house again, I'll throw it in the fire.

Mr. Bascomb, it is
my personal belief

That we were created by god.

However, one cannot
overlook the fact

That man has
progressed through...

You preach that heathen
talk to somebody else!

Maybe your people swung
through the trees by their tails,

But not mine.

You're behaving as if they did.

Woman, I won't
take your insults!

Nor I yours, mr. Bascomb.

I'll have your job
for this, you hear me?

You are gonna hear from me.

[Car approaching]

[Car horn blowing]

It's kind of late, miss hunter.

Uh, mr. Walton, mr. Walton.

You've caught me at
a bad time, I'm afraid.

What's the trouble?

I've just had the most disturbing
conversation with mr. Bascomb.

What's lutie up to now?

He threatened to have me fired.

He'd been drinking,

But sometimes I wonder
if that man's all there.

Sounds like lutie's
acting kind of strange.

Unless his mind is completely
befuddled with the alcohol.

With lutie bascomb,
that is a pretty safe bet.

We'll give you a ride
home, miss hunter,

If you don't mind riding
in a rattly old truck.

I'm tired.

And I'd be proud to ride
in a rattly old truck.

Come on in.

There we go.

[Engine starting]

Thank you.

How you doing, son?

Hey, daddy.

You know any reason
why lutie bascomb

Would wanna get
miss hunter fired?

He say that?

Miss hunter said.

What happened at school anyway?

Well, we're working on a project

About primitive man,

And lois may got things
all mixed up in her head.

And she thought that miss
hunter was preaching atheism.

Was she?

Oh, daddy, she wouldn't
do a thing like that.

But this whole thing
could get out of hand.

How so?


I mean, she's not about to
change the way she teaches

Just to please lutie bascomb.

I sure hope not.

And if lutie keeps getting
madder and madder,

And gets the whole
community riled up against her,

It's gonna be that scopes
trial all over again.

♪♪[Music playing]

[Music stops]

Your turn, emily.

I changed it last time, sister.

It's your turn.

Oh, no.

I distinctly
remember changing it

After he sang the
aria from figaro.

Sister, sometimes I doubt

That your memory is
all that it should be.

And I shudder to think
what papa would say

If he knew that you
are ruining his victrola

By letting it run on like that!

[Door opening]


Yes, I heard.


[Door creaking]

You don't suppose that's
papa's spirit, do you?

It couldn't be.

Papa always used the front door.

Yes, that's true.

[Door opening]

I do fear someone's
breaking into the recipe room.

[Door closing]

Do you remember where
papa used to keep his p*stol?

Yes, but I haven't the
faintest idea how to work it.

What on earth could
they possibly want?


After all, sister, 2
maiden ladies, alone.

[Door clicking]

We must take flight.

[Door banging]

[Scraping noises]

Doors all finished,
are they, son?

Oh, yes, sir.

Uh, I'm the specialist
here, anyway.


[Store bell ringing]


Miss mamie, miss emily,
what's happened?

Please sit down.

Some water, some water, please!

Emily, are you quite all right?

I think I lost a shoe.

It was the one with
the black satin bow.

Oh, I was always so
fond of it, you know.


Ladies, you wanna tell
us now what happened?

Well, we were sitting
in our living room

Listening to papa's
recording of mr. Caruso.

La donna e mobile.

You remember, john-boy?

We played it for you
last christmas eve.

Yes, ma'am, I remember.

It was my sister's turn
to change the record.

It was your turn, mamie.

(Mamie) well, at any
rate, we heard a noise.

A splintering noise, don't you
know, like someone breaking in.

You see who it was?


We didn't wait to see!

We fled out the back way

And we ran like the wind!

And I lost a shoe.


We're lucky to
escape with our lives.

Oh, sister, I'm
scared to go home.

Now, now, you just take it easy.

After a bit, we'll take you back

And make sure you're safe.

Thank you, mr. Walton.

Thank you ever
so much, all of you.

[Door rattling]

Notice anything missing, ladies?

The little ivory music box

That played the strauss waltzes.

Oh, sister, that's been
missing for 25 years.

What part of the house
did the sound come from?

From the recipe room.

Let's take a look.

This lock is busted.


Oh, I do hope papa's
recipe machine

Has come to no harm.

If anything's missing,
it's probably some recipe.

I won't sleep a wink tonight.

Now, don't you
worry, miss emily.

Somebody just got
thirsty, came here,

And took some recipe.
They won't be back.



You better get
on up to bed, son.

Yes, sir.

Good night, mama. Daddy.

I thought you two men
were never coming home.

Where have you two been?

Oh, out with a couple of ladies.


I really appreciate that.

Out with a couple of ladies

While I'm home slaving
over a hot iron.

Neither one was
as pretty as you.

Don't you sweet-talk me

After you've been out carousing.

Someone broke into
the baldwin place.

Did they take anything?

Some of the recipe.

Good riddance.

You know who did it?

I got an idea.

[Teapot clattering]

Well, who?

Lutie bascomb.

He was over at ike's place.

Ike wouldn't give him any beer.

He's got a thirst
meant for a bigger man.

Probably got desperate.

I wish that man would
just move away somewhere.

He's no angel.

He doesn't even try.

Him nor that daughter either

Have never set foot
inside the baptist church

Since I've been going there.

Oh, he probably
goes to no church.

He's a heathen like me, maybe.

You may have acted like a
heathen when I married you,

But you're as god-fearing
as the next man.

At least you didn't
make me into no baptist.

I haven't given up yet.


You gonna stand there ironing

Or are you gonna come up to bed?

I'll be along.


Yes, sir?

It's getting late.

Yes, sir.

What are you doing, homework?

No, I'm just writing some stuff.

Let me ask you something.

When you're just writing stuff,

What are you writing?

Well, you want me
to read it to you?

Sure, go ahead.

All right.

[Clears throat]

“The house is hushed now.

“The hour is late.

“The night is still except
for a whippoorwill,

“That calls from
the crabapple tree.

“In the kitchen, I hear the
voices of my mother and father,

“As they speak quiet,
private things to each other.

“Sleep flows through the
house like a silent river.

“Soon our own sleep will join
in the flow of that quiet river,

And each of us will
dream our separate dream.”


Why did you write that down?

Well, daddy, I don't
know that. I just...

I just have to write it down.

You should keep at it.

I sure will.

(Livie) john!

What is it, livie?

Something's on fire up the road.

[People yelling]

(Man) come on! Come on! Come on!

[People chattering]

[Men yelling]

Would you look at that?

Like the burning of rome.

[People yelling]

I hated school, but I
didn't want this to happen.

Me neither.

How am I gonna get my education?

Don't worry, jim-bob.

Daddy says we'll all have one.

You can depend on that.

[People chattering]


[Knocking on door]

Hey, lutie?

Lois may?

Then lutie has flown the coop.

Looks that way.

He won't get far.

You expect he took
the girl with him?


The dog's gone, too.

[Lois may groaning]

[Door knob rattling]

Lutie, this is the sheriff.

Now you better
come on out of there.

[Lois may moaning]

[Lois may crying]

Here, child.

Go on, lois may.

Leave her alone, john.

No, it's all right.

When he came home,

He was roaring drunk.

He kept saying he was the
lord's sword of vengeance.

That he was gonna
punish the heathens.

I tried to stop him
from going out again.

And he started to hit me.

I don't remember any
more until you came.

Did you know the school
burned down tonight?


Right to the ground.

Where's my papa?

(John) we don't know.

Sheriff bridges will find him.

Did god tell him to do that?

You're a religious
woman, mrs. Walton.

Did he?

No, child.

Miss hunter?

Oh, good morning, john-boy.

We saw you go by.

My mama sent me to see if
you'll have breakfast with us.

You thank her for me, but I've
got to go to the county seat.

Gotta see what they can do about

Some supplies for
the rest of the year.

And a new school for next year.

This is an awful thing.

We got lois may at our house.

You have?

Yeah, she got beat up
last night by her father,

Before the fire.


That man's not
fit to raise a child.

I've got to do
something about her.

She's got too much promise.

I know.

Lois may has a fine mind,

And particularly for science.

I always thought I
could help bring that out

If she were under
the proper influence,

But there's that father of hers.

Well, wh-what are
we gonna do now?

Well, it looks like you young
people will have a vacation.


Well, I don't know
as I want one.

Why not?

I hate to lose the school time.

I'll get a school.

I have to.

I have to get a young
writer ready for college.

[Wood clattering]

Oh, my lord.

Miss hunter?

What is it?

No. No, don't come...
Don't come over here.

I think I've found
lutie bascomb.

I don't see why I couldn't
have gone to the funeral.

Funerals are no
place for a young girl.

Lois may went.

It's her father.
Oh, my goodness.

But I haven't got
anything to do.

Come here. Come on.

I'll teach you how to crochet.

No thank you, grandma.

When I grow up, I'm gonna
discover lost countries.

I don't think explorers
have any need for crocheting.

Yeah, well, what
you're liable to discover

Is a husband and
a bunch of kids,

And crocheting can
come in mighty handy.

Not me, grandma. I'm
gonna be a career woman.

What makes you think that
being married and raising a family

Isn't a career?

They've just come
back from the funeral.

Well, I'll tend to the coffee.

[Whispering] how
was the funeral?

Mary ellen, you don't ask
questions like that about funerals.

I could use some coffee.

Would you like to change
out of those clothes, child?

I can't keep staying
here, mrs. Walton.

Just until you get your
thoughts together.

I keep thinking about my mother,

Thinking maybe
she ought to know.

Do you know where she is?

delaware, is all I know.

Would you like us to try
to get in touch with her?

I don't know.

Maybe she just doesn't care.

(Ike) ok, good.

Put the rest of them over there.

[Crates clattering]

Miss hunter, uh, is there
something I can get for you?

You can get me a
school, mr. Godsey.


The folks at the county seat

Have promised to rebuild
the school this summer,

But there are 6 more weeks
of school left this year.

I've found makeshift
classrooms for everybody

But my older children.

How large is this
room, mr. Godsey?

Well, I don't know. What
would you say, hawthorne,

About 20 feet by
about, uh, 19 wide?



And the men come and play
pool here at night, don't they?

Nights mostly, yes, ma'am.

So you have no use
for it during the day?

Well, not much use.

Oh, it just might do for my
older high school students.

I'd have to ask you to move
the pool table, however.

Well, I guess we could
move it back at night.

Right, hawthorne?

Long as we both
don't get no hernias.



I thank you for your generosity.


Uh, miss hunter, I
suppose the school board

Pays a rent for the premises?

No, they don't, mr. Godsey.

This was my own idea.

Your offer is very kind
and I thank you very much.

Good day.

Good day.

Good day.

You're welcome.

I guess.


Don't fight it, ike.

We both might get educated.



So, miss hunter, I wanted
to point out to you

That the children will
be very comfortable here

On my treasured antiques.


Do you think it's
wise, mr. Godsey?

Children can be quite
severe on furniture.

Oh, they can't do any harm.

As a matter of fact, the
rougher they treat it,

The more I'll be
able to sell it for.

Well, I suppose you
know what you're doing.

That's right, just bang it up.

[Both laughing]


(John-boy) yes, miss hunter.

You can ring the
bell anytime now.

All right.

[Bell ringing]

[Students chattering]

(Ike) hi, kids!

(Girl) hi, mr. Godsey.
Hi, miss hunter.

(Ike) take any chair you want.

Sometimes we tend to think
of a school as a building,

But a school isn't a place,

It's a group of students.

And if they're eager to learn,

The learning can
take place anywhere.

[Bell ringing]

[Door banging]

Where do you want
me to put this... Shh.

School's in session.

Now, we'll occupy these
quarters for the next few weeks

Until the beginning
of summer vacation.

In order to make up...

You know, mamie, I despair
of ever finding that shoe.

Do you think I ought
to offer a reward?

Sister, I would simply
forget that shoe.

It has absolutely no value.

I-it's certainly a pleasure
to see you here, ladies,

But we have a class in progress.

How jolly! A gentleman came
by last evening for some recipe...

Emily! Emily!

(Emily) oh!

Oh, good morning, all!

(Miss hunter) good
morning, ladies.

May we observe?

(Emily) good morning, john-boy!

We never attended
school formally, you know.

Papa took care of our
education right at home.

My, but was he strict.


Ladies, may I continue?

Oh, by all means.

We'll simply have
a seat back here

And we'll be as quiet as mice.

Yes, we'll be just
quiet as we can be.

[Sisters laughing]

Let me see, where were we?

Uh, we were just
beginning, miss hunter.

Oh, yes.

I want everyone to study
whatever your last assignment was

While I take the roll and
see who we've got here.

Oh, mamie, do you remember...

Lester adams.

(Lester) here.

Lois may bascomb.

Ma'am, uh, I don't think she felt
like coming to school this morning.

Do you think she would
mind if I came to see her?

Well, I think she'd
probably like that.

So you see, lois may, I did
recognize your sensitivity.

I wanted so much to help you,

To draw you out.

But I went about
it in the wrong way.

You were always picking on me.

Yes, I was, but you
must understand

A woman like me only picks
on people she wants to help.

You have so much promise
in the field of science.

Do you know that, lois may?

How could I know anything?

My hair is always in my eyes.

I know you feel
bitter right now,

But try to understand.

I wanted you to keep your
hair neat and attractive

Because you're a
pretty girl, lois may.

Or would be if you
believed in yourself.

I can take care of myself.

I know you can.

But I'd like to help you.

I don't need any help.

There's so much I
could do with you,

If you'd only come
back to school.

What am i, a dog you
can train to do tricks?

(Lutie) lois may!

[Animals grunting]

Lois may!

Lois may, now you come
straight home, you hear?

And if any boy looks at
you, you look the other way.

And if that teacher tries to
fill you with any more blasphemy,

You walk out of there,
and you come home.

(Miss hunter) you have so much
promise in the field of science.

Do you know that, lois may?

There's so much I
could do with you,

If you'd only come
back to school.

You know, lois may left the
house before we did this morning.

I figured maybe she'd be
coming to school, but...

I don't know.

Maybe she didn't come to
school because of her black eye

Afraid that the kids
would laugh at her.

Think so?

Where could she be, then?

Search me. I hope
she's all right.

(Miss hunter) good
morning, everybody.

[Bell ringing]

(Both) morning, miss hunter.

Looks like almost
everybody's here this morning,

So we'll dispense
with the roll call.

Now, first
we'll... [Bell ringing]

May I come in, miss hunter?

Of course you may.

Sit here.

Would everyone please open
your science books to chapter 9?

“The living earth.”

They should be
out any minute now.

I wonder if I'll know her.

Why did you leave her
when you ran away?

I had planned to come
back for her one day.

I wrote her letters.

But I never got an answer.

[Students laughing]

[Students chattering]

Lois may.

Do you know who this is?

I... I think I do.

I came as soon as I heard.

Everything's all taken care of.

He's buried.


I didn't know
you'd be so pretty.

Where have you
been all these years?

I wrote to you.

Even when I didn't get an
answer, I kept on writing.

You could at least have
come by once in a while.

Just to see if I
was alive or dead.

I did that, too.

I stood over in those woods,

Watching you and watching him.

I was trying to get
up enough courage

To walk up to you
and take you away.

I was scared of him, lois may.

I know.

I haven't been much of a
mother to you up until now.

I'd like to start trying.

Don't you think
it's a little late?

May I say something?

Lois may,

If you were mary ellen

And I was your mother,

I'd grieve for
the time we'd lost,

But I'd hope that we could
make it up in the years to come.

Lois may.

Could we just go for a walk
together and talk about it?

I wouldn't know what to say.

(John boy) I can only
ask you to take my word

For the end of the
story of lois may bascomb.

For truth is far
stranger than fiction.

I was to meet her
many years later,

When she had
become, not a scientist,

But the wife of a diplomat.

She now lives abroad,

And I expect that sometimes
her memories, as mine do,

Return to those
depression years,

And walton's mountain.

(Grandpa) esther, you know
that shoe miss emily lost?

I found it today, and
she offered me a reward.

(Grandma) what did she offer?

A kiss, or some of the recipe.

Which one did you choose?


You old fool.



(Male narrator) in a
moment, some scenes
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