01x17 - The Love Story

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "The Waltons". Aired: September 14, 1972 – June 4, 1981.*
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A popular, long-running drama about a close-knit family in rural, Depression-era Virginia, sharing their trials and triumphs.
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01x17 - The Love Story

Post by bunniefuu »

[Car horn blowing]

[Crickets chirping]


(John-boy) walton's mountain
by day was friendly,

But by night, ghosts seemed
to hide in every shadow

And the feeling of
something old and mysterious

Flowed downward
on the cold night wind.

And if you were walking homeward

Past a house that was
known to be haunted,

You couldn't help but
be a little apprehensive.



What's the matter with you?

Those tadpoles are
taking away my appetite.

(Grandma) and mine. I don't
see why we have to have

Those nasty things at the table.

Sit down, elizabeth. Put
those things away, mary ellen,

Until we finish eating.

What on earth do you intend
doing with all them tadpoles?

Start a bullfrog farm

And get rich like
elwood p. Fairweather.

Who's elwood p. Fairweather?

I read about him
in liberty magazine.

He made about $600 million

Selling bullfrogs'
legs to restaurants.

We got a good start.

Caught nearly 100 today.

(Mary ellen) and
another 100 tomorrow.

If you think you're gonna
keep 100 bullfrogs in our room,

I'm moving out.

I'm just keeping
the tadpoles there

Until they turn into bullfrogs.

They'll probably be
hopping all over the room.

Suppose I have to wake up
in the middle of the night,

You want me to step on one?

[Plates clattering]

(Grandpa) pass the chicken.

[All chattering] (ben)
here you go.

Uh, hello, everybody.

(John) you know,
he'll never do it.


(Livie) mary ellen.

Oh, swell.

Where have you been, son?

Well, I'll tell you.

I was coming home past
the pendleton place

And the moon went under a cloud

For just a second,
and it got real dark

And all of a sudden,
I swear, I saw a light

Going from room to room.

I'm scared.

You think I wasn't?

So, I decided to make a noise

And when I did,
the light went out.

Oh, it's a well-known fact

That the pendleton
place is haunted.

Well, it's not surprising
when you consider

The tragedy that house has seen.

Yeah, I promised dave pendleton

I'd keep an eye on that place.

Finish your supper. We'll go
back there and take a look around.

[Crickets chirping]

[Footsteps pattering]

[Door creaking]

♪♪[Organ playing]

Little girl?

There's no need
to be scared now.

Now, wait a minute.

Wait a minute, little girl!

Miss, just a minute.

Just a minute, miss.

Hold on there.

Now, we didn't
mean to scare you.

My name is john walton.

This is my son.

We noticed a light
on in the place.

You see, the owner of this
place, mr. Dave pendleton

He asked me to keep
an eye on it for him.

Dave pendleton is my father.

You're jenny?


Oh, it's jenny.

I haven't seen you since
you were a little baby.

Look, mr. Walton, it... It
was mighty nice of you

To come out here to
check up on things, but...

But I'm just fine. Really, I am,

And you don't have
to worry about me.

Why, uh... A-are you here alone?

Yes, but I'm all right.

My daddy and eula will
be here in a couple of days

And I just think that I will
wait right here until they come.

Who's eula?

My father's married again.

Look, why don't you get
your things together

And come on over to our place?

I wouldn't want a little
girl of mine being here alone.

I don't want to be any trouble.

It's no trouble. Come on.

(Mary ellen) weren't you scared
over there all by yourself?

Oh, uh, a little bit,

But I'm used to being alone.

Don't you have any
brothers or sisters?

No. I'm an only child.

Why don't they get you some?

Elizabeth, did you know
that you're very pretty?

I've got a tadpole
named after me.

Can I see him tomorrow?

You can see him right
now if you want to.


You want one named after you?


That one.

Hi, jenny.


(John-boy) and she is
about the prettiest thing

I have ever laid eyes on.

I expect she is in
trouble of some kind,

And I know mama and daddy

Think she has run
away from home.

Tomorrow, I think...
(Elizabeth) good night, john-boy.

(Mary ellen) good night,
john-boy. Good night, jason.

Good night, elizabeth.

Good night, mary ellen.

(Jason) good night, mary
ellen. Good night, erin.

(Erin) good night,
jason. Good night, ben.

(Ben) good night,
erin. Good night, mama.

(Livie) good night, ben.
Good night, jim-bob.

(Jim-bob) good night,
mama. Good night, daddy.

(John) good night, jim-bob.

Good night, jenny.

Good night, john-boy.

Mary ellen, do
you always do that?

Do what?

Say good night that way?


That's wonderful.

It is unless we have a lot
of relatives staying here.

It's practically morning
before everybody

Gets said good night to.


[Reckless barking]

Is that reckless'
i-want-my-breakfast bark

Or somebody's-coming bark?

(John) well, I don't
think he quite knows.

Hello there,
sheriff. Come on in.

Thank you, livie. Hi, john.

You're up with the chickens.


Have a seat.

Can I fix you some
breakfast, sheriff?

No. Coffee will
be just fine, livie.

There you go.

I'm sorry to barge in on
you folks this time of day,

But I got a call from dave
pendleton down in richmond.

His little girl ran off.

She's here, sheriff. She's
upstairs sleeping with the children.


Is she all right?

Seems to be.

She had it in mind to
spend the night over

At the pendleton house,
but we brought her here.

I'm sure glad to hear that.

Did dave give you any
idea why she ran away?

Yeah, well, I guess, uh...

Dave got himself
married again and uh,

And jenny just didn't
take too much to the idea.


Well, I better get to a phone,

And tell him where she is.

I'd appreciate it if you folks
would keep an eye on her.

We'll try our best.

That's good coffee, livie.

One day, I'd like
to enjoy a full cup.

You do that, sheriff.

Take care now.

Hey, everybody, time to get up!

Mary ellen, erin. Breakfast!

[Door opens]

Well, look who's up already.

Good morning.

How'd you sleep, young lady?

Oh, just wonderful, thank you.

How do you like your
eggs? Scrambled?

Yes, thank you.
Scrambled is fine.

Why don't you sit over there.

Morning. Morning.

Have a seat.

Well, I'm not taking
anybody's place, am i?

No. There's plenty of room.

It's too tight, mama.

Ben, will you stop
being such a baby?

Well, it is.

What's the matter with ben?

It's just a scratch.

It's nothing.

Mrs. Walton, did you
ever take in boarders?

Well, not on a regular basis.

Well, I was wondering if you
would take me in for a while.

I would pay, and I
wouldn't be any trouble.

Jenny, you're welcome
to stay as long as you like,

But we wouldn't think
of taking money for it.

Oh, I could just
stay here forever.

There's something I
better tell you, though.

My daddy doesn't
know where I am.

Oh, I reckon he does by now.

The sheriff was here earlier.

Your daddy had
been talking to him.

Jenny, why did you run away?

Well, I didn't run
away, exactly.

You see, my daddy was away
on his honeymoon, and, uh...

And I just thought

I'd take a trip up to
walton's mountain.

I've wanted to come here

Ever since I read some
of my mother's letters.

She loved it here.

Look now, if I'm gonna
be a member of this family,

I'd better start doing
my share of the work.

Mommy! Mommy!

Mommy! Mommy!

Why is jenny working?

Because I'm going to cook,

And clean, and stay in your room

And be just like
one of the family.

[Elizabeth giggling]

Does that mean
we'll have to share

Our $6 million we get
from the frog farm?

I reckon $6 million
will go quite a way,

No matter how you share it.

Ok, jenny.

I guess you'll be a walton, too.


Oh, hey.

Don't let me interrupt.

Oh, no. Come on in.

Well, I've fed reckless, and
I swept the kitchen floor,

And then I helped erin and mary
ellen with the breakfast dishes,

And now I figured I'd come up
and dust your room a little.

Be my guest.

What's that you
got on your head?

Oh, your grandmama
gave it to me.

She said that in the olden days,

The women of the house always
used to wear 'em on their heads

While they did their chores.

How do I look?

Well, not exactly
like a pioneer lady.

Well, I feel like one.

I feel just like a
pioneer mother

Struggling to raise a
family in the wilderness.

And shouldn't you be
out chopping the wood,

Or milking the
cow, or something?

I did already.


What's that you're
writing in there, anyway?


Did you write anything
in there about me?


What does it say?

I'm not gonna tell you.

What do you think of me?

To tell you the truth,

I don't quite know
what to make of you.

I know a lot about you.

Like what?

I've been talking to your mama.

She told me how you
wanted to be a writer.


Have you read look homeward,
angel by thomas wolfe?

Well, see, we have a hard time
getting books way out here.

So I haven't actually
read that one.

What do you want to do?

I would give
anything in the world

To belong to this family.

You belong. You're
here. Everybody likes you.

Do you?

Well, sure.

What's this here?

Oh, didn't you ever
see a dulcimer before?

Well, I heard of 'em.

Oh, well.

There's a man down the road,

Old man dawson. He makes 'em.

And I never could afford
to buy one for myself,

But every now and then he'll
let me take one home and play on it.

Well, what does it sound like?


Hey, that's pretty.

Uh, will you play me something?

Oh, no. I can't... Please
play me something.

Well, I'll play you
a song, I guess.

Let me see. Um...

♪ I plant me a red ♪

♪ And rosy bush ♪

♪ I plant me a green ♪

♪ Willow tree ♪

♪ To prove to all ♪

♪ Who come this way ♪

♪ That she has forsaken me ♪♪

It's easy.

(Man on radio) that's the
thing that I wanna tell you.

The ghost, you know.

[Knocking on door]

(Grandpa) come in.

Yeah, I'll get it.

[People laughing on radio]

John, it's dave.

Dave pendleton.

(Both) hey, how are you?
It's good to see you.

How's it going? It's been ages.

It's been 9 years.

Yes, it has.

Looks like years have been good.

(Dave) well, I can't complain.

Let me introduce my wife.

Eula, this is john walton.

How do you do? I'm
very glad to meet you.

Well, the pleasure's
mine. Come on in.

You remember my father.

Good to see you.

How are you?

(John) mary ellen,
turn down that radio.

There's someone here
you folks should meet.

Oh, she's surrounded
by all our children.


Say hello to dave and... Mr. And
mrs. Pendleton, will you, kids?

(All) hello. Nice to meet you.

Daddy, are you pretty mad at me?

Jenny, you're too old to
spank, too young to put in jail.

What am I gonna do with you?

You could give me a kiss.

(Mr. Pendleton) oh...

Oh, daddy, I'm
sorry I worried you.

That's all right.


You're forgiven.

Have you had your supper?
I'd be glad to fix you some.

We had something on
the way, thanks, livie.

Besides, we won't
take up your evening.

We just wanna pick
up this scalawag.

Oh, daddy, the waltons
said I could visit for a while.

That's right, dave. She
can stay. Can't she, kids?

(All) yeah!

What this little
girl really deserves

Is a trip across my knee,

But considering the fact she's
mine and spoiled rotten to boot,

Eula and I are gonna open
the old house and stay a while

And give jenny time to look
around to her heart's content.

See you in the morning.
Oh, daddy, thank you.


Thank you, too, eula.

You're welcome.
We'd better be going.

(Jenny) oh, john-boy,
don't forget you promised

Take me to the top of
the mountain tomorrow.

And mrs. Walton, you leave those
breakfast dishes for me to do.

Grandma, don't forget you
promised to teach me to crochet.

If you'll be up to
all that tomorrow,

You'd better get some sleep.

John, livie,

I sure appreciate your
looking after my little girl.

Our pleasure,
dave, our pleasure.

Good night. Good night.

Glad to meet you. Bye!

(All) bye!

Well, I'll go for
some more candles.

Eula, thank you for coming.

You're welcome, jenny.

Why haven't you and daddy

Been down here before?

Well, jenny, when
you're a second wife,

You live with a ghost.

That's your mother, isn't it?

Do you think I favor her?

There's a resemblance.

Jenny, please don't
run away again.

If something's
bothering you, let's talk.

Well, i... I didn't run away

So much as I stole away.

You and daddy were
on your honeymoon.

I thought I'd get back
before you would.

We came back early

Just to spend
some time with you.

Maybe we could spend
some happy times here.

Don't you just
love those waltons?

Oh, yes, they seem very nice.

John-boy wants to be a writer.

That's the oldest boy? Yeah.

When he looks at me,

I feel like he can see
right into my soul.

I know the feeling.

You know, eula,

I've turned out to be a
very domestic person.

I've been helping
with the cooking

And sewing and ironing
the clothes and...

Well, I just feel like
an old mother hen.

That's so nice.

Come on. I'll give you
a tour of the place.

Thank you, jenny.

You're welcome.

Thank you. You're welcome.

Oh, I just knew it
would be like this.

Like what?

Well, the 2 of you sitting
here alone together

Sharing a moment before
you started your day.

It's a little hard to
get a word in together

When that herd descends on us.

I just love this house.

And you two, and
grandma and grandpa,

And all those fine
redheaded children.

I... I just wanna
know everything

There is to know
about the walton family.

Like, for instance,
how did you two meet?

We didn't. We, uh, we
grew up together.

Childhood sweethearts?

W-were you in love
right from the beginning?

No. She was... She
was too prissy.

I was not.

I didn't think much
of you either.

Wickedest boy in town.

Never went to sunday school.

But when did you fall in love?

When she stopped being
prissy, round about high school.

Came a time when I just
couldn't keep my eyes off her.

Or any other girl in town.

Well, just looking 'em all over

To make sure I picked
out the best one.

And all the time I
thought I picked you.

Good morning. (John) morning.

John-boy, you promised to take
me to the top of the mountain.

I know. I didn't forget.

You need me today, daddy?

I could use you but...

But I wouldn't like it
said that a son of mine

Ever broke a promise
to a pretty girl.


You gonna take the
younger children with you?

Well, I'll ask 'em.

I'd appreciate that.

♪♪[Playing harmonica]

How much more do you
think we have to dig?

Hey, it's really
shaping up. Think so?

I think we're ready for
the water. Get the hose, ben.

Let's fill it up.

Come on, elizabeth, get out.


Mary ellen, what
are you up to now?

Don't you recognize a
frog pond when you see it?

Is that what that is?

We got 300
tadpoles to put in it.

Oh, well, then I reckon
you all are too busy

To come take a hike up
on the mountain with us.

Not now, john-boy.

Ok, well, go right
ahead. We'll see you later.

(Ben) have a nice time.

Bye. Bye.

Can we put the tadpoles in now?

No, it's not very deep.

And it's a little
too muddy, too.

(Mary ellen) jim, the tadpoles!

Oh, you idiots! How am I ever gonna
get rich with you idiots around!


There they go.

Well, this is it.

Right here is where my
ancestors first settled.

What a fine old chimney.



Just think

A man and a woman
stood right here once

And they warmed themselves
right in front of this

And the children played
right here in front of the fire.


And you know, I bet she even
cooked right there in the fireplace.

Of course. Everything was
make-do back in those days.

What were their names?

Well, his was rome, and
hers was rebecca-lee.

Rome walton, your
supper's ready!


I can't come right
now, becky-lee.

I'm fighting injuns.

[Imitating g*n fire]

Are there many of 'em?

Not any more there ain't.

Well, then you better
get right in here to supper,

Because I can't keep this
venison steak warm much longer.

Venison steak!
Again venison steak!

Venison steak in the morning,

Venison steak at night!

Now, look here, rome
walton. I only cook

What you bring into this house.

If you want a bear, you better
go and sh**t yourself a bear.

Don't you recall I shot
myself a bear yesterday?

Don't you recall that bear that
chased you clear across the cornfields?

Oh, my goodness, I forgot.

I'm gonna throw out this
venison steak right now,

Throw it right out to the
wolves and cook you up some bear.

Becky-lee, you're a
fine old pioneer woman.

And, rome walton, you're
a fine old pioneer man.

[Both laughing]

I sure didn't know
that was gonna happen.

It just happened.

Yeah, just happened.

(John-boy) ♪ when I was young ♪

♪ And I was gay ♪

♪ I loved her long ♪

♪ And well ♪

♪ But the sum ♪

♪ All that loving
has brought me ♪

♪ No human touch can tell ♪

♪ Oh, see yon lonesome ♪

♪ Little turtle dove ♪

♪ He is swinging on
that yonder vine ♪

♪ Lamenting for ♪

♪ His one true love ♪

♪ As I do mourn for mine ♪

♪ Oh, hush you ♪

♪ Lest you break my heart ♪

♪ For no one will I cry ♪

♪ 10,000 Lovers ♪

♪ Have already parted ♪

♪ So why don't you and i? ♪

♪ So why don't ♪

♪ You and i? ♪♪

(John-boy) how soon?

(John) she'll calve
in about 2 weeks.


Did you ever see such
a fine day as today?

It was an uncommonly pretty day.

Looks like spring
is here to stay.

I don't know. There's still a lot
of snow up on the mountainside.

Maybe it's false spring.

I don't mind. You
know I love the snow.

John-boy... Daddy,
you ever been in love?

I still am.

Well, how did you feel
when it first hit you?

Scared me to death.

Scared you to death?

What way was that?

The way it still is.

The first face that comes to
mind when I wake in the morning.

The face I carry with
me into sleep every night.

A feeling that never stops

Of needing her,
of her needing me.

Lordy, don't I know.

You and jenny?


You like her?

I do like her.

You think mama likes her?

I'm sure she likes her.

Because you know, she's
just wild about you all.

She just thinks you and mama

Are the finest
people she ever met.

She just said she could
hug elizabeth to pieces.

Dad, you think I'd
be rushing things

If I went over there tonight?

No, son. I don't...
I don't think

You would be rushing things.



(Erin) suppertime, jason.

(Jason) oh, let's go.

[Children whooping]

Now mind your manners.

Racing in here like a
herd of wild horses.

(Jason) we're hungry, grandma.

Uh, uh, uh, now simmer down.

There is no excuse
for bad manners.

(Jim-bob) we're sorry, grandpa.

Well, all right.



He is.

Who is?

Uh, never mind.

Come on, daddy. Tell me.

Later. Jason, please.

Lord, we thank thee

For all the good
things you have given us.

Bless this food
and this house. Amen.

(All) amen.

Come, daddy, tell me who it is.

[Children chattering]

All right!

What's going on?

Your brother's in love.

Who's he in love with?
John-boy is in love!

(Jason) who is it, daddy?
Is it jenny? It's jenny.


When someone
john-boy's age is in love,

It can be a very serious matter.

So, if he acts kind of
strange for the next few days,

You bear with him, all right?


Is it jenny, daddy?

Pass the carrots, son.

I bet you it's jenny.

[All chattering]

(Livie) all right, everyone.

How's your appetite, john-boy?

Just fine.

Pass the meatloaf.

[Children giggling]

[Children laughing]

(John) shh, shh, shh, shh.

Did somebody swallow
some giggle water?

Are you in love, john-boy?

(Jim-bob) daddy said you were.

[Children laughing]


Now, listen, john-boy,

Being in love shouldn't be
some kind of a deep, dark secret.

I mean, I think you
should celebrate.

I think you should send
up some roman candles,

Sing a hallelujah chorus.

Well, you can sing a hallelujah
chorus if you want to.

I'm gonna eat my supper.

Now pass me that meatloaf.

(Grandpa) oh, esther, where's
your spirit of romance?

(Grandma) huh,
look who's talking.

Romance. When was the
last time you kissed me?

[All laugh]

You old fool!

I wish that we could
stay here forever.

Oh, I don't know about forever,

But I'll speak to your father.

Maybe he'll let the two
of us stay on for a while

After he goes back to richmond.

Oh, eula, you're wonderful.

How long could we stay?

Well, uh, let's see
what your father says.

See what he says about what?

Oh, just a little plot
jenny and I hatched.

Ooh, that sounds ominous. Plot?


Oh, you don't suppose that store
we passed is still open, do you?

Are you out of cigarettes?


Well, I imagine we can
find something open

Between here and
charlottesville that has cigarettes.

Well, anyway it's a
nice night for a ride.

Um-huh. Want to come, jenny?

No, thanks.

Come on, it's a beautiful night.

Oh, uh, jenny's
expecting someone.

He said he'd be here.

Ok. We'll be right back, honey.

So long.



[Frogs croaking]

Looks like somebody's helping
himself to your bullfrogs, mary ellen.

You dirty, thieving raccoon,
get away from my frogs!

Dirty, thieving raccoon,
get out of here, come on.

Go, go, go!

That raccoon had
no way of knowing

Those bullfrogs belonged to you.

Be back, more than likely.

Well, if he is, I'm gonna...
He's gonna find me waiting.

Can I borrow your
shotgun, daddy?

Oh, honey, I think
this hoe is enough

To scare him if he comes back.

Well, life is a strange wonder.


Just thinking that
a few days ago,

I didn't even know
you were alive

And right now, you're the most
important person in my enduring life.

Enduring. Oh, I like that.

You ever heard of fiji?

Tasmania, micronesia?
They are in the pacific.

You know, we could
go to such places.

And I will cook, and sew,

And clean and care
for our children

Just the way your mama does.


And at night, when you
are writing your books,

We will all sit in a corner

And watch your face
and make no noise.

Tenerife, constantinople.

Our children will call good
night to us and to each other.

We'll go to such places.

And they will know that they
are safe and warm and loved.

Look at that sky.

The stars are so close,

You could... You could reach
right out and touch them.

I love you, john-boy.

Oh, I love you, jenny.

[Bird twittering]

What's that?


It makes a lonesome sound.

The lonesomest sound in the
world is when a whippoorwill calls

And its mate doesn't answer.

Why wouldn't she answer?

Maybe she's stopped loving him.

That's never gonna
happen to us, is it?

Not ever.

'Cause I will love you
through all enduring time.

No, don't go in yet.

Oh, I have to.


So I can be over at your house

First thing in the morning.


Good night.

Good night.

(Sheriff) john?

(John) sheriff,
what's the matter?

Is jenny here?

I took her home
about an hour ago.

(Livie) what happened, sheriff?

Dave and his wife were coming
out that turn-off on route 29,

And a big old transfer
truck going north.

They collided.

(John) bad?

Dave's dead.

(Livie) oh, no.

His wife was a
little more lucky.

They've got her at the
hospital in charlottesville.

Does jenny know?

Why, she'd been
asleep when I got there.

I tried to break it to her
as easy as I could, you know.

And all of a sudden,
she just seemed to know

And she ran out of the
place, disappeared in the dark.

I've got to go find
her, excuse me.

I'll see you, john.



♪♪[Soft music playing]





[Whippoorwill twittering]

(John-boy) jenny!

Jenny, honey?

Uh, the sheriff...



Better get some rest.

I think I'll just sit here
a little while longer.

Go rest. I'll sit with her.

Mama, you think she
could stay like this

For the rest of her life?

I don't know.

I love her, mama.

I know, son.

Now go on.



How is she?

I think we ought to send
for doc shackleford.

Can I see her?

Let's see what doc
shackleford has to say first.

No, grandma. Thank you.

Physically, there's not
a thing wrong with jenny.

She's all right, now?

Oh, no, she's far
from all right.

But sometimes people just can't
face the pain of grief head on.

They turn away,

Convince themselves a
tragedy never really happened.

That's what jenny's doing.

But, uh, it's not healthy.

She's got to face up
to what's happened.

How can we help her?

Why, you've the best
medicine right here.

How's that, doc?

You waltons, this family.

Be with her. Try to
get her interested

In what's going on around here.

What if we can't?

I'll stop by sometime tomorrow.

All right, you
children play outside.

I'll let you know if there's
any change in jenny's condition.

How's the frog
farm coming, honey?

Come on, grandpa,
I'll show it to you.

You, too, esther. Come along.

[Door creaking]


Can you hear me?

Can't you hear me?

(Ben) I think they're all gone.

One raccoon couldn't
eat 300 bullfrogs.

Mary ellen, I think
you have one left.

Right over there. There it goes.

Mary ellen, I think I know

Where your bullfrogs are going.


They're peepers, tree frogs.

Tree... $600 Million. Up a tree!

[Frogs croaking]

You may have lost
$600 million, mary ellen.

Listen to that music.

Well, let's go.

Where're you going?

We're gonna start
over, but this time

We're gonna get the right
kind of tadpoles. Come on.

(Ben) come on.

(Mary ellen) let's go.

Mama, you think doc shackleford

Knows what he's talking
about? She's just...

I think if there's no
change by morning,

We'll get him right back here.

I'll take over for
you at midnight.

Good night, jim-bob.

Good night, elizabeth.
Good night, erin.

Good night, jim-bob.
Good night, mama.

(Livie) good night,
erin. Good night, ben.

(Ben) good night, mama.
Good night, daddy.

(John) good night, ben.
Good night, mary ellen.

(Mary ellen) good night,
daddy. Good night, jason.

(Jason) good night, mary
ellen. Good night, john-boy.

Good night, jason.

Good night, jenny.

Good night, jenny.

Good night, jenny.



It's all right now.


It's just fine. It's just fine.

It's all right now.

It's just fine now.

It's all right.

[Birds chirping]

Well, we, uh,

We should have ordered
a truck instead of a taxi.

You about ready?

I haven't told john-boy yet.

But you've known for
a week we were leaving.

You're not gonna try
to change your mind

At the last minute, are you?

Eula, you're the only
family I've got left.

I'm grateful that you want me.

We'll come back to
walton's mountain.

That just doesn't make it any
easier for me to leave him now.



This is... This is for you.

I know this dulcimer.

This is the finest one that
old man dawson ever made.

Now it's yours.

Oh, what made you
go do such a thing?

It's a going-away present.

I'm not going away.

It's too soon.

Eula's waiting for me.

Jenny, you must have
known for days now.

Why didn't you say something?

Because I wanted it to be
happy right up until the end.

I can't let you go.

Rome walton,

Don't you go bringing
any other pioneer ladies

Up here while I'm away.

You're the only old pioneer lady

I ever want, becky-lee.


You'll come up here

And you'll think of me
every once in a while?

You will be in my heart and my
mind through all enduring time.

It's breaking my heart
to leave you, rome walton.

And mine to see you go.

Jenny, I'll come with you.


Goodbye, old pioneer man.

Goodbye, becky-lee.

(John-boy) ♪ oh, hush you ♪

♪ Lest you break my heart ♪

♪ For no one will I cry ♪

♪ 10,000 Lovers ♪

♪ Have already parted ♪

♪ So why don't ♪

♪ You and i? ♪

♪ So why don't ♪

♪ You and i? ♪♪

(John-boy) jenny was to
come into our lives again,

But the promises we made to
each other we were not to keep.

Still, her name and her face
are remembered in our house.

And the memory
of jenny is as sad

And as sweet as the
cry of a night bird

Drifting across the new
green fields of spring.

(John) still awake, son?

(John-boy) yes, daddy.

I wish I could tell you

It's gonna hurt a
little less tomorrow.

Yes, sir.

But I don't think it will.

Yes, sir.

Good night, son.

Yes, sir.
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