01x23 - The Townie

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "The Waltons". Aired: September 14, 1972 – June 4, 1981.*
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A popular, long-running drama about a close-knit family in rural, Depression-era Virginia, sharing their trials and triumphs.
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01x23 - The Townie

Post by bunniefuu »

[Car horn blowing]

(John-boy) I will never
forget the first time

I took a girl to a
motion picture show.

Her name was sarah,

And she lived on the other
side of walton's mountain

In a little backwoods hollow.

And what happened was
more astonishing to me

Than anything I
could have imagined

If I tried to write a story

About such an innocent pleasure.


[Door opening]

[Door closing]

Morning, ma'am. John-boy.

Sarah jane ready?

Sarah jane.

[Door opening]

[Door closing]


Still have half
a mind to say no.

She's never been
to a picture show.

I don't hold with wasting
hard-earned money

On such foolishness.

Well, this is a
real bargain, ma'am.

They call this a double feature.


You did promise me a reward,
mama, if I won that bible contest.

I suppose I did. Take
her along, then.

Be back by 5:00.

Rest of saturday's
chores are waiting on you.

Thank you, ma'am.


[Car engine starting]

Behave yourself. Both of you.

Oh, anne, this is such a
dreadfully special occasion.

Everything's beautiful.

You're very beautiful, too.

Have I ever mentioned it before?

Do you think a young lady
would like being married

To a member of parliament?

Oh, anne, you do believe
in tomorrow, don't you?

(Anne) I'd like to be sure
of a million of them.

Sold to the lady from america:

A million tomorrows.

And we will throw in a clever
young englishman to look after them.

[People chattering]



You remember me? Rudy valentino?


Better known as theodore
albert claypool, jr.

Sarah simmons?

I'd like you to meet...

Check and double check.

I never forget a pretty face.

Especially when I meet one

At the inter-county
debating contest.

Hey, let's have a rickety
rax for sweet sarah simmons.

This here's john-boy walton.

Oh? And a rickety
rax for john-boy, too.

(Together) rickety
rax, kazoo, kazoo

Give me a smooch
and I'll love you

[Ted laughing]

Mama's expecting us at the club.

(Ted) hey, wasn't that
last movie a k*ller-diller?

Ted, we've got to be going.

Well, now, hold your britches.

I just want to show
sarah her name in print.

My name?


The newspaper had a write-up
on that debate contest.

Tsk, we're late
to meet my daddy.

So I'll go to the
park and find him.

We'll pick you up out front.


Yeah. Now lamp that, ms.
Sarah "runner-up" simmons.

[Car horn blowing]

I got something to tell you.

Oh, yeah?

(John-boy) was there something
you wanted to tell me?

That cheeky boy had the
nerve to ask me for a date.

Right there, in front
of that other girl

In the pretty dress.

Of course, I told him I
was already spoken for.

I feel just like lady cynthia
in that 2nd picture show.

"Sometimes you just
have to follow your heart

To wherever it leads you."

You saw where it led her.

At least she was
alive before she died.

She knew what it
was like to be loved.

I'd marry you
tomorrow, john-boy,

If you'd ask me.


You're not serious, are you?

We could run off
and find a preacher

And start a whole new life.

Well, I really never
should have taken you

To that picture show.

You're making fun of me.


No, I wouldn't...

Sarah, I wouldn't
make fun of you.

It's just... You just sort of...

You just sort of took my
breath away for a minute there.

I mean, getting married
for you, right now

Would be just a sort
of a way to get out

From under your mother's thumb.

And that's hardly the reason

To... To get involved
in something as serious

As starting a family.

Just words.


Well, you know what it
says in ecclesiastes 3:1.

"To every thing
there is a season."

"And a time to every
purpose under heaven."

But the book also says:

"Let thy fountain be blessed.

And rejoice with the
wife of thy youth."

Proverbs 5:18.

That's true.

It's just... It's just that...

Well, maybe...

See, maybe if we
were older, and... And

We still felt the same way,

Then maybe it would
be a beautiful idea.

But right now...

Doesn't it never occur to you

To kiss me, john-boy?

Are you gonna be
john-boy all your life?

When are you gonna
grow up to be john-man?

I'm sorry I said that, john-boy.

That's all right.

All sweethearts
have little spats.

That's so they can
have fun making up.

Let's make up, john-boy.

There's nothing to
make up. I'm not mad.

Well, I am.

Well, maybe I'll just call
that telephone number

Ted claypool
insisted on giving me.

Maybe a boy like him will
appreciate a girl like me.




I was just... I was gonna hold
the door open for her, ma'am.

John-boy walton,

I want to know what happened
in the back of that truck.


Well, I do, too, ma'am.

Believe me, I do, too.

[Car engine starting]



A duck egg and it's still warm.

Yeah. Well, I do
believe it is. A mallard.

Maybe the mama bird got
scared off by some hunters.

Yeah, that's most likely
just what happened, jim-bob.

Is there a little duck inside?


I really do believe there is.

Will it die?

Oh, dear, yes.
Yes, I'm afraid so.

Without its mama sitting on it,

Keeping it snug and warm,

It'll most likely die.

Unless... Unless what?

Unless you could hatch it out.

Me, sit on it?

[Laughing] no, not
you, but, uh...

(Mary ellen) supper.
Grandpa, jim-bob.

Uh, we'll be right
in, mary ellen.

Unless, uh, you
keep it nice and warm

And at even temperature,
right here under your arm.

Can I try?

It'll be our secret
project, just you and me.

Most surely can.



Children, dinner.

Mama, can we listen to eddie
cantor tomorrow night?

Who put you up
to that, elizabeth?

You know tomorrow
night is school night.

But parkyakarkus is gonna sing.

He makes me laugh.

I like jimmy wallington myself.

I'll talk to your daddy.

How old were you
when you got married?

I was old enough.

No. How old?


That's a right smart age.

I thought it was.

(Livie) how did you like the
picture show, john-boy?


(Grandma) where's that old man?

And jim-bob?

I called them. I don't know
what could be keeping 'em.

Well, they're up
to some mischief.

You put those two together...

Those two will solve a
riddle alike, won't we, jim-bob?

(Elizabeth) what's the
matter with jim-bob?

Oh... Oh, well, he's
practicing to be a general.

One side of him is
standing to attention.

The other side is leading the
charge up a mashed potato hill.

(Grandma) now, wherever
do you get those ideas?

Oh, we think it's funny, uh...

Don't we, uh, general?

All right, here we go.


Thank you for the
bounty of this table

And for all the blessings
you've given us. Amen.


[Children chattering]


See you later, jason.

Yeah. See you later.

You've been avoiding me all day.


Well, I thought you
were avoiding me.

I was just trying to
make it easier for you.

Maybe I was, at first.

I don't know.

Can I talk to you?

See you tomorrow, sarah.

See you at home, john-boy.

Everybody knows about us.

I feel guilty, john-boy.

No, it was as much my
fault as it was yours.

I don't mean that.

I went out with ted on sunday.


Well, it's right for you
to go out with other boys.

You know they say you shouldn't
put all your eggs in one basket.

As if I was some old hen.

You sound like you're
glad I went out with ted.

Well, I'm not glad at all.

Look, just don't go putting
words in my mouth, girl.

Did you know the casa loma band

Was coming to the
university next month?

Is that so?

Ted wants to take me.

We heard them right there
in his daddy's lasalle coupe

On the built-in radio,
playing smoke rings.

Don't you just love that song?

You think I should go with him?

Well, sure, go with him if
you want to. I don't care.

You don't have to
be that way about it.

What way?

You're getting my
dander up. Uh-huh?

Well, what about
your mama's dander?

What's she got to do with it?

She know you're seeing him?

She'd die if she knew. Uh-huh?

So I just told her I was coming
over to study algebra with you.

I don't think that's
one bit funny.

Maybe that's because
you're jealous.

That's got absolutely
nothing to do with it.

I don't like getting mixed up
with you fooling your mama.

I thought you'd want to
hear all about my adventures.

I even wrote it
down in my diary.

Just in case someday

You'd want to put me
in one of your stories.

You can just go out and
find your own adventures.

What happened to you?

I was wiley post.

On his way around the
world in his flying machine,

When he slipped in the
haymow and fell on his arm.

Let me take a look at that.

No, no. It's not even bruised.

I rigged up this sling
so he'd keep it quiet.

I feel ok now, grandpa.

Mmm-hmm. Ah, smells
like rhubarb pie.

I wonder if they'd take us on

As a couple of
official taste testers?

(Grandpa) how's the 10-inch?

We got it. Try it, john-boy.

[Radio clicking on]

Daddy, you know that
theodore albert clay...

(Man on radio) we hear the
eternal voice of doubt.

"Man that is born of woman is
of few days and full of trouble."

[Radio clicking off]

Coming through
loud and clear, lord.

I was saying,

You know that theodore
albert claypool character

I was telling you about?


Well, sarah's been seeing him.

Well, that doesn't bother
me now. That's not half of it.

The truth is, she sees him and
she tells her mama she's seeing me.

And I don't know
what to do about that.

See, it's not really right
for me to keep it all to myself.

But if I told her mama,

That would get sarah jane in
trouble. I don't want to do that.

But if I didn't say anything about
it... If I didn't say anything about it,

That could get her into a lot worse
trouble with that claypool character.

Hmm, maybe I'm making a
mountain out of a molehill.

Maybe... Maybe she's just
imagining the whole thing

To try to get me jealous.

Whatever it is, this has got
my head in a spin, I tell you.

(Livie) dinner, everybody.

Time to wash up, son.

Yeah. You know
what it is, daddy?

Whatever I do, I'm gonna
be hurting somebody.

We'd better talk about it.

I'd like to.

[All laughing]

(Ben) I want apple.
Rhubarb for me.

Ah, here we go.

Mama makes the best rhubarb
pie in the whole wide world.

Amen to that, honey.

Stop it. You'll have me
blushing like a schoolgirl.

Well, it's the truth.

Where's sarah been
the last couple weeks?

Haven't seen much of her.

It's a long story.

Sarah's got a secret beau.

Well, if it's so secret, how
come you know about it?

She told me in
strict confidence.

She said she'd stop by
sometime and show us all

The real 8-cylinder
lasalle coupe

He takes her to
the picture show in.


I'll have rhubarb.

Grandpa, it's time.

Not now.

Since jim-bob's been so patient,

He gets the first piece.

I don't want any
right now, mama.

May I be excused?

Jim-bob, are you all right?

I think jim-bob's armpits
are giving him duck fits.

I better have a look.

I'll have... I'll have mine later,
too. I got something to do.

Me, too. See you later.

(Erin) desserts are bad

For my figure, mama.
Can I be excused?

Not good for mine either.

Or mine.

What's going on around here?


It got born, grandpa.

It sure did, jim-bob,
thanks to you.

(All) hurray for jim-bob!

It's sure hard to keep
a secret around here.

What are we gonna
call it, grandpa?

Call it? Well...

Well, now, what could
be more appropriate

Than the name of jim-bob, jr.

After its proud father.


What do you have
to say, jim-bob, jr.?

He's so cute.

[Horn honking]

It's sarah and her secret beau.


[Horn honking]


I knew it would show up.

(Erin) wow, look at it!

Oh, it sure is nice. Very nice.

[Car horn honking]

Who's making all that racket?

Swell car, ain't it, dad?

You know, kids, I
picked up radio signals

All the way from
san francisco on this.

(Children) really? Wow!

I've never seen
anything like this.

Doesn't anybody care if
jim-bob, jr. Has feathers?

Hey, I can see myself.


Look at those fat cheeks.

(Ben) look at that nose.

Hey, uh, don't smudge
the chrome, ok, boys?

Show them the
fancy radiator cap.

Made out of real silver.

Real silver?

(Ted) it's made out
of pure silver.

Don't you think you should
make this boy feel welcome?


Don't you want to see
his motorcar, john-boy?

I reckon.

A machine like that wasn't meant
to be a toy for a spoilt child.

Hey, ted, I want you to
meet mr. And mrs. Walton.

Folks, this is theodore
albert claypool, jr.

Pleased to meet you,
mr. And mrs. Walton.

Hi, ted. Glad you could drop by.

Care to take a spin in
the lasalle, mr. Walton?

No, thanks. I got some
rhubarb pie waiting for me.

(Ted) how about you, ma'am?

Oh, no, thanks, ted.

And, of course,
you know john-boy.

Hey there.

Written any good thigh
slappers lately, john-boy?

He doesn't write jokes, silly.

Hey, did you all hear
about john dillinger?

(All) no, what happened?

Well, it was the headline
all over the sunday paper.

(Ben) we don't get it.

He escaped again.

He's a fantastic character.

I mean, he busted
right out of the jail

That lady sheriff
said was escape-proof.

My friend bobby joe says
he's just like robin hood.

And jesse james.

(Ted) he's quite a guy. I
mean, you know, he's smooth.

I don't know. I don't think

There's too much that's smooth
about a cold-blooded k*ller like that.

Well, john-boy, he's just
pursuing his chosen profession:

Robbing banks.


Oh, it's just that kind
of mush-headed talk

That makes these kids go crazy

Over a two-bit
gangster like that.

You know that anything you want
in this world, you gotta work for.

Oh, john-boy, come on,

Nobody believes that
horatio alger bunk anymore.

Well, I do, and I'm not nobody.

Well, old buddy, I'll
tell you one thing.

I'm not going to spend my life
stagnating behind some desk.

There's all kinds of
adventures out there

Just waiting for the man
who dares to live them.

Well, I'll tell you
something, old buddy.

You may... You may be john
dillinger or "baby face" nelson,

Or theodore albert claypool, jr.

But grabbing somebody else's
money at the point of a g*n

Is one dumb idea of
looking for adventure!

Is that so?


Ted, if we don't leave
now, we're gonna be late.

I gotta be home by 4:00.

Check and double check.

We're off in a
cloud of stardust.

It's been a real pleasure
meeting all you folks.

And, uh, we'll see
you again soon, ok?

Oh, uh, john-boy,

Don't take any
wooden nickels, ok?

[Car horn honking]

Elizabeth, get out
of the way there.

[Car engine revving]

[Air hissing]

My boat. He broke it.

Come on, children. Come
inside and have your pie.

Leave ted in peace till he
figures out what to do. Come on.

You wanna help him
change that tire, son?

I gotta go make a fuss
over jim-bob's duck.

Darn little brat.

(John-boy) ah-ah-ah,
I wouldn't do that.

Elizabeth loves
this little boat.

Maybe her grandpa will
be able to fix it up for her.

Want me to fix your tire?

I can do it myself, thanks.

I just thought 'cause you
had your fancy duds and all...

I doubt whether
you'd be able to handle

Our new hydraulic jack, anyway.

Ok, suit yourself.

You need any help, just whistle.

Thanks for offering, john-boy.

[John-boy whistling]

Your mama asked
me in to have some pie

While ted's fixing the tire.

Rhubarb or apple?

I don't think I want any.


What did you tell
your mama this time?

You're down at the
waltons shelling lima beans

Or playing with the dog?

I have a right to live
my own life, john-boy,

Without mama always
breathing down my neck.

Yammering all the time

About the terrible fate
of girls who marry young.

Well, maybe she's right.

What does she know about love?

A dried-up old drudge like her.

So stingy she won't even
buy uncle ki a hearing aid.

Chained to her chores.

Just getting through
one day at a time.

Sarah, maybe that's the only way

She can get through
one day at a time

After your daddy died.

You know, it's not easy
raising a child by yourself.

I don't understand.

Do you really feel right
deceiving her like this?

Well, maybe she's been
deceiving me, john-boy!

By making me think
that's all there is to life.

Just cookin' and cleanin'.

Always frowning.

Never admitting that anything
can ever turn out right.


Maybe that's 'cause she just
doesn't want to be disappointed again.

She must have had her
dreams, too, you know.

Dreams? Mama?

Why, sure.

At least... At least,

She... She took
good care of you.

She tried to raise you
as best as she knew how.

You know, you can't
have everything, sarah.

Why not? Why can't you?

There's a whole exciting world
whirling around out there.

Just waiting for
anybody with the gumption

To hop on board and
ride it to the stars.

And that's just
exactly what I aim to do.

I know.

You just better be sure you're
pointed in the right direction.

I'm not gonna live like mama.

Look, don't you care
about her at all?


Just because you feel close
to your parents, john-boy,

Doesn't mean I have
any obligation to mama.

I've got ted.

A man who can get
me out of these hills.

Who can do anything
in this life he wants to.

[Tools rattling]

Except change a tire.

[Tools clanking]

Maybe he could use a
little help, john-boy.

(Jim-bob) john-boy.

You're the only one who
hasn't seen jim-bob, jr. Yet.

Ah, he's cute as a button.

I love his name.

When will he start laying eggs?

Jim-bob, he's don't lay eggs.

But I want him to.

Mmm, let me take a look.

Hey, look, john-boy,
we're kind of in a hurry.

So would you just please...

Oh, yes, that is
definitely a lady.

She has such lovely eyelashes.

[Children laughing]

Then he is gonna lay an egg?

He, I mean she.

Yeah, but, uh, she's got a
little growing to do first.


Sure, ted. That's
your tire, right here.

Thank you, john-boy.

You're welcome.

Well, au revoir,
monsieur jean-garcon.

[Car engine starting]

[Horse neighing]

Sarah jane simmons,
you get your tail

Out of that satan's snare
they call a motor car

And into that buggy.
You are going home.

[Crying] mama, please.

You heard me. Move.

Now, see here,
ma'am, you can't...

I read all about you

In this wicked child's diary.

Oh, well, now, look, ma'am,

I mean, she was... She
was going with me.

She's my child. She does
what I say, hear? And no 2 ways.


There were shouts of treason

When 29-year-old
patrick henry presented

What became known
as the virginia resolves,

Which said, in no
uncertain terms,

That the rights of englishmen...

Glad to have you
back, sarah jane.

Sorry I'm late, miss hunter.

My mama said to
tell you I was sick.

After school, I'll give you the
back work for the days you missed.

We were talking
about patrick henry.

[Children chattering]


You didn't have to wait.

Well, I kind of wanted to.

I thank you for hushing up

What happened on sunday.

Oh, no need.

Say, has your mama, sort of...

I don't want to talk about that.

All right.

I'm going over to ike godsey's.

He sent word he's
got a letter for me.

I already know who it's from.

Oh, well...

Maybe, in that case,
you just sort of...

You'd rather I didn't
go along with you.

Suit yourself.

(Livie) now, don't
ask me again, jim-bob.

I told you already,
you had to get in early.

Well past your
bedtime last night.

Yes, ma'am.

You're gonna sleep with
that critter again tonight?

Why not? He's getting
too big and too noisy.

He should be out
with the chickens.

He's a she.

That gives me an idea, jason.

If we kept jim-bob,
jr. Till egg-laying time,

We could hatch a whole
flock of wild ducks and sell 'em.

Yeah, but you need a wild
male duck to get her in business.

That shouldn't be so hard. We
can use one of daddy's duck calls.

Hey, you know, it might work.

Hunters will wade through
a marsh from dawn to dark

To bring home one
measly mallard.

If we could raise
and sell them all,

Plucked and ready for the
oven, we get a pile of money.

Not my ducks you
don't put in no oven.

"Their lips met and she felt..."

She felt, uh... [Sighs]

What did she feel? She felt...

She felt wonderful.

She felt, uh, divine. She...

[Knocking on door]

Come in.

Oh, grandma.

She felt heavenly.

You all right, john-boy?

Well, to tell you the
truth, I'm writing a love scene

And I got to the kissing part.

But I don't know how a girl
feels when she gets kissed.

Well, i... I could
tell you how I felt.

The first time a
boy kissed me, i...

Well, I thought I was
gonna have a baby.

Well, you can
laugh if you want to,

But I was scared
to death at the time.

No, I didn't mean to laugh. I...

It's just how could you
have been so innocent?

Well, young people were
protected in those days.

Well, if you were
that protected,

How did you ever get
kissed in the first place?

Well, he took me by surprise.


That's just like grandpa.


It, uh, wasn't your grandpa.

It wasn't grandpa?

Does he know that?

You think I would tell that man

That I'd been kissed
before we were married?


And don't you ever tell him.

Oh, no, I would never tell.

Hmm, you get back to work.

Go on.

[Door closing]


Where's daddy?

co*n hunting with charlie sneed.

Ah, I can't get into my writing.

I guess i... I just got
too much on my mind.

Like sarah jane?


Sounds like love to me.

No, I just worry
about her is all.

Sounds even more like love.

You know,

She just doesn't know what a
boy like claypool is really like.

Could be you're jealous.

Mary ellen, uh,

Look, I don't want you to break
your word about that letter

That sarah jane showed
you at school. But...

I could give you a hint?

Well, yeah, maybe you could.

Hang this shirt.

Could you do it for me, sis?

I got to finish ike's
order before I turn in.

[Machinery whirring]



Wait a minute. I can't hear you.

Be careful of that.

[Whirring stops]

I didn't mean to interrupt.

It's ok. I should've
finished this earlier.

Daddy asked me to do it 'cause
ike needs it in the morning.

I'd better let you
get back to work.

Oh, no, I'm just
about done anyhow.

Come on in. Sit down.

Ike's setting up a new merchandise
shed for off-season stuff.

He wants me to help him
inventory the christmas things.

That'll be nice.


How's your mama?

She's fine.

Does she know you're
down here this late?

Talking about the
holidays reminds me

Of that sleigh ride your
daddy took us on, remember?

Now, why would I
want to remember that?

He pretended we were driving
through a forest of mistletoe.

Trying to get away
from the kissing dragon.

And all the little kids
started watching us.

I can just see them right now.

They were just waiting to see
what we were gonna do next.

Oh, your daddy's such fun.

And your mama's so good.

I just love being
with your family:

Elizabeth, jim-bob,
grandma, grandpa.

All of them, everyone.

Yeah, they're not too bad
once you get to know 'em.

They're wonderful.

You know, just thinking
about times we had together...

You remember that time last fall

When you fell into the
ice and mama blamed me?

Yeah. And you went right
back out to show her

How it could've
happened, and you fell in.


[Clicking tongue]

You know, daddy says
maybe we'll go for a picnic

Up to skyline drive, when the
weather gets a little warm.

Of course, you'd be
invited to that, you know.

Well, I'd better let
you get back to work,

Or mr. Godsey won't
have his lumber tomorrow.

I reckon.

Good night, john-boy.

Good night.

[Car horn honking]

[Brakes screeching]

Sarah jane just drove
off with claypool

In that lasalle coupe.

Mary ellen, you better
tell me where they're going

And what was in that letter.

I can't betray a trust.

You'll betray a
trust, all right,

If you stand there like a ninny

While she drives off with
someone who might ruin her life.

Don't shout.

Well, where... Are they
going to get married?

John-boy, don't talk
to your sister like that.

Mary ellen, please just
tell me where they're headed!

Mary ellen?

Elkton, maryland.

Sarah's run off to get married?

I don't have time
to wait for daddy.

I got to take the
truck and find them.

Do you know what you're doing?

I'm responsible for this
whole mess. Don't you see that?

No, I don't see it at all.

Who do you think threw her into
the arms of that lasalle coupe?

It was me.

[Door creaking]

Come on, reckless,
we're going for a ride.

Well, we should reach
elkton by about midnight,

Get a motel room,

Then make an honest lady
out of you in the morning.


I can't wait. How
about you, honey?

Why did you turn the lights out?


[Brakes screeching]


Sheriff bridges?


Evening. Did you happen to see a
lasalle coupe pass through here?

That's why I'm here. I'm
looking for that coupe myself.

I guess a townie
is trying to elope

With one of our
local girls, huh?

Sarah jane simmons. How come
you're looking out for her?

Well, the police chief
of charlottesville

Is a friend of mr. Claypool, sr.

The chief called me, asked
me to set up this block.

Seems that, uh,

Jr. Took quite a few hundreds
of dollars from his daddy's safe

And skedaddled in that lasalle.

His daddy wants him stopped
before he gets into serious trouble.

He must have taken a side road.

Ah, well... Thank you, sheriff.

I hope you ain't
looking for him.

Well, yes, I am.

'Cause he's got his
daddy's g*n with him.

I'll be careful.

Why don't you two go
to bed? I'll be all right.

No, livie, I think I'll
stay up until we find out

What happened to the young'uns.

So will i.

[Door opening]

Jim-bob, have you seen my sarah?

She came for john-boy.

Hello, mrs. Simmons.
Jim-bob, go on up to bed.

What has your john-boy
done with my little girl?

Now, just a minute.

That man-crazy sneak got
away from me early tonight.

Your jim-bob says she came here.

What has john-boy
done to my sarah?

Nothing, except go after her

When she run off
with the claypool boy.

Run off?

Oh, lord, the disgrace.

If I ever get my
hands on her again...

[Knocking on door]

T.a. Claypool, sr., Ma'am.

Are you mrs. Maybelle simmons?

I'm olivia walton.
This is my home.

Well, that old man at
the simmons' place told me

I'd find widow simmons here!

Please keep your voice down.

My children are asleep upstairs.

Mr. Claypool, I'd like
you to meet mrs. Simmons.

Mrs. Simmons, this is
mr. T.a. Claypool, sr.

What has your sassy-pants
son done with my little girl?

I know my teddy.

He'd never break into my
safe and run off with a lasalle,

Unless some hip-wiggling
little mountain wench

Hadn't put him up to it.

Hold on. That'll be enough of
that kind of talk in this home, sir.

Sarah jane is as
decent a little lady

As you'll find on the
face of this earth.

She's been like part of this
family for almost a year now.

I practically know her
as well as my own children.

She's a good,
sweet, kindly child

That works hard at her
learning and her chores.

And if she's gotten herself

Into some kind
of... Kind of trouble

By running off to
marry your son, then...

Marry him?

You think my little girl isn't
good enough for your son?

Why, those damn fool kids.

Yes, they are
foolish and immature.

Maybe the way you
two behave toward them

Has something to do with it.

You give it to them, livie.

Just look at the way
you two are taking on.

You, mr. Claypool.

Trying to blame everybody but
your teddy for something he did.

Now, listen here, ma'am.

You let that your son of yours go
gallivanting all over the countryside

In that motorcar of his.

But I just wonder how many
times you've ridden in it with him?

Why, you'd make a
regular preacher, livie.

And you, mrs. Simmons,

Making poor sarah
feel like she's teetering

On the brink of a fiery
furnace with a... With a stiff wind

Howling at her back.

If I'd had to live with
that when I was a child,

I'd have taken up with the
first passing fancy meself.

A person can only
stand so much gloom.

(Grandma) amen.

Maybe it isn't all your
children's foolishness.

Why don't you just
think about that

When you're worrying
about where they are,

And what they are up to.

(Grandpa) amen to that.

Jim-bob, I thought I
told you to go to bed.

If we don't get some
more gas pretty soon,

We're gonna catch up with them on
their way back from their honeymoon.

Oh, my lord.

You all right?

I think I broke my nose.


It's all right. Where
does it hurt you?

My shoulder.

Do you think it's broken?

Ok, well, just don't
move it, all right?

Just stay right there and
don't move it. I'll be right back.

Let me see that.

I'm sure I broke it.

Does that hurt? Uh-uh.

Well, you didn't break
it, you just banged it up.

Look, if you find
that you can't walk,

I'll help you after
I get her settled.

I'll get both of you to
the doctor in the pickup.

Come on.



I need that pickup.

Look, it's not
worth it, but, uh,

I'll give you $100 for
that piece of junk.

I'm taking both of
you to the doctor.

Now, I'll take her to one once
we get clear of this county.

Look, maybe she just doesn't
want to go with you anymore.

We're getting married.

How do you feel
about that, sarah?

I just wanna go home, john-boy.

There's your answer.


It's loaded, old buddy,
so get out of the way.

She's going with me.

[Car engine stalling]

What's the matter
with this thing?

Out of gas, probably.

Well, there's plenty in my car.

Go on and siphon
it out, old buddy.

You're gonna sh**t
me dead if I don't?

Your dog first.

Ok, it's all right. I'll do it.

What's going on?

Mr. Claypool's son ran off
with sarah to get married.

My boy took some money
from my safe and a g*n.

John-boy went after
them in the pickup.

(Jim-bob) is that daddy?

Jim-bob's having
trouble getting to sleep.

Talk to him in a minute.

Daddy, I have to talk to you.

What's the problem?

I keep worrying.

About what?

Ben says if I don't let jim-bob,
jr.'S babies be roasted in an oven,

I'll have to get rid of her.

(Livie) I told you, they
were just teasing you.

Now, look, son,

You just take good
care of jim-bob, jr.

I'll get this straightened
out with ben, ok?

Go on upstairs
and stop worrying.

We'll take your car
and see what we can find.

I'd feel considerably
better, sir,

Knowing I was doing something.

I'll be praying for you,

And I'll pray for
those children.


Come on, ted.

Come on.


[Car approaching]

You better unload it.

Money's still in my wallet.

I... I turned the car
over in the gully.

Hurt sarah's shoulder.

I've been too easy on you, son.

I'm sorry.

Well, I'm just not gonna
forget what happened this time.

There's all that damage.

I'm sorry.

I'm not gonna pay for it.

All right, dad.

But we'd better get
sarah to a doctor.

How are you two doing?

Well, I'm fine. She
took the worst of it.

No bones broken.

Good to see you still smiling.

I'm going to miss you.

Take care.

[Jim-bob, jr. Chirping]


Bye-bye, little girl.


I love you, jim-bob, jr.


Remember in the truck that time

You tried to knock
some sense into my head?

Ecclesiastes 3:1.

I remember I tried to.

When I had to learn it
for the bible contest,

That's all they were.

Just words.

Now I think maybe I
hear them in my heart.

And I understand.

"To every thing
there is a season.

And a time to every
purpose under heaven."

(John-boy) I was not to be the
husband that sarah wished for,

But we remained the best of
old friends into our adult years.

And when I think of her now,

I remember those pebbles we
tossed into the pond that day.

And how the widening circles
touched and intertwined,

Reaching out together
toward the far shore.

Like a family whose love
touched another human being

And helped carry her to
the far shore of womanhood.

(Jim-bob) grandpa, do you
think jim-bob, jr. Is married yet?

(Grandpa) wouldn't
be at all surprised.
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