02x07 - Let the Goodtimes Roll/Nightmare/The Tiger

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Fantasy Island". Aired: January 14, 1977 – May 19, 1984.*
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Guests are granted so-called "fantasies" on the island for a price.
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02x07 - Let the Goodtimes Roll/Nightmare/The Tiger

Post by bunniefuu »



The plane! The plane!

Good morning, boss.

Good morning, tattoo.

Boss, you are going
to have a beautiful day.

Indeed. And just how did you
arrive at that conclusion?

I just cast your horoscope.

Oh, no. Oh, yes.
This is my new hobby.

I'm into astrology.

Oh, really? As a pisces,

You are the strong, silent type.

The kind of man who
knows where he is going.

Where I am going is
to meet our guests

On the incoming plane,
now, you may stand here,

Or if the stars
approve, you may join me.

Boss, you don't
have to get upset.

Pisces get along with everyone.

Unfortunately, I
am a sagittarius.

You are a pisces. Are
you sure of that, boss?

I'm positive.

Hmm, in that case, I am
going to have a beautiful day.

And you're going
to have a rotten day.


Smiles, everyone, smiles.


[Mr. Roarke] mr. Duke
manducci, in the red jacket,

And his best friend,
ernie "smooch" kowalski.

Which one has the fantasy, boss?

Both of them.

Like so many others,
there was a special,

Cherished time in their lives.

Mr. Manducci and mr. Kowalski

Wish to return to that time

And relive those precious

And exciting moments.

When was that?

12 Years ago, when duke manducci

Was hailed as king of the strip.

Janine sanford,

And the young man with
her is arthur sanford,

Her husband of
just three months.

For a newlywed, she
don't look too happy.

I'm afraid that's

You see, she's come to
us with one of the most

Frightening fantasies
ever requested.

What's that, boss?

Ever since her marriage,
janine has been plagued by

A reoccurring, but always
interrupted, nightmare.

She feels her only chance
of preserving her marriage,

And her sanity indeed,

Is to live through one of those
nightmares to the very end.

Can we do that, boss?

We shall see, tattoo.

We shall see.

There he is, boss! There he is!

Calm yourself, my friend. Victor
duncan is only a man, not a god.

Only a man? He's the
world famous writer.

He fought wars, he
climbed mountains,

Sailed all around
the world by himself.

Since he's done everything,
what's his fantasy, boss?

Mr. Duncan's fantasy
is to stalk and confront

The legendary bengal tiger
known to the natives of india

As chompori, k*ller of man.

Chompori, I heard about it.

They say that he lives forever.

That he's the most dangerous
animal in the whole world.

Is that true, boss?

Most of it.

The legend of chompori
goes back many years,

When it is said the great
beast first appeared

And decimated a native village.

Since then, legend has it
that chompori has returned

And raided every 14 years.

Hundreds of natives are
said to have been carried off

By the ghostlike creature.

So, mr. Duncan
wants to hunt him.

Legend mets legend.

I'd give anything
to see that, boss.

My dear guests, I am
mr. Roarke, your host.

Welcome to fantasy island.


[Radio dj] you got
scottie hawk on the radio.

Top 40, 50,000
watts and the hawk!


♪ Take the last
train to clarksville ♪

♪ And I'll meet you
at the station ♪

♪ You can be there by 4:30 ♪

♪ 'Cause I've made
your reservation ♪

♪ Don't be slow ♪

♪ Oh, no, no, no ♪

♪ Oh, no, no, no ♪

♪ 'Cause I'm leaving ♪

♪ In the morning and
I must see you again ♪

♪ We'll have one
more night together ♪

♪ 'Til the morning brings... ♪

Well, here we are. Everything
seems to be in order.

Oh, duke...

It's terrific.

Just like home.

Is something wrong?

You don't seem pleased with
the accommodations, mr. Manducci.

Did we forget something?

Well, yeah, I mean, like...
What I came here for.

I mean, I see this
stinking garage

Every day, you know;
so I should fly in here

Just so I can do some lube jobs?

I mean, come on, you
know, gimme a break.

See, um, he's my boss,

And him and his old man, they own
this grease pit, and I work for him, so...

He does not own this one.

I had it specially built for
your fantasy, mr. Manducci,

Just as it was when you
were king of the strip.

Oh... There is something else
I have reproduced. Tattoo?

♪ Oh, no, no, no ♪

♪ Oh, no, no, no ♪

Duker... Oh, wow!

This is the deuce.

This is our deuce.

You know, I used to
own one just like this,

Except I wrecked
mine 10 years ago.

Believe me, this car is
identical to that one.

Down to the last detail.

Well, enjoy your
fantasy, gentlemen.

How do I look?

♪ 'Cause I don't know if
I'm ever coming home ♪

We got a customer. Let's go.

♪ Take the last train ♪

♪ To clarksville ♪

Hi. What can I do for you?

You can get your
hand off my wheels...


Hey now, come
on, relax, hot rod.

Nobody wants to touch
your lawn spreader.

Lawn spreader?

Hey, it can run circles around that
duck-footed deuce roadster of yours.

Oh, is that so?

That is so.

If you want to pull that
baby out of retirement,

I'll show you.

Well, smooch...

Looks like we're gonna have to
show him who is king of the strip, huh?


I believe you will find everything
exactly as you remembered...

And described
to us, ms. Sanford.

When does my fantasy...

My nightmare begin, mr. Roarke?

As it always
begins, at midnight.

I will pick you up
and take you, alone,

To a rather remarkable
area here on the island.

In accord with your description,

We have recreated
your childhood home.

I suppose we could
call it, rather fancifully,

Nightmare house.


It's just like the house

We lived in when I was
a little girl before...

It's so strange.

When I was a little girl,

I used to have these
same nightmares;

But as I got older,
they just went away,

And they didn't return until
shortly after we were married.

That's why we've come.

We feel that if, just once,

Janine could go all the
way through one to the end,

She'd know what they
mean and they'd go away.

Let's hope it
turns out that way.

And now, you will excuse me.

I have a lot of work
to do before tonight.


[Victor duncan]
you know, it's funny.

I have caroused and loved

And fought and written

In every corner of this globe...

But I've never had
this feeling before.

[Mr. Roarke] feeling?

That I was born for
this place, this moment.


Who's the old man?

His name is tibu.

He was once the greatest
hunter's guide in india.

Those are the marks of chompori's
claws across his face and chest.

Sahib roarke does
this old one honor.

Welcome to our
miserable village. Welcome.

The sahib duncan comes
here for a purpose, tibu...

One you, most of
all, will understand.

And what might that purpose be

If one might ask, sahib?

I come to hunt chompori.


Sahib duncan does
not wish to remain here.

It is a place of

Darkness and misfortune.

I've heard they sighted the
tiger in your mountains here,

That he's been
raiding your village.

I'll need bearers and beaters.

A first class guide. I pay well.

The sahib cannot stay.

It's his decision,
tibu, not mine.

We cannot help you.

I heard the mountain men were
good hunters, not cowards.

[Villagers gasping]


Is this the badge of a coward?!

One man has met
chompori and lives

And he stands before you yet!

Yet ask any of these men

Who tibu once was...

Ask what keeps him alive,
and they will tell you!

It is hatred, and the hope

That one day he will
see chompori dead.

You help me find him...

And I'll take care of the rest.

We'll start the hunt
first thing in the morning.

As the sahib wishes.

♪ Let's go surfing! ♪

Car looks pretty
sharp today, hot rod.

Yeah, well, you two play your
cards right and you might ride in it.


So, you really think you
can take duke in the deuce?

No big deal.

Hey, punk!

Case of beer says
you can't shut me down.

What about it, hotrod?

Excuse me. I'm gonna go collect
some beer from these turkeys.




There is a man outside
who came in by private plane.

He says he is the
father of mrs. Sanford.

Oh, yes. Please, show him in.

Come in, colonel weston.

Mr. Roarke will see you.

Thank you.

So, you are roarke.

Tell me, what kind of a
charlatan are you, sir?

If you tell me how many
kinds of charlatans there are,

Perhaps I can identify my
own type, colonel weston.

I mean deliberately
creating a nightmare.

Don't deny it.

Janine left me a letter explaining
her reasons for visiting this island.

I have no intention
of denying it.

It's mrs. Sanford's wish to have this
experience and her husband agrees.

I'm sure he would.

Roarke, let me tell you a
few things about mr. Sanford.

Sit down, colonel,
please, sit down.

Thank you.

Janine and I were very
happy until she met him.

Oh, he said all the right
things about loving her

And doing what was best for her.

But I've never trusted him.

Now, obviously, these
experiments are dangerous.

And if anything should happen,

If her mind ever
becomes effected,

He could very well
wind up in sole control of

The large trust fund
left to her by her mother.

Oh... I see.

You think he is pushing her

Into this nightmare
fantasy, huh?

Well, he hasn't
missed a trick, has he?


A tragedy occurred in that house

When janine was very small.

Now, if she has to live
through this thing again...

Excuse me, colonel weston,
but if you feel so strongly,

You are perfectly free to talk
your daughter out of her fantasy.

Oh, I see you've tried,


May I suggest that you
offer her your loving support

In as calm and reassuring
a manner as you can muster.

Roarke, if anything happens.

If anything happens to
my daughter of her mind,

I promise you,
I'll make you pay.


Man, will you look at this?

The tomaine palace
looks just the same.

Hey, smooch, flip me some
coins. I wanna hear some tunes.

Oh, sure, duke.

Ah, mr. Manducci. It's good to
see you smiling. Sit down, sit down.

Well, how does it feel to be
king of the strip again, huh?

Terrific, you know, yeah.

You did a class act out
here. I want you to know that.

You didn't look too
happy at the beginning.

I wasn't. I mean, you
know, a guy my age

Having a fantasy like
this could, you know...

Anyway, it's
actually kind of kicks.

Good, good, I am so pleased
you're enjoying yourself.

Oh, by the way,
some of your friends

Were able to make
it to fantasy island.

Surely you remember
sheila crane.

She used to wait tables
here after school.

And kenny matthews,
big man on campus.

Oh, god...

What did you bring
them here for? I...

I don't know them any
more, you understand?

It's been a long time
since I've seen them.

And that guy kenny, he's very big in
the real estate business, you know?

He's always buying
and selling buildings.

And sheila and i, we
used to go steady.

That's true, for a little while.

But, uh, she's a big-time
fashion model now, so...


Well, it seems your friends have
progressed very nicely, haven't they?

Yeah, they're real
hot sh*ts, yeah.


Mr. Roarke, see...

I appreciate what you're trying
to do you understand, but look...

I'm just a grease monkey, see.

Maybe you are back home,

But this is fantasy island.

And at this moment,
you're once again

King of the strip, mr. Manducci.

Look, um, mr. Roarke...

Could you do me a favor and
just kind of send them back?

Oh, I'm afraid that's
out of my hands.

They are your guests,
here at your invitation.

Will you excuse us? Tattoo.

My invitation? Duke?

Duke manducci! It is you!

Oh, duke, let me look at you.

You know, getting your
invitation was a real thrill.

Yeah, I guess it was.

Oh, that voice, those clothes.

Darling, you're a classic.

Oh, yeah? Well, you ain't doing
so bad yourself, you know.

Hey, brains, how ya doing?

Hey, long time, duke.

Don't know what
you're up to these days,

But be business must be good
to throw a reunion like this.

I couldn't believe the strip.

This gig must be
costing you a fortune.

Yeah, well, I mean,
good times, old friends.

You know, I mean,
what's a little coin?

What are you into
these days, duke?

Uh... Gas and oil.


Gas and oil. That sounds
fabulous. Your own company?

Uh, well, um...

Actually, no, I got a partner.

You remember old smooch?
Hey! [Whistling] smooch!

Come here. Come here.


How's it going, big guy?

Hey now, listen, why don't
you two sit down and...

I gotta check my make-up.
No offense, sheila, right?

Come on, smooch. Let's go.

Gas and oil, huh?

Who would have believed it?

I would.

♪ Nothing you can say can
tear me away from my guy ♪

Listen, will you tell me
what I am supposed to do

With those hot sh*ts out there?

Hey, everything's cool, duker.

It's gonna be just
like the good old times.

Sheila is looking good and
she is really checking you out.

Ah, come on, she's got a
lot of guys up at her bod.

Oh, so what?

She wasn't want to be hanging around
with some fruitcake photographer.

It's obvious, duker.

She is hot to trot.

Now, listen to me, all right?

And listen to me good!

I am in gas and oil, just
like I said. You understand?

You listening to me?

That's all you have to know.

Just keep your mouth shut. We
can skate on this the entire weekend.

You can count on
me, duker. Ha, ha...

Come on, come on.

[Old man chanting]

What's he saying?

The holy man sees a vision.

What sort of a vision?

Sadhu sees a rokha

Leading to a large tree,

Beside a khud.

A ghural tied nearby

Senses death.

It cries feebly.

You tell your sadhu

That I'm not a child
to be frightened.

I've hunted tigers before.

What be describes
could be any mud hole,

And any goat tied up for bait

Is gonna start bleating when he
hears and smells the tiger on the prowl.

Now, what's
extraordinary about that?

In the distance, the
spotted deer cries out,

And in the trees,

The monkeys sense danger

And are restless.

Now death is near.

So speaks the holy man.

I have no time for this
metaphysical nonsense.

When I meet chompori,
and we will meet,

This is all that I'll
need to take care of it.

You better get a
good night's sleep.

It's gonna be a
long day tomorrow.

Tell me, old man...

What else do you see?

Tomorrow chompori
will k*ll again.

There's nothing I can say

To make you change your mind?

[Knocking on door]

Thank you.

Good evening, colonel.

Mrs. Sanford, there's
just time to reach

Nightmare house before midnight.

I'm ready.

Uh, mr. Roarke, wouldn't
it be better if I came along?

No. I have to go by myself.

I was alone in my dream.

Yes, I think that's best.

If you'll excuse us.


[Janine] it's just as I
remembered. It's frightening.

Will you come inside
with me for a minute?

Oh, that would not be wise.

We might disturb the
psychic emanations.

Of course, it's not too
late to change your mind.

No, no, I want to
go through with it,

But what happens if,
well, nervous as I am,

If I can't fall asleep.

Sleep will be no problem.

As soon as the clock
begins striking midnight,

You will become sleepy...

Very sleepy.

With each stroke,

Your eye lids will
feel heavier and heavier

Until you fall gently asleep.

Then your
nightmare will begin...

Just as you asked
for your fantasy.

And now...

Good luck, mrs. Sanford.

Thank you.

[Clock ticking]

[Music box playing]

[Disembodied voice]
drink your tea, alice.

All up...

[Child humming]

Soldiers, attention!

Oh... Hi, doodles.

I love you.

Oh, doodles, I really love you.

[Coo-coo clock sounding]

[Mr. Roarke] soon after the
clock begins striking midnight,

You will become sleepy...

Very sleepy.

With each stroke,

Your eye lids will feel

Heavier and heavier

Until you fall gently asleep.

[Radio dj] you got
it, and I'm the hawk!

Moving and grooving
all night long!

And I got all 40, so
leave it right where it is.

Whipping along and spinning
songs with scottie hawk,

The top 40, and let's
do it, do it, whoo!

♪ 'Cause I'm stuck
like glue to my guy ♪...

Well, uh...

Alone at last.

I was beginning to think
it would never happen.

But thanks for
having me here, duke.

Uh, I guess you've been
too busy getting rich

To think of little old me, hmm?

Tell me about your oil
business. It sounds fantastic.

Oh, yeah, well, it's uh...

Actually, it's a drag.

The bread is good. Don't get
me wrong. You know what I mean?

But, uh, look...

Let's not talk shop, okay?

I mean, I brought you
here to have a good time.


How's your wife?


I don't have a wife.

How's your old man?

I don't have an old man...

But I do have a good idea.

Let's get outta here.

♪ When it comes to
being happy, we are ♪

♪ There's not a man today
who could take me away ♪...

Hey! No more games, romeo.

You either race,
or I spread the word

You're a bunch of hot exhaust.

Oh, yeah?

You just get your wheels ready,
hot rod. I'll see you tomorrow.

[Thunder crashing]



[Disembodied laughing]

Fire! Help, help!

[Voices yelling]


[Voices screaming]

Help me, jennie!
Jeninie, please!

Please, help me!



[Radio dj] the bewitching
hour, my friends

And mellowing you down
with that easy sound.

Cherish, for the one
that you do cherish.

Scottie hawk, night
side on your radio.

Got your radio in your
ear, and I'm there too,

Feeling good and feeling fine.

Scottie hawk and it's my line.

♪ Oh, the feeling
that I had ♪...

Duke, did you know
you were my first love?

Yeah... Yeah, I did.

♪ You don't know how many
times I wish that I had told you ♪

That was a long
time ago, you know.

Hey, why don't you tell me all
about the modeling business?

How is it? What's it like?

Oh, lonely, mostly.

Oh, I travel a lot,

And meet a lot of people...

Mostly men.

But mostly, it's...

Just plain lonely.

I've missed you, duke.

Funny how many
times over the years

I've thought about you.



Does that surprise you?

Well, you know, I
was just wondering

If maybe that was happening

All those nights that I happened
to be dreaming about you.

Do I dare ask what's going on?

Yeah, we're talking.

We're talking
all about the, um...

All about the what?

The stock market.

The stock market, huh?

Well, you better get going,

Before things get too bullish.

You're back now,
in our bungalow.

How did I get here?

Mr. Roarke brought you.

I don't remember.

Here. Drink this,
all of it. What is it?

It's just something
to help you relax.

Well, I understand
you had your nightmare.

It was horrible.

It all seemed so real.

All the toys coming to life
and screeching, coming after me.

And the fire was everywhere.

The general and the
clown and all the soldiers.

And then I saw the man,
the skeleton in the flames.

Well, it's all over now.

You've done the worst of it,
and thank god you're all right.

No, it isn't over.

This time, I went deeper,
farther than I ever have.

And always before, after
the fire and the skeleton,

I'd always wake
up, but this time...

Something was different.

Something was familiar
about the figure in the flames,

And then, after the general,
something was falling on me, covering me.

That never happened before.

The thing that was
falling on you, what was it?

I don't know,

But for the first time, I was
sure I was just about to find out.

Some kind of message or warning,

Something terribly important.

And I think, I feel sure, if I could
go back to nightmare house...

Just one more time, then
I'd find out once and for all

What it all meant... Why i...

It's all right,
honey. You rest now.

I'm not gonna let her do it.

We're lucky she's still with us
after her experience tonight.

To take this risk,
do it all over again?


Something just occurred to me.

You're not only
afraid for janine.

I think you're afraid about
something she might find out.

Now, why, weston?

You already know the
end of her nightmare?

[Rattling ]

[Drums beating continuously]

[Tiger growling]

It's enormous.

The cat must be 12 feet long.

Ahh...! It is chompori!

sh**t him! sh**t him!


sh**t him!

Mrs. Sanford,

Your father tells me you wish to
return to nightmare house again tonight?

Well, I don't think that's wise.

Good. Then we can take the
morning plane back together.

Oh, just a minute,
colonel weston.

I only meant such
an experience might

Be harrowing two
nights in succession.

Rest tonight, and
perhaps, tomorrow.

That makes sense.
Don't you think so, hon?

No it doesn't make sense.

Not tomorrow, not
next week, not ever!

We came here to see
this thing through.

It's no time to back out now.

He's right, daddy. I've
got to go through with it.

I see.

Well, that gives me 24
hours to stop this somehow.

I'm sorry your father
is so very disturbed.

Excuse me.

I've been going back over
and over last night's dream.

It seems...

I'm almost sure I've
figured out what it means.

The figure in the
flames, the skeleton.

He seems so familiar.


I'm afraid that next time,

I'll find that I'm going to
cause my father's death.

News travels fast around here.

You mustn't take it so hard,
mr. Duncan. It could happen to anyone.

It didn't happen to
anybody. It happened to me.

You see, all my
life, I've tried to live

The way that I've tried
to write, with style.

And I always thought that
when my time came to die,

That I'd go out the same way,
with style, you know, with panache.

I've blown it.

I haven't been able to write a
word for the past five years.

Blocked dry. Dry
as a dead desert.

I thought, I thought that...

That at least I could get
this last business right.

Instead, a kid got mauled
because I turned yellow.

I froze, and chompori beat me.

I'll arrange a seat for
you on tomorrow's plane.

There's no place to go.

There's no place
to run, to hide.

You see, all my life I've...

I've fought with death,

And I've always
won, up until now.

That's at least
what's kept me alive.

No, no, I can't leave here

Until after I've
met chompori again,

Until we've settled this.

Listen to the sahib roarke.

Leave this island. Go.

There is no place for you here.

The villagers will
not follow you.

A hunter who has shown fear

Is one not to be
obeyed or respected.

You should have
listened to the sadhu

Who prophesied death.

The sadhu was wrong.

None of the signs were there. Nothing
happened the way the old fool prophesied.

The boy is badly hurt.

Because of me, not
because of the prophecy.

I'm going after chompori, with or
without the help of the villagers,

With or without your help.

Then you will go alone...

And die alone.


The old shikari may
be right, mr. Duncan.

I would suggest you consider
taking that plane tomorrow.

Mr. Roarke,

When I was a very young writer,

I wrote a story once
about an old, tired fighter.

Old age was what he feared,

And what had happened to him.

Now, one night, it came to
pass that he had to fight,

And he didn't think
he could do it.

He was afraid of old age,

And afraid of defeat,

Until he thought,

"Old age is one thing,

Defeat is another."

That night, he fought,
and fought very well.

Did he win or did he lose?

I know why I came here.

It wasn't to face chompori.

It was to face myself.

Did he win or lose?

He lost...

And won, magnificently.


Do you think chompori is
going to k*ll him or not?

[Radio dj] hey, hey, hey! Is there any
other way? Hangin' 10 on a top tune.

Surfin' u.s.a. Today
with scottie hawk!

50,000 Mighty watts, and you know
you got the hots for the hawk!


♪ You'd seem 'em
wearing their baggies ♪

♪ Huarache sandals too ♪

♪ A bushy, bushy blonde hairdo ♪

♪ Surfin' u.s.a. ♪

♪ Inside, outside, u.s.a. ♪...

Duke, this condo
development is pure gold,

And I want you to get in
on something really solid.

Big profits.

I don't know, you know.

I just don't like to talk business
on weekends, you know what I mean?

Let me have one of
your business cards.

Um... Hey, duker!

Hey, smooch. What you got?

Hey, duke, I was wondering.

You know any chicks that want
to go to the sock hop tonight?

I don't know. We'll
check it out, okay?

Catch you later.
Come on, let's go.

I mean, I went
up to this girl...

Oh, duke! Smooch...

Can i... Excuse me, smooch.
Can I speak to you a moment?

Um, you know, tonight's
our last night here.

Yeah. But not our
last night together.

Well, you know, I don't know.

I mean, what with you out
there on the east coast

And me here in the
west, you know?

Oh, duke, after last night, I'm not
letting you ever get away again.

I've already called my
manager in new york,

And I've asked him to find me a
townhouse, or something, out near you.

Out near me?

Gee, sheila, you know, I'd
like that. I really would.

I don't know. Are your
sure it's a good idea?

I thought it would
make you happy.

Oh, it does, it does, sheila.

Sure. I think it's
a terrific idea.

Oh, duke!

Don't you worry. That's
all right. It's all right.

Nothing's gonna
happen to you, friend.

You're gonna be all right.

I have brought you
some tea to brew,

And some whiskey.

It will be a long night.

How did you know
where to find me?

Does the sahib not
recognize this place?

I haven't been here before.

Look about you, sahib duncan.

The tree, the bush, the goat.

Over there, the cliff
beyond the jungle.

Behind us the stagnant pool.

The place of death.

This is the place
the holy man saw

With the eye of his mind.

It will soon be night,

When death comes on silent feet.

The sahib must go.

If you want to help me you can
build me a machan in that tree.

A platform from which
to sh**t chompori.

It will be done.

After that, I want you
to return to your village.

If I'm not back by sun-up,

I want you to find mr.roarke...

And tell him...

It shall be

As the sahib wishes.

[Thunder crashing]

Well, this is my third brandy.

I think I've strung
it out long enough.

I don't have to go back to nightmare
house until tomorrow night, daddy.

We can talk before then.

You know, I always
think of your mother

When I see your hair
dressed like that.

I'm so frightened, jennie.

I love you so much.

I'll be all right,
daddy. I've got to do it.

Good night.

[Knocking on door]

Mr. Roarke, is something
wrong? Come in, please.

Oh, thank you.

Um, good evening, mrs. Sanford.

I have come to take your
wife to nightmare house.

But you said it
would be tomorrow.

New influences arise
that cannot be ignored.

Now, don't ask me to explain,

But it must be
tonight, or never.

I'll get my shawl.


♪ To the hope in my heart ♪

♪ Each time I realize ♪...

Hey, duke!

I can't find one chick to dance
with me at the dance contest.

What are you talking about?

There's plenty of cute
wallflowers hanging around. Come on.

Hey, sheila, wanna dance?

Oh, I promised this one to duke.

Sheila, there's, uh,
something I have to tell you.

Oh, there's a lot
we both have to tell

Each other to
catch up on 12 years.

Yeah, right, but, no,
you don't understand.

You see, sometimes
things are not just

What they seem, you
know what I mean?

This is not easy.

I'm a phoney.

I ain't got no money.

And all that gas and oil talk,

That's all it was is
talk, you understand?

The plain fact is...

I'm a grease monkey.

That's it.

And if you want a real laugh,

The king of the strip,

The guy you wanna
share a townhouse with,

Has been working in the same
place for the last 12 years,

In smooch's garage.

But, duke, this
weekend? All of this?

No, no, it wasn't my idea.

Mr. Roarke asked
you all down here.

You see, I just...

I just wanted to have
a good time, that's all.

Hey, has been...

You wanna race or you
wanna put on a show?

Look, why don't you
just grow up, huh?

Hey, what's the matter, old man?

Are you chicken?

All right, park road,
dawn. I'll be there, right?

Good enough.

Duke! Duke, wait.

Wait for what, sheila? Come on!

You and I were 12
years ago, all right?

But it doesn't have to be.

You just caught me
off guard, that's all.

Oh, duke, we could
still make it together.

Duke, I've fallen in love
with you all over again.

No, listen to me. You
don't understand.

I'm 30 years old.

All I got is what you see.

I'm a slightly over the
hill king of the strip.

And that's all you're ever going
to be until once and for all you

Have the guts to give all of
this up and grow up yourself.

Oh, duke...

Please, do it for me.

Don't you see?

I need you.

Help me.

Help you?

Look at you.

You got everything.

I can't even help myself.

It's too late.

[Clock ticking]

[Child humming]

Drink your tea, alice.

All up...

Hi, doodles. I love you.

Oh, doodles, I really love you.

[Coo coo clock sounding]

[Voice of mr. Roarke] soon, after
the clock begins striking midnight...

You will become sleepy...

Very sleepy.

With each stroke,

Your eye lids will feel heavier

And heavier...

Until you fall gently asleep.

[Thunder crashing]


[Disembodied laughing]

[Voices screaming]

Help me, jennie! Jennie, please!

Dad... Please, help me!

Oh, my god! Daddy?



Please, help me!

Jennie! Please, help me!



Help me, jennie!

Jennie! Please!



[Goat bleating continuously]

[Tiger growling]




[Crowd clamoring]

[Smooch] go, duke, go!

All right, duke, you got him!

[Voice of duke]
I'm 30 years old.

I'm a slightly over the
hill king of the strip.

[Voice of sheila] and that's all you're
ever going to be until, once and for all,

You have the guts to give all
of this up and grow up yourself.

Duke, you had him, man.

Why'd you do it?

I guess the king is dead.

[Mr roarke] he
wrote about the sea,

The mountains, the wind...

This will be a good place,
a happy place for him.

Yes, boss.

And now, tattoo, I'll tell you
the rest of mr. Duncan's fantasy.

He knew...

He must have known.

His fantasy was to
stay here forever.


You mean he wanted to die?

No, but he knew he
was going to anyway.

His doctor had only given
him two months to live.

Now, don't, don't
feel too sorry.

He could have died in a
hospital or a hotel room,

But I think, his kind of man,

Wanted to die in this way,

In a place like this.

Come, my friend, let's go home.


[Voice of victor duncan]
old age is one thing.

Defeat is another thing.

Well, mrs. Sanford,
how do you feel today?

For the first time, I slept
peacefully last night.

And no more nightmares.
I can testify to that.

No, not ever again,
now that I know.

That she knows she's not the cause
of her mother's death, mr. Roarke.

There are no repressed
memories of guilt.

No, it was a premonition
of the future,

Not a memory from the past.

I got it all wrong.

It wasn't warning me that I
was going to k*ll my father,

It was telling me that I
was destined to save his life.

And those nightmares
might have gone on and on

If we hadn't come
to fantasy island.

We are very pleased, mr. And
mrs. Sanford. Colonel...

Pleasant journey.

Thank you so much.

Goodbye. Thank you.


Uh... I want to thank you
for the weekend, mr. Roarke.

You know, it kind of put things

More in, uh...

Uh, perspective?

Yeah, perspective, yeah.

Anyway, with a little help,
I'm gonna see what I can do

About catching up with
the rest of the world.

Oh, in that regard, a gentleman
did inquire about your availability

As a pit mechanic for his
international racing team.

Pit mechanic? Race team?

Oh, that's terrific.

No way. Who was this?

Oh, just someone who always
had a fantasy to be a policeman.

You remember the
gentleman who asked you

A few questions at lover's lane?


Have a safe journey.

Thanks. Thank you.

Goodbye, goodbye.

Hey, duke.

Where you going?


International, smooch.

We are going international.

Yeah, but how about me?

What am I gonna do?

Well, you know, a top mechanic

Can always use an apprentice.

Come on!


Uh, boss, I'm sorry.

I'm going to have to
leave you. I'm in a rush.

Why the hurry, tattoo?

Well, my horoscope says that

I'm gonna have a very,
very romantic evening.

Indeed. But it's still
early in the morning.

Well, boss, I've got to
round up a couple of girls,

And try to persuade them
that the man in their stars

Is short, dark and
handsome, hmm?

Goodbye, boss.
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