05x16 - The Man Upstairs

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Touched by an Angel". Aired: September 21, 1994 – April 27, 2003.*
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Monica is tasked with bringing guidance and messages from God to various people who are at a crossroads in their lives.
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05x16 - The Man Upstairs

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Well, here I go again ♪

♪ I hear the
trumpets blow again ♪

♪ And I'm all aglow again ♪

♪ Taking a chance on love ♪

♪ And here I slide again ♪

♪ About to take
that ride again ♪

♪ Look at me ♪

♪ I'm all starry-eyed again ♪

♪ Taking a chance on love ♪

♪ I thought the cards
were a frame-up... ♪

Good evening, sir.

Welcome to the Paradise Grand.

Andrew, well, you
must be new here.

How are you, Andy?

I'm fine, Mr...?

Gus Zimmerman.

Been coming here for 30 years.

Let's see. Here,
have a flashlight.

Thank you.

And a calendar.

Thanks, a lot.


Appreciate it. Nice to meet you.

You, too.

♪ Oh, things, they
are mending now ♪

♪ I see a rainbow blending now ♪

♪ We'll have our
happy ending now ♪

♪ Taking a chance on love ♪

♪ Taking a chance ♪

♪ On love. ♪


Yes, yes, bravo!

I mean, brava!

You were just super fantastic.

Name's Gus, Gus Zimmerman.

Thank you, Gus. I'm Tess.

Nice to know
you... Oh, I'm sorry.

Shaking your hand right off.

You were wonderful, too.

I tell you, a talent like yours,

there's no other
way to describe it.

It's just, it's just God-given.

I tell you, I'm gonna
have the bartender

send you over a ginger ale.

It's gonna be on me.

Nice to meet you.

What a lovely man.

Look closer, Angel Girl.

Gus is just like most of
the people in this town,

one step from the edge.

He puts on a good act.

He's a salesman,

and that smile has
a lot of mileage on it.

I don't want you to get me
wrong, he's got a good soul,

but Gus is very close to losing

the one person in the
world he loves the most.

And that could turn a good
man into a desperate one.

Here you go.

Thank you.

There's nothing sadder
than losing a loved one.

Oh, there's something worse.

Something much worse.

♪ When you walk ♪

♪ Down the road ♪

♪ Heavy burden ♪

♪ Heavy load ♪

♪ I will rise ♪

♪ And I will walk with you ♪

♪ I'll walk with you ♪

♪ Till the sun
don't even shine ♪

♪ Walk with you ♪

♪ Every time, I tell you ♪

♪ I'll walk with you ♪

♪ Walk with you ♪

♪ Believe me, I'll
walk with you. ♪

And the good Lord
said, "Let there be light."

Figure it must be a darn good
idea, so I had these made up.

Check it out.

"Light up your life with Gus."

I like that.

Yeah, well, in my line of work,

you got to find some
way to promote yourself.

Yeah, well, I don't
need a flashlight,

'cause thanks to that
insurance policy you sold me,

I sleep better at night.

Yeah, peace of mind.

Nothing like it.

How about another ginger ale?

Oh, you haven't
finished that one yet.

Hey, you all right?
You seem a little jumpy.

Who, me? Nah,
cool as a cucumber.

Nice, fat commission checks,
just what the doctor ordered.

In fact, I got an appointment
with Mac in about a half hour.

Have you seen him yet today?

Not yet.

Pardon me, is this taken?

Oh, sorry. Sorry, please.

Thank you.

Uh, hi. Gus, Gus Zimmerman.

Ah, Monica.


Oh, I saw you talking with Tess.

Yes, you in the
music business, too?

Let me guess, you're a singer?

Oh, no.

No? Me neither.

Can't carry a tune,
not even in the shower.

How about you?
You a shower singer?

You certainly ask
a lot of questions.

Yeah, well, that's
just my nature.

I, uh, I'm a student
of human nature,

which is just a fancy way
of saying I'm a salesman.

In fact, I'm waiting now

for my appointment
with the man upstairs.

The man upstairs?

Yes, Mac, the man upstairs.

He's the general manager
of the Paradise Grand.

Every year, you see, I come
here, about this same time.

My insurance company
has the policy on this place

for about 15 years now.

We cover them for,
uh, well, for everything:

fires, floods, acts of God.

I talk a lot, don't I?

Well, sorry if I'm boring you.

Acts of God never bore me.

Oh, thanks, Rocky.

Hey, I'd like you to say hello
to my new friend, Monica.

Hey there, Monica, what
can I get you to drink?

The same as Gus, please.

Hey, you don't drink?

Mm-mm. No smoking
or gambling, either.

Ah, you're my kind of people.

The wife and I, we
come here to Vegas,

people laugh at us 'cause
all we like to do is dance.

Let me show you.


That's her, that's my Esther.

She's lovely.

Yeah, 30 years
of holy matrimony.

When I first met her,

she was a dance teacher at
her local community center.

Little lady danced her
way right into my heart.

Does she still teach?

No, not anymore.

Oh, looks like Tess is
getting ready to sing again.

♪ My funny Valentine... ♪

You know, she's really good.

I'd like to go in and listen
to her, if you'd excuse me.

You're welcome to
join me, if you'd like.

Oh, okay.

♪ You make me smile ♪

♪ With my heart ♪

♪ Your looks,
they're laughable ♪

♪ Unphotographable ♪

♪ Yet, you're my favorite ♪

♪ Work of art... ♪

This was our favorite song.

We always danced to this one,

but dancing days are over.

Gus, do you think
Esther would mind

if I borrowed you
just for one dance?

In her honor?

I think Esther
would like that a lot.

Thank you.

♪ Are you smart? ♪

♪ Whoa ♪

♪ Don't change one hair for me ♪

♪ Not if you really
care for me ♪

♪ Stay, funny Valentine, ♪

♪ Stay ♪

♪ And each day ♪
Will be Valentine's ♪

♪ Day... ♪

Hey, Trudy?

Trudy, it's me.

Yeah, how's my girl today?

She feeling any better?

What? No, not yet,
but Mac always renews.

It's just, uh, I'll
get the money.

There's no problem.

I just wanted you to...

Just wanted you to
tell Esther I love her.

Tell her she's still
my funny Valentine.

Yeah, okay. Bye-bye.

I don't mean to pry.

It's okay.

Uh, Trudy's, Trudy's her nurse.

Esther's not having
a very good day.

She's in a lot of pain?

She has diabetes.

She lost a leg this year.

I try to keep up a
cheerful front, you know.

The doctor says
she might not make it.

She needs to be in the
nursing home where she is,

but we just can't
afford it anymore.

But you're an insurance
salesman. You have coverage.

Yeah, but the
coverage maxed out.

Our savings are gone,
we're mortgaged to the hilt.

And Esther likes to say,
"The Lord will provide,"

but time's running out.

You see, I have to pay
the nursing home $10,000

by Monday morning or she's out,

and I can't take any
more time from work

to take care of her
myself, they'll fire me.

But Mac's my biggest account.

So today's commission
will take care of everything.

It's a, it's a
little early still,

but, um, I'm gonna
go on up and see him.

If you'll just excuse me.

Excuse me, please.

Um, excuse me, I have
an appointment with Mac.

Would you please call him
and tell him that Gus Zimmerman

is here to see him?

Mac doesn't work
here anymore. Now, sir,

if you'll excuse me,
these people have...

What do you mean, he
doesn't work here anymore?

I talked to Mac this morning.

Yes, but, as of this afternoon,
we have a new General Manager.

- Now, sir, if you'll please...
- What's the new one's name?

Look, would you
please just call him

and tell him that
I need to see him.

I am not authorized to
call upstairs for any reason.


Excuse me. Excuse me.

Gus, what's wrong?

I can't get this thing to work.

Well, there's a security code.

Why? Mac never
had anything like that.

I have to get up
to the penthouse.

I have to get up
there tonight, Andrew.

Gus, I...

I've never even met
the General Manager.

I just know that
this is off-limits.

No one's allowed upstairs.


do you understand the
meaning of life and death?

I do.

Come on, you have to have
some kind of pull around here.

I'll see what I can do.

Thank you.

Gus, are you okay?

Mac's gone.

There's a new man upstairs.

Did you get his signature?

Couldn't even get
an appointment.

I don't get people these days.

I mean, why can't
people just stay put?

Used to be, people
lived in the same house,

kept the same jobs,

they stayed married
to the same person...

I mean, 30 years ago,

Esther and I, we exchanged
vows at this little chapel.

It's right down the street
from here, all pretty and pink.

Now it's got this
neon guitar out front.

I mean, in those days, two
souls were joined together

in the sight of God.

Now, in the sight of Elvis.

Rocky, can I have
a drink please?

Ginger ale?

No, give me something stronger.

Some vodka, whiskey,
I don't care, whatever.

Gus, you don't drink.

Just keep pouring, okay?

Alcohol is not the answer, Gus.

There's still hope.

Yep, and right now,
his name is Andrew.

Gus... I'm sorry.

I tried.


Excuse me, I, I,

I think I have a line of credit.

I've never used it,
but Mac says it's there.

My name's Gus Zimmerman.

Just a moment, please.


Yes, Mr. Zimmerman,

it is still here. $5,000.

I need, I need ten.

I'm sorry, sir,
five is your limit.

Thank you.

Okay, if you'll just
sign here, please.

Thank you.

And, here you go.

Place your bets,
ladies and gentlemen.

Place your bets.

What would Esther say

if she knew you were
drinking and gambling?

Place your bets, please.

Monica, she's the most
wonderful woman in the world.

"Gussy," she says, "Gussy,

I'm not afraid of anything

'cause I know, if I close
my eyes, no matter what,

I'm gonna see you again,
if not in this nursing home,

then in Heaven."

She believes we're
always gonna be together.

Okay, God, black or red?

Gus, God doesn't
help people to gamble.

Look, if anybody
deserves help, it's Esther.

Red's her favorite color,

so red it's gonna be.

No more bets,
ladies and gentlemen.

No more bets.

Black, 31.

Could I get another
line of credit?

I'm afraid you'd have to take
that up with the pit boss, sir.

Sir, please. I'd be
willing to sign anything.

The manager will
see you now, sir.


Thank you.



Good evening, Gus. I'm Monique.

Mighty nice to
meet you, Monique.

Things certainly have
changed around here.

There, um,

used to be a
painting on that wall

that Mac had accepted as
payment from one of his high rollers.

Mac handled his business

a little differently than I do.

Something wrong?

No, no, no, I'm sorry.

I don't mean to
stare, it's just that...

you look so much
like someone I know.

And I pride myself on being
a very unique individual.

I like to think of everyone
as a unique individual.

Actually, that's the cornerstone
of my philosophy as a salesman.

I'm here to serve you.

Sounds promising.

Uh, would you like a flashlight?

Um, well then,

if I could just take
a few moments

of your valuable
time, perhaps I could...

shine a little light...
on this policy.

He said he'd be
done in half an hour.

He promised.

Baby, a promise is only as good

as the person that makes it.

But Gus is a good man.

Sometimes, baby,
good is not good enough.

When Gus came
here, he didn't drink

and he didn't gamble.

Look at him now.
He's opened the door.

He's compromised himself.

And once you open the door,

anything can come slithering in.

I realize that I owe you $5,000,

but I'm sure I
can finagle $5,000

off the cost of the policy.

I mean, my company and I, we've,

we have a very
good relationship.

Yes, I know, Gus.

It's all right here.

You have a file on me?

Let's see.

Insurance agent,
Rotary Club president,

wife, Esther.

Oh, dear... She's not
in very good shape.

That's why I need this
commission so bad.

Look, this is, well,

it's a win-win
situation, Monique.

I mean, all I need
is your Hancock...

right here.

You know, -

maybe roulette
just isn't your game.

Have a seat.

Now, you owe me... $5,000, hmm?

I'm willing to play for...

half your debt. Five-card draw.

I don't have anything to bet.

You have a cell
phone, don't you?

You'd give me $2,500 for this?

Cut the cards.

What do you say we
raise the stakes, hmm?

You haven't even
looked at your cards.

Gambling's in my blood, Gus.

I'm willing to erase
your debt, all $5,000.

In exchange for what?

Why, I don't know.

Your wedding ring?


Well... it's sacred.

Well, besides, I mean,

you wouldn't want
this. It's engraved to me.

Soul mates.

How poetic.

It's true.

Esther means more
to me than anything.

More than a cheap piece of gold?

Of course.

I-I-It has sentimental value.

To value something
means to put a price on it.

Can you put a
price on your love?


Does that ring matter
more than helping Esther...

any way you can?

How many cards would you like?

Three, please.

How many are you gonna take?

I'm fine with these.

What have you got?

Pair of fives.

You win.

All right.

Let's celebrate.

Oh, I hate it when they
forget the ice bucket.

A toast.

To Esther.

And then we'll play
some more poker.

If you win, I'll
sign the policy.

There's something
going on up there.

I can feel it.

And it's getting stronger.

What are we going to do?


Sometimes that's
the hardest thing

God can ask an angel to do.

Your signature for
my Lincoln Continental.

How about if you win,
I'll sign your contract,

but if I win, you sign mine?

It's really quite simple.

One human soul, intact,

no lingering
spiritual attachments,

to become exclusive property

of the undersigned.

I don't get it.

You want my soul?

What, are you nuts?

I'm just eccentric.

I don't even know
what a soul is.

It's just a word, Gus.

Yeah, well, it's weird.

It's not even a fair bet.

I mean, even if you win,
you don't get anything real.

Haven't you ever made a sale

when the commission is so small,

you wonder why you bother?


Then why do you?

It's for the sale.

Sometimes, just making
the sale is all that counts.

You understand that, don't you?

You're one of those
real sickos, aren't you?

Likes to mess with
people's heads for a laugh.

Like to get them over a barrel,

just to see how far they'll go.

I'm a student of
human nature, Gus.

Just like you.

Now, you have a chance

to get my signature
on your policy.

All I need is your
signature on mine.

Gus, what happened?

I don't know; I
don't feel so hot.

My head's spinning
and I've got this funny...

funny little ache right here.

Rocky, do you have
any aspirin back there?

- Yeah.
- Please.

You were up there a long time.

Did you meet the new manager?

Yeah, turns out the
man upstairs is a lady.

She looks a lot like you.

It's odd.

But she's... but she's
real eccentric, though.

She does her business
at a poker table.

You were gambling?


Won the first game, but
lost the second, though.

Thanks, Rocky; I appreciate it.

You bet.

Anyway, this
lady's really weird.

I mean, you're gonna laugh when
I tell you what she had me bet.

My soul.

Mm, must be the champagne.

You played poker for your soul?

Yeah, whatever that means.

I thought I was gonna
win that second game,

but a pair of queens
doesn't beat three sixes.

Three sixes?

Yeah, after that, I-I
wasn't feeling so hot,

so I got up and
got out of there.

Gus, don't you understand
what this means?

Yeah, it means I've got to...

I've got to talk her into
playing another game tonight.

I got to get that
insurance policy renewed.

So, if you'll
pardon me, I got...

I got to pull myself together

because I got more
work to do tonight.

So do I.



Mirror, mirror, on the wall,

who is the fairest one of all?


Looks like we have a tie.

Who are you?

You can call me Monique.

What is your real name?

What's in a name?

I don't need to know your
name to know who you are.

Confusion is your w*apon,

destruction, your goal.

And you can counterfeit
anything to accomplish it.

Even me.

You're too late, Miss Wings.

I got what I came for.

Signed, sealed,

and as soon as
inhumanly possible,


I think you're getting a
wee bit ahead of yourself.

Ah, a wee bit?

Aren't you embarrassed
to talk like that?

Fear not, God loves you.

Of course, what else

can you expect from that
dreary crowd you hang out with?

You know, if it wasn't for
your addiction to coffee,

I'd say you were hopeless.

Speaking of which, would
you like a cappuccino?

I didn't come here
for cappuccino.

I came here for Gus.

Poor Gus.

By tomorrow, he'll have
forgotten everything,

except a hangover.

Unless, of course, you get
him to do a little soul-searching.

But then, what's the point

of searching for
what's no longer his?

Gus didn't know
what he was doing.

He doesn't understand.

They never do.

But there's plenty
of time for that later.

Too bad it had to happen
while you were in charge.

I haven't failed yet,
neither has Gus.

He still has God on his side.

I know what it's like to fail.

This millennium has
been tough on all of us.

Suggestion, let it go.

Unless, of course,

you'd like to make
things more interesting?

Interesting? How?

Well, I mean, if Gus' wee soul

is so important to you,

maybe we can raise the stakes?

All right.

Look at your hand.

What's going on here?

When did you get
to be a card shark?

Andrew's teaching me so
I can win Gus' soul back.

You're gonna beat the
devil at his own game?

Uh, what happens if you lose?

I won't lose.

I mean, how could
God let that happen?

You think God
is sitting up there

waiting to deal
Gus a royal flush?

He's already dealt
him the best hand ever.

It's called life.

That's the way God gambles.

He gives men free will,

and after that,
it's left up to them

what happens to their
life and their souls.

Yes, but she tricked him.

He didn't know it was for real.

Baby, people get
k*lled every day

with g*ns they think are empty.

But they're still dead.

The devil doesn't play fair.

That's why he wins so much.

Yeah, but, Tess, there must be
something we can do to help Gus.

Gus doesn't understand
what his soul is

or what he's gonna
have to do to hold on to it.

It's difficult to
put into words.

But that's what it's all about,

baby, words.

And we've got to
shine the light on them

so Gus can see
what they really are

and what they can
do before it's too late.



Oh, you look terrible.

About that policy.

What do you say we
play just one more game?

Have a seat, Gus.

You know, I've been thinking.

If I sign your policy,

you'll have the commission to
pay for your wife's nursing home

and that'll cover
the short term.

But aren't there all
kinds of expenses?

Yeah, they've been piling up.

And how do you
plan to pay for them?

I've been sort of handling
things a day at a time.

It's been a little
bit overwhelming.

It says in your file

that you have life insurance.

Yeah, a $250,000 policy.

That's a lot of money.

Mmm, yeah.

That would, uh...
That would help a lot.

Now, don't take this the
wrong way, Gus, but...

if you had a few drinks

and went up onto the roof,

Had a tragic
accident... An accident?

It would be our little secret.

The insurance company
would never know.

Why don't you go downstairs
and have a drink on the house

and think about it, hmm?

I'm sure you'll
do the right thing.

For Esther.



Don't you think
you've had enough?

I know what I'm doing.

Everything's gonna be...

Everything's gonna be fine.

Alcohol can't deaden the pain

of a soul in torment.

I just want to go someplace

where I can find
some peace and quiet.

Then stop listening to Monique.

She's trying to help me.

The devil doesn't
want to help anyone.

The devil?

And I thought Monique
was the crazy one.

She got you to wager
your soul, didn't she?

She got you to sign
a piece of paper.

Oh, come on, Monica.

I don't believe in devils any
more than I believe in angels.

But you believe in Heaven,

where you hope to spend
eternity with your wife.

Of course, I do.

Look at that, see what
it says inside there?



What are you talking about?

The "soul"...

The "soul" is missing.

How can she be
your soul mate, Gus?

You've given it away.
You signed a contract.

Oh, come on, it's
a silly piece of...

It's just words!

Just words?

Don't you understand?

In the beginning was the word.

Words started everything.

Come with me,
let's take a drive.

Oh, you have to believe
me when I tell you that,

30 years ago, this
place was really different.

It was just so simple then.

It was just Esther,
me, the minister.

The witness?

Yeah, I forgot about her.

Yeah, after the ceremony,
she sang this song.

Esther used to
sing it all the time.

♪ This little light of mine ♪

♪ I'm gonna let it shine ♪

♪ This little light of mine... ♪

Dearly beloved, we
are gathered here today

to join...

I think I'm having
a heart attack.

No, Gus, that's not your heart.

If there is any
reason why these two

should not be joined in
holy matrimony, speak now...

You make a beautiful couple.

That's Tess.

Tess was the witness?


She was there when you
gave yourself to Esther...

with words.



You know, it doesn't matter

if you give your word to Esther

or the devil, or the
child on the street.

Words have meaning.

They, um,

you say them and
you give them life.

And whether you
speak them into the air

or write them down
on a piece of paper,

your words mean as
much as the oath you took

on your wedding day...

binding your soul
to Esther's... forever,

with God as your witness.

God and an angel.

I now pronounce
you man and wife.

Tess is an angel?

You may now kiss the bride.

You are, too?


That means, if there
are really angels,

then there are really devils.

Oh, my God, what have I done?

Esther's my whole life.

Without her...

I mean, I've known for a
long time that she was sick

and that she might die,

but I could handle that
because I always believed

that I'd see her
again, in Heaven.

I want to see my wife in Heaven.

But I can't, because
I betrayed her.

I betrayed my wife
and my marriage.

Esther's not gonna be able

to forgive me for this.

Gus, please...

Don't do it, Gus.

God wants you to know that,

no matter what you've
done, He loves you.

How can He?

I've given my soul to the devil.

Well, there's one thing the
devil doesn't want you to know.

And that is that
you can get it back.

I can?

It was your words
that got you into this

and your words will
get you through it.

Then please tell me
what I should say.

Ask, and ye shall receive.

What do you want, Gus?

You want sh**ting stars?


How about some fireworks?

You want money, Gus?

Tell me, how much?

Anything you want,
I can give it to you.

Tell me what to say.

Ask God to forgive you
for what you've done.

Ask Him to give your soul back.

Say, "I have no
power here, you do.

"Please, fight
this fight for me."

Forget all that
mumbo jumbo, Gus.

You want your contract back?

Here it is.

Tear it up, if you like,

but it won't make you happy.

And I know it won't
make Esther happy.

Why not?

She's just trying

to confuse you, Gus.
Don't listen to her,

listen to God.

Listen all you like, Gus.

You'll never hear God
guarantee that you and Esther

will spend eternity together.

But I can.

That's why Esther
signed this contract,

the same contract
that you signed,

because she loves you.

Esther signed that?

You see, her
signature, right there.

Gus, the devil can
counterfeit anything.

Oh, Gus.

You need to rest now.
We'll do this tomorrow.

Speak, Gus,
before it's too late.


Come on, Gus.

Think of Esther. Without
Esther, you're nothing.

You're nothing
without your soul.

Think of Esther, Gus.


She's right, I have
to think of Esther.

- Oh, Gus.
- But as much as Esther

loves me, she loves God more.

Yes, oh, yes, that's true.

Please, God. Please,
God, forgive me

and take my soul back.

Oh, keep going.

Gus, keep going.

♪ This little light of mine ♪

♪ I'm gonna let it shine ♪

♪ This little light of mine ♪

♪ I'm gonna let it shine ♪

♪ Won't let Satan blow it out ♪

♪ I'm gonna let it shine ♪

♪ I won't let Satan ♪

♪ Blow it out ♪

♪ I'm gonna let it shine ♪

♪ I won't let
Satan blow it out ♪

♪ I'm gonna let it shine ♪

♪ Let it shine ♪

♪ Let it shine ♪

♪ Let it shine. ♪

How are you feeling, Gus?

The pain's gone.


So has Monique.

That's it? That's all it took?

Just words.

The right words,

spoken with all your
heart and all your soul.

And all your might.

- Hey, Gus.
- Mac.

I'm sorry to keep you waiting.

Well, I'm glad
you're still here.

Hey, come on in.

Mac, I thought you'd been fired.

Me? Fired?

Not a chance.

No, no, the car broke down

in the, uh, in the desert.

Cell phone died.

Took me all day to get a tow.

I tell you, Gus,

I have had the day from Hell.

I know the feeling.

Gus, what do you say we, uh,

get this paperwork
signed and, uh,

go grab a ginger ale?

Mac, those are the words

I've been hoping to hear.

♪ I see a rainbow ♪

Here you go.

- ♪ Blending now ♪
- Gus, they, uh,

took care of you
while I was gone?

- ♪ We'll have a happy
ending now ♪ -Yeah, Mac.

I've been in real good hands.

♪ Taking a chance ♪

♪ On love ♪

The best.

♪ Taking a chance ♪

♪ On ♪

♪ Love... ♪
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