05x20 - Into the Fire

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Touched by an Angel". Aired: September 21, 1994 – April 27, 2003.*
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Monica is tasked with bringing guidance and messages from God to various people who are at a crossroads in their lives.
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05x20 - Into the Fire

Post by bunniefuu »

(dove coos)

MAN (over phone):
No, I have checked,

and there are no
openings right now

and all the positions that we
had were filled this morning,

so if you'd like
to call next week,

you can try again then,
but I don't really have...

I'm sorry, there's
another call coming in,

so, if you could just check
with us then, I appreciate it.

Thank you, good-bye.

Yes, I wa... But I
was told that it...

(dial tone)

(wings flapping)

(dove cooing)

WOMAN: Melinda,
Melinda Richardson.

You're up.

Uh, excuse me, it's Melina.


There's no "D."

- It's Melina.
- I just figured

it was a typo.

Yeah, everybody does.

Would you like to sell
insurance over the phone?

That's what I did last week.

D-Do you have something
more interesting?

I'd love to work with kids.

Substitute teacher,
day care center.

Yeah, how about that one?

Do you have a two-year degree?

Telemarketing will be fine.



WOMAN: Is there a Mr. Basiglia?

Tomorrow morning, 8:00 a.m.


MAN: Knox, next,
please, Knox, next in line.

You know those phone calls
everybody gets and nobody wants?

Well, Melina is
one of those voices

on the other end of the line.

One of those anonymous ones.

TESS: Yeah, there are a lot
of people like Melina, baby,

wandering through life, trying
to find somebody to tell them

who they really are.

At least she wants to make
things happen for herself.

That's a start.

What does she have to lose?

Baby, the ones who feel
they have nothing to lose

are the ones in the most
danger of losing everything.

♪ When you walk ♪

♪ Down the road ♪

♪ Heavy burden ♪

♪ Heavy load ♪

♪ I will rise ♪

♪ And I will walk with you ♪

♪ I'll walk with you ♪

♪ Till the sun
don't even shine ♪

♪ Walk with you ♪

♪ Every time, I tell you ♪

♪ I'll walk with you ♪

♪ Walk with you ♪

♪ Believe me, I'll
walk with you. ♪

MELINA: Hello, ma'am,
how are you today?


My name is Melina,

and I'm calling from
Mountain Peak Indemnity

about a very special
opportunity we have for you today.

Yes, I appreciate
that, ma'am, but,

for as little as $19.95 a month,
you can protect your family

from the loss of its livelihood

in the event of an
accidental death,

and with our new
Premium Plus option

you can add on additional
members of your family

to your policy for
an extra... (dial tone)

$3.50 a month.


Oh, hi.

Sounds like you had a
tough customer on the line.

I think it was me.

I'm not very good at this.

No, you're doing just fine.

I'm Monica.


He's very handsome.

Is that your boyfriend?

He was my fiancé
when it was taken.


I wanted to have kids.

A whole bunch of 'em.

Your fiancé didn't want them?

I don't know if it was kids
he decided he didn't want

or... me.

People decide not to get
married for all sorts of reasons.

Yeah, I just wish I
knew what they were.

WOMAN: Save it
for the break, ladies.

WOMAN 2: Yes,
sir, exactly, uh-huh.

She can be on
your policy as well.

(overlapping chatter)

MELINA: No, sir, I-I didn't
mean to interrupt your dinner, I...

No, sir, please, I-I work
from a list of names, and...

That's really uncalled for, sir.

Well, you know what?

You want to know the truth?

The truth is that I would
rather slit my wrists

than continue this conversation,
thank you very much.

Care to explain that, Melinda?

It's Melina.

Whatever... the point is, we
don't harass the prospects.

They can yell, scream,
curse, thr*aten, whatever.

You just take it.

Do you understand?

But he did sound abusive.

- He was, he was...
- He was a potential customer.

Now he's not.

You were an employee
here, now you're not.

You mean I'm fired?

Pack up and get out.

MONICA: I'm sorry.

I am so sorry, Melina.

It's all right.

I've lost jobs
before, it's just,

I'm getting sick
of losing things.

Sometimes you have to lose
your life before you can find it.

Why, i-i-in fact...

You know, I think you're right.

What are you doing?

MAN (over phone):
Golden Path Institute.


- (over phone): Hi.
- I'm calling about the seminar.

(over phone): You're
interested in our program?

- MELINA: Yes.
- (over phone): Would you like to sign up?

I'd like to sign up.

(over phone): Okay,
what's your name?

MELINA: My name
is Richardson, Melina.

- (over phone): All right.
- No "D."

- (over phone): No "D."
- That's right.

I'll be there.

Thank you.

Bye, Monica.

But, Melina...

I don't know if you
noticed, Miss Wings,

but your assignment just
signed up with somebody else.

Welcome, ladies and gentlemen.

My name is Jacob, and on
behalf of the Golden Path Institute,

I'd like to welcome you to the
most important day of your life.

You know, when I ask people

what brought them here today,

the, uh, the number
one answer is,

you feel like you're just
floating through your lives,

just breathing, surviving,
taking up space.

I'm here today to
tell you something

that you already know...

That's no way to live.

So what we're going to
do today is to start living.


MELINA: I never
had a real family.

My parents didn't want me,
so I left home when I was 16

and I've been on my own
pretty much ever since.

You're doing great.

MELINA: I've had about
a million stupid jobs,

but I still live from
paycheck to paycheck.

There's never been enough
money for me to go to school,

so I always felt stupid,

and then I met this guy

and we were gonna get
married in a little chapel...

just the two of us.

But he never showed up.

I should have expected it.

H-He didn't want kids and...

I couldn't wait to have them.

I just wanted somebody
to care about me.

But someone does
care about you, Melina.

That's right, someone
does care about you.

And it feels good to
let it out, doesn't it?

See, that's what
Golden Path is all about.

It's about finding the joy of
being honest with yourself

and being honest with others

and discovering that not
all people are your enemies,

that people can be your friends.

Please, stand up.

There is nothing wrong
with having traveled

half a lifetime to get to
your ultimate destination.

The tragedy is in
never having reached it.

Together we will reach it.

Today destiny is in your hands.

(cheering and applause)

Melina is very fortunate to
have a friend like you, Monica.

Most people here are alone.

No one is ever alone.

I noticed you haven't
been participating a lot

in the group.

Are you feeling a little
overwhelmed by it all?

Uh, no, it's just that you
seem to be focusing a lot

on people's unhappiness,
and I'm a very happy person.

And yet you're here.

There must be something
missing in your life.

My life is full.

Well, we're all
in different places

in dealing with ourselves.

Some people need
help to find the truth.

Finding the things you want to
change is a good place to start,

but it's not the whole truth.

No, it's not the whole truth.

The truth is coming.

JACOB: What are
you ready for, Alesia?

I'm ready to change.

- What's stopping you, Joseph?
- Nothing.

What does the
future look like, folks?

ALL: It's golden!


Brothers, sisters,

it's been a wonderful day,

but all the steps that
we have taken here today

have only brought us
back to the beginning.

(group murmuring)

To the point where
the golden path begins.

WOMAN: I'm ready.

There's someone
you haven't met yet,

someone who has discovered
where all of these steps lead,

who has been down the road...

who has walked the golden path,

and who has, through
his incredible generosity

and unselfishness, been willing
to come back from that place...

- Yeah. -Yeah.
- Uh-huh. -Yeah.

And show the rest of us the way.

Brothers and sisters, I
humbly present to you

Brother David.

Thank you.

How you doing?

Have you had a good day today?

ALL: Yes.

Could you walk out of
here today and honestly say

that your life is
going to be better

and different from now on?



Can you honestly say
that the way you feel today

isn't gonna fade in...
one day or two or...

maybe even three?

And don't answer
so quickly this time.

Since we're all brothers
and sisters in here,

we have no reason
to lie to each other.

Who really believes

that a year from now
you'll feel the same way?


Now we're all being honest.

You see, what we began today

is like a diet, and you
know when you do that

you always started with
the best of intention, right?

And then it starts to slip.

And do you know why?

Because you try
to do it by yourself.

You've all tried to make
changes in your life,

but you couldn't do it. Why?

Because you were alone.

You don't have to
be alone anymore.

For some of you, today is...

a time of destiny.

There is a beautiful
place where...

the life you dream
of happens every day,

where the friends you want

sit and break bread
with you at the table...

where the food you eat
nourishes your soul...

where the air you breathe
is cleansing and purifying...

a place where God
speaks to us all.

There are some people in
here who belong in this place,

but not all of you.

You know who you are.

You're the ones who hear
that special calling in your heart.

Now I'm gonna say
something that's gonna seem

a little crazy to some of you.

But to some of you,
it's as if that voice

you've been listening for
your whole life has just spoken.

And it's not my voice. Oh, no.

I'm just the messenger.

But the message is this.

There's a bus waiting
outside right now

to take you to the next step,

to put you on the
Golden Path today,

and I mean right
now, right here.

There's no going
home to think about it.

If you need to do that,

then you have not been called.

But some of you...
some of you know...

if you walked away
from everything today,

you'd be leaving
nothing behind...

but heartache and regret.

You are the ones who belong

with us on the Golden Path.

Are you saying that you want us

to follow you and
forget about our lives,

our families and our jobs?

Friends, the life you
dreamed of is out there.

The Eden that God
intended for us all.

Now, who will come
there and live with me?


Thank you.

It's all happening
so fast, Tess.

Too fast for anybody to
think about what they're doing.

That's the way this works.

What happens once they get
to the Golden Path Institute?

Well, you'll find out
when you get there.

But you remember, no
matter what they say,

this Golden Path only
leads in one direction.



I was hoping I wasn't
gonna have to be involved

in this one, Tess.

So was I, Andrew boy.

So was I.

CHILDREN: ♪ For the
beauty of the earth ♪

♪ For the glory of the skies ♪

♪ For the love
which from our birth ♪

♪ Over and around us lies ♪

♪ Lord of all ♪

♪ To Thee we raise ♪

♪ This, our hymn
of grateful praise. ♪

(happy shouts)

(cheers, indistinct chatter)

(indistinct chatter)


- Looks like we're surrounded.
- Hi.

Welcome to the
Golden Path. I'm Rachel.

Oh, hello, Rachel.

I'm Monica, and this
is my friend Melina.

- Not for long.
- What do you mean?

Brother David will give
you a new name soon.

Can Monica come with me?


Come on. I'll show you around.

Thank you.

DAVID: Welcome to the
Golden Path, Sister Melina.

I could see right away that
you had a calling in your heart

to be with us, with me.

I just hope I don't
disappoint you.


You are like a beautiful
candle in a dark world.

I can see the light right there

in your soul, a light that
others may have tried

to put out in the past

or never recognized
was there at all.

But your flame survived.

You survived, Melina.

Now, if you'll let me,

we can take that
candle in your soul

and turn it into a fire.

Will you let me do that?



Then I'm at your service.

You better catch up with the
others at the women's dorm.

Thank you.

We ask all newcomers
to turn over any money

or personal belongings
to us during their stay here.


Brother David feels
that material possessions

from the outside world

are part of our past,
and they distract us

from looking ahead
along the Golden Path.

Isn't it great, Melina?

- We're all roommates!
- (laughs)

As you can see,
there are no walls

or doors with locks
to separate us.

As Brother David
explained at the seminar,

we've been blessed
with the opportunity

to be completely open
and honest with each other.

What about privacy?

(laughs) But there
are no secrets here.

You're married to Jacob...
Don't you stay with him?

RACHEL: Silly! He lives
in the boys' dormitory!

I know, it must all seem
a little strange at first.

But when Jacob and I

came to Golden Path, our
marriage was falling apart.

Brother David is helping us

to rebuild it step by step.

God keeps us apart in body

in order to bring us
closer together in spirit.

Well, they say absence
makes the heart grow fonder.

(Rachel laughs)

Is that God's idea
or Brother David's?

God's thoughts become
Brother David's words.



Brothers and sisters,

are we ready for
the word of God?

OTHERS: We are ready!

Good. Have a seat.

Welcome. Welcome.

Let me say first how excited

I am to have a brand-new
group of novices with us

for evening teaching.

Those of us who
have already received

our new spiritual identities
know how frightening

this journey can be at first.

But let me say this, when we...

empty our minds of the
wretched refuse of our past,

when we leave behind a
world that's nothing more

than a ticking
millennium time b*mb,

when we open
ourselves up to hard work

and a new way of thinking,
we actually begin to experience,

to feel... to
touch... to taste...

to see the eternity
that awaits us all.

Let us welcome our new members.

You're gonna get your
work assignments tonight,

along with your station
assignments for the drills.

You mean, like,
fire drills, or...?

Yes, very much like that.

We have them occasionally
to, uh, stay prepared.

Prepared for what, Jacob?

Brother David will
tell you all about that

when the time is right.

Good morning, Melina.

Hi. How are you? What
are you doing today?

Laundry today, kitchen tomorrow.

I'm on, uh, garbage duty.

I can't explain it,

it's the job they give
to the lowest of the low,

but... I've never been happier.

And that's the truth.

- (laughs) I'll see you later.
- Bye.


(dog barking in distance)

Can I help you?

Yeah, I have a certified letter
here for a William Kitchell.

Needs to be signed for.

- I'll do that.
- You William Kitchell?

No, but I handle the
mail for the residents here.

You must be new
on this route, huh?

First day.

There you go.

I'll see to it that
the rest of those

get to where they
need to go, if you'd like.

All right. See you tomorrow.



Come in.

Seems that the only
lock at the Golden Path

belongs to Brother David.

Sometimes this room is
used as a confessional.

There are some things
that only God should hear.

God and you?

You know, I've been
extremely patient

with your constant
questions, Monica.

Now, how about
answering one for me

about your friend Melina?

What about her?

Well, it's come to my
attention that she has violated

the sacred trust
I've placed in her.

She's ignored my edict

to give up all of her
personal property.

She's kept a
photograph, hasn't she?

- (hits desk)
- Hasn't she?

Yes, she has.

Thank you, Monica.

I knew you wouldn't let me down.

(door opens)

(indistinct crowd chatter)


(man whoops)


My children, today
is a sad occasion.

I've been informed
that someone here

has defied the rules of purity

and betrayed the trust of
the brothers and sisters.

(crowd murmuring)

Melina, will you join me here?

What is it?

Don't be afraid.

It's all part of the process
of shedding one's old self.

It isn't pleasant,
but it must be done.

You're holding onto something

that's a part of the
world, aren't you?

Something that's
not a part of the path.

You mean the photograph?

This photograph.


Fortunately for you,

one of your sisters
cared enough about you

to tell me what you had done.


I just couldn't give it up.

He didn't want you, Melina.

He didn't want to
share your dream

of a life filled with
joy and purpose,

with children and family.

But we do.

So why are you choosing
the faithless over the faithful?

I'm not.

Then prove it.

(applause and cheering)

Looks like we're going to have
vegetable soup tonight, huh?

Whatever we get the best
price on is what we eat.

MAN: You're on cleanup duty.

- (indistinct chatter)
- WOMAN: Another half-pound.

MONICA: Melina.


The further you
move along the path,

the easier
forgiveness is to give.

Don't worry, Monica.
She'll come around.

(indistinct, overlapping
crowd chatter)

I was very proud of you
yesterday, Sister Melina.

Sometimes the
things that we're asked

to do aren't very easy, but...

you were very strong,
and... I admire that.

I'm sorry I disobeyed
you, Brother David.

I can understand if
you want me to leave.

Leave? Oh, no, Sister.

It's inspiring to me

when a new believer makes
another step along the path.

It challenges me
to examine myself.

You reminded me that I have
some personal business of my own

that I need to have destroyed,

but I'd feel better
if it was burned.

Maybe by entrusting
you with that task

it'll reassure you that

our faith in you has
only grown stronger.

Thank you.

I'll do it right away.

Okay. Melina?

(barking, distant
shouting of children)

Can I help you?

My name is Andrew.

I'm with the Department
of Children's Services,

and I'm here to investigate
some reports we had

about the-the
children who live here.

Golden Path is a
religion, Andrew.

A way of life.

Well, you know, I noticed

that there are a lot of
children playing outside

when they should be in school.

We home school our
children here, Andrew.

But I thank you
for your concern.

Well, you know, teachers
need teaching certificates,

whether they
teach in a classroom

- or in a home.
- DAVID: That's correct.

I can assure you

that our teachers have
the proper certificates.

It's wonderful.
I'd like to see 'em.

I'm under no constraints

to entertain your
fishing expedition, sir.

You can cooperate with
me now, or you can answer

to the law later.

I answer only to God.

Good day.

(bell ringing)

Bill! Ray! Come on! Everybody!

(bell continues ringing)

(baby crying)

Very good.

Our second best time.

Are the cups filled?

And so, in the
name of the Father,

we take this Communion
together to bind us one

to another in agreement
that we can withstand

any storm without.

- WOMAN: Amen.
- ALL: Amen.

Excellent. Everyone
back to their post.

- Great drill, everyone.
- Good job.

(overlapping chatter)

Melina, I know you're
angry with me, but please.

I really need to talk to you.

What are you doing with that?

These letters are
addressed to people here,

but Brother David never
allowed them to be delivered.

Distractions from our past
life confuse us, you know?

You were right to
turn me in, Monica.

I didn't turn you in.

He asked me about
the picture, yes,

but he already knew.

Yes. I suppose he must have.

He wants to control you, like
he controls everybody here.

That's how cults work.

(laughs) What do you mean?

This isn't a cult.

This is about
living a simple life

and getting closer to God.

What could be wrong with that?

Life isn't simple, Melina,

and the way to get closer
to God is to pray to him

to get you through the
difficult times, not to run away.

Brother David wants to
keep you out of the world

and away from things like
this so that you'll believe

no one cares for you but
him, and that through time,

you believe Brother
David is your only friend.

he is our only friend.

And the time will come, Monica,

when he will be the
only friend that matters.

I don't believe that.

You will when we
reach the four nines.

What are the four nines?

Most people are
afraid of the Y2K bug

when computer calendars
reach the year 2000.

But the truth is, the disaster is
coming much sooner than that.

On September 9,

the ninth day of the ninth
month of the ninety-ninth year,

nine, nine, nine-nine,

the universal code
for delete all files...

Which means that on September 9,

every computer in the world
will dump every last bit of data.

God has told Brother David

that this will be the beginning

of a worldwide,
extinction-level event.

And-And this is supposed

to happen on September 9?

Yes, but those of us on
the Golden Path will be gone

before that happens.

You mean you're
gonna k*ll yourselves?

There cannot truly be death
where there is everlasting life.

We will live with God
and Brother David

in heaven forever.

But before we can
move on to the future,

we must let go of the past.

So, please give
me those letters.

No! These letters belong

to the people
they're addressed to,

and so do their lives
and their futures,

and only they can decide
what to do with them.

(door opens)

These are from your
families and your loved ones.

Now, I know that many of
you come from broken homes,

but these letters tell me
that there are people out there

who still care about you.

Jacob, this one is
addressed to William Kitchell.

Don't you want to
know what it says?


What is it, Jacob?

What's wrong?

It's from my father.

My mother... passed
away eight months ago.

(crowd murmuring)

Why would he hide
these things from us?

I don't understand.

(door opening)

DAVID: There are many things

about the anointed one
that you do not understand.

Such as the fact that
because we do God's work,

we have finally been betrayed

into the hands
of the authorities.

What are you talking
about, Brother David?

A man came to see me
today from Children's Services.

If we do not open our
doors to full inspection,

they'll shut us down,
or take our children.

Now I have been in prayer
and Communion with God,

searching for an answer,

only to come back
here and find my flock

occupied by their
own petty needs,

while I suffer at the
hands of evil men.

Who's responsible for this?!


I am.

(crowd murmuring)

MELINA: How can you
explain these letters?

You've lied to everyone.

If it is a lie to try
to protect your flock

from the wolf at the
door, then I am guilty.

Perhaps I've tried too
hard to save you pain.

To keep your resolve strong.

Sister Melina,

you have finally
found the strength

to truly speak from your heart.

Imagine what your
accomplishment could only be

tempered by... caution.

Because this is exactly what
the authorities wanted to do.

To divide us.

And if they have succeeded,

then I, as your shepherd,

must bear full
responsibility for this.

Brothers and sisters,
we may have slipped,

but God has remained faithful.

As Moses was given the
burning bush as a sign,

so too has God
enlightened me today.

The signs are
unfolding quickly now.

We shall no longer cross
the river on September eighth,

No, it'll be much sooner,

for God has given me a
new vision for my own future.

I'm re-Christening you, Melina.

From now on, your
name shall be Sarah,

for your faith has been rewarded

for a lifetime of barrenness,

for you shall be my bride

and stand by my side in heaven,

if you'll have me.


And I have a special

wedding gift for all of you,

for today, we shall all be wed.

Brides and
bridegrooms of heaven,

and when this day is over,

God will put his
final plan into action.

- (bell ringing) -WOMAN:
Drill, come on everyone, drill.

(children singing)

He came to me again,
brothers and sisters.

He is with me constantly now.

I've seen the burning bush.

I am the burning bush.

I have heard His voice
and I will hear His voice

now and forever.

The voice that spoke
the world into existence,

the voice that called
Moses from the desert,

the voice that will walk
with us through the fire.

We shall all kneel
at the throne of God

before this night is through.

MONICA: Brother David,

what does God's
voice sound like?

Is it male or female?

Or does it sound
just like your voice?

It has no doubt in
it, I can tell you that.

But you have doubt,

or you wouldn't be
afraid of the inspection.

Isn't it strange

how when someone
threatens your authority,

suddenly God speaks to you.

The world is threatening
our way of life.

- So your prepared to die...
- God has determined

- the day and hour of our...
- Is it so frightening to you?

You can't imagine yourself just a
man with faults and weaknesses

who needs God,
instead you play God.

What is it on this earth
that frightens you so much?

There are things that you
don't understand, Monica.

Things you never
wanted to understand.

So why?

Why are you here?

Brother David, they're coming.

The police are on their way.


The signs are unfolding
now, just as prophesied.

Come, my children, to your feet.

Our hour of destiny is here.

The bell has tolled.

It has begun.

Melina, we have to stop him.

Monica, I finally know
what my purpose is.

For the first time in my life,

now I know what God made me for.

I've never belonged
here on Earth.

But now I know that there's
a place where I do belong,

and I'm ready to go there.

I want to go there.

- No.
- Monica,
don't be left behind.

You can still stop this.

This is not God's
plan and you know it.

I saw the seven
golden candlesticks.

And into the mist of
the seven candlesticks,

I saw one like unto
the Son of Man.

His hair and head
were white like wool,

Eyes, a flame of fire.

I shall not leave
until I've seen

all of my children
safely into heaven.

Who's ready?

Who is faithful?

Bless you, child.

When will we be married?

Today, Sarah.

Today, you will be
with me in paradise.

Who will come with me before God

and see the faces there?

Faces that shine like the sun.

Feet like pillars of fire.

Who wants to go with
me and meet the angels?

There are angels here right now.

Yes! Yes, I can hear...

I am an angel from
the one true God.

MAN: It's a sign.

She's come to take us there.

- No.
- Yes,
another portend.

She is an angel.

She's come to
escort us to heaven.

I am an angel from God.

The true God.

The Alpha, the Omega.

Jehovah, creator
of heaven and earth.

Listen to me.

This act, this taking
of your own lives

is not an acceptable
sacrifice to God.

Would it not be better to
break the bonds of oppression?

To feed the hungry?

To clothe the naked?

To let the homeless
into your homes?

Then will the glory of
God break forth for you.

Then will you cry out to Him,
and He will answer, "Here I am."

Believe it.

He is waiting for you here,

in life, not in death
as blind followers

and the murders
of little children.

No, don't listen to her,

She's a false prophet
sent by the devil.

I am sent by God.

No, God speaks through me.

I am his vessel.

God speaks to every human spirit

that inclines to His voice.

You have destroyed lives

and families to
glorify yourself.

How dare you.

And may God help you.

Liar! Deceiver!


I have a message
from the Father.

He wants you to know that
He loves you very much.

And he wants you
to know that your life

can have meaning
and significance

because He has a
splendid purpose waiting

for you in this world.

God knows me?

Oh, yes.

Don't do this.

Walk out of here right now.

For if there is one thing
you've learned here,

it is that you have the
courage to seek the will of God.

And this is what it is,

for God is not willing that
anyone should perish here today.


This is not the way; there's
nothing out there for you.

Sister, no, no, brother, no.

No, no.

Father, forgive me.

That's gasoline.

What are they doing?

It was part of the plan,

but the plan has changed.

Please, Brother David, please.

Let us go.

(crying) I am your father.

If you asked me for bread,

shall I give you a stone?


I shall give you eternal life.




My sister Sarah, please
don't leave me, don't.

Monica, the children.


It's all right, it's all right.

Come on.

MAN: It's all
right, it's all right.

Don't be afraid, come this way.

Come on, babies,
right this way. Come on.

That's a good girl.

Come on, that's it.

- (coughing)
- Come on.

Come on.

That's everyone.

No, someone else.

My Father, why have
you forsaken me?

God has not forsaken you.

Please, come with me.

I'll show you the way out.

No, I'm destined to sit
at the right hand of God.

I know He's coming for me.

(indistinct radio transmissions)

I'm sorry, is she okay?

- Yes.
- Are you all right, sweetheart?


Would you put this around her?

This will keep her warm.

Thank you.

Monica, is David... is he...


Excuse me.

They're, uh, in shock.

It's gonna be a long trip back.

Well, we know where
to begin, don't we?


I'm glad you're okay.

I'm Andrew.

I believe you're William?

Yes, I'm William.

William Kitchell.

It's nice to meet you.

And who's this?

This is Samantha.

And I'm Carolyn.

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