05x24 - Fighting the Good Fight

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Touched by an Angel". Aired: September 21, 1994 – April 27, 2003.*
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Monica is tasked with bringing guidance and messages from God to various people who are at a crossroads in their lives.
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05x24 - Fighting the Good Fight

Post by bunniefuu »

And when the moon
is full, like tonight,

the monsters rise
from the grave.

Quit it!

They search into
people's bedrooms,

looking for unused
brains to eat.

That's why they're
coming for you, twerp.

Cut it out!

The brain eaters are coming.



Oh, no. There's one now!

Shut up in there!

I want you two kids to
stay in bed till I get back.

Now, if I hear you've been
running around outside

from anybody, I'm
gonna beat you to a pulp.

Is that clear?


Yes, Uncle Frank.


See what you did.


Two boys, four angels.

I've seen it take as many
as six, seven angels.

Yeah, but it only takes one God,

'cause he's the one
that's got the plan.

We just carry it out.

Yeah, you know, I was thinking,

we've never actually
been children.

We've just always been.

Maybe we need somebody who knows

what it's like to be
a child, you know?


But not just someone
who was a child,

someone who had
to fight to survive.

That's a good idea.

And I've got just the
right human for the job.

But there's a lot to do
before he shows up.

♪ When you walk down the road ♪

♪ Heavy burden, heavy load ♪

♪ I will rise ♪

♪ And I will walk with you ♪

♪ I'll walk with you ♪

♪ Till the sun
don't even shine ♪

♪ Walk with you ♪

♪ Every time, I tell
you I'll walk with you ♪

♪ Walk with you ♪

♪ Believe me, I'll
walk with you. ♪

Good morning.

Who are you?

My name's Andrew.

I'm doing some fix-up work

around here for
the, uh, the landlord.

That must've took an act of God.

I couldn't say.

Here we go, buddy.

Come on.

Good morning, Mrs. Taggart.

You leave those
boys alone again?

You know I ain't
gonna be responsible

when something happens.

And it will.

That dog will probably
eat one of them.

It's nice to see somebody
finally fixing up around here.

Oh, I'm trying to.

Why don't you change those

15-amp breakers, huh?

Before this dump burns down.

You sound like you know
what you're talking about.

You, uh, an electrician
or something?

Just keep it down, all right?

I sleep during the day.


What you making?

Milk toast.

Settles the stomach.

You want to make the toast?


The secret's in the pepper.

Milk, butter and lots of
pepper... cures anything.

Well, then, uh...

then why do you need this stuff?

Well, you can't take a toaster
with you wherever you go, huh?

Where's your brother?


He says he's sick.

Hey, kid! Get your
butt out of bed!

You going out tonight?


Stay away from that dog!


You're gonna get
in trouble, brainless.

You're not supposed
to feed the dog.

Hey, where do you think
Uncle Frank goes at night?

None of your business.

Stop following me.

I'm not following you.

Hey, uh, I found us a new place.

Hey... Hey, guys, wait up.

Where you going?

Someplace you're not.

Yeah, stupid, go home.

I can't.

There's 62 different ways
I can k*ll you with karate.

Hey, lay off.

Nobody kills him but me.

Man, only wusses let their
little brothers hang around.

See? Like mine.

Creature stays 20 feet away

at all times or I beat him up.

Hey, creature, get lost!

Stupid, man.

Come on! Keep your hands up!

Keep moving!

It's like a dance, baby!

Come on, come
on, jab your punches.

Come on! Dance
around, dance around!

Dance around!

Oh... Hey, baby.

Oh, no, it's all right.

Come on in.

Have a look around.

My name is Tess.

This is my gym.

Well, who's Gronsky?

There is no Gronsky, but
it sounds good, doesn't it?

You got a winner
for me here, Tess?

This is one of my best trainers.

Hi. Rafael. How you doing?


Um, you train fighters?

For real?

For real.

Lightweights are
my specialty, actually.

Can you teach me to
beat up my older brother?

Oh, baby, we don't teach
you to beat up anyone.

Boxing is called
the sweet science.

That's because
there's more to the sport

than just tossing
around a little muscle.

If you want to do it right,
you got to have discipline.

And self-confidence.

And self-control.

What if you don't have that?

Well, then you learn it.

Come on, let me
see what you got.

Come on, go on.

Yeah, come on.

Give me more, give me more.

Come on, sweat, sweat!

It's okay.

Just let me get
inside the house.


What'd I tell you
about that dog?

It's a k*ller.

Oh, yeah.

Hmm. Well, stay here.

I got something for you.

- Hey! Whoa!
- Oh! Oh.

- I'm sorry.
- It's okay.

You're Tim, right?



How you doing?

I'm okay.

Except I'm a little
hungry; how about you?

Come here.

So it's only just temporary.


You want another piece?

Oh, yeah.

You cook this yourself?


You cook?

A little.

I can cook milk toast.

It's really good for your
stomach, you know.

Yeah, yeah.

So-So go on.

You said that your
mom was staying

with friends in New York and...

Mm, that's all.

And when she gets
a job, you know,

we get to go and live with her.

And until then you're staying
with your Uncle Frank and, um...

and Butch over there.

I don't think that's his name.

I don't think he has a name.

Mm. Everything has a name.

You just don't
know what his is yet.

Maybe that's why he's here.

He's waiting for someone
to know who he really is.

Here we go.

I was at Goodwill this morning

looking for a new chair,

and I saw a bunch of
kid's stuff in the half-off bin.

That no-good uncle
of yours can't tell

you're practically busting
out of them clothes.

So, uh, anyway, here you go.

Now, don't you thank me for 'em.

And don't let that brother
of yours steal any of 'em.

That's very nice of
you, Mrs. Taggart.

No, it ain't.

I'm a mean old lady.

Hey, you know, there's...
there's nothing wrong

with wearing something that
somebody else has worn before.

Except for the underwear.

If I were you, I would stay
away from the underwear.

Hey, stupid, where you been?

Um, hey, look, I got to go.

Hey, Tim.

I'm staying in
number five over here

while I'm, you know,
working around the place,

so if you ever want some
lunch or anything, okay?

Oh, cool. Thanks.

Oh, hey, could you, uh,
hold on to that for me?


Sometimes I just wish... What?

That my mom would come back.

She'd just take me.


Wake up.

You're dreaming.

Ow... My head hurts.

Oh, you idiot!

You wet the bed again!

- I did not!
- I'm gonna pound you.

Ew, it's you! You're all sweaty!

Shut up!

Where are you going?

Where do you think, moron?


Oh, my head hurts.

What's wrong?

I don't know.

Oh, man, my head hurts.

I can't move my legs.

I can't move my legs.

Mama... Mama...

Dr. Lang to CCU.

Dr. Lang to CCU.


Tim, this is Monica.

She works with an agency
called Birch Services.

See, when something

happens to your family,
when they get in trouble,

they help you understand
what's going on

and how to deal with it.

Hello, Tim.


Um... where's, uh,
where's Steven?

Um, Steven's going to
have to stay here for a while.

W-Well, he can't.

I mean... my
uncle won't let him.

Tim, Steven has a disease.

It's called meningitis.

It's, um... it's kind
of like when a...

a germ att*cks the brain.

It... It can be very dangerous.

Well... do you mean, like...

like, he can die?

He could have,
if it wasn't for you.

Make sure you eat something
when you take those, okay?

Are you sure I
don't have it, too?

I'm pretty sure.

And these'll just
help to keep it away.

Have you ever heard
of the brain eaters?

- Hot cups. Here you go.
- Oh.

- For you.
- Thank you.

- Hot chocolate.
- Thank you.


What'd the kid do now?

I didn't do anything.

Steven is very ill.

He has meningitis, Frank.

He collapsed here last night,

and I had to take him
to the emergency room.

Wh-Who's gonna pay for all that?

I think there are more important
things to discuss right now.

First of all, Steven's
recovery will take quite a while.

And in the meantime,
the hospital has

started Tim on a preventative

program of antibiotics.

I think you should take
the medication, too.

Oh, really? And
who the hell are you?

I'm Monica.

I'm from Birch Services.

We offer assistance

to families with special needs.

There's no charge.

I'd like to talk to
you about it... inside.

How long will Steven
be in the hospital?

He's probably
gonna be there for...

for a while.

You know those clothes
that Mrs. Taggart gave me?


Got 'em right inside
the door there.

You ready?

I'm ready.

Let's go.

Lousy kids.

They'll probably have the whole
health department down here

before they're through!

Hey, dork!

Man, get lost...

How about I lose
myself on your face, huh?

Why'd you turn the
hospital lady on us?

Now we got to take
a bunch of stupid pills.

It's for your own
good, you moron.

- Who you calling a moron, huh?
- Hey, look,

- that's my sweatshirt.
- Is not.

Is, too. Has my name
on it... Look, Kenny.

Let me see.

- It does.
- So?

So my mom gave it to
Goodwill a month ago.

You wear used clothes.

What a loser!

And look, you ruined it, too.

"Champ 2 B." Yeah, right.

Man, shut up!

You being disrespectful
to my little brother?

What do you care?
You hate him anyway.

Give me back my shirt.


You better run!

You're gonna die!

When we get you...!

You guys, go! Go!

You're gonna die, punk!

Get off me!

I'm warning you guys!

Ooh, we're shakin'.

- Take the sweatshirt.
- No!


- See you later, loser.
- Yeah!

Hey, it's okay.

Come here.

He, uh, he went to the hospital.

You hungry?

Come on.

What about some vegetable soup?


- My mom used to make that.
- Yeah?

Yeah, except you got to
have a lot of vegetables.

Let's see what we got here.

Got, uh... onion,
some carrots...

I've got a tomato...
got an onion...

I think I've got
another... potato. Yep.

Did you steal those?

No. No, I just haven't, um...

plugged in my refrigerator yet.

Man, you are so weird.

Thank you.

You know, you can make
this every day, if you wanted to.

Aw, that's okay.
We can't afford it.

Well, we could make a
trade... I give you groceries;

you help me out around here.


- Good.
- You know,

- this is really good.
- Good.

At least no one's here
to take it away from me.

Don't you miss
Steven even a little bit?

Well... it's weird
not having him here.

To t*rture me.

♪ Wise man looking ♪

♪ In a blade of grass ♪

♪ Young man looking in
the shadows that pass ♪

♪ Poor man looking
through painted glass ♪

♪ For dignity ♪

♪ Somebody got m*rder*d
on New Year's Eve ♪

♪ Somebody said dignity
was the first to leave ♪

♪ I went into the city ♪

♪ Went into the town ♪

♪ Went to the land
of the midnight sun ♪

♪ Searching high ♪

♪ Searching low ♪

♪ Searching everywhere I know ♪

♪ Asking the cops
wherever I go ♪

♪ Have you seen dignity? ♪

♪ Sometimes I wonder
what it's gonna take ♪

♪ To find dignity. ♪

You're getting pretty
strong there, all of a sudden.

Yeah, I'm working
out at the gym.



How'd you know?

Tess is a friend of mine.


Yeah, I'm gonna be a
fighter like Muhammad Ali.

You know what that means?

Yeah, I'm gonna beat everybody.

Muhammad Ali...

was one of the greatest
boxers of all time.

No question about it.

But when it came

to the most important
fight of his entire life,

he never raised a
hand to anybody.

You mean he lost?

No, he won.

Just not in the
way that you think.

See, Ali was asked
to fight in a w*r...

and he believed that God didn't
want him to k*ll another man,

so he fought for
what he believed in.

And he was even willing to
go to jail for it, if he had to.

Well, what happened?

They took away
his heavyweight title.



They took away the one thing

that he had fought
all his life for.

But they couldn't take away

the thing that was
most important to him.

So if you think that you
want to be like Muhammad Ali,

then maybe... you
ought to start finding out

what's important to you.

You know, Monica says
that you haven't been

to the hospital yet,
to visit your brother.


Um, I've been pretty busy.

So, you want to see something?


I, uh, I gave him a name: Ali.

Get out of bed, you little mutt!

Get out of bed!

I ought to k*ll you right now.

Wha... Wha-What happened?

What did you do, huh? You
tell me what you did, huh?

Did you feed that dog,
huh? Did you feed that dog?!

What happened to you?

You happened to
me, you little mutt!

You fed him, didn't you, huh?

You got him k*lled!

Well, I didn't do
anything to hurt him.

That dog is dead because
he couldn't fight to save his life!

And he, he couldn't fight
because some little mutt

turned him into a pussycat.

I lost the only thing that
could pay the rent around here!

Best damn fighter I
ever had. And he's dead!

And you might as
well have stolen,

just like you steal that
food in the refrigerator!

And don't think I
don't know that!

I didn't steal it.

I worked for it.

Oh, yeah? Yeah? And I don't?!

Come here!

I hate you!

I want out of here now!

I want to go live with my mom!

Oh, yeah? Well, go! Go on!

Get out of here!
You gonna cry now?!

Yeah, I'm gonna go live with
her and her friend in New York!

What, are you stupid?

The only friend your
mother is staying with is

the state of New York.

She's in jail.

Yeah, that's right.

She didn't last a
week back there,

until she hit the streets
and got arrested again!

So you better face it,
junior... you're stuck with me

until you do me the big
favor of landing in juvie.

And let me tell you something...
You are so on your way.

What's going on out there?

Wonder who he thinks
he's hitting today?

Well, it could be his
uncle or his brother.

Could even be his mama.

There are a lot of people

that little boy's
angry with right now.

He's definitely
getting stronger.

Well, that could
be a good thing.

On the other hand,
it may be a bad thing.

Hey, you trying to
make that bag bleed?


Hey! You want to tell
me what's going on?

- I'm training.
- Training.

From over there, it
looks like you're pounding.

Slow down.


Hey, you been to see your
brother at the hospital yet?

How do I know
he's even still there?

I mean, he could be anywhere,
and nobody would tell me.

What do you say
we go find out, huh?

He just got out of
isolation last week.

You're his first visitor.

Hi, Steven.

Look who's here.

Listen, we'll be right outside

if you need us.

So... how's it going?

Yeah, well, um, the dog died.

Mm. In a fight?

Yeah. How'd you know?

You're so dense.

So they, um... they
give you dinner here?

Yeah, this place is great.

Better than at home.

Yeah, well, uh, home
is a lot better, too,

now that you're not there.

You know what,
creature? I don't care.

I'm not coming back.

Oh, yeah, you're
just gonna stay here.

When I get out of here,

I'm gonna go stay
with Mom in New York.

I like having my own bed and TV.

So I'm gonna go live with Mom.

And don't think
you're coming with me.

You know... you don't
know everything, man.

Give me back my shirt.


I said give it to
me now, creature!

You got no one here
to protect you this time.

Get lost.

Come on!

Float like a butterfly

and sting like a bee.

You ought to know better, boy.

- Hey.
- Hey.


That smells good.

Yeah, and there's
enough for you, too.

Tell you what... why don't
you have a real dinner

with your Uncle Frank tonight?

Look, he's gotta
take care of himself

just like I gotta
take care of myself.

Tim, you are learning
so much, you know?

And you're getting strong,
you're getting self-sufficient,

and that's good,

but with that, you know,
comes responsibility.

You gotta help the people
who aren't as strong as you are.

What smells, uh,
what smells good?

Oh, cool!

Whoa. Back off.

You lose me another dog,
I'll beat the tar out of you.

Goes for your brother, too.

Doesn't matter.

Steven's never
coming back anyway.

That lady Monica called
while you were at school.

She said your big brother's

coming home from the
hospital tomorrow afternoon.

I was gonna tell
you after dinner.

Don't cry.

Crying doesn't do any good.

And if your foot goes
on my side of the bed,

I'm gonna pound you!

Got it?

Oh, yeah, and, um, I
use the bathroom first

in the morning... creature.


Your brother's here.

I'm ready for him.

Can't wait till
he walks in here.

One, two, one, two...

Hey, Tim, come out
here with me, okay?

What's this for?


What happened? I
thought he was okay.

Tim, your brother's
probably gonna be

in that wheelchair
for a long time.

Here we go.

Yeah... I'll pop in now and then

to see how you're doing
until you get on your feet.

How long's that gonna take?

Well, that depends
on a few things.

Like how good Steven is
about taking his medicine,

how much rest he
gets, how well he eats.

So it's all on you,
my personal servant.

What is this?

And what is this thing
doing on my porch?

It's a wheelchair ramp.

Why the hell did you
let him out of the hospital

if he's not all better?!

The meningitis caused
some brain damage

in the area that
controls his legs.

He'll need some help
to get walking again,

but he doesn't need
to be in a hospital.

We need everyone's help here.

Oh, man...

Hey, what's that
thing on my wall?

It's mine.

You think you're gonna
make me take it down?

I'm just a guy, you know?

I did not ask for this.

All I want to do is help out,

and look what I got.

Yes, you got a
chance to be a man.


I gotta go to the bathroom.

So go.

I need help.

Hey, I need some help.


I smell something burning.

Yeah, I know.

Where's my medicine?

Oh, my God...

Oh, man.

What's going on?

Get the hell out of here!

Let's go!

Look what you done!

What's the matter with you?

Hey, dork!

I got one thing to say to you.

Nobody suckers my brother.

Man, your brother
was born a sucker.

I'm taking you
down tonight, punk.

You say when, I say where.

Hey... Where you going?

I, um... got some business.

D-Do you know what time it is?


Why? You got to go to
the bathroom or something

before I leave?

Hey, punk!

Thought you wasn't
gonna make it.

Get some gloves.

Man, gloves are for wusses.

Whatever you say.

Come on!

Get him, Kenny! Come on!

Come on! Come on!

Come on!

Get up! Come on!

Get up!

Come on!


Tim, that's enough!

Hey! That's enough!

- I said, that's enough!
- Fight back! Come on!

Get over here!

Tim, it's all right!

It's okay!

It's not okay!

It's never gonna be okay!

I hate everybody and
everybody hates me!

That's not true.
That's not true.

Somebody loves you.

Yeah, who?

God loves you.

He made you, Tim. He knows you.

And He knows what it's gonna
take to get you to believe Him.

Look at me.

There's somebody
He wants you to meet.

In this corner, the undisputed

champion of the world...

Muhammad Ali.

What's going on?

Mr. Ali is a friend
of ours, Tim.

And I'm an angel, just
like Andrew and Rafael.

An angel?

Like a dead person?

Oh, no, like a live angel,

created for a purpose.

And tonight our job is to
deliver a message to you

with the man that you
most want to be like.

I want you to listen to
him very carefully, Tim.

I want you to
listen to his heart.

God loves you.

He wants you to know
that God loves you.

And He's given you a
talent for the sport of boxing.

And it's made you strong.

And that's good.

But strength is not
just about muscle.

You have to know
what you're fighting for.

That's right.

What do you mean?

Well, did it ever occur to you

that your Uncle Frank
and your brother Steven

might be in as much pain as you?

Maybe more.

You see, little brothers

and big brothers
fight all the time.

Now, you might have
had it rougher than most,

but I want to tell you that
your brother loves you.

I know, he doesn't
know how to show it...

Because he's very busy

trying to survive...
But he loves you.

And he needs you.

Very much.

Your Uncle Frank,
well, he complains

that you brought
difficulty into his life.

But let me tell you something...

Before you came along,

he had nothing
at all to care for.

You might very well be

the best thing that
ever happened to him.

Baby, your fight

is not with some bully
on the school ground,

your fight is for your family.


He says, if you're
not fighting out of love,

it's just a fight.

And you'll never win.

Do you understand?


He's got a poem for you.

Come here, Tim.

"Now, you can float like a
butterfly and sting like a bee,

"but if you want to be a
winner like Muhammad Ali,

"you'll fight the good
fight that love can give,

because love is the greatest
and the best way to live."

Remember this.

I'll remember.

I got something to say to you.

What's the matter?

I, um, I met a bunch
of angels last night.


No... I did.

So you listen.

Now, you didn't ask for us...

a-and we didn't ask for you.

My mom dumped us on you.

And that's just the way it is.

Now, we're family.

And I know that means something.

I love my brother.

And I love you.

So things have got to change.

Did you just say you love me?


And maybe you don't know it yet,

but you love us, too.

So you... So you
gotta start showing it.

I mean, we're just
kids, you know?

You gotta start taking
better care of us.

My brother is sick.

And he needs all
kinds of special help,

and you're gonna
make sure he gets it,

instead of fighting
dogs all the time.

You can get a
real job, you know.

You just don't want to.

But I'll help.

We're gonna be a real family.

With a real dog.

You hungry?

What are you doing here?

There's something I
want to say to you, Frank.

You may find this
hard to believe,

but those kids have
guardian angels.

And we're gonna be
watching over them.

We're gonna be
watching you, too.


Hey, Mr. Fix-It!

Good morning, Mrs. Taggart.

Those boys start
skateboarding on that ramp,

I'm holding you responsible.

You know, I think
I've been replaced.


So where's Tess?

I thought she'd want to be here.

She's got some unfinished
business to take care of.

Good bless you, baby.

This was a fight worth winning.

That's right.
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