03x01 - Hit Man/The Swimmer

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Fantasy Island". Aired: January 14, 1977 – May 19, 1984.*
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Guests are granted so-called "fantasies" on the island for a price.
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03x01 - Hit Man/The Swimmer

Post by bunniefuu »


The plane! The plane!


Tattoo! ♪♪

Hi, boss. What do you think?

I think that it is exceedingly
noisy around here.

That's what I think.

Just what, may I
ask, is going on?

I'm running for island
lord mayor's office.


Tattoo, not that
it really matters,

But it so happens that I have held
the title of honorary lord mayor

Since the office
was first established.

I know, boss,

But you remember
how many time you say

That you were tired
of honorary offices

And how you wished
somebody run against you, huh?

Oh, yes, I did
say that didn't i?

Well, if you are determined
to run against me,

I am, uh, delighted of course.

Oh, boss, I knew
you'd see it that way.

May the best man win.

Shall we greet our guests?


Smiles, everyone. Smiles.

Mr. Jack summers and
his daughter terry.

Terry summer. The
name sounds familiar.

It should, tattoo.

Not long ago miss summers was one
of the top swimmers in the united states,

Destined to become an
olympic gold medal winner.

Isn't she the girl who had
that terrible car accident,

And the doctor said
she was lucky to survive?

They also maintained,

As have many
physicians since then,

That the paralysis to
her legs is irreversible.

That's why they have come here.

Their fantasy is
for her to be cured.


But, boss, can we
really do that?

Boss, who is that man?

Mr. Fred forbush.

With him is his wife shirley

And their two children...
Greg and kathy.

The latter three think
they are here for a vacation.

Mr. Forbush looks nervous enough

To need a very long vacation.

Mr. Forbush is not
only nervous, tattoo.

He is desperate.

Why is that?

Because of his
uniquely bizarre fantasy.

You see, mr. Forbush, who
lives in new haven, connecticut,

Fervently desires to provide
his wife and two children

With financial security.

What's so bizarre about that?

In order to provide them
with financial security,

Mr. Forbush plans
to have himself...



My dear guests,

I am mr. Roarke,

Your host.

Welcome to fantasy island.

Mr. Summers, tattoo tells me
you've been waiting here some time.

Is there something we can do
to make you more comfortable?

No, no, thank you.

The doctor's been examining
her for three hours.

It's never been
that long before.

Dr. Frantz prides herself

On being very thorough.

Well, if that lady can
give terry back her legs,

I'll be the most satisfied
customer you've ever had.

And if she cannot?

Well. Okay, what's the word?

Well, jury's still
out, I'm afraid.

But can't you tell us something?

I want to wait until I
have all the test results

Before drawing any conclusions.

Well, I understand that, but...

It's no use, dad.

I've tried every
trick in the book,

Even promised her one of
those gold medals I'm going to win.

I'll get back to you
just as soon as I can.

That's a promise.

Doctor? Yes.

If you find you can help me,

I just want you to
know I'm willing to take

Whatever chances are necessary.

I'll keep that in
mind, terry. Bye-bye.

Good-bye, doctor.

Hey, hon.

How do you feel
about some boating?

Got a nice little
cruiser lined up.

All right.

You haven't forgotten about our
arrangement, have you, miss summers?

Oh, no. No, of course not.

What arrangement?

Your daughter has
graciously consented

To teach a class in water ballet

To the children of
some of our guests.

Water ballet?

It's no big deal, dad.

Mr. Roarke says the children
are very good swimmers.

I'll just be there to give
them a few pointers. That's all.

Okay, as long as you
promise not to overdo it.

Don't worry.

Till I get out of this
contraption, there's no way.

What time would you
like me at the pool?

Uh, would after
lunch be convenient?

See you then.

Very well.

Ooh. Fred, come on in.

In a minute.

Nice family.

Oh, yes indeed.

Mr. Forbush, I'm afraid you must
explain your present predicament

Before I can make any
promises about your fantasy.

Well, there's not
really very much to tell.

Everything was going fine.

I was clearing
about $35,000 a year,

Spending 40, like
everybody else,

And then my business
just went sour.

Next week it'll be bankruptcy.

I am amazed you've been
able to keep all this secret

From your family, mr. Forbush.

Oh, it hasn't been easy.

I'm ashamed to say this,

But I even attempted su1c1de.


By hanging,

But I'm such a loser,

The rope broke.

That's when I came
up with the idea

Of having myself knocked off.

You see, alive I'm worth zilch,

But dead, half a
million dollars.

Half million dollar?

Mr. Forbush has a company-paid
double-indemnity insurance policy, tattoo.

Oh, mr. Roarke, when will I
get to meet my, uh, hit man?

Are you certain there
is nothing I can do

To dissuade you?

Yes, mr. Roarke,
I've made up my mind.

Well, if you insist,

Meet me back here in one hour.

Until then... Tattoo?

Perhaps you should know
that mr. Johnny detroit

Is one of the highest paid
assassins in the world.

Classy place.

Yes, yes, in his circles
mr. Detroit is considered

A very classy
gentleman indeed. Oh, yes.

Shall we find him?

Mr. Detroit.

May I introduce your, uh,
client, mr. Fred forbush.

How do you do?

Mr. Forbush, although I
admire your motives very much,

I certainly question
your judgment.

Well, good-bye, mr. Forbush.


I'm not quite sure
mr. Roarke told you.

He said you wanted a
quick, clean, neat job.

That's the only kind I deliver.

Well, did mr. Roarke
mention price?

My usual fee is
20,000 bucks cash,

But I'll do it for 10.

Ten? I was thinking
more like five.

I wouldn't break
your legs for five.

I guess when you're
in debt as far as I am,

Another 5,000 doesn't matter,

But you do guarantee that
it will be fast and unexpected.

What I mean is I've got a
very low threshold for pain.

What kind of business
you in, forbush?

Underwear. I manufacture
men's underwear.

Do I tell you how to
make men's drawers?


Well, mr. Forbush,

Are we agreed?

E pluribus unum.

Yeah, whatever.

Well, I'll... I'll
see you later.

No you won't.

Oh, yeah, you're
right. I forgot.

Look, mr. Detroit,

I have the courage to
go through with this now.

What I mean is, if I should
change my mind later, you...

Well, you just have to
continue with this hit.

Do you understand?

You just try and stop me.


They're crippled.

Couple of surprises
in store for you.


Excuse us, please.

Mr. Roarke,

You didn't say anything
about them being like this.

Learning to do water
ballet isn't easy,

Even if you're, well, normal.

These children are
prepared to work very hard.

I assure you, miss summers.

Look, mr. Roarke, I understand
what you're trying to do,

But I think you might
have let us know...

Hey, mr. Roarke, is this terry?


Boy, it's about time.

We've been waiting
almost an hour.

More like 10 minutes.

Hi, my name's janet.

Big mouth here is billy.


Come on. We'll introduce
you to the other kids.


It'll be fine.

All right, let's go.

Hi, my name is terry.

Hi, terry.

What is the meaning of this?

Oh, hi, boss.

How do you like my
campaign poster?

I don't like them, or anything else
that clutters up my private study.

Boss, you're not unhappy because
I'm running against you, are you?

Not at all, tattoo. Not at all.

I will admit, however,

That some people consider
my various terms in office

Were without parallel,

And I am somewhat at
a loss to understand

Why, for the first time, I am
being challenged at the polls.

Not that it really matters.

Boss, the job carries power.

That's why I want it.


There is thousand
of crazy groupies,

Power-loving chicks

Who go ape over political boss.

Tattoo, I hereby order you

To gather up all this...

All this campaign literature

And get it out of my
private office immediately.

Do you understand?

Boss, I'm sorry. I
cannot do that.

You're going to have to
talk to my campaign manager.


And who, may I
ask, might that be?


Okay, here we go, one
right after the other.

Keep it smooth, no splashing.

Be sure to keep your eyes open.
Be sure to keep your head up.

Keep going. Keep
it a smooth flow.

That's good. Keep it tight,
one right after the other.

Keep it moving. Whatever you do,

Just keep it
moving. That's right.

Okay, melanie, roll
over and breathe.

Come on, take a breath.

That's good. Now, roll over.

Keep moving. Here we go.

Kick strong. Okay.

Take a breath. That's good.

Okay, keep your head up.

That's good.

Okay, let's line
up and try it again.

Come on. You sound like a bunch
of wounded rhinos or something.

Get the lead out.

You heard terry. Knock it off.

Hi. I thought I saw
somebody hiding over here.

What are you doing?

Shirley, did you
hear what I said?

Yes, fred.

In case some sort of
catastrophe occurs

And you happen to get k*lled,

You want to have
a simple funeral.

Not too simple,

But nothing ostentatious.

I mean, if my friends
want to mourn my passing,

I don't think we should
hold them down to far.

Fred, we're on vacation.

This canoe ride was supposed
to be a romantic interlude.

Now, why do we have to
talk about your funeral?

It never hurts to be prepared.

Okay. Okay, so you
have the simple funeral

With a minimum of ostentation.

Which reminds me.

After I pass from the
picture, so to speak,

I want you to get remarried.

Oh, fred.

For the sake of the
children, shirley.

They're good children, but
every child needs a firm hand,

So promise me, shirley.

Promise me you will remarry.

Oh! Somebody's sh**ting
at us. Hit the deck.

Oh! Put... Put your head down.

What are you doing?

I'm trying to save your life!

While you're saving my
life, you're drowning me.


I'm sorry.


He missed?

I always said it could happen,

But not to me.

Well, my friend, it's a
matter of principle now.

Hi. Bobby, isn't it?

Mind if I join you?

Didn't think you would.

What are you reading about?

Pete rose, huh?

Is he your favorite
baseball player?

Sure is mine.

You know, I did some
checking up on you today,

And I found out we have
a lot of things in common.

First off, we're both geminis.

Hm, not much into
astrology, huh?

Me either.

Uh, bet you one
thing you don't know

Is that I'm at least as
big a sports fan as you,

Maybe even bigger.

Leave me alone.

He speaks.

For a minute there, I
was beginning to wonder.

I can talk.

It just so happens
I don't want to.

Go away.

Tell me, bobby, are
you naturally this nice,

Or do you have to work at it?

You know, when you're hurting,

Sometimes it helps
to talk to someone.

You wouldn't understand.

What makes you think that?

You just wouldn't.

Well, if you think I
wouldn't understand

How it is to play third base on a
little league team, you're right.

But if you think I
wouldn't understand

How it is to have the rug
pulled out from under me,

You're wrong.

I wasn't just any third
basemen, you know.

Coach said I was going to make
the all-star team next year for sure.

It's not fair.
It's just not fair.

I know.

These other kids here...

They think I'm
some kind of weirdo

Because I don't like to do
the things they like to do.

They don't think
you're a weirdo.

It's just that some of them,

Most of them,

Have always been
the way they are,

So it's hard for them to understand
what you're going through.

Maybe, but that
doesn't change things.


But it shouldn't stop
you from trying to be

The best you can be either.

Anyway, I found out
something else about you today.

You used to be one
heck of a good swimmer.

We need you,
bobby. How about it?

Are you going to
be in the pool, too?


Uh, at least I don't think so.

How come?

I heard you were short
a couple of people.

Oh, well, a coach's job

Is... Is to coach.

Well, if I was actually in
the water with you guys,

I wouldn't be able
to see everything.

Anyway, what about later
on? Will you join the others?

I'll think about it.

Good enough.

Fred. Fred, why would
anybody be sh**ting at us?

Where'd you get a
crazy idea like that?

You said they were
sh**ting at us.

No, well, don't pay
any attention to me.

I've been watching too much tv.

Oh, well, I still think you
should complain to mr. Roarke.

I mean, what kind of an island
is he running here anyway?

Okay, honey, I'll
speak to mr. Roarke.

Oh, I'll get it.

Hi, telegram for mr. Forbush.

Why, thank you.

I'll wait in case
you have an answer.

Come in.

Hi, tattoo. Hi.

Fred. Fred, do you know
a mr. Henry willbanks?

Henry willbanks?
Are you kidding?

He is merely the head buyer for the
jb robbins department store chain.

That's all. I've been trying
to see him for months.

Well, according to this
telegram, you're about to.

"Jb robbins company...

"Long-term contract...

All of the underwear
that I can supply."

Ho-ho, wow, wow, wee.

Oh, honey, this means
I'm back in business.

I never knew you
were out of business.

Oh, well, no. I
mean... Well, i...

What I mean is jb robbins

Is going to buy all
of the underwear

That I can turn out.

Oh, baby, we are rich.


Oh, honey, this is the pot
at the end of the rainbow.

Do you wish to send a reply?

Oh. Oh, no, thanks, tattoo.

I think that I would rather personally
call mr. Willbanks on the phone.

Is there somebody you
should talk to first?

Like who?

Like, uh, you know,
the city where...

Where they make cars?

Oh, detroit.


Oh, my god, johnny detroit.

Oh, tattoo, what
am I going to do?

One more time. Go
around, make your circle.

Keep your heads up.
Keep your tummies up.

That's good. Keep it moving.

Hey, terry, what
are we waiting for?

Just a few more minutes now.

If you're waiting for
bobby, you can forget it.

Okay, I guess we
can get started now.

Hey, terry.

Bobby. Well...

Sorry I'm late.

Getting into these trunks was
a little harder than I thought.

I'll bet.

I'm glad you decided to come.

Why don't you get in the water?

Oh, okay.

Robin, could you
give him a hand? Sure.

Hi, robin.

Okay, let's move up here.

Hope I can get in the water.

Sure you can. Robin
will help you here.

Okay. There you go.

There you go. It's
going to be easy.

Okay, let's see
some good swimming.

Now, put your
hands on the inside.

There you go. I got it.

Okay, let's see some good
swimming now. You ready?

Let's go. Okay.

Okay, swim around. Let's go.

Warm up a little bit.

Good swimming. Good swimming.

You're looking good.

Yes, that will do
very nicely. Thank you.


It's mr. Forbush, boss.


Yes, mr. Roarke, it's me.

But why the disguise?

Because I'm trying to
hide from johnny detroit.

I seem to be confused
about something.

You see, I was
under the impression

That you wanted
mr. Detroit to dispatch you.

Yes, well, just read that.

Oh, congratulations,
mr. Forbush.

A contract like this could
make you a very wealthy man.

Well, thank you, mr. Roarke,

But I came here to discuss
the other contract.

The one with johnny detroit?

Oh, that's right.

Well, now that you have
so much reason to live,

Why don't you merely
contact mr. Detroit

And cancel the contract.

Because he won't let me.

You see, I made him
promise that he would...

Dispatch me no
matter what I said.

Oh, then you do have
a problem, don't you?

Oh, yes, mr. Roarke.

Please help me. Make johnny
detroit leave me alone.


Well, seeing as you do find
yourself in such a dilemma,

Perhaps there is
something I could...


Like what, boss?

No guarantees, you understand.

But I will speak to
mr. Detroit about the matter...

Unofficially, of course.

Oh, thank you,
mr. Roarke. Thank you.

Meantime, there is something
I'd like to point out, mr. Forbush.

What's that?

Your lipstick... It's smeared.

Okay, everybody out of the pool.

Come on, lesson's over.

See you later.


You did really good. Bye-bye.


So long. See you soon.

Hi, dr. Frantz. Hi, mr. Roarke.

You know, these
kids are terrific.

They're actually
learning to do it.

They're learning
to do water ballet.

Do you think they have learned enough
to perform for our guests tomorrow?


Why, sure, just give
them to me in the morning

So I can rehearse with them.


You have something
to report, doctor.

Yes, I do.

I'm afraid the news
isn't good, terry.

My examination,
along with the tests,

Confirm that the damage
to your spinal cord

Is irreparable.

Are you sure?

Is there any chance that...

I'm sorry.

If I may, I would like for
both of you to see the results

So that you could
better understand the...

We've heard it all
before, doctor.

Terry, honey, this is
not the end of the line.

We'll find someone else.

Don't worry, darling.

Mr. Summers...

Mr. Roarke,

Is there space on
tomorrow's plane?

Yes, but I hope you'll
delay your departure,

At least until miss summers has
finished her work with the children.

I'm afraid that's
out of the question.

I believe that decision is
your daughter's, mr. Summers,

Not yours.


I want to go home.

You've got it, hon.

Excuse us.

Fred, what's wrong?

Nothing's wrong,
honey. I'm fine.

Don't you lie to
me, fred forbush.

I'm not lying.

Oh, yes, you are.

Your ears turn red and your
nose starts to twitch when you fib.

Now out with it.

Okay, I happen to
have a slight problem.

It seems that I am
about to be k*lled.

Why k*lled?


Dad, are you kidding?

Why would anybody
want to k*ll you?

Well, it's a very
long story, greg.

I'll try to make it very brief.

When the bottom fell out
of my underwear business,

I hired a hit man...

To k*ll me

So as that you three

Could then cash in my
double-indemnity policy

And live happily ever after.

Oh, fred.

You wanted to
sacrifice your life

For me and the children?

Oh, dad, we don't
want you to die.

We couldn't live happily
ever after without you.

Yeah, but don't you see that you three
would've needed that insurance money

To get along.

Otherwise you'd have to give
up the private school, honey,

And your piano lessons

And that soccer and swimming.

And what about your clubs?

You would've had to go to work.

Fred, you seem to have forgotten

One very important item,

That we love you...

I mean that we loved you

Even when you were a
$75-a-week tie salesman.

I mean, so your
business fell apart.

Big deal.

Oh, fred.

Fred, we love you.

We wouldn't even care about
all the schools and stuff

If you were gone.

Well, even if we did care,

It wouldn't make a
difference anyway.

What do you mean?

Well, barnaby jones always catches people
who cheat on their insurance companies.

Oh, greg.

You know, he's right?

It would have all
been for nothing.

Gosh, I don't know what to say.

I... I guess that's the
dumbest idea I ever had.

Oh, daddy.

Oh, fred.

Fred, does mr. Roarke
know about this?

Well, he introduced
me to the hit man.

Oh, he did?

Well, in that case

I am going to have a very
long talk with mr. Roarke.

Never trust a man in
a white suit, children.

Since you are the
owner and proprietor

Of this island, mr. Roarke,

My children and I will
hold you fully responsible

For any injury

That accrues to my husband.

With all due
respect, mrs. Forbush,

I am only the
middleman, so to speak.

Your husband's fantasy
was to have himself...

Done away with.

Well, he's changed his mind.

Of that I am well aware,

And I tried talking
to mr. Detroit,

But unfortunately he feels
his failure embarrassed him

In front of his ladies, and
his pride is now at stake.

though regrettable.

But surely there's
something you can do about it.

Yes. Yes, perhaps
there is something.

Trust me, mrs. Forbush.

Uh, excuse me.

Excuse me. Could I
talk to you guys a sec?


I just want to tell you all that I
have to leave tomorrow morning.

Oh, jeez.

Darn it.

Some important problems
have come up at home and...

Well, I just have
to go. That's all.

So helen and joanne and robin

Will help you through the final
rehearsal tomorrow morning.

I'm sure you'll
all just do great.

Thanks for being
our teacher, terry.

You're welcome, janet.

Good luck tomorrow.

Bye-bye. Good-bye, terry...

Thank you. Bye.

Bobby, I'm sorry.

You lied.

You're not going home because
you have troubles back there.

You're leaving because of
what the doctor told you.

You can't stand
to be like one of us.

That's why you wouldn't get
in the swimming pool, isn't it?

Isn't it?

Let me try to explain.

Don't bother.

Bobby, please.

Have a nice trip back.

You bet I will.

Phony. You phony!



Hurry, honey.

Hey, the plane takes
off in less than an hour.


Come on in, dad.

Hey, what's this?

I've got some unfinished
business with those kids.

Listen, honey. You know
the doctor in new york,

The one with the
big waiting list?

Well, I talked to him on
the phone this morning.

He said if we can get there
by tonight, he'll see you.

You're not going to
pass that up, are you?

I'm not seeing any more doctors.

Listen, I know you're
disappointed about dr. Frantz.

So am i, but just because
she can't help you,

It doesn't mean
somebody else can't.

Dad, we've both known the reality
almost from the very beginning,

But we both refuse to face it.

What reality?

There's nobody out
there that can help me.

Now, terry, don't say that.

I can't keep living

For what might be.

I've got to start dealing
with my life as it is.

So you're giving up. Is that it?

Yes, giving up the pain
of holding onto dreams

That just aren't
going to come true,

Dreams like olympic gold medals

And playing third base on a
little league all-star team.

I can't believe that
you're talking like this.

Me either,

But I gotta tell you,

Feels really good.

I'm going to go now.

Will you come with me?

I'm sorry, terry. I can't.

Hey, everybody,
look. It's terry.

Hi, terry.

We thought you
were leaving, terry.

What happened?

Well, thought you
guys could use a hand.

I've had a lot of time to think.

Hardly slept a wink.

Fact of the matter is

I've been living in some
kind of a dream world,

Postponing certain things

Waiting for a miracle to happen.

Well, it didn't happen,

It's not going to happen,

And I'm not going to
wait on it anymore.

Time to shape up
or ship out, I guess.

So what I'm trying to say is,

What I mean is,

I'm one of you now.

So you all wanna
help me in the water?


Hi, johnny.

Hold it. You can't
sh**t me down like this,

Not in cold blood.

Quick, clean, and neat.

That's what you ordered,

And that's what you get, pal.

No, please,

I don't want to die.

Please, no. I'll
give you anything.


You put that g*n
down this very instant.

Do you hear me?

Just what do you think you're doing
playing with real firearms like that?

Hasn't mumsy always taught you

That they're dangerous?

You could go to jail for this.

But, mumsy, it's only
loaded with blanks.

Don't interrupt.

You've been a very
naughty boy, wilbur,

Sneaking out of the
house like you did.

You even left mr. Henry one
sunday school teacher short

When you failed to show up.

And another thing!

Mrs. Wilson, I
hate to interrupt,

But I really don't think you should
be quite so harsh on your son.

Oh, no? And why not?

You see, wilbur is normally a very
nice, quiet, and law abiding citizen,

But he came to me for the fulfilling
of a fantasy, which I provided.

For just one weekend,

Wilbur, alias johnny detroit,

Wanted to be a
beady-eyed hit man.

What kind of a stupid
fantasy is that, wilbur?

You never wanted to
k*ll anybody in your life.

Have you?

Then... Then he's
not going to...

I mean, I can live?

You mean I can accept that
new underwear contract?

Well, johnny... Uh, wilbur?

Oh, sh**t.

Just when I was
starting to enjoy myself.

You never let me
have any fun, mumsy.

I'll give you fun.

I'll give you fun.
Come on, wilbur.

I'll give you fun.
I'll give you fun.

Get going. Get going. Get going.

Ladies and gentlemen,

May I have your
attention please?

Thank you.

We are now privileged

To present, for your enjoyment,

A very special water ballet

Performed by some
very special people.

I am certain you will
give them a warm welcome.

Okay, everybody, here we go.

That's good.

You're doing good.

Okay, keep your heads up.

Okay, spread. Spread your legs.

Spread out.

Good. Form your start.

Okay, bring your legs together,

Together now.

Terry, your father's here.

Mr. Roarke, I want to
thank you for showing me

That my family
genuinely loves me

And not my checkbook.

Oh, speaking of money. Oh.

It's the $10,000 you
paid johnny detroit.

Mumsy made him give it back.

Oh, well, mr. Roarke, tell me,

Did johnny
detroit... Uh, wilbur...

Really have blank
cartridges in that g*n?

But of course.

You loaded the g*n
yourself. Right, boss?

Tattoo, I thought you...

Well, mr. And mrs. Forbush,

Have a pleasant journey back.


Good-bye. Good-bye, children.

Good-bye. Bye, tattoo.

Mr. Roarke, tattoo.

Once again, miss
summers, thank you.

Your ballet was magnificent.

The children will be
forever grateful to you.

But not half as grateful
as we are to them

And to you.

You know, mr. Roarke,

You really did cure me.


Of a misconception.

You see, before we came here,

I thought that to be important,

I had to be something
different than I really am.

I don't feel that way anymore.

There may not be any
olympic gold for us,

But we found something
much more valuable.

Good-bye, mr. Roarke.
Good-bye, mr. Summers.

Tattoo. Good-bye.

Okay, princess, here we go.

Oh, by the way, tattoo,

What do you think of
the election results?

Who won?

Well, with all due modesty,

I was reelected
again, to another term,

As island lord mayor,

Almost unanimously.

How many votes did I get?

Well, all the precincts
haven't been heard from yet.

But how many votes
do I have so far?


None? That's impossible.

I must have at least
one. I voted for myself.

Well, there was one ballot
which had to be voided.


It seems your campaign manager,

Chester the chimp,

Ate half of it.

That stupid monkey.
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